Childrens Cirriculum_3-3.pdf

Children’s Rank Curriculum ™ 3 rd Edition By Master Christopher Folmar Roku Dan Head Instructor Dedication “To those who got me here and to those who will take it further.” Special thanks to the following for sharing their lives so others may learn: Master Bill Beach Ju Jitsu Grand Master S. Dong Tae Kwon Do Ms. Deloris King Tae Kwon Do Master Doug Taylor Tae Kwon Do Sensei Bill Sosa Aikido Shihan Randy Bonifay Aikido Grand Master J. Pat Burleson Founder of American Karate Mr. Clayton Johns American Karate Grand Master S. Yang Hapkido

Transcript of Childrens Cirriculum_3-3.pdf

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Children’s Rank Curriculum ™ 3rd Edition

By Master Christopher Folmar

Roku Dan Head Instructor


“To those who got me here and to those who will take it further.”

Special thanks to the following for sharing their lives so others may learn:

Master Bill Beach Ju Jitsu Grand Master S. Dong Tae Kwon Do

Ms. Deloris King Tae Kwon Do Master Doug Taylor Tae Kwon Do

Sensei Bill Sosa Aikido Shihan Randy Bonifay Aikido

Grand Master J. Pat Burleson Founder of American Karate Mr. Clayton Johns American Karate

Grand Master S. Yang Hapkido

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1) Our School Mission:

Share knowledge through applicable Self-Defense and

promote lifetime Physical Fitness

2) A-B-C’s of Self Defense AWARENESS: Knowing what is going on around you as much as

possible BOUNDARIES: Setting physical and mental boundaries with your

words, tone, and body language COMBAT: Skills to help you escape a bad situation when A and B

didn’t work

3) Our School Motto:

“The Path of the Warrior is difficult, but I am strong.

The Tenets of Martial Arts shall guide my journey. I will Begin with the End in mind.”

4) The Five Tenets of Martial Arts:

1. Integrity 2. Concentration 3. Respect 4. Humility 5. Indomitable Spirit

These are the qualities that we seek to develop in our students. They are to be studied in Karate class, but applied in all areas of life. Adult students may be asked to give examples of applying the Tenets in their daily lives. Parents of students will be asked how their child demonstrates these principles at home and in school.

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5) Welcome to the American Defensive Arts Academy:

Dear Parents, This letter is to congratulate your family for investing in your child’s health and future success. When you chose American Defensive Arts Academy as your martial arts school, you chose the finest combination of fitness and personal development programs available today. We want to help your child develop the skills and confidence to develop TRUE STRENGTH, not over others, but over their own body and mind. Our curriculum was created to offer a challenging and rewarding program that will help maximize physical and mental development. As you may know, the martial arts have always taught values such as goal setting, self-esteem, persistence, creating a positive attitude, self-confidence, self-discipline, as well as many others. In the past, these principles have been taught haphazardly, and represented a small part of the curriculum. The difference between this "traditional" type of teaching and the curriculum provided here is that we teach these values with purpose. In other words, we teach the principles as an integral part of our program. Your child’s success is our primary goal. This is the reason we chose this style of mental curriculum. We want them to be successful in every aspect of life. There are many places that can teach one to score a point in a tournament. That is not the purpose of the instructors of the American Defensive Arts Academy. We are here to help find what types of techniques will help them avoid conflict all together. That means training in maintaining situational awareness as well ways to negate an attack. The closing part of our motto is “Begin with the end in mind”, or another way to put it, know where you want to go. When your child starts something, make them visualize themselves successfully completing the task. That is an essential part of martial arts training. They must believe that they can learn these techniques, because they can! All it takes is confidence and willingness to stick with their commitment to train sincerely. We look forward to having a long-term relationship you. Please, if you ever have a question remember, our door is always open. We are here to serve you. Sincerely, Master Christopher Folmar Head Instructor Robyn Folmar Instructor

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6) Senior Instructor Bios: Master Christopher Folmar, Head Instructor, has his Sixth degree Black-Belt in American Karate (under Grandmaster J. Pat Burleson– Ft. Worth, Texas), Second-Degree Black-Belt in Tae Kwon Do (Grandmaster Seung Dong– Richmond, Virginia), First-Degree Black-Belt in Aikido (Sensei Bill Sosa– Dallas, Texas.), and his Black-Belt in the art of Hapkido (Grandmaster S. Yang– Hurst, Texas). Master Folmar began practicing martial arts when he was seven years old–training in Ju-Jitsu with his father. Master Folmar: “I was not what you would call a naturally athletic child. Uncoordinated and out-of-shape, Martial Arts training was very difficult for me. My asthma made it even more challenging. I am thankful to have had great support and encouragement from my family, instructors, and fellow students as I continued my studies. I can honestly say that every success I have had in my life comes from being able to apply what I have learned on the mat in the outside world.” After receiving his MBA, Master Folmar worked for the American Heart Association developing fun ways to promote heart-healthy programs for kids. Since then he has worked professionally on marketing programs for mobile technology. Robyn Folmar, instructor, is a Black Belt in American Karate with cross training in Kenpo karate. She has been involved in the martial arts for over 15 years. After earning her degree in Journalism and Political Science she worked for The Science Place in Dallas and then Kick-Start– Chuck Norris's Foundation for establishing karate programs in Texas schools for “at-risk” children. Robyn Folmar: “I have seen Karate absolutely change people’s lives. At Kick-Start, I saw disadvantaged kids learn focus, discipline and personal integrity through Karate– which they applied in and out of school with dramatic results. The Karate classes also supplied a positive support network for these kids that encouraged their success. As adults, we can find hundreds of excuses not to do something that we have always wanted to do. I strongly believe karate is for everyone who has an interest; whatever your shape, size or age.” The Folmars founded the American Defensive Arts Academy in 2002 through the Keller Recreation Department. Teaching the class at The Keller Pointe allows the instructors to devote 100% of their attention to the instruction of the student– rather than the constant maintenance and upkeep required with a stand-alone school. Without the pressure of having to maintain certain numbers in order to stay in business, Master Folmar takes pride in advancing students when they have proven that they are ready. In short, the Folmars teach because educating others in the Martial Arts is their passion. Their main goal is not to make a living, but rather to make good Martial Artists. Mr. Oliver Martinez, Instructor and Impact weapon specialist, teaches the school’s Black-Belt Club– focusing on weapon training with Kali sticks, bladed weapons, and Jo staves. Mr. Martinez holds 3rd-Degree Black Belts in both American Karate and Aikido. Mr. Clayton Johns, with over 40 years experience in the martial arts, brings a depth and breadth of experiences to the school. Mr. Johns introduced Master Folmar to American Karate and tested Mrs. Folmar to Black Belt. Mr. Johns holds a 4th-Degree Black Belt in American Karate and a Black Belt in Kenpo Karate.

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7) Philosophy and Style: The curriculum is a unique blend of both 'hard' and 'soft' martial arts styles, drawing from American Karate (kicks and Punches) as well as Aikido and Ju-Jitsu. Focus is weighted heavily toward self-defense for “real-life” situations, rather than tournament techniques. Forms (a set of prescribed moves simulating combat) and sparring are also a large part of the system. Application of the curriculum emphasizes the five tenets of the martial arts: Integrity, Concentration, Respect, Humility and Indomitable Spirit. The American Defensive Arts Academy also stresses community spirit. After all– we all need some place to go to decompress from everyday life. The ADAA is a family-run business and we believe it shows. Many of us practice together outside of class during the week to reinforce what we've learned in class. What is American Karate? American Karate is a way of life and a dynamic philosophy. That means that the Tenets and Principles learned in class must be practiced in all areas of the students’ lives. The term “Karate” comes from the Japanese term Kara-te: Empty Hand. There are many arts that fall under the Karate-family description, but American Karate is different in several critical ways. E Pluribus Unum: Out of many, One The United States of America adopts the best elements from the heritage of the various peoples who have settled here to make our country better. The same holds true for American Karate. The “American” in our name reflects that spirit of openness and adaptation to any situation. American Karate is the result of blending traditions and philosophies from several martial arts systems to provide a systematic approach to self-defense conditioning for various ranges and circumstances. Tae Kwon Do provides a basis for strong stances, blocks and kicks, as illustrated in our long-range techniques. Western Boxing (or Pugilism) is also incorporated with hand, footwork, and body movement techniques for medium range situations. Judo and Aikido throws and locks compliment the system by providing the short-range options and applications for multiple-opponent scenarios. When you choose to practice American Karate, you benefit in three ways: Physically - You will improve your total body condition with increased aerobic capacity, improved flexibility and gains in upper and lower body strength. Mentally - You will improve your ability to focus on-task, gain self-confidence and develop self-control. Philosophically - You will begin to bring your stronger body and mind together– toward a state of Balance.

8) Our School Values: To be great in American Karate the student must also adhere to the Five Tenets of Martial Arts. These are not just words we use in class. Without a strong value system as our foundation, martial artists would be no different than thugs or bullies with fighting skills.

1. Integrity: Doing what is right, even if no one is looking. 2. Concentration: Keep your mind on what you are doing at that moment. 3. Respect: Treat everyone else like you want to be treated. 4. Humility: Remember there is always something else to learn. 5. Indomitable Spirit: Never give up!

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9) Our School Logo

The folded wings represent the goal

of earning the Black-Belt

The Yang-Um symbol, from the Korean flag, represents Balance and honors the Korean

styles of Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido

The red field represents the Rising Sun from

the Japanese

flag and the martial arts

styles of Karate, Ju-jitsu and Aikido

The avatar of the Eagle represents the United States of America, which draws strength from the various cultures of those who settled here. The

Eagle is also part of Korean and Japanese mythology.

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10) Overview of the training techniques: Basics (Ki-bon): These are the fundamentals: Stances, Blocks, Punches, Strikes and Kicks. Strong development of these skills early in your training is essential in order to progress to the more advance levels. Yelling (Ki-Yah): This develops your internal power, called “Ki”, to increase your energy and Warrior Spirit. It also can be used to startle and frighten opponents. Self-Defense (Ho-Shin-Sool) This is the core of the training in American Karate. Students will learn to escape various attacks, such as grabs and holds, by using an attacker’s force against them and targeting vulnerable areas of the body. Multiple responses to the same attack are required for higher ranks, since no one technique will work for all martial artists in all situations. Falling (Nac-Bup or U-keme) Self-defense often starts after you have been attacked, so learning to fall reflexively when caught off guard is part of our training. Proper use of falls and rolls also reduces the chance of injury during rigorous training. Vital Points (Kup-So) These are the points of the body that are most susceptible to pain, break or injury. Students learn where these points on the body are, how to best exploit them on an opponent and protect their own. Forms (Hyung or Kata) These are the oldest ways in which martial arts were passed from Master to student. Forms are pre-arranged series of attacks, blocks, counter-attacks and Strikes. They simulate combat from multiple directions and teach different ways techniques can be linked together. It takes thousands of repetitions of a form for it truly to be learned and understood by the student. Sparring (Ja-Yoo-Dae-Ryon or Kumite) While definitely not combat or self-defense, sparring plays an important role in American Karate training because it:

• Improves endurance (or at least provides the motivation to work on cardio outside class) • Improves timing (bags don’t move around much, opponents do) • Improves reflexes (bags don’t hit back, opponents do) • Promotes respect for each other (don’t want to hurt your partners)

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11) The Five Principles of Martial Arts: 1. Body-Relationships 2. Balance 3. Extension 4. Blending 5. Mind-Control

These Five principles are central to martial arts training. Students will learn how to apply these principles in both defensive and offensive techniques through carefully selected criteria at each belt level. Walk the Walk: It is not enough to just notice that these concepts exist or to recite them when asked for a belt examination. To really learn the lessons of Karate is to see beyond the technique being demonstrated. At each belt level the student is exposed to multiple offensive and defensive applications of the Principles. This means that as a student progresses through the rank system, they are being exposed to different ways that these concepts can be used in self-defense situations. Working together, the Instructor and student will work together to find the applications that work best for each student.

10th Gup (White-Belt): Defensive BODY-RELATIONSHIPS

Move yourself outside of an attacker’s range-of-effectiveness 9th Gup (Yellow-Belt): Offensive BODY-RELATIONSHIPS

Move your attacker into your range-of-effectiveness 8th Gup (Gold-Belt): Defensive BALANCE

One must keep their own Balance to perform any art 7th Gup (Orange-Belt): Offensive BALANCE

Take your opponent’s Balance and they will be less able to attack 6th Gup (Green-Belt): Defensive EXTENSION

Project Ki energy to control all actions inside your personal space 5th Gup (Blue-Belt): Offensive EXTENSION

Extend Ki energy with attack through target for greater power 4th Gup (Purple-Belt): Defensive BLENDING

Do not directly meet an attacker’s strength 3rd Gup (Brown-Belt): Offensive BLENDING

Use an attacker’s force against them 2nd Gup (Red Belt): Defensive MIND-CONTROL

A calm mind is your most powerful defense 1st Gup (Red/Black-Belt): Offensive MIND-CONTROL

Destroy an attacker’s form and technique and their desire will follow

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12) Class Etiquette: • Arrive a few minutes early to begin warming up before the session starts. • Your uniform and belt should be clean for each class. • No horseplay before, during, or after classes. • If late to class, raise your hand and wait until the instructor recognizes you and invites you onto the mat. • Bring safety equipment to every class. Some activities may require protective gear to participate. • Always bow to Black Belts when they enter the room. • Show respect to all students, regardless of their rank. We all wore White-Belts at some time. • Pay attention when the instructor is talking. You can’t learn if you are not listening. • Roughhousing or horseplay is never permitted. Learning Karate is fun, but it is not a game. • During classes always refer to instructors and other students with formal salutations, such as Mr., Mrs., or Ms

or Master (5th-Degree Black-Belts and above only). • When the instructors ask you a question or ask you to do something, say “Yes Sir/Ma’am!” in a loud voice. • If you need to leave the mat for any reason during class, ask the instructor for permission to be dismissed. • Before getting back on the mat, wait for the instructor to recognize you and invite you back. • Always bow to your training partner before and after each training segment. • Raise your hand to ask a question during class. The instructor will come to you.

13) Student Binder: Students are responsible for getting a 3 ring binder for holding their American Karate training information. The Binder should be divided into the following sections:

• Student Information: A title page and intro into why you want to learn American Karate • Class Overview: This introduction to training in American Karate • Instructor/Student Contact List • Training Logs: Record of conditioning work done outside of class • Belt Curriculum: What you are expected to present for each test • Belt Test Evaluations: Forms that you will receive after each test with comments from the board. They

must be kept so that the board can better see your progress • Personal Journal: Write down thoughts and feelings about training. Photos and art are great additions to

this section • Appendix 1: Six-Counts for each belt level • Appendix 2: Korean Terminology • Appendix 3: Japanese Terminology • Appendix 4: 8-Direction-Movement Diagram • Appendix 5: 8-Direction-Movement series • Appendix 6: Pattern Diagrams

You must have the binder ready for each test. Since we do not meet every day, the only way for the board to know what you have done to further your skills and abilities outside of class is to maintain an up-to-date log.

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14) Uniforms & Safety Equipment: Students will need the following proper safety gear since American Karate is a contact activity:

Karate Uniform (Do-Bok or Gi)

Karate Uniform Sizing Chart

Uniform Size Clothing Size Height Weight

000 Child 2-4 3' to 3'5" 30 to 40 lbs.

00 Child 4-6 3'5" to 3'10" 40 to 55 lbs.

0 Child 6-8 3'10" to 4'3" 55 to 70 lbs.

1 Child 8-10 4'3" to 4'8" 70 to 90 lbs.

2 Child 10-12 4'8" to 5'1" 90 to 110 lbs.

3 Adult Small 5'1" to 5'6" 110 to 140 lbs.

4 Medium 5'6" to 5'11" 140 to 170 lbs.

5 Large 5'11" to 6'2" 170 to 200 lbs.

6 X-Large 6'2" to 6'5" 200 to 230 lbs.

7 XX-Large 6'5" to 6'8" 230 to 260 lbs.

• Sparring Gear- After Orange-Belt for sparring

o Hand Gear o Foot Gear o Shin Gear o Head Gear (Required below Black-Belt) o Mouth Guard o Groin Protection o Optional Equipment

Chest Protectors Protective Glasses Wrist Wraps Face Shield

• Recommended Home-Training Equipment

o Kicking-Shield o Hand-Targets o Free-Standing Heavy-Bag

All your uniforms, equipment and gear can be purchased through the class store with the assistance of your Instructors. Consult them for details on placing an order.

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14.1 Karate Uniforms: White is the color for beginners, since it represents purity. Therefore, all beginner and intermediate students (Green Belts and Below) must wear white uniforms when training in class or attending an ADAA event. Exceptions will be made for special events, like T-Shirt Days during the summer months. There is a special-recognition uniform that can be worn if a student joins the American Defensive Arts Academy Black-Belt Club. The red training uniform and the red-trimmed testing uniform are optional for BBC members. Blue-Belts and higher may wear a colored or patterned uniform. The Black-Belt uniform is a traditional white uniform, but with special Black or dark Blue trim on the jacket and sleeves to represent the knowledge that they have acquired. Only 1st-Degree Black Belts and higher may wear this uniform - no exceptions.

14.1.1 Placement of Patches: 1. ADAA School Patch – Left side of chest, over heart 2. Black-Belt Club Patch – Right sleeve just below the shoulder seam or below Korean/Japanese Flag

Patches 3. Korean and Japanese Flag Patch(s) – Right sleeve just below the shoulder seam 4. American Flag Patch – Left sleeve just below the shoulder seam 5. Academic-Achievement Patch - Left sleeve just above the shoulder seam 6. All-Star Patches – Along the right uniform lapel 7. Student-of-the-Month – Above the ADAA School Patch

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14.1.2 Tying the Belt:

Read diagram top-to-bottom, left-to-right. 1. Locate the center of the belt and place it on the stomach. 2. Wrap the belt around the waist, bringing both ends to the front—with the RIGHT end OVER the LEFT end. 3. Bring RIGHT end UP and UNDER both bottom bands and hang down over the rest of the belt. 4. Bring LEFT end OVER and UNDER the RIGHT end and pull through the loop. 5. Pull tightly DOWN and to BOTH sides!

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15) Belt Testing: In the beginning, as legend goes, everyone wore a White-Belt that got progressively darker due to sweat and dirt– until it was finally black. In order to more effectively evaluate where a student is in their training, a system of ordered ranks was conceived. There are 10 ranks– or Gups in Korean– on the way to Black Belt. Each rank was also assigned a color, which signified a particular value or importance.

10th Gup White Purity 9th Gup Yellow Sunlight 8th Gup Gold Sunlight’s Warmth 7th Gup Orange The Sunrise 6th Gup Green Beginning Growth 5th Gup Blue Growth toward the sky 4th Gup Purple Blossoming colors 3rd Gup Brown A Solid root in the Ground 2nd Gup Red Danger 1st Gup Red/Black Sunlight penetrating the dark 1st Dan Black Darkness Beyond the Sun

15.1 Why a Belt Test? This is a school and examinations are part of any quality school. In order to gain any real confidence in your technique, the student must practice it and then demonstrate it under circumstances outside of the comfort zone of the classroom. Nearly all of the confidence thresholds achieved by our upper ranks came as a result of test preparation and performance. It is a challenge that has to be met head-on and one that must be taken seriously.

15.2 Belt Test Fees: Test fees are set on a progressive structure to reflect the increasing depth and breadth of material on which the candidate will be evaluated. Students will receive a Certificate of Rank and a new belt at the successful completion of the exam. Boards will be provided for the student on any test that requires breaking demonstrations. Testing fees allow the school to maintain a high-quality testing environment in order to give the student the attention that they deserve. $30.00 - Yellow, Gold and Orange-Belt $40.00 - Green, Blue and Purple-Belt $50.00 - Brown, Red $75.00 - Red/Black-Belt, Bo-Dan and Bo-Dan to Jr. Sho-Dan $150.00 - 1st-Degree Black Belt exam $200.00 - 2nd-Degree Black Belt and higher

15.3 Testing etiquette: • Wear a clean and pressed WHITE uniform. No colored uniforms may be worn by testing candidates. • Have your Student Binder with you and ready for inspection by the testing board. • When your name is called, stand up and shout “Yes, Sir/Ma’am!” loudly, bow, and run (don’t walk) to the

location instructed by the testing board. • When the instructors ask you a question or to do something, say very loudly “Yes Sir/Ma’am!” • When the board dismisses you, say very loudly, “Thank you Sir/Ma’am”, bow, and run (don’t walk) back. • Do not leave a test until dismissed by the board, except for medical emergencies.

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16) Test Criteria: The following sections summarize the new skills that will be tested for each belt level. This information is a guide to help the student track progress and what needs to be practiced. The general format of each belt test is to review forms, Six-Counts, and self-defenses, with other material reviewed as necessary. The student should be prepared to show new forms, Six-Counts, self-defenses and other material, as well as material learned earlier. On each testing date, the testing board will determine how much of the earlier material will be reviewed. The head instructor may revise these specific skills periodically. These periodic revisions may reflect a reorganization of information to create a more logical progression of skills. It may reflect the inclusion of new material to better illustrate the principles of karate. Whatever the reason, the desire is to better prepare the student. Check with the instructors if questions arise. In order to be cleared for testing students must receive colored skill-stripes as follows:

Green Falls/Rolls Yellow 8 Direction Movements Red Self-Defense

White Forms/Kata Blue Six-Counts Black Weapons

(Purple Belt and above) The following pages detail the material required for the listed ranks, with all required material for each test listed below belt rank and a sample of the evaluation form that will be used during testing.

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16.1. White-Belt

Meaning of Belt Color: The beginning. A new student is like a blank piece of paper. Martial Arts Principle: Body Relationships (Defensive) – Move yourself out of an attacker’s range-of-effectiveness Questions

• What is the name of your Karate school? • What are the names of your instructors? • What does the White-Belt represent? • What is the goal of Karate-Do?

Basics: • 4-Direction Movements • White-Belt Six-Count Blocks: • High • Middle-forearm • Low Falls: • Front Fall from kneeling • Back Fall from kneeling

Self-Defenses: • Single-Wrist Grab • Cross-Wrist Grab • Double-Wrist Grab • Two-Hand Wrist Grab • Double-Lapel Grab/Palm Shield Strikes & Kicks: • Jab • Cross • Lunge Palm-Heel Strike • Front-Kick • Round-Kick • Side-Kick

The Five Tenets of Martial Arts:


White-Belt 4-Direction Movements: (Hands UP in Fighting Stance) 1 Forward

2 Backward

3 Left

4 Right

White-Belt Six-Counts: Beginner Strike-Set 1 Palm-Strike

2 Cross Palm-Strike

3 Lunge Palm-Strike

4 Lead-Leg Side-Kick

5 Lead-Leg Front-Kick

6 Lead-Leg Round-Kick



3 4

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16.1.1 Single Wrist Grab 1. Bring palms together WITHOUT interlocking fingers 2. Step back, Rotate hip, and pull hands up-and-away toward opposite ear 3. Back-Fist to jaw, temple, or ear 4. Hop back to Fighting Position with loud “Kiyah”

16.1.2 Cross Wrist Grab 1. Reach OVER Uke’s wrist to bring palms together WITHOUT interlocking fingers 2. Step back, Rotate hip, and pull hands up-and-away toward opposite ear 3. Back-Fist to jaw, temple, or ear 4. Hop back to Fighting Position with loud “Kiyah”

16.1.3 Double Wrist Grab 1. Bring palms together WITHOUT interlocking fingers 2. Step back, Rotate hip, and pull hands up-and-away toward opposite ear 3. Back-Fist to jaw, temple, or ear 4. Hop back to Fighting Position with loud “Kiyah”

16.1.4 Two-Hand Wrist Grab 1. Reach with free hand in-between and OVER Uke’s arms to bring palms together WITHOUT interlocking fingers 2. Step back, Rotate hip, and pull hands up-and-away toward opposite ear 3. Back-Fist to jaw, temple, or ear 4. Hop back to Fighting Position with loud “Kiyah”

16.1.5 Double-Lapel Grab with Palm Shield 1. Step to 1 and firmly EXTEND Palm Shield into Uke’s chest (NOT a Strike)! 2. Yell “STOP!” 3. Turn hips 900 as you lean forward, pushing Uke back 4. Hop back to Fighting Position with loud “Kiyah”

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American Defensive Arts Academy, LLC Candidate Evaluation Form

9th Kyu –Jr. Yellow-Belt Student _____________________ Date______________________ Test Criteria Score Questions ______

• What is the name of your Karate school? • What are the names of your instructors? • What does the White-Belt represent? • What is the goal of Karate-Do?

4-Direction Movement: ______ Blocks: ______

• Low-block _____ • Outer Forearm Middle-block _____ • High-block _____

Strikes: ______ • Jab _____ • Cross _____ • Lunge _____ • Front-Kick _____ • Round House Kick _____ • Side-Kick _____

Self – Defense: ______

• Singe Wrist Grab _____ • Cross Wrist Grab _____ • Double Wrist Grab _____ • Two Hand Wrist Grab _____ • Palm Shield _____

Total Score _____ Examiner ___________________________ Rank ___________________________

Score Rating N Needs Improvement M Meets Expectations E Exceeds Expectations

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16.2. Yellow-Belt

Meaning of Belt Color: Sunlight pours down from the heavens giving the plant the life and energy that it needs to grow. Such is the Yellow-Belt that takes life from the knowledge of their instructors. Martial Arts Principle: Body Relationships (Offensive) – Move your attacker into your range-of-effectiveness Questions

• What is the Principle-of-Martial-Arts for Yellow-Belt? • What does the Yellow-Belt represent? • What are the Five Tenets of Martial Arts? • What are the A-B-C’s of Self Defense?

Basics • 8-Direction Movements Blocks • Front Moving • Middle Moving • High Moving Falls • Front Fall • Back Fall • Side Fall Patterns • Chon-Ji (First Half): “Heaven and Earth” • Yellow-Belt Six-Count

Self-Defenses: • Front Bear-Grab (Over-the-Arms) • Rear Bear-Grab (Over-the-Arms) • Push from Front • Double Wrist-Grab (Chon Ji Bunkai) Strikes & Kicks • Jab • Cross • Lunge • Slide-up Side-Kick • Slide-up Front-Kick • Slide-up Round-Kick

Yellow-Belt: 8-Direction Movements 1 Forward

2 Backward

3 Left

4 Right

5 Left forward angle

6 Right forward angle

7 Left backward angle

8 Right backward angle Yellow-Belt: 6-Counts 1 Palm-Strike 2 Cross Palm-Strike 3 Lunge Palm-Strike 4 Lead-Leg Side-Kick 5 Rear-Leg Side-Kick 6 Lead-Leg Front-Kick 7 Rear-Leg Front-Kick 8 Lead-Leg Round-Kick 9 Rear-Leg Round-Kick



3 4


7 8


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Yellow-Belt: Self-Defenses

16.2.1 Front Bear Grab 1. Bring Right Leg back while raising arms to shoulder height with elbows bent 90O and palms down 2. Double-Chop to ribs 3. Hop back a few inches with a Right-Cross Punch below Solar Plexus 4. Hop back to Fighting Position with loud “Kiyah”

16.2.2 Rear Bear Grab 1. Right Heel-Stomp while raising arms to shoulder height with elbows bent 90O and palms down 2. Grab own Right Fist with Left hand and elbow ribs with right elbow 3. Grab own Left fist with Right hand, elbow below Solar Plexus 4. Bring Right hand across to grab Uke’s Left wrist, step with Right foot to 5 and deliver Left Back-Fist to Uke’s jaw 5. Slide Left hand down Uke’s arm and grab Left wrist and release Uke’s Right hand 6. Left Side-Kick to ribs 7. Hop back to fighting stance with loud “Kiyah”

16.2.3 Push from Front

1. When Uke pushes shoulders, roll into back-fall with chin tucked and slap the mat with both hands and palms down. 2. Bend and lift knees and bring hands up to protect face 3. Deliver repeated bicycle-kicks to Uke’s knees 4. Roll onto side and stand up with loud “Kiyah”

16.2.4 Double Wrist-Grab (Chon-Ji Bunkai)

1. As Uke grabs both wrist with both hands, twist hips to side as you raise one hand to opposite ear 2. Release hip and bring forearm down to outside of Uke’s wrist with a low-block to break their hold 3. Step-in Palm-Heel Strike to Uke’s nose 4. Hop back to fighting stance with loud “Kiyah”

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American Defensive Arts Academy, LLC

Candidate Evaluation Form 8th Gup – Jr. Gold-Belt

Student _____________________ Date______________________ Test Criteria Score Questions ______

• What is the Principle of Martial Arts for Yellow-Belt? • What does the Yellow-Belt represent? • What are the Five Tenets of Martial Arts? • What are the A-B-C’s of Self Defense?

8-Direction-Movement ______

Patterns ______ • Chon Gi (first half) _____ • Yellow-Belt Six-Count _____

Self - Defense ______

• Front Bear Grab (over arms) _____ • Rear Bear Grab (over arms) _____ • Push from Front _____ • Double Wrist Grab (Chon-Ji) _____

Total Score _____ Examiner ___________________________ Rank ___________________________

Score Rating N Needs Improvement M Meets Expectations E Exceeds Expectations

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16.3. Gold-Belt

NOTE: Gold Belts need Sparring Gear! See instructor for sizing information! Meaning of Belt Color: Light shining down begins to warm the ground as the seed takes root. Student is beginning to form the foundation of their karate. Martial Arts Principle: Balance (defensive) – One must keep their own Balance to perform any art Questions

• What is the Principle of Martial Arts for Gold-Belt? • What does the Gold-Belt represent? • How do you practice Awareness? • What are the Five Principles of Martial Arts? • What are the styles of Martial Arts your instructors have studied?

Basics • 8-Direction Movements with Blocks Falls • Front Fall from standing • Side Fall from standing • Back Fall from standing Free Sparring • 2 Rounds of half speed sparring

Patterns • Chon-Ji (Full Form): “Heaven and Earth” • Gold-Belt Six-Count Self-Defenses: • Front Shoulder Grab • Rear Shoulder Grab (Chon-Ji Bunkai) • Punch to Face • Front-Kick

Gold Belt: 8-Direction with Blocks 1 High-block

2 Low-block

3 Right Knife-Hand-middle-block

4 Left block-middle-block

5 Left Out-to-In middle-block

6 Right Out-to-In middle-block

7 Right sweeping-block

8 Left sweeping-block


6-Counts 1 Lead-Leg Side-Kick } Jab } Cross 2 Jab } Cross } Rear-Leg Side-Kick } Jab } Cross 3 Lead-Leg Front-Kick } Jab } Cross 4 Jab } Cross } Rear-Leg Front-Kick } Jab } Cross 5 Lead-Leg Round-Kick } Jab } Cross 6 Jab } Cross } Rear-Leg Round-Kick } Jab } Cross

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Gold-Belt: Self-Defenses

16.3.1 Front Shoulder Grab 1. Step to 1 with High-block Strike to knock Uke’s arm off shoulder 2. Cross Palm-Heel Strike to Jaw 3. Hop back to Fighting Position with loud “Kiyah”

16.3.2 Rear Single Shoulder Grab (Chon-Ji Bunkai) 1. Turn and look 2. Step behind 3. Scoop Block to break grip 4. Palm Heel to uke’s face 5. Hop back to Fighting Position with loud “Kiyah”

16.3.3 Punch to Face

1. Step to 3 or 4 in Back-Stance 2. Block Strike with Knife-Block 3. Lead-Leg Round-Kick to body 4. Step down and Palm-Heel Strike to head 5. Hop back to Fighting Position with loud “Kiyah”

16.3.4 Front-Kick

1. Step to 2 with Low-block 2. Rear Leg Front-Kick to Groin 3. Step down and Cross Palm-Heel Strike to Jaw 4. Hop back to Fighting Position with loud “Kiyah”

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American Defensive Arts Academy, LLC Candidate Evaluation Form

7th Gup –Jr. Orange-Belt Student _____________________ Date______________________ Test Criteria Score Questions ______

• What is the Principle of Martial Arts for Gold-Belt? • What does the Gold-Belt represent? • How do you practice Awareness? • What are the styles of Martial Arts your instructors have studied?

8-Direction-Movement with Blocks ______

Patterns ______

• Gold-Belt Six-Count _____ • Chon-Ji _____

Self – defense ______ • Front Shoulder Grab _____ • Rear Shoulder Grab _____ • Front-Kick _____ • Punch _____

Total Score _____ Examiner ___________________________ Rank ___________________________

Score Rating N Needs Improvement M Meets Expectations E Exceeds Expectations

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16.4. Orange-Belt

Meaning of Belt Color: The sun is beginning to rise. The beginner student sees the beauty of the art of Karate but has not yet experienced the power in the techniques. Martial Arts Principle: Balance (Offensive) – Take your opponents Balance and they will be less able to attack Questions

• What is the Principle of Martial Arts for Orange-Belt? • What does the Orange-Belt represent? • What is the goal of Self-Defense? • How do you set Boundaries? • Who are the founders of American Karate?

Basics • 8-Direction Movements with Hand Strikes Falls • Forward-Roll from kneeling • Back-Roll from kneeling Free Sparring: • Three rounds of half-speed sparring

Patterns • Do-San- (First Half): “Korean patriot who

dedicated his life to furthering education” • Orange-Belt Six-Count Self-Defenses: • Front-Punch (Do-San Bunkai)) • Rear Cross-Grab Spin-Punch (Do-San Bunkai) • Ground: On Back with Choke • Ground: On Back with Punch • Ground: On Back with Hands over Head

Orange-Belt: 8-Direction with Strikes 1 Jab to face

2 Cross to Solar Plexus

3 Right Ridge-Hand Strike to Temple

4 Left Ridge-Hand Strike to Temple

5 Right Hook to Ribs

6 Left Hook to Ribs

7 Right Back-Fist to Head

8 Left Back-Fist to Head

Orange-Belt: 6-Counts (Intermediate Strike Set) 1 Hook 2 Rear Hook 3 Uppercut 4 Rear Uppercut 5 Back-Fist 6 Spinning Back-Fist 7 Ridge-Hand 8 Rear Ridge-Hand 9 Turn-Back-Kick

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Orange-Belt: Self-Defenses

16.4.1 Front Punch (Do-San Bunkai) 1. Step to 5 or 6 with outward Middle-block, on the inside of Uke’s attack. 2. Execute a Reverse Punch to Uke’s center line 3. Step out to Fighting Position with loud “Kiyah”

16.4.2 Rear Cross Grab Spin Punch (Do-San Bunkai) 1. Turn head first as you fold your arms across your body for Middle-block 2. Step-Into Front-Stance with outward Middle-Block 3. Execute a Reverse Punch to Uke’s Solar Plexus 4. Step out to Fighting Position with loud “Kiyah”

16.4.3 Ground: On Back Being Choked 1. Tuck head in to Uke’s wrist to avoid choke 2. Pull feet in tight close as possible to buttocks with upper legs against Uke 3. Put both hands on side of Uke’s head and thumbs over Uke’s eyes 4. Rotate Uke’s head and drive knee Strikes into Uke’s hips 5. Roll Uke off to side, roll the opposite direction, and jump to feet to escape

16.4.4 Ground: On Back Being Punched 1. Tuck head in to Uke’s wrist to avoid choke 2. Pull feet in tight close as possible to buttocks with upper legs against Uke 3. Grab outside of Uke forearm just below elbow (on choke side) with fingers pointing up arm. 4. Block Punches with other hand by catching inside of elbow. 5. When Uke Punches, do the 3-point pivot:

(a) Hips push up very strongly (b) Arm on choke side pushes up and to the inside. (c) Arm on Punch side controls and guides Uke to the outside.

6. Roll Uke off to the outside (opposite the choke side) and onto their back.

16.4.5 Ground: On Back Hands Over Head 1. Pull feet in tight close as possible to buttocks with upper legs against Uke 2. Bring elbows down to side of body– do NOT press up against Uke’s press 3. When elbows are by hips, push with legs to break Uke’s balance and roll body to one side– keeping elbows in front of body 4. Uke will roll off to side, roll opposite direction to feet and escape

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American Defensive Arts Academy, LLC Candidate Evaluation Form

6th Gup – Jr. Green Belt Student _____________________ Date______________________ Test Criteria Score Questions

• What is the Principle of Martial Arts for Orange-Belt? • What does the Orange-Belt represent? • What is the goal of Self-Defense? • How do you set Boundaries? • Who are the founders of American Karate?

8-Direction-Movement Strikes ______ Patterns ______ Chon-Ji _____ Do-San _____ Gold-Belt Six-Count _____ Orange-Belt Six-Count _____ Self – Defense ______ Front Punch _____ Rear Cross Grab-Spin Punch _____ On Back –Choke _____ On Back- Hands Over Head _____ On Back- Being Punched _____ Rolling _____ Sparring _____ 3 Rounds (Half Speed) _____ _____ _____ Total Score _____ Examiner ___________________________ Rank ___________________________

Score Rating N Needs Improvement M Meets Expectations E Exceeds Expectations

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16.5. Green-Belt

Meaning of Belt Color: Green signifies growth. As the seed grows into a young plant, the student's ability and knowledge of the art begin to develop. Martial Arts Principle: Extension (Defensive) – Project Ki to control all actions inside your personal space Questions

• What is the Principle of Martial Arts for Green Belt? • What does the Green-Belt represent? • When should we use our Combat skills?

Basics • 8-Direction Movements with Kicks Falls • Forward-Roll from standing • Back-Roll from standing Free Sparring: • Four Rounds of Half-Speed Sparring

Patterns • Do-San- (Full Form): “Korean patriot who

dedicated his life to furthering education” • Green-Belt Six-Count Self-Defenses: • Front Double-Shoulder-Grab (Do-San Bunkai) • Front-Kick • Round-Kick • Side-Kick • Ground: On Stomach – Two-Handed Head Press • Ground: On Stomach – Hands above Head

Green-Belt: 8-Direction with Kicks 1 Front-Kick to Groin

2 Turn-Back-Kick to Stomach

3 Right Round-Kick to Solar Plexus

4 Left Round-Kick to Solar Plexus

5 Right inward Front-Kick to Groin

6 Left inward Front-Kick to Groin

7 Right Side-Kick to Knee

8 Left Side-Kick to Knee

Green-Belt: 6-Counts 1 Lead-Leg Side-Kick } Turn-Back-Kick } Jab } Cross } Hook } Uppercut 2 Jab } Cross } Rear-Leg Side-Kick } Turn-Back-Kick } Jab } Cross } Hook } Uppercut 3 Lead-Leg Front-Kick } Turn-Back-Kick } Jab } Cross } Hook } Uppercut 4 Jab } Cross } Lead-Leg Side-Kick } Turn-Back-Kick } Jab } Cross } Hook } Uppercut 5 Lead-Leg Round-Kick } Turn-Back-Kick } Jab } Cross } Hook } Uppercut 6 Jab } Cross } Rear-Leg Round-Kick } Turn-Back-Kick } Jab } Cross} Hook - Uppercut

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Green-Belt: Self-Defenses

16.5.1 Front Double Shoulder Grab (Do-San Bunkai) 1. Step to 2 in Back-Stance with Rising X Block (fists closed) to knock Uke’s hands off shoulders 2. Open hands and bring fingers across Uke’s eyes and down to their shoulders 3. Pull Uke into Rear-Leg Knee Strike to the Groin 4. Step out to Fighting Position with loud “Kiyah”

16.5.3 Front-Kick

1. Step to inside (3 or 4) with Universal Block 2. Low Lead-Leg Front-Kick to groin 3. Jab or Palm Strike to Face, Cross Punch to Solar Plexus 4. Step out to Fighting Position with loud “Kiyah”

16.5.4 Round-Kick

1. Step to inside (3 or 4) with Universal Block 2. Low Lead-Leg Front-Kick to groin 3. Jab or Palm Strike to Face, Cross Punch to Solar Plexus 4. Step out to Fighting Position with loud “Kiyah”

16.5.5 Side-Kick 1. Step to 3 or 4 with Universal Block 2. Low Lead-Leg Front-Kick to groin 3. Jab or Palm Strike to Face, Cross Punch to Solar Plexus 4. Step out to Fighting Position with loud “Kiyah”

16.5.6 Ground: On Stomach – Two-Hand Head Press 1. Alternating Reverse Elbow-Strikes to ribs until Uke removes hands 2. Roll to one side and push into a side arch while delivering Elbow-Strikes to targets of opportunity 3. Roll Uke off to side and roll opposite direction – jumping to feet to escape

16.5.7 Ground: On Stomach – Hands over Head 1. Bend elbows to slide hands in front of face – DO NOT push against Uke’s force 2. Place one hand onto the other, securing Uke’s wrist 3. Duck head under Uke’s arm (Arm that has wrist pinned) and place side of head on Uke’s outside elbow 4. Leaning inward on elbow, shift Uke’s body to shift 5. Roll in same direction as Uke and deliver Elbow-Strike right below Solar Plexus 6. Roll opposite direction – jump to feet to escape

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American Defensive Arts Academy, LLC Candidate Evaluation Form

5th Gup – Jr. Blue Belt Student _____________________ Date______________________ Test Criteria Score Questions

• What is the Principle of Martial Arts for Green Belt? • What does the Green-Belt represent? • When should we use our Combat skills?

8-Direction-Movement Kicks ______ Patterns ______

Chon-Ji _____ Do-San _____ Orange Six Count _____ Green Six Count _____ Blue Six Count _____

Self – Defense ______ Double Shoulder Grab ______ Kick Defenses

Front-Kick ______ Round-Kick ______ Side-Kick ______

Sparring _____ 4 Rounds ______ _____ _____ _____ Total Score _____ Examiner ___________________________ Rank ___________________________

Score Rating N Needs Improvement M Meets Expectations E Exceeds Expectations

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16.6. Blue-Belt

Meaning of Belt Color: Student continues to grow and reach toward the sky. Such is the student who reaches for more knowledge. Martial Arts Principle: Extension (Offensive) – Extend Ki energy with attack through target for greater power Questions

• What is the Principle of Martial Arts for Blue-Belt? • What does the Blue-Belt represent? • What is the hardest part of learning karate? • What are the 5 Ranges of Combat?

Basics • 8-Direction Movements with Strikes and Kicks Falls • Jump-Roll Free Sparring: • Five Ranges of Combat

1. Grappling range 2. Knees & Elbows striking range 3. Punching range 4. Kicking range 5. Too far to strike

• Five Rounds of Half-Speed Sparring

Patterns • Yul-Guk- Scholar nicknamed “Confucius of Korea” • Blue-Belt Six-Count Self-Defenses: • Hair Grab from Front • Hair Grab from Rear • Front elevated Bear-Grab (Over-the-Arms) • Rear elevated Bear Grab (Over-the-Arms) • Side Headlock • Front Headlock • Double Punches (Yul-Guk Bunkai)

Blue-Belt: 6-Counts 1 2X Side-Kick } 2X Jab } Lunge Punch } Turn-Back-Kick 2 Jab } Cross } Rear-Leg 2X Side-Kick } 2X Jab } Lunge Punch } Turn-Back-Kick 3 2X Front-Kick } 2X Jab } Lunge Punch } Spinning Back-Fist to Head 4 Jab } Cross } 2X Front-Kick } 2X Jab } Lunge Punch } Spinning Back-Fist to Head 5 2X Round-Kick } 2X Jab } Lunge Punch } Spinning Back-Fist/Hammer-Fist to Groin 6 Jab } Cross }2X Round-Kick } 2X Jab } Lunge Punch } Spinning-Back-Fist/Hammer-Fist to Groin

Blue-Belt: 8-Direction with Kicks 1 Palm-Heel to Chin } Cross to Solar Plexus } Front-Kick to Groin

2 Spinning-Back-Fist to Temple } Turn-Back-Kick to Stomach

3 Right Ridge-Hand to Philtrum } Right Round-Kick to Stomach

4 Left Ridge-Hand to Philtrum } Left Round-Kick to Stomach

5 Right Hook to Ribs } Right inward Front-Kick to Groin

6 Left Hook to Ribs } Left inward Front-Kick to Groin

7 Right Back-Fist to side of Neck } Right Side-Kick to Knee

8 Left Back-Fist to side of Neck } Left Side-Kick to Knee

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Blue-Belt: Self-Defenses

16.6.1 Hair Grab from Front 1. Cup both hands over Uke's attacking hand. 2. Step back and bend head and hands forward, bending Uke's wrist backward. 3. Force Uke to knees by lowering hands and maintaining wrist control until Uke lets go of hair. 4. Let go of Uke's hand with same side hand as your back leg. 5. Grab back of Uke's neck with this hand and pull into Rear Leg knee into face. 6. Step out to Fighting Position with loud “Kiyah”.

16.6.2 Hair Grab from Rear 1. Step and turn with a descending Elbow-Strike to Uke’s elbow 2. Shift weight forward and use same hand to Palm Strike to Uke’s chin 3. Follow up with Reverse Punch to below Solar Plexus 4. Step out to Fighting Position with loud “Kiyah”

16.6.3 Front elevated Bear-Grab (Over-the-Arms)

1. Reach down and pinch skin at top of Uke’s hips 2. Drop to fighting stance and spread arms to keep Uke from grabbing again 3. Horizontal Elbow-Smash to Uke’s jaw 4. Reverse Palm Strike to Uke’s Solar Plexus 5. Step out to Fighting Position with loud “Kiyah”

16.6.4 Rear elevated Bear Grab (Over-the-Arms)

1. Reach down and pinch skin at top of Uke’s hips 2. Drop to Horse-Stance and spread arms to keep Uke from grabbing again 3. Rear Elbow-Strike to below Uke’s Solar Plexus 4. Immediately follow up with Hammer-Fist to groin using the same hand 5. Uke with bend forward and then execute a rising Elbow-Strike to Chin with same hand 6. Step out to Fighting Position with loud “Kiyah”

16.6.5 Side Headlock

1. Duck head to protect face while outside hand reaches across to jam Uke’s Punches 2. Inside hand reaches up Uke’s back and around head, place Knife-Hand under Nose 3. Press up and back at same time forcing Uke’s head up toward sky 4. As Uke moves up, deliver Hammer-Fist Strikes with outside hand to Uke’s groin 5. As Uke bends forward, deliver a Reverse Palm Strike to chin 6. Step out to Fighting Position with loud “Kiyah”

16.6.6 Front Headlock 1. Tuck Chin to protect airway, and place hands on Uke’s choking hand to loosen grip 2. Execute an rising Palm-Heel to Uke’s Groin with inside hand 3. Step across Uke’s center line, under their choking arm, while keeping their hand tight to your chest 4. Turn in place applying Sankyo lock to Uke 5. Step to Front-Stance with Horizontal Elbow-Strike to Uke’s head or body with loud “Kiyah” 6. Step out to Fighting Position with loud “Kiyah”

16.6.7 Double Punches (Yul-Guk Bunkai) 1. Side step with Cross body Knife-Hand block to outside of elbow 2. On second Punch, execute Cross body Knife-Hand block to outside of elbow 3. Control Uke’s arm and pull Uke into a Front Punch to the Neck 4. Step out to Fighting Position with loud “Kiyah”

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American Defensive Arts Academy, LLC

Candidate Evaluation Form 4th Gup – Jr. Purple Belt

Student _____________________ Date______________________ Test Criteria Score Questions _____

• What is the Principle of Martial Arts for Blue-Belt? • What does the Blue-Belt represent? • What is the hardest part of learning karate? • What are the 5 Ranges of Combat?

8-Direction-Movement Combinations ______ Patterns ______

ChunJi _______ Do-San _______ Yul-Guk _______ Blue Six Count _______

Self – Defense ______

Hair Grab Front ______ Hair Grab Rear ______ • Elevated Front Bear Over Arms ______ • Elevated Rear Bear Under Arms ______ • Side Headlock ______ • Front Headlock ______ • Double Punches ______

Sparring _____ 5 Rounds Total Score _____ Examiner ___________________________ Rank ___________________________

Score Rating N Needs Improvement M Meets Expectations E Exceeds Expectations

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16.7. Purple-Belt

Meaning of Belt Color: As the rays from the sun cause the plant to grow, it begins to blossom into beautiful colors; just as the student begins to discover their ability and potential. Martial Arts Principle: Blending (Defensive) – Do not directly meet an attacker’s strength Questions

• What is the Principle of Martial Arts for Purple-Belt? • What does the Purple-Belt represent? • How have you demonstrated INTEGRITY recently?

Basics • 8-Direction Movements with Covers & Evasions Free Sparring: • Five Rounds of Sparring Patterns • Hwa Rang- Elite Military Youth corps known as

“The Flower of Korea” • Purple-Belt Six-Count

Self-Defenses: • Front Bear-Grab (Locked Over-the-Arms) • Front Bear-Grab (Locked Under-the-Arms) • Rear Bear-Grab (Locked Over-the-Arms) • Rear Bear Grab (Locked Under-the-Arms) • Ground: Escape from Full-Mount or Guard Front

Headlock • Grab and Punch (Hwa Rwang Bunkai) • Lunge Punch (Hwa Rwang Bunkai)

Purple-Belt: 8-Direction with Covers and Evasions 1 Lean forward to Clinch-and-Cover-Block

2 Lean backward to Evade with Cover-Block

3 Step-and-Duck to Left

4 Step-and-Duck to Right

5 Step-In and Duck to left with Hook Punch

6 Step-In and Duck to right with Hook Punch

7 Shift to back Left with Cover-Shift to Upset-Punch

8 Shift to back Right with Cover-Shift to Upset-Punch

Purple-Belt: 6-Counts 1 Parry-Inward Knife-Hand 2 Parry-Outward Knife-Hand 3 Simultaneous block/Strike 4 Vertical Elbow 5 Horizontal Elbow 6 Rear Knee 7 Hooking Crescent-Kick 8 Twisting Front-Kick 9 Bai-Sai-Dai Rear Stomp-Kick 10 Crescent Axe-Kick 11 Spinning Crescent-Kick 12 Heel-Rake 13 Spinning Heel-Rake

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Purple-Belt: Self-Defenses

16.7.1 Front Bear-Grab (Locked Over-the-Arms) 1. 2X Knuckle grind to Uke’s ribs and loosen hold 2. Reach up and under Uke’s arms to grab shoulders 3. Step to 5 or 6 with outside foot past Uke’s feet, pivoting Uke in the direction you are moving 4. Execute O-Soto-Gari 5. Control Uke’s arm against outside leg and drop back knee into Uke’s ribs. Reverse palm Strike to jaw with Kiyah

16.7.2 Front Bear-Grab (Locked Under-the-Arms) 1. 2X palm Strike to Uke’s ears 2. Keep hands in place to control Uke’s head and drive both thumbs into Uke’s eyes 3. Step to 5 or 6 with outside foot past Uke’s feet, pivoting Uke in the direction you are moving 4. Execute O-Soto-Gari 5. Control Uke’s arm against outside leg and drop back knee into Uke’s ribs and reverse palm Strike to jaw with Kiyah

16.7.3 Rear Bear Grab (Locked Over-the-Arms)

1. Rear head butt to Uke’s nose 2. 2X knuckle Strike and rake against Uke’s hands 3. Double-Punch Forward to raise Uke’s arms 4. Grab one of Uke’s wrists with opposite hand 5. Execute Rear elbow-Strike to below Uke’s solar plexus 6. As Uke bends forward, grab opposite shoulder and execute O-Toshis 7. Control Uke’s arm against outside leg and drop back knee into Uke’s ribs and reverse palm Strike to jaw with Kiyah

16.7.4 Rear Bear Grab (Locked Under-the-Arms)

1. Rear head butt to Uke’s nose 2. Stomp on Uke’s foot 3. 2X knuckle Strike and rake against Uke’s hands 4. Step across body, turn around toward Uke and step to 5 or 6 while driving an Elbow-Strike to Uke’s Jaw 5. Control Uke’s shoulder to take their balance 6. Execute O-Soto-Gari 7. Control Uke’s arm against outside leg and drop back knee into Uke’s ribs and reverse palm Strike to jaw with Kiyah

16.7.5 Ground: Escape from Full-Mount or Guard

1. Tuck chin down to protect airway 2. Cross palm Strikes to Uke’s elbows to break grip 3. Deliver knee Strikes to Uke’s rear to break their balance 4. Pull feet in tight as close to your buttocks as possible with upper legs against Uke. 5. Put both hands on side of Uke’s head and thumbs over Uke’s eyes 6. Rotate Uke’s head and drive knee Strikes into Uke’s hips 7. Roll Uke off to side, roll opposite direction—jump to feet to escape

16.7.6 Grab and Punch (Hwa Rwang Bunkai)

1. Turn body 900 and step to 1 while blocking the Strike with Rear Hand High-block and breaking the hold with Lead-Hand Middle-block 2. Lead hand grabs Uke’s jacket and pull Lead-Leg back to Cat-Stance while delivering a Rear Hand Hammer-Fist Strike

to their temple 3. Step forward with Lead-Leg and deliver a Punch to throat or Push to Body 4. Jump back and Kiyah.

16.7.7 Lunge Punch (Hwa Rwang Bunkai) 1. As Uke Punches, step forward and execute a Knife-Hand Block against their forearm. 2. Quickly trap their arm with your lead hand, and shift weight forward to throw a low Round House kick against the

inside of their leg. 3. Keep their arm trapped as you step down between their feet with Descending Elbow on their shoulder/neck. 4. Jump back and Kiyah

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American Defensive Arts Academy, LLC Candidate Evaluation Form

3rd Gup – Jr. Brown Belt Student _____________________ Date______________________ Test Criteria Score Questions ____

• What is the Principle of Martial Arts for Purple-Belt? • What does the Purple-Belt represent? • How have you demonstrated INTEGRITY recently?

8-Direction-Movement Evasions ____ Patterns ______

Chon-Ji _______ Do-San _______ Yul-Guk _______ Hwa Rang _______ Intermediate Six Count _______ Green Six Count _______ Purple Six Count _______

Self – defense ______

Front Bear Grab Under Arms _______ Front Bear Grab Over Arms _______ Rear Bear Grab Under Arms _______ Rear Bear Grab Over Arms _______ Full Mount _______ Half Mount _______ Grab and Punch _______ Lunge Punch _______

Sparring _____ 5 Rounds _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Total Score _____ Examiner ___________________________ Rank ___________________________

Score Rating N Needs Improvement M Meets Expectations E Exceeds Expectations

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16.8. Brown-Belt

Meaning of Belt Color: A solid root has grown into the ground, and holds the plant firmly in place. So is the student who will be equally firm once they have built a solid foundation of basic techniques upon from which to build on and learn new, advanced techniques. Martial Arts Principle: Blending (Offensive) – Use an attacker’s force against them Questions

• What is the Principle of Martial Arts for Brown-Belt? • What does the Brown-Belt represent? • What other tools can be used instead of a Kali stick if needed? • How have you demonstrated RESPECT recently?

Basics • 8-Direction Movements with Elbow-Strikes Free Sparring: • Five Rounds (One 2-on-1) Patterns • Chung Mu-Admiral of 1st armored Korean

Battleship • Brown-Belt Six-Count

Self-Defenses: • Defense against Side-Kick/ Fall-and-Escape • Defense against Front-Kick/ Fall-and-Escape • Defense against Round-Kick/ Fall-and-Escape • Front-Punch (Choong-Moo Bunkai) • Rear Shoulder Grab (Choong-Moo Bunkai)

Brown-Belt: 8-Direction with Elbows 1 Step-in Rising Elbow-Strike to Jaw

2 Rear Elbow-Strike to below Solar Plexus

3 Horizontal Elbow-Strike to Temple

4 Horizontal Elbow-Strike to Temple

5 Reverse Elbow-Smash to Ribs

6 Reverse Elbow-Smash to Ribs

7 Rear Elbow-Strike to Neck

8 Rear Elbow-Strike to Neck

Brown-Belt: 6-Counts 1 Front break-fall } Brace on right elbow with rear left Side-Kick } roll over right shoulder to standing 2 Front break-fall (reverse direction) } Brace on left elbow with rear right Side-Kick } roll over left shoulder to standing 3 Back break-fall } bicycle kicks } bridge on left arm and sweep left foot back } rise to fighting position 4 Back break-fall (reverse direction) } bicycle kicks } bridge on right arm and sweep right foot back } rise to fighting position 5 Side break-fall to left } double scissor kicks } back roll over right shoulder to standing fighting position 6 Side break fall to right (reverse position) } double scissor-kicks } back roll over left shoulder to standing fighting position

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Brown-Belt: Self-Defenses

16.8.1 Defense against Front Kick/ Fall-and-Escape 1. Partner 1 enters with a Front Snap Kick (either Lead-Leg or rear)

2. Partner 2 moves to angle 5 or 6 to get on the outside of the leg in Universal Block 3. Partner 2’s rear arm (the low one) wraps around Partner 1’s leg at the knee while the lead hand goes across Partner 1’s chest to the opposite shoulder. 4. Partner 2 slides their front foot towards Partner 1 while bringing their front hand down and Rear Hand up (like Half Mountain Block) 5. Partner 1 falls to the ground and executes a backward break fall 6. Partner 1 begins Bicycle kicks at Partner 2’s knees 7. Partner 1 bridges on one arm and sweeps lead foot back. Rise to fighting position

16.8.2 Defense against Side-Kick/ Fall-and-Escape 1. Partner 1 enters with a Side Kick (either Lead-Leg or rear) 2. Partner 2 moves to angle 3 or 4 to get on the outside of the leg in with both hands up 3. Partner 2 steps in with their rear leg and with controlling Partner1’s kicking leg and closest shoulder 4. Partner 2 executes O Soto Gari 5. Partner 1 protects themselves with a forward bread fall 6. Partner 1 throws a low Side kick to Partner 2’s knees and rolls to safety with a Forward Roll

16.8.3 Defense against Round-Kick/ Fall-and-Escape 1. Partner 1 enters with a Round House Kick (either Lead-Leg or rear) 2. Partner 2 steps in to angle 5 or 6, past Partner 1’s base leg, to get on the inside of the leg while lead hand executes a Palm Heel Strike to Partner 1’s lead shoulder while wrapping their Rear Hand under Partner 1’s leg 3. Partner 2 controls Uke’s shoulder and executes O Soto Gari 4. Partner 1 protects themselves with a Side Break Fall 5. Partner 1 switches with feet so that their bottom foot is on the front of Partner 2’s ankle and their top foot is behind Partner 2’s knee 6. Partner 1 executes a Scissor sweep 7. Partner 2 protects themselves with a Front Break Fall 8. Partner 1 can either lock Partner 2’s leg or deliver a rear leg kick to Partner 2 9. Partner 1 clears and escapes with a Back Roll, while Partner 2 escapes with a Front Roll

16.8.4 Front Punch (Choong-Moo Bunkai) 1. Step to 1, Double Knife-Hand Pressing Block, 2. Rear Hand goes over Uke’s arm to Knife-Hand lock on attacker’s elbow while forward hand executes a Knife-Hand-Strike to Uke’s neck. 3. Step forward with left foot to Front-Stance, grabbing Uke’s arm with left hand and bringing it to right shoulder as you move right hand across Uke’s face with an Eye rake and then continue the circular motion and deliver an inverted Palm-Heel Strike to Uke’s Groin. 4. Grab Uke’s belt with right hand. Simultaneously pull right hand up and back and pull left hand down in a Knife-Hand-Strike to Uke’s neck, pulling Uke off balance and causing them to fall onto their back. 5. Step out to Fighting Position with loud “Kiyah”

16.8.5 Rear Shoulder Grab (Choong-Moo Bunkai) 1. Step-Into Back-Stance with a Knife-Hand-Strike to Uke’s Groin 2. Shifting front foot, move into Front-Stance as you reach up with both hands and grab Uke’s head from the back 3. Pull Uke’s head into a right Knee Smash 4. Step right foot across Uke’s forward leg as reach your right arm around Uke’s head and shoulders 5. Execute O-Toshi throw 6. Throw a Rear-Leg Round-Kick to Uke’s head 7. Step out to Fighting Position with loud “Kiyah”

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American Defensive Arts Academy, LLC Candidate Evaluation Form

2nd Gup – Jr. Red Belt

Student _____________________ Date______________________ Test Criteria Score Questions ____

• What is the Principle of Martial Arts for Brown-Belt? • What does the Brown-Belt represent? • What other tools can be used instead of a Kali stick if needed? • How have you demonstrated RESPECT recently?

8-Direction-Movement Elbows ____ Patterns ______

Chon-Ji ______ Do-San ______ Yul-Guk ______ Hwa Rwang ______ Chung Mu ______

Six Counts ______

Green Six Count ______ Blue Six Count ______ Purple Six Count ______ Brown Belt Six Count ______


Single Stick ______ Counters ______ Counter for Counter Drill (Sumbrada) ______ Disarms ______

Self – Defense ______ Rear Shoulder Grab (Chung Mu Bunkai) _____ Front Punch (Chung Mu Bunkai) _____ Front-Kick Take Down _____ Round-Kick Take Down _____ Side-Kick Take Down

Sparring ______ 5 Rounds

Total Score ______ Examiner ___________________________ Rank ___________________________

Score Rating N Needs Improvement M Meets Expectations E Exceeds Expectations

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16.9. Red-Belt

Meaning of Belt Color: As the seed grows closer to the sun, its red-hot heat scorches the plant. Here, the student learns that with knowledge comes responsibility. Red signifies danger. So is the student with Black-Belt technique, but without Black-Belt wisdom, maturity, or sensitivity. "The dawn of a new day. The sun breaks through the darkness." The previous day has ended giving way to a new dawn. The student must begin a new phase of training; that of being a Black Belt. Martial Arts Principle: Controlling the Mind (Defensive) –A calm mind is your most powerful weapon Questions

• What is the Principle of Martial Arts for Red Belt? • What does the Red Belt represent? • Who was the founder of Aikido? • What is True Victory?

Basics • 8-Direction Movements with Parries & Counters Free Sparring: • Six Rounds (Two 2-on-1) Patterns • Baissai-Dai - Penetrating the Fortress • Brown-Belt Six-Count

Self-Defenses: • Clinch Escape - Knees & Elbows • Clinch Escape - Bassai-Dai Bunkai with break • Clinch Escape - Bassai-Dai Bunkai with Throw • Clinch Escape - Bassai Bunkai Elbow-Drop • Clinch to Sweep • Clinch to Hip Throw • Rear Full-Nelson • Rear Two-Handed Choke • Rear Double-Wrist Grab • Rear Double-Elbow grab • Rear Double-Shoulder Grab • Rear Forearm Choke

Red-Belt: 8-Direction with Parries and Counters 1 Inward Parry with Lead Hand } Reverse Knife-Hand-Strike to Neck } Palm-Heel with Rear Hand

2 Step back with Front Foot } Inward Parry with Lead Hand } Reverse Knife-Hand-Strike to Neck } Rear-Hand Palm-Heel

3 Inward Double-Parry } Control the arm } Lead-Leg Round-Kick to Ribs } Palm-Heel to the Temple

4 Inward Double-Parry } Control the arm } Lead-Leg Round-Kick to Ribs } Palm-Heel to the Temple

5 Inward Parry with Lead Hand } Reverse Elbow-Strike to Ribs

6 Inward Parry with Rear Hand } Reverse Elbow-Strike to Ribs

7 Outward Parry with Lead Hand } Lead-Leg Side-Kick to Ribs

8 Outward Parry with Rear Hand } Lead-Leg Side-Kick to Ribs

Red-Belt: 6-Counts 1 Shield with Forearm and Shin } Step Down to Horizontal Elbow-Strike 2 Lead Vertical Elbow-Strike } Diagonal Knife-Hand and Rear Horizontal Elbow-Strike 3 Reverse Vertical Elbow-Strike } Step forward diagonal Knife-Hand } Horizontal Elbow-Strike 4 Shield and Hammer-Fist to head } Cross knee Strike } Check and Reverse Descending Elbow-Strike 5 2X Rear Knee } 2X Descending Elbow-Strike 6 Check to Bai-Sai Stomp-Kick } To Lunging Knee } Check and 2X Descending Elbow-Strike

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Red-Belt: Self-Defenses (Page 1 of 2)

16.9.1 Clinch Escape - Knees & Elbows 1. Secure Ukes neck with hands a pull forward off balance 2. Execute 2X Knee Strikes to their groin 3. Execute reverse Vertical Elbow to their solar plexus 4. Step forward while controlling their head and deliver a reverse Horizontal Elbow-Strike

16.9.2 Clinch Escape - Bassai-Dai Bunkai with break 1. Bring both hands up in front of your face and cover your right fist with your left hand 2. Turn 900 to side and bring down your hands in a Hammer-Fist Strike over Ukes nose and continuing the Strike to their arms bending Ukes elbows. 3. Pin Ukes arm with your with your left hand 4. Check Ukes leg with your right foot and step behind your right leg with your left foot while executing a right hand Back-Fist Strike 5. Jump back and Kiyah

16.9.3 Clinch Escape - Bassai-Dai Bunkai with Throw 1. Distract Uke with left leg Knee Strike 2. Step left foot down on the outside of Uke’s left leg (you will Cross your own center line doing this as you rotate to face

the same direction as Uke) 3. Your left hand controls Ukes elbow and your right hand controls their wrist 4. Execute O-toshi takedown 5. If Uke tries to get back up, use Descending Elbow to their head to control them 6. Jump back and Kiyah

16.9.4 Clinch Escape - Bassai-Dai Bunkai Elbow-Drop

1. Reach across chest and control the bottom of Uke’s elbow 2. Turn hips 900 as you pull uke to your hip 3. Step behind Uke as your other arm drops across Uke’s chest 4. Bend your extended arm and drop your Descending Elbow on Uke 5. Jump back and Kiyah

16.9.5 Clinch Escape - Choke 1. Place one forearm against the side of Uke’s neck and grab the collar of their clothing 2. Your opposite hand grabs your elbow as you place your forearm against the side of Uke’s neck 3. Slowly SQUEEZE Uke’s neck until they tap 4. Turn 900 and let them fall to the ground 5. Jump back and Kiyah

16.9.6 Clinch to Sweep

1. Shift Uke to side as you step to 5 or 6 2. Execute O-Soto-Gari take down 3. Jump back and Kiyah

16.9.7 Clinch to Hip Throw 1. Hold Uke’s shoulders as you Headbut their nose 2. Step-In and across Ukes body as you turn and place your hips against Uke’s hips (be sure to reach around and

grab their belt with your Rear Hand) 3. Keep head down as you thrust hips back and execute O Goshi take down 4. Jump back and Kiyah

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Red-Belt: Self-Defenses (Page 2 of 2)

16.9.8 Rear Full-Nelson 1. Reach in with hands to find Uke’s Pinky fingers 2. Bend Uke’s fingers toward their forearm 3. As Uke’s grip loosens, step and turn away, but keep Uke’s fingers in a tight circle pointing toward their body 4. As Uke goes to knees, execute a Round House Kick to their Face 5. Jump back and Kiyah

16.9.9 Rear Two-Handed Choke 1. Tuck your chin to protect your air 2. Extend both arms and hands 3. Turn head and body as you Step-In a small circle to the outside of Uke’s arms 4. Step through with Rear Leg and execute Ikkyo lock against Uke’s Elbow, driving Uke to the ground 5. Pin Uke with Hands or Knees

16.9.10 Rear Double-Wrist Grab 1. Step to 2 and execute a rear Elbow-Strike to Uke’s Solar Plexus 2. Grab Uke’s wrist and turn to face Uke keeping their hand at belt level 3. Put other hand over Uke’s fingers and drive them into Uke’s arm with Kotogeishu, stepping in between Uke’s feet with your rear foot. 4. Keep control of Uke’s wrist with one hand and use other on inside of Uke’s elbow to roll onto stomach 5. Place lead foot under Uke’s shoulder to keep arm straight-make sure Uke’s wrist, elbow and shoulder are aligned. 6. Press down on Uke’s wrist to pin

16.9.11 Rear Double-Elbow grab

1. Slide a foot to 7 or 8 while ducking under Uke’s arms 2. Bring other foot all the way through and behind you while lead hand presses Uke’s elbow into their body for control 3. Execute Lead-Leg Round House kick to Uke’s groin-keeping control of Uke’s elbow 4. Step down while pulling Uke’s body forward as you bring Uke’s elbow to your hip-execute a downward Knife-Hand-Strike to the back of Uke’s neck 5. Jump back and Kiyah.

16.9.12 Rear Double-Shoulder Grab

1. Rotate hips as you turn to execute a Finger Strike across Uke’s eyes 2. Keep momentum going as you wrap your arm around both of Uke’s arms at the elbow 3. Secure your control of Uke by grabbing your own uniform 4. Step back with opposite foot to grabbing arm, and counter rotate your hips and upper body bringing Uke forward in a tight circle 5. Meet Uke’s momentum with and 2X Elbow-Smash to the Nose. (Palm Strikes may be used for taller Ukes) 6. Jump back and Kiyah

16.9.13 Rear Forearm Choke

1. Tuck your chin to protect your air 2. Place one hand in crook of Uke’s elbow to give you space 3. Keep inside hand on Uke’s elbow, and drop outside hand to the back of their knee 4. Step and rotate 1800 to the outside angle as you maintain control of Ukes Elbow. This will cause them to fall backward. 5. Drop your knee to their chest and Palm Strike to their face. 6. Jump back and Kiyah

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American Defensive Arts Academy, LLC Candidate Evaluation Form 1st Gup – Jr. Red/Black Belt

Student _____________________ Date______________________ Test Criteria Score Questions ____

• What is the Principle of Martial Arts for Red Belt? • What does the Red Belt represent? • Who was the founder of Aikido? • What is True Victory?

8-Direction-Movement Parries and Counters ____ Patterns ______

Chon-Ji ______ Do-San ______ Yul-Guk ______ Hwa Rwang ______ Chung Mu ______ Bassai Dai

Six Counts ______

Green Six Count ______ Blue Six Count ______ Purple Six Count ______ Brown Belt Six Count ______ Red Belt Six Count

Self – Defense ______ Clinch Defenses

o Knees and Elbows _____ o Bassai Dai Hammer-Fist _____ o Bassai Dai Ippon _____ o Bassai Dai Elbow Drop _____ o O-Soto-Gari _____ o O Goshi _____

Full Nelson _____ 2X Wrist Grab from Behind _____ 2X Elbow Grab from Behind _____ 2X Shoulder Grab from Behind _____ 2X Rear Choke _____ Rear Forearm Choke _____

Sparring ______ 5Rounds

Total Score ______ Examiner ___________________________ Rank ___________________________

Score Rating N Needs Improvement M Meets Expectations E Exceeds Expectations

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16.10. Red/Black-Belt

Meaning of Belt Color: "The dawn of a new day. The sun breaks through the darkness." The previous day has ended giving way to a new dawn. The student must begin a new phase of training; that of being a Black Belt. Martial Arts Principle: Controlling the Mind (Offensive) –Destroy an attacker’s form and technique and their desire will follow

Basics • 8-Direction Movements with Hubaud Breaking: • 3 Boards Free Sparring: • Six Rounds (Two or more 2-on-1) Patterns • Red Black Six-Count • Jogi Ichi Self-Defenses

• Angle 1-5 Attacks with club • Unprompted Self-Defenses

Weapons: • Basic Staff Strike-Set

o Shomen Uchi (Front Strike) o Yokoman Uchi (Side of Head) o Naname Uchi (Diagonal Strike) o Age Uchi (Rising Strike) o Tsuki (Thrusting Strike) o Honte (Basic) o Gyakute (Reverse) o Ushiro (Rear)

• Basic Staff Blocks o High o Low o 4 Corners

Red/Black-Belt: 8-Direction with Hubaud Crawl 1 Step to 1 } Lead-Hand Parry } Check with the Rear Hand } Lead-Hand Hammer-Fist Strike

2 Step to 2 } Lead-Hand Parry } Check with the Rear Hand } Lead-Hand Hammer-Fist Strike

3 Step to 3 } Lead-Hand Parry } Check with the Rear Hand } Lead-Hand Hammer-Fist Strike

4 Step to 4 } Lead-Hand Parry } Check with the Rear Hand } Lead-Hand Hammer-Fist Strike

5 Step to 5 } Lead-Hand Parry } Check with the Rear Hand } Lead-Hand Hammer-Fist Strike

6 Step to 6 } Lead-Hand Parry } Check with the Rear Hand } Lead-Hand Hammer-Fist Strike

7 Step to 7 } Lead-Hand Parry } Check with the Rear Hand } Lead-Hand Hammer-Fist Strike

8 Step to 8 } Lead-Hand Parry } Check with the Rear Hand } Lead-Hand Hammer-Fist Strike

Red/Black-Belt: 6-Counts 1 Front-Kick with switch to Round-Kick } Step-Behind Side-Kick } Turn-Back-Kick } Lunge-Punch } Cross } Hook } Uppercut 2 Back-Fall from Standing } Bicycle-Kicks } Bridge to Standing } Front-Roll to Standing } Front-Kick } Reverse Punch 3 Clinch } 2X Knee Strikes } Hooking-Crescent-Kick to Horizontal Elbow

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American Defensive Arts Candidate Evaluation Form

1ST Dan- Black Belt Student__________________ Date_______ Test Criteria Score Patterns _____

• Chon-Ji _____ • Do-San _____ • Yul-Guk _____ • Chung Mu _____ • Hwa Rang _____ • Bassai _____

Eight Directions Movement _____

Basic _____ Strikes _____ Kicks _____ Combinations _____ Evasions _____ Elbows _____ Parries _____ Hubaud _____

Jo _____

• Basic Strikes & Blocks Six Counts _____

• Yellow Basic _____ • Gold _____ • Orange _____ • Green Int _____ • Blue _____ • Purple Adv _____ • Brown _____ • Red _____

Self Defense _____

1. Single Wrist Grab 2. Cross Wrist Grab 3. Two-handed Wrist Grab 4. Palm Shield 5. Oncoming Front Bear Grab 6. Oncoming Rear Bear Grab 7. Front Shoulder Grab 8. Rear Shoulder Grab

9. Lunge Punch 10. Rear Cross Grab and Punch 11. On Back Being Punched 12. On Back Being Choked 13. On Back Hands Over Head 14. Front Double Shoulder Grab 15. Two Handed Arm Grab with Pull 16. Front-Kick

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17. Round-Kick 18. Side-Kick 19. On Stomach Head Press 20. On Stomach Hands Over Head 21. Hair Grab From Front 22. Hair Grab From Rear 23. Rear Choke with Pull 24. Front Elevated Bear Grab 25. Rear Elevated Bear Grab 26. Side Headlock 27. Front Headlock 28. Front Bear Grab Over Arms-

locked 29. Front Bear Grab Under Arms-

locked 30. Rear Bear Grab Over Arms-

locked 31. Rear Bear Grabs Under Arms-

locked 32. Rear Forearm Choke 33. Escape from Full Mount 34. Escape from Half Mount 35. Rear Shoulder Grab – Chung Mu

Bunkai 36. Front Choke- Bassai Bunkai 37. Cross Wrist Grab- Bassai Bunkai 38. Clinch Defenses Knees and

Elbows 39. Clinch Defenses Bassai

Hammer-Fist 40. Clinch Defenses Bassai throw 41. Clinch Defenses Bassai Elbow

drop 42. Clinch Defenses Choke 43. Clinch Defenses O-Soto-Gari 44. Clinch Defenses O Goshi 45. Rear Full Nelson 46. Rear Two Handed Choke 47. Rear Double Wrist Grab 48. Rear Double Elbow Grab 49. Rear Double Shoulder Grab

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Breaking _____ 4 Boards Presentation _____ Sparring Comments _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

Score Rating N Needs Improvement M Meets Expectations E Exceeds Expectations

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16.11. 1st-Degree Black-Belt

Meaning of Belt Color: The Black-Belt signifies the darkness beyond the sun. Black is the opposite of white, therefore signifying maturity and proficiency; impervious to darkness and fear. As the darkness we come from at birth, so is the Black Belt born into a new world of wisdom. As he/she starts teaching others, so they are planting new seeds, which will take root deep into the Art and blossom and grow through the ranks in a never-ending process of self-growth, knowledge, and enlightenment. The Exam All Six-Counts All 8-Direction-Movement Series All Patterns

Kata Weapons


Knife defenses with disarm Club defenses with disarm Gun defense with disarm Stick -Single and Double Self-defenses against any single attack or grab the board’s request Unprompted Self-defenses

Breaking • At least 3 boards in sequence or at least one concrete block Essay Written paper on your experience with the Tenets of Martial Arts or Principles of Martial Arts. At least 1000 words and submitted to head instructor 1 week prior to testing. A verbal presentation on your paper. Sparring Board will determine rounds of sparring-

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Achievement In Dan Rank

Ju Dan Earned: _____________

Ku Dan Earned: _____________

Hachi Dan Earned: _____________

Shichi Dan Earned: _____________

Roku Dan Earned: _____________

Go Dan Earned: _____________

Yon Dan Earned: _____________

San Dan Earned: _____________

Ni Dan Earned: _____________

Sho Dan Earned: _____________

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16.12. 2nd-Degree (Ni Dan) Black-Belt

1. 240 class hours of active training and Petition for Promotion 2. Forms

a. Chul Gi Cho Dan b. Basic Form or Weapons form Bunkai

3. Weapons a. Kengi Uchi (Strikes) b. Kengi Ichi (Kata) c. Jogi Ni

4. Weapon Defenses a. With Knife b. Against Knife

5. Self-defense a. Reversals

1. O-Soto-Gari reversal with O-Soto-Gari to arm bar pin 2. O Goshi reversal to shaw choke 3. Ippon Sayunage reversal 4. Kubishimi (Rear Choke) Reversal

b. Grab Defenses 1. Same side wrist grab-Reverse Koto to Step-In yonkyu to take down Uke, grab Ukes

elbow and step back driving Uke down into Nikyu pin 2. Cross wrist grab, step diagonal across Ukes line using forearm to execute

kotogeishu 3. Kata Tori to Nikkyo to Ikkyo to pin 4. Kata Tori to Kotogeishu to standing reverse elbow pin 5. Ryoto Mochi with Tenkan Ikkyo 6. Ryoto Mochi with Irimi kokyonagi

c. Strike Defenses 1. Yokomon Uchi with Kokyonagi and standing reverse elbow pin 2. 2X Hooking Punches, duck under first Strike, tenkan turn and heigiatoshi, turn uke

over with elbow crank and standing kotogeishu pin 3. 5 Swords 4. Hubaud Drill

6. Breaking six boards or two concrete bricks 7. Sparring

a. Randori with 3 Ukes b. Unprompted Self-defenses c. Sparring 3 rounds

8. Essay & Presentation (1500 words)

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16.13. 3rd-Degree (San Dan) Black-Belt

1. 450 class hours and Petition for Promotion 2. Forms

a. Chul Gi Ni Dan b. Gae Bek c. Rohai d. Creative Self-defense Kata

3. Weapons a. Kengi Ni b. Jogi San c. Kobodo Weapon of choice

4. Weapon Defenses a. With Cane b. Against Cane

5. Self-defenses a. Two Ukes

i. Front Back ii. Both Sides iii. Restraining and attacking iv. Randori

b. Basic Attacks with 3 Alternates i. Face Punch ii. Stomach Punch iii. Back-Fist iv. Hook Punch v. Front-Kick vi. Round-Kick vii. Side-Kick viii. Lead-Leg Hook Kick ix. Spinning Hook Kick x. Back-Kick xi. Same Side Wrist Grab xii. Cross Wrist Grab xiii. Two Handed Wrist Grab xiv. Double Wrist Grab xv. Shoulder Grab xvi. Shoulder Grab with Punch to Face xvii. Double Shoulder Grab xviii. Front 2 hand choke xix. Rear 2 hand choke xx. Rear Double Wrist Grab xxi. Rear Double Shoulder Grab xxii. Rear Double Elbow Grab xxiii. Rear Forearm Choke xxiv. Front Tackle xxv. Front Bear Grab Over arms xxvi. Front Bear Grab Under arms xxvii. Rear Bear Grab Over arms xxviii. Rear Bear Grab Under arms xxix. Side Headlock

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xxx. Front Headlock xxxi. On Back with Punch xxxii. On Back with Choke xxxiii. On Stomach with Head Press xxxiv. On Stomach with Choke xxxv. Hair Grab from Front xxxvi. Hair Grab from Rear xxxvii. Club Overhead Swing xxxviii. Club Outside Swing xxxix. Club Outside/inside Swing

xl. Knife Thrust to Face xli. Knife Thrust to Body xlii. Knife downward Strike xliii. Knife outside Strike xliv. Knife outside to inside Strike xlv. Knife to lower back xlvi. Knife to upper back xlvii. Knife to lower side xlviii. Knife to upper side xlix. Knife to neck

l. Gun to face li. Gun to stomach lii. Gun to side of head liii. Gun to side of body liv. Gun to back of head lv. Gun to lower back

6. Breaking seven boards or two concrete bricks

7. Sparring

a. Randori with 3 Ukes b. Unprompted Self-defenses c. Sparring 3 rounds

8. Essay & Presentation (2000 words)

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16.14. 4th-Degree (Yon Dan) Black-Belt

1. Instructor’s Recommendation 2. 100 Teaching Hours 3. 25 Testing Boards as Black-Belt Examiner 4. Mentorship of 4 students to Sho Dan or 2 to Ni Dan or 1 Do-San Dan 5. Forms

a. Sip Su b. Kushanku c. Creative Kata

6. Weapons a. Kengi San b. Kobodo Weapon of choice

7. Self-defenses a. Basic Attacks with 4 Alternates

i. Face Punch ii. Stomach Punch iii. Back-Fist iv. Hook Punch v. Front-Kick vi. Round-Kick vii. Side-Kick viii. Lead-Leg Hook Kick ix. Spinning Hook Kick x. Back-Kick xi. Same Side Wrist Grab xii. Cross Wrist Grab xiii. Two Handed Wrist Grab xiv. Double Wrist Grab xv. Shoulder Grab xvi. Shoulder Grab with Punch to Face xvii. Double Shoulder Grab xviii. Front 2 hand choke xix. Rear 2 hand choke xx. Rear Double Wrist Grab xxi. Rear Double Shoulder Grab xxii. Rear Double Elbow Grab xxiii. Rear Forearm Choke xxiv. Front Tackle xxv. Front Bear Grab Over arms xxvi. Front Bear Grab Under arms xxvii. Rear Bear Grab Over arms xxviii. Rear Bear Grab Under arms xxix. Side Headlock xxx. Front Headlock xxxi. On Back with Punch xxxii. On Back with Choke xxxiii. On Stomach with Head Press xxxiv. On Stomach with Choke xxxv. Hair Grab from Front

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xxxvi. Hair Grab from Rear xxxvii. Club Overhead Swing xxxviii. Club Outside Swing xxxix. Club Outside/inside Swing

xl. Knife Thrust to Face xli. Knife Thrust to Body xlii. Knife downward Strike xliii. Knife outside Strike xliv. Knife outside to inside Strike xlv. Knife to lower back xlvi. Knife to upper back xlvii. Knife to lower side xlviii. Knife to upper side xlix. Knife to neck

l. Gun to face li. Gun to stomach lii. Gun to side of head liii. Gun to side of body liv. Gun to back of head lv. Gun to lower back

9. Sparring a. Randori with 3 Ukes b. Unprompted Self-defenses c. Sparring 3 rounds

8. Essay & Presentation (2000 words)

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Appendix I Six-Counts The Six-Counts are done in a “standing, moving, turning, standing, moving, turning” format. For example: “One!” – Step-Into a left side fighting stance and “Kiyah” “Two!” – execute a defensive (stationary) technique first “Three!” – execute the offensive version (moving) of the same technique “Four!” – turn and Step-Into a right side fighting stance and “Kiyah” “Five!” – execute a defensive (stationary) technique first “Six!” – execute the offensive version (moving) of the same technique “One!” – turn and Step-Into a right side fighting stance and “Kiyah” - returning to a left side fighting stance and “Kiyah.” This begins the next sequence in the Six-Count set. The Six-Counts will be given as a list of techniques only. One must understand the Six-Count format and insert the techniques into it.

White-Belt Six-Counts: Beginner Strike-Set 1 Palm-Strike

2 Cross Palm-Strike

3 Lunge Palm-Strike

4 Lead-Leg Side-Kick

5 Lead-Leg Front-Kick

6 Lead-Leg Round-Kick

Yellow-Belt: 6-Counts 1 Palm-Strike 2 Cross Palm-Strike 3 Lunge Palm-Strike 4 Lead-Leg Side-Kick 5 Rear-Leg Side-Kick 6 Lead-Leg Front-Kick 7 Rear-Leg Front-Kick 8 Lead-Leg Round-Kick 9 Rear-Leg Round-Kick

Gold-Belt: 6-Counts 1 Lead-Leg Side-Kick } Jab } Cross 2 Jab } Cross } Rear-Leg Side-Kick } Jab } Cross 3 Lead-Leg Front-Kick } Jab } Cross 4 Jab } Cross } Rear-Leg Front-Kick } Jab } Cross 5 Lead-Leg Round-Kick } Jab } Cross 6 Jab } Cross } Rear-Leg Round-Kick } Jab } Cross

Orange-Belt: 6-Counts (Intermediate Strike Set) 1 Hook 2 Rear Hook 3 Uppercut 4 Rear Uppercut 5 Back-Fist 6 Spinning Back-Fist 7 Ridge-Hand 8 Rear Ridge-Hand 9 Turn-Back-Kick

Green-Belt: 6-Counts 1 Lead-Leg Side-Kick } Turn-Back-Kick } Jab } Cross } Hook } Uppercut 2 Jab } Cross } Rear-Leg Side-Kick } Turn-Back-Kick } Jab } Cross } Hook } Uppercut 3 Lead-Leg Front-Kick } Turn-Back-Kick } Jab } Cross } Hook } Uppercut 4 Jab } Cross } Lead-Leg Side-Kick } Turn-Back-Kick } Jab } Cross } Hook } Uppercut 5 Lead-Leg Round-Kick } Turn-Back-Kick } Jab } Cross } Hook } Uppercut 6 Jab } Cross } Rear-Leg Round-Kick } Turn-Back-Kick } Jab } Cross} Hook - Uppercut

Blue-Belt: 6-Counts 1 2X Side-Kick } 2X Jab } Lunge Punch } Turn-Back-Kick 2 Jab } Cross } Rear-Leg 2X Side-Kick } 2X Jab } Lunge Punch } Turn-Back-Kick 3 2X Front-Kick } 2X Jab } Lunge Punch } Spinning Back-Fist to Head 4 Jab } Cross } 2X Front-Kick } 2X Jab } Lunge Punch } Spinning Back-Fist to Head 5 2X Round-Kick } 2X Jab } Lunge Punch } Spinning Back-Fist/Hammer-Fist to Groin 6 Jab } Cross }2X Round-Kick } 2X Jab } Lunge Punch } Spinning-Back-Fist/Hammer-Fist to Groin

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Purple-Belt: 6-Counts 1 Parry-Inward Knife-Hand 2 Parry-Outward Knife-Hand 3 Simultaneous block/Strike 4 Vertical Elbow 5 Horizontal Elbow 6 Rear Knee 7 Hooking Crescent-Kick 8 Twisting Front-Kick 9 Bai-Sai-Dai Rear Stomp-Kick 10 Crescent Axe-Kick 11 Spinning Crescent-Kick 12 Heel-Rake 13 Spinning Heel-Rake

Brown-Belt: 6-Counts 1 Front break-fall } Brace on right elbow with rear left Side-Kick } roll over right shoulder to standing 2 Front break-fall (reverse direction) } Brace on left elbow with rear right Side-Kick } roll over left shoulder to standing 3 Back break-fall } bicycle kicks } bridge on left arm and sweep left foot back } rise to fighting position 4 Back break-fall (reverse direction) } bicycle kicks } bridge on right arm and sweep right foot back } rise to fighting position 5 Side break-fall to left } double scissor kicks } back roll over right shoulder to standing fighting position 6 Side break fall to right (reverse position) } double scissor-kicks } back roll over left shoulder to standing fighting position

Red-Belt: 6-Counts 1 Shield with Forearm and Shin } Step Down to Horizontal Elbow-Strike 2 Lead Vertical Elbow-Strike } Diagonal Knife-Hand and Rear Horizontal Elbow-Strike 3 Reverse Vertical Elbow-Strike } Step forward diagonal Knife-Hand } Horizontal Elbow-Strike 4 Shield and Hammer-Fist to head } Cross knee Strike } Check and Reverse Descending Elbow-Strike 5 2X Rear Knee } 2X Descending Elbow-Strike 6 Check to Bai-Sai Stomp-Kick } To Lunging Knee } Check and 2X Descending Elbow-Strike

Red/Black-Belt: 6-Counts 1 Front-Kick with switch to Round-Kick } Step-Behind Side-Kick } Turn-Back-Kick } Lunge-Punch } Cross } Hook } Uppercut 2 Back-Fall from Standing } Bicycle-Kicks } Bridge to Standing } Front-Roll to Standing } Front-Kick } Reverse Punch 3 Clinch } 2X Knee Strikes } Hooking-Crescent-Kick to Horizontal Elbow

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Appendix II Basic Korean Terminology

Classroom Terms Korean Ready Stance Choong be Attention Cha ryut

Bow Kyung yet Bow to master Sa bum nim ke kyung yet

Return Ba Ro At ease Shio Start Shi-jak Turn around Duiri dora Yell Kiyah Uniform Do bok Studio Do jang Thank you Kam sa ham see da Meditation Muk nyum Body Sections High Section Sangdan

Middle Section Chungdan Low Section Hadan

Korean Counting

One – Hana Two - Tul - Note: The "T" is pronounced by placing the tongue as if to say a "T" and then saying a "D" Three - Set Four - Net Five - Ta-sot Six - Ya-sot Seven - Il-gop - Note: The "P" sound is swallowed. Eight - Yo-dol Nine - A-hup Ten - Yol

After ten, to continue counting. Simply say the Tens indicator and then the number.

Eleven - Yol-Ha-na Twelve - Yol-Tul Twenty-one - Sumol-Ha-na

Tens indicators through 50

Ten - Yol Twenty - Sumol Thirty - Suron

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Forty - Mahon Fifty - Schwin

Appendix III Basic Japanese Terminology

GENERAL TERMS Karate: Empty Hands Karate Do: The Way of Karate Karateka: Practitioner of Karate Dojo: School or training room Sensei: Teacher Sempai: Senior Renshi: Entry Level Master Shihan: Master Instructor Kyu: Rank Gi: Uniform Obi: Belt Hai: Yes Iie: No Osu: "I understand and will try my best."

Also used to show respect, enthusiasm. Do not use outside of the dojo!

Do: Way Bushido: Path of the Warrior Kihon: Fundamentals/Basics Kiai: Spirit shout/focus of spiritual energy Kata: Practice form Embusen: Floor pattern/lines of a kata Maai: Distance Bunkai: Application (interpretation) of kata

techniques Kumite: Sparring/fighting Waza: Technique Dachi: Stance Tsuki (Zuki): Punch Uchi: Strike Uke: Block Geri: Kick Ashi-barai: Foot sweep Kamae: Posture Dozo: Please Domo Arigato Gozaimashita: "Thank-you very much" MAJOR CONCEPTS Zanshin: Awareness; Continuing mind/heart -

connotes "following through" a technique while maintaining awareness

Sen: Initiative Sen no sen: Seizing the initiative earlier; attacking at

the same moment your opponent attacks.

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Go no sen: Seizing the initiative later; Allowing your opponent to attack first so as to open up target for counter-attacks

Sen sen no sen:. Seizing the opponent’s sen no sen; Attacking before your opponent attacks-a preemptive attack

Shoto i seitzu Control the first move Seiza: Meditation position-kneeling Mawatte: Turn around Hajime: Begin DIRECTIONS Mae: Front Yoko: Side Ushiro: Back Tate: Vertical Mawashi: Round Jodan: Head high level Chudan: Mid-high level Gedan: Low level; Down Gyaku: Reverse Age: Rising Uchi: Inner Soto: Outer Otoshi: Dropping Japanese Numbers

One - ichi pronounced e-chee

Two - ni pronounced nee

Three - san pronounced sahn

Four - shi pronounced she

Five - go pronounced go

Six - roku pronounced low-koo

Seven - shichi pronounced she-chee

Eight - hachi pronounced hah-chee

Nine - kyu pronounced kyoo

Ten - ju pronounced joo

20 ni ju

25 ni ju go

30 san ju

100 hyaku pronounced Hjaku

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Appendix IV 4 & 8-Direction-Movements Diagram



3 4


7 8


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Appendix V

4 & 8-Direction-Movement Series

(Hands UP in Fighting Stance)

White-Belt 4-Direction Movements: (Hands UP in Fighting Stance) 1 Forward

2 Backward

3 Left

4 Right

Yellow-Belt: 8-Direction Movements 1 Forward

2 Backward

3 Left

4 Right

5 Left forward angle

6 Right forward angle

7 Left backward angle

8 Right backward angle

Orange-Belt: 8-Direction with Strikes 1 Jab to face

2 Cross to Solar Plexus

3 Right Ridge-Hand Strike to Temple

4 Left Ridge-Hand Strike to Temple

5 Right Hook to Ribs

6 Left Hook to Ribs

7 Right Back-Fist to Head

8 Left Back-Fist to Head

Gold Belt: 8-Direction with Blocks 1 High-block

2 Low-block

3 Right Knife-Hand-middle-block

4 Left block-middle-block

5 Left Out-to-In middle-block

6 Right Out-to-In middle-block

7 Right sweeping-block

8 Left sweeping-block

Green-Belt: 8-Direction with Kicks 1 Front-Kick to Groin

2 Turn-Back-Kick to Stomach

3 Right Round-Kick to Solar Plexus

4 Left Round-Kick to Solar Plexus

5 Right inward Front-Kick to Groin

6 Left inward Front-Kick to Groin

7 Right Side-Kick to Knee

8 Left Side-Kick to Knee

Blue-Belt: 8-Direction with Kicks 1 Palm-Heel to Chin } Cross to Solar Plexus } Front-Kick to Groin

2 Spinning-Back-Fist to Temple } Turn-Back-Kick to Stomach

3 Right Ridge-Hand to Philtrum } Right Round-Kick to Stomach

4 Left Ridge-Hand to Philtrum } Left Round-Kick to Stomach

5 Right Hook to Ribs } Right inward Front-Kick to Groin

6 Left Hook to Ribs } Left inward Front-Kick to Groin

7 Right Back-Fist to side of Neck } Right Side-Kick to Knee

8 Left Back-Fist to side of Neck } Left Side-Kick to Knee

Purple-Belt: 8-Direction with Covers and Evasions 1 Lean forward to Clinch-and-Cover-Block

2 Lean backward to Evade with Cover-Block

3 Step-and-Duck to Left

4 Step-and-Duck to Right

5 Step-In and Duck to left with Hook Punch

6 Step-In and Duck to right with Hook Punch

7 Shift to back Left with Cover-Shift to Upset-Punch

8 Shift to back Right with Cover-Shift to Upset-Punch



3 4


7 8


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Red-Belt: 8-Direction with Parries and Counters 1 Inward Parry with Lead Hand } Reverse Knife-Hand-Strike to Neck } Palm-Heel with Rear Hand

2 Step back with Front Foot } Inward Parry with Lead Hand } Reverse Knife-Hand-Strike to Neck } Rear-Hand Palm-Heel

3 Inward Double-Parry } Control the arm } Lead-Leg Round-Kick to Ribs } Palm-Heel to the Temple

4 Inward Double-Parry } Control the arm } Lead-Leg Round-Kick to Ribs } Palm-Heel to the Temple

5 Inward Parry with Lead Hand } Reverse Elbow-Strike to Ribs

6 Inward Parry with Rear Hand } Reverse Elbow-Strike to Ribs

7 Outward Parry with Lead Hand } Lead-Leg Side-Kick to Ribs

8 Outward Parry with Rear Hand } Lead-Leg Side-Kick to Ribs

Red/Black-Belt: 8-Direction with Hubaud Crawl 1 Step to 1 } Lead-Hand Parry } Check with the Rear Hand } Lead-Hand Hammer-Fist Strike

2 Step to 2 } Lead-Hand Parry } Check with the Rear Hand } Lead-Hand Hammer-Fist Strike

3 Step to 3 } Lead-Hand Parry } Check with the Rear Hand } Lead-Hand Hammer-Fist Strike

4 Step to 4 } Lead-Hand Parry } Check with the Rear Hand } Lead-Hand Hammer-Fist Strike

5 Step to 5 } Lead-Hand Parry } Check with the Rear Hand } Lead-Hand Hammer-Fist Strike

6 Step to 6 } Lead-Hand Parry } Check with the Rear Hand } Lead-Hand Hammer-Fist Strike

7 Step to 7 } Lead-Hand Parry } Check with the Rear Hand } Lead-Hand Hammer-Fist Strike

8 Step to 8 } Lead-Hand Parry } Check with the Rear Hand } Lead-Hand Hammer-Fist Strike

Brown-Belt: 8-Direction with Elbows 1 Step-in Rising Elbow-Strike to Jaw

2 Rear Elbow-Strike to below Solar Plexus

3 Horizontal Elbow-Strike to Temple

4 Horizontal Elbow-Strike to Temple

5 Reverse Elbow-Smash to Ribs

6 Reverse Elbow-Smash to Ribs

7 Rear Elbow-Strike to Neck

8 Rear Elbow-Strike to Neck



3 4


7 8


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Appendix VI Pattern Diagrams

Chon-Ji Heaven and Earth

Do-San Korean Patriot who dedicated his life to martial arts education

Yul-Guk Korean Patriot who dedicated his life to martial arts education

Hwa-Rang Elite Military Youth Corp known as “The Flower of Korea”

Choong-Moo Admiral of first Korean armored battleship

Bassai-Dai Penetrating the Fortress

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Basics Name 5 Tenets of Martial Arts..............................................................................................................................16 4-Direction Movements........................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 8-Direction Movements........................................................................................................................................19 8-Direction Movements with Blocks ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 8-Direction Movements with Hand Strikes ................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. 8-Direction Movements with Kicks ........................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 8-Direction Movements with Strikes & Kicks ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 8-Direction Movements with Elbow-Strikes...............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. 8-Direction Movements with Parries ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 8-Direction Movements with Parries & Counters ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Stances Front-Stance.......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Back-Stance .......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Fighting Stance...................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Horse-Stance......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Middle scoop ......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Middle inward forearm ........................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Strikes & Kicks Lunge Palm-Heel Strike .......................................................................................................................................16 Back-Fist Strike...................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Front-Kick ............................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Jab Error! Bookmark not defined. Cross .................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Side-Kick ............................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Round-Kick............................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Slide-up Front-Kick..............................................................................................................................................19 Slide-up Round-Kick ............................................................................................................................................19 Slide-up Side-Kick ...............................................................................................................................................19 Back-Fist ............................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Ridge-Hand ........................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Spinning Back-Kick................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Spinning Back-Fist.................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Elbow-Strike .......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Uppercut Punch ..................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Rear Leg Sweep..................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Spinning Heel Kick ................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Vertical Knife-Hand ................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Horizontal Knife-Hand ............................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Diagonal Knife-Hand ..............................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Vertical Elbow........................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Horizontal Elbow.................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Rising Elbow.......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Descending Elbow.................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Blocks High 16 Middle forearm ...................................................................................................................................................16 Low 16 Middle scoop ......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Middle inward forearm ........................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Inward Knife.......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Outward Knife ....................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. High Cover ............................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Middle Cover ......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

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Side Cover............................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Low Cover ............................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Patterns Chon-Ji (first half only) Heaven and Earth- ..............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Gold-Belt Six-Count.............................................................................................................................................19 Chon-Ji (Heaven and Earth).................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Orange-Belt Six-Count............................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Do-San- (first half only) “Korean patriot who dedicated his life to furthering education” ............ Error! Bookmark not

defined. Green-Belt Six-Count..............................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Do-San- “Korean patriot who dedicated his life to furthering education”..................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Blue-Belt Six-Count ................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Yul-Guk-(first half only) Scholar nicknamed “Confucius of Korea” ..............................Error! Bookmark not defined. Yul-Guk- Scholar nicknamed “Confucius of Korea” .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Chung Mu-Admiral of 1st armored Korean Battleship ................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Do-San with Sticks ................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Bai Sai-Penetrating the Fortress .............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Jo Gi 1 .................................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Falls Front Fall from kneeling.......................................................................................................................................16 Back Fall kneeling ...............................................................................................................................................16 Side Fall from squatting.......................................................................................................................................19 Front Fall from standing ......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Side Fall from standing........................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Back Fall from standing .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Forward Roll from kneeling ..................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Back Roll from kneeling .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Forward Roll from Standing .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Back Roll from Standing ......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Front Fall from Standing ......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Back Fall from Standing.......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Side Fall from Standing .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Weapons Single Stick Striking Set.......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Double Stick Striking Set – 6 Strikes ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Double Stick Striking Set – 4 Strike ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Basic Staff Strike Set ..............................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

Breaking Breaking: 3 boards................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Sparring Free sparring: Three rounds of half-speed sparring................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Free sparring: Four rounds .................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Sparring: Five Rounds .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Sparring: 7 Rounds (One 2 attackers on 1 defender) .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Sparring: 8 rounds (At least 2 2-on-1 rounds) ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Sparring: Up to 8 rounds of sparring- At least 2 rounds of 2-on-1............................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Self-Defenses 16.1.1 Single Wrist Grab......................................................................................................................................17 16.1.2 Cross Wrist Grab ......................................................................................................................................17 16.1.3 Double Wrist Grab ....................................................................................................................................17 16.1.4 Two-Hand Wrist Grab ...............................................................................................................................17

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16.1.5 Double Lapel Grab ....................................................................................................................................17 16.1.6 Front Punch ................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.2.1 Front Bear Grab........................................................................................................................................20 16.2.2 Rear Bear Grab.........................................................................................................................................20 16.2.3 Front Single Shoulder Grab (Chon-Ji bunkai).................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.2.4 Rear Single Shoulder Grab (Chon-Ji bunkai)................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.3.1 Front Bear Grab, Under the Arms.................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.3.2 Rear Bear Grab, Under the Arms................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.3.3 Front Choke ................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.3.4 Rear Choke ................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.3.5 Front Punch (Chon-Ji bunkai) ....................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.4.1 Push-Punch Attack....................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.4.2 Rear Push-Punch Attack ............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.4.3 Front Punch (Do-San bunkai) ....................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.4.4 Lapel Grab and Punch .................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.4.5 Rear Cross Grab Spin Punch (Do-San bunkai) ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.4.6 Ground: On Back Being Choked .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.4.7 Ground: On Back Being Punched .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.4.8 Ground: On Back Hands Over Head ..............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.5.1 Front Double Shoulder Grab (Do-San bunkai) ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.5.2 Two Handed Arm Pull .................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.5.3 Front-Kick ................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.5.4 Round House Kick........................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.5.5 Side-Kick..................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.5.6 Ground: On Stomach-Two Hand Head Press .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.5.7 Ground: On Stomach-Hands Over Head ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.6.1 Hair Grab from Front.................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.6.2 Hair Grab from Rear .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.6.3 Rear Choke with Pull.................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.6.4 Front elevated Bear Grab-over the arms........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.6.5 Rear elevated Bear Grab-over the arms......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.6.6 Side Headlock ............................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.6.7 Front Headlock ............................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.6.8 Double Punches (Yul-Guk bunkai) ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.7.1 Front Bear Grab-Locked Over the Arms ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.7.2 Front Bear Grab-Locked Under the Arms ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.7.3 Rear Bear Grab-Locked Over the Arms .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.7.4 Rear Bear Grab-Locked Under the Arms ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.7.5 Rear Arm Choke .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.7.6 Ground: Escape from Full Mount................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.7.7 Ground: Escape from Half Mount .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.7.8 Club: Overhead Club Swing .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.7.9 Club: Outside Club Swing ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.7.10 Club: Inside Club Swing ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.8.1 Rear Shoulder Grab (Chung Mu bunkai) ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.8.2 Lunge Punch (Chung Mu bunkai) .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.8.3 Oncoming Body Tackle-standing ................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.8.4 Oncoming Body Tackle-ground ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.8.5 Knife Downward Swing ................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.8.6 Knife Outside swing ..................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.8.7 Knife Inside swing ....................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.8.8 Knife Thrust to Body-Outside........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.8.9 Knife Thrust to Body-Inside .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.8.10 Knife Thrust to Face-Outside ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.8.11 Knife Thrust to Face-Inside......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.8.12 Knife at Front of Neck ................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.8.13 Knife at Throat .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.8.14 Knife at Lower Back ................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

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16.8.15 Knife at Rear of Neck ................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.9.1 Front Choke (Bassai Dai bunkai) ................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.9.2 Cross Wrist Grab (Bassai Dai bunkai) ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.9.3 Rear Full Nelson .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.9.4 Rear Two Handed Choke.............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.9.5 Rear Double Wrist Grab ............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.9.6 Rear Double Elbow grab............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.9.7 Rear Double Shoulder Grab .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.9.8 Rear Forearm Choke .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.9.9 Gun at Stomach-Inside ................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.9.10 Gun at Stomach-Outside ............................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.9.11 Gun at Face-Outside .................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.9.12 Gun at Face-Inside..................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.9.13 Gun at Side of Head-Hands Up ................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.9.14 Gun at Side of Head-Hands Down ...............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.9.15 Gun at Back of Head-Outside...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.9.16 Gun at Back of Head-Inside ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.9.17 Gun at Lower Back..................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.