Choose a king!

Choose a King! Make your point, and help solve a major crossroads in English History!


A ppt-based Webquest designed for 7th Grade Students of English History as a part of Bilingual Education (Spanish-English), and dealing with the eve of the Norman Conquest of England

Transcript of Choose a king!

Page 1: Choose a king!

Choose a King!

Make your point, and help solve a major crossroads in English History!

Page 2: Choose a king!

It is the year of the Lord of 1066…

… and our beloved King Edward “The Confessor” has gone to meet his Heavenly Lord. May he rest in peace!

Unfortunately, his late Majesty left no children. Therefore, succession to the throne is not clear.

Four different princes greed for the Crown of England.

Four kings for only one realm? Good Lord, gloomy days are to come …

Page 3: Choose a king!

Thou wilst have to save england from chaos…

… by helping the wise old men from the King’s Council (the Witenagebot, or Witan) to decide who’s the best choice for an English King.

You will have to act as “campaign officers” for one of the candidates, and do your best to persuade the Witan members to choose him over the rest.

Page 4: Choose a king!

The royal council has to choose among…

… Harold Godwinson, Earl of Essex, a powerful English lord…

… the ruthless Viking King of Norway, Harald Hardraada…

… William, Duke of Normandy, a bold prince from across the Channel…

… and young Edgar the Aethelring, Edward’s closest living relative.

Page 5: Choose a king!

O Brave youth, What shallst thou do?

1. You will discuss and brainstorm with the teacher in class how did people use to live in the Middle Ages; how did they solve conflicts, which values they had, which things they respected in a leader, and which ones they feared…

2. Then, you will have to know in depth what was the situation like in 1066, after Edward the Confessor’s death. For that, go through pages 66 to 71 of “Contrasts & Connections”, and check the Online Resource Library to answer some questions about the matter.

3. Then, the class will be divided in 4 groups, each consisting of 3-4 students. Each group will have to and prepare a Power Point presentation and adress a speech to the Witan, on behalf of the chosen candidate to the throne.

4. The rest of the class will look for arguments against that same candidate, and a short debate will take place after the speech.

5. Finally, each group will have to write a short piece (80-120 words) telling us how would History have been if the candidate you supported had won.

Page 6: Choose a king!

England in edward’s days

Activity: Answer the following questions

1.Edward gave great importance to the Christian Church during his stance as King. Did he have a good reason for that? Give your opinion considering various sources.

2.Who were the Godwins (or Godwines), and how did Edward help to increase their power?

3.How did King Edward become involved with the Duke of Normandy?

4.In your opinion, did Edward handle his own succession wisely? Give evidence.

Page 7: Choose a king!

Presentation Guidelines

1) Every member of each group has to speak.

2) Every member of each group will do a part of the research job, and will

have a specific individual responsibility as well.


3) Presentations must be at least 15 minutes long, and must have

informative as well as creative value. Groups will have to consider the context in

which they address their speech.


4) Presentations have to include:

a - information collected during your research, presented so that it

answers the key questions: who, how, where, when and why:

b- technological resources, such as video or audio clips, powerpoint, etc.

c- visual aids, such as posters, re-enactments, etc.

d- at least one way to assess your peers’ learning: activities, tasks, etc.

Page 8: Choose a king!

a) organizing the research to be done by all team members

b) checking the accuracy of the collected information

c) making sure that the presentation ise clear, organized and based on

historical facts / evidence.

d) If a team has only 3 members, this position will merge with the Producer.

a) searching and / or creating visual resources (posters, images, etc.) will work

cooperatively organizing the research to be performed by the whole team

b) organizing visual aids/resources supplied by all team members

c) assisting the IT Specialist in adding creative value and in the

“technological implementation” of visual resources

a ) creating and organizing the IT-related aspects of the presentation;

b) requesting and collecting ideas from all team members;

c) coordinating the use of visual resources with the Graphic Designer, and other

aspects of the presentation with the Producer.

a) coordinating all aspects of the presentation;

b) setting deadlines and timetables; and collaborating with all team members so

they can be accomplished;

c) creating / designing, in collaboration with the whole team, the activity they will

have to create for the class: study guide, games, etc.





IT Specialist:


Individual Responsibilities and which duties they have:

Page 9: Choose a king!

Online Resource Library

The Christian Church in Middle Age England: Click Here

A general overview of Edward’s kingdom: Click Here

Edward and his Earls: the internal situation during Edward’s kingdom: orClick Here

The succession to the throne, and how Edward dealt with the matter: Click Here

1066, a Year of Crisis : Click Here

The Contenders to the Throne : Edgar the Aetheling Click Here and here

Harald Hardraada: Click Here and here

Harold Godwinson: Click Here and here

William of Normandy: Click here and here

Page 10: Choose a king!

1: Below Standard

2: Acceptable 3: Satisfactory 4: Excellent Your Mark

Use of Written Language               

Communication hindered by errors in syntax, verb tenses; inappropriate word choice, very basic or limited vocabulary impedes communication; embedded clauses non-existent.

Lacking some critical topic-specific vocabulary; somewhat limited vocabulary range; several instances of errors in verb tenses and word order; embedded clauses inaccurate and limited.

Good range of topic specific vocabulary; ideas are communicated; good control of verb tenses, embedded clauses and word order.

Includes a wide range of topic-specific vocabulary; clearly communicates ideas; mostly accurate use of verb tenses, embedded clauses, and word order.

Pronunciation, Fluency, and Eye Contact                  

Very difficult to understand because of pronunciation problems; speech is slow with many pauses; many words/ideas incomprehensible; poor eye contact.

Pronunciation problems partially impede comprehensibility; speech is hesitant and jerky, some sentences are left uncompleted, some words/ideas incomprehensible; eyes focus more on notes and visuals.

Always intelligible, though one is aware of definite accent and lapses in intonation; speech mostly smooth; some hesitation and unevenness; some groping for words; eyes mostly focused on public.

Pronunciation and intonation are level appropriate; smooth and fluent speech; few to no hesitations or groping for words; excellent eye contact.

Participation and group work  

Uneven participation among group members; some students do not participate; no effort made to distribute work among all group members.

Uneven participation among group members; some students mainly passive and contribute little to the presentation.

Each group member assumes an active role; 1-2 students take on the bulk of the work.

Each group member assumes an equal and active role in the preparation and presentation.

Use of Visual Supports

No use of visuals or visuals have little to no supporting function; poorly represented and poorly integrated.

Visuals seem peripheral to presentation and are not well integrated; difficult to make sense of or read.

Makes use of previously prepared visuals; visuals serve to mostly support the reports; visuals are legible and mostly understandable.

Makes excellent use of previously prepared visuals that help to orient the listener and enhance the report visuals are easy to see, read, and understand.

Rubrics: the tool your teacher will use to grade / mark your work.

Rubrics: the tool your teacher will use to grade / mark your work.