Cherry Creek on Brodie Ln. - August 2011

Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc. Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Association Newsletter - August 2011 1 Cherry Creek View August 2011 Volume 7, Number 8 (Continued on Page 3) Congratulations to Kyle and Steffani Scarborough For Winning our Yard of the Month Award! by the “Garden Gals” Are you going to the Scarborough house? Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme.... Unfortunately for Kyle, his last name and the herbs planted in his yard caused us to break into song, but our duet was far less melodious than Simon and Garfunkel’s classic version. While on one of our walks, we noticed the pretty fuchsia sage blossoms and fragrant rosemary bushes along with the many interesting textures and colors of this yard, and after talking to Kyle, it seems perfect that the owners’ last name is Scarborough! We do urge them to plant some parsley and thyme so that the song is completely relevant. Congratulations to Yard of the Month winners for August Kyle and Steffani Scarborough of 3321 Grasshopper! Their yard is truly something to sing about! Their beautifully maintained yard has splashes of blossoming color sprinkled throughout the lush, green landscape. This wonderful yard has undergone a huge transformation and is the product of a lot of hard work. Kyle and Steffani had to make many July 4th Parade!


August 2011 edition of Cherry Creek View for Cherry Creek on Brodie Ln.

Transcript of Cherry Creek on Brodie Ln. - August 2011

Page 1: Cherry Creek on Brodie Ln. - August 2011

Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc. Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Association Newsletter - August 2011 1

Cherry Creek View

August 2011 Volume 7, Number 8

(Continued on Page 3)

Congratulations toKyle and Steffani Scarborough

For Winning our Yard of the Month Award!

by the “Garden Gals”Are you going to the Scarborough house? Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme....

Unfortunately for Kyle, his last name and the herbs planted in his yard caused us to break into song, but our duet was far less melodious than Simon and Garfunkel’s classic version. While on one of our walks, we noticed the pretty fuchsia sage blossoms and fragrant rosemary bushes along with the many interesting textures and colors of this yard, and after talking to Kyle, it seems perfect that the owners’ last name is Scarborough! We do urge them to plant some parsley and thyme so that the song is completely relevant. Congratulations to Yard of the Month winners for August Kyle and Steffani Scarborough of 3321 Grasshopper! Their yard is truly something to sing about! Their beautifully maintained yard has splashes of blossoming color sprinkled throughout the lush, green landscape. This wonderful yard has undergone a huge transformation and is the product of a lot of hard work. Kyle and Steffani had to make many

July 4thParade!

Page 2: Cherry Creek on Brodie Ln. - August 2011

2 Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Association Newsletter - August 2011 Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.

Cherry Creek ViewAssociation Info

Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Neighborhood Association

Barbara Statum, President Carmen Ramos, SecretaryCarla Trautwein, Vice-President Kristyn Brown, Treasurer [email protected]

We invite you to join our neighborhood association. Annual dues are $60. (See application form: CCoBLNA- it's your neighborhood.) Please mail your dues to:

Barbara Statum, President CCoBLNA PO Box 150127 Austin, Texas 78715-0127

Our address for other correspondence: CCoBLNA PO Box 150127 Austin, Texas 78715-0127

We also have a drop-box attached to our entrance marquee. This is not a US Mail box, so please don’t put your utility bill, checks, etc in it. The drop-box is intended to promote feedback to the neighborhood association, and board members check it regularly. Be sure to raise the red flag.

CCoBLNA - 2011 MeMBership Drive

Make your check payable to CCoBLNA – $60 for the 2011 calendar year – and mail to:

CCoBLNA Kristyn Brown, TreasurerPO Box 150127Austin, TX 78715-0127

Your name(s): ..........................................................................


City, State, ZIP: .......................................................................

Phone: (h) ..................... (c).......................(w) .........................

E-mail address: ........................................................................

Do you: __ Own __ Rent � How long in CCoB: ___ yrsNote: Renters may not be voting members under our by-laws.

I am (We are) willing to serve on a committee:__ Neighborhood Watch / National Night Out__ Landscaping __ Sprinkler System __ Front Entrance__ Development Occuring on Surrounding Properties__ Social Events (4th of July, Annual Garage Sale)__ Communications (Newsletter, Marquee, Website)__ Become a board member __ Other: ...............................

Suggestions of Issues to be addressed by CCoBLNA:1 ...............................................................................................2 ...............................................................................................3 ...............................................................................................

DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is notg responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser.* The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising.* Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction.* Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above.

At no time will any source be allowed to use the Cherry Creek View contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from the Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Neighborhood Association and Peel, Inc. The information in the Cherry Creek View is exclusively for the private use of Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane residents only.


Page 3: Cherry Creek on Brodie Ln. - August 2011

Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc. Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Association Newsletter - August 2011 �

Cherry Creek ViewCongratulations - (Continued from Cover Page)

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changes in order to create the lawn full of interesting borders, textures, colors and verdant vegetation we see today.

Kyle and Steffani moved into their house about a year ago and decided to make some big changes to their front yard. Kyle’s inspiration for his unique yard comes from looking at the landscaping of various parks, the interesting textures and colors of riverbeds, and even the greenery around shops and supermarkets here in Austin. You could say that they literally put “a ton” of work into their yard! Kyle hand-picked, collected and personally transported almost all of the large rocks to their front yard to create the effect of a riverbed. The only rock that Kyle did not personally carry to the yard is the huge, 800 pound honeycomb boulder that he had delivered to the house. They pulled out most of the original lantana shrubs because it was difficult to control the weeds that grew in the shrubbery and selected new plants suited for the Texas weather that would add color and texture to their landscape. They planted blue plumbago, fuzzy lamb’s ear, rosemary bushes, flowering sage, pride of Barbados, and elephant ears among other varieties of vegetation. The many shapes and textures of the greenery, the multitude of colorful golden, fuchsia, indigo and flame-colored blossoms, and the assortment of interesting rocks work together to

create an intriguing and original landscape full of organic shapes and unique textures. Thanks to Kyle and Steffani for allowing us to share this with our neighbors...and we promise not to serenade you again with our version of “Scarborough Fair!” Be sure to take a look at the newsletter online so you can see these photos in color at Select “Communities”, then “Austin”, then “Cherry Creek on Brodie Ln.” to get to the menu of newsletters.

Page 4: Cherry Creek on Brodie Ln. - August 2011

� Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Association Newsletter - August 2011 Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.

Cherry Creek View

(Membership Drive Form on Page 2)

2011 CCoBLNA Membership DriveDuring these days of economic uncertainty, it is more important than ever that we do all we can to maintain property values in our

neighborhood. Joining your neighborhood association is an easy way for you to do your part for all of us.

Annual Meeting: February 26, 201110:30 a.m. at the front park

Join us for coffee on Saturday, February 27, as we talk about how 2010 went and discuss plans for 2011. One area of concern we have is encouraging neighbors to comply with city ordinances and deed restrictions. Come give us your ideas and input on how we can encourage us all to do our part in maintaining our neighborhood’s character and beauty.

CCoBNA Use of Funds - 2010

Communication $ 132.04 Infrastructure Maintenance $ 230.00 Landscape $ 2,358.65 Social $ 234.17 Total $ 2,954.86

To save postage, you may drop your check and unsealed envelope in the mailbox

by the marquee. We will save the envelopes to use again next year.


Page 5: Cherry Creek on Brodie Ln. - August 2011

Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc. Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Association Newsletter - August 2011 �

Cherry Creek View

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Dear Neighbors:Thank you to everyone who participated in the Fourth of July

Parade and Breakfast Picnic in the Park. It was a scorcher of a day, but everyone enjoyed themselves, in spite of the heat. After all, it is summer in Texas ! Our appreciation goes out to Jason Mutschler who was kind enough to escort the group along the parade route and for the folks (like Carla Trautwein) who followed the group and took pictures. Must also thank Beth Bernstein for picking out some of the coolest prizes ever for all the children who decorated their wagons, bikes and skateboards. We also appreciate Valerie Learman brewing up coffee for the occasion. Next year we will have to think about doubling our order of Torchy’s Tacos !

In other news, we are up to 69 member families so far this year. Those of you who have not joined, please consider doing so. Your participation enables the association to work on projects like the maintenance and improvement of the front entrance and social events throughout the year. We are also always on the lookout for folks who would like to serve on a committee or on the board. If you want to get involved, just drop a note in the internal mailbox by the marquee or send an email to the board at our website.

You have probably noticed by now that all of our email addresses and Facebook account information is now posted on the back of the marquee. Our thanks to everyone who planned and completed that project.

Sincerely,Barbara Statum for the Board

Keyon’te is 15 years old and will absolutely melt your heart with his sweet smile! He has a friendly and engaging personality. He loves playing soccer and also enjoys riding bikes, going fishing, skateboarding and playing video games. Keyon’te enjoys listening to Christian music. He is a smart young man and makes all A’s in school. Keyon’te responds well to structure and needs a family that can give him a lot of attention.



Page 6: Cherry Creek on Brodie Ln. - August 2011

� Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Association Newsletter - August 2011 Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.

Cherry Creek View


Head LiceOften young children bring home unwanted visitors- lice. Head

lice are small, tan to gray, wingless insects. Eggs, or nits, are glued to the hair shaft at the scalp. Nits are dark until after they have hatched when they turn white. It takes 7-11 days for eggs to hatch. Females lay 3-5 eggs each day and live from 7-10 days.

Head lice reside on the hairy part of the head. If they drop off, they only live for about 2 days. They are incapable of surviving on the family pet. Head lice are not known to transmit any diseases from person to person.

To manage lice:1. Use an effective treatment. Head

louse shampoos contain insecticides so they must be used properly and with care. Wash the infested person’s hair in a sink or basin so insecticide does not come into contact with other parts of the body. The person shampooing should wear rubber gloves. Do NOT use off label products such as flea & tick shampoo, other insecticides or gasoline.

2. Hair combing is an extremely important step in controlling head lice. Many shampoos will not kill all eggs, so combing can help to remove eggs from the hair shaft. Wet the hair and use a special metal louse comb to comb through small sections of hair. Remove debris from the comb with a tissue and place it in a plastic bag that can be sealed

and disposed of when you are finished combing through all hair.3. Clothing and bedding of the infested person should be

washed in hot, soapy water at the same time as the treatment. If items cannot be washed, try dry cleaning. For items that cannot be laundered, place them in a sealed plastic bag in the freezer for at least 24 hours.

4. It’s important to contact anyone your child has had close contact with to let them know of the head louse infestation. This can help everyone manage the problem at the same time so there is less chance of reinfestation occurring.

It’s important to continue checking for head lice weekly so you can keep tabs on reinfestation.

For more information or help with identification, contact Wizzie Brown, Texas AgriLife Extension Service Program Specialist at 512.854.9600. Check out my blog at www.urban-ipm.blogspot.comThe information given herein is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names

is made with the understandingthat no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by Texas AgriLife Extension Service or the Texas AgriLife

Research is implied.Extension programs serve people of all ages regardless of socioeconomic level, race, color, sex, religion, disability,

or national origin.

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Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc. Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Association Newsletter - August 2011 �

Cherry Creek View

Box Tops for educationSAVE ME!

Have you seen these in your kitchen and wondered what to do with them? Here is the answer. Clip them off the package and put them in the dropbox at the front entrance marquee! They will then be donated to our local schools to provide much needed money. Each box top is worth ten cents to a neighborhood school. It may not sound like much but if the whole neighborhood saves them, it could add up to big money. Here is a brief history of the Box Top$ program.

Box Top$ are collected ALL YEAR LONG, so start clipping and keep clipping!

You make us look good!A neatly landscaped and well-cared-for yard says a great

deal about the homeowner and the entire neighborhood. It says we take pride in our property and in our neighborhood. Well-landscaped properties add to our home values as well. If there is a home in Cherry Creek that you would like to nominate for Yard of the Month, please email your suggestion to [email protected] or leave your written Yard of the Month address nomination in the front entrance drop box. There is no Yard of the Month during the winter months, December through March.

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� Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Association Newsletter - August 2011 Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.




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