Chisenhale Chatter for Year 3 week beginning Monday 11 May ... · outside my house with banners,...

Chisenhale Chatter for Year 3 – week beginning Monday 11 th May We have included the first Year 3 gallery at the end of the Chatter – a huge thank you to everyone who has sent in photos for us to include! Remember that these are daily lessons for you to complete at home. The parts in blue indicate that you need to do a task, whether it is share your thoughts and opinions to a question, complete some writing or be creative. These tasks will normally be recorded in your exercise book - remember to write the date and the name of the learning task, e.g. ‘Literacy’ or title of the White Rose maths task. There are also optional ‘Extra for Experts’ challenges (E4E) and these are highlighted in yellow. You can still use the wide range of BBC Bitesize materials either online or via the red button (which are great!), play Studyladder and challenge each other on Times Tables Rockstars, but we would like you to make sure you complete this learning. It will mean you are following a timetable similar to what we do in school. Remember to have breaks in between your learning and keep active! 9:00 PE with Joe Wicks – do this every day! It will keep your mind and body healthy and alert 9:30 Literacy, including learning spellings and showing your neat handwriting. 10:30 Break – Make sure you move around and are active 11:00 Maths – Use the White Rose, including times tables practise sometimes using Times Tables Rockstars. 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Mindfulness - Try Cosmic Kids: Zen Den (on YouTube) or use Go Noodle. 1:15 Wider curriculum subjects stated on the daily timetable, such as Science, Music, Art, PE, Topic, Spanish, RE 3:00 Reading – daily reading for at least 15 minutes. If you do this every day, you could set up your own reading treat at the end of the week. Bedtime Story time with your family This is the Y3 BBC Bitesize timetable for the week. You can access this through the red button on your TV or via the website.

Transcript of Chisenhale Chatter for Year 3 week beginning Monday 11 May ... · outside my house with banners,...

Chisenhale Chatter for Year 3 – week beginning Monday 11th May

We have included the first Year 3 gallery at the end of the Chatter – a huge thank you to everyone who has sent in photos for us to include! Remember that these are daily lessons for you to complete at home. The parts in blue indicate that you need to do a task, whether it is share your thoughts and opinions to a question, complete some writing or be creative. These tasks will normally be recorded in your exercise book - remember to write the date and the name of the learning task, e.g. ‘Literacy’ or title of the White Rose maths task. There are also optional ‘Extra for Experts’ challenges (E4E) and these are highlighted in yellow. You can still use the wide range of BBC Bitesize materials either online or via the red button (which are great!), play Studyladder and challenge each other on Times Tables Rockstars, but we would like you to make sure you complete this learning. It will mean you are following a timetable similar to what we do in school. Remember to have breaks in between your learning and keep active!

9:00 PE with Joe Wicks – do this every day! It will keep your mind and body healthy and alert

9:30 Literacy, including learning spellings and showing your neat handwriting.

10:30 Break – Make sure you move around and are active

11:00 Maths – Use the White Rose, including times tables practise

sometimes using Times Tables Rockstars.

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Mindfulness - Try Cosmic Kids: Zen Den (on YouTube) or use Go Noodle.

1:15 Wider curriculum subjects stated on the daily timetable, such as

Science, Music, Art, PE, Topic, Spanish, RE

3:00 Reading – daily reading for at least 15 minutes.

If you do this every day, you could set up your own reading treat

at the end of the week.

Bedtime Story time with your family

This is the Y3 BBC Bitesize timetable for the week. You can access

this through the red button on your TV or via the website.

Well-being and reflection

This week we will be continuing our reflection on the value Resilience by exploring Resilience and World Press Freedom Day.

The press refers to all those people who write articles for newspapers, online or prepare and present news channels.

In difficult times such as these the press are very important for providing everyone with public health information and the latest government advice.

Article 17 of the rights of the child says: Every child has the right to reliable information from a variety of sources.

However, due to social media there are now a lot of people sharing information that has not been verified by a reputable news source and even some news sites that may not check their information properly.

This can lead to untrue and even dangerous information being spread by people who believe they are helping others.

As such, it is important that all of us check carefully information we are reading online and sharing.

UNESCO have released a short video advising you how to check your sources to mark World Press Freedom Day:

This week, please look at news sources like Newsround online ( and talk about what you can learn there. Perhaps some of you are budding journalists and you can write a newspaper report on your time in lockdown.

Here are a few updates from the staff in Year 3 this week.

Hi guys, I hope you enjoyed reading along

with Charlie Small this week. I love that

book! I’ve had my first ever experience

home-baking this week and made some

Nutella brownies! They were delicious. My

wife has gone mad buying green plants for

the house, but they do look beautiful! My

highlight was definitely a talented Y4’s

awesome DJ set live stream! Great job!

Warm wishes to you all and your families

Mr Mortimer

Hi everyone, I hope you are all enjoying

the sunshine this week. I have been

organising my clothes inside my new

wardrobe and decluttered a few items.

My sister doesn’t think it will stay

organised for long, not sure why! I have

enjoyed reading books and catching up

with a few of my favourite TV shows.

Although it is unusual times, Ramadan has

been going well for me and my family and

we have lots to be grateful for. Hope you

have been enjoying Charlie Small and

continuing with your home learning tasks.

Stay safe and well. Miss Begum

Hi kids well I celebrated my birthday, it was

amazing the girls from school turned up

outside my house with banners, balloons and

sang very loudly 😂 and of course it was

socially distanced . Hope you have been

enjoying the lovely weather and doing all the

work the teachers have set for you.

Take care stay safe see you all soon. Janette x Hi kids, I went and sang happy birthday to

Janette on Friday and I also watched a Y4 child

from Basil class do his Friday night DJ online

which was pretty cool.

Hope you are all keeping positive and safe. See

you all soon Sue xxx

Hi, hope everyone is well.

I have taken part in street bingo this

week with all my neighbours to help

raise some money.

What fun! Stay safe.

Love Jane xx

Hi everyone, hope you’re all ok. Last week I took

part in my first zoom birthday party to celebrate

my nieces first birthday! It was lovely to see her so

excited and she even had bubbles which are her

favourite! The best bit was to see her get her hands

into the cake her mummy baked but thankfully she

didn’t get too messy! 😊 miss you all very much

Nicky xx

Year 3 Home Learning - Week 4, Summer 1

Monday 11th May

Reading Read the poem aloud. How did it make you feel? What language did you like? Think about why the author has used these words or phrases. You will be performing this poem at the end of this week.

Sun is laughing This morning she got up

On the happy side of the bed,

Pulled back

The grey sky-curtains

And poked her head

Through the blue window

Of heaven,

Her yellow laughter

Spilling over,

Falling broad across the grass,

Brightening the washing line,

Giving more shine

To the back of a ladybug

And buttering up all the world.

Then, without any warning,

As if she was suddenly bored,

Or just got sulky

Because she could hear no one

Giving praise

To her shining ways,

Sun slammed the sky-window closed,

Plunging the whole world

Into greyness once more.

O Sun, moody one,

How can we live

Without the holiday of your face?

By Grace Nichols.

Literacy Practise these Y3/4 spellings using a range of the spelling strategies we use in school. How will you remember them?

decide guard guide medicine natural Read pages 26 up to 31.

Charlie has just met a rhino. How is it described? What do we know about the rhino? Look at page 30-31.

What technical vocabulary is used to describe it?

For example: Chainmail

Do you know what all the words mean? To clarify these, you can: Use your previous knowledge - think about your reading knowledge

and conversations you have had. Has this word been included and in what context?

Look them up in a dictionary at home or online

Ask a member of your family for help

What other animal could you have met if you were in the jungle? Pick one

animal of your choice.

For example: monkey, lion, hippo, elephant, snake

E4E: Create a bank of descriptive vocabulary used in the story to

describe the rhino.

For example: polished silver nostrils bubbling like a boiling kettlle

Maths Before you start today’s activity, play Times Tables Rockstars. Your teacher has set times tables for you to focus on learning each week so it is important to try and play this a few times each week.

Multiplying and dividing

This week’s maths will continue to follow the White Rose programme for learning. On the White Rose website, you can watch the teaching video and there will be further supports, activities and games on BBC Bitesize. We have attached the White Rose activity sheets to complete each day in a separate document. Start by going on the White Rose website to the Year 3 home learning

page where you must click on ‘Summer Term - Week 4 (w/c 11th May)’.


Bake a cake at the Robot Bakery through

coding simple instructions.


This week, we are continuing to learn about animals in Spanish. I have found this wonderful song (you know how much Mrs Fallows loves her Spanish songs). You can listen to it and sing along using the words below. I would be very impressed if you could translate this into English for next week (I will give the answers then). Have a go at translating without using the internet first as I know all of you can work out what the first line of each verse says from our Spanish lessons so far this year. Think about how the vocabulary has been building from what you already know. Is there new vocabulary you can use for next time? The song:


Tuesday 12th May

Reading Read the poem aloud again. Does it remind you of any other poetry you have read? Think of some actions to help you remember.

Literacy Look at the picture of the rhino on 30-31 again. Create a design for your own mechanical animal.

What could your title be for your design? Write this on top of your design.

Think about the different parts of this animal. Are there any technical

words you want to magpie from the story?

Now use these words to label your own design.

E4E: Describe your animal verbally to someone in your family. How does it

work? Remember to use technical language.

Maths Before you start today’s activity, play ‘Hit the button’ focusing on times

tables Multiplying 2 digit by 1 digit number This week’s maths will continue to follow the White Rose programme for learning. On the White Rose website, you can watch the teaching video and there will be further supports, activities and games on BBC Bitesize. We have attached the White Rose activity sheets to complete each day in a separate document. Start by going on the White Rose website to the Year 3 home learning

page where you must click on ‘Summer Term - Week 4 (w/c 11th May)’.

Topic (Geography)

Skill: Human Geography Focus question to investigate as a geographer:

Can you explain why people are attracted to live in cities?

In your exercise books, write todays date and focus

question. What parts of the world could be explored?

For example:

Explorer of the Week! Robert Falcon Scott

Where did he explore? Was it a good idea to go there? Why?

What happened to him?

What do you like about living in the City of London? Keeping a city in mind, write down 5 reasons why you think someone might want to live in a city. Think about the:

- Human features: housing, jobs, government, population, language, religion, offices, shops

- Physical features: river, weather, land, parks, plants Sentence starters: The reasons why people are attracted to live in cities are ______________ People choose to live in cities because _________________ I think the __________ features such as __________ attract people to live in cities. Hot Air Balloons

Think - Where would you like to travel to on a hot air balloon? What would you see? What would you take with you? How might the weather change as you travel?

Find out who travelled first on a hot air balloon

Watch a big hot air balloon get ready to take off

Create a design for your own hot air balloon. Think about the shape, colour, size and location of where you would be exploring. For example:

Wednesday 13th May


Continue to practise learning the poem with actions to go with it. Circle the words that rhyme. Why do you think the author has used this technique in the poem? What other techniques has the author used?

Literacy Practise this week’s spellings again. Could you try a different strategy to remember

them? If you are ready, ask a member of your family to check you know it.

address appear centre ordinary peculiar Read from page 32 up to ‘very late for tea’ on page 34.

What mechanical animal did you pick

from yesterday’s task? You are going to

be describing how your mechanical

animal moves.

Think about the powerful verbs Charlie

used to describe the rhino.

Here is the list:

nudged harrumphed tug

chew lumbered trotted

canter putt-putted juddering


Create a bank of powerful verbs for your own mechanical animal.

E4E: Imagine you were riding your mechanical animal. Write a descriptive sentence

about how it would move.

Maths Before you start today’s activity, play ‘Hit the button’ focusing on division facts. Dividing a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number This week’s maths will continue to follow the White Rose programme for learning. On the White Rose website, you can watch the teaching video and there will be further supports, activities and games on BBC Bitesize. We have attached the White Rose activity sheets to complete each day in a separate document. Start by going on the White Rose website to the Year 3 home learning

page where you must

click on ‘Summer Term - Week 4 (w/c 11th May)’.

Science – Physics

Revisit: 3 minute challenge! Look around your home or outside your window and spot as many reflective materials as possible. How many can you identify? Collect a range of different objects from around your home, ideally around 10 objects altogether. How can you sort them? Can you think of at least 4 different ways to sort them? This could be based on:

- Colour

- Material used

- Size

- Weight

- Properties – e.g. shiny or dull

- Waterproof

Write your sorting categories in your exercise book and draw how you would sort the objects for one of these. This could be with sorting circles or a Venn diagram. Here are some examples of these being used for a different sorting task:

E4E: Can you think of categories that you could use in a Carroll diagram? Here is a maths Carroll diagram example.

Read this information below, taken from -

Investigation Using the objects you have already collected (or you can collect a few more if you want to), sort these into the three categories – transparent,


Translucent Opaque


translucent and opaque. Record this as a table in your exercise book, drawing pictures and labelling these with the objects name. For example:

Transparent Translucent Opaque

My slippers

A ruler

My glasses

E4E: Using the translucent materials that you found, which ones are

easier to see through? Order these.

Explain, why do you think some materials are more, or less, translucent?

Thursday 14th May

Reading Choose your favourite line or phrase from the poem and draw the picture it paints in your mind as the reader.

Literacy Read from page 34 up to ‘phone home’ page 37.

How do you think Charlie can phone home using the spider and the palm tree to help him?

Mind map different ways he can do this? Draw pictures to help you if you want. Could he use an item from his backpack to help him? E4E: Choose one of the ideas from your mind map. Describe how the plan will work.

Maths Before you start today’s activity, play ‘Hit the button’ timetables and division facts

Scaling This week’s maths will continue to follow the White Rose programme for learning. On the White Rose website, you can watch the teaching video and there will be further supports, activities and games on BBC Bitesize. We have attached the White Rose activity sheets to complete each day in a separate document. Start by going on the White Rose website to the Year 3 home learning

page where you

must click on ‘Summer Term - Week 4 (w/c 11th May)’.

Art This week we are going to look at the largest desert in the world the

Sahara Desert! Georgia O'Keeffe is the artist we are going to base our piece of work on today here’s is a bit about her on the Tate kids website. Have a little read through -

I like the way she uses really bright colours and blends them together to make a very smooth image. What you need to think about when making your image:

- Sketch out lightly what you are going to draw (focus on the interesting shapes-try and make them smooth in her style)

- Use Bright colours to create your piece of art (paint/pastel/pencil) blend/mix the colours together.

- We don’t want a big blue and orange image! - What colours you can see in the shadows and dunes in the

photos below?

E4E - If you would like to, you could include an object that you might find in the Sahara desert in the foreground (maybe a cows skull or a



Friday 15th May

Reading Now it is time to perform the poem! This could be to your family, your toys or to yourself in the mirror. Does it have a rhythm when you read it? Did you add actions to match a line or word? Which words or phrases did you emphasize?


Mini spelling check time! Ask a member of your family to check if you know the 5 spellings from this week.

Read from page 37 up to ‘through the receiver’ page 40.

You are going to be writing a phone conversation between Charlie and his mum.

Before you do this, let’s recap on the speech punctuation rules: “ before the first word spoken Punctuation ! ? , ” after the punctuation and last word spoken Speech verbs yelped cried replied asked New speaker new line Re-read the phone conversation Charlie had before with his mum on page 22. What happened after Charlie entered the jungle? What other animals has he come across? Rhino, electric blue spider What will his mum reply back? Is she worried? Will she ask him to come back home? Write up this conversation in your exercise book. Remember to include the correct speech punctuation. E4E: What new things have happened this week to Charlie? Can you add to the map you created last week?

Maths Play Times Tables Rockstars!

Challenge of the week! This week’s maths will continue to follow the White Rose programme for learning. On the White Rose website, you can watch the teaching video and there will be further supports, activities and games on BBC Bitesize. We have attached the White Rose activity sheets to complete each day in a separate document. Start by going on the White Rose website to the Year 3 home learning

page where you

must click on ‘Summer Term - Week 4 (w/c 11th May)’.

RE During Ramdan, lots of Muslims attempt to read the entire Qur’an and think about the messages it contains. However, in the lead up to Ramadan, many Muslims read the story of Isra and Miraj. It comes a month before Ramadan so it is part of a greater awareness and preparation for that upcoming month of daily fasting.

Your challenge this week is to find out what those stories are about.

You could:

Create a poster explaining the stories and their morals.

Draw a comic based on the stories.

Record your own versions in a video (like we have been doing for your Literacy).

Create artwork using bright colours and Islamic art styles.

Make a model of the characters and the setting.

You can research the stories using these websites, or find some of your own:


This week we are going to continue looking into Athletics by practicing the discipline of the High Jump! This is a

competition in which the aim is to jump over a horizontal bar and the athlete who jumps the highest wins gold! Each athlete has 3 tries to jump over the bar, some succeed and some fail. Once everyone has jumped the bar is raised higher and those who succeeded have another 3 tries at the new height. This continues until most of the athletes are

eliminated and the top three remain winning bronze, silver and gold medal! Watch this video to have a look the high jump competition…

Did you know the world record for the high jump is 2.45 metres!!!… (How many cm is that?) If you have a tape measure in your home why don’t you measure that and see how high it is!

Obviously, it’s hard to do the Fosbury Flop in your house (yes that is the name of the type of jump because it looks like a big flop!). But you could try a standing squat jump to see how high you can reach. Perhaps an adult can help you measure how high you can

jump? You can also have a go on Go Noodle at their High Jump competition.


Our Year 3 Gallery Look at all these wonderful photos of work! Such a joy for the staff to see what you have been keeping busy with and makes us

very proud.

Thank you to everyone who has emailed a photo to be included in our Chatter this


If your parents/carers are happy for a photo of your work or a picture of you doing something to go on in the Chatter and on the

website, please ask them to send these to the [email protected] email address, stating

what year group you are in and the teacher the photo needs to be passed on to. We will not include your names on these.