Children’s Dentistry At Our Children’s Dentist Melbourne Clinic

Children’s Dentistry At Our Children’s Dentist Melbourne Clinic

Transcript of Children’s Dentistry At Our Children’s Dentist Melbourne Clinic

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Children’s Dentistry At Our Children’s Dentist Melbourne


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Many parents and caregivers still believe the children's dentistry starts with the appearance of the first teeth, usually at 6 months of age. But as

any respected children's dentist will recommend, children's dentistry starts at birth perhaps even

before birth; pregnant mothers should undertake regular dental examinations for cavities and gum diseases as well as eat a balanced healthy diet for

the sake of their unborn children's good oral health at a young age, among other purposes.

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Of course, best children's dentistry services are also intended to enhance the smile of kids from 6 months to 17 years of age,

thus, contributing to their good oral health in adulthood.

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Getting Reliable Information

The first, not to mention the most important, benefit of having a specialist who practices children's dentistry (i.e., paediatric dentist) is in getting information about:

• Proper dental hygiene habits for kids from 6 to 17 years old

• Appropriate dental procedures necessary for remedying issues like overbite, underbite, and crooked teeth as well as cavities, cracks, and gaps in the teeth

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Both aspects of dental care can be discussed in depth by the best children's dentist - Healthy Smiles. With proper daily

dental hygiene habits and regular dental procedures, as discussed below, your child will have a healthier, brighter,

and prettier smile!

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Adopting Daily Dental Care Habits

The foundation of children's dentistry is in the adoption of daily dental hygiene habits among the children. Parents obviously have a direct hand in their children's adoption of these habits while for kids who are unable to wield a toothbrush, direct parental intervention is a must.

These proper daily dental hygiene habits include:

• Avoidance of sharing of personal items like toothbrush, spoons, and other utensils so as to lessen the risks for transmission of oral bacteria among kids and adults

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• Cleaning of the teeth on a regular basis to prevent bacteria build up. In babies with their first teeth, a clean cloth or a sterile cotton gently wiped on the surface will suffice.

• Brushing of the teeth should start at about 2 years of age. In children's dentistry, kids are also educated about the proper method of brushing their teeth from the amount of toothpaste to the motions required.

• Not letting kids go to bed with a bottle in their mouth especially when it contains milk formula or a sugary liquid like juice. Otherwise, the risk for cavities increases.Experts in children's dentistry, however, agree that breastfeeding before bedtime is alright.

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Indeed, the good dental hygiene habits that adults have adopted as part of their routine started with their parents' and dentists' dedication to abiding with the principles and practices of children's dentistry.

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Remedies for Teeth Issues

Despite the abovementioned precautions, nonetheless, children can face dental issues requiring the services of the best children's dentist Melbourne residents have on their phonebooks. These issues and their possible solutions include:

• Cavities, which can be remedied with bondings and white fillings

• Underbite and overbite, which can be resolved by braces

• Decayed teeth, which can be extracted and, if necessary, replaced with dentures

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Truly, parents and caregivers who care about their children's and wards' oral health are well-advised to seek the services of a specialist in children's dentistry! Not only will it be to their advantage (i.e., lesser hassles in dealing with dental emergencies) but it will contribute to their children's good health in the present and future.

Get in touch with us for your children’s dentistry needs TODAY.

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