children as they told the story of ‘There’s a Sunflower in ... · I have just spent the most...

I have just spent the most wonderful 35 minutes in the company of our talented Year 2 children as they told the story of ‘There’s a Sunflower in my Supper’ with grace, confidence and sparkle. The Year 2 play is always a slightly daunting undertaking with sixty children to cast, rehearse and cajole into performing on three consecutive days, but the Class (including teachers and parent helpers) of 2017 have not only risen to the challenge, they have way surpassed it. I think this year’s performance is perhaps the best Year 2 Play I have seen as Head of Hazelwood. No lines were forgotten (and there was a lot of speaking), no movements muddled and all the singing was with a smile and in pitch. It was a classy demonstration of focused endeavour, team spirit and a collaboration which overcame any on-stage nerves. The only butterflies on show were those who visited Daisy’s sunflowers to enjoy the nectar! Huge congratulations to everyone who played their part. It was superb and duly acknowledged with rapturous applause from the audience who were moved, impressed and thoroughly astounded by the performance. Our busy end to the school year moved into first gear this week with the Year 2 Play and with Grandparents Morning at the Nursery. It was thrilling to welcome over one hundred grandparents to the Nursery and Early Years site and to see the pride with which even the youngest child showed them around ‘my school’. The musical entertainment was charming and with Mrs Young bringing some of the older children down from the main site to perform, our guests got a glimpse as to what may lie ahead of our Oak and Skylarks musicians.

Transcript of children as they told the story of ‘There’s a Sunflower in ... · I have just spent the most...

Page 1: children as they told the story of ‘There’s a Sunflower in ... · I have just spent the most wonderful 35 minutes in the company of our talented Year 2 children as they told the

I have just spent the most wonderful 35 minutes in the company of our talented Year 2 children as they told the story of ‘There’s a Sunflower in my Supper’ with grace, confidence and sparkle. The Year 2 play is always a slightly daunting undertaking with sixty children to cast, rehearse and cajole into performing on three consecutive days, but the Class (including teachers and parent helpers) of 2017 have not only risen to the challenge, they have way surpassed it. I think this year’s performance is perhaps the best Year 2 Play I have seen as Head of Hazelwood. No lines were forgotten (and there was a lot of speaking), no movements muddled and all the singing was with a smile and in pitch. It was a classy demonstration of focused endeavour, team spirit and a collaboration which overcame any on-stage nerves. The only butterflies on show were those who visited Daisy’s sunflowers to enjoy the nectar! Huge congratulations to everyone who played their part. It was superb and duly acknowledged with rapturous applause from the audience who were moved, impressed and thoroughly astounded by the performance.

Our busy end to the school year moved into first gear this week with the Year 2 Play and with Grandparents Morning at the Nursery. It was thrilling to welcome over one hundred grandparents to the Nursery and Early Years site and to see the pride with which even the youngest child showed them around ‘my school’. The musical entertainment was charming and with Mrs Young bringing some of the older children down from the main site to perform, our guests got a glimpse as to what may lie ahead of our Oak and Skylarks musicians.

Page 2: children as they told the story of ‘There’s a Sunflower in ... · I have just spent the most wonderful 35 minutes in the company of our talented Year 2 children as they told the

Thank you to everyone who worked hard to prepare the children, the site, the rooms and the music. I hope our Grandparents enjoyed their time with us.

The Year 8 and Year 4 children have certainly enjoyed their days away from school on their respective residential trips. The weather has been stunning and for those of you who follow the school on twitter (hazelwoodoxted) you will have been envious of the clear blue skies flanking the Dorset coast as the children went coasteering and deep sea mackerel fishing during the week. It was up to the Year 8 girls to ‘bring home the bacon’ (or in this case the mackerel) so that the children could enjoy a hearty, fresh fish supper on Wednesday. They proved themselves to be the more able ‘fishermen’ displaying patience and guile in hooking their catch. For both groups of children there was been a surfeit of outdoor, fresh-air activity away from the temptation of screens and electronic gadgets proving that there is as much fun to be had in a wide open space or woodland as there is at the controls of a PS4 or mobile device! The staff on these trips always go above and beyond and I thank them for keeping our children safe and in such good spirits. For some of the Year 4 children, their trip to Hindleap Warren may have been a little disappointing this year with far less mud than normal to jump into and wallow in! I am sure the unpacking of the kit bags will be less of an ordeal when they arrive home!

Page 3: children as they told the story of ‘There’s a Sunflower in ... · I have just spent the most wonderful 35 minutes in the company of our talented Year 2 children as they told the

Finally, we are looking forward to welcoming our new families to Hazelwood for taster day and class swap sessions over the coming weeks. Many will be with us on Tuesday for the second in a line of taster sessions designed to allow the children to make friends and to feel more settled in their new school environment. It is also a good chance for us to get to know our new pupils and to begin to understand how they best learn. Sadly, some of the children will not be with us on that day. Their families are moving to Oxted from the far-flung corners of the globe, from India, Hong Kong, New York and Dubai and so will not touch down until during the summer holidays. The school will be in touch with the Form Reps to pass on details. Thank you for making them feel welcomed when they finally do recover from their jet lag and unpacking of a lifetime of boxes! It is humbling to think that the reputation of the school stretches across international borders and that we contribute in some small way to attracting families to the area.

For a list of emails/letters/texts sent home each week please see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell.

These and other wonderful shots of the Year 2 play were taken by Mrs Slade. The order form and instructions on how to view the gallery was shared with parents. Moya can be contacted on [email protected] for more details.

Huge thanks to Mrs Johnston and all the HPA team who hosted the most wonderful Masquerade Ball at the weekend. All the guests seemed to have a superb evening and were most generous, bidding for the donated items in the school’s Silent Auction. The £10,000 raised is a great result and has been used to fund the outdoor gym equipment which is already being enjoyed by the children. Mr Fotheringham too was seen putting the bike through its paces.

Page 4: children as they told the story of ‘There’s a Sunflower in ... · I have just spent the most wonderful 35 minutes in the company of our talented Year 2 children as they told the

News from The Nursery & Early Years

What a scorcher of a week it has been this week. The children have enjoyed lots of outdoor play and with this comes the sound of happy children ringing out around the site, which lifts the spirits of everyone. On Friday, we enjoyed our Grandparents Day which was a resounding success. We had 113 happy grandparents on site, who enjoyed a cup of tea, some cake, some wonderful artwork and then a tour of the site to visit rooms and staff. Thank you to everyone involved for making it such a special occasion and to all our children for having such lovely grandparents. Fledglings 1 have been exploring their Pirate theme this week and the children have enjoyed making treasure maps using the age old tea-bagging technique. You are never too young to use this wonderful trick! There has been lots of outdoor play with bubbly water and hunting the sea animals in the water tray. The children have also spent time in the rocking boat, pretending to be pirates whilst singing their pirate song. Fledglings 2 have been busy making Father’s Day cards and gifts … don’t tell Dad! The children have enjoyed looking at patterns and sequencing. The wonderful smell of baking cookies has had us all with rumbling tummies. Top Robins have been looking at the Very Hungry Caterpillar. They created a small world role play with minibeasts and real fruit to re-enact the story. The children have enjoyed creating bottle top caterpillars and used this crafty fun to practice their sequencing of numbers and pattern creating. Outside, the Robins have enjoyed colour mixing with water and den building.

Bottom Robins have spent lots of time outside experimenting with colour mixing in the water trays. The children have continued the Maths theme from last week and enjoyed making number rockets and number and name caterpillars. They have also been den building and camp making, both indoors and out. Skylarks have continued the Maths theme from last week and have spent more time looking at clocks. The children have all been making their own clocks, looking at the big and little hands and sequencing the numbers on their clock faces. They have also been looking at calculators and how to use them. Outdoors they have enjoyed creating giant clocks out of hula-hoops and chalk.

Page 5: children as they told the story of ‘There’s a Sunflower in ... · I have just spent the most wonderful 35 minutes in the company of our talented Year 2 children as they told the

Oak have continued to explore the theme of Jack and the Beanstalk. Who can build the tallest beanstalk was a popular challenge! The children used lots of masking tape, straws and plasticine, working with a partner.

Reminders for next week and w/c Monday 19th June Tuesday 20th June – Oak Transition & Teddy Bear’s Picnic (parents to drop to main site – minibus back – don’t forget your teddy!) Tuesday 20th June – 7pm Moving Up Information Evening Oak to Year 1 (main site) Thursday 22nd June – Oak Summer Concert 9.15am – The Paterson Hall (refreshments available from 8.50am) Thursday 22nd June – Junior Dance Show (Oak Dancers) – Main Site @ 3.30pm Thursday 22nd June - Moving Up Information Evening F1, F2 & Robins 7pm The Paterson Hall Friday 23rd June – Skylarks Summer Concert 0915 – The Paterson Hall (refreshments available from 8.50am

In Skylarks Beatrice keeps her cool and shows how she can balance independently using her hands to steady herself. Callum, and friends, use their hands to pick the beans that have been ripening and filling out in the sun and rain and Nico proudly shows how he can make numbers add up to ten. He had quite a few combinations up his sleeve all of which mad the magic target number.

Mrs Taylor's class created a giant and voted for the name, Twinkle! There has been lots of excitement as the children have been writing to the giant, and he has replied to every letter! They have asked him lots of questions. Apparently, he has a red, shiny car, his favourite colour is blue, he likes macaroni cheese and pizza, but not mashed potato! His magic beanstalk only appears at night! Looking up into the sky, the children have not managed to spot it yet!

Page 6: children as they told the story of ‘There’s a Sunflower in ... · I have just spent the most wonderful 35 minutes in the company of our talented Year 2 children as they told the

News from Hazelwood

Hawthorns rounders tournament report

On Saturday 10th June, the U13 & U11 rounders teams took part in a tournament at Hawthorns.

The seniors were one of seven teams and took part in six matches. There were some excellent catches from Emily Kerr and Evie and Eva scored some super rounders. They won their game against Aberdour and drew against Danes Hill B's. Overall they finished 5th and Mrs Lowe was proud with the effort and attitude, especially after a long week on exams.

Halstead convincingly 8.5-3 and had a closer game against Hawthorns winning 5-3.

The final game was against Royal Russell. Their girls looked slick and we needed to win this game to go through to definitely go through to the semi-finals. Our girls batted first achieving 3.5 rounders. They really had to focus on their fielding to keep Russel house's score down. The girls were really switched on and they won the game 3.5-1.5. This meant they came top in their group and went through the semis.

After a short break the girls played the 2nd place team of the opposite group St.Michael’s. We batted first and only achieved 2.5 rounders. We knew it was going to be tense keeping the other teams score down. The girls focus was brilliant and scores were even leading up to the last ball. On the last hit, the St.Michael’s girl really went for it and hit the ball well scoring half a rounder. This meant the girls missed out on the final by half a rounder. They went into the play off with Reigate St. Mary’s who had a boy playing for them! The game was incredibly close and we ended up drawing 6.5-6.5. The girls finished in joint 3rd overall. A brilliant performance, well done!

The U11s were one of 14 teams. The teams were split into two pools of seven and in the initial round, each school played 6 games. The U11s started with an excellent win against St.Teresa's 8-1. They produced the best batting I have seen them do all term. The next game was against St. George’s and we knew they were going to be tough as we saw them play during our rest game. The girls came away with a 5-3 win which was an excellent result. They then beat

Howdy Y’All The Year 2 tap dancers are looking the part and are ready for the Junior Dance Show next week. With toes tapping and heels clicking in utter synchronicity, you are in for a treat!

Page 7: children as they told the story of ‘There’s a Sunflower in ... · I have just spent the most wonderful 35 minutes in the company of our talented Year 2 children as they told the

Tremendous Trio of Tri-Athletes On Sunday 11th June, Freddie A, Michelle M and Oscar P took part in the IAPS triathlon event held at Dulwich Prep in Cranbrook. The event consisted of 3 disciplines, swim, bike and run. Freddie and Michelle has to swim 6 lengths of the pool and cycle and run 2 laps of the course. Oscar had to swim 10 lengths, cycle 4 laps and run 3 laps. Racing conditions were dry, but quite hot and windy. All three of them had a good swim and looked fresh as they made their way into transition to collect their bikes. The bike course was on grass, had some sharp turns and was on undulating terrain. Freddie had a hybrid bike which seemed to like the course a bit more then Michelle and Oscar's mountain bikes. Despite the challenges, all 3 of them looked strong as they got off their bikes and headed to the run. Michelle dug in deep and followed a girl all the way round the run and sprinted at the end beating the other girl over the line. Freddie looked strong throughout and finished with excellent speed and technique. Oscar had a head to head battle with another boy in a very vibrant tri suit. He started behind the boy initially, then over took him. After the second lap the other competitor had upped his game and was right on Oscar's heels. In the last half lap Oscar turned on his running engine and stormed to the line leaving his rival competitor in the distance. Overall positions: Freddie came 21st out of 75 boys in a time of 18.02. Michelle came 31st out of 63 girls in a time of 21.08 Oscar came 11th out of 45 competitors in a time of 27 mins. All three of them performed brilliantly and myself and their parents were very proud and really enjoyed the event.

Final Fond Farewell The school is disappointed to be saying Goodbye to Mrs Georgie Bean as Assistant Head (Organisation) and Head of DT at the end of the summer term. After three wonderful years, Mrs Bean is taking up the position of Director of Studies at Ewell Castle School near to where the family lives. Whilst very sad to be leaving, Georgie will not miss her daily journeys around the M25. The school wishes her, Teddy and Ollie all the very best for a happy future closer to home. All have promised to keep in touch.

Jazzing up a Zebra: The Results are in!

Hazelwood Grandparents’ Day Please don’t forget to sign your Grandparents up for the 29th June. They will be very welcome to join us for a morning of music and merry making! Respond to [email protected]

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The winners, however, of the competition are Henry D and Isaac M. Henry used bold colour and letters to create his striking design while Isaac submitted a series of designs under the School theme. His adaptation of different aspects of school life- Sport, Art, Music and Science – was both original and exciting. Mr Smith will choose which of Isaac’s four designs will be used. Isaac has already informed the school that there are further designs up his sleeve and in his head, waiting to be put down on paper!

Thank you for all the entries received into the competition launched during Health and Safety Week. Some were done at home and brought in by individuals. Others were more collabortaive with 7H and 2T giving it a go during Form Time. It was quite a difficult decision choosing a winner and in the end two pupils’ designs were chosen on account of their simp;icity and boldness. Mr Steve Smith, the school’s Facilities Manager and Artist (of zebra crossings in residence) will now be consulted. As part of the brief was about colour, some of the chosen designs will need refining to add in that punch of colour. It is hoped that the designs will be added to the school’s zebra crossings over the summer holidays. The judges would like to commend Katherine D (Skylarks) and Henry HR for their designs. If there were more zebra crossings on the main school site or at the Nursery and Early Years, then we would be using all the designs which caught the judges’ eye. Katherine’s design is shown to the left.




Page 9: children as they told the story of ‘There’s a Sunflower in ... · I have just spent the most wonderful 35 minutes in the company of our talented Year 2 children as they told the

Junior Inter-House swimming

Baily touch home in pole position in the Junior Interhouse Swimming Competition The children in Year 3 & 4 competed in the inter-house swimming gala on Tuesday. There was some super streamlined and speedy children. All children supported their houses and the teachers were really impressed with their swimming. Overall results: 1st Baily 2nd Dowling 3rd Irving 4th Parry

When Mrs Ford set a Year 3 homework to find an artist that the children liked and to select their favourite picture to reproduce (Sshhh don’t tell the copyright lawyers), little did she prepare herself for some stunning work. The above masterpieces by Lilian and Eve took Van Gogh and Monet as their inspirations.

Page 10: children as they told the story of ‘There’s a Sunflower in ... · I have just spent the most wonderful 35 minutes in the company of our talented Year 2 children as they told the

Making Sweet Music

Golden Boot Challenge.

Mr Hewitt thrilled a small audience in Baily Recital at Friday’s lunchtime concert this week when he performed Claudia Gildersleeve's great grandad's (Mr C Gildersleeve's) composition : The A.R.P March. Claudia and her friends, along with the rest of the assembled audience loved it! (Mr Hewitt looks very pleased with the composition too!) The children of the Junior Concert had their eyes fixed on Dr Amy Bebbington at the recent choral masterclass held on a recent Saturday morning. Dr Bebbington’s outstanding choral credentials were put to good use in giving the children ways to punctuate and articulate their already marvelous singing. These ‘tricks of the trade’ will be most evident when the choirs take to the stage in the end of year musical programmes. Keep an eye out for the ‘finger snake!’

Hazelwood is taking part in the Golden Boot Challenge, the biggest school travel competition in the country! The annual Golden Boot Challenge is designed to encourage children, parents and schools to choose sustainable alternatives to the car on school journeys. The Challenge will run from 19th-23rd June. There will be a walking bus from Morrison’s car park (meeting outside Thai pad) led by Mrs. Ford and Miss Parr. Your child must sign up in order to be allowed to walk the route so please email [email protected] if you would like to attend and which days you will be walking.

Please note that the gate onto the school field from Hazelwood Heights will be open from 7.20 each morning.

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The class who travels in the most environmentally friendly way will be the lucky winners of the Golden Boot trophy, currently held by Mrs. Johnston and each child in the class will receive a Golden Boot badge. This year there will also be house points awarded for those children on the walking bus so remember to sign up early and get your place.

4p Bookworms In 4P we do like a chat but in our library lesson this week Miss Parr was astounded by 4P's focus and how engrossed they all were by the books they have selected to take home this week. She couldn't help but take a picture to share with you all!

Congratulations to Darcy who is representing Tandridge in the Surrey Youth Games U10 netball. The tournament takes place in Guildford on Saturday. Darcy hones her skill at both Hazelwood and at Girls Attack. We look forward to hearing all about the most exciting of days.

Year 4 Workshops with an illustrator

On Friday 9th June, a young and very talented graduate of the Manchester school of Art arrived to work with Year 4 in the Baily Art room. Helen Hancocks is only 28 years old, yet has already five picture books published. Helen was with us to give her first workshops with her most recent book. Ella, Queen of Jazz Helen both illustrates and writes her books (bar one where she was illustrating only) which is unusual and special.

Thank you to everyone who came along to our Year 2 into Year 3 transition presentation on Thursday morning. For those of you who were unable to come, the presentation has been placed on HALO. Mr Walton will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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Helen showed the children herself as a six-year-old little girl, painting and drawing, and then we saw her love of dogs and cats and cakes! Dogs often feature in her books! She showed us how she experiments with different paints and colours and creates each page of her book by first of all working through many different versions, ending up with the complete one to be approved by her publishers.

Helen studied illustration and animation at Manchester. Being an illustrator of children's books and making a living out of it is hard work and extremely competitive.

It was lovely for us that we were Helen's first school to work with her on the Ella book. We were able to welcome Helen to Hazelwood due to our collaborative working relationship with the Sevenoaks Bookshop. The event was a very generous gift from the bookshop and the publishing house - the wonderful Frances Lincoln.

The children each designed a record sleeve for an Ella Fitzgerald real or imaginary song. Although time was limited they created some really thoughtful and creative work. We had Ella's jazz playing in the background and Helen and the Year 4 teachers were extremely supportive and encouraging! Helen had read out loud to us from her Ella book and explained a little about who she was and why she was famous. This is the centenary year - Ella was born in 1917 so the book is published to coincide with this date.

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Each table of four children had a copy of the book to look at and so could view Helen's very personal style of art right up close! At the end of each session, Helen signed copies of her books to those who wanted to buy one, and then individually created mementoes on paper for those who had not bought in money, but who wished for a little souvenir!

The record sleeves are now on display in the window of the Sevenoaks Bookshop until Monday. So, if you are in Sevenoaks over the weekend, do take a look.

Interestingly, Helen's Ella book focused on a little known story about the great jazz singer: her friendship with Marilyn Monroe. It was Marilyn who really pushed for Ella to be heard in a major nightclub where African-Americans were not welcome and out of this grew a great friendship, with Ella teaching Marilyn how to sing. The book ends with a simple, but very true sentence:

'Just goes to show what friends can do for one another.'

In the week where Lauren Child was announced as the next Children's Laureate, and as she is one of the world's most famous illustrator/writer names, I felt it was very appropriate that we should be welcoming another illustrator/writer whose career is at its early stages, to Hazelwood. Helen's next book is in collaboration with the Victoria and Albert Museum, and she left us on Friday afternoon to get on with working on it. How lucky we were that she visited us - watch this space. Mrs Dymoke


Please, please look for your children's library books. Anyone who is leaving the school

MUST return all library books. Everyone who is returning for the new term in September,

needs to return books to us in the library or come and get them renewed for the summer holidays. Books are getting torn/stained/ripped more frequently and so please may we ask you to remind your children to take care of the library books. We have to ask for a replacement cost if a book comes back in a battered, un-useable state. We also have to make a small charge of £3 per book on any late book not returned by Friday 30th June. For those books which were lost at the end of last term and which are still lost, we then place a charge of the book's price minus the original £3 charge. We have absolutely no choice but to do this if books simply don't come back to us. We would rather not have to do this! We will be handing out the Hazelwood Summer Reading Challenge forms soon and we hope you will encourage your children to take part. We have set the number of books to be read over the holidays this year at 8 books (more if some children wish to, but 8 books is our challenge.) The books can be from our library, any library or bookshop or from home - the important thing is to allow space and time for children to read and relax with books. As parents, all we ask is that you sign on the form when your child has finished each book and discuss with them a little about each book. This can be a very pleasurable activity but it is entirely voluntary! Books can be taken out of our library here at Hazelwood for the holidays but must be taken care of! Thank-you for your support throughout the year! Mrs Dymoke and Mrs Wisniewski In the GOLD award corner, CONGRATULATIONS are due to Martha D, Rosie B, Alex Bu and Harry R for romping past the 300 house points marker just in time for the celebratory trip to Pizza Express in a fortnight’s time. Very well deserved recognition for all your hard work.

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Gardening Club at Oak is on the move. The children have been very busy this spring. They have learnt all about being a good gardener and looking after their plants and flowers. They looked after our strawberries and ate them, they were really tasty. They planted flower seeds and they have now grown, vegetables seeds and earlier this week they planted lettuces, carrots, purple peppers, red peppers and cucumbers. Look at their happy faces after their hard work in

the vegetable patch.

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This week in Food Tech the children delighted in making healthy breakfast muffins. There was a range of fruits and seeds used to pimp up the basic mixture using skill and imagination

This not-so UGLY doll was created by Max A in the striking image of David Hockney. Max’ attention to so much detail makes his creation far from ugly. In the right hand picture, Edward M’s UGLY doll has a definite inter-galactic look about it with some very nest stitching!

Year 5 went back in time on Friday as they enjoyed their Evacuation Day. They all arrived at school in the morning looking resplendent in the uniform of the day with plenty of attention to each detail showing that they had been listening in lessons! The day’s agenda covered all aspects of life for the evacuation including a session with Mr Walton in the woods preparing their own frugal supper over the forest fire.

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Page 17: children as they told the story of ‘There’s a Sunflower in ... · I have just spent the most wonderful 35 minutes in the company of our talented Year 2 children as they told the

News from the Kitchen

Please don’t forget that the new menus for both Hazelwood School and the Nursery & Early Years are now on their respective websites under The Parents’ Sections.

Music Timetable

The weekly music timetable can be viewed on the Music Notice Board outside the Dining room in the courtyard. I will endeavour to have the coming week’s music timetable on the notice board by the end of the school day each Friday. Please ensure that your child brings their instrument and music in on the relevant day. It is also important for them to take these books and instruments home when they do not need them in school.

Sports Department

Match Reports should be taken to Mrs Greenwood or emailed to her on [email protected] by Friday afternoon ahead of assembly on Monday morning. If your child is nominated as captain, please encourage them to write the report in time for the assembly. The children do like to share their successes with the rest of the school. Thank you.

Rounders results: U12s played against Sevenoaks Prep U11 & U10 played Holmewood House U8s played Micklefield

Team Opposition Result

U10A Russell House Won

U10B Russell House Drew

U11 Mixed Handcross Park Lost

U8A Sevenoaks Prep Won

U8B Sevenoaks Prep Drew

U8C Sevenoaks Prep Won

Team Result Score

U12A Lost 11.5-6

U11A Won 19-11.5

U11B Won 14-6

U10 A Lost 12-11.5

U10B Won 14-6



Boys Week 7

Girls Week 8

Page 18: children as they told the story of ‘There’s a Sunflower in ... · I have just spent the most wonderful 35 minutes in the company of our talented Year 2 children as they told the

Notice Board

Communication sent home this week The following letters have been sent home this week. If you need a duplicate copy, please contact the School Office. Year 2 Weald and Downland Trip Year 5 Series of Unfortunate Events Year 6 Trip to Hampton Court Year 8: Reminder to rsvp for Leavers’ Service & Dinner Years Oak-8: Reminder to rsvp for Open Morning, Prize Giving and Sports Years 1-8: Reminder to rsvp for Grandparents’ Day on Hazelwood site Years 3-7 various: Reminder to rsvp for Leavers’ Service & Drinks Reception

Max Jorge Graduate 3/4 Violin for sale Bought new, one careful owner. Beautiful sound! Comes with carry case, additional strings, chin rest and resin. £125 or nearest offer Please email Janie if interested: [email protected] 3/4 Valencia Guitar with carry case Bought new, £35 or nearest offer Please email Janie if interested : [email protected]

Key Events for Next Week

Monday 19th June All week Year 8 Leavers’ Programme All day ABRSM music exams All day Year 6 History tip to Hampton Court

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All day Athletics: U9 & U10 Junior IAPS A 1600 Rounders: U10 A, B & C v Notre Dame, Cobham A Tuesday 20th June All day ABRSM music exams 0900 Oak to Y1 Teddy Bears Picnic (drop off at Hazelwood site) 1430 Rounders: U9 A, B & C v Hawthorns A 1900 Oak to Y1 Transition Meeting Wednesday 21st June All day Trinity music exams 0915 Oak Concert – Paterson Hall 1100 Rounders: U13A & U11A IAPS at Holmewood House A 1430 Rounders: U13B v Hawthorns A 1430 Rounders: U11 B & C v Reigate St Mary’s H 1430 Girls’ cricket training afternoon

Away at Cumnor (House-Haywards Heath) 1430 Cricket: 1st XI, 3rd XI, Colts D v Sevenoaks Prep A 1430 Cricket: 2nd XI, Colts A, B & C v Sevenoaks Prep H 1430 Cricket: 4th XI v Handcross Park H Thursday 22nd June 1430 Cricket: U9 A, B & C v New Beacon H 1430 CANCELLED Rounders: Mixed U8, U9 A, B, C & D v Aberdour H 1530 Junior Dance Show 1900 Moving up Information Evening: Fledglings and Robins Friday 23rd June All day Y2 trip to Weald and Downlands All day U11 – U13 IAPS Athletics A 0915 Skylarks’ Summer Concert

Beatrice takes the lead as Daisy the Cow in the Year 2 play wishing to

bring a touch of floral glamour to an otherwise monotone field of grass

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Contact Steve Smith on [email protected] for further details