Child Psychiatry 2

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  • 8/8/2019 Child Psychiatry 2




  • 8/8/2019 Child Psychiatry 2








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    TICS DISORDER Tic disorders are characterized by the

    persistent presence of tics, which are

    abrupt, repetitive involuntary movements andsounds that have been described as caricaturesof normal physical acts.

    They can be suppressed but only for a short

    time and only with conscious effort.

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    EPIDEMIOLOGY Tic disorders have been reported in

    people of all races, ethnic groups, and

    socioeconomic classes.

    As many as 1 in 100 people may

    experience some form of tic disorder,

    usually before the onset of puberty.

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    Tic disorders are classified as follows:

    Transient tic disorderconsists of

    multiple motorand/orphonic tics with

    duration ofat least 4 weeks, but less than 12 months.

    The majority of tics seen in this disorder are motor

    tics, though vocal tics may also be present.

    Chronic tic disorderis either

    single or multiple motor or phonic tics, but not both,which are present

    for more than a year. For a diagnosis of chronic tic

    disorder, symptoms must begin before a child is 18

    years of age.

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    Tourette's disorderis diagnosed when

    both motorandphonic tics are present formore than a year. Symptoms typically begin

    when children are between

    5and 18 years old.

    Tic Disorder NOS is diagnosed when

    tics are present, but do not meet the criteria

    for any specific ticdisorder.

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    CAUSES The causes of tics and tic disorders are not fullyunderstood but most researchers believe that they are


    Abnormal neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin, and

    cyclic) contribute to the disorders.

    Recreational drugs or prescription medications.

    Commonly involved are psychomotor stimulants

    (methylphenidate, pemoline, amphetamines and


    Genetic or transmitted within families.

    Streptococcal infections have been associated with the

    development of tics .

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    SYMPTOMS The diagnostic criteria of all tic disorders specify that thesymptoms must appear before the age of 18 and that

    they cannot result from ingestion of such substances as

    stimulants or from general medical conditions as

    Huntington's disease.

    In transient tic disorder

    -there may be single or multiple motor and/or vocal tics

    that occur many times a day nearly every day for at least

    four weeks, but

    not for longer than one year.

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    Chronic motor or vocal tic disorder

    -is characterized by either motor tics or vocal tics, but not


    -The tics occur many times a day nearly every day, or

    intermittently for a period of more than one year.

    -During that time, the patient is never without symptoms

    for more than three consecutive months.

    Touretts syndrome

    -experienced both multiple motor and one or more vocal

    tics at some time during the illness-The tics occur many times a day, usually in bouts, nearly

    every day or intermittently for a period of more than one

    year. -The patient is never symptom-free for more than

    three months at a time.

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    -family history of tics or tic disorders

    -whether the child has been diagnosed with otherchildhood developmental or psychiatric disorders

    -whether he or she has recently had strep throat or

    a similar infection.

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    -doctor rule out such other possible diagnoses : seizure disorders


    Wilson's disease


    carbon monoxide poisoning

    cocaine intoxication

    brain injuries caused by trauma

    cerebral palsy

    side effects particularly stimulants and antiepilepticdrugs.

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    Typical neuroleptics (antipsychotic medications),

    including haloperidol and pimozide . Atypical antipsychotics and other agents that block

    dopamine receptors include risperidone and clozapine .

    Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which

    include such medications as fluoxetine and sertralinecan be used to treat the obsessive-compulsive behaviors

    associated with Tourette's disorder. They can also be

    helpful with depression and impulse control difficulties,.

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    Cognitive-behavioral approaches are the most common type of individual

    psychotherapy used to treat tics and tic disorders.

    Specific behavioral approaches include the following:

    Massed negative practice: In this form of behavioral treatment, the child

    is asked to perform the tic intentionally for specified periods of time

    interspersed with rest periods.

    Competing response training: This is a form of treatment of motor tics in

    which the child is taught to make the opposite movement to the tic.

    Self-monitoring: In awareness training, the child keeps a diary, small

    notebook, or wrist counter for recording tics. It is supposed to reduce thefrequency of tic bouts by increasing the child's awareness of them.

    Contingency management: This approach works best in the home and is

    usually carried out by the parents. The child is praised or rewarded for

    not performing the tics and for replacing them with acceptable alternativebehaviors.

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    PROGNOSIS The prognosis for most tics and tic disorders is quitegood. In the majority of cases, the tics diminish in severity and

    eventually disappear as the child grows older.

    Factors associated with a poorer prognosis:

    History of complications during the child's birth

    Chronic physical illness in childhood Physical or emotional abuse in the family or a history of

    family instability

    Exposure to anabolic steroids or cocaine

    Co-morbid psychiatric or developmental disorders

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    @ ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity


    Sever forms of overactivity ass with markedinattetion

    *ICD 10 Hyperkinetic is classified more severeform of ADHD

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    Antisocial behaviours:


    -temper tantrums


    Children are socially socially disinhibited &


    Mood: -Fluctuating mood

    -Low self esteem

    -Depressive mood

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    Cardinal features existing >6 months maladapative &inconsistent with development level

    ICD 10 DSM IV


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    - Conduct disorder- Depressive disorder

    -Anxiety disorder

    - Learning dissability

    - Language impairment

    * Hyperactivity not diagnosed in addition to


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    Boys : girls = 3 : 1

    3 - 5% according to ICD 10Frequent in areas of social deprivation &

    among children raised in institution

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    Uncertain - suggestive of higher cognitive

    excutive function abnormality in

    nuerotransmitter in prefrontal & subcortical



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    Neurological findings:

    Suggestive of neurodevelopmental delay

    Occur in quarter of children following TBI

    Neuroimaging studies:

    Functional abnormalities in prefrontal &cerebellum

    Genetic studies:

    Seen in first degree relatives

    Monozygotic > Dizygotic

    Biological paretns > adopted parents

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    Social factors:

    Poor social environment


    Other suggested causes:Zinc deficiency

    Food additives

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    Gradually lessens as child grows esp


    Poor prognosis:

    - ass learning difficulties

    - antisocial behaviour (worst)

    Persists into adult life antisocial disorder

    & drug misuse


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    Non pharmacological Pharmacological

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    Non PharmacologicalSupport & psychological treatment

    Who needs?

    - parents

    - teachers

    Family theraphy Behaviour theraphy

    Group theraphy

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    Pharmacological1) Stimulant drugs severe restlessness & attention


    dopamine & noradrenaline activity

    - Methylphenidate

    - Dexamphetamine* Short term effect only


    - irritability- insomnia

    - depression

    - poor appetite

    Hi h dosa e: rowth in child

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    2) Noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor


    - nausea

    - abdominal pain- loss of appetite

    - sleep disturbance

    - severe liver damage (rare)

    *no addiction

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    Conduct disorders

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    It takes time for children to learn how to behave


    With help and encouragement from parents and

    teachers, most of them will learn quickly.

    All children will sometimes disobey adults.

    Occasionally, a child will have a temper tantrum,

    or an outburst of aggressive behaviour, but thisis nothing to worry about.

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    Behavioural problems - the signs

    Behavioural problems can occur in children of all ages very often they start

    in early life. Toddlers and young children may refuse to do as they are asked by adults,

    in spite of being asked many times.

    They can be rude, and have tantrums. Hitting and kicking other people iscommon.

    Some children have serious behavioural problems. The signs of this to look

    out for are:

    if the child continues to behave badly for several months or longer, isrepeatedly being disobedient, and aggressive.

    if their behaviour is out of the ordinary, and seriously breaks the rulesaccepted in their family and community, this is much more than ordinarychildish mischief or adolescent rebelliousness.

    **This sort of behaviour can affect a child's development, and can interferewith their ability to lead a normal life. When behaviour is this much of aproblem, it is called a conduct disorder**

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    It is characterized by severe and persistent antisocial behaviour.

    Largest single group of psychiatry disorder in older children andadolescent.

    Children with a conduct disorder may get involved in more violentphysical fights, and may steal or lie, without any sign of guilt whenthey are found out.

    They refuse to follow rules and may start to break the law.

    They may start to stay out all night and truant from school during theday.

    Teenagers with conduct disorder may also take risks with theirhealth and safety by taking illegal drugs.

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    Clinical features Persistent abnormal conduct which is more serious thenordinary childhood mischief.

    This centers around aggression and antisocial acts.

    In the pre-school period, the disorder manifests asaggressive behaviour at home, often with over-activity.

    The beaviours include disobedience, temper tantrums,physical aggression to siblings or adults, anddestructiveness.

    In later childhood, it manifests s stealing, lying anddisobedience, together with verbal and physicalaggression.

    Later it often becomes evident outside, especially atschool as vandalism, reckless behaviour or drug abuse.

    Antisocial behavious among teenage girls includeemotional bullying of peers, sexual promiscuity andrunning away.

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    There is no sharp dividing line between

    conduct disorder and ordinary badbehaviour; instead there is a continuum on

    which diagnostic criteria define a cut-off


    The cut-off defines the most severe that

    have the worst outcome and are most in


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    Both ICD-10 and DSM-IV reqire the presenceof 3 symptoms from a list of 15 and a durationof at least 6 months.

    In DSM-IV, conduct disorder is divided into

    (a) Childhood-onset type (onset before 10 years old)(b) Adolescent-onset type (onset at 10 years of age or


    **DSM-IV has an additional category oppositional

    defiant disorder for persistently hostile defiantprovocative and disruptive behaviour outsidenormal range but without aggressive or dyssocialbehaviour (mainly children below 10 years old).

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    ICD-10 has 4 subdivision of conduct


    (a) Socialized conduct disorder

    (b) Unsocialized conduct disorder(c) Conduct disorder confined to the family


    (d) Oppositional defiant disorder

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    Environmental factor- unstable, insecure, and rejectingfamilies living in deprived areas. Frequent amongchildren from broken homes in which family relationships

    are poor. It is also related to wider social environment ofthe neighbourhood and school.

    Genetic factor- persistent cases originating in childhoodhave a stronger genetic causes than those starting inadolescence. Alcoholism and antisocial personalitydisorder in father re reported to be strongly associated.There is evident that the variant of the monoamine-oxidase A gene predispose to conduct disorder but onlywhen combined with adverse facto in the childsenvironment.

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    Organic factor- children with brain damage and epilepsyare more prone to conduct disorder, as they are topsychiatric disorders.

    Other associations

    difficult temperament

    Child abuse Inadequate parenting

    Traumatic life experiences

    learning or reading difficulties (these make it difficultfor them to understand and take part in lessons. It is then

    easy for them to get bored, feel stupid and misbehave) Depressed

    have been bullied or abused

    `hyperactive' (this causes difficulties with self-control,paying attention and following rules)

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    Parental training programmes

    It uses behavioural principles. Parents are taught howthe childs antisocial behaviour maybe reinforcedunintentionally by their attention to it and how it may beprovoked by interactions with members of the family.

    They are also taught how to reinforce normal behaviourby praise or rewards and how to set limits on abnormalbehaviour (removing childs privileges such as an hourless time to play a game)

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    Anger management

    Young people who are habitually aggressivehave been shown to misperceive hostileintentions in other people who are not in facthostile. They also tend to under estimate thelevel of their own aggressive behaviour, andchoose inappropriate behaviour rather thanmore appropriate verbal responces.

    This management seek to correct these ideas byteaching how to inhibit sudden inappropriateresponses to angry feelings.

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    Other methods

    Remedial teaching should be arranged if there areassociated reading difficulties (special educationalprogramme). Group therapy is seldom helpful. Treatmentof co-morbid condition is also helpful.

    Residential care

    Residential placement may be necessary in a fosterhome, group home and special school.


    Lithium, methylphenidate, carbamazepine

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    Among males, the symptoms and behaviours in

    adult life usually resemble those in childhood,

    with antisocial personality traits, aggression,alcohol and drug misuse, and criminality.

    Among females, the picture in adult life

    corresponds less closely to that in earlier years,with a range of emotional and personality


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    Two thirds of children grow up as normaladults

    One third develop antisocial personality

    Poor predictors- onset before age10,learning difficulties

    Good predictors-Caring relationship with

    one adult, absence of truancy, stable perrelationships

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    Factors predisposing poor outcome:

    In the young person:

    Early onset

    Many symptoms and behaviours

    Severe symptoms and behaviours


    Associated hyperactivity

    In the family:

    Parental psychiatry disorder Parental criminality

    High hostility/ discord focused on the child

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    Separation Anxiety


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    Development of inappropriate and

    excessive anxiety emerging or related to

    separation from the major attachmentfigure

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    4%in children and young adolescents


    Onset most common: 7-8years old

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    1. Biopsychosocial Factors

    There is neurophysiological correlation of

    behavioral inhibition(extreme shyness)

    Children with this constellation are

    shown to have higher resting heart rate

    and acceleration of heart rate with tasksrequiring cognitive concentration

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    Additional physiological correlation of

    behavioral inhibition :

    Elevated salivary cortisol level

    Elevated urine catecholamine levels

    Greater pupillary dilatation during cognitive


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    Mothers with anxiety disorders who

    show insecure attachment to their children

    tend to have children with higher rates ofanxiety disorder.

    External life stressors-death of relative,

    child illness, moving to new neighborhood

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    2.Learning Factors

    Phobic anxiety may be communicated

    from parents to children by direct


    If parents are fearful, the child would

    develop a phobic adaptations to new

    situations Overprotection,exaggeration-teach

    children to be anxious

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    3.Genetic Factors

    Parents who have panic disorder with

    agoraphobia tend to have increased risk of

    having a child with anxiety disorder

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    Diagnosis and Clinical Features

    According to DSM IV, disorder must characterised 3(or more) A:

    1. Recurrent excessive distress when separation from home ormajor attachment figures occurs or is anticipated

    2. Persistent and excessive worry about losing or about possible

    harm befalling, major attachment figures3. Persistent and excessive worry that untoward event that will lead

    to separation from a major attachment figure( getting lost or beingkidnapped )

    4. Persistent reluctance or refusal to go to school or elsewherebecause of fear of separation

    5. Persistently and excessive fearful or reluctant to be alone orwithout major attachment at home or without significant adults inother settings

    6. Persistent reluctance or refusal to go to sleep without being neara major attachment figure or to sleep away from home

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    7. Repeated nightmares involving the theme of separation

    8. Repeated complaints of physical symptoms( such as headaches,stomachaches, nausea, or vomiting) when separation from amajor attachment figures occurs or is anticipated

    B. The duration of disturbance must be at least 4 weeksC. The onset is before age of 18 years

    D. The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairmentin social, academic or other important areas of functioning

    The disturbance does not occur during exclusively during the course ofPervasive Development disorder, Schizophrenia, other Psychotic

    Disorder and in adolescents and adults, is not better accountedfor by Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

    Specify if-Early Onset:before age of 6 years

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    Pathology and Laboratory

    Examination Pathology and Laboratory Examination-

    none to help in diagnosis of SAD

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    Differential Diagnosis

    Generalized anxiety disorder


    Depressive disorders

    Pervasive development disorders

    Major depressive disorders

    Panic disorder with agoraphobia

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    Course and prognosis

    Young children who can attend schoolgenerally can attend school have better

    Early age onset and later age at diagnosisare factors the predict slow recovery

    Significant overlap of separation anxietydisorder and depressive disorders

    Children with anxiety disorder are at riskfor an adult anxiety disorder but link notestablished clearly yet

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    Multimodal treatment plan including:

    1. Cognitive-behavioral therapy

    2. Family education

    3. Family psychosocial intervention

    4. Pharmacological

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    Specific cognitive strategies and relaxation

    exercise control anxiety

    Family intervention is critical in managingSAD especially children who refuse to

    attend school

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    SSRI- fluoxetine, fluvoxamine

    Tricyclics not recommended-cardiac adr

    Beta blockers-propanolol used no data to supportefficacy

    Diphenhydramine(Benadryl) short term to control sleepdisturbance

    Benzodiazepine-alprazolam can control SAD symptoms

    Clonazepam control symptoms panic and other anxietysymptoms

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    (Enuresis and Encopresis)

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    Occurs in children who have problems going to

    the bathroom for both defecation and urination.

    Particularly in children older than 5 years.

    There may be a problem if this behavior occurs

    repeatedly for longer than 3 months.

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    Functional enuresis

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    Functional enuresis Normally, most children achieve daytime

    and night-time continence by age 3 or 4.

    Therefore the definition of functional

    enuresis is :

    The repeated involuntary voiding of

    urine occurring after an age at which

    incontinence is usual in the absence ofany identified physical disorder.

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    It may be:

    1. Nocturnal (bed-wetting)

    2. Diurnal (daytime wetting)

    3. Both

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    Nocturnal enuresis is often referred to as:

    Primary- if there has been no preceding

    period of urinary incontinence

    Secondary- if there has been a preceding

    period of urinary incontinence

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    Prevalence: varies

    Nocturnal enuresis occurs more

    frequently in boys

    Diurnal enuresis:

    -Has a lower prevalence

    -More common in girls than boysMore than half of daytime wetter also wet

    their beds at night.

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    Aetiology Delay in maturation of the nervous system- may be

    alone or in combination with environmental stressors.

    Genetic cause- 70% of children with enuresis have a firstdegree relative who has been enuretic.

    Concordance rates are twice as high in monozygotic asin dizygotic twins.

    Proportion of enuretic children with psychiatric disorderis greater than that of other children.

    Large families living in overcrowded conditions.

    Stressful events- associated with onset of secondaryenuresis.

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    AssessmentA careful history

    Appropriate physical examination

    -Rule out urinary infections, diabetes,


    Psychiatric disorders should be sought

    Assess any distressing circumstances

    affecting the child.

    Attitudes of parents and siblings to the bed-

    wetting are evaluated.

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    Treatment Functional enuresis- give an explanation to the child and

    parents that:

    1. the condition is common

    2. child is not to be blamed

    3. punishment and disapproval is are inappropriate andunlikely to be effective

    4. encourage to rewards success without drawing attentionto failure and not to focus attention on the problem

    Many younger enuretic children improve spontaneously

    soon after an explanation like this except those above 6years of age.

    Next, advice about restricting fluid before bedtime, liftingthe child during night and use of star charts to rewardsuccess.

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    Enuresis alarms: Modern alarms consist of a detector pad

    attached to the night clothes.

    An alarm buzzer carried in a pocket or on the

    wrist. When the child begin to pass urine the detector

    is activated and alarm sounds.

    Child turns off the alarm, gets up to complete the

    emptying of bladder. Requires 6-8 weeks of treatment.

    Seldom succeeds with children under 6 years oldand those who are uncooperative.

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    Synthetic antidiuretic hormone

    desamino- D- arginine vasopressin

    - treatment of nocturnal enuresis in children

    over5 years of age.

    - Tablet or nasal spray.

    Patients relapse when treatment is stopped.ADR: rhinitis, nasal pain- therefore only use

    as a temporary relief.

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    Many younger enuretic children improvespontaneously soon after an explanationlike this except those above 6 years ofage.

    Next, advice about restricting fluid beforebedtime, lifting the child during night anduse of star charts to reward success.

    Imipramine- immediate improvement butrelapses when stopped.

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    Encopresis Repeated passing of feces into places other than the

    toilet (may or may not be done on purpose).

    They may have other symptoms which include:-

    - Loss of appetite

    - Abdominal pain

    - Loose, watery stools (bowel movements)

    - Scratching or rubbing the anal area due to irritation from

    watery stools- Decreased interest in physical activity

    - Withdrawal from friends and family

    - Secretive behavior associated with bowel movements

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    Causes C

    ommonest cause is chronic (long-term) constipationwith resulting overflow incontinence (retentive


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    Factors contributing to constipation are:

    - A diet low in fiber

    - Lack of exercise- Fear or reluctance to use unfamiliar bathrooms, such as

    public restrooms

    - Not taking the time to use the bathroom

    - Changes in bathroom routines

    Other possible causes: physical problem related to the

    intestine's ability to move stool, develop fear orfrustration related to toilet training, stressful events in

    the child's life or the child simply refuses to use the


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    Diagnosis and Epidemiology

    According to DSM IV there is encopresis with constipationand overflow incontinence and encopresis without

    constipation and overflow incontinence.

    There are 4 diagnostic criteria: repeated passage of fecesinto inappropriate places whether accidently or on purpose,

    once a month for at least 3 months, at least 4 years old (or

    the developmental equivalent) and behavior is not caused

    solely by substance use or by a general medical condition. It is estimated that 1.5% to 10% of children have


    Approximately 80% of affected children are boys.

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    Begins by clearing any feces that has become impacted in

    the colon.

    Try to keep the child's bowel movements soft and easy

    to pass. In more severe cases, may recommend to use stool

    softeners or laxatives to help reduce constipation.

    Psychotherapy (a type of counseling) may be used to

    help the child cope with the shame, guilt, or loss of self-esteem associated with the disorder.

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    Other problems associated with


    At risk for emotional and social problems.

    Develop self-esteem problems, become depressed, dopoorly in school, and refuse to socialize with other

    children, including not wanting to go to parties or to

    attend events requiring them to stay overnight.

    If the child does not develop good bowel habits, he or

    she may suffer from chronic constipation.

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    Prognosis and Prevention Tends to get better as the child gets older, although the

    problem can come and go for years.

    May still have an occasional accident until he or she

    regains muscle tone and control over his or her bowel

    movements. May not be possible to prevent encopresis, getting

    treatment as soon as symptoms appear may help reduce

    the frustration and distress as well as the complications

    related to it.

    Being positive and patient with a child will help prevent

    any fear or negative feelings about using the toilet.

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