Choosing a BI · 2016-10-06 ·...

Choosing a BI Solution IL Digital Govt Summit 2006 Steve Washko IL Human Services

Transcript of Choosing a BI · 2016-10-06 ·...

Page 1: Choosing a BI · 2016-10-06 · Happy Birthday to BI Choosing a BI Solution Business Intelligence was first used

Choosing a BI SolutionIL Digital Govt Summit 2006

Steve WashkoIL Human Services

Page 2: Choosing a BI · 2016-10-06 · Happy Birthday to BI Choosing a BI Solution Business Intelligence was first used

AgendaChoosing a BI Solution

�Definitions and requirements�Determine evaluation method�Evaluation process�Documentation and reporting

Page 3: Choosing a BI · 2016-10-06 · Happy Birthday to BI Choosing a BI Solution Business Intelligence was first used

Why?Choosing a BI Solution

�Defining a ‘standard’ solution� Centralized solution� Support the enterprise� Volume purchasing� Training

Page 4: Choosing a BI · 2016-10-06 · Happy Birthday to BI Choosing a BI Solution Business Intelligence was first used

Does BI require DW?Choosing a BI Solution

�What is definition of a Data Warehouse?�How does BI differ from DW?�Can one exist and not the other?

So what is BI?

Page 5: Choosing a BI · 2016-10-06 · Happy Birthday to BI Choosing a BI Solution Business Intelligence was first used

Data Sources

Data Warehouse / Business IntelligenceDraft Framework - BASIC

April 2005

IMS, SQL Server,DB2, VSAM, Flat

files, etc.

Data Warehouse

BI Application


BI Platform

Report, Query,Analytics, OLAP,



Code Generator,Engine (rule-based),


Code Generator,Engine (rule-based),


Relational DatabaseManagement System

Metadata Repository

EA&S, Data DomainPrepared by S Washko

Page 6: Choosing a BI · 2016-10-06 · Happy Birthday to BI Choosing a BI Solution Business Intelligence was first used

Definition of BIChoosing a BI Solution

�Broad category of applications & technologies�Gathering, storing, analyzing, and providing

access to data�Used for analysis and decision-making� Defintion from

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Happy Birthday to BIChoosing a BI Solution

Business Intelligence was first used by Gartner Group in September 1996 in oneof their prediction statements :

By 2000, Information Democracy will emerge in forward-thinking enterprises,with Business Intelligence information and applications available broadly toemployees, consultants, customers, suppliers, and the public. The key to thrivingin a competitive marketplace is staying ahead of the competition. Making soundbusiness decisions based on accurate and current information takes more thanintuition. Data analysis, reporting, and query tools can help business users wadethrough a sea of data to synthesize valuable information from it - today these toolscollectively fall into a category called "Business Intelligence."

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EBIS vs BI PlatformChoosing a BI Solution

�Enterprise Business Intelligence System� More of an end-user tool� Common BI functionality� Scalable, usable, and manageable

�BI Platform� More of a development platform� Creating custom BI applications� Third-party extensibility� Modular

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Gartner says . . .Choosing a BI Solution

By 2006, it will be possible to select a single environment for EBIS and BI platformfunctionality, without having to make significant compromises on functionality orintegration (0.7 probability).

Howard J. Dresner, “EBIS and BI Platforms: The Next Step in BI convergence”

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MQ for BI Platforms, 1Q06Choosing a BI Solution

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Evaluation StepsChoosing a BI Solution

�Formulated Team� Identified & Defined BI Components�Prepared BI Criteria�Determined Evaluation Method�Weight Criteria�Prepared Shortlist�Conduct Evaluation

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Form Evaluation TeamChoosing a BI Solution

�Domain Owner� Steve Washko

�Technical Representation� Donna Carpentier, DPH� Bill Engle, HFS� Rick Kirchgesner, DHS� Leah Tavine, DPH� Rich Wallace, REV

�Business Representation� Jeff Peddycoart, DHS� Alex Taft, HFS

�Contractor� Tim Blankenship, DHS

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Identify BI ComponentsChoosing a BI Solution

�Ad-hoc Reporting�Data Mining�Executive Reporting�Managed Reporting�Analytic Reporting/Online Analytical Processing

(OLAP)�Predictive Analytics

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Ad-hoc ReportingDefinition

Full investigative query into all data - down to atomiclevel detail if necessary.

Targeted at information explorers and power users.

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Data MiningDefinition

Data Mining products provide analysis, which discoverrelationships and/or patterns in data helping to understandbusiness influences and decisions. The information being

mined may be structured such as in database rows &columns, and/or un-structured such as with documents &

web pages.Targeted at business analysts.

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Executive ReportingDefinition

Graphical representations of generally aggregate/summarytype data. Reports are broadly deployed with tendencies

toward scorecard and dashboard applications. Targeted at information consumers and executives for

decision-making as opposed to operational needs.

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Executive ReportingDashboard Examples

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Executive ReportingScorecarding Examples

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Managed ReportingDefinition

Enterprise software solution used for designing anddelivering data in a structured format. Reports are

generally scheduled as well as parameter or templatedriven in nature.

Targeted at information consumers.

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Managed ReportingExamples

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An OLAP software tool provides flexible analysiscapabilities to subject matter of data across one or moredata sources. OLAP uses multi-dimensional database or

data-cube technology to store pre-aggregated data.Targeted at wide range of audience: information explorers,information consumers, business analysts, and executives.

Multidimensional Database

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OLAP Example

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Predictive AnalyticsDefinition

Complex mathematical, financial, and statistical treatmentof data for purposes of correlation analysis, trend analysis,

financial analysis and projections. Targeted at professional information analysts.

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Predictive AnalyticsExamples

Inxight’s StarTree Inxight’s TimeWall

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Prepare CriteriaChoosing a BI Solution

� High� Functionality� Integration� Performance� Scalability� Security � Medium

� Administration� Cost� Ease of Use� Scope of Products� Vendor Support � Low

� Platform� Training� Userbase� Vendor Viability

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Determine Evaluation MethodChoosing a BI Solution

�Formal� Informal�Saturation�Casual

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Evaluation MethodFlip A Coin . . .

In a recent Gartner Group research article,Jeffrey Mann summarizes:

“Instead of extensively testing and evaluatingnumerous products, IT buyers can draw up a shortlistof suitable tools and then flip a coin. This methodmust be used with great care, but can save managerstime and money.”

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Prepare ShortlistChoosing a BI Solution

� Actuate� Business Objects� Cognos� Hummingbird� IBM� Information Builders� MicroSoft� MicroStrategy� PerformanceSoft� SAS� SPSS� Teradata

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Perform EvaluationChoosing a BI Solution

�Research Solutions� ‘Shorten’ Shortlist�Schedule Presentations�Schedule Follow-up�Evaluate Solution

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General FindingsChoosing a BI Solution

�3rd Party Product Requirements�Lack of Support:� Data Mining� Predictive Analytics

�Expensive�Complicated Licensing�ADA Compliance�Zero-footprint clients�Tightly coupled BI components

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General FindingsChoosing a BI Solution

� Scalability� Metadata use� ROLAP common� No ‘One Size Fits All’� Database independent� MS Office integration� GIS integration

BI Users

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B I A v g S c o re s b y C rite ria


2 .00

4 .00

6 .00

B u sin e ss

O b je c ts

C o g n o s

H u mmin g

b ird

M ic ro so ft

M ic ro stra te

g y

ResultsBI Average Scores by Criteria

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B I E v a l S u mma ry

1 1 9 .001 1 5 .5 67 6 .009 9 .001 04 .001 06 .4 9


2 00.00

B I S o l u t i o n s

ResultsChoosing a BI Solution

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Business ObjectsNotes

�Live Office add-in allows embedding of Word,Excel, PP

�No bursting reports�Horizontal scaling across O/S’s�OLAP with DB2 OLAP

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�Ver 8 - more tightly coupled�Web reporting allows SQL editing�ROLAP or MOLAP�Cubes� Billions of rows� 7-10 dimensions� 4 levels deep� 10 to 1 compression

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�Drill-anywhere�Data mining capabilities�Out of the box - functionality�Same interface for all components�MicroSoft Office add-in

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�MOLAL, ROLAP, and HOLAP�Fact tables can be stored in different database/data stores� Infinite click-thru in Report Builder�Cubes� Span multiple servers� 256 dimensions

�Cleanest pricing model�Excel w/ pivot tables - slick

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BI & DW ProjectsSome Key Points

�Sponsorship�Pain�Start Small� Integration� Data Ownership� Data Quality� Varying Data Requirements� Varying Formats


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Personal InformationSteve Washko

�State of IL - 26+ years� Manager - Dept of Human Services,

– Data Support– Data Warehousing

� Domain Owner– Data domain– Decision Support domain

[email protected]

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Questions and AnswersChoosing a BI Tool

�Free Answers - NOW!�Questions at Reception� Answers = 1 beer� Correct Answers = 2 beers� Stupid Answers - after a couple correct answers

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Thank you for coming!

Enjoy the rest of the Goverment Technology Summit!

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“The queryable source of data in the enterprise.” - Ralph Kimball

“A data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant,nonvolatile collection of data in support of management’s decision-makingprocess.”

- Bill Inmon

- Douglas Hackney

“An enterprisewide collection of data that is subject- oriented, integrated, scrubbed, involatile,

easy to access and use, and contains historical data and summarizations.”

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Inmon: Defintion of DWper Bill Inmon

“A data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant,nonvolatile collection of data in support of management’s decision-making process.”

Page 44: Choosing a BI · 2016-10-06 · Happy Birthday to BI Choosing a BI Solution Business Intelligence was first used

Hackney: Definition of DWper Douglas Hackney

“An enterprisewide collection of data that is subject- oriented, integrated, scrubbed, involatile, easy to access and use, and contains historical data and summarizations.”

Page 45: Choosing a BI · 2016-10-06 · Happy Birthday to BI Choosing a BI Solution Business Intelligence was first used

Kimball: Definition of DWper Ralph Kimball

“The queryable source of data in the enterprise.”

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Evaluation Criteria Definitions

Page 47: Choosing a BI · 2016-10-06 · Happy Birthday to BI Choosing a BI Solution Business Intelligence was first used

Evaluation FormChoosing a BI Solution

Govt Tech Summitt 2006 - Choosing BI Tool.shw Slide 14 of 27 September 6, 2006

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Predict AnOLAPMgd RptExec RptData MiningAd-HocXXInfo ExplorersXXXXInfo ConsumersXXExecutives

XXXXBusiness AnalystsXXXPower Users

BI Users & ToolsChoosing a BI Solution

Ad-hoc reportingManaged reporting

Analytical reportingExecutive reporting

Predictive AnalyticsData Mining

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ROLAP Definition

Relational online analytical processing (ROLAP) is a form of online analyticalprocessing (OLAP) that performs dynamic multidimensional analysis of data storedin a relational database rather than in a multidimensional database (which is usuallyconsidered the OLAP standard).

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Multidimensional Database

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Multidimensional Database