Choco Balls

CHOCO BALLS We would be needing: • Ingredients • Ace Choco Munch [[ 1 pack ]] Condensed Milk [[ 1 can]] Dessicated Coconut [[ as man as ou want ]] • !hings • "ang#durog $owl [[ large ]] Whisk % &ork "late "lastic 'lo(es % )ands *e+rigerator • "rocedures • # Durog#in the 1 pack o+ Ace Choco Munch, # "ut it on the bowl, # "our all the Condensed Milk on the bowl, # Mi- it using a Whisk % &ork, Make sure the are mi-ed well, # "our Dessicated Coconut as man as ou want, # .sing our plastic glo(es % hands/ roll the choco mi-ture, "ut it on a plate, # "ut it on the re+rigerator, WI0D W2 CA!)3D*A4 Ingredients 1 56 gram package strawberr gelatin 1 56 gram package green gelatin 1 56 gram package orange gelatin 1 en(elope 7 1 tablespoon8 clear un+la(ored gelatin 1 cup water/ di(ided 9 tablespoon re+ined sugar 1 small can 71 6 grams8 all#purpose or thickened cream ; tablespoons con+ectioners< sugar Directions 1, "repare each gelatin per package directions/ e-cept +or the clear gelatin, "our each prep gelatin into a s=uare or rectangular pan and allow to set until +irm, Cut into 1%9# inch aside


How to make choco balls

Transcript of Choco Balls


We would be needing:

• Ingredients • Ace Choco Munch [[ 1 pack ]]Condensed Milk [[ 1 can]]Dessicated Coconut [[ as man as ou want ]]

• !hings •"ang#durog$owl [[ large ]]Whisk % &ork"late"lastic 'lo(es % )ands*e+rigerator

• "rocedures •# Durog#in the 1 pack o+ Ace Choco Munch,# "ut it on the bowl,# "our all the Condensed Milk on the bowl,# Mi- it using a Whisk % &ork, Make sure the are mi-ed well,# "our Dessicated Coconut as man as ou want, # .sing our plastic glo(es % hands/ roll the choco mi-ture, "ut it on a plate,# "ut it on the re+rigerator,

WI0D W2 CA!)3D*A4

Ingredients• 1 56 gram package strawberr gelatin• 1 56 gram package green gelatin

• 1 56 gram package orange gelatin

• 1 en(elope 7 1 tablespoon8 clear un+la(ored gelatin

• 1 cup water/ di(ided

• 9 tablespoon re+ined sugar

• 1 small can 71 6 grams8 all#purpose or thickened cream

• ; tablespoons con+ectioners< sugar

Directions1, "repare each gelatin per package directions/ e-cept +or the clear gelatin, "our each prepared

gelatin into a s=uare or rectangular pan and allow to set until +irm, Cut into 1%9# inch cubes, 2etaside

9, 2o+ten clear un+la(ored gelatin in 1%> cup o+ the water, $oil remaining ;%> cup water with the 9tablespoons sugar, Add the so+tened gelatin, Cool to warm temperature,

;, Whip cream with the ; tablespoons con+ectioners< sugar, 2lowl blend in the warm clear gelatin,

>, &old the cubed +la(ored%colored gelatin into the cream mi-ture,

?, "our into the desired mold and chill until set,



; packs assorted +la(ored gulaman 7lime/ orange/ strawberr or lemon8 and prepared according topackage directions,> packs un+la(ored gulaman powder 1 can Carnation Condensada; cups water 1 cup Carnation 3(ap1%@ tsp (anilla 7optional8sugar


Cut assorted +la(ored gulaman into cubes and set aside,

In a pan/ place Carnation Condensada/ Carnation 3(ap and other remaining ingredients and cook o(ermedium heat until gulaman is totall dissol(ed, "our into 19 indi(idual ser(ing molds or 1 19#cup capacit mold or bowl, "lace enough +la(ored gulaman appro-imatel 1%9 cup o(er each mold, 4et cool and chilluntil set and read to ser(e,