Children’s Club Grades 4 - 6s+Club... · Children’s Club Grades 4 - 6 ... correction, for...

1 Children’s Club Grades 4 - 6 A ministry of Southern View Chapel Springfield, IL All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 2:16-17

Transcript of Children’s Club Grades 4 - 6s+Club... · Children’s Club Grades 4 - 6 ... correction, for...


Children’s Club

Grades 4 - 6

A ministry of Southern View Chapel

Springfield, IL

All Scripture is inspired by God and

profitable for teaching, for reproof, for

correction, for training in righteousness; so

that the man of God may be adequate,

equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 2:16-17




Information for Children:

One way to show your love for God is to read the Bible. We want to

encourage you to read your Bible a little bit each day. This book has a

few verses to read and then a question or activity to help you think about

the verses. Your class will discuss the verses at the midweek meeting.

Your book will be checked by the teachers at our midweek meeting.

You will receive a mark for every week that you finish all 5 lessons.

The memory verses are for you to learn. You may say a memory verse

every week that we are studying that book of the Bible. Your teacher

may give you extra opportunities to say the verses.

The schedule has places for your teacher to mark the verses you say!

Information for Parents:

These are daily devotional books for school children from first through sixth grade. Our hope is that the

expository style will guide the children and their family through the Bible as in an overview course. A

child who completes all 6 books will have studied through most of the Bible twice. The version of the

Bible used is NASB – New American Standard Bible.

There are 3 books A, B and C. Each book has 2 levels. The upper level is for grades 4-6 and the lower

level is for grades 1-3. Both levels cover the same passage of Scripture. These books were prepared for

the children to do at home, preferably with their parents, as an aid for daily time in the Bible. We also use

this material for the Midweek teachers to teach the children a lesson. The children are asked to bring the

book with Day One through Day Five completed. We allow the children to finish a lesson at church

since time is limited after school.

The “Name” COVER page is put on the outside of the 3 ring notebook for identification. The title page is

put in the front of the notebook with the schedule on the back. Various years we have added a note to the

parents or other information about staff or any concerns of the parents. We have also put this material

into spiral bound books for the children, but we found that bringing them to church each week caused a

lot of wear and the spiral bound pages came loose.

We hope this material aids you in teaching God’s Word to your children. Please talk to the elders or

teachers if you have any questions.


week of lesson memory verse



Luke 6:27-31







7 8

2 Tim 2:15


9 10

11 12

1 Cor. 10:12-13 13



15 16

2 Pe. 3:13-14 17



19 20

2 Thess. 2:16-17 21



23 24

Romans 8:38-39




27 28

29 30

Acts 10:34-35


31 32

33 34


35 36 37

Heb. 12:1-2






42 43

John 3:14-18








John 14:1-6






WEEK 1 - LUKE 1:1 - 2:16

DAY ONE -- Read Luke 1:1-4

Luke wrote this book. He writes to a man named Theophilus. The emphasis of Luke’s book will

be to show the human side of Jesus.

Luke states his purpose for writing the book in verse 4. Write the purpose below.


DAY TWO -- Read Luke 1:5-6, 13, 16-17

We read about a couple, Zacharias and Elizabeth, who were godly Jews. An angel says they’ll

have a son. He will serve God in a special way. We know him as John the Baptist.

Write the two things about what John the Baptist will do from verses 16-17 below.

(v. 16) 1. ____________________________________________________

(v. 17) 2. ____________________________________________________

DAY THREE -- Read Luke 1:26-33

Elizabeth’s cousin is Mary. God sends an angel to Mary to tell her of her future son. He, too, is

special. He will be God’s Son, Jesus.

Verses 31-33 list things about Jesus. Write one thing per line that’s listed about Jesus from these

verses below.

(v. 31) 1. _______________________________________________________

(v. 32) 2. _______________________________________________________

(v. 32) 3. _______________________________________________________

(v. 32) 4. _______________________________________________________

(v. 33) 5. _______________________________________________________

(v. 33) 6. _______________________________________________________


DAY FOUR -- Read Luke 2:4-7

Joseph and Mary need to travel to Bethlehem for a census to be taken. Verse 5 uses the phrase

“in order to register”. While they are there, Mary has baby Jesus.

Describe how and where Jesus was born as a human.



Would you expect the Son of God to be born like this? _________________________

DAY FIVE -- Read Luke 2:10-16

Shepherds are with their flocks near Bethlehem and an angel talks to them about Jesus’ birth.

Verse 14 tells us that Jesus’ birth gave God ___________________________________

Draw a picture of Jesus’ birth and birth place.


WEEK 2 - LUKE 2:40 - 5:11

DAY ONE -- Read Luke 2:40-49

Mary and Joseph traveled with a large group to Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover. Passover

celebrated when death “passed over” the Jews in slavery in Egypt and Pharaoh freed Moses and

the Jews. Jesus was in the temple when his parents found Him.

Using verse 49, answer the questions below.

1. What was Jesus doing in the temple? _____________________________

2. How do you know He was God’s Son from this verse?


DAY TWO -- Read Luke 3:3, 15-16

Jesus is 30 years old now. John (the Baptist) talks of “One is coming who is mightier than I”,

meaning Jesus. John has been preaching about God and people needing forgiveness.

When we ask God (or others) for forgiveness, it’s saying we’re wrong and need to turn away

from that sin and not repeat it, as best we can. Another word you could use is “repentance”.

Write the two things that you say or do when asking for forgiveness or repenting of a sin.

1. __________________________ 2. __________________________

DAY THREE -- Read Luke 3:21-23

Jews tried to follow the law of Moses and offered sacrifices for their sins to be made right with

God. John the Baptist was baptizing Jews who understood that they were sinners and needed to

be forgiven. They believed (had faith) in God, repented, and then were baptized. Jesus goes to

be baptized at the start of His ministry. Was Jesus a sinner in need of forgiveness? No way! He

did that as an example for us to follow. God wants believers to be baptized. It’s a public way to

show you are a believer.

Circle “Yes” or “No” to the following questions.

1. Does baptism save you from your sins? YES NO

2. Should believers be baptized to obey God

and show publicly they are believers? YES NO


DAY FOUR -- Read Luke 4:1-8,13

Here is a great example of Jesus’ victory over Satan. Jesus faces temptations from Satan. Jesus

knows what it’s like to be tempted. Jesus is more powerful than Satan and gives us that power,

too. Go to Him in prayer for strength to resist temptation and do what’s right.

Notice how Jesus stood against Satan. He quoted from the Bible. The Bible gives us all the

information we need to know to live a life pleasing to God.

Write what you know the Bible says on these examples of temptations we face below.

1. You are tempted to lie about something you knew was disobedient. The Bible

says _______________________________________________________ .

2. You are tempted to call someone mean names. The Bible says


3. You are tempted to steal someone’s neat looking pen when they aren’t looking.

The Bible says ________________________________________________

DAY FIVE -- Read Luke 5:1-11

In these verses we see Jesus’ authority. He performed a miracle to show His authority over

nature. The men caught more fish than their nets could hold. Then He showed His authority

over men, when He called them and they left everything to follow Him. Jesus said those men

would no longer be fishermen of fish, but would be fishermen of men. That meant they would

learn to be witnesses for God and be used by God to bring men to Himself.

Find and circle the words in the puzzle below.




WEEK 3 - LUKE 5:17 - 7:10

DAY ONE -- Read Luke 5:17-25

The friends of this paralyzed man were very persistent in getting him to see Jesus. Why?

Because they believed Jesus could heal their friend. Jesus praised their faith. Jesus forgives the

paralyzed man’s sins and he’s healed. Why did Jesus do that? Verse 24 tells us: so we’d know

Jesus has the power and authority to forgive sins. This showed people He was fully God, for

only God can forgive sins and heal.

What do you know about Jesus after reading these verses? Fill in the answers below.

Who is He? ____________________________________________________

What two things did He do for the paralyzed man?

1. _________________________ 2. _________________________

Why did Jesus heal the paralyzed man? ____________________________

Who was glorified by this event? ______________________________

DAY TWO -- Read Luke 6:27-29

Jesus has recently chosen twelve men to be His disciples. They would be His students and He’d

teach them throughout His three year ministry.

Jesus teaches them about revenge and having enemies. We should love our enemies. That’s

hard! We want to hate our enemies and get back at them. But God says to love them and be

kind to them. We can do this only with God’s help.

Finish the following statements.

1. I could love/be kind to someone who pushed me out of line by:


2. I could love/be kind to someone who grabbed my toy out of my hand by:


3. I could love/be kind to someone who is talking behind my back to others by:


DAY THREE -- Read Luke 6:34-35

Jesus tells believers to be generous and share. Don’t just share with those who will always share

or give something back to you. Do it to everyone. Don’t expect something in return. Just share

and be generous because God wants you to share. Think of all the things you have because of

God’s generosity.


Cross out the WRONG ways of sharing and being generous. (on the next page)

ok, I’ll give you this pencil; now what will ok, you can have this

you give to ME? pencil

ok, I’ll let you use my notebook, I’ve got ok, you can have some of

plenty for both of us my candy, IF you let me

go first!

DAY FOUR -- Read Luke 6:47-49

The believer is on solid ground, or a solid foundation. The storms or problems in life don’t

knock believer’s off that foundation. The unbeliever is knocked down by problems because they

aren’t on a solid foundation.

Draw the two kinds of houses and how they stand up or fall when storms/problems come.

House on rock House on sand

DAY FIVE -- Read Luke 7:2-3, 6-10

A centurion was a Roman soldier in charge of 100 men. He must have heard about Jesus and

believed who He was. His servant is sick and the centurion sends elders of the Jews and his

friends to Jesus for help.

Answer the questions.

1. What did the centurion say happens when he gives orders to a soldier?


2. What did he think Jesus could do? _______________________________

3. From this event, what do you know about how important belief is instead

of doubting God can do something?



WEEK 4 - LUKE 8:49 - 14:6

DAY ONE -- Read Luke 8:49-56

Here is another example of a miracle by Jesus. This time Jesus brought a girl back to life. Why

did He do it? To show He was the Son of God, to bring God glory, and to strengthen the father’s

faith in God. Verse 50 says that Jesus told the father to not be afraid, only believe and she will

be made well. Wow! Put yourself in the father’s position. Faith is very important. It makes a

big difference if we trust God or if we don’t trust Him.

God brings good things and bad things into our lives to do the same things He did with the man

in today’s story. Write below the 3 things listed above that good and bad things show.

1. _____________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________

DAY TWO -- Read Luke 11:1-4

Jesus gives us a wonderful example of prayer. He prayed to God the Father a lot. So should we.

Jesus teaches us how to pray. “Hallowed be Thy name” means to treat His name as holy. We

should have respect and reverence for God. “Thy kingdom come” means we look forward to

God’s kingdom. Next Jesus asks for daily bread. Bread is a general word for food. We should

ask God for our daily nourishment. Jesus then asks God for forgiveness. We should do this each

time we sin. Next Jesus prays “help us to forgive others”. Be thankful that your sins are

forgiven by God and forgive when someone asks you to forgive them. Lastly, Jesus asks God to

keep them from situations that would cause them to sin. God does not tempt you, but if you look

to Him for help he can give you the strength to resist sin (and temptation).

Prayer is very important to having a close relationship with God. This is not the only example of

prayer in the Bible, nor does it cover everything we can or should pray about. But it gives us a

good start. Answer the questions below as if you pray like this.

1. How often do you pray? _____________ Could you pray more often?

2. What attitude should you have about your daily food & clothing?

3. What is your attitude about forgiveness for yourself and forgiving others?


4. What is your attitude about being in a tempting situation? ___________________

DAY THREE -- Read Luke 11:5-13

These examples Jesus gives us are still about prayer. God wants us to be persistent keep on

coming to Him). Don’t just pray once about a need, but we should bring it to God again, and


again later. Also, God (our spiritual Father) will only give us things that are good for us. WE

think we know what’s good for us, but we don’t always. We don’t know the future, or if what

we ask for is the best thing to happen. God sees and knows

1. List all the things we CAN’T ask God for in prayer: _____________________

What answers does God give to our prayers? __________, __________, __________

2. List the areas in life that God CAN’T help you with: _____________________

3. What is it about prayer that you are thankful for? ________________________

DAY FOUR -- Read Luke 12:16-23

The rich man in today’s story thought that gaining more “stuff” in life was most important. He

thought he was doing pretty good, because he had a lot of things and stuff. God says that riches

in this life are nothing when compared to eternal life in heaven. What should we make as most

important? ...our spiritual life. Care for your spiritual life most of all!

Circle the words/phrases that deal with taking care of our spiritual life below.

reading the Bible playing ball going to church

prayer getting a job looking for ways to serve others

saving money to buy a toy being generous loving others

DAY FIVE -- Read Luke 14:1-6

The Sabbath was the Jewish day of rest. The Sabbath was on Saturday – the last day of the

week. Men had made many rules about all the things that you couldn’t do on a Sabbath. God

said don’t work, because He rested on the seventh day of creation. But men took that to the

extreme. They said you could only walk so far on a Sabbath, you couldn’t bake, weave two

threads together, light a fire, or carry something from one house to another. Many things were

considered work. Jesus showed that His work is more important than human rules. He said

healing, which was considered “work”, could be done.

What happened when the Pharisees let rules become more important than people?



WEEK 5 - LUKE 15:11 - 19:10

DAY ONE -- Read Luke 15:11-21

This is commonly called the parable of the prodigal son, or lost son. Sinners are like the son that

took the inheritance and left home and wasted the money and lived carelessly. God is the Father,

who forgives and brings back the sinners with love. God desires His children to live for Him and

have their sins forgiven. Even when you sin now, and feel badly, remember that God loves you

and will forgive you if you ask Him to. No matter what you did, He will forgive you if you are

truly sorry.

1. What did the lost son do that made the father accept him back home? ____________

2. What do you need to do to get forgiven by God? _______________________

3. What should our attitude be when we have sinned and need to ask God to

forgive us? ____________________________________________________

DAY TWO -- Read Luke 16:10-13

God gives us money and things as blessings. We should use them wisely. We should not live

FOR money and things, but to be thankful for them and use them in ways that honor God. God

tells us here that if we are wise with a little, He will give us more to use wisely. Your parents

may give you small jobs around the house and see how you do with the responsibility of getting

the jobs done. Then, as you get older and show responsibility, you are given more to do, and you

are trusted more.

1. How can I be responsible with jobs at home?

a. don’t wait until I’m reminded 5 times to get it done; and do a good job at it

b. put it off as long as possible

c. get my sister to do it for me

2. How can I be responsible with someone’s toy they loaned me?

a. throw it in my room, and play with it later

b. put it in a safe place and use special care playing with it

DAY THREE -- Read Luke 16:19-31

Being rich doesn’t mean you’ll be more godly than a poor person. Jesus shows that in today’s

parable. Lazarus, the poor man, depended on God. The rich man depended on his riches.

Lazarus goes to heaven, the rich man goes to hell. Jesus points out another truth in this parable.

People then and today say that they need a “sign” or a miracle to prove there’s a God, and THEN

they’ll believe in Him. Well, Jesus tells us that even when someone was raised from the dead,

people didn’t believe in God. They wouldn’t then, and they won’t today. Asking for a sign is

just an excuse for their disbelief.

1. If you are a believer, why are you going to heaven? ________________________

2. Does the amount of money you have make any difference to whether you’ll be

saved or not? _______________________________


DAY FOUR -- Read Luke 17:3-6

To “rebuke” someone means to challenge them about what they are doing, pointing out they are

disobeying God. We should help each other by pointing out when we sin. We all need to be

reminded and challenged sometimes about our actions and words. It’s like having your sister or

brother remind you of the family rule on something when you break it. They are saving you

from getting into more trouble by stopping you from breaking the rule. If the believer asks for

forgiveness, then forgive him. Jesus said forgive him again and again and again. “7 times 7” is

another way of saying lots and lots and lots of times you are to forgive if someone asks for

forgiveness. That’s hard to do. Why? Because sometimes people don’t act like they are sorry,

but we can’t judge their hearts.

That’s why the disciples said “increase our faith!”.

Using the words below, fill in the blanks.


1. We are to ______________________ someone who asks to be forgiven.

2. To forgive someone 7 times 7 means to forgive them _______________ of times.

3. ____________ forgave us when we were His enemies. We are to forgive others the

same way.

4. It’s _________________________________ to forgive again and again sometimes.

4. Like the disciples, we should pray “Lord, increase our ______________________”

DAY FIVE -- Read Luke 19:1-10

Zacchaeus was a tax-gatherer, or collector. He would collect more money in taxes than he was

supposed to collect. Collectors would give the government the tax they collected, and keep the

extra for themselves. So tax-collectors were not liked by most people. Zaccheus wants to see

Jesus and ends up having Jesus at his house for a meal. Zaccheus turns from his ways, and says

he’ll give back the extra money he wrongly took.

1. Did Jesus stay away from sinners? _________________________________

2. What did Jesus say He came to do?



WEEK 6 - LUKE 19:29 - 22:62

DAY ONE -- Read Luke 19:28, 33-40

This is called Palm Sunday. It’s the day Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem. In a few days He

would be crucified on the cross for our sins. Many people have come to the city from the

surrounding area to celebrate the Passover feast. The people are very excited and shout “Blessed

is the King who comes in the name of the Lord; Peace in heaven and glory in the highest”. They

praise Jesus for all the miracles He’s done and call Him the Messiah.

The people didn’t really understand what Jesus came to save them from. They were looking for

a military king to lead them out of Roman slavery. That is NOT what Jesus came to do. The

crowds were excited this day, but soon they will call for His death.

Put the events below in order as they happened.

____ Jesus said if the people didn’t shout, then the stones would shout for Him

____ The disciples get a donkey (colt) for Jesus to ride on.

____ The people spread out their garments for the colt and Jesus to walk on.

____ The Pharisees told Jesus to stop the people from shouting about Him.

DAY TWO -- Read Luke 21:1-4

Jesus teaches that giving money for the church to use and give to its needy members is

important. Jesus gives an example of two different attitudes. The rich man gave money, but had

plenty left for himself. A poor woman gave all she had to the church. Jesus said the woman was

a far greater giver than the rich man, because of her sacrifice and attitude about money. God

wants us to give from a cheerful desire to give from the blessings He gave you. Should we give

all our money to the church and not have anything to live on? No. We are to be responsible with

what God gives us. But are we to give only a tiny bit to the church and keep the most for toys

and clothes and lots of extra stuff? _____________ Write the attitude we should have when it

comes to giving money in an offering to the


DAY THREE -- Read Luke 22:1-6

The Pharisees are still looking for a way to get rid of Jesus. They didn’t like the fact that the

people liked Jesus. They wanted people to follow them and the law like they had been doing.

They wanted to stay in control of the people. Satan enters Judas, and Judas betrays Jesus for

money. God is sovereign, in control. This wouldn’t have happened if God had not allowed it.

1. What did Judas gain from betraying Jesus to the Pharisees? _________________

2. What did YOU gain by Jesus dying on the cross? __________________________


DAY FOUR -- Read Luke 22:14-23

Jesus and the disciples are together having the Passover meal. Jesus has them each take some

bread and pass it around. Then they take some wine and pass it around. This is what we call the

Lord’s Supper, or communion. It was shortly after this meal that Jesus was taken and later

crucified. Jesus wants us to take bread and wine (a lot of churches use grape juice instead) and

eat it remembering what Jesus sacrificed and why He did it. Communion is a time to be

thankful for His death to save you from your sins.

Answer the following questions.

1. What did the wine, or grape juice, stand for? _______________________________

2. What did the bread stand for? ___________________________________________

3. What should our attitude be when we take communion? ______________________


DAY FIVE -- Read Luke 22:54-62

Earlier, Peter wanted to fight those who were arresting Jesus and Jesus said “no”, it must happen.

But He told Peter then that Peter would deny Jesus 3 times before the night was over. To “deny”

means to say you didn’t do or say something. Peter was afraid, yet didn’t want to leave Jesus.

He followed Jesus and the soldiers that took him. Peter was questioned by people in the area and

was afraid to be connected with Jesus. But after denying Jesus 3 times, he wept bitterly. That

shows how sad Peter was that he had denied being Jesus’ friend.

Circle “Yes” or “No” to the following questions.

1. Did Peter deny Jesus because he hated Jesus? YES NO

2. Did Peter deny Jesus because he was afraid? YES NO

3. Peter was sorry, would God forgive him? YES NO

5. Does fear have to get control of you sometimes? YES NO

6. Can we go to God for strength when we are afraid? YES NO


WEEK 7 - LUKE 23:1 - 24:53

DAY ONE -- Read Luke 23:1-7

Jesus is taken to Pontius Pilate, the Roman in charge of the area. The Jews couldn’t kill someone

legally unless the Romans said it was alright. The Jews wanted Pilate to say they could kill

Jesus. Pilate gave Jesus to Herod for him to decide what to do.

Look at verses 2 & 5. They give the reasons the Jews thought Jesus should be killed.

1. Are the reasons true about what Jesus said and did? YES NO

2. Are the reasons good enough to kill someone over? YES NO

3. Was Pilate doing a good job as leader here? YES NO

DAY TWO -- Read Luke 23:14-24

Herod couldn’t find anything bad enough to put Jesus to death either, so he returns Jesus to

Pilate. So Pilate says he’ll punish Jesus. That meant he’d have Jesus whipped. But the crowd

yells for Him to be crucified (hung on a cross until He died). Pilate gave in to the crowd and

permitted Jesus to be crucified.

Answer the questions below.

1. Did God know what Pilate would do? YES NO

2. Could the people have been able to come up with a

true reason to kill Jesus? YES NO

Why? _______________________________________________________

DAY THREE -- Read Luke 23:39-43

Two true criminals were also hung on crosses by Jesus. One of them understands who Jesus is

and asks to be remembered by Jesus. Jesus tells him he’ll be in paradise that day.

Write what we learn about Jesus from what the believing criminal said about Him below.

verse 41 - ________________________________________________________

verse 42 - ________________________________________________________

verse 43 - ________________________________________________________


DAY FOUR -- Read Luke 24:1-9

The women go to the tomb to finish preparing Jesus’ body for burial. They were rushed after He

died on Friday to get Him in a tomb, because Saturday was their Sabbath and they couldn’t work

on getting the body completely ready to be buried on that day. So here they are, bright and early,

and there’s no body -- the tomb is empty! An angel tells them He is risen from the dead, as He


Jesus told them what would happen earlier, but neither the women nor the disciples understood

it. But now they are reminded of Jesus’ words, and see that Jesus did as He promised.

Write how the following people might have felt that morning.

1. The women when they first arrived at the tomb and found it empty: _____________


2. The women when they see two angels and are told Jesus is risen: ______________


DAY FIVE -- Read Luke 24:44-53

In the verses before these, Jesus shows Himself physically to the disciples and spends some time

with them. He then reminds them of some teachings He had said before about His death and

resurrection. He then tells them they are His witnesses and need to go to all nations telling

people about Jesus and salvation. Then Jesus left them and they went to their homes rejoicing

and praising God.

Believers are God’s witnesses, too. We can read in the Bible all about God and what He did for

us. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins and give us eternal life with Him in heaven.

Believers are to tell others about God, just like the disciples. Some travel to other countries as

missionaries. Some tell others in the United States or in their home towns. No matter where you

are, you can be a witness for God. You witness by your words: telling about God. You also

witness by how you live and how you act. If you live to honor God, your life shows others that

you love God.

Be a good witness for God. Don’t act like a believer only when you’re at church. Be a believer

at school, in your neighborhood, at church, at home, everywhere.

What are at least 3 things about God that you could tell someone who isn’t a believer?

Write more things if you can.

1. ________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________


WEEK 8 - II TIMOTHY 1:1 – 2:3

DAY ONE -- II Timothy 1:1-4

This book of the Bible is one of the epistles. An epistle is a letter written to a person or a church

in a certain city. This is written to Timothy, who was pastor of a church in Ephesus. This is

Paul’s second letter to Timothy.

1. Who wrote the letter? _________________________________________________

2. There are 3 times Paul shows how special Timothy is to him. Write them below.

a. (v. 2) to Timothy, ____________________________________________

b. (v. 3c) I constantly _____________________ __________________________

c. (4) _________________________________________________ to see you

DAY TWO -- II Timothy 1:5-7

To have "sincere" faith is to have faith that is not hypocritical. To be hypocritical is to say one

thing and do another thing. Our faith should be sincere, true to what we say and do. Paul goes on

to say God gives us a spirit of power (strength to obey even unto death), love (agape love,

self-sacrificing for others without expecting a reward) and discipline (self-control). Don't forget

that when you FEEL you can't obey God ... you CAN.

Put an "H" by the statements that are hypocritical, and "S" by the ones that are sincere.

____ you say you won't cheat on a test, but cheat when playing a board game later

____ you say people shouldn't hurt others, but you yell and call someone names

____ you say people should be kind, and you offer to help your mom or dad at home

DAY THREE -- II Timothy 1:8-12

Paul reminds Timothy of the many wonderful things God has done and will do for him and us.

God saved us, not by anything we did. God is accomplishing HIS purpose, our salvation through

faith in Jesus Christ. Paul also mentions his role in serving God as a preacher, an apostle and a


Paul has suffered because of his faith in Jesus Christ. At the time he wrote this letter, he was in a

prison in Rome because he was a Christian and wouldn't stop preaching the gospel. Paul is not

ashamed of the gospel, and even if it meant physical pain, he would not act as if it weren't

important and not share the gospel.

Finish v. 12. "...for I know whom I have believed and I am convinced



__________________________________________________________________ ."


DAY FOUR -- II Timothy 1:13-14

People all along have changed God’s Word to make it how they wanted it to be. Paul is

encouraging Timothy to keep the sound words of the Bible and guard the treasure of God’s

Word from these people. We should never change God's Word. Every word is there for a

purpose and each word is chosen by God for us. Paul is encouraging Timothy to not allow

people to pull other people away from the truth of God's Word.

Write in the words missing from the following phrases to show how serious Paul was and how

precious God's Word is.

1. "...______________________________________________ (keep) the standard of

sound words (healthy doctrine; true doctrine)

2. "____________________________________________ (preserve, protect), through

the Holy Spirit who dwells in us...

3. "...the __________________________________________________ (God's truth/

gospel) which has been entrusted to you."

DAY FIVE -- II Timothy 2:1-3

Paul wants Timothy to "be strong". That means "be empowered". We should rely on God to

strengthen us. As pastor, Paul wants Timothy to teach some faithful men God's Word, who then

in turn will teach other men.

Having a pastor to teach the people at church is very important. Having believers teaching other

believers is important too. We can learn from many different people at church.

Check below all times that you can be at church and learn from teachers at our church:

____ Sunday morning worship service

____ Sunday School

____ Sunday evening worship service

____ Wednesday night kids club

____ Wednesday night service

____ Men’s’ Thursday morning breakfast Bible study

____ Ladies’ Tuesday morning Bible study


WEEK 9 - II TIMOTHY 2:4 – 23

DAY ONE -- II Timothy 2:4-6

Being a believer takes hard work and effort at times. Growing to be like Christ doesn't happen

overnight, or without some growing pains, learning lessons, etc. But it can be done because God

gives us the ability to change to be more like Him. Paul uses 3 pictures to get his point across to

Timothy (and us) that work and self-discipline is needed to obey God.

Match the word "picture" to what it means below.

farmer he is disciplined and obeys without

questioning his commander

athlete is hardworking to get crops in, weeded

and harvested

soldier he trains diligently and is self-controlled

and has endurance

DAY TWO -- II Timothy 2:7-10

We see the words "for this reason" in v. 10, so we need to look at what Paul just wrote to find out

what the "reason" is. Paul reminds Timothy of the basics of the gospel, that Christ died and rose

from the dead and that God told the disciples and apostles to tell the gospel to the world. So

Paul, even though in prison while writing this, is encouraged that God is spreading His truth.

Paul is even willing to endure physical pain and discomfort to be a part of that work.

Circle the correct answers.

►1. Paul was suffering in prison because he:

a. spread the gospel b. was speeding on his camel c. changed his name from to Paul

►2. Paul was willing to endure suffering because:

a. he was bored anyway b. others may obtain salvation c. he was crazy

►3. Paul knew that with salvation came:

a. a gold watch b. a certificate c. eternal glory

DAY THREE -- II Timothy 2:11-14

Paul makes four points in this quote. One is if we have died with Christ (given our will to Him to

control) we will live with Him (in heaven). Second, if we endure (suffer for doing good and

keep on doing good), we will reign with Him (in heaven). The third is if we deny Him (say we

don't want to believe in Him), He'll deny us (we’ll not to go heaven) and the other is if we are

faithless (not a faithful believer in God), God is still faithful. Once you are truly saved, you will

be saved. But being disobedient is not wise or desired by God. These are good things to keep in

mind; God cares greatly about our actions. (continued on next page)

Check the things that are examples of either giving our will to God, or of suffering for doing

good and continuing to do good.


____ You were laughed at because you didn’t lie

____ You weren’t picked for the team because you won’t cheat

____ You were teased because you befriend a lonely child

____ You got your name on the board because you were noisy

DAY FOUR -- II Timothy 2:15-19

We're told to be "diligent" in presenting ourselves to God. That means to work hard at, don't

wait, be zealous. We should live so that if God took us to heaven today, we would not be

ashamed of how we lived for Him. We should handle God's Word accurately. That means

know it, don't change it, do what it says and teach it correctly to others. Don't forget God sees

all we do and knows all we think about. Don't say or do things that would make you ashamed.

Fill in the missing words from verse 15 below.

"Be ___________________________________________ to present yourself

_____________________________ to God as a _________________________

who does not need to be __________________________________________ ,

_______________________ handling the Word of _________________________ ."

DAY FIVE -- Read II Timothy 2:21-23

If we pursue (go after) certain qualities, we can be used by God for His purposes of honor and

every good work.

Write the things we are told to pursue in verse 22 below.

1. _______________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________


WEEK 10 - II TIMOTHY 2:24 – 3:7

DAY ONE -- II Timothy 2:24-26

God's children (believers) should be known by their behavior. We are not to behave like the

world behaves: 1) with no regard for others and 2)living for themselves and 3) leaving out God.

We are to be different and act like Christ wants us to act.

Below are the qualities mentioned. Write the letter of the quality beside an

example of that quality being shown to others.

a. kind to all

b. not quarrelsome d. patient when wronged

c. able to teach e. with gentleness correcting those who are against you

____ You don't argue when dad says to do something for him, even though you are busy at

the moment

____ You help someone in your class at school with math that they don't understand

____ You think of something you can do to help your sister or brother and do it before

they ask you to

____ You don't call someone names because they are teasing you and won't stop

____ You nicely explain the rules to someone who is doing it wrong, and argues with you

about it

DAY TWO -- II Timothy 3:1-5

This is quite a list of qualities people can have. These are the opposite of how God's children

are to be. There have been, and always will be, people like this. When we come across them,

Paul tells us in v. 5b what to do.

Write what we're to do regarding those kinds of people on the lines below.

" and ______________________________________________________________


DAY THREE -- II Timothy 3:6-9

People like those listed in verses 2 - 5 do not know or understand God's truth. They think they

know, but they don’t. Two men Moses dealt with are mentioned as an encouragement for

Timothy in dealing with men like these who may try to get into the church. Timothy must fight

for the truth and not back down and not let false teachers come in to teach error in the church.

Verse 9 tells us "they will not make further progress"...God will not allow them to totally ruin

His Word. He is still in control of everything, and though for a time He may allow some false

teachers to seemingly be successful, they will eventually be stopped by God. Our pastors are to

protect the people in their church from these false teachers. Write your pastor's name below and

pray for him that he would continue to teach God's truth to us and stand firm against falsehoods.

DAY FOUR -- II Timothy 3:10-13


Paul described the ungodly and now starts with the word "but". He is contrasting something by

starting out that way. In contrast to the ungodly, he wants Timothy (and us) to be godly in

behavior. In particular, Paul points out how our behavior should be in times of trials and

hardships. He says all who want to live in a godly way will suffer persecutions. Why? We are

different from the world and have God's power to change and not live according to our sinful

natures as they do.

Find and circle the words in the puzzle below that Paul uses in verse 10 to describe how we

should follow his example.





Timothy 3:14-17

Something we can count on is God's truth. When people talk about God and how to live for

Him, we all need to check everything against the Bible. For people have and always will try to

get their own ideas in and pass it off as God's Word. Always check what you hear with the

Bible. And then only follow what's in the Bible.

Verse 16-17 tells us we can count on the Bible because it is literally from God. Every word was

chosen by God to be put in there for a reason. God inspired men (told them somehow exactly

what to write). They physically wrote it, but they wrote only what God wanted them to. Then

Paul tells us what the Bible is to be used for.

Write below what we can use the Bible for.

- it's profitable for: _______________________________________












WEEK 11 -- II TIMOTHY 4:1 – 22

DAY ONE -- II Timothy 4:1-4

Paul is encouraging Timothy to stand firm for the truth of God and not preach just what men may

want to hear. God's truth isn't always what our sinful nature wants to think about. We don't

always like hearing about our faults and things that we do wrong and need to change. Believers

know they need to hear and try to grow anyway, even if it's hard. Unbelievers don't; "they want

their ears tickled."

Write how Timothy (or any one) should preach the word (v. 2):

- r_________________________________________________________

- r_________________________________________________________

- e_________________________________________________________

- with g_________________________ p__________________________

- and i_______________________________________________________

DAY TWO -- II Timothy 4:5

Verse 5 starts with the word "but". But what? But you don't turn away from the truth and just

want your ears tickled! In contrast, be sober in all things. That means be sensible. Paul

encourages Timothy to preach the gospel and God's truth and by that fulfill his ministry. That's

what pastors do...teach God's word to the people of that church.

Write your pastor’s name below and pray for him that he would stand firm for God's truth and

teach it to all of us.


DAY THREE -- II Timothy 4:6-8

Paul knew as he sat in prison, that his life was near the end. Instead of feeling sorry for himself

or having a lot of regrets and "I wish I hads", he felt he had done what he could in God's strength

to obey God. You get a picture of athletes again in v. 7 where he says he fought the good fight

and finished the course. Paul's service to God was one of discipline, obedience, and a

God-centered focus, similar to what athletes need to have to be successful. He ends the verse

with "I have kept the faith". Again, he stood for the truth and didn't back down or change it

because people didn't like what they heard.

There is reward for those who are obedient to God. Write what Paul looked forward to.



DAY FOUR -- II Timothy 4:17

Notice Paul doesn’t take the credit for his service to God. Paul knows and tells others that it was

God at work in him, that enabled him to preach. Do you realize that you were made special by

God and all your abilities are from God? Use them for His glory and tell others about Him and

what He has done for you.

Fill in the blanks below.

1. Who stood with Paul through everything? ____________________________

2. What did the Lord do for Paul to help him accomplish what he did?


3. What did Paul accomplish? That the Gentiles _______________________

4. The "lion's mouth" probably referred to troubles like Daniel had in the lion’s den.

How did God help Paul out of the lion’s mouth?


DAY FIVE -- II Timothy 4:18-22

These are Paul's closing words. There is no later writing from Paul. He looks to God for taking

him away from all the problems he's encountered in these years of ministry. He sends final

greetings to a few people that must have been close to him. In the last verse, he ends with a good

thought to leave his readers with..."the Lord be with you." That's something every believer can

hold on to and rest assured in.

Write below what Paul wrote in 18b:


___________________________________________________________ Amen.


WEEK 12 - I CORINTHIANS 1:1 - 3:3

☼DAY ONE -- Read I Corinthians 1:1-3

Paul writes to the church in the city of Corinth. He calls the believers there “those who have

been sanctified.” “Sanctified” means “set apart by God” as His possession, to serve Him and

give Him glory (honor). Paul then goes on to say they are set apart for God just like believers

“in every place who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Believers everywhere are to

serve God and give Him glory. “Grace” and “peace” are only from God to believers.

1. Who do the church and believers belong to? ____________________________

2. What does ‘sanctify’ mean? _________________________________________

3. What are we ‘set apart’ to do? _______________________________________

☼DAY TWO -- Read I Corinthians 1:4-9

Paul reminds believers that we are saved and are a part of God’s family ONLY because of God’s

grace. Then he goes on to say that God gives us things to show Christ in our lives. God

changes us and blesses us out of His grace and love, NOT because of anything we did ourselves.

1. What is Paul’s attitude toward God when thinking about God’s grace towards us?


2. Who should get the credit for our salvation and blessings? ______________

3. What should our attitude be toward God? ________________________

☼DAY THREE -- Read I Corinthians 1:10-13

Believers we should not fight or argue or quarrel with each other. They should be working

together as a church body. Unity is working together as one. Our faith in God brings us

together. The Corinthians were starting to put their trust in men instead of God. Paul reminds

them it’s Christ who died and paid the price for their sins, not men; and it’s Christ who makes

believers part of God’s family, not men.

Use the following words to fill in the blanks below.


1. Believers shouldn’t fight and argue, but work __________________ in peace and unity.

2. We are saved from our sins and become part of __________ because of what Jesus did,

not anything we did or could do.

3. __________________________________________ means working together as one.


☼DAY FOUR -- Read I Corinthians 1:29-31

God’s plan to save us from our sins was no accident. We do NOTHING to be saved but accept

to take the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. That way no one can boast, or be proud

about what THEY did to be saved.

What IF we DID do something to earn our salvation? Answer the following questions as if we

did do something to earn our own salvation.

1. Would it be hard to be completely thankful for God for salvation if you

had to work for it? YES NO

2. Would you have complete faith in God when you had to help Him by

earning your salvation? YES NO

3. Could God be in control of everything (sovereign) if YOU had the

power to save yourself or not? YES NO

But God made it so our salvation is NOT EARNED by us, but is a free gift out of His love and

grace! How wonderful He is, how thankful we can be!

☼DAY FIVE -- Read I Corinthians 3:1-3

Paul compares believers to babies. A new believer is like a newborn baby who can’t eat solid

food yet, so gets food by drinking milk from a bottle. New believers get spiritual food by

learning about God from reading the Bible and hearing sermons and lessons at church. As

believers grow, they can handle more. Babies start eating solid food as they grow. Believers

grow by learning more, serving God more and being more obedient to Him, and so on. Paul said

the believers at Corinth were not growing. They were still like babies in their faith. They

weren’t learning to love each other more, be at peace more, forgive more, and so on. Believers

should put into action what is learned from the Bible, and keep on learning more. Keep reading

the Bible, keep hearing God’s Word taught at church, and with God’s help you can put what you

learn into action and live for Him. It’s exciting to grow in our knowledge of God and our love

for God and our service for God! Don’t be satisfied with barely knowing who God is.

Fill in the blanks below.

1. God gives us the understanding and makes us grow, but He says WE need to do

something to grow. What is it?


2. Can we grow as believers without reading the Bible? ________

3. What is a sign that you are growing as a believer? ________________________


WEEK 13 - I CORINTHIANS 3:11 - 10:31

DAY ONE -- Read I Corinthians 3:11-14

Christ is our foundation. Our faith is built on Him. Like a house has a base, or foundation, and

is built upon it, so Christ is the base, or foundation, for believers. He is the only true God and

the only one in whom you can trust for salvation from your sins. We put our faith into action

when we obey God’s commands and grow as believers. Paul uses the pictures of gold and silver

and precious stones to represent the good things we do with our lives for God, giving Him our

best. The wood, hay and straw represent the things we do for Him that aren’t our best. God is

pleased by the good we do.

1. Would we love and serve God as much if He wasn’t our only foundation in life? ____

2. Which would you rather offer to God and be rewarded for: gold or straw? _________

3. Which do you think pleases God more: gold or straw? _______________

DAY TWO -- Read I Corinthians 6:19-20

Believers have the Holy Spirit living inside. Believers need to take care of themselves and not

sin with their body. So we don’t get drunk, we don’t use drugs, we don’t dishonor God by what

we do, we dress appropriately, and try to honor God by all we say.

1. What should you do if you are asked to drink alcohol or try drugs with other kids?


2. Why does God care what you do with your body? (see verse 19)


DAY THREE -- Read I Corinthians 9:23-27

The Christian life is compared to a race. Paul says that to run a race you need to be self-

controlled. You eat right and get rest and train and practice. In the Christian life, you need to be

self-controlled. You eat right (feed on the food of God’s Word), you rest (take care of your

body, the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit), you train and practice (put into action what you

know God wants you do). The prize is being forever in heaven with God.

Find and circle the following words in the puzzle below.












DAY FOUR -- Read I Corinthians 10:1-12

Paul uses the Israelites of the Old Testament to use as an example of God’s discipline. Paul says

the Jews had blessings from God (verses 1-5), but they sinned and were disciplined for it (verses

6-10). We can learn from their wrong-doing. God disciplined in the Old Testament times, and

He disciplined in the New Testament times and will continue to do so until this world is no more.

Write below what the sins of the Israelites were (using verses 6-10):

1. _________________________________ 4. _______________________________

2. _________________________________ 5. _______________________________

3. __________________________________

Verse 12 tells us not to get too proud that we won’t sin like the Israelites did. We all have sin to

deal with, and don’t think you would never do a certain sin. You might if you aren’t on your


DAY FIVE -- Read I Corinthians 10:13

What a comfort this verse is to believers! There is NO temptation that you can’t resist. When

we are tempted, we see a chance to sin and have to decide whether we’ll give in and sin or resist

and not sin. God will provide a way so you don’t have to give in to the temptation to sin. God is

faithful. That means you can count on Him to be there for you and that He’ll never change.

He’ll never leave you helpless to and unable to resist temptations. But don’t forget, He gives us

choices to make...we choose to sin or not sin.

Write ways you could resist the following temptations and not sin.

1. Kids around you are jumping on and off of furniture and you know no one is supposed

to be doing this. How do you resist the temptation to join in on what looks like

fun, but is wrong?


2. Kids around you are starting a game you want to play, but your parents have said to

get ready to go home with them. How do you resist the temptation to start playing

and disobey your parents? __________________________________________

3. You have homework to do but neighborhood kids want you to play now. You know

you won’t have time later that evening to do your homework. How do you resist the

temptation to skip your homework and get a bad grade at school for not doing your



WEEK 14 - I CORINTHIANS 10:23 - 13:5

DAY ONE -- Read I Corinthians 10:23-24

Paul tells the Corinthians (and us) that not all activities are profitable, or beneficial to us. Not all

activities edify, or help others do good. We need to look at activities with that in mind, and

choose activities that ARE helpful and good for us and others. Verse 24 reminds us to put the

needs of others over our own. That’s a way to show love to people.

1. You can go to the park, but your friend’s parents said they can’t go. What do you do

to show love? ____________________________________________________

2. You can go for a bike ride, but your friend can’t. What do you do to show love?


3. God is pleased when we _____________________________________________

DAY TWO -- Read I Corinthians 10:31

The reason behind our actions should be glory to God. Giving God glory is praising

Him for His characteristics and giving Him honor and being thankful to Him for all He’s done

and will do. We can praise God and in our speech and prayers. We give God glory by doing

things that would please Him. Actions like forgiving, showing kindness, sharing, being

generous, and so on bring God glory because we do those things out of our love for God. We

want to share those qualities of God with others. Actions like lying, stealing, name-calling,

anger, and so on DON’T bring God glory.

1. How could you give God glory and honor when you are doing chores at home?


2. How could you give God glory and honor when you are playing a game with others?


DAY THREE -- Read I Corinthians 12:11-12, 14-18

God has given each believer certain abilities that are to be used for His glory in the church. The

gifts are things like wisdom, the ability to teach, showing hospitality, and so on. They are to be

used in the church to serve and minister to fellow believers. The church is like a body which has

different parts. When all the parts are doing their job (service), then the body works best. Giving

the same abilities to everyone would be like a body with too many eyes, or too many ears. ALL

of us have important abilities we can use to serve God.

God designed the church to work in this way.

Even though you are young what area or areas of service in the church do you think

you might like to try someday?



DAY FOUR -- Read I Corinthians 13:1-3

This is a wonderful chapter on love. As we go through the next few lessons, we will see that the

love of a believer is different from the love of unbelievers. Believers are changed spiritually and

can show God’s love to others. God changes us to love His way. So don’t look to the world for

examples of love to follow, look only in the Bible to see God’s love.

Today’s verses show that we could have beautiful words to say, have great knowledge and faith

to move mountains, or give much to the poor and even give up our lives, BUT with love...these

are nothing. The word love used in this chapter, is the Greek word “agape”. Agape love is a love

that sacrifices without wanting something in return, putting others ahead of yourself. Showing

love to others is a way to bring God glory. How? By showing your life is changed by the one

true God. We receive great joy when we love God’s way.

1. What must happen in your life to show God’s love to others?


2. Why can’t we follow the example of love in unbelievers?


3. Who is glorified when we show God’s love to others?


DAY FIVE -- Read I Corinthians 13:4

Love (agape) is defined in verses 4-8. First, love is patient; being patient means being able to

wait for God to change a situation or person. Love is kind; doing nice things for others. Love is

not jealous. When you love someone, you don’t get mad that they got a new toy and you didn’t.

Love does not brag or act proud. Love doesn’t put SELF first, but puts OTHERS first. Loving

this way is not easy at times. But that’s where your faith in God helps. Pray that you could

show these qualities of love more in your life. Pray when you feel like getting mad or getting

revenge, or being proud of yourself. Pray that God will help you resist the temptation to sin and

that He’ll give you the strength to show love. He will! You can love God’s way by keeping

your focus on God, not on yourself. Showing God’s love to others is very rewarding because

you are pleasing God with your actions.

How could you show love to someone …

1. … who grabbed your backpack at school and threw it on the ground?


2. … who is not liked by a lot of kids and gets teased a lot?


3. … who just got the toy/game you have wanted for a long time?



Find & circle these words.










WEEK 15 - I CORINTHIANS 13:5 - 16:14

DAY ONE -- Read I Corinthians 13:5

Paul continues describing what love is and is not. Love does not act unbecomingly, or rudely.

How might someone act rudely? They might ignore people when they talk, act like a snob, be

disrespectful, and so on. Love doesn’t act that way. Love is not selfish, and doesn’t seek its

own. Love shares and puts the needs of others ahead of self. Love is not provoked, or easily

angered. Love is understanding, forgiving, patient. Love doesn’t remember every wrong and

doesn’t remind others of the wrong they did. If someone asks you to forgive them, you forgive

them and don’t bring up their wrong to them later.

How could you show love when …

1. …there is one piece of cake left and your brother wants some too?


2. … someone keeps annoying you and you start getting angry?


DAY TWO -- Read I Corinthians 13:6-8

Love doesn’t rejoice in evil, but in the truth. Love isn’t glad when evil is being done, but

rejoices only in the truth and godly things. Love protects, trusts, hopes and endures. Love never

fails, or ends. Love is eternal. There is never a time we don’t need to show love.

1. When do you not have to show love to others? ________________________

2. When we show love to others, who is really being shown? ___________

DAY THREE -- Read I Corinthians 15:51-53

The rapture is an event that will happen sometime in the future. The believers will rise and meet

Jesus in the clouds to go into heaven. We will be given glorified bodies; bodies that will not

have problems with them and will last forever. How wonderful!









DAY FOUR -- Read I Corinthians 15:58

Paul encourages the believers to be steadfast, standing firm in their faith. Not swayed by false

teaching, rather using God’s Word as the only source to learn about God and life. Our service,

or work, for the Lord is “not in vain.” This means our work or service has purpose and is

helpful. There is nothing worthless about serving God! God is pleased and glorified by our

serving Him. Our service for God may not seem to affect others, but we can’t see how things

work out, and how others benefit from our serving, so keep at it.

How do you stand firm in your faith and be steadfast? By growing and learning more and more

about God and His Words and having your faith grow.

1. Who is our focus to be on? _________________________________________

2. Why isn’t our service or work for God in vain, or worthless? ________________


3. What can you do this week to be more firm, or steadfast, in your faith? ________


DAY FIVE -- Read I Corinthians 16:13-14

Paul is at the end of his letter to the Corinthians. He tells them in these verses to be on guard, or

alert. On guard or alert for what? That they are doing God’s will, obeying God’s commands and

living for God. Again, Paul encourages them to stand firm in their faith. All through the ages

men have been around false religions made up by other men. We need to know God’s Word and

stand up for the truth and not be swayed by false teachings.

Paul says “act like men.” He wanted them to grow in their faith and not stay like a baby.

Remember, back in chapter 3, where Paul said that as babies in faith they needed milk, but as

they grew they needed meat? Remember that “meat” was a deeper understanding and increased

knowledge of God’s Word. Paul ends by saying to do all in love..

1. Does it make any difference how much you read and learn and understand God’s

Word?__________ Why? How does it help us? _____________________________

2. If you’re a believer, what difference does it make if there are false teachings in the

world around us? _________________________________________________

How can they affect you? ___________________________________________

3. What’s wrong with staying a “baby” believer most of your life? ________________


4. What can you do to grow up from a “baby” believer to a more mature believer?


WEEK 16 - II PETER 1:1 - 9

DAY ONE -- Read II Peter 1:1-2

II Peter is a second letter written by Peter probably to be passed around many churches. Peter

says he is a bond-servant, or slave, and an apostle of Jesus Christ. He's writing to believers who

“received a faith". The word "received" means the faith was given by God's sovereign choice. He

chose you, you did not earn your faith. In verse 2 Peter says "grace and peace to you". The

grace and peace are from the knowledge of God. That knowledge isn't just knowing facts; it's a

personal, close relationship with God.

1. Did you earn your faith by doing good works or did God give it to you?


2. Is "knowledge of God" in vs. 2 knowledge of facts, or a personal relationship?


3. How will God's "grace and peace be multiplied" to us?


DAY TWO -- Read II Peter 1:3-4

Verse 3 reminds us that in that personal, close relationship with God, we have been given

everything we need to live a godly life. Do you have a question about how to handle a situation

in your life? Look in the Bible. Do you want to know how to get closer to God? Look in the

Bible. Do you want to know how to react as God wants you to? Look in the Bible. Through

God's glory and goodness He gave us His great promises of eternal life in heaven and hope for

Christ's return. Those promises enable us to grow to be more like Christ and escape the hold of

sin in the world around us. God has done so much! What did we do to deserve God's blessing?


DAY THREE -- Read II Peter 1:5-6

Peter give us a list of qualities that we all need to work hard at, "applying all diligence." They

will strengthen our faith and make living for God easier and make escaping the corruption in the

world (verse 4) easier. God doesn't just tell you to live pleasing to Him without telling you how

to do it and giving you things to work on to accomplish it. He also gives you the Holy Spirit so

you have the power to do it. To our faith add:

1. moral excellence - that's 'goodness'; doing the right thing at all times

2. knowledge - knowing God from the Holy Spirit and reading and studying the Bible

3. self-control - having your passions and desires under control. Control your temper,

mood, desires for material things, etc.

4. perseverance - that's not giving up when things get hard.

5. godliness – becoming like God. This should be our goal as believers.

Write one of the qualities you could improve on and write one way you can work on it.



DAY FOUR -- Read II Peter 1:7

Peter finishes his list of qualities we could all grow in. They are as follows:

1. brotherly kindness – that’s an active, practical caring for others. Look for needs people

have and ways to help others and then do it!

2. love - that's the Greek word "agape". This is the love God shows us when He saves us.

Looking for the highest good for others, and sacrifice what you want to let

them have something is agape love. It's means not expecting anything in return,

and loving when they don't even deserve it.

Write below one of the qualities you could improve on and then look for ways to work on it.



DAY FIVE -- Read II Peter 1:8-9

Peter reminds us of the importance of pleasing God with our lives. If we are working on those

qualities listed in verses 5-7, and they are increasing, then we'll be useful to God and have a

fruitful life. God can do a lot with us when we are putting Him first and changing little by little

to become more like Him.

Fill in the missing words below using verse 8.

There are two things our lives will be if we are growing in our life with God:

1. ________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________


WEEK 17 - II PETER 1:10 – 2:11

DAY ONE -- Read II Peter 1:10-15

Peter wants us all to be sure we are truly saved and believers in God. Some people may say they

are, but not really believe. Some may think they are but don't want to live life pleasing to God.

They want to live how they want and then get to heaven. Peter wants us to be confident that God

called us (chose us to be saved) to be His children. We show that we believe and love God by

living to please Him more. If we're not, we might be spiritually blind and forget who God is and

what He has done for us.

Circle the correct answer to each question below.

1. Peter wants everyone to be sure they are

a. hungry at dinner time

b. truly saved and believe in God

c. going to church every Sunday

2. You cannot live life however you want and then show up at church and get to

a. eat donuts

b. sing in the choir

c. heaven

3. If you are living to glorify (bring honor) to God, then you will work on

a. building up your muscles

b. the qualities listed in verses 5-7

c. dieting

DAY TWO -- Read II Peter 1:16-18

Peter explains that the gospel is not a story or tale that men made up. But they were telling what

they actually saw and heard from Jesus. Peter, James and John were privileged to see Jesus

transfigured into His true glory as a taste of how we'll see Jesus in heaven. And in verse 17 he

tells us what God said about Jesus. It was more proof Jesus was who He said He was. Peter uses

a word that means he saw something first-hand. Write it below.


DAY THREE -- Read II Peter 1:19-21

Not only was Peter an eyewitness of Jesus and heard proof that He was God's Son, but here he

says we have the written word from the prophets of the Old Testament as proof, too. Verse 21 is

important! Nothing written in the Bible is what a man happened to write or make up. Every

word was written by God using men to actually write it down. He inspired them to write. The

Bible (the written Word of God) is referred to as something shining in a dark place. Write what

it's referred to as below.



DAY FOUR -- Read II Peter 2:1-3

Sadly there have been, are now, and will be in the future, men who try to bring falsehoods and

lies into the church. We need to be alert and on our guard against such men and their teachings.

We need to compare all things we hear about God to the Bible and make sure it's what the Bible

really says. God will judge them eventually for their spreading of lies.

Check one of the two statements below showing someone being alert for false teachers and their

destructive teachings:

____ check all the teacher teaches according to the Bible

____ assume because they are a teacher they must be teaching the truth about God

DAY FIVE -- Read II Peter 2:4-11

In these verses Peter gives examples of God's judgments and deliverances. Peter compares

God’s judgments in the past with assurances that He'll judge men today and in the future, also.

The fallen angels that followed Satan were judged, the men on earth at the time of the flood were

judged, and God will judge the false teachers too. Peter says God rescued Lot from the evil

cities he lived in, and assures us God will rescue us from temptations too. Verses 10-11 say that

the false teachers criticize and talk arrogantly about heavenly beings.

Connect the person or group to the correct judgment or rescue.

fallen angels reduced to ashes

(followed Satan)

Noah rescue from temptations

the cities of Sodom cast into hell

& Gomorrah

Lot kept under punishment

the godly rescued from unprincipled men

the unrighteous preserved in flood


WEEK 18 - II PETER 2:12 – 3:8

DAY ONE -- Read II Peter 2:12-17

Peter describes the false teachers. He says they are like creatures of instinct, following their

natural desires. They have no standard to live by but their own sinful natures. Peter goes on to

assure us that God will judge them, at some time. They are open with their sinful pleasures, but

they will be punished. We don't know why God allows this kind of person to continue

misleading others and telling lies about God, but He has a reason. All we can do is guard

ourselves against such men and rest assured God will judge them in His allotted time.

Circle the correct answer to the following question.

If you were being taught the truth from God’s Word, by all but ONE teacher,

would it be confusing or not confusing to hear different things by your teachers?


DAY TWO -- Read II Peter 2:18-22

Peter continues telling us about the false teachers and their road to destruction. He says they

think they're offering spiritual freedom but in fact they are enslaved to sin. They speak empty

promises. They have rejected the truth about Jesus and will be judged more harshly. Dogs and

pigs in the Old Testament were considered to be the lowest of the animals to the Jews. Peter

compares the false teachers to them. They are not to be believed. You can clean up a pig, but

he's still a pig. A man can dress nicely and talk nicely, but if he's a false teacher of God's word,

then he's still in great error and not to be listened to!

Circle "Yes" or "No" to the following questions.

1. Just because someone talks about Jesus, should we still compare what they teach to

what the Bible says? a. Yes b. No

2. Being wise and discerning means I use only what's in the Bible to base my faith on.

a. Yes b. No

DAY THREE -- Read II Peter 3:3-4

Mockers or scoffers are false teachers who deny Jesus Christ and His return some day. They

mock God and believers and ask 'where is the promise of His coming?'. The phrase "in the last

days" means the end of the church age.

Answer the following question.

What do scoffers deny?



DAY FOUR -- Read II Peter 3:5-6

Peter says the mockers deliberately forget God created our world and destroyed almost all life in

the flood. They ignore that God is active in our world, and they say He's not.

Unscramble the word below to finish the sentence.

The scoffers ignore the mighty Hand of God that creates life and can take it away.

God is active in our _______________________________________________ .


DAY FIVE -- Read II Peter 3:7-8

Peter assures us that judgment of the ungodly is coming. Fire is associated with Christ's return

and with the fire of hell. Peter reminds us that our time and God's time is different. No one

knows for sure when Christ will return. But Peter wants us to not forget, as the scoffers do, what

God promises us will happen.

Fill in the correct answers below.

1. Who is sovereign and in control of our world?


2. Who will judge in His time?


3. Who promises believers in Him heaven instead of judgment?



WEEK 19 - II PETER 3:9 – 18

DAY ONE -- Read II Peter 3:9-10

God is patient, not slow, in His timing of Christ's return and judgment. But Peter tells us that the

'day of the Lord', which refers to the rapture and the end-time events, will come like a thief. No

one knows when that day will be and no one will be able to predict it. It will be a surprise like a

quiet thief. In the end the earth will be destroyed and believers will go to heaven and unbelievers

judged and sent to hell.

The end-times is compared to something. Write it below.

a __________________________________________________________________

DAY TWO -- Read II Peter 3:11-12

After telling us a little about the end of our world and God's judgment on unbelievers, Peter asks:

What kind of life should we live? A life of holy conduct (actions) and godliness (being like

Christ). Don't put off doing what you know God desires of you until another day or month or

year. Since we don't know when He'll return, live for Him starting today.

Check the word/words below that would be 'holy conduct and godliness'.

____ living to please God

____ obeying God's commands

____ doing whatever I feel like doing, no matter what the Bible says

____ giving honor to God in my speech

____ giving honor to God in my actions

____ living differently from the worldly, who don't know God

DAY THREE -- Read II Peter 3:13-16

We are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth which God will make for us when the

time for this earth is over. The new heaven is a perfect, wonderful place with no sin or evil in it.

We'll be able to see God and worship Him there. Peter says while we're waiting for our time to

go to heaven, we should be diligent (or work hard at) living as God wants us to. Peter lists three

areas we can work on in verse 14. First God wants us to be at peace with Him by being sure we

are saved from our sins. Next we are to be spotless. That means live a pure life, staying away

from sin as much as possible. Finally we are to be blameless. That means to be morally clean.

So you don't lie, cheat, steal, be selfish, rude, nasty, mean, etc.

Who is the only one who can help you to live right as God wants? Write it on the line




DAY FOUR -- Read II Peter 3:17

Peter closes his letter with a warning in today's verse and an encouragement in tomorrows' verse.

He warns us to be on our guard. What are we to guard against? The false teachers who lead

people astray from the truth. We should never let our guard down and give in to falsehoods

about God and His word.

Fill in the sentence below.

We should always check what we hear about God using the ______________________

only and not men's ideas.

DAY FIVE -- Read II Peter 3:18

Peter's final words are ones to encourage us to grow. We grow in grace (God's unmerited favor)

by obeying God. We also are to grow in our knowledge of God. We are to read and study the

Bible to learn more about God and how He wants us to live. That word "grow" means to grow

continually. No matter how old you are, or how long you've been a believer, you should never

stop learning. The more we grow, the closer we are to God!

Answer "Yes" or "No" to the following questions.

1. Is prayer important to my getting closer to God?

a. Yes

b. No

2. Does God like it when we go a long time without reading and studying the Bible?

a. Yes

b. No

3. Can we grow very fast without reading the Bible and praying to God much?

a. Yes

b. No



DAY ONE -- Read II Thessalonians 1:1-4

Paul wrote this letter was written to the church in the city of Thessalonica. He tells us that

Silvanus and Timothy join him in his love and concern for the believers there. Paul is very

encouraged by the way the believers there are enduring trials and hard times and suffering

persecution for their belief in Jesus Christ. To endure means to stand firm despite hard times.

Paul was thankful for the Thessalonians’ strong faith. Answer the questions below.

1. What two things did Paul say he was thankful for in the Thessalonians in verse 3?

a. _________________________ b. _________________________

2. Do you get the idea that enduring hard times or persecution was easy? ______

3. What was it that helped the Thessalonians to endure? __________

DAY TWO -- Read II Thessalonians 1:5

Paul encourages the believers that enduring persecution showed their great faith and trust in God.

They were strong believers and an encouragement to others. God blesses those who endure.

Enduring suffering doesn’t make you worthy to get into heaven, only God’s grace does. Paul

says enduring shows others your faith and God’s work in your life.

Circle “YES” or “NO” to each of the following questions.

1. Do you think the suffering and persecution and hard times

those believers were enduring were because they were

doing RIGHT things to please God?

2. Is it hard to stand firm and keep on doing right, even when

others are giving you a hard time because you’re a believer?

3. Can you go to God for strength and help and comfort anytime

you feel persecuted?

DAY THREE -- Read II Thessalonians 1:6-8

Believers will face mistreatment even when they do what is right. God does not want you

getting back or acting like they do. He wants us to endure and be patient, relying on His strength

to get us through. These verses tell us without a doubt, those who persecute believers will be

judged by God. Maybe not until Christ returns, but we can count on it. God is just. The

enemies of God will be punished. Not getting back at someone calls for self-control. What

kinds of things can you do when you are being mistreated for being a believer and obeying God?

Circle the good ideas below.

deny you know God be quiet and take it not hang around

those hurting you

pray walk away without seeming to be bothered by them

control your anger act like they do to someone else





DAY FOUR -- Read II Thessalonians 1:9-10

These verses further describe the punishment for unbelievers who persecute God’s people.

Again, this judgment will come when Christ returns to earth in the future.

List the three things that will happen to unbelievers at their judgment from verse 9 below.

1. _______________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________

DAY FIVE -- Read II Thessalonians 1:11-12

Paul tells the Thessalonians that he prays for them that God would fulfill every desire they had to

serve God. What was the motivation to serve and do good deeds? To bring God glory, or honor.

That’s what the purpose is for all of us bring God glory.

Everything we do and say will show others whether we are believers or not. It’s very important

how you respond to things in life. The closer you are to God and the more you resist

temptations, the more God will be glorified. Sometimes we can hurt our witness to others by the

way we act and talk.

Finish the statements below.

1. What could you say to your parents when they tell you to do a certain job at

home, that would glorify (honor) God?


2. What could you do that would glorify God when kids you’re with talk about

hurting someone else’s feelings by saying mean things to them?


3. What could you do when asked by others why you go to church so much, that

would glorify God?




DAY ONE -- Read II Thessalonians 2:1-4

The subject being discussed here is called the tribulation period, or, as Paul wrote, “the day of

the Lord”. It’s a time period that will happen right after all believers are taken up into heaven by

Jesus. That’s called the rapture. After the rapture, for seven years, Satan will be in control and

will persecute any who become a believer during that time. Believers at the moment of rapture

will not have to go through that terrible time. Some false teachers were telling the Thessalonians

that the tribulation period was happening then. Paul assures them it has not come yet.

1. The _____________ is when all believers will be taken up into heaven by Jesus Christ.

2. The _________________________________________________ period is when

Satan will rule and persecute any who would become believers after the rapture.

3. The tribulation period will last for ___________________ years.

4. The _________________________________________ period is a terrible time for

those who will become believers in that time.

5. The ______________________ is a wonderful way believers will get to heaven.

DAY TWO -- Read II Thessalonians 2:6-7

Still talking about the tribulation period (seven years of persecution after the rapture) Paul tells

us that Satan is being held back right now by the Holy Spirit. Satan is working against God, but

Satan is being held under some control. At a future time the Holy Spirit will no longer restrain

Satan from doing his evil.

From what you’ve read yesterday and today, fill in the description of the tribulation period


WHEN: ____________________________________________________

HOW LONG WILL IT LAST: __________________________________


DAY THREE -- Read II Thessalonians 2:8-10

Satan uses a person to persecute believers during the tribulation period. This person is described

in verses 9 & 10. Verse 8 tells us that when the 7 years are over, that person will be destroyed

by the mere breath of God. God will allow all this to happen for a reason, but God is NEVER

overpowered by Satan. Write what you learn about Satan’s person using verses 9 & 10 below.

____________________________ ______________________________

____________________________ ______________________________


DAY FOUR -- Read II Thessalonians 2:11-12

We read of God’s judgment on those who rejected God and His Son, Jesus Christ. God will

allow them to follow Satan’s rule, and then they will all be punished. Although God is very

patient with people, and desires for all to be saved, He also gave us a free will and knows many

will reject Him. Don’t be fooled; God knows those who are His enemy, and they will be judged.

Where will those who rejected God be sent forever? Write it below.


DAY FIVE -- Read II Thessalonians 2:13-14

In contrast to the unbelievers who reject God, Paul turns back to the believers and is thankful for

them. He is thankful that God chose them to be His children from the beginning. All believers

should be thankful that God chose them by grace, to be His children. Salvation is a gift, it’s not

earned. Believers can look forward to eternal life in heaven with God.

Answer the following questions.

1. What did you do to deserve salvation (being saved from your sins)?


2. What did you do to be able to get into heaven for eternity?


3. What should you do OFTEN to God for all He’s done for you?




DAY ONE -- Read II Thessalonians 2:16-17

Paul has words of comfort for the believers: that God comforts, strengthens, and loves us. Those

things will never be taken away, and will always be there for us to call upon. We can get

through any rough time by leaning on God and His power. In everything we do and say, God

can strengthen us to endure anything.

1. How do you know that God will strengthen and comfort you?


2. When can you pray to God for comfort and strength?


DAY TWO -- Read II Thessalonians 3:1-3

Paul asks the Thessalonians to pray for him that he might be able to continue to spread the

gospel. Then he asks them to pray that he’d be delivered from enemies of God who teach false

things about God or plainly reject God. We all need encouragement when facing unbelievers

who mistreat us. Verse 3 is very comforting. The Lord is faithful and will protect us from the

evil one, Satan.

With God protecting you, loving you and providing for you, you need not feel left alone when

suffering mistreatment because of your faith. God is always there for you and will get you

through if you trust in Him and lean on Him.

1. Have you ever felt persecuted for being a believer? _______________________

2. What can you do, no matter where you are, to get comfort? _________________

3. What can you do to help other believers who are being mistreated for their

faith? __________________________________________________________

DAY THREE -- Read II Thessalonians 3:4-5

Paul is confident that the believers there would continue to trust in God and grow closer to Him

through all their sufferings. What a wonderful thing to result from suffering...getting closer to

God and growing in your obedience to Him. Often we don’t understand why bad things happen

to us. Sometimes we will never understand, but we need to know that everything that happens to

us is for God’s glory. When bad things happen, we either turn to God or turn away from God.

Hard times show us how much we trust God. We need to learn from hard times and grow in


Find and circle the words in the puzzle.





DAY FOUR -- Read II Thessalonians 3:6-7

Some at the church must have been misbehaving and they needed to be corrected. We should be

careful not to let believers continue to sin. The sinful behavior should be disciplined or

corrected. Paul says to follow his example. Paul obviously didn’t allow believers to keep on

sinning without challenging them. Neither should we.

God gives us examples to follow to help us learn how to live life pleasing to God.

Paul was an example to the Thessalonians. Who at our church would be an

example for you to learn from and follow? Name at least one, more if you can.

______________________________ ____________________________

______________________________ _____________________________

DAY FIVE -- Read II Thessalonians 3:8-9

Paul continues his talk about being an example to Thessalonians when he was with them. Paul

reminds them that he worked to help meet his own needs, and so should they. God wants us to

be good workers, and not be lazy. Paul, being an apostle, could have gone to the church and

asked to be taken care of while he was there. But he didn’t, so he could be an example to them.

What kinds of jobs or chores do you do at home?

______________ _____________ ______________ _______________

What kind of attitude should you have while doing those jobs?









DAY ONE -- Read II Thessalonians 3:10

Paul picks up on the idea of people not working when they should, and says again that people

that are able should work. Work is not an option. Being lazy does no good. No one can provide

for their family without working. Some must have been trying to live off of what the church

would give them. Paul says don’t take from the church when you could be providing for your

family yourself. Work keeps us going and makes us responsible.

1. If your dad didn’t work to support you and your family, do you think you could

afford to live where you do now?


2. If your dad didn’t work to support you and your family, do you think you’d eat

as well as you do now?


3. By working, we learn to be responsible for money, managing the bills, and

being thankful for what God provides. Would you miss out on these things if

you never worked?


DAY TWO -- Read II Thessalonians 3:11-12

This is an example of what happens when you are not being responsible and working. You get

undisciplined, lazy, and may become a busybody. A busybody is someone who’s concerned

about everyone’s personal business and usually gossips about others. When you aren’t busy

working, you have too much time to fall into temptation. God knows this, so He tells us to work.

Look up these verses from Proverbs and write what they have to say about work.

1. Proverbs 14:23 - ________________________________________________

2. Proverbs 19:15 - ________________________________________________

DAY THREE -- Read II Thessalonians 3:13

Paul encourages the believers not to get tired or weary of doing what is right. Often if we see

others not doing what they should, we don’t want to either. God wants us to keep on doing what

is right, no matter what anyone else around us is doing.

1. When someone at home is not cleaning up their dishes, and you’re told to clean up

your dishes, what should you do?


2. When someone else is not putting their toys and bikes away, like you all were told

to do, what should you do?



DAY FOUR -- Read II Thessalonians 3:14-15

Paul tells us that when someone in church will not obey God’s commands, then you are not to

socialize with them. They need to repent of their sins, and this is one way to discipline them.

But you are not to mistreat them, for they are not the enemy but a brother or sister in God’s

family. They need to be challenged about their behavior. The goal is to have them repent and

obey God.

Answer the following questions.

1. How do you know that God is serious about us obeying Him from these verses?



2. How serious should we take someone’s constant and deliberate sin?


3. What’s the goal of challenging the person sinning?


DAY FIVE -- Read II Thessalonians 3:16-18

Paul ends his letter with words of encouragement. He wants us in the church to work for peace

and unity. Work out the big problems, love and forgive the little problems.

Circle the correct answer to each question below.

1. Who should you be putting first when working out a disagreement or problem with

another person?

a. myself

b. the other person

2. What kind of words should you use?

a. mean, nasty, hurtful words

b. kind, loving, gentle words

3. What kind of attitude should you have?

a. a forgiving, loving, peaceful attitude

b. a selfish, proud, disagreeable attitude


WEEK 24 - ROMANS 1:1 - 2:11

DAY ONE -- Read Romans 1:1-7

The book of Romans was written by Paul and sent to the churches in Rome. Paul identifies

himself as an apostle to proclaim the gospel of God. The gospel is the good news that Jesus

(God’s Son) paid for our sins and we can have new spiritual life in Him. Verses 3-5 describe

Jesus and what we have through faith in Him.

Fill in what verses 3-5 say about Jesus and what we have as believers below.

1. Verse 3 - “born of a descendant of ___________________________________...”

2. Verse 4 - “was declared the _________________________ of God with power by

the ____________________________________________ from the dead”

3. Verse 5 - “through whom we have received ________________ and apostleship...”

DAY TWO -- Read Romans 1:15-17

The word gospel means “good news”. The good news is that we are saved from our sins by

Jesus and that by faith/belief in what He has done for us, we are promised eternal life in heaven.

Paul presented the gospel to Jews first in a city he would go to, and then present it to the Gentiles

(non-Jews). Salvation is open to anyone who has faith, Jews or Gentiles. God declares those

who believe righteous.

1. “Gospel” means 2. Salvation by faith is open to the

a. religious a. Jew and Gentile (non-Jew)

b. good news b. Jew only

3. When we have faith in God, He declares us

a. sinners

b. righteous

DAY THREE -- Read Romans 1:20-25

Paul tells us that the unbelievers, the unrighteous, deserve and will receive God’s wrath, or

anger. Verse 19 says God made it clear to men that He is God. Through creation all mankind

can see there is a God. But in their sinfulness they don’t honor Him or give thanks, but reject

God. Verse 23 says instead of worshipping God, they worship idols of their own making.

Answer the following questions using verse 25.

1. What did they exchange for the truth of God? ________________________

2. What did they worship and serve? ____________________________

3. Who is to be blessed forever? __________________________________


DAY FOUR -- Read Romans 1:28-32

God then judged those who rejected Him. He gave them over to their depraved minds and they

did all kinds of sins. Depraved means “not able to discern (tell) right from wrong”. Verse 32

says they not only do it themselves, but they give approval to others who sin, too. This is sadly

still going on today. All unbelievers have rejected the evidence that there is a God and are living

apart from God in their sin.

Fill in the blanks below.

1. Who have unbelievers rejected? _____________________________________

2. What shows all people that there is a God? _____________________________

3. What kind of mind did God give them over to? __________________________

4. What does the word “depraved” mean? ________________________________


DAY FIVE -- Read Romans 2:1-2, 9-11

Some people felt they didn’t live a very sinful life and so they wouldn’t be judged by God. But

they were wrong. Verses 9-11 tell us that those who practice evil, or do evil as a part of their

life, will have trouble and distress. Those who are saved will want to practice good as a part of

their life, and will receive glory and honor and peace. There are two kinds of people: those who

are believers (saved by faith in Jesus) who are changed and to whom God will give eternal life;

and unbelievers who reject God and will be judged for their evil.

Unscramble the words to complete the sentences below.

1. Anyone who does not put their faith in God ______________________________



2. There are two kinds of ___________________________________: believers and



3. Those who reject God will be _________________________________________ .



WEEK 25 - ROMANS 3:10 - 5:11

DAY ONE -- Read Romans 3:10-14, 19-20

Verses 10-14 are taken from the Old Testament. They tell us that no person ever born, or to be

born, will seek for God or will be right with God on their own. Why? All mankind rejects God

because of sin. The law of the Old Testament showed the Jews their sin. No one can be saved,

or justified by the law.

Answer “Yes” or “No” to the following questions below.

1. Without God, can anyone ever be righteous, or right before God? ____________

2. Without God, can anyone seek for God? ______________

3. Did the Old Testament law save people? ______________

DAY TWO -- Read Romans 3:23-24, 28

Paul reminds us that all mankind falls short of the glory of God. No one can be clean from sin,

except by faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus redeemed us (paid our ransom) from sin. That means He

paid a ransom to free us from slavery to sin. He freed us by His grace. You can do nothing to

get salvation. Many false religions and churches teach you earn your salvation by doing good

deeds, or works. How wonderful that God GAVE us our salvation for free! We don’t have to go

through life wondering if we’ve done enough good things to be saved when we physically die!

Explain in your own words what we do to be saved below.


DAY THREE -- Read Romans 5:1-2

“Justified” means “declare one righteous”. God saves us and declares us righteous, which

makes us at peace with Him. We were His enemies before being saved, but once saved we are

changed and have peace with Him. All we do is have faith. God does everything else.

Write the two things God does for us below.

1. ______________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________

Write the one thing we do below.

1. ______________________________________________________


DAY FOUR -- Read Romans 5:3-5

These verses tell us how to react to problems and troubles and sufferings. They say to “exult”, or

rejoice. Why? Because the problems and sufferings help us grow in our perseverance

(remaining under a problem without giving up). Perseverance helps to develop our character,

and our hope (confidence) that God will help us. How we react to problems and suffering shows

us how deep our faith is.

Circle the correct word for each sentence below.

1. If you pray to God for help when you have a problem, you show a ____ faith.

growing weak

2. When you have a problem, if you leave God out and try to fix it in your own way,

you show a ____ faith.

growing weak

3. When you have a problem, if you rely on God through it and react as God wants

you to, you can ______.

be afraid rejoice

DAY FIVE -- Read Romans 5:8-11

These verses again tell us what God has done for us.

Using the verses below, write what God has done.

1. Verse 8 - Christ _______________________________________________

2. Verse 9 - _____________________________________ by His blood

_____________________________________ from the wrath of God

3. Verse 10 - while enemies, we were ____________________ to God

From these verses, what did WE do to be saved? _______________________________


WEEK 26 - ROMANS 6:5 - 8:9

DAY ONE -- Read Romans 6:5-9

We’re told that the old self, the sinful nature, is crucified when we believe and then we are no

longer slaves to that old sinful nature. Believers have been given a new master, God. We are

freed from sins’ hold on us. We aren’t completely rid of sin here on earth, but God has given

believers power to resist sin and not be its slave.

1. Who is the believer’s master? ______________________________________

2. Who is your master? ___________________________________

3. Believers have _______________________________________ to resist sin.

DAY TWO -- Read Romans 6:11-13

Paul is saying that believers should act differently. Believers are not slaves to sin anymore.

Believers have the power to resist sin! So resist! So don’t put yourself in a setting that makes

obeying God harder. Verse 13 says “do not go on presenting the members of your body to

sin...but present yourself to God as instruments of righteousness.” The members of our body are

our eyes, mouth (words), our minds (thoughts), our hands, and so on. The way you use your

body’s members shows your faith. Are you glorifying, honoring, God by your actions? Or do

they show your sinfulness?

Write what body member is used in each example below.


1. You watch a movie that doesn’t have bad language in it, instead of one that does.


2. You help a younger person do something that’s hard for them to do, instead of

letting them struggle.


3. Thinking nice things about someone, instead of criticizing them and building up



4. Saying kind, encouraging things, instead of mean, hurtful things. _______________

DAY THREE -- Read Romans 6:22-23

Verse 22 says the result of being saved from sin is eternal life. Verse 23 reminds us that we

deserve death, physical and spiritual death, because of our sins. But we are given a free gift, one

that we can’t earn by DOING anything. That free gift is salvation and eternal life with God in

heaven. Answer the questions below and on the next page.

1. What is a believer’s relationship to sin? (verse 22) _______________________

2. Who is a believer’s master? (verse 22) _____________________________


3. What is a free gift from God? (verse 23) ________________________

4. Who should a believer’s actions and thoughts glorify and honor? __________

5. When wondering if an activity (game, movie, person you’re with, and so on) is okay for a

believer, what question can you ask yourself to know what you should do?


DAY FOUR -- Read Romans 8:1-4

Paul tells us believers won’t be condemned, or punished, for their sins because Jesus paid the

price for them. He freed believers from being slaves to sin and being dead spiritually. Verse 4

says believers don’t walk (live) according to the flesh. The flesh means our sinful, humanness.

But we DO walk (live) according to the Spirit. We depend on the Holy Spirit to give us power

over sin and resist it.


- verse 2 _______________________________________________________

- verse 3 _______________________________________________________

- verse 4a ______________________________________________________


- verse 4b _____________________________________________________

DAY FIVE -- Read Romans 8:5-9

Paul compares the life of a believer and the life of an unbeliever. The believer has his mind set

on the Spirit. The mind of the unbeliever is set on the flesh, the sinful nature. These two can’t

go together. You can only have one “mind-set” in life. Verse 6 says the unbelievers mind is set

on death, meaning physical and spiritual death. The believer has life and peace. The unbeliever

is “hostile toward God” according to verse 7. Hostile means actively against something.

Fill in the chart below comparing the believer to the unbeliever.


verse 5 - ___________________________ _____________________________

verse 6 - ____________________________ _____________________________

verse 7 - _____________________________

verse 8 - _____________________________

verse 9 - _____________________________


WEEK 27 - ROMANS 8:14 - 10:17

DAY ONE -- Read Romans 8:14-16

Unbelievers are slaves to sin and live in fear. Believers are God’s children, not slaves. “Abba,

Father” was an everyday term a child called his dad. God isn’t a distant, uncaring being, but a

Father to us and loves us more than we’ll ever understand. What a wonderful relationship

believers have with God!

1. What are some good characteristics, or qualities, a dad could have?


2. What are some good characteristics, or qualities, that God, a believer’s spiritual

Father, has that you enjoy and are thankful for?


DAY TWO -- Read Romans 8:28-31

God predestines us. That means He determined ahead of time that He would save us. He called

us (drew us to Himself), justified us (paid the price), and glorified us (changed us to be Christ-

like). God did all that when He saved us. He planned all this long before we were even born!

Verse 28 tells us more of God’s plan, which is very comforting. It tells us that all things that

happen, happen according to God’s plan. All that happens to us is for our spiritual good.

Sometimes things happen to us that don’t appear to be good, but in God’s plan they are. We can

trust in God who has everything in His plan and control!

Write what good could you learn from the following settings?

1. You planned to go to a friend’s house, and then something came up and you had

to stay home.

I could learn __________________________________________________

2. You’ve been waiting to get accepted on a team, but you weren’t accepted.

I could learn __________________________________________________

3. You’ve been saving your money to buy a special book, but the store is sold out

when you go shopping.

I could learn __________________________________________________

DAY THREE -- Read Romans 8:35-39

These verses are very reassuring! There is NOTHING that can cause us to lose our salvation.

Once God saves you, you are His child and you’ll always be His. There is no power, or person,

or situation that can separate you from God. This is referred to as eternal security. You are

saved for eternity and nothing can take that away from you.

Find and circle the following words in the puzzle.




DAY FOUR -- Read Romans 10:9-13

These verses remind us what OUR part is in being saved from our sins. It’s to believe. And

when we believe, we confess, or acknowledge, that Jesus is indeed God.

Circle “Yes” or “No” to the following questions.

1. Can you earn your salvation? Yes No

2. Do you have to do a certain number of good

deeds to be saved? Yes No

3. Do you only need to believe to be saved? Yes No

4. Can anyone take your salvation away from you? Yes No

DAY FIVE -- Read Romans 10:14-17

These verses tell us that God wants people to preach His Word. We often think of missionaries

going out to preach to those who aren’t believers and haven’t heard about God. But really

believers all are to be God’s witnesses, wherever they are. Even though we are told to go and

preach God’s Word, it is God who changes hearts and causes them to believe, not us.

Find and circle the following words in the puzzle below.




WEEK 28 - ROMANS 11:33 - 12:16

DAY ONE -- Read Romans 11:33-36

These are terrific verses to think about and meditate on! Of all created beings on earth, humans

are the most intelligent. But no one can fully understand God. Think of how great God is, and

how wise, and how omniscient (all-knowing), how omnipotent (all-powerful), and how

omnipresent (present everywhere) God is. We can’t fully know God. He is too big, too

complex, too almighty for that. How wonderful God is, and how encouraging that we have that

great and awesome God taking care of us! We need to praise Him and give Him glory and honor

for who He is!!

1. How does it help you, when you think about how great and wonderful God is?


2. What can you say to God when thinking about how great and wonderful God is?


3. How can you give God glory or honor?


DAY TWO -- Read Romans 12:1-2

Paul tells us to present (give) our bodies as a living and holy sacrifice to God. Believers have the

Holy Spirit living in them. We use our physical body in everything we do. So we need to make

sure we are thinking, doing, and saying things that are pleasing to God. A believer sacrifices his

life to God, by offering his life to be used to glorify God. That’s what the verse means by our

spiritual service of worship to God. So one way you worship God is by living your life

glorifying (honoring) Him and pleasing Him with your words, thoughts and actions. Verse 2

tells you not to conform or be like what the world says, but to renew your mind to be pleasing to

God. What you watch on TV, or what you read or do can please God, or it can make your

Christian life harder because of the ungodly examples you are seeing and doing. It’s your

choice. Be careful what you choose!

1. How can you glorify, or worship, God with your body? _____________________


2. What’s wrong with watching a lot of movies/TV shows that have a lot of bad

language in them?


3. What can help us renew, or change, our minds so we please God?



DAY THREE -- Read Romans 12:9-11

We are given some specific commands on how to live pleasing to God. A believer loves like

God does: sincerely and without hypocrisy. That means you truly love and care for others,

instead of being nice on the outside and selfish on the inside. When we show God’s love

together, we don’t think about what we’ll get from it. We just put others before ourselves. We

should also abhor (hate) evil. All sin is evil to God. Like God, we should hate sin and not brush

it off as okay. We should serve others and serve joyfully.

1. You can love like God loves by ______________________________________

2. You can hate evil by _______________________________________________

3. You can serve others by ____________________________________________

DAY FOUR -- Read Romans 12:12-13

Verse 12 tells us how we can serve God. “Rejoicing in hope” means we can rejoice because our

hope is in God. “Persevering in tribulation” means to have patience in trouble. “Devoted to

prayer” means going to God in prayer often for His wisdom and guidance and strength. Our

relationship with God can help us greatly in this life. Verse 13 tells us ways we can encourage

each other. “Contributing to the needs of the saints” means giving or sharing with those who are

in need. We can encourage other believers by practicing hospitality. Hospitable means “friendly

treatment of guests”.

1. How can you persevere, or be patient, in trouble or tribulation? _______________

2. How can you be devoted to prayer? _____________________________________

3. How can you show hospitality? ________________________________________

DAY FIVE -- Read Romans 12:14-16

Here are more instructions from Paul. “Bless” means to “to present as a gift some benefit”. It’s

hard to speak well of our enemies, those who persecute us, but God tells us to. Can we do it

without God’s strength? No. So rely on God’s strength and power from the Holy Spirit. When

we put others before ourselves as we should, we will rejoice with other believers when good

things happen to them, and be sad with them when bad things happen to them. Paul also says to

be humble, not proud.

1. How could you bless someone who just said a mean thing to you?


2. How can you be sad, with your friend who is sad about something?


3. If you are humble, you think of yourself _________________________ others.

the same as better than


WEEK 29 - ROMANS 12:17 - 15:7

DAY ONE -- Read Romans 12:17-18

Paul writes about revenge. Believers are not to get revenge. We need to try to be at peace with

others. God will deal with those who do evil to you in His timing. We are to let Him take care

of them while we continue doing what’s right. How do we get the power to do that? We rely on

the Holy Spirit and the power He gives us.

1. What could you say or do when someone calls you a name?


2. What could you say or do when someone pushes you in line?


3. What could you say or do when someone hits you?


DAY TWO -- Read Romans 12:19-21

God tells us that He will get revenge on the unbelieving evil doers. We should not. Verse 20

tells us that by our doing good to our enemy, we “heap burning coals on his head”. That means

your kindness will show him his evil even more. There’s no assurance your enemy will stop

doing evil, but God may use your good actions for your enemy’s good. We’re told to not be

overcome by evil, or in other words, don’t give in to the temptation to sin and get revenge.

Overcome evil with good. Love your enemy.

Circle the correct name for each question below.

1. Who is the only one to get revenge? God me my enemy

2. Who will God judge for the evil done? God me my enemy

3. Who will give me strength to do good

to my enemies? God me my enemy

DAY THREE -- Read Romans 13:1-2

Paul tells us to obey the government authorities over us. God has allowed them to be there, even

if we don’t understand why. Unless they tell you to go against a command of God’s (like lie, for

example) then you are to obey them and their rules. We are obeying God by obeying our


Find and circle the following words in the puzzle.





DAY FOUR -- Read Romans 14:19

We are to pursue, go after, the things which make for peace, and the building up of one another.

How do we do that? By putting others’ interests before our own. We can be peacemakers by not

insisting on having our own way all the time. We can be building others up by encouraging

them to please God by their words and actions. So don’t laugh when others do wrong. Talk to

them about doing what’s right. If someone comes to your house and says they aren’t allowed to

watch a certain TV show that you MAY watch, encourage them to obey their parents and

DON’T watch that show. That’s putting your desires aside and making others important to you.

That’s pleasing to God.

Draw a line from the words that describe a peacemaker, to the word “peacemaker” below.


DAY FIVE -- Read Romans 15:5-7

Paul is near the end of his letter to the church in Rome. He wants them to be of one mind (in

unity) and glorify God and Jesus. How? Verse 7 tells us. Accept each other. All people have

different talents and abilities, and different areas of problems. We need to avoid forming cliques,

and ignoring someone who is different. We DO need to accept and forgive and love each other

to have unity. What we DON’T do to have unity, is to accept wrong teachings about God into

the church. We stand firm on doctrine.

1. What’s the purpose of unity in the church? (verse 6)


2. What DON’T we give in on to have unity?


encourages others




sacrifice shares


WEEK 30 - ACTS 10:1 - 14:28

DAY ONE -- Read Acts 10:1-5, 9-16, 19-20

Let's review what's been covered in Acts 1 - 9. Acts was written by Luke to a believer named Theophilus.

Jesus Christ had been crucified and was resurrected from the dead. He lived with the disciples for a short

time, and then He ascended (rose) into heaven before the disciples' eyes. The disciples obeyed Jesus'

commands to them and they preached the gospel and baptized the new believers. This was the beginning

of the church age.

Chapter 10 begins with Cornelius. He is a Roman soldier (a Centurion) who was in charge of

100 soldiers. He believes in God. Then we read about Peter, a Jewish disciple. God tells each

man to look for the other one. Peter's vision is unusual, because the Jews had many, many rules

about what they could eat and not eat. Certain animals were considered 'clean' and approved by

God to be eaten. Other animals were 'unclean' and were not to be eaten. God is now telling

Peter that any animal is clean. The point is that now not only Jews were able to be saved from

their sins, but salvation would now be open to non-Jews (Gentiles). This was a hard thing for the

Jews to accept.

Circle the answers to the following questions:

1. God is sovereign, which means He is

a. in confusion and has no plan b. in control of everything in our world and has

definite plans

2. Who brought these two men together?

a. Peter b. Cornelius c. God

3. What was the big point God was making to Peter about eating 'clean' and 'unclean'

animals? a. Anyone, Jew or non-Jew, could be saved.

b. Peter's appetite had really grown.

c. Cornelius had a chef's job on the side.

DAY TWO -- Read Acts 10:28, 34-35

In these verses we read more clearly that God is opening salvation to anyone who would believe

in Him. This is a big change for the Jews. For hundreds of years they were God's chosen

people. Now His love and salvation would be accepted by many other people from other

nations. Aren't we thankful God did this gracious thing?

Find and circle the following words in the puzzle . SAVED BELIEVE JEW PETER




DAY THREE -- Read Acts 11:1 18-26

The church in Antioch was preaching the gospel to the Gentiles too. The church in Jerusalem

chose Barnabas to go visit Antioch and make sure they were doing what was right. He traveled

300 miles and met with the church in Antioch. He believed what they were doing was from God

and rejoiced with them. The word “Christian” was first used of believers in Antioch in the New

Testament. The ending "ian" means "belonging to the party of". Christians were those

belonging to Christ. The word is only used two times in the New Testament. The new name for

believers was important because it didn't mean those who were Jews, but those who believed in

God and His Son Jesus Christ. (Gentiles)

The man the church in Jerusalem chose had certain qualities they thought were important for

their representative to have. Write them below (see v. 24).

Barnabas was:

1. ___________________ 2. ___________________ 3. ____________________

DAY FOUR -- Read Acts 12:1-12

Here is a wonderful story! God had a purpose for Peter and King Herod could not stop it. Herod

had Peter chained to two guards and his cell guarded so there was no way Peter could escape.

But no one can stop God's plans. God sent an angel and freed Peter.

1. __________________________ can stop God's plans. (see paragraph above)

2. Peter went to the house of ___________________ when he was first freed. (v. 12)

3. An ____________________ of God lead Peter out of prison. (v. 8)

4. ___________________ was in prison and chained to two guards. (v. 5)

DAY FIVE -- Read Acts 14:19-23

Paul is stoned by Jews who didn't believe Jesus was God's Son and came to save them from their

sins. Stoning was one way they killed someone for sinning. The crowd would circle around the

person and throw stones at them until they were dead. They thought they had killed Paul. God

had plans for Paul though, and kept him alive. Paul miraculously recovered right away and he

went on to visit believers in other cities to encourage them in their faith. In verse 21 it says Paul

& Barnabas "made many disciples". That means they were converting people to faith in God and


Circle T for true and F for false to the following questions.

1. God is sovereign (in control of everything). T F

2. Paul saved himself from death by stoning. T F

3. Stoning was one way the Jews killed a person in Bible times. T F

4. A 'disciple' is someone who has faith in God and Jesus Christ. T F


WEEK 31 - ACTS 16:1 – 18:11

DAY ONE -- Read Acts 16:1-5, 14-15

Here we meet Timothy. Later Paul would write the books I and II Timothy to him. Because

Timothy didn't have both a Jewish father and mother, he hadn't been circumcised. Paul wanted

Timothy to join him on his travels to churches where they would teach and encourage the

believers. He had Timothy circumcised, not because he felt he had to be in order to be saved, but

so it wouldn’t offend the Jews they would be ministering to. Who were serving God by traveling

to many cities starting churches and strengthening them in the faith?

1. ____________________________ 2. ____________________________

DAY TWO -- Read Acts 16:19-34

Men who didn't care about the truth or God had falsely accused Paul and Silas and had them

thrown into prison. An earthquake occurred and their chains fell off. The guard asked Paul how

to be saved, and later was baptized.

1. Who caused the earthquake? ___________________________________________

2. Whose plan was being carried out? ______________________________________

3. Did the guard need to be baptized to be saved? (v. 31) ______________________

4. What did the guard need to do to be saved? (v. 31) __________________________

6.What did the guard do after he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior as a sign he

was a believer? (v. 33) _________________________

DAY THREE -- Read Acts 17:1-5, 10-12

Paul now arrives in the city of Thessalonica. He preaches to the Jews to get them to see that

Jesus was truly God's Son and their Savior. After that he brought the gospel to the Gentiles.

Verse 4 tells us a 'great multitude' believed. The books of I and II Thessalonians would be

written to this church later. Again Paul is faced with an angry mob. He escapes at night and

travels to the city of Berea.

Write the two ways the believers of Berea received the gospel (v. 11).

1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________


DAY FOUR -- Read Acts 17:12-17, 23-25, 29

Paul is once again forced to leave a city to get away from a crowd that's against him. He travels

to Athens and is bothered by the many idols and false gods the Greeks there worshiped. Do you

remember which of the 10 Commandments told the Jews not to make idols or images of God to

worship? (You're right, the second one). No wonder Paul was bothered by the many idols there.

So Paul tries to tell the people there about the true God and how He's not a statue or in a temple.

What's wrong with worshipping an idol or statue?



DAY FIVE -- Read Acts 18:1-11

Paul is in the city of Corinth now. (Later the books First and Second Corinthians will be written

to the church here.) But now there is no church, so Paul begins to teach about Jesus to the Jews.

They reject his teaching and he then goes to the Gentiles to bring them the gospel. In verse 6

Paul tells the Jews that now they've heard the truth and rejected it. He tells them they are

responsible for their response to God. How sad that the people God chose from the beginning

and who had the Old Testament prophesies about Jesus coming, couldn't believe it was truly Him

who came and died and rose again. They were still looking for a military leader to save them

from their enemies. They couldn't see that their greatest enemy was their own sinfulness and that

Jesus did save believers from sin.

1. Who did Paul first bring the gospel to? ________________________________

2. Who did Paul bring the gospel to next? _________________________________

3. Who is responsible when you reject God, you or God? _____________________

4. Verse 10 says that Paul didn't need to be afraid of men attacking him there. Why not?


7. Verse 8 says Crispus, among many others, were being saved. Which comes first,

belief or baptism?



WEEK 32 - ACTS 19:24 – 23:24

DAY ONE -- Read Acts 19:24-28, 35-41

Paul is in the city of Ephesus. Ephesus is another city where many worshiped a false god. The

tradesmen who made and sold the idols for the false gods didn't want Paul teaching there and

turning people away from the false gods and their business. A mob is gathered against them, but

God provided a town clerk to calm the crowd and nothing happens to Paul. Later the book of

Ephesians would be written to the church there.

Circle Y for 'Yes' or N for 'No' to each question.

1. If God wanted Paul to be taken by the mob, would Paul have gotten away? Yes No

2. Did the tradesmen want to stop Paul because of their love for the gods

they worshipped? Yes No

3. Did Paul ever back down from telling the truth about God because of

angry mobs? Yes No

4. What book of the New Testament would later be written to the church in the city of


DAY TWO -- Read Acts 20:28-36

Paul is saying his final words to the believers at the city of Miletus. He has sent for the elders of

the church in Ephesus to come and meet him there. They did and now Paul leaves them with

words of warnings and encouragements. Paul speaks of "savage wolves" in v. 29. That refers to

false teachers who wouldn't teach about God's truth but falsehoods and lies and change God's

word. The elders were not to let those kinds of men in the church. Fill in the chart


What Paul Did v. 27 - __________________________

v. 33 - ___________________________ v. 35 - ___________________________

Warnings v. 28 - ______________________ v. 29-30 - ____________________


v. 32 - ________________________ v. 35 - ________________________

DAY THREE -- Read Acts 22:3-4, 6-15

Paul went to Jerusalem and while he was there, a mob of Jews formed against him and began

beating him. A Roman officer was called in and he rescued Paul, but chained him up. Paul

asked to speak to the mob and gave his testimony. A testimony is telling how God worked in

your life. Paul starts out telling he was a "good" Jew. He tells how he persecuted the believers.

Then he tells how God called him, by making him blind and then restoring his sight. Paul tells

them how he believed, was baptized and is saved from his sins.


Believers are often asked to give a testimony to others at one time or another. A believer can tell

how and when he or she accepted Jesus. It's a wonderful thing to be able to tell how God saved


What is it called when a believer tells others about how God saved them and what he has done

for them?


DAY FOUR -- Read Acts 22:21-30

The Jews were listening to Paul's testimony quietly up to this point. When Paul tells them God

told him to bring the gospel to the Gentiles they got very angry. Those Jews did not believe the

Gentiles should be offered a relationship with God. They wanted Paul to be scourged (beat with

a whip). Roman citizens had more rights than the Jews and Paul quickly tells the Roman official

that he is a Roman citizen and shouldn't be scourged. Paul is then released and brought before a

council of Jewish leaders.

1. Why were the Jews so mad at Paul today? ________________________________

2. Who were God’s “chosen people” in the Old Testament? ____________________

3. Who were the people in the New Testament who believed and knew God?


DAY FIVE -- Read Acts 23:10-24

Paul is still telling the Jewish leaders his stand on God's truth and what Jesus did. Some Jews

plot to kill Paul. But God's plan is not for them to kill Paul then, so it's not allowed to happen.

Paul sure has been through a lot so far in his years as a believers.

1. Do you think Paul enjoyed the persecution and hard times? __________________

2. Why did he do it? __________________________________________

3. Have you ever had people upset or angry at you because of what you believed?


4. Why should you continue to stand for the truth? __________________



WEEK 33 - ACTS 24:22 – 27:37

DAY ONE -- Read Acts 24:22-27

Paul is in the city of Caesarea and is seeing the Roman governor Felix. He will decide if Paul is

guilty of a crime, as the Jews say he is, or if he's innocent. Felix seems to believe in Paul's

innocence because he allows Paul to have much freedom while under guard. Felix is not willing

to set Paul free and when he is later replaced, Paul is left in prison.

In v. 25 it says Felix became frightened by what Paul told him. Why would someone not like to

hear about righteousness, self-control and judgement to come?



DAY TWO -- Read Acts 25:14-21, 24-26

Felix is no longer the Roman official over the area Paul is in. The new official's name is Festus.

He, like Felix, doesn't think Paul is guilty of anything. But Paul asked to be sent to Rome for his

trial and Festus needs a charge to put against him. King Agrippa was given the title of king and

ruled territories northeast of Palestine. He knew Jewish customs and laws well and Festus hoped

King Agrippa would be able to help him decide what charges should be officially made against


Too bad Felix or Festus couldn't have stood up for the innocent against the Jews who asked for

Paul's death. Too bad they felt they had to dig for some kind of charge to make against him. But

all this was in God's plan and He is in control of the situation.

There's a word that means God is in control of everything in our world. Unscramble it below.



DAY THREE -- Read Acts 26:19-29-32

Paul is boldly proclaiming God's truth to men who had the authority to order Paul's death. Does

Paul back down then? No! Does Paul not say what's true? No!

1. Why is it hard to stand up for God's truth and do what is right when those around you don't

agree with it?


2. Being bold about God doesn't mean making people believe what you believe. But when

you are asked about something that you know about God, should you be bold or not admit

the truth?


3. Who did Paul rely on to help him every time he made a stand for the gospel?______

4. Can God help you too? ________________________


DAY FOUR -- Read Acts 27:1, 4, 18-26

Paul and other prisoners are sent to Rome on a ship. A terrible storm hits and many fear they

will die. God tells Paul he will get to Rome and all those aboard ship will also survive. Again

and again we see God's sovereignty (His control of everything). The storm was sent by God for

a reason. He allowed Paul and the others to survive for a reason. All things ultimately are to

glorify God (give Him honor).

Answer the following questions:

1. How did Paul react to the storm and possibly facing death?


2. Can we react to problems with a good attitude, even though we don't know what the

result will be? ___________________________________________________

Why? ____________________________________________________________

DAY FIVE -- Read Acts 27:33-37

Paul's confidence in God and His Word to him were clear. Paul was an encouragement to others

around him because of his faith.

Check 'Yes' or 'No' to the following questions. YES NO

1. My faith can encourage others. ____ ____

2. My obeying God can have a good effect on others. ____ ____

3. My obeying God strengthens my faith in Him. ____ ____

4. God is sovereign. ____ ____


WEEK 34 - ACTS 27:38 – 28:31

DAY ONE -- Read Acts 27:38-44

Guards could lose their own lives if they lost prisoners. Some guards wanted to kill the prisoners

when the ship hit a reef so none could escape. But the guard of Paul stopped them. All survived

the shipwreck.

1. Who told Paul he would survive the storm? _________________________

2. Who did Paul have his faith in? __________________________

3. Who is sovereign? __________________________

4. Who can we trust like Paul did? __________________________

DAY TWO -- Read Acts 28:1-10

Paul's adventures were not over yet. While sitting by a fire a poisonous snake (viper) bit Paul.

He wasn’t affected by it like most are and the islanders thought Paul might have been a god to

be able to survive. Next, Paul healed many people. God was certainly being honored, or

glorified by Paul's life. Circle the following words in the puzzle.



DAY THREE -- Read Acts 28:11-16

Traveling back then was nothing like today! Paul and the others had to stay on the island of

Malta for two months because of the weather and the inability to travel by sea. Then they got on

a different ship to make their way to Rome. Twelve days later they reached Rome. Because Paul

wasn't really considered guilty, he was allowed to be imprisoned in his home with one guard.

Many fellow believers, brethren, came to meet Paul and encourage him.







How do you think the brethren encouraged Paul? (what might they have said to Paul or might

have done for Paul?)


Have you ever been encouraged by other believers when you were feeling down?

What did they say or do to encourage you?


DAY FOUR -- Read Acts 28:17-23

Paul calls the Jewish leaders in Rome to come hear him speak about Jesus. He wants to put an

end to the Jews' desire for his death. He points out that the officials found no reason to kill him.

Paul was trying to show the Jews that ____________________ came and died for their

________________________ and rose from the dead. They did not think that Jesus was who

He said He was. They were looking for a military _________________________ .

DAY FIVE -- Read Acts 28:24-31

The book of Acts ends with Paul held as a prisoner with a guard in his home. The Jews there

also rejected the truth about Jesus. Verses 26-27 is a quote taken from Isaiah many, many years

earlier. Isaiah wrote this prophecy about how the Jews would react...their hearts dull and eyes

closed to the truth. So Paul then brings the gospel to the Gentiles. Paul was under house-arrest

(in prison in his house) for two years. During those two years Paul did not whine about his

situation or complain or give up. He wrote letters to the churches he started...the books of

Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon and Philippians in the New Testament. He preached to anyone

who would come see him too. He remained a bold teacher of the gospel. He was certainly a

man willing to be used by God for the glory and honor of God!

Write two things below that stand out to you about Paul from the book of Acts.

1. ________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________


WEEK 35 - JONAH 1:1 - 2:4

DAY ONE -- Read Jonah 1:1-3

The city of Nineveh was a city full of wicked people. God was going to judge them unless they

repented, turned from their sins and tried not to repeat them. God chose Jonah to bring that

message to the people of Nineveh. This is an unusual book of the Old Testament. Here we will

read of the one event Jonah was told to do, and how he responded to God. The entire book is

about Jonah’s one mission. We will find out that Jonah is not the typical prophet of God’s who

obeyed Him right away.

Today we read of God’s mission for Jonah. Verse 3 tells us Jonah’s reaction. Does he say ‘yes,

Lord, I’ll do whatever You ask of me’? Does he start off that day to get to Nineveh soon? No,

Jonah FLEES (runs away), and head to Tarshish, a town in the opposite direction of Nineveh.

We will find out Jonah’s reason for that in later verses.

Circle the correct answer the following questions.

1. Can anyone flee, or run away from, God?

a. Yes, there are some places God can’t go. b. No, there is no place God can’t go.

2. Did Jonah arise, like God said to?

a. Yes, he arose and went somewhere. b. No, he stayed where he was.

3. When Jonah disobeyed God by going in the opposite direction of where he was

supposed to, who was Jonah making more important in his life?

a. Jonah b. God

DAY TWO -- Read Jonah 1:4-7

God causes a terrible storm to come upon the ship Jonah had gotten onto. The sailors were

trying to make the ship lighter by throwing overboard some of the cargo. Jonah, for some

reason, was sleeping during this storm. But God got his attention, as the men tried to find out

who on ship was making a god mad. The lot fell on Jonah.

God is sovereign, in control of everything. This storm was no “accident”. The sailors cast lots

and the lot fell to Jonah. It was not by “accident”. God uses different means, but will always

accomplish His plan. Complete the sentence below.

We may not always see it right away, or understand it, but God’s plan and will is

being accomplished. God is _________________ , or in control of everything.


DAY THREE -- Read Jonah 1:8-10

There is no excuse for Jonah disobeying God. There’s no saying Jonah didn’t know enough

about God and didn’t know he was disobeying Him.

Write below the facts about God that Jonah tells the sailors.

1. Who is He the God of? _________________________________________

2. What did God make? a. ________________________________________

b. ________________________________________

3. Who did Jonah fear? ___________________________________________

DAY FOUR -- Read Jonah 1:11-17

Jonah knows that God is causing the storm, so Jonah tells the men to throw him overboard. He

is ready to take his punishment for his disobedience. Jonah assumed he’d die. God provided for

Jonah. God still had a mission for Jonah to do. God had things to teach Jonah. So God had “a

great fish” swallow Jonah. It is thought that a whale was that great fish.

1. What do you learn about God from this? _______________________________


2. What do you learn about Jonah from this? ______________________________


DAY FIVE -- Read Jonah 2:1-4

Jonah prays to God from inside the whale. He remembers what has happened and how God

saved him from dying. Verse 4 gives us insight that Jonah is repentant, sorry, for his

disobedience. He still has great faith in God.

Sometimes God uses hard situations to get our attention. He got Jonah’s attention this way.

Jonah has realized his sin and is ready to obey after this. That’s the goal of discipline.

Make a cartoon strip of what’s happened so far to Jonah. First do a scene of God telling Jonah to

go to Nineveh. Then do one of Jonah fleeing God. Next show Jonah on a ship in a storm.

Finally, show Jonah in the whale.


WEEK 36 - JONAH 3:1 - 4:11

DAY ONE -- Read Jonah 3:1-2

Jonah’s been in a whale for 3 days, and now has been spit up onto shore. God again tells him to

go to Nineveh with a message. This time God does not repeat why God is going to judge the

city, like He did in the beginning. But otherwise, the plan is the same. Jonah must go in faith,

because he doesn’t know what the message is yet. He doesn’t know how well it will be received.

Most likely, he’s thinking it won’t be liked much, since God is judging the city for it’s terrible


Jonah did not stop God’s plan of bringing the message of judgement to Nineveh. Jonah’s

disobedience did not make him unusable to God. But God had to work in Jonah’s life to get him

to want to obey Him. Sometimes He must do that with us too. But even if we sin and disobey

God, after we’ve repented, and asked for forgiveness, God will still use us. Don’t give up.

Answer the following questions.

1. What did Jonah do that made him useable by God again? _________________


2. How does God’s disciplining us help us? _______________________________


DAY TWO -- Read Jonah 3:3-5

Nineveh is described as a “great city”. That doesn’t mean “great” like “wonderful”. It means it

was a very big city. It was 550 miles away from where Jonah was when God told him the

second time to bring a message to Nineveh. We read it would take 3 days of walking to get from

one end of Nineveh to the other. That’s a lot of walking for Jonah.

The message Jonah brought was that God would destroy the city in 40 days. The reason for the

40 days was a time of grace from God so the people had time to repent of their sins and ask God

for forgiveness. How wonderful that we read that the people DID repent to God.

Find and circle the following words in the puzzle on the next page.











DAY THREE -- Read Jonah 3:6-10

Back in the Old Testament times, when someone was very, very sad they would wear sackcloth.

That kind of cloth was coarse and rough and uncomfortable and reminded them of their situation.

The king did this and had the people do this as signs of repenting. We read in verse 10 that God

had mercy on them and did not destroy the city.

Circle the correct answer to each question below.

1. Why did God have mercy on the people of Nineveh?

a. because they were such a great city

b. because they repented of their sins

2. Why did the king and the people repent?

a. because they had nothing better to do

b. because they feared God

3. Do you think Jonah was pleased that his trip to Nineveh turned out so well?

a. yes b. no

DAY FOUR -- Read Jonah 4:1-5

Wow! Jonah’s very mad that God had mercy on the Ninevites. Why? Probably because the

people of Nineveh were known to be a cruel and violent people. They were enemies of the Jews.

So Jonah didn’t want them spared from punishment. Jonah told God that he knew God to be full

of mercy and wondered if He’d have mercy on Nineveh. Jonah should have been rejoicing at










God’s mercy. But instead he’s upset with God for showing kindness to others. Jonah wants God

to just kill him now, to get him out of his misery. God asks Jonah a question whose answer is

obvious. He asks Jonah if Jonah really has a reason to be angry with God.

List below the qualities of God that Jonah knows about, and usually is thankful for.

1. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________

3. ___________________________ 4. ______________________________

DAY FIVE -- Read Jonah 4:6-11

God taught Jonah a lesson by using a plant. Jonah was mad Nineveh was spared, so he went to

sit under a tree and pout. God made a plant grow up and give Jonah shade. Jonah liked that

shade very much. But the next day, God had a bug eat the plant and killed it. Then it got very

hot outside and Jonah was very hot and uncomfortable. God points out that Jonah was acting

very selfishly. He selfishly wanted the Ninevites to be destroyed and selfishly wanted the plant

to continue to give him shade. Jonah wasn’t concerned about the spiritual life of the Ninevites,

only that an enemy be destroyed. In verses 10-11 God shows Jonah that he didn’t create the

plant or the people, like God did. Jonah is not in control of people and nature like God is.

Sadly, Jonah himself was a picture of how the nation of Israel was acting. They were being

disobedient to God, yet selfishly wanted comforts from God.

Circle the answer to the questions below that cover the whole book of Jonah.

1. What words describe Jonah best?

a. loving, caring, obeying

b. selfish, rebellious, pouting

c. preaching, singing, full of energy

2. What words describe God?

a. loving, merciful, generous b. mean, angry, not trustworthy

3. Who is sovereign and in control of everything in our world?

a. Jonah b. God c. me

4. What did God want to teach Jonah at the end of the book?

a. that Jonah was bad for disobeying

b. that God is in control and can have mercy on whoever He wants to

c. that whales are friendly


WEEK 37 - HEBREWS 1:1 - 2:18

DAY ONE -- Read Hebrews 1:1-4

The author of the book of Hebrews is unknown. Some wonder if Paul wrote it, and some wonder

if Barnabas wrote it. The book starts off talking about God sending His son, Jesus Christ, to

speak to mankind. We read in verses 3-4 some facts about Jesus.

Write down what you learn about Jesus and what He did from verses 3-4 below.

__________________________ ___________________________

__________________________ ____________________________

__________________________ ____________________________

DAY TWO -- Read Hebrews 1:5-7

The author proves Jesus Christ is God’s Son. We believe who Jesus is, but many don’t. Verses

like this show them that Jesus was God’s Son.

What difference does it make if Jesus was God’s Son or not? Answer the questions below.

1. If Jesus wasn’t God’s Son, could He have risen from the dead after being

crucified on the cross?


2. If Jesus wasn’t God’s Son, who would pay the price for our sins?


3. If Jesus wasn’t God’s Son, would you be able to get to heaven when you die?


DAY THREE -- Read Hebrews 2:1, 4

The author reminds the readers that we do well to not forget what God has done to save us from

our sins. And what we read in the Bible, verse 4 says, is what was spoken by God through


prophets in the Old Testament, and through apostles in the New Testament.

Unscramble the words below that are taken from today’s lesson.

dinrem - _______________________________________

skoenp - ________________________________________

svea - __________________________________________

nsis - ___________________________________________

DAY FOUR -- Read Hebrews 2:9

These verses explain that Jesus, being God, was made “a little lower than the angels”. That

means He became a man. Why? “taste death for everyone”. He died the death we all

deserve to die because of sin. The death that is physical and spiritual. Spiritual death is total

separation from God. That’s what we deserve. But Jesus did it for us. And He, being God,

conquered death and came back to life and was reunited with the Father.

This is something that no human being could ever do for themselves. That’s why it’s a gift from

God. It’s because of His grace and mercy that we are saved from our sins. What should be our

response to God for doing that for us? Write it below.


DAY FIVE -- Read Hebrews 2:16-18

These verses go on to tell us about Jesus becoming a man.

Write what you learn about what Jesus did or what He can do because He became a man below.

Verse 16 - _____________________________________________________

Verse 17 - _____________________________________________________


Verse 18 - ______________________________________________________



WEEK 38 - HEBREWS 3:13 - 5:4

DAY ONE -- Read Hebrews 3:13

The author encourages believers to encourage one another to stand against sin. Once sin gets a

hold of you, it drags you down. It’s harder to come back up, than to resist the sin in the first

place. As long as we are living on this earth, we’ll struggle with sin, and we need all the

encouragement and prayers we can have to live godly lives.

Circle the ways you can encourage another believer to obey God and live to please Him.

pray for them laugh at them say encouraging words to them

tempt them to sin help them to understand the Bible be an example to them

do “right” things together become better friends make fun of them

DAY TWO -- Read Hebrews 4:12

This verse shows us how powerful God’s Word is. He compares it to a two-edged sword. It cuts

deeply to the heart. The picture here is that the Word of God speaks to your inner most being,

your heart. It talks to your attitude and thoughts. The Word of God is meaningful for everyone,

no matter when in time you live. Answer the questions below.

1. How should your attitude towards the Bible be, when you sit down to read it?


2. How much of the Bible are you to obey? ___________

3. What don’t you have to obey in the New Testament? ____________

DAY THREE -- Read Hebrews 4:13

All believers will be judged by the GOOD they have done for God in their lives when they die.

The author here is trying to encourage the readers to be doing good deeds for others, which is

really how we serve God. Keep on doing good! Circle “YES” or “NO” to the following


1. Can we hide anything from God? YES NO

2. Can we make excuses that God will believe? YES NO

3. Can God read your thoughts? YES NO

4. Knowing all this about God, should you be

trying to please Him with your life? YES NO


DAY FOUR -- Read Hebrews 4:15-16

Jesus was tempted to sin while on Earth, yet never did. How does that help us? He knows

exactly what it’s like to be tempted and knows the struggles that temptation brings. Being God,

He did not sin, like we do. But we can confidently go to Him in prayer and He’ll understand our

struggle. He can help you resist sinning. He will not say we have an EXCUSE to sin.

Verse 16 says He will give us mercy and grace in our time of need. Every time you are tempted

is a “time of need”. Go to Him in prayer and ask for strength to say ‘no’ to sin. Write“YES” or

“NO” and answer the following questions.

1. Does Jesus know what it’s like to have people call Him mean names?_____________

Can you give an example? ________________________________________

2. Does Jesus know what it’s like to live without the newest and neatest things? ______

Can you give an example? ________________________________________

3. Does Jesus know what it’s like to be left alone and not feel you have any friends? ______

Can you give an example? _______________________________________

How thankful we are that God designed His plan so we would have Jesus to identify with us on

many things!

DAY FIVE -- Read Hebrews 5:1-4

The high priest of the Old Testament was a go-between for the Jews and God. Jesus is like that

for us. He talks to God for us and understands our struggles and our need for forgiveness.

List below what you learn from these verses about the job of the high priest.

1. ______________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________

Which jobs of the high priest from the list above did Jesus do?


WEEK 39 - HEBREWS 5:5 - 10:13

DAY ONE -- Read Hebrews 5:5-9

These verses help show how Jesus was like the high priest. God called Him, He offered up

prayers for believers, He learned lessons and suffered for others. We must never forget all that

He did for us. And He did that for us, when we were His enemies before He saved us. All men

are God’s enemy before He saves them. How thankful we must be for His great love and mercy

and grace, that He called each of us to be His children and give us eternal life with Him!!

Unscramble the words below that are taken from this lesson.

vloe - __________________________ mrcye - ______________________________

cegra - _________________________ elif - ___________________________

Using these words, write a prayer of thanks to God.



DAY TWO -- Read Hebrews 5:12-14

When babies are young, they can only get their food from milk. As they grow and get older,

they need solid food. The author challenges the readers about how much they have grown

spiritually. He said by the time he wrote the letter, those believers should have been on “solid

spiritual food”, but they weren’t. They needed to be concerned with deepening their knowledge

of God and how they were pleasing Him.

How do believers grow? Circle the things below that would HELP growth.

watching a lot of TV reading the Bible praying sewing

being taught at church playing baseball trusting in God

The believers at that time were content to not know God better or try to obey Him better. We

need to be careful not to be like them. Don’t get content with just showing up at church here and

there, and think you’re growing. It’s a very slow growth that way, and not how God desires



DAY THREE -- Read Hebrews 6:10-12

The author is trying to encourage the readers to get going on their spiritual growth. He tells them

God knows of their good deeds they have done, but desires more effort on their part to grow.

The author says in verse 12, he doesn’t want them to be “sluggish” in their Christian life, but

actively growing and learning. He points out there are many in the faith who can be an

encouragement for them to use as an example.

Answer the following questions.

1. What kinds of things help YOU to grow as a believer?


2. What kinds of things make it hard for YOU to grow?


DAY FOUR -- Read Hebrews 7:25-27

The author tells us that Jesus paid for our sins, once-for-all. He will not have to pay for them

again. The high priests in the Old Testament couldn’t do that. They would offer a sacrifice for

sins, and then later have to do it again. What a wonderful gift our salvation is! We also learn

from these verses, that Jesus makes intercession for us. That means He brings sinful men to the

holy Father.

Think about what it means that your sins are paid for once-for-all. Answer the questions below.

1. If Jesus’ death and resurrection didn’t cover all of your sins, how would you have

all your sins paid to allow you a relationship with God and eternal life in



2. If Jesus’ death and resurrection didn’t cover all of your sins, how many deeds, or

sacrifices, or whatever, would you have to do to be completely saved?


3. What is more reassuring, having your sins paid for once-for-all, or you having to

somehow earn your salvation and hope you finish it by the time you die?



DAY FIVE -- Read Hebrews 10:10-13

These verses are on the same thought as yesterday’s lesson was. Think about how wonderful is

our Savior, who completely took our sins upon Himself and paid the penalty to save us. God

saves us to bring us into His family. By doing that, it brings glory to Him. We should give Him

glory, honor, because of what He’s done for us.

Write a short prayer thanking Jesus for paying for your sins.





WEEK 40 - HEBREWS 10:23 - 11:4

DAY ONE -- Read Hebrews 10:23-24

The author encourages us to stand firm in God’s truth, not waver or sway from it. And we

should be encouraging one another in our faith to God. We can encourage each other to love one

another and to do good deeds. Why do that? Being in sinful bodies yet, we all will fight against

sin in some way or another until we get to heaven. By being united and helping each other, we

can be stronger. God gives us the strength, but wants us to also help support each other.

How do you encourage someone to love and good deeds? Check the words or phrases below

that are some possibilities.

____ encouraging words like “good job”

____ words like “you’re terrible at that”

____ telling someone ‘thank you’ for doing a job or helping somehow

____ complaining to a teacher that you don’t like that lesson

____ telling someone who you think is good at a particular thing, that they should

do that thing more often

DAY TWO -- Read Hebrews 10:25

This verse goes with yesterday’s lesson. Another area we need to help each other is getting

together often at church to study and learn about God more. Some people get lazy and don’t

think they need to go to church. They’d rather stay home and sleep, watch TV, shop, or

whatever. They don’t see the importance of meeting at church to learn together. God says it’s

important for us to do this. So we should do it. Think of a time you were in a class where ten

could be there, but only three show up. That’s discouraging. But if all ten, or even eight show

up often, that’s encouraging. Being at church, in Sunday School, at Wednesday night club, at

Sunday evening church, all encourages those around you! And that’s not even discussing the

fact that you need to hear God’s Word taught to you to help you grow.

Circle the word “ENCOURAGING” or “DISCOURAGING” to each statement below.

1. If there are 20 kids in Sunday School, and 17 show up every week, that’s _____.


2. If there are no kids that show up for flocks, when 11 could be there, that’s ____.


3. If there are 9 kids in Wednesday night club, and 8 show up regularly, that’s ___.



DAY THREE -- Read Hebrews 11:1-2

The author is going to talk now about faith. He will spend all of chapter 11 discussing men and

women of great faith from the Bible. First, though, he explains what faith is. Faith is being sure

and certain of things you can’t see, but which are real. We know for sure that God exists. But

who can see Him? So, we believe in Him by faith.

Write a definition for faith, using your own words below.



DAY FOUR -- Read Hebrews 11:3-5

Here the author starts his list of men and women who put their faith in God. He gives examples

of that faith being tested and showing its strength. It’s one thing to SAY you believe in God, it’s

another thing to SHOW you believe in God. Abel showed his faith by offering to God the best

of what he had, instead of keeping the best for himself. Enoch did not physically die, as his faith

in God was a credit to him.

How do you show your faith in God?


DAY FIVE -- Read Hebrews 11:6

This is a very clear verse about faith. Without it you can’t ever please God. All the unbelievers

out in our world are not pleasing God by any “good deed” they do. Faith in Him is necessary.

And God rewards those who have faith in Him. What a wonderful promise.

What is it about having faith in God, that makes our good deeds pleasing to Him, when

unbelievers good deeds aren’t?



WEEK 41 - HEBREWS 11:7 - 12:3

DAY ONE -- Read Hebrews 11:7-8

Noah and Abraham are the examples of men of great faith. Answer the questions below.

1. How did Noah show his faith in God? _____________________________

2. Do you think the people around Noah thought making an ark, when there had

been no rain, was a wonderful guy? Did he suffer ridicule for it?


3. How did Abraham show his faith in God? __________________________

4. Is it easy to obey God and not understand why you have to do it, or what good

will come from it? _____________

DAY TWO -- Read Hebrews 11:21-23

All three of these examples of faith in God had to do with an unknown future. These people

didn’t know details, but obeyed God or trusted in God by faith. In our humanness, we want to

know all the details NOW. We want to know why someone was killed, or got terribly sick, or

had an accident and is in a wheelchair for the rest of their life. But we’ll not know all the details.

We need to have faith in God and His plans and His timing, and trust in Him. That’s hard to do

sometimes. That’s why we need to grow in our faith and knowledge of Him, so that our faith

will be strong. Fill in the name that fits each blank below.

1. Who knows the past, present and future? ________________________

2. Who has everything under His control? ________________________

3. Who do we need to put our complete trust in in this life? _________________

4. Who shows faith in God and a desire to grow in that faith, by doing this lesson

today? _____________________________

DAY THREE -- Read Hebrews 11:32-39

What a tremendous list of faithful people are written about here! Some showed their faith in

ways that weren’t life-threatening, others lost their life because they stayed firm in their faith.

How strong a witness they were to those around them, and for us today!

Showing faith in God isn’t going to make you popular, liked, or accepted. Some unbelievers

don’t like Christians. They may tease you, laugh at you, tempt you to sin, speak badly of you to


others, and more. Faith in God can get us through rough times, and the support of fellow

believers is helpful, too. God will help you, if you stand firm in your faith.

Write of a time you felt pressure or teasing because you are a believer and stood up for

something God wants you to. For example, you wouldn’t lie, or cheat, or hurt someone, etc., and

got teased because of it.


Good for you for being strong in your faith!

DAY FOUR -- Read Hebrews 12:1-2

The author encourages us to be strong in our faith like the many who were listed in chapter 11.

We need to resist sin, and focus on growing closer to God in our life here. He compares life to a

race, and encourages us to run with endurance. Endurance is patience to get through the rough

times, to keep on going in the right direction and not give up.

Circle the words or phrases below that help you run with endurance; cross out the words or

phrases that make it hard to run.

being together with fellow believers being with unbelievers a lot

prayer reading the Bible making fun of believers you don’t like

going to church supporting believers with encouraging words asking God for help

DAY FIVE -- Read Hebrews 12:3

When we get frustrated and tired and say we can’t obey God in a certain area, think of Jesus. He

endured so much more than you and I will. He is our example to follow. He can understand our

problems, and He will provide you with the strength to do what is right.

Fill in the blanks below.

1. When can you say “I’m done obeying God”? _________________________

2. With what area can you say that Jesus doesn’t understand what you are going

through? ______________________________

3. What is your response to knowing all that God did and will do for you?



WEEK 42 - HEBREWS 12:9 - 13:21

DAY ONE -- Read Hebrews 12:9-11

These verses talk about our need for discipline at times. The author points out that our human

fathers need to discipline us to train and correct us. The same is true of our spiritual Father. We

need training and correcting because we all sin. Our attitude should be one of thankfulness that

God loves us enough to discipline us. He wants the best from us, and we can offer Him much

more than we know at times. Don’t fight the discipline, but learn from it. The same is true with

your father here. Learn from the discipline you receive.

Answer the following questions.

1. Why is discipline hard to accept? __________________________________

2. When you are disciplined, is it for your good, or to make your life miserable?


3. What lesson should you learn from any form of discipline, whether from God or

from your parents? What are they trying to teach you?


DAY TWO -- Read Hebrews 12:28-29

The author has taught much so far on God’s love for believers and His desire for our firm faith

and obedience. The author now encourages us to be thankful and show that by serving Him with

respect and awe. Answer the following questions.

1. How do we serve God? Is it serving others anywhere or just serving at church?


2. What can you do to serve God today?


DAY THREE -- Read Hebrews 13:1-2

The author tells of some practical ways to serve God and show your love for Him. Loving other

believers is important. By loving others, we put their needs as important as our own, we

sacrifice and give up things for others, we look for ways to help them, we care for them like we


care for ourselves, and so on. The author also mentions showing hospitality to strangers. Being

kind to unbelievers is a good witness for your faith, too.

Write out what you can do to show love to the following people:

Your dad: _____________________________________________________

Your mom: ____________________________________________________

Your sister or brother: ____________________________________________

A friend: ______________________________________________________

Don’t forget to do these things!

DAY FOUR -- Read Hebrews 13:4-5, 9

We should not be lovers of money. That means don’t put money and what you can buy with it

so important to you that you put that over God. Lastly, the author warns about keeping away

from false teachings about God.

Unscramble the following words taken from today’s lesson.

fithaulf - _____________________________________

wnras - _____________________________________

mrraieg - ____________________________________

ymoen - ____________________________________

DAY FIVE -- Read Hebrews 13:15-16, 20-21

How reassuring these verses are! God will equip us to do every good thing in His will. He

deserves our praise, often. He deserves our thanks, often. By doing good to others, we serve


Write below what verses 20-21 teach about God and what He does for us.

___________________________ ______________________________

___________________________ ______________________________

___________________________ ______________________________


WEEK 43 - JOHN 1:1 - 34

DAY ONE -- Read John 1:1-5

The author of this book is the apostle John. This book is one of four books in the New

Testament called a gospel. The word gospel means “good news”. The gospels are mainly about

the life of Jesus on earth. This book emphasizes His deity, or the fact He was God.

These verses say Jesus was God and always has been. He created everything and all creation

points to God. And we read that spiritual and physical life are from God. Jesus is compared to

light in verse 5. Light shows what is happening and shows where to go. Darkness hides things

and you can’t see where to go. Darkness refers to sin and being separated from God because of


We learn 4 things about Jesus from these verses that are underlined above. All tell us He was

God. Write what they are below.

1. __________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________

DAY TWO -- Read John 1:9-13

We’re told a man was sent by God to be a witness of the light, Jesus. That man was John the


Answer the questions below.

1. What does a witness do?


2. In verse 7, what was the goal of his being a witness for Jesus?



DAY THREE -- Read John 1:9-13

In contrast to John the Baptist, Jesus WAS the light. He enlightened every man. That means He

shows everyone their sin and coming judgment. Though He was God, and their creator, people

didn’t know or recognize Him. Because of sin they were blind to who He was. Some did

receive, or accept, Him. To them He did something special and does it for us, too.

Using verse 12, write below what Jesus did to those who believed in His name.


DAY FOUR -- Read John 1:19-28

The Jewish leaders asked John the Baptist if He was the Messiah. “Messiah” means “the

anointed One”, which translates to “Christ” in the Greek. The Old Testament pointed to a

Messiah coming in the future. John stated he wasn’t Elijah, or a prophet. John said he was the

voice, for the Word or Christ, to prepare the people for the Messiah’s message.

From these verses, write what John said that shows he wasn’t there to glorify himself, but to

glorify Jesus.

1. Verse 20 - ______________________________________________________

2. Verse 23 - ______________________________________________________

3. Verse 27 - ______________________________________________________

DAY FIVE -- Read John 1:29-34

John the Baptist is baptizing new believers and along comes Jesus. God told John earlier that the

one on whom a dove descended would be His Son. The dove descends on Jesus and John

announces to those around him that this is the Son of God.

John uses two phrases to describe Jesus. Write them below.

1. Verse 29 - _______________________________________________________

2. Verse 34 - _______________________________________________________


WEEK 44 - JOHN 1:40 - 3:21

DAY ONE -- Read John 1:40-49

n these verses we read that Jesus calls some of His disciples. Note that two of them DO

recognize that Jesus is the Messiah, or Christ, and that He is the Son of God.

Answer the following questions.

1. What does “Messiah” mean? _________________________________________

2. What did Jesus say to Philip? _________________________________________

3. In verse 45, we read of two things from the Old Testament that predicted Jesus’

coming. What were they? 1. ______________________ 2. _____________________

5. Where did Jesus see Nathanael before Nathanael met Jesus? ________________

DAY TWO -- Read John 2:1-11

Jesus, His disciples, and His mother (Mary) are at a wedding. They typically served the good

wine first and when that was gone, brought out the poorer tasting wine. All the wine has been

used up and Mary wants Jesus to do something to help. Jesus is nice to her, but says He must do

the Father’s will in His timing (“My time has not yet come”). He performs His first miracle

here, but turning water into wine (very good wine).

Verse 11 tells us that Jesus did that miracle to show His glory and HE brought joy to those

around Him. Find and circle the following words in the puzzle below.








DAY THREE -- Read John 2:13-21

Animal sacrifices were to be made for sins at the temple. But the animals to be bought for the

sacrifices were moved INTO the temple courtyard and turned it into a major source of income

for the city. Jesus goes there and is angry, not that they were sacrificing, but that they had turned

the temple into a business place.











Draw one of the animals Jesus saw at the temple.

DAY FOUR -- Read John 3:1-6

Nicodemus is a Pharisee, a Jewish leader, and goes to talk to Jesus privately. Nicodemus

thought Jesus was a man that God was WITH, empowering Him to do miracles. Jesus, of

course, IS GOD. He says Nicodemus must be born again. He means spiritually born again. We

are born in this life spiritually dead. Jesus says you must be born of water and the Spirit to enter

the kingdom of God. Another way to say that is, you must repent (water referring to John the

Baptist’s ministry) and then the Holy Spirit comes into you AND God gives you eternal life.

Circle the correct answers below.

1. “Born again” refers to a _______ birth. a. physical b. spiritual

2. John the Baptists’ ministry of baptizing with water meant

a. someone had repented of their sins and was baptized

b. someone had gotten dirty and was baptized to get washed up

3. What two things must someone do to have eternal life, or enter God’s kingdom?

a. sit in church and put money in the offering

b. be born of water (repent) and be born of the Spirit (have the Holy Spirit

living in them)

DAY FIVE -- Read John 3:16-21

Jesus tells us the basics of the gospel. God loved the world, which was separated from Him

because of sin, so much He gave His Son, Jesus, as the one to pay the penalty for sin. All who

believe in Him will have eternal life in heaven with God. Now we know from other Bible

passages what Jesus did for us, namely He did what no person could do for themselves, He paid

the price for our sins.

Using the verses given, write what believers have/are under the heading BELIEVERS, and what

unbelievers have/are under UNBELIEVERS below.


verse16 - ________________________ verse 18b - ____________________

verse 17 - ________________________ verse 19b - ____________________

verse 18a - _______________________ verse 20 - _____________________

verse 21 - ________________________


WEEK 45 - JOHN 4:7 - 6:13

DAY ONE -- Read John 4:7-14

The Samaritans were hated by the Jews. So this woman is surprised Jesus talked to her, being a

Samaritan AND a woman (men then didn’t talk publicly to women). Jesus offers her living

water that will completely satisfy a person (never thirst again) and will spring up to eternal life.

The “living water” is our new spiritual life as a believer. It completely satisfies us by giving us

purpose to life, which is to glorify God. And the water springing up is the Holy Spirit inside of


Fill in the blanks below.

We were created to ___________________________ God and we can be completely

satis_______________ in Him and have the ______________ _______________ in us.

DAY TWO -- Read John 4:46-54

A royal official’s son is sick and he asks Jesus to heal him. Jesus knows many believe in Him

only because of His miracles. People need to have faith in Him because of who He is, not just

say they believe in Him only because of the miracles or good things He can do for them. Jesus

heals this man’s son and the man had to decide whether to put his faith in Jesus that the son was

indeed healed, or whether to not believe Jesus. He had faith. And in verse 53, we read he and

his family believed in Jesus. Use the following words to fill in the blanks below.


1. Jesus was _____________________________________ when He healed the boy.

2. The official had ________________________ in Jesus that He was God and could heal

his son.

3. _____________________________ show Jesus’ power, but they are not the reason

we love and believe in God.

DAY THREE -- Read John 5:6-9, 16-18

There was a pool that had a story about an angel coming down periodically to stir the water and

the first one in the pool would be healed. Many sick and lame waited by the pool, hoping they

would be healed. Jesus is near the pool and sees a certain lame man and heals him. What power

we again see in Jesus! By His Word the man was healed. The Pharisees and leaders against

Jesus didn’t care a man was healed, but that Jesus healed, or “worked”, on the Sabbath (their day

of rest). Jesus says He must do His Father’s work. That, too, angered the Pharisees and they

desired to kill Him. Answer the questions ...


1. Why did Jesus heal this man? _____________________________________

2. Did the miracle show anything about Jesus? What did it show? _____________________

3. What from verse 17 shows Jesus’ deity (that He was God)? ________________________

DAY FOUR -- Read John 5:19-23

These verses are very clear about Jesus’ deity (being God). Jesus says the Father tells Him, the

Son, what to do. The Son imitates the Father. He loves the Father and does His will.

Unscramble the words that tell what we learn about Jesus from the following verses.

1. Verse 19 - “...Son can do _______________________________ of Himself”


2. Verse 20 - “...the Father __________________________________ the Son”


3. Verse 21 - “...the Son also gives __________________ to whom He wishes”


4. Verse 22 - “...He has given __________________________________ to the Son”


5. Verse 23 - “ order that all may _______________________________ the Son”


DAY FIVE -- Read John 6:1-13

About six months to one year has passed and Jesus is teaching a very large crowd. We read there

was a great multitude of people listening to Jesus. It’s dinner time and all these people need

something to eat. There were 5,000 men; then you add the number of women and children too,

and now we’re up to about 10,000 people there. Philip said it would cost eight months wages to

buy enough food! But Jesus fed them all from five loaves of bread and two fish. There were

twelve baskets full of left-overs too. Again, we see the power of God at work and providing in a

miraculous way. Answer the questions below.

1. How did this event show Jesus was God?


2. How does knowing this event help you in your relationship with God today?



WEEK 46 - JOHN 6:16 - 10:11

DAY ONE -- Read John 6:16-21

We know from the book of Mark that Jesus was alone praying in the hills and sent the disciples

to take a boat across the Sea of Galilee. It was between 3:00 - 6:00 am when a storm came up.

During the storm Jesus walked out to the middle of the lake (about 3-4 miles from shore) to meet

the disciples boat. The disciples are afraid, naturally, to see Jesus walking ON the water. But He

assures them it’s Him and not to be afraid. The phrase from verse 20, “It is I”, that Jesus says to

them, literally meant “I Am”. Those words were spoken by God to Moses, for Moses to tell the

Israelites that it was GOD sending Moses to lead the people.

1. How does this event show Jesus was God? _________________________________

2. How does knowing Jesus was God and walked on water help you in your

relationship with God today?


DAY TWO -- Read John 6:24-29, 35

A large crowd that Jesus fed with the five loaves and two fish were looking for Jesus and finally

found Him. Jesus says they looked for Him to get another free meal. Sadly, they didn’t see who

Jesus really was. Jesus tells them in verse 27 that God GIVES eternal life, but in verse 28 they

ask what can they DO to get it. They didn’t understand Jesus. In verse 29 Jesus said we only

need to believe. And Jesus is our spiritual “food”, the “bread of life”. Remember when Jesus

said to the Samaritan woman at the well, He could give water so a person would never thirst

again. He was talking about our spiritual desires being met completely in God. Here Jesus uses

the picture of bread or food and again says He will completely satisfy all believers spiritually.

Circle the correct answer to each question below.

1. Jesus said that eternal life was

a. to be earned by good deeds b. given by God to those who believed in Him

2. Jesus said He was a. the bread of life b. the sandwich king

3. The picture of Jesus as our spiritual food means

a. He works in a grocery store b. He completely satisfies believers spiritually

DAY THREE -- Read John 7:37-39

The feast being celebrated was the Feast of Tabernacles. The priest took water from a certain

spring and poured it out at the altar. It was to remind the Jews when God provided water from a

rock for Moses and the Israelites while wandering in the desert. It also pointed to the Messiah to

come. Jesus stands and loudly proclaims that HE is offering “rivers of living water”. Once


again we see the picture of Jesus providing us spiritual life and complete satisfaction.

Answer the questions below.

1. What do we do to get “rivers of living water” from Jesus? ___________________

2. The Feast of Tabernacles reminded the Jews something about God. What was it?


3. What do we need to be completely satisfied spiritually? _______________________

DAY FOUR -- Read John 8:42-47

The unbelieving Jews said God was their Father because they were from the family line of

Abraham. But Jesus said that if God truly was their Father, they would believe in and love Jesus,

His Son. But they didn’t. Jesus says that their “father” is the devil. This is true of everyone

before they have faith in God. They are slaves to sin and their master is Satan. But believers in

God are free from our slavery to sin and are new creations and have God as Master.

Using verse 44, write below what we learn Satan is like.

Satan is:

Now look at each of those qualities of Satan and write what GOD is like in comparison below.

God is:

DAY FIVE -- Read John 10:1-11

Jesus compares Himself to a Shepherd and believers are the sheep. We learn how He cares for

us from these verse. Write what you learn about Jesus from these verses below.

Verse 3 - 1. ___________________________ 2. ____________________________

Verse 4 - 1. ______________________

Verse 9 - 1. ____________________________2. ____________________________

Verse 10 - 1. _________________________Verse 11 - 1. _________________________

Verse 14 - 1. ____________________________

2. ____________________________ 3. ____________________________


WEEK 47 - JOHN 10:24 - 12:26

DAY ONE -- Read John 10:24-30

The unbelieving Jews want a plain answer if Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, or not. Jesus says

they should know He was because of the works He’s done, but they don’t. He again uses the

picture of a shepherd and His sheep.

Write below what we learn about the sheep from these verses.

Verse 27 - 1. __________________________

2. __________________________ 3. ____________________________

Verse 28 - 1. _____________________

2. __________________________ 3. ____________________________

Verse 29 - 1. _____________________ 2. ___________________________

DAY TWO -- Read John 11:1-4, 14-15

Today we read the beginning of a wonderful event that shows God’s power. Lazarus is sick and

his sisters send word to Jesus. They believe He is the Son of God. They KNOW He could heal

Lazarus. Jesus, in verse 4, told us why Lazarus is sick. In verse 14, Jesus says Lazarus has died

and they will go to see him, “so that you may believe”.

Write, using verse 4, what good will come from Lazarus’s sickness and death.


DAY THREE -- Read John 11;25-26

These wonderful verses give us great hope for the future. To “resurrect” means to raise from the

dead. Jesus has the power to bring us back from death to live with Him. So when we die

physically, we will live forever with God in heaven. To “believe in Jesus’ doesn’t mean that you

only acknowledge He lived or that He is God’s Son. It means you know you’re a sinner and that

He paid the price for your sins, something you can’t do on your own. With that belief, or faith,

in Jesus, comes the promise that we’ll live forever in heaven with God.

Write below what you must believe to have eternal life.




DAY FOUR -- Read John 11:38-44

Lazarus is laid in a tomb/cave and a large stone seals the tomb shut. Jesus has the stone

removed. Lazarus died four days before Jesus arrived. There was no doubt that Lazarus was

truly dead. Jesus calls out loudly for all who had gathered around to hear. And God gives

Lazarus physical life again and he walks out of the tomb! What a tremendous demonstration of

Jesus’ power over death! Praise be to God!

How does knowing Jesus has power over death help you in your relationship with Him today?


Draw the scene of Lazarus coming out of the tomb with Jesus and Mary and Martha there below.

DAY FIVE -- Read John 12:23-26

“The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified”. Jesus would be glorified, or honored,

when He paid the price for our sins. That time was getting closer. He compares His death to that

of a wheat grain. The grain dies and falls to the ground. From that grain new plants are started.

Jesus’ death made it possible for all who would believe in Him to have spiritual life. Then in

verse 25, Jesus said that whoever loves his life, is selfish and an unbeliever, will lose his life, or

be separated from God forever. But the person who hates his life, or lives for God not himself,

will have eternal life WITH God.

Jesus’ death and resurrection is what had to be done for our salvation. How thankful we can be

that He died for our sake. As believers be sure you’re living for God, not yourself.

Circle the ways we show we live for God below.

be kind to others cheat love other

shove and cut ahead in line steal take God’s name in vain

say encouraging words to others forgive others lie

use words that aren’t godly hate share


WEEK 48 - JOHN 13:5 - 14:26

DAY ONE -- Read John 13:5-15

Roads back then were dusty and peoples’ feet got dirty quickly. Washing your feet, or having

someone do it for you, was common. Usually a slave would wash your feet. Jesus gives the

disciples and us an example to follow when HE washed THEIR feet. Jesus was being humble.

He was the Son of God and yet humbled Himself to serve them. He wanted them to do the same

for others. We need to have that same attitude, serve others and put their needs ahead of our

own. Jesus didn’t think or act like He was too important, or too good, to do a job. We need to

think that way too. Check the statements that show a humble, serving attitude below.

____ “You’re doing a good job at that, we make a good team”

____ “Hey, get me more juice now” ____ “Mom, how else can I help you?”

____ “Here, take some of my paper to draw on” ____ “Here, let me help you do that”

____ “I’m still picking what’s on TV; I don’t care that she hasn’t has a turn”

____ “Dad, do you want me to get you something to drink?”

DAY TWO -- Read John 13:34-35

Jesus tells the disciples (and us) to love one another like He loved us. How did He show His

love to us? Did He act selfish, stingy, mean, or nasty? Did He lie, cheat, hurt or hate anyone?

You’re right, He didn’t. So we as believers aren’t to act in those ways either. Love is forgiving,

is kind, generous, thoughtful, giving up something to give or share with someone else, is fair,

speaks the truth, is humble not proud, and so on. Answer the questions below.

1. Why should we love one another? _______________________________________

2. Is it something God cares if we do, or doesn’t care if we do?


3. Is showing love always easy? _______________________________________

3. What can you do to help yourself be loving when you’re finding it hard to show love?


DAY THREE -- Read John 14:1-6

Death shouldn’t be scary to a believer because Jesus tells us we will be with Him forever in

heaven when we physically die here on earth. Believing in God gives us peace because our trust

is all in Him. Jesus said He’ll return and receive them to Himself. That refers to the rapture,


when Jesus will come and all believers will rise up to Him in the clouds and He’ll take them to

heaven. They way to heaven is stated in verse 6.

Write verse 6. ______________________________________________________


DAY FOUR -- Read John 14:13-15

When we pray, Jesus says here that whatever we ask in His name, He’ll do. Important words to

note are “in His name”. That’s another way of saying “according to His will”. So, if what you

ask for is in God’s will, He’ll do it. In our prayers we should be asking God to help others and

ourselves grow spiritually. Yes, we can ask God for physical things like a job, our health, and so

on, but know that it may not be His will to answer those like you would want Him to. But

knowing He does everything for our spiritual good is comforting! Verse 13 tells us the goal of

our prayer life with Jesus...that the Father may be glorified.

Find and circle the following words in the puzzle below.






DAY FIVE -- Read John 14:16-17, 26

Jesus tells the disciples He will send the Holy Spirit to be a helper, or counselor, for believers.

The Greek word for counselor means a legal assistant who pleaded a case. He will be given to

believers when Jesus ascends into heaven, but for now Jesus is just telling the disciples about the

Holy Spirit. Verse 26 tells us that the Holy Spirit will also teach and bring to remembrance what

Jesus has said. The Holy Spirit’s role is to glorify God the Son and God the Father, not glorify


Write the words used to refer to the Holy Spirit. ________________________________

Write what the Holy Spirit will do for believers from verse 26…


Write how long believers will have the Holy Spirit from verse 16 below.











WEEK 49 - JOHN 15:1 - 18:23

DAY ONE -- Read John 15:1-2, 5, 8

Jesus describes a picture for us here. Jesus is the vine. We are the branches. God the Father is

the gardener. If we are true believers, Jesus will abide (live) in us and we in Him. We will grow

and bear fruit with our lives. The fruit we bear is the good deeds and works we do. In Galatians

we read that the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness

faithfulness and self-control. If you only SAY you’re a believer, you’re like a branch that

doesn’t bear fruit and you’ll be cut off the vine. You’ll be judged for your disbelief in God.

Using verse 8, answer the following questions.

1. Who do we glorify by the “fruit”, or good works we do? ______________

2. How do we prove we are believers, or Jesus’ disciples? ___________________

3. What does it mean if someone doesn’t bear any fruit?


DAY TWO -- Read John 15:12-16

Our relationship to God changes when we put our faith in Him and believe that Jesus Christ paid

the price for our sins. We are called Jesus’ friends and we can have a close relationship with

Him. Believers are chosen by God to bear fruit and be a witness to others. Jesus gives a

command to love one another. Jesus loved us enough to die for us. We show we are Jesus’

friend (a believer) if we obey His commands. Answer the following questions.

1. Are our actions and words important? ______________

2. What does it show if we obey God’s commands? _______________________

3. Describe a friendship and what are good things that come from being a friend.


DAY THREE -- Read John 16:5-11

The disciples are sad to hear Jesus talk of leaving them (when He’s crucified). They didn’t

understand that it must take place. Jesus again tells them He’ll give the Holy Spirit to them.

Here we find out the Holy Spirit will not only work in the believers’ life, but also He’ll convict

the unbelievers, or world, of their sin.


Match the phrases below to

who does them.

is our Helper

is our Savior

JESUS is our Counselor

glorifies the Father and the Son

HOLY SPIRIT died on the cross

paid the price for our sins

given to all believers after the Son

died and rose into heaven

DAY FOUR -- Read John 18:19-23

Jesus prays to God the Father in these verses. When Jesus asked to be glorified in verse 1, He

was asking for the Father to sustain Him in His suffering, accept His sacrifice, resurrect Him and

restore Him to glory. The purpose of Jesus’ request was that the Father would be glorified

through Jesus. Use the following verses to answer the questions below.

1. Verse 2 - What does Jesus offer to mankind? _____________________

2. Verse 3 - Who do we need to know to have eternal life? _______________

3. Verse 4 - What did Jesus do? ____________________________________

4. Verse 5 - Jesus asks the Father to do something. What was it? _________________

DAY FIVE -- Read John 18:19-23

Jesus has been taken by the Pharisees and Jewish leaders in their plan to kill Jesus. They

question Him looking for a reason to justify their plan. Jesus asks, “why question Him in secret,

when He’s been open about His teachings all along?” We know they won’t find any error in

what Jesus had said or done because He was perfect. We also know it was God’s plan for all this

to happen. Color the words below.


WEEK 50 - JOHN 19:1 - 21:17

DAY ONE -- Read John 19:1-11

Here is the sad account of Jesus being scorned and taunted by Pilate, the Roman official in

charge of the area, and the Jews. Jesus was scourged, or whipped, with a whip that had small

bits of metal on the ends. They put a crown of thorns on His head and they spit on Him. But

who was REALLY in control of this? Verse 11 tells us, it was God.

Write why Jesus endured this below.


DAY TWO -- Read John 19:16-30

Jesus is hung on a cross along with two men. The guards divided up Jesus’ outer garments and

cast lots to see who would get His clothes because clothes were expensive then and so usually

they removed them from the person being killed. This was prophesized about in the Old

Testament. Jesus told John to take care of Mary. A widow had a difficult life if she had no

family to live with. When Jesus said “It is finished”, He meant the price had been paid for our


Write what stands out to you about what happened in these verses and why below.


DAY THREE -- Read John 20:11-18

The women had to wait until after the Sabbath to come to Jesus’ tomb to finish preparing His

body with perfumes, etc. They find an empty tomb and angels where Jesus’ body had been.

Mary then sees Jesus but doesn’t recognize Him, maybe because she didn’t fully believe He

would be resurrected or maybe because His appearance was different than it was before His

death. But she soon realizes it is Jesus. He told her not to cling to Him, or touch Him.

Fill in the blanks below.

1. _______________________________ couldn’t hold Jesus, He had power over it.

2. Jesus’ coming back to life after dying is called ___________________________ .

3. What do people need to do, to be able to live eternally, forever, in heaven with

Jesus Christ?




DAY FOUR -- Read John 21:3-14

Peter said in verse 3, that he was going fishing. That meant he was leaving his position as

disciple and going back to his old job as a fisherman. He was discouraged and confused since

Jesus’ death. Jesus shows Himself to the disciples on the beach. They hadn’t caught ANY fish

yet, and Jesus tells them to throw their nets in the water again. Now they are brimming with

fish! He performs a miracle by providing an abundance of fish. What an encouragement to the

disciples that must have been! To see God at work in our lives is very encouraging.

Find and circle the following words in the puzzle below.










DAY FIVE -- Read John 21:15-17

Peter had denied he knew Jesus 3 times just before Jesus was crucified. He felt very badly and

that no doubt added to his discouragement now. Peter repented of his sin and Jesus very clearly

forgives Peter and wants to use him in building up the church. Jesus openly asks Peter 3 times if

he loves Jesus. Three times Peter said yes. Jesus uses the phrases “tend My lambs”, “shepherd

My sheep”, and “tend My sheep”. All refer to Peter teaching people (sheep/lambs) about Jesus.

This would be true of the other disciples too.

The gospel of John closes with these thoughts. John has shown that Jesus was indeed God, and

Jesus’ last instructions to the disciples was to ‘tend’ or take care of God’s sheep (believers).

What quality or event stands out to you about Jesus being God from reading this book of the

Bible? Write it below (to remind you, you read about Jesus healing people, raising Lazarus from

the dead, walking on water, feeding the 5,000, and His crucifixion and resurrection).




WEEK 51 - PHILEMON 1:1 - 11

DAY ONE -- Read Philemon 1:1-3

Paul writes this short letter to a man named Philemon. Paul sends his greetings to Philemon and

two others, who are believed to be Philemon’s family members. He was wealthy enough to own

slaves, and one of them had run away and stolen some money from Philemon. Paul met this

slave in Rome and the slave became a believer. Now Paul writes to Philemon to treat the slave,

Onesimus, like a believer and not a runaway slave. He also greets the church that must have met

in Philemon’s house. Paul wanted the church to read this letter too, to help encourage Philemon

to do the right thing.

We know God wants us to treat unbelievers with respect and kindness and show God’s love, but

why should we treat believers differently? What’s special about fellow believers?


DAY TWO -- Read Philemon 1:4-6

Paul is thankful for Philemon’s faith in God and his love for others. Paul says he has Philemon

in his prayers. Paul goes on to pray that as Philemon shares his faith with unbelievers, he will

grow in his knowledge of God. Paul usually opens his letters to the churches with words of

encouragement too. Paul is an encouraging man. Yet, Paul challenges too with his words.

Answer the questions below.

1. What three things does Paul see in Philemon that he mentions in his prayers?

a. ____________________ b. ___________________ c. _____________________

2. What can you pray about when thinking of fellow believers?

a. ____________________b. ____________________c. ____________________

DAY THREE -- Read Philemon 1:7

Paul is encouraged by Philemon’s faith and love for believers. When someone is obeying God

and sharing that love from God with others, joy comes and it’s encouraging to those around

them. Philemon was rubbing off, so-to-speak, on others and helping them in their relationship

with God. What a great example for us! Circle the correct word for each question below.

1. When you fight and hit and punch at someone, you are being _____ to others.


2. When you keep peace with your friends, and work out problems as God would

want you to, you are being _____ to others.



3. When you lie and cheat, you are being _____ to others.


DAY FOUR -- Read Philemon 1:8-10

Paul gets to the heart of his letter here. He says he can with boldness and confidence order

Philemon to forgive and love Onesimus because of Philemon’s love for fellow believers.

Doing what is right is not always what we, still with our sinful natures, want to do. Sometimes

there is a struggle between what we know is right and what will make us “feel” good (something

that feeds our sinful self). But when you do what is right, you are pleasing God and that should

motivate you more than pleasing our sinful selves. Good for you when you do right!!

Answer the questions below.

1. Why should we forgive others who hurt us? _____________________________


2. Do you usually find it easy to forgive others? ____________________________

3. Who is pleased when you don’t forgive someone? _______________________

4. Who is pleased when you do forgive someone? __________________________

DAY FIVE -- Read Philemon 1:11

Why would Onesimus be more useful now as a believer? Because he could now serve fellow

believers, like Paul and Philemon, where as an unbeliever he wasn’t serving in that way. As

believers, our whole view of life is different from unbelievers. Everything we do and say comes

from a desire to please and obey God. The world of unbelievers says and does things that please


Circle the words or phrases below that are examples of how a believer is useful to God and

serves others.

not sharing helping others being patient encouraging

showing love to others being mean being selfish obeying

sharing your faith with others being generous helping older people


WEEK 52 - PHILEMON 1:12 - 25

DAY ONE -- Read Philemon 1:12-14

Paul was sending Onesimus back to Philemon because he was still a slave, and that’s where he

should be. But Paul will miss Onesimus and tells Philemon that, again showing that Onesimus

was a changed person now that he became a believer. Answer the questions using the word bank

to find the special word:

What Paul is trying to do:

What Onesimus was:

Not proud, but …

What Onesimus became

The special word is : _________________________________

DAY TWO -- Read Philemon 1:15-16

Paul points out that Philemon is getting his slave back, which didn’t always happen. But, also,

Philemon was getting a fellow believer, instead of an unbelieving slave. That was exciting!

How wonderful it is when someone becomes a believer! Paul was pointing out things that

Philemon had reason to be thankful for. Circle the correct answer to each question below.

1. What was more important? a. getting a runaway slave back

b. knowing Onesimus was a believer

2. What should we be more concerned about?

a. having someone we know become a believer b. doing things our own way

DAY THREE -- Read Philemon 1:17-18

Paul is willing to pay back Philemon for anything that Onesimus might have taken from him.

Why? Why would Paul care so much for a runaway slave? Paul saw Onesimus as someone who

by faith accepted God and who is loved by God. God loved him enough to send His Son, Jesus

Christ to die on the cross, just to save people like Onesimus from his sins. That’s love. Jesus

died for his enemies. That love can ONLY come from God and knowing Him and obeying Him.

The world can’t love like God does.

Think about the believers around you. Think of what kinds of ways you can show God’s love to

them. Showing God’s love to others can be things that are easy and fun to do, and sometimes are

Word bank






things that take SACRIFICE on your part. You may need to give up something you want to do

in order to help someone else (without complaining).

Check the statements below that are examples of showing God’s love to others.

____ giving up watching your favorite TV show to help your dad with a chore

____ letting your sister or brother go first in a game

____ taking the last piece of cake when 3 of you want it

____ giving up playing with friends to help your parents get ready for company

DAY FOUR -- Read Philemon 1:19-20

Paul states his desire again that Philemon forgive and welcome back Onesimus. What actually

happens will be up to Philemon and how he responds.

We are all responsible for our own actions and thoughts. We can, and should, have other

believers to teach us and encourage us as to how to please God. But the final decision is up to

us. Will we obey God, or obey our sinful desires and sin against God? No one makes you sin.

You choose to sin, or you choose to obey and do right. Answer the following questions.

1. What is it about sin that sometimes makes it hard to obey God?


2. What can help you to do right and obey God? _______________

3. Who is responsible for all the choices you make and the things you do and say? _____

DAY FIVE -- Read Philemon 1:21-25

Paul finishes with words of confidence that Philemon will make the right decision about

Onesimus. The closer you are to God and the more you obey Him, the more sin is seen as the

evil it is. As you grow in your relationship with God, you, too, will little by little be able to resist

sin. None of us will ever be perfect here on earth, but our growth will help in our obeying God

more. Write something you learned from reading this letter to Philemon about how to treat other

believers below.




memory verses

Luke 6:27-31

But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. Whoever hits you on the cheek, offer him the other also; and whoever takes away your coat, do

not withhold your shirt from him either.

2 Tim 2:15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be

ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth.

1 Cor. 10:12-13

Therefore let him who thinks he stand take heed lest he fall. No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the

way of escape also, that you may be able to endure it.

2 Pe. 3:13-14

But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells. Therefore, beloved, since you look for these things,

be diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless,

2 Thess. 2:16-17

Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace, comfort and

strengthen your hearts in every good work and word.

Romans 8:38-39

For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our


Acts 10:34-35

And opening his mouth, Peter said: "I most certainly understand now that God is not one to show partiality, but in every nation the man

who fears Him and does what is right, is welcome to Him.

Heb. 12:1-2

Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand

of the throne of God.

John 3:14-18

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; that whoever believes may in Him Have eternal life. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not sent the Son into the world

to judge the world; but that the world should be saved through Him."

John 14:1-6

"Let not your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that were I am, there you may be also. And you know the way where I am going." Thomas said to Him, "Lord, we do not know where You are going; how do we know the way?" Jesus said to him, "I

am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.


Workbook Checklist