Chestpain Ddx

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Transcript of Chestpain Ddx

  • 7/31/2019 Chestpain Ddx


    1. 1/3 of these patients have

    normal coronary arteries

    Variant/Prinzmetal angina

    2. Accompanied by N&V,

    diaphoresis, and SOB

    Acute MI

    3. Acute onset of pain, SOB,

    decreased breath sounds,and subtle edge on CXR


    4. Acute onset of severe,

    tearing pain

    Aortic dissection

    5. Angina at rest due to

    unstable plaque or


    Unstable angina

    6. Aortic regurg murmur Proximal aortic dissection

    7. Associated with anterior


    Mobitz Type II, complete heart


    8. Associated with inferior


    Bradycardia, first-degree AV

    blocks, Mobitz Type I

    9. Beck's Triad Pericardial Tamponade

    10. Burning pain with acid



    11. Can lead to mediastinitis Esophageal Rupture

    (Boorhave's syndrome)

    12. Cardiac risk factors DASH SHTS - DM, Age > 40,

    Sex, HTN, Smoker,

    Hypercholesterolemia, Truncal

    obesity, Sedentary lifestyle

    13. Cause of stable angina Plaque rupture and thrombosis,vasoconstriction

    14. Chest pain at rest Unstable angina,

    Variant/Prinzmetal angina

    15. Chest pain at rest due to

    vessel spasm

    Variant/Prinzmetal angina

    16. Components of Beck's


    Hypotension, JVD,

    Distant/muffled heart sounds

    17. Constant retrosternal

    pain that is worse with

    lying flat and relieved by

    sitting forward


    18. Decreased distal pulses

    or neurologic findings

    Distal aortic dissection

    19. Decreases heart's oxygen



    20. Decreases mortality ASA, ACE-I, BB, NTG

    21. Don't give this drug with

    CHF or PVD


    22. Don't use this drug with

    inferior MI


    23. Don't use this drug with RV



    24. Due to inadequate perfusion of

    the myocardium

    Unstable angina

    25. EKG findings for RV infarction ST elevation in V4 on

    right-sided EKG26. Exertional and relieved with

    sublingual NTG

    Stable angina

    27. Friction rub Pericarditis

    28. Improves GERD/dyspepsia Antacids / GI cocktails

    29. Inverted T wave in lead 3 Pulmonary embolus

    30. Lavigne's sign Clutching chest

    31. Location of HZ (shingles) Thoracic

    32. Main utility of EKG Detect MI

    33. May be worse after meals GERD/dyspepsia

    34. May present with pain before a

    rash develops

    HZ (shingles)

    35. Med that relaxes smooth muscle NTG

    36. MEDICAL EMERGENCY Esophageal Rupture

    (Boorhave's syndrome)

    37. Platelet response to a rupture Adhesion, activation,


    38. Pneumonia: gradual or acute

    onset of pain?


    39. Positional or pleuritic chest pain Pericardial


    40. PR depressions Pericarditis

    41. Prodrome that women often

    present with for one month prior

    to MI

    Fatigue, difficulty

    sleeping, SOB

    42. Q wave in lead 3 Pulmonary embolus

    43. Reduces LV dysfunction ACE-I

    44. RUQ pain Cholecystitis


    Sinus tachycardia on EKG withevidence of right heart strain Pulmonary embolus

    46. Sites where fibrinogen connects

    and allow platelets to aggregate

    Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa


    47. ST elevations STEMI,


    angina, Pericarditis

    48. State between stable angina and


    Unstable angina

    49. Symptoms with inferior MI Abdominal pain, N&V

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  • 7/31/2019 Chestpain Ddx


    50. T wave inversions Pericarditis, Pulmonary Embolus

    51. Tachycardia Pericardial Tamponade

    52. Treatment for anxiety attack SSRIs, NERIs

    53. Two components of Acute Coronary Syndrome Unstable angina, MI

    54. Two most frequently missed MIs Posterior, high lateral

    55. Vasodilatory NTG, CCB

    56. What drug should you give for CHF? ACE-I

    57. What should you not give to a pt who uses cocaine? Beta Blocker

    58. When is oxygen not needed? Not hypoxic, admitted, pain-free