Chicken pox elizabeth moore final final

By Elizabeth Moore Chicken Pox

Transcript of Chicken pox elizabeth moore final final

By Elizabeth Moore

Chicken Pox

What is Chicken Pox?Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease

caused by a virus called varicella zoster, is one of the most commonly reported disease for children. Usually mild and not life-threatening, it may be severe in babies, adults and people without a strong immune system. Second attacks are very rare.

What’s Happening?Once the virus gets inside the blood stream, the antibodies remember the disease to make sure that they can fight it off the next time. Soon, the cell-mediated immune response will kick in, but will not treat the skin problems. Then t-cells will come in later and clean up the skin.

How Does Chicken Pox Spread?Chicken Pox can be spread from person to

person by direct contact with fluid from the blisters.

Symptoms of Chicken PoxA red, itchy rash, initially resembling insect

bites, on your face, scalp, chest and backSmall, liquid-filled blisters that break open

and crust overFeverAbdominal pain or loss of appetiteGeneral feeling of unease and discomfort or

irritabilityA dry coughHeadache

The VaccineThe Vaccine for chicken pox was invented

in 1995, by the federal Food and Drug Administration. They approved a vaccine to immunize children and other people at risk.

The Vaccinethe vaccine works by giving you a little bit

of varicella zoster (chicken pox) and your immune system will remember the disease and will be able to fight of the virus if it ever comes back, and you won’t get it again.