CHILDREN Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat ... · PDF fileC L A I M E D C A L L E D...

C L A I M E D C A L L E D S E N T Lewinsville Presbyterian Church March 2017 L E W I N S V I L L E CHILDREN & YOUTH CANTATA: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat March 5 at 11 a.m. Join Jacob, Joseph and his 11 brothers, Potiphar and his wife, the hairy bunch of Ishmaelites – one particularly onerous! - and Pharaoh for our presentation of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Presented March 5 at the 11:00 am service. The cast is drawn from the 1st and 2nd grade singers, the 3-6th grade singers, the youth choir, and adults of LPC – quite the mix of surprises! It is a great story to be told in song and action – much fun and much truth! 1724 Chain Bridge Road, McLean, VA 22101 703-356-7200 MARCH WORSHIP MARCH 1, Ash Wednesday at 12 noon & 7:30 p.m. Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper at 7:30 p.m. Imposition of Ashes Psalm 51: 1-17; Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-21 “Go Into Your Room and Shut the Door” Rev. Scott Ramsey MARCH 5- 1st Sunday of Lent Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper at 8:30 a.m. in the Chapel Psalm 32; Matthew 4: 1-11 “Tempted” Rev. Scott Ramsey Cantata– Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat in the Sanctuary at 11:00 a.m. MARCH 12– 2nd Sunday of Lent at 8:30 & 11 a.m. Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper at 8:30 a.m. Genesis 12: 1-4a; John 3: 1-17 “Born a Second Time” Rev. Scott Ramsey MARCH 19– 3rd Sunday of Lent at 8:30 & 11 a.m. Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper at 8:30 a.m. Exodus 17: 1-7; John 4: 5-42 “Because of the Woman’s Testimony” Rev. Emily Berman D’Andrea Family Worship Service at 9:45 a.m. MARCH 26– 4th Sunday of Lent at 8:30 & 11 a.m. Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper at 8:30 a.m. John 9: 1-41 “Blind” Rev. Scott Ramsey On Wednesday, March 1, Lewinsville will offer two opportunities to mark the beginning of Lent with Ash Wednesday. We will worship in the church sanctuary at 12 noon and 7:30 pm, during which worshippers will have the opportunity to receive the imposition of ashes. We invite you to begin your Lent with us in this way.

Transcript of CHILDREN Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat ... · PDF fileC L A I M E D C A L L E D...


Lewinsville Presbyterian Church March 2017



Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat March 5 at 11 a.m. Join Jacob, Joseph and his 11 brothers,

Potiphar and his wife, the hairy

bunch of Ishmaelites – one

particularly onerous! - and Pharaoh

for our presentation of Joseph and

the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.

Presented March 5 at the 11:00 am service.

The cast is drawn from the 1st and 2nd

grade singers, the 3-6th grade singers, the

youth choir, and adults of LPC – quite the

mix of surprises! It is a great story to be told in song and action – much fun and

much truth!

1724 Chain Bridge Road, McLean, VA 22101


MARCH WORSHIP MARCH 1, Ash Wednesday at 12 noon & 7:30 p.m. Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper at 7:30 p.m. Imposition of Ashes

Psalm 51: 1-17; Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-21

“Go Into Your Room and Shut the Door” Rev. Scott Ramsey MARCH 5- 1st Sunday of Lent Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper at 8:30 a.m. in the Chapel Psalm 32; Matthew 4: 1-11

“Tempted” Rev. Scott Ramsey

Cantata– Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat in the Sanctuary at 11:00 a.m. MARCH 12– 2nd Sunday of Lent at 8:30 & 11 a.m.

Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper at 8:30 a.m. Genesis 12: 1-4a; John 3: 1-17

“Born a Second Time” Rev. Scott Ramsey MARCH 19– 3rd Sunday of Lent at 8:30 & 11 a.m.

Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper at 8:30 a.m. Exodus 17: 1-7; John 4: 5-42

“Because of the Woman’s Testimony” Rev. Emily Berman D’Andrea

Family Worship Service at 9:45 a.m. MARCH 26– 4th Sunday of Lent at 8:30 & 11 a.m.

Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper at 8:30 a.m. John 9: 1-41

“Blind” Rev. Scott Ramsey

On Wednesday, March 1, Lewinsville will offer two opportunities to mark

the beginning of Lent with Ash Wednesday.

We will worship in the church sanctuary at 12 noon and 7:30 pm, during

which worshippers will have the opportunity to receive the imposition of


We invite you to begin your Lent with us in this way.

C L A I M E D C A L L E D S E N T 2

FROM THE INTERIM PASTOR Dear friends at Lewinsville, The Session recently adopted as

Lewinsville’s focus for 2017: “Learning about and ministering to the needs of younger generations.” A focus on the

needs of younger generations does NOT

mean ignoring the needs of older

generations. The Session is deeply hopeful

that there will be numerous ways that inter

-generational activities and ministries will

enrich and energize all generations in the

church. God’s calling is to all generations

in the church. The Lord says, “I will pour

out my spirit on all flesh; your old men [and women] shall

dream dreams, and your young men [and women] shall see

visions” (Joel 2:28).

But the Session does sense a calling to place a special

emphasis on the needs of younger generations in the year(s) to

come. This calling is reinforced by the results of the Church

Assessment Tool (CAT) and the church’s Strategic Plan.

This raises a question: Why do we want young people

to be a part of Lewinsville Presbyterian? To this question, we

could give an anxious answer or a hopeful answer. The “anxious

answer” would be something like, “We want young people to

keep the church going. Otherwise we’re going to die.” There

will be little energy if this is the only answer we have.

A hopeful answer might be something like, “We want

young people to participate because we love them, because we

want to share our faith with them, and because we want the

church to be faithful and relevant in this new day.”

Traditional churches everywhere are trying to figure

out what it might mean to cultivate relationships with younger

generations. Along the way, the traditional church will have a

great deal to learn. We will learn what millennial generations

are passionate about and hungry for. We will learn what aspects

of the church’s ministry were well-suited for an earlier time but

need to be laid aside, and we will learn what aspects of the

church’s ministry are still vital and full of life. We will learn how

younger people need older generations, and how older people

can learn from younger generations.

There are oodles of possibility here: new relationships

between “grandparents” in the congregation and adoptive

“grandchildren”; small groups for building faith among youth and

young adults; working with young people to explore the

connections between their faith and issues of public policy; and

on and on and on…

Lewinsville Presbyterian has deep and abundant gifts of

faith to pass on to the world, and as we learn about the needs

of younger generations, those gifts will have a new chance to be

passed on.

Many blessings for your journey,

Pastor Scott

LENTEN DEVOTIONAL BOOK Lent is a period during the Christian year when each of us is

invited to examine our relationship with the Lord, and to ponder

the ways that Jesus comes to us. How are our lives different

because of Jesus? What impact does Jesus’ love have on our


During this Lent, we will be reading in Sunday worship several

extended stories from the Gospel of John which describe – in great

detail – the encounters of different individuals with Jesus. We will

meet: a Pharisee named Nicodemus, a Samaritan woman at a well, a

man born blind, and Jesus’ good friend Lazarus who had died.

In each of these stories, a person has a powerful encounter with the

grace of God in the midst of the pain of life.

This year's Lenten Devotional Booklet will include reflections on

these stories by members of our own congregation. We will enrich

our own lives through reading the thoughts and questions of the

people we meet on Sunday and during the week. We will read

stories of transformation. "Encounters with Jesus" will be available

in paper booklet form on March 1st at church. You will also be able

to find a link to the daily devotions on the church's website.



(More Details to Follow)

You are invited to join us for the second of our new experiential

worship services on March 19 at 9:45am (Education Hour) in the


These exciting new services, coming out of the Family Ministry

Team, focus on family and intergenerational worship. Worship will

look a little different and feel a little different as worshipers will be

invited to engage their senses and have the opportunity to play an

active role in the worship. All ages are welcome-please join us!

C L A I M E D C A L L E D S E N T 3

WHAT WONDROUS LOVE- Holy Week in Word and Art “What Wondrous Love is This” is one of the powerful hymns of faith that helps us reflect upon the

Holy Week passion of Jesus. It is also the title of a DVD course that seeks to interpret several key

events of Holy Week in both Word and art. Each session will focus on a key event of Holy Week,

interpreted by biblical scholars from the Chandler School of Theology at Emery University and

illustrated by the stunning art work of John August Swanson. How do each of these events depict

God’s wondrous love and how does the sacred art of John August Swanson and others enrich and

challenge our understanding of these texts?

The events to be explored include the Raising of Lazarus, the Entry into Jerusalem, The Last Supper,

Betrayal and Arrest, and the Crucifixion. Come and allow both scripture and art to illumine our minds

and touch our hearts with the wondrous love of God in Jesus Christ.

Led by: Rev. Daniel Thomas, will be offered twice each week. On Sundays at 9:45 a.m. (March 5, 12, 19 and 26) and on Monday mornings from 10:30 a.m. until 11:45 a.m. (March 6,13,20,27 & April 3). Class Location: Library

BIBLE PROJECT WISDOM SERIES– A Fully Animated Film Series with Discussion There are three books in the Bible that have come to be called the Wisdom Literature; Proverbs,

Ecclesiastes and Job. All these books are addressing the same set of questions:

What kind of world are we living in?

What does it look like to live “well” in this world?

Each book tackles these questions from a unique perspective and it’s important to understand all of

them to get a fully biblical perspective on “the good life.” Join us as we take this in-depth look at the

wisdom from the Bible.

Led by: Allison Lineberger Class Location: Room 103

ADULT EDUCATION-MODULE 4, MARCH 5-26 Sunday Mornings; 9:45-10:45 a.m.

FAITH AND WORK: Telling Stories of Careers and the Role of Faith in Them Four classes, March 5, 12, 19, and 26. Congregation members will tell their stories about work

experiences and how their faith has impacted their careers. In each class, a panel consisting of a

moderator and three other participants, all of whom have worked in similar work settings, will talk

about their careers.

March 5: Political/governmental arena. Rev. Emily Berman D’Andrea, moderator

March 12: Health professions. Carol Kaffenberger, moderator

March 19: Military. Tom Mellor, moderator

March 26: International arena. Rob Hunter, moderator

Ever wondered what it’s like to work on Capitol Hill or overseas? Or what factors influenced career choices? Here is your chance to get to

know fellow congregation members better and learn about their interesting careers.

Coordinated by: Older Adult Council Education Sub-Committee Class Location: Chapel


Join Rob Ransom and Charlie Mendenhall for five Wednesday nights in Lent as they lead a small group on the topic of Forgiveness. The study begins with these words, “The Christian faith is indelibly marked by the invitation to receive, and the imperative to

offer, forgiveness.” Group members will get to know one another and grow deeper in relationship with God as the spiritual imperative of forgiveness

is discussed. Sign up for the small group online at or in St. Andrews Hall after worship. Dates: March 8,15,22,29 & April 5 from 7:30 – 9:00 pm in room 103.

For more information: Contact Pastor Emily or Rob Ransom [email protected].

C L A I M E D C A L L E D S E N T 4

WOULD YOU LIKE TO SERVE COMMUNION AT LEWINSVILLE? The Session has opened up this opportunity to anyone who is a member of

Lewinsville. Training is required, and we will be offering a training session after

the 11:00 am service of worship on SUNDAY, March 5th. Training will include

instructions for serving by intinction and serving the congregation seated in the

pews. A training session will also be useful to ordained Elders and Deacons at

Lewinsville who need a quick refresher!

Sign up ONLINE, or call the church office at 703-356-7200 to get on the list.

Need more information? Email Bettie McElroy at [email protected]

Call Yellow Cab 703-534-1111

if you need a ride to church and the fare is on


Are you having a tough time getting to church? Are you not able to drive? Did

you know that we have a cab service available for folks who are unable to get themselves to Sunday morning worship?

Money has been set aside by the Deacons to pay the cab fare for

individuals who are unable to get themselves to church. If you need a

handicap accessible van you must call at least twenty-four hours in advance and specify a pick up time for both the trip

to church and return home. All you need is the account number. The

fare (including tip) will be paid by the church. This service is available for evening as well as morning rides to

church. Please feel free to use the cab service for the evening Holy Week

services and Lent Studies.

Call Sandy in the church office 703-356-7200 to get the account



There are scores of seniors in our area who need help getting to and from their

medical and therapy appointments, the pharmacy and grocery store.

The Shepherd’s Center of McLean-Arlington-Falls Church helps them get the

transportation they need to get to their appointments. The number of new

clients continues to grow at a rapid pace and we need more volunteers to

help meet that need.

If you have a heart for seniors and want to help them, please be willing to

become one of our new volunteers. To find out more about the Shepherd’s

Center and how you can volunteer to provide transportation and other

services, please call the Center at (703) 506-2199 or e-mail the Center at

[email protected]. The Center’s website is and you can follow

us on Facebook.

The congregation at Lewinsville gathers each week to

worship. This is a time of prayer and praise and preaching as

we acknowledge and celebrate our dedication to our beliefs.

Many individuals participate in this endeavor. We want to be

invitational and inclusive in these ministries of lay reading,

ushering, and preparing and serving communion. We invite the

youth to join these groups and to serve as they are served in this mutual act of

worship. It is by including our young people that we pass down the traditions and

rituals that mark us as a worshipping Christian congregation. It is the participation

of the young that refreshes and enlivens us.

C L A I M E D C A L L E D S E N T 5


One of Lewinsville Presbyterian Church’s mission partners is the Falls Church

Homeless Shelter, which provides warm beds, meals, and counseling to the

homeless during the winter months. The Shelter’s annual fundraising campaign

is underway, where we ask you to help keep the shelter running and help them

support residents with year-round case management.

To donate, please go to URL:

Please take a moment now to give to the shelter. You'll feel good knowing that

you are part of a community that works to support those in need. If you wish

to donate by mail, please send your donation to:

Falls Church Homeless Shelter

P.O. Box 6979

Falls Church, VA 22040-6979

MCLEAN INTERFAITH COALITION The next workdays for the McLean Interfaith Coalition (MIC) with Habitat for

Humanity of Northern Virginia will be Saturday March 4, Saturday April 1, and

Friday May 5 from 8:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

In March we will be working in Reston and for April and May the worksite is in

Springfield. In both places we will be rehabbing an existing home. Volunteers

supply their own lunch and Habitat supplies water and tools.

If you’re interested in joining volunteers from other McLean congregations on

any of these dates, contact Mary Frase, the Lewinsville representative to MIC,

at [email protected] or (703) 536-4091.

Make History for Lewinsville Presbyterian Church

The Falls Church-McLean Children’s Center will be celebrating their 50th Anniversary in 2018. Lewinsville was one of its founding churches. We are forming a committee to help make the 50th anniversary celebration memorable and asking for two members of Lewinsville Presbyterian Church to serve as church representatives on the 50th Anniversary Celebration Planning Committee for Falls Church-McLean Children’s Center community for its milestone in 2018. As a founder of the early childhood education program that serves low- and moderate-income area families, Lewinsville deserves great recognition during the Center’s 50th Anniversary Year. You can help shape 1-2 memorable events to reflect well on Lewinsville. You also will serve as the liaison, keeping the congregation informed of the upcoming celebration. A team of 2-3 members could work together to represent Lewinsville, alternating attendance. The budding Committee currently is meeting weekly, in person preferably, at the Children’s Center. Days and times will vary to accommodate the greatest number of members. For more information or to indicate your interest, contact Director Elizabeth Page at 703-534-4907 or [email protected] or Development Director Renee Boyle at [email protected].

C L A I M E D C A L L E D S E N T 6

The Older Adult Council advocates, communicates, and

coordinates programs and services for older adults and their

care-giving families in the community. The Council ministers

to the elderly with education programs, Bible study classes,

and community-based lectures related to aging and the

needs of older adults. The group recently published a booklet describing these

programs, services, and activities. Please pick up a copy of the booklet from the

information rack outside the Church offices or on-line at: .



Taco & Bingo Night Friday, March 3 7-9 p.m. at LRR



ASHBY PONDS: Quinn and Celia Morrison, Glenn and Evelyn Jones

CHESTERBROOK RESIDENCES: Ruth Bathe, Mai Estelle Collins, Dee Custer

GOODWIN HOUSE, FALLS CHURCH: Charles and Mary Hutchison

GREENSPRING, SPRINGFIELD: Joanne Field, Alice Johnston

THE HERMITAGE: Margot Scheffey



LEWINSVILLE RETIREMENT RESIDENCE: Minnie Fadullon, Louise Fox, Jane Gardner,

Dong Lee, Lurleen Ogle, Lucille Quinn, Mina Sulaiman,


SUNRISE, MCLEAN: Roy and Betty Palmer, Mary Partridge

VINSON HALL, MCLEAN: Elaine Baker, Jean and Charlie Mertz, Helen Martin

WESTMINSTER AT LAKE RIDGE: Lora Watson ANNIVERSARIES Congratulations to ALL Lewinsville couples celebrating MARCH wedding

anniversaries. The following couples are celebrating a milestone occasion:

Carol and Will Kaffenberger– 50 years on March 20

Sara and Ernst Volgenau– 58 years on March 29 DEATHS

Our loving sympathy and prayers are extended to:

Pattie Gunter and family on the death of her mother, Lucy Norton, on February 1.

A memorial service was held on February 11, in Deltaville, VA.

The family of Ramona Rayle on her death on January 25. A memorial service will

be held on March 25 at Lewinsville Presbyterian Church with a reception to


BIRTHS Congratulations to Dick and Caroline Van Wagoner on the birth of their great

granddaughter, Norah Elizabeth Fleming, on February 10.

It's time for TACOs & BINGO! Bring the children

(age 3 and up), friends, and neighbors as we join

a lot of grandparents at our Lewinsville

Retirement Residence (LRR) for this fun

evening. And yes, there WILL be prizes! The

Taco Bar will open at 7:00 p.m. with Bingo to

follow. We have service volunteer

opportunities for youth, and we will need

dessert donations (cookies, cupcakes, brownies)

as well as prize donations ($5 value prize for any

age). RSVP and volunteer now on the Lewinsville website. While there is no charge for this event,

we will be accepting donations for dinner.

Please RSVP by Wednesday, March 1st. See you there!

ADULT CLUB MEETING MARCH 19 Join the adult club Sunday, March 19, in the

chapel following the 11 a.m. worship service.

Author and publisher Stephen Hiemsta will

speak about how to turn writing and

publishing ambition into a reality. Dr. Hiemstra

will outline the steps to writing a memoir,

getting help with editing the text and

designing a book cover, and publishing your

book in paperback as a self-publisher. For

further information call Billie Hiemstra at

703 448-5342. Bring a sandwich. We will

provide beverages and dessert. All are invited

and bring a friend too!


dinner followed by Bingo. Prizes! Call Susan

Pearl or Diane Wachtel for your food

assignment. Bring your beverage of choice. $10

per person at the door.

C L A I M E D C A L L E D S E N T 7


The Foundation and the 1846 Covenant

Society are hosting Sean Mitchell,

Stewardship consultant and coach, March 24

and 25, for a special meeting with

Lewinsville’s Stewardship Committee and

others who will be involved in the annual

stewardship campaign next fall and a

possible capital campaign.

Mitchell is the full time director of

stewardship at Myers Park Presbyterian

Church, Charlotte, NC, and a frequent

consultant to other churches.


The “remnant” is a biblical motif found throughout the Old Testament to

describe the people of Israel who remain after some devastating event. It

is found in connection with situations as varied as the Great Flood

(Gen. 6-8), famine (Gen. 45), seduction by other ideologies (1 Kings 18),

attacks by foreign empires (e.g., Assyria, Babylon), and others. It is a

“mixed metaphor,” in that it is alternately sobering and hopeful.

Given the oft-noted decline of the mainstream church in North America

over the recent decades, this study will explore whether, and in what

ways, the biblical metaphor of the “remnant” might be useful to us in

making sense of our situation.

The study hopes to do several things:

(1) become better acquainted with a little-understood metaphor in the

Old Testament,

(2) (2) reflect on the situation of the

contemporary church, and

(3) (3) identify possible directions for the

future of the church.

Pastor Scott will present this year’s Lent

Study on the theme of the “remnant” from

the Old Testament. This study is a part of

Pastor Scott’s work for the Doctor of

Ministry (D. Min.) degree at Columbia

Theological Seminary.

Chesterbrook is celebrating its 10th Anniversary!

This Assisted Living Residence with 97 apartments is

located next to Longfellow Middle School on

Westmoreland Street.

Lewinsville was one of the 3 founding congregations,

and has been actively involved from the very


Lewinsville did the first feasibility study over 15 years

ago, raised funds and guided it through the


Lewinsville had many volunteers in the early years

when the apartments weren’t full and they couldn’t

afford a full staff.

Lewinsville still supports Chesterbrook. Mary Frase,

Scott Bartram, and Jim Edmondson serve on its Board

of Directors. Betty Yurkewitch helps with office work.

Mary Frase, Dale Hodges, and the Volgenaus play

bridge with residents. Lewinsville’s pastors and parish

associates lead worship and serve communion once a

month on Wednesday afternoons. And, Chesterbrook

is often one of the recipients of our care on Good

Samaritan Days.

Are you interested in volunteering at Chesterbrook?

Volunteers can help in the dining room getting residents

drinks or dessert, or sit and visit with someone who is

alone. Residents love to have people come in to play

games or help in the gift shop. They enjoy music if you

would like to share your talents. The residents particularly

love having people come to share what they do or did for a

job, or share pictures and tell about a trip. Or, would you

like to be part of the volunteer team and get messages

when they have a particular need?

If you are interested in volunteering at Chesterbrook,

contact Claire Grossi [email protected], 703-893-6989 or

Sonja Ellis, the volunteer coordinator at Chesterbrook,

[email protected] , 703-531-0781.


Saturday, April 1 is GOOD SAMARITAN DAY No Foolin’! 9 a.m.—Noon

Spend the morning of April Fools Day working alongside our mission

partners at SHARE or The Lewinsville Retirement Residence or

Homestretch or the Westgate Elementary School.

We will give three hours of light work to help with whatever is needed

at the worksite. Breakfast and a prayer send-off is provided at 8:30 a.m.

Lewinsville Church by the Men’s Square ChristCare Group. All will then

head-out to the various locations. Lunch and a recap of the morning

with others who work at different locations will take place at the

Lewinsville Retirement Residence at 12:15 (lunch cost is $7).

Covenant to make Good Samaritan Day one of your Lenten disciplines.

There will be opportunities to help out for all ages and skill levels.

Sign up online at or in St. Andrews Hall after

Hosted by The Presbyterian WomenHosted by The Presbyterian Women

Saturday, May 13Saturday, May 13

(Mother’s Day Weekend)(Mother’s Day Weekend)

2 pm 2 pm —— 4 pm4 pm

Children age 2Children age 2--Grade 6 Grade 6

Must bring a Mom, an Aunt, a Grandma, or some Must bring a Mom, an Aunt, a Grandma, or some

other significant female adult.other significant female adult.

Mark Your Calendars

Don’t Be

Late for a




GamesGames CraftsCrafts CharacterCharacter VisitsVisits Tea PartyTea Party