Chinmaya-Tej · Chinmaya Tej is also available ... slowly growing into an army of workers...

Chinmaya-Tej Chinmaya Mission San Jose Publication Vol.21, No.1 January/February 2010

Transcript of Chinmaya-Tej · Chinmaya Tej is also available ... slowly growing into an army of workers...

Chinmaya Mission San Jose Publication Vol.21, No.1

January/February 2010

“I will always be with you”

God also likes to play hide and seek.

But as there is nothing outside of God, ... He pretends He

is not Himself... He pretends He is you and the creatures

of the world, all animals, plants, rocks, and stars. Thus

He becomes the Universe, hiding Himself as the Universe...

God is the Self of the world, but you cannot see God,

as without a mirror you cannot see yourself, can you?

God is hiding in you...Look and see!


To provide to individuals, from any background, the wisdom of Vedanta and practical means for spiritual growth and happiness, enabling them to become a positive contributor to the society.


s Table of Contents s

From The Editors Desk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2010 Om Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Ganga's Descent From the Heavens to Earth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

A Brief Survey of Vedic Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Our Country & Our Culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Walking with God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Chinmaya Youth Camp #18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Hanuman ~ The Eleventh Incarnation of Lord Shiva . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

One Year Residential Vedanta Course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Chinmaya BalaVihar Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

BV Locations, Shiva Abhishekam, Swaranjali choir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Bhakti Rasamrutam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

BalVihar Kids' Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Tapovan Prasad Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Chinmaya Study Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Community Outreach Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Br .Prabodhji's Satsang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Vedanta Study Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30/31

Br .Prabodhji's Classes as Bala Vihar Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Br .Prabodhji's Classes at Sandeepany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Swami Tejomayananada’s Itinerary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Volume 21, No . 1January/February 2010


From The ediTors desk

Tej, is a bi-monthly publication of Chinmaya mission san Jose. CmsJ is in the process of getting the necessary permits to build the New Facility.

The City of san Jose is studying the building drawings and when they are approved we shall begin the construction of our New Building.

We are happy to show you some elevation drawings of the projects. We invite you to visit the site when you can.

News and events update via e-newsletter on CmsJ web-site is serving our timely announcements. Please keep us updated with your e-mail addresses and send them to “[email protected]

if you do not hear from us e-mail or Chinmaya Tej, please forward your address and e-mail to me indicated on this page.

Chinmaya Tej is also available for viewing on our website.

Chinmaya-Tej will be mailed to all sponsors and members of Chinmaya mission san Jose. send your subscription marked, Chinmaya-Tej, CmsJ, 1050 Park Ave., san Jose, CA 95126.

Chinmaya Tej ediTorial STaff

Editor:Uma Jeyarasasingam ([email protected])

Co-editor:Rohini Joshi

Electronic Editorial Advisor:Satish Joshi

Contributors:Subbu Venkatkrishnan, Shankar Narayanan, B.S. Ramadrishna Rao, J. Sig Paulson, Prasana A. Iyengar

Design & Layout:four waters / four waters media

Printing:Bill Browning/PigMint Press, Redway, California

Data Base:Kapil Vaish

Mailing:Autozip, Ukiah, California

Contact us: • Phone: (650) 969-4389 Fax: (650)428-1795


hari omIt gIves the Om Run team gReat jOy to report that under perfect running weather the inaugural om run was well attended (estimated over 1500 people). Thanks to over 250+ volunteers that helped made the event run through smoothly and all of your cooperation on event day.

• 1696 signups, thank you for pre-registering• and there were over 100 onsite signups

Then the races began. in addition to the first/second/third place finishers in the 2 races (5k, 10k), all finishers were winners and got om run medals to prove it. There was the young shivum Ganesh and several younger ones in strollers at one of the spectrum. our very own Acharya Prabodh Chaitanya was in our midst finishing the 10k with a flourish and his signature smile.At the other end of the spectrum were 70+ seniors who all without exception demonstrated such great spirit and were insistent on an encore om run.The weather was perfect, the trail support team was awesome followed by devaland festivities. The food, generously donated by dosa Place carried the day.

the fIRst vOlunteeRs aRRIved when it was still dark at 6.00 am, then slowly growing into an army of workers assembling the various equipment and placing them in the right spots. The best part was when the balloon arches came, imagine 500 balloons strung together, it could lift a man ! As a spring dawn slowly broke out, the sound was gently broken by Bhimsen Joshi's alaap glided through the air. The banners and signs went up next, the tables and chairs were all set, and the slow tricker of participants suddenly grew as almost everyone decided to show up at the same time... Check-in folks scrambled to adjust .. and just as suddenly the tables were empty again and as the PA system strained to break through to all corners of the field, the runners - a determined, uncomplaining lot, positioned themselves. As Br. Probodh-ji led the invocation prayers, folks spent a moment of silence reaffirming the reason for their participation. After that, the scene shifted to the far end of the field, where Uma-ji rung a Gong to signal the start of the 10k. A few minutes later the 5k and the walkathon folks were off to a start.



The First Running of the Om Run Volunteer Blog Notes


runners made their way onto the Vasona park trail, the walkathon folks on the school tracks were treated to a variety of music to keep them entertained as they started on their laps. Children discovered the jump house and castle and did not budge from there until lunch.Who knew walkers would get the same time ??!!!! Well it did happen and we were there, walkers could not resist the yummy delectables that wafted right into their noses, and a hypnotized many made their way out the tracks into the food stalls, that quickly became an orderly pushing and shoving here. A few plate-sharing was was time for the first runners to arrive, the Bike Patrol led the first 5k runners into the field and it was a pleasure to see a pair of young cousins in a near photo finish ! Then the rest of the runners followed. The walkathoners still midway though their goals, followed, some wandered into the vendor stalls, some got near the BAke sALe of homemade condiments, podis, chaklis, murukkus, vadams. Yes, a few BAke-GALs came up with this idea and it turned into a modest success...

hari omthe mOment was upOn us and we all came together in celebration. it felt like the perfect resonance of all things coming together. To get us organized i called it different names, functional teams; Walkathon, Trails, Parking, hospitality, Volunteer Coordinator, Program manager, Website, Timekeeping, mC, Checkin, Prepost events, Waterstation, er, - and that was essential.on event day, when it mattered most (imho the most important vantage point), we all came together in a way to show how om run is oUr event. Yesterday was all about rising to the occasion and everyone did it together. A large tent was raised that accommodated all that showed up in person and spirit.The experience would have left everyone with a well deserved sense of accomplish-ment. suggest a moment to reflect on what all worked on this day and fully expect several superlatives in those reflections, please focus on those. This was our moment of coming together.When tired, thirsty participants say 50 meters before the finish line, "when are we doing this again? will we do it again next year" — that has to make your day, it did mine. on that note a pat on the back for a job very well done to all of us. Looking ahead to fulfilling on the fundraising pledges and the work must go on.

hari om~prasana


Ganga’s Descent from the Heavens to Earth

Long time ago there lived a king born in the clan of Ikshvakus called King Bahuka. his kingdom was taken away from him by force after which he escaped to the forest with his wives and

lived there. soon thereafter, the king died while wandering in the forest one day. his youngest wife was grief-stricken and decided to cast off her mortal body in his funeral pyre as was the custom in those days. The rishis who

lived nearby stopped her because they knew she was carrying the king’s child in her womb and wanted her to bring forth the child to term.


The king’s other wives were green with envy and resentment – they did not like the fact that of all the king’s children, the last one alone was to survive and become heir to the king. They also did not want the king’s youngest wife to become the mother of the future king. Therefore, they all poisoned the youngest wife’s food and fed it to her with great affection. But contrary to their expectations, no harm befell either the mother or the unborn child, and the child was born in due course. He was covered by the poison that his mother had been given, but was otherwise unaffected. The rishis named him Sagara.

In course of time, Sagara became a great king and later an emperor. King Sagara had two wives: Sumati, who had sixty thousand sons by a strange quirk of fate, and Keshini, who had one son.

As was customary for great emperors in those days, King Sagara wanted to perform an Ashvamedha

Yaga. He sent for a special horse to perform the Yaga. A horse befitting the Yaga was secured and preparations for the Yaga began in earnest.

Indra, fearful of losing his position as the king of the gods should the Yaga be successful, stole the horse. King Sagara sent his sixty thousand sons to search for the horse and bring it back for the Ashvamedha Yaga. The sons of the king were all valiant but very arrogant as well. They set out in search of the horse. They searched the world over but could not find the horse. They then dug the earth with their immensely powerful arms and entered the netherworld. When they reached the north-easterly direction, they found a cave. Inside the cave, they found a rishi seated in intense Meditation. By his side was the horse, grazing happily.

“Look at this thief!” exclaimed the arrogant princes. “Having stolen our horse he is sitting with his eyes closed as though he knows nothing. Let us


kill him.” So saying, the sixty thousand princes grabbed their weapons and rushed toward the rishi. The rishi in the cave was none other than Sage Kapila Muni. Sensing the princes rushing towards him, he opened his eyes and cast an angry glance at them, reducing them to a heap of ashes.

King Sagara’s second wife Keshini’s son was Asamanja, a strange human being. From the time he was born, he was afraid of human bondage. He shielded himself from bondage by pretending to be a cruel man. He displeased everyone around him - he would frighten citizens by catching hold of young children and throwing them into the Sarayu river; he would then clap his hands as if in joy. As a result of the atrocities he committed, Asamanja was thrown out of the country. Just before leaving the country, however, he restored everyone he had killed (including the children he had thrown into the river) to life. Onlookers were surprised by this, but before they could say anything, he walked away to the forest. There, Asamanja performed severe tapas and attained Moksha.

In the interim, King Sagara, very worried about his missing sixty

thousand sons, turned to his only grandson, Amshuman, and sent him in search of his uncles. Amshuman followed the path his uncles had taken by pursuing the traces they had left behind. After a long and tiring trek, he eventually made his way to the nether world and reached Kapila Muni’s cave. There, he prostrated to Kapila Muni with all due reverence, devotion, and eyes flooded with tears.

The great sage was pleased at the humility and devotion of the young prince and said: “Child, take this horse which belongs to your grandfather, King Sagara. Indra brought it and left it here when I was in yoga nidra. As for your uncles, they have all been burnt to ashes because of their haughtiness. The only water which can emancipate their souls and take them to Pitriloka is the water of Mandakini, Ganga from the heavens.” Amshuman thanked the sage, circumambulated him, prostrated to him one more time and returned home with the horse.

King Sagara, unhappy at the fate that befell his sons, crowned Amshuman king and went to the forest to perform tapas and find peace and moksha. King Amshuman, desiring to


emancipate the souls of his uncles with Mandakini’s waters, performed tapas to please Mandakini and convince her to come down from the heavens to earth. He failed to do so and eventually died without fulfilling his desire. His son Dilipa attempted to do the same but was unsuccessful as well. He too left his work undone and died.

Dilipa’s son Bhagiratha, after ascending to the throne, left his kingdom in the care of his ministers and was intent on only one thing: bringing Mandakini down to earth and emancipating his ancestors to Pitriloka. Bhagiratha performed intense tapas for years on end to make Mandakini descend to earth. His tapas was so powerful that Mandakini appeared in front of him and said: “Bhagiratha, you evidently have no conception of the enormous force with which I will flow

if I fall to the earth from the heavens. Who is there powerful enough to absorb the force of my fall? If I am not slowed down, the force of my descent will be so great that I will enter and penetrate the earth’s surface and pass into thenether regions straight. Your tapas will then all go to waste. Besides, I see no reason why I should leave my heavenly abode and come down to your sinful earth. People will bathe in my waters and shed their dirt and sins in me and purify themselves. I will have to patiently bear with it all. Who in turn will purify me?”

Bhagiratha stood with all humility before her and said: “As for the sinfulness you are afraid of, it is not such a problem. I have been told that great seers who have transcended human bondage, who have no thought other than that of the Lord, who have Narayana firmly lodged in their minds forever - these seers, when they bathe in your waters, will purify you. They are named the Tirtharupas and they will cleanse you. And no sin clings to them since they have the power to destroy sin. The other problem you mentioned - the need to slow you down when you descend to earth - can be solved only with the grace of Lord Shiva. I will pray to him. Mother, if He does agree to allow you to land on His head and absorb your force, will you cleanse and emancipate my ancestors?” “I will, I promise,” said Mandakini.

Bhagiratha began his tapas once again, this time invokingLord Shiva. Lord Shiva, well known to grant boons immediately to His devotees, appeared before Bhagiratha and asked him, “What can I do for you, Bhagiratha?”

Bhagiratha prostrated before the Lord and explained his desire: “ My


Lord, you know how my ancestors were turned to a heap of ashes when they offended sage kapila muni. The sage told my grandfather that they could be purified only if mandakini comes down to earth and purifies their ashes. mandakini has finally consented to descend to earth but has cautioned me thus: “ The force of my descent will be very powerful; the earth is not strong enough to withstand it”. Lord, i am now invoking you to receive mandakini as she descends , slow her fall and hold her in your matted locks, then release her slowly.” The Lord was very happy to hear this request and agreed.

mandakini rushed down with great force from the heavens. every heavenly being stood speechless watching the onrush. Lord shiva stood with his head slightly raised, and trident held at his back with both hands. his chest was thrust forward. The snakes on his arms were swaying to and fro. The dark blue patch on his neck glowed against the golden hue of his skin. A gentle smile adorned his lips. The seven worlds beheld this spectacle in awe as mandakini descended to earth. Bhagiratha stood there with eyes wide open, and hands folded in prayer. his heart was beating fast at the prospect of his ancestors finally getting emancipated to world of the Pitris.

As mandakini descended, she become a tad conceited of her own prowess and force. she came down as fast as she could. Lord shiva took her in his matted locks. it was a breath-taking sight to behold. something really strange happened. The river that had rushed down with such great force into Lord shiva’s matted

locks disappeared instantly and was nowhere to be seen. mandakini tried her best to get out of the great tangled mass of Lord shiva’s matted locks (his jata) but she could not.

seeing this, Bhagiratha cried out with great concern, “ Lord! What happened? has all my penance gone to waste? Please have mercy on me and release mandakini.” With the gentle, enchanting smile at the corner of his lips unchanged, Lord shiva allowed mandakini to trickle down from a strand of his hair. mandakini, chastened and penitent, descended to earth drop by drop. A lake called “Bindusaras” (also known as “saptas-rotas” ) was formed from these drops. mandakini, as she was called in the heavens, was known as Ganga on earth.

Wherever she went, Ganga purified everything she touched. she divided herself into seven streams. Three of them flowed eastward and three westward. The seventh stream followed the chariot of Bhagiratha as he proceeded towards the cave of kapila muni. The seven worlds stood in amazement watching the sight. The chariot of king Bhagiratha speeding and the thin silvery trickle of Ganga following him, like a daughter following her father. soon, Ganga’s waters reached kapila muni’s cave and washed the heap of ashes that were the only remains of the sixty thousand valiant sons of king sagara. Their souls were instantly emancipated and they reached the Pitri Loka.

since Bhagiratha was the one who brought her to the world, Ganga is considered to be Bhagiratha’s daughter and is therefore also known as Bhagirathi.


Veda is a term applied to a group of literature that forms the earliest record of the indian civilization. This literature is also the oldest literary monument of the indo-european languages.

The term Veda is a very compre-hensive one. Therefore, the Vedic literature includes the four ‘Vedas’ (strictly speaking, the samhithas), the ‘Brahmanas’, the ‘Aranyakas’, and the ‘Upanishads’. Then there are a number of auxiliary texts, termed the ‘Vedangas’, or the limbs of the Veda, and they are: siksaa (Phonetics), Vyaakaranam (Grammer), Chandas (metrics), miruktam (etymology), Jyotisam (Astronomy) and kalpa (manuals on rituals). kalpa is of three kinds, namely, srauta sutras (Vedic manuals), Grhya sutras (domestic manuals) and the dharma sutras (Legal manuals).

There are commentaries on the above texts, both original and the auxiliary texts. There exist also some independent manuals dealing with the topics or subjects contained in the above texts. Various other texts like the Gandharva Veda (science of music), dhanur Veda (science of Archery) and the Ayur Veda (science

of life medicine) have also come down to us as Upavedas. The Aagamasastra (science of Temple worship) is also supposed by have been based on the Vedas. Added to these is another discipline of learning called the Anviksiki or mamaamsa that is closely associated with the Vedas. Thus, when we talk of the Vedic literature, normally, all these texts are included. But in the present context, the word veda denotes only the original texts, namely the samhithas, the Braahmanas, the Aaranyakas and the Upanishads.

What is ‘Veda’etymologically speaking, the term

Veda means knowledge, being derived from the root ‘Vid’ — to know. Thus the word denotes knowledge in its primary sense and thereby also denotes the texts containing that knowledge. Another term ‘sruti’, is also used to denote the same texts. sruti is something that is heard by the students through the teacher. This also indicates that the Vedas are not written texts but ‘heard’ or ‘revealed’, things.

As per the hindu faith and belief, the Vedas are not the works of any author. They are (eternal). even God

A Brief Survey ofVedic Literature

by Dr. B.S. Ramakrishna Rao (from Our Vedic Heritage)


is not the author of the Vedas. But, Brahma swallows the Vedas at the time of deluge and again, when the new world is to be created, he will give out the Vedas. Thus rg-veda comes from his face facing the eastern direction, saama-veda from the Western direction, Atharava-veda from the Northern direction and the Yajurveda from the southern direction.

These are ‘seen or ‘heard’ by the seers and therefore we treat these sages as the seers (one who saw for the first time) of the respective mantras.

it is needless to statte that these view are not accepted or respected by the modern researchers. The modern scholars opine that the so-called seers are the actual poets who composed the respective poems or hymns.

Vastness of Vedic literatureThe Vedic literature that has

come down to us is very vast. But Ananta vai Vedah -- ‘Vedas, have no limit’, is our belief. ‘We have no right to suppose that we have even a hundredth part of the religious and popular poetry that existed during

the Vedic age’. This is confirmed by the words of Patanjali, the author of the great commentary on the sutras of Panini. Patanjali states that tere were as many as 21 recensions of the rigveda, 101 recensions of the Yajuveda, 1000 recensions of th samaveda and 9 recensions of the Atharvaveda. Caranavyuha speaks of about fifty more branches of the Vedas. The story of a sage named Bharadvaja that occurs in the Taittiriya Brahmana of the krsna Yajurveda amply testifies to this fact.

Bharadvaja studied the Vedas for about 300 years. Being pleased with the devotion of the sage, God indra appeared before him and asked what he would be doing if another 100 years are given to him. Bharadvaja told that he will continue to study the Vedas. Then indra showed four mountains, brought four handfuls of soil from them and told him — ‘What all you have learnt so far is just this much. don’t hope to complete the study of the Vedas. Be content with what you have learnt.’

(To be continued in subsequent issues of the Chinmaya Tej)


“Nobody can love a country merely because of the beauty of the nation or the wealth in it. man is inspired to make sacrifices only when he has love for that which he is defending. only when we come to appreciate the heart of a nation, which is its culture and its genius can love be discovered. Thereafter we would feel inspired to make ready sacrifices for building up the nation. discipline, team spirit, the ability to sink minor differences and to rise as a united force to defeat the forces of disintegration and poverty — all these can readily manifest only in the bosom of a generation which is proud of its past. The past of Bharat is not her industrial success, nor wars of conquest, nor her battles for markets. ours is essentially the culture — the glory of a man who has conquered his own lower nature. ours is a contribution to sacrifices, and not the flimsy glory of acquisition. The system that Bharatiya culture experimented upon and helped as her great contribution to the world is a system of giving rather than of taking — a life that is based upon the fulfillment of duties and not a life of striving for gaining rights.”

Swami Chinmayananda


Us hindi Association

4177 hubbartt dr., Palo Alto CA 94306

our Country&our Culture


have you ever longed to walk with God? — not just to touch his presence in a few moments of inspiration or prayer— but to come to know him as a daily companion? have you ever longed to know God as a strength to meet the tasks of your day, a light to shine before you on a pathway of life, an anchor to hold you steady on the changing seas you cross? have you ever longed to experience God as a voice that tells you where to turn and when to stand still, a love that warms your heart, a faith that cannot be quenched, a friend who never fails.

You can walk with God today, and everyday, by claiming that which is already your own. For God is the eternal companion of all, and has walked with everyone, though few have realized it. We have never been separated from God, except through our own forgetfulness, or through letting the cares and ambitions of “making a living” nibble away at our awareness of him, in whom “we live, and move, and have our being.”

Walking with God, then is to be an easy and joyous acknowledgement of him who eternally walks with us. it is to be a grateful recognition of the visible and eternal one who breathes life into us and into all his creation.

Would you transform your days? Wouls you fill the hooks and crannies, the by ways and highways of your life with joy and rich adventure? Then learn the great truth that you walk with God?

Let there be God spaces in your day. Let there be holy, special times devoted to God alone; not just definite, formal periods of meditation, but living, golden moments tucked into the routine of your daily activities. Tell no man. Let these times be as a secret pact between you two: your divine companion and you!

Walking with GodBy J.Sig Paulson


on the street, in the taxicab or subway, in the auto or bus, at your desk or lathe, in your office or laboratory, at home or abroad, rain or shine, open a God space. Fill it with these shining reminders of his presence:

“i walk with God.”

“God is with me.”

“in God i live and move and have my being.”

“i am strong in the Lord and in the Power of his might.”

“Thank you Father, for life, love and strength.”

Let these words sing through your heart and mind without strain or effort. oh, the untellable joys you and your companion will share.

Are you starting a difficult task? Preface it with God space:

“or, who is greater than i, is with me. he will perfect that which concerns me.”

“God, my eternal companion is here. Nothing is impossible with him.”

“i do this to the glory of him who walks with me.”

Then with serene faith and expectant heart do that which lies before you.

have you just finished a project or a job? Take time to fill a God space with thanks giving:

“i thank you, Father, it is finished.”

“To you, my Father, is all glory and praise.”

or, let it be just a grateful feeling of accomplishment welling up in your heart. You are now ready to continue your day’s activities.

Are you in need of healing, strength, renewal? Pause a moment, open a God space in mind and heart with words like these:


“my body is the temple of the living God. his spirit breathes life in and through me. his life restores my health. his joy gives me strength. his energy renews me.”

Then return to your regular activities… serene, confident, grateful.

Are you walking strange paths, crossing unknown meadows, moving through the valley of shadow? There is time for a God space:

“i walk with God. his wisdom lights my way.”

“God is with me. his light is my light. his love is my love.”

“The Lord is my companion. he leads me in the paths of righteousness.”

Then, move ahead fearlessly, with untroubled heart. Your way is clear. You do not walk alone.

Are you swinging down a street, overflowing with your fellow men. A god space will fill your path with peace:

“God’s spirit looks at me through the eyes of all whom i meet.”

“You are gods, all of you, sons of the most high.”

“i give thanks, divine companion, that You walk with them, too.”

Then walk with God and his children, and let your face radiate your awareness of your loving companion’s presence.

Again and again and yet again, fill your God spaces with the courtesy of silence, so that your divine companion may speak to you. open your mind and heart to his inspiration. Let his spirit guide you into the glory of his kingdom, here and now, right where you walk. The God spaces you open in your life will grow and grow until your whole experience becomes one joyous walk with God.

(This piece was written by a fellow seeker and was published by Tapovan Prasad in 1975)


Registrations opens on April 1st.

• First-come-first-serve basis. • Registration for this camp usually fills up within a week. • Registration closes as soon as camp is full and/ or by April 30. • Youth camp Students age is between 8-17 yrs.

Parents may drop the students on 6/26 and pick them up on 7/4 or may use a bus that is being arranged from SJ to Piercy and back.

Camp is from Saturday, June 26 to Sunday, July 4. Part time attendance is not available.

If you have any questions regarding this camp please contact Uma Jeyarasasingam at [email protected] or (650) 969-4389.

Chinmaya Youth Camp #18Krishnalaya ~ piercy, California

june 26 - july 4, 2010

sri Krishna — the world teacher

“This supreme essence born as a mass of Beauty, music, and Joy, dazzling in Wisdom,

noisy with Laughter, ever a master of Circumstances, a king of events, frisking

about in life’s melancholy contentions, meeting challenges with daring and confidence,

at once a hero and a Child all rolled into one — this is the perfect God-man,

the eternal Child of Brindavan.”~swami Chinmayananda

We will discover the charming way Sri Krishna reveals the Supreme Knowledge.

Theme: Krishnam Vande Jagat Gurum

conducted byChinmaya mission san JoseCamp Acharya: Br. Prabodh ChaitanyaCamp Co-ordinator: Uma JeyarasasingamCamp Teachers: CmsJ BV and Yk Teachers


Lord shiva decided to incarnate on earth as hanuman so he could serve Lord Vishnu when he took the form of sri rama.

Lord shiva manifested himself in eleven forms. Ten of the eleven forms of Lord shiva were invoked by ravana. he did severe penance and

invoked each of the ten forms one by one, and then cut off the form’s head. The eleventh form was remaining. At the end of his penance, ravana asked Lord shiva to grant him a boon — that he could be

destroyed by no other being except humans or monkeys.

the Eleventh Incarnation of Lord ShivaHANUMAN


ravana, being of the rakshasa clan, felt he could take on humans and monkeys and destroy them very

easily. When Lord shiva heard this, he was relieved and happy. Good i

can take the form of a monkey when Lord Vishnu decides to descend as

man, he thought to himself.Lord Vishnu and Lord shiva have

great regard and mutual reverence for each other. Lord Vishnu had always rescued Lord shiva from many difficult predicaments. But Lord shiva never had the opportu-nity to serve or rescue Lord Vishnu. so when Lord shiva heard that Lord Vishnu was going to descend to earth as rama, he decided to come

down to earth at the same time. They had a discussion about Vishnu’s descent, the purpose of rama’s birth and all his adventures to come. Lord shiva thought that if he were to serve rama as his devotee, he must take the form of a monkey, as hanuman so he can remain close to rama and observe all his adventures from close proximity. Lord Vishnu gladly agreed to this. Lord shiva appeared to kesari and Anjana, the parents to be of hanumanji, in response to their prayers for a son, and announced to them that he had chosen to be born as their son. Lord shiva was then born to kesari and Anjana as hanumanji.


Chinmaya Mission West (CMW) is pleased to announce its One-Year Residential Vedanta Course at CMW's Headquarters,

the ashram of Krishnalaya in Northern California, amidst the serene Redwoods with the blessing and guidance

from Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayananda

START DATE The Course will commence August 7, 2010 and end in August 2011. This residential, full-time Course, without any holidays, will be conducted in English.

ACHARYAS AND TEXTS Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayananda: Tattwa Bodha, Mandukya

Upanishad(selected) and Essence of Srimad Bhagawatam & Ramayana. Swami Shantananda: Dakshinamoorty Stotram and Sat Darshanam. Swami Ishwarananda: Bhagawad Gita. Brahmachari Prabodh Chaitanya: Upadesha Saara, Atma Bodha, Drg Drshya

Viveka, Panchadashi Ch. 1, and Isa, Kena, Katha, Mundaka Upanishads Acharya Smt. Sharada Kumar: Vedic Chanting, bhajans, Suktams, Samskrt &

Vivekchudamani Taittiriya Upanishad and Sahasranaamavali.

SCHEDULE Pujya Guruji: August 7-22 2010 Acharya Smt. Sharada Kumar: August 2010 - August 2011 Brahmachari Prabodh Chaitanya: August - October 2010 Swami Ishwarananda: November - December 2010 Swami Shantananda: January 2011 Swami Ishwarananda: February - March 2011 Brahmachari Prabodh Chaitanya: April - May 2011 Acharya Sharada Kumar: June - July 2011 Pujya Guruji: August 2011

The Course will commence August 7, 2010 and end in August 2011. This residential, full-time Course, without any holidays, will be conducted in English.

REGISTRATION $12,000 (covers registration, lodging, boarding, and books; payable in installments).

Submit your name and contact information through the website provided. All submissions will be reviewed and eligible candidates will be asked to schedule a personal interview, the details of which will be provided at a later date.

For additional questions, contact Brahmachari Prabodh Chaitanya.

One Year Residential Vedanta Course


Eighth gradE Class 2008-2009

Chinmaya Balavihar san JosE




Eighth gradE Class 2008-2009

Chinmaya Balavihar san JosE


Jignesh Joshi


ninth gradE Class 2008-2009

Chinmaya Balavihar san JosE


Ravi RanganathanCo-TeACheR:

Needamangalam Balachander


ninth gradE Class 2008-2009

Chinmaya Balavihar san JosE


Jayaram ReddyCo-TeACheR:

Sanjay RaoCo-TeACheR:

Ravi Alladi



time: 7:30-8:30 pm / every 2nd monday of the month

bALA vIHAR LOCATIONS 2008-2009danvIlle: Los Cerritos middle school

968 Blemer roadsaturdays 4:30 pm Contact: meena kapadia – (925) 680-7037

san jOse: lincoln high school555 dana avenue sunday - session I-9:00 a.m., session II-10:30 a.m. Contact: uma – (650) 969-4389

fRemOnt: washington high school38442, fremont blvd.saturdays 1:30 pm Contact: lakshmi prakash – (510) 490-1266

SaN JOSEChoir sessions are held every alternate sundays between 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.

venue: sandeepany / san Joseteachers: Prema sriram, Jaya krishnan, and Jayashree ramkumarContact: Poornima dilip: [email protected]

Those who are interested in joining the choir as vocalist or musicians may please contact Ranjani at the address above.

DaNvillEChoir sessions are held once every two weeks, saturdays at 2:30pm - 3:30p.m.

venue: LosCerrosMiddleSchool968BlemerRoad SanRamon,CA94582teacher: shailaja dixit / Contact: shailaja at 925-309-4837

Those who are interested in joining the choir as vocalist or musicians may please contact Shailaja at the above number.


Choir is held weekly on saturdays, 12 noon - 1:00 p.m.venue: Washington high school / Fremontteachers: Natana Valiveti and rajashri iyengarContact: Natana at [email protected]

Those who are interested in joining the choir as vocalist or musicians may please contact Natana at [email protected]



swaranjali, Chinmaya Youth Choir, has produced 10 Cds containing 100 Bhajans, glorifying the Lord in many indian Languages. The Bhajans are rendered by 15

students of swaranaji, with devotion, an offering to the Lord as their contribution to the New Building Project.

The Choir is taught by Prema sriram, Jaya krishnan and Jayshree ramkumar. The Cd is entitled, Bhakti

rasamrutam, the sweet essence of devotion. All details on this Cd are posted on our web-site, This is a rare gift which is very inspirational and uplifting. The proceeds from the Cds will add to our Fund-raising

efforts. Thanks to all who contributed their time and talents to the production of the Cd.

Bhakti Rasamrutam(The sweet essence of Devotion)



San Jose: lincoln high school / every sundayContact: (408) 245-4915

Fremont: washington high school / every saturdayContact: (510) 490-1266

][KIdS' own MAgAzIne...


Parents...This is a monthly magazine published by Central Chinmaya Mission, Mumbai for Children. It is packed with stories, puzzles, arts and craft ideas, children’s contributions of essays, riddles, games, and much more. You can subscribe to it directly. The annual subscription is

$30 and you will receive it monthly by air. We suggest that you subscribe in your child’s name so your child will have the pleasure of receiving his or her own magazine from India.

Make your checks payable to Central Chinmaya Mission Trustand mail it to:

Central Chinmaya Mission Trust Sandeepany Sadhanalaya, Saki Vihar Road, Mumbai 400 072, India


] A Monthly SpirituAl of ChinMAyA MiSSion


Published by Chinmaya Chinmaya Mission, Madras.

It is Internationally acclaimed Publication filled with articles

and reports that are inspiring and educational.

Hindus living all over the world keep in touch with their spiritual

heritage through Tapovan Prasad.Annual Subscription by Airmail:

US$20 (12 issues)Make checks to Tapovan Prasad

Madras and mail to: No.2, 13th Avenue, Harrington Road,

Chetput, Chennai,600031, India.

our thanks to all our sponsor families who have continued to support us for many years and to all member

families who have found our programs to benefit their children thereby supporting us. We have room for more

sponsors and members. Please invite your friends to join the larger Chinmaya Family of the Bay Area.

CMSJ SPonSoRShIP . . . . . . . . . . Annual Contribution $500CMSJ MeMBeRShIP . . . . . . . . . . . Annual Contribution $200Chinmaya - Tej . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annual CT Sponsors $300Chinmaya - Tej . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annual Subscription $50(Receive Chinmaya-Tej only)

Tapovan Prasad


1. SelfUnfoldment2. Tattvabodh3. BhajaGovindam4. Atmabodh5. ManahShodhanam6. UpadesaSaram7. NaradaBhaktiSutra8. MeditationandLife9. BhagavadGitaIntroduction–Ch.1&210. Jnanasarah11. Kenopanishad12. Gita,Ch.3–613. Dyanaswaroopam14. KaivalyaUpanishad15. Gita,Ch.7–916. IsavasyaUpanishad17. Gita,Ch.10–1218. BhaktiSudha19. Gita,Ch.13–1520. MundakaUpanishad21. Gita,Ch.16–1822. SatDarshan23. Vivekachoodamani

Scheme of Study for Chinmaya Study Groups, US

Vedanta Study groups held in the Bay Area are listed in this issue of Chinmaya Tej and you may contact

them if you wish to join a Study group.


Community Outreach Program


Seva Opportunities

SAN JOSeAre You Willing to Volunteer or Just sponsor the Program?

if yes, please call krishna Bhamre: (408) 733-4612 or e-mail [email protected]

We need VoLUNTeers for preparing and servinghot meals for the homeless. Lunch bags are prepared at

Los Altos Community Center. All Youth volunteers are required to sign up with krishna Bhamre.

meals For The homeless Program: served at san Jose’s emergency housing Consortium at orchard drive off

Curtner Avenue (Adult & Youth Volunteers & sponsors).

FReMONTFremont BV sponsors sandwiches For The Needy.

on the 2nd saturday/Washington high school in Fremont.Parents of Bala Vihar and the kids prepare 70 sandwiches,

bag them and provide chips, fruit and juice. The sandwiches are delivered to the Tricity homeless

Coalition, where they are served to adults and children.The shelter is located on 588 Brown road, Fremont, CA

in addition, last Christmas, Fremont Bala Vihar donated new blankets, sweaters, sweat shirts, and infant warm clothes etc.

to the homeless at the shelter.


Vedanta Study GroupSadult SeSSionS

Concord: Bhagavad Gita, Ch. 6 Sevak:VipinKapadiaContact:MeenaKapadia(925)680-7037 Time:7:30p.m.(Wed.)

Cupertino: Bhagvad Gita Q&A Sevak:SreeharshaContact:RamMohan(408)255-4431 Time:7:30pm(Thur.)

Fremont: Viveka Chudamani Sevika:PriyaBathejaContact:PriyaBatheja(510)490-1926 Time:7:30pm(Mon.)

LosAltos: Self-Unfoldment Sevak:UmaJeyarasasingamContact:RuchitaParat(650)858-1209 Time:7:30p.m.(Wed.)

LosGatos Jnana Sara Sevak:SatishJoshiContact:Tiwari(408)234-7815 Time:8:00p.m.(Fri.)

Milpitas Bhagvad Gita, Ch.18 Sevika:UmaJeyarasasingamContact:SumaVenkatesh(408)263-2961 Time:7:30pm(Tue.)

MountainHouse: Self-Unfoldment Sevika:PadmajaJoshiContact:PadmajaJoshi(209)830-1295 Time:8:00p.m.(Wed.)

Satsang with Br. Prabodh Chaitanyaall events are from: 8:00-9:00pm

1st Friday of each month: baljit & prakash bettadapur, san jose, Ca 95124

text: Upadesa Saara • ph: (408) 369-8315

2nd Friday of each month: geetha & sanjay Rao, evergreen

text: Drg Drshya Viveka • ph: (408) 532-6461

3rd Friday of each month: sweta & jnana dash, almaden valley

text: Drg Drshya Viveka • ph: (408) 268-5056


SanJose: Self Unfoldment Sevak:RaviKawContact:NancyKaw(408)251-4725 Time:8:00pm(Thur.)

SanJose(LHS) Bhagvad Gita Sevak:SreeharshaContact:Sreeharsha(408)446-9823 Time:3:00pm(Sun.)

SandeepanySJ Vedic Chanting Sevak:SubbuVenkatakrishnanContact:MallikaSubramanian(408)245-4915 Time:6:55pm(Thur.)

SanRamon: Bhagavad Gita, Ch 3 Sevika:SireeshaBalabadraContact:SireeshaBalabadra(925)804-6102 Time:7:30p.m.(Wed.)

Saratoga: Kindle Life Sevika:KalpanaJaswaContact:KalpanaJaswa(408)741-4920 Time:10:30am(Thur.)

Sunnyvale: Kathopanishad Sevak:SatishJoshiContact:RohiniJoshi(408)730-2596 Time:8:00pm(Wed.)

RedwoodCity: Bhagvad Gita, Ch. 4 Sevak:SreeharshaContact:SunilJeswani(650)364-1074 Time:7:30pm(Fri.)

WalnutCreek: Bhagavad Gita Ch. 2 Sevak:VipinKapadiaContact:RakeshBhutani(925)933-2650 Time:9:30am(Sun.)

All classes held weekly unless otherwise stated

Prabodhji's Classes at Sandeepanymondays & wednesdays: 10-11:30 a.m. Yoga Vasishta (Continued)

tuesdays & thursdays: 6:30-7:30 a.m. Mundaka Upanishad (Beginning)

tuesdays & thursdays: 7:30-8:30 p.m. Vivekachoodamani (Beginning)

saturdays: 6:30-8:30 a.m. Mundaka Upanishad (Beginning)

Prabodhji's Classes at Bala Vihar Locationsfremont: saturdays 1:45 p.m. Bhagavad Gita, Ch 1 (Cont'd)

danville: saturdays 4:45 p.m. Vivekachoodamani (Cont'd)

san jose: session 1 Bhagavad Gita, Ch 8 (Cont'd) session 2 Panchadashi, Ch 4 (Cont'd)


Swami Tejomayananada’s Itinerary

Spring 2010

Date Location/event phone

Apr20-25 Jakarta,Indonesia (62-21)314-4058

Apr27-28 KualaLumpur (60)12277-2401 Malaysia

Apr30-May10 ChinmayaMission (91-22)2857-8647 Sidhabari [email protected] Mumbai (91-1892)234325

ChinmayaTapovanTrust [email protected] Kolwan,Pune (91)976-372-3824

ChinmayaVibhooti [email protected]

Jun1-6 ChinmayaAshram (91-230)246-5073 Kolhapur

The knowledge that the Pratyagatman is Paramatma is real knowledge. This knowledge is the real sacred thread, yajnopavitam.

To be in an uninterrupted awareness of Paramatma[your true Self] is real Brahmanatvam [abidance in or oneness

with Brahman or God].

The sacred thread is a sign of this awareness. The inner awareness is permanent. The external thread is ephemeral.

~ Swami Chinmayananda

Join the Chinmaya Family as SPONSORS… We invite you to join our Sponsorship program so that you can help us to promote, sustain and continue to teach adults and children, alike, the Hindu Dharma which is our Heritage. Chinmaya Mission began its service to the Hindu Community some 20 years ago in the Bay Area.We are funded by public contributions. Your contribution, as a Sponsor, goes towards the operation of Sandeepany. Many families who are taking part in the various classes that we offer to adults and children, have enrolled themselves as Sponsors. They enjoy many benefits and become an integral part of the spiritual family at Sandeepany. Sponsorship is an annual contribution of $500 per family. The donation is tax deductible and can also be paid bi-annually, quarterly or monthly.

What Do Our Sponsors Receive?

• They enjoy all the classes offered at Sandeepany Schools for adults and children.

• They will receive the journal, MANANAM and the bi-monthly Newsletters:Chinmaya Tej and CMW Newsletter.

• Sponsors are invited to attend Weekend Retreats held periodically at Sandeepany.


Your contributions to United Way can now be designated to Chinmaya Mission San Jose (United Way I.D. No 212100). The Mission is enrolled to receive such contributions with

United Way Agency in Santa Clara.

Chinmaya Family would like to thank you for your support.

If travelling South on 101 Take Guadalupe Expressway Exit Then go past the airport about two (2) miles and get off at Park Ave. exit

At the bottom of the ramp, and at the light, make a right turn

If travelling South on 280 Take the Meridian North Exit Go to Park Ave. and make a right turn

If travelling South on 880 Take the 280 exit to San Jose Get off at the Meridian North Exit Go to Park Ave. and make a right turn

If travelling South on 680 Get off at Race Street Exit At the bottom of the ramp, at the light, make a right turn Go to Park Ave. (3rd light) and make a rightD





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chinmaya Mission San JoseSandeepany San Jose

1050 Park Avenue San Jose, CA 95126

Ph. (408) 998-2793 Fax (408) 998-2952

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage

PAID Piercy, CA