CHERNISHKA Author: Emilian Stanev Illustrations: students from class 3rd, 137 School "Angel Kunchev", Sofia Translated by Galina Yulianova – English teacher


child book

Transcript of CHERNISHKA


Author: Emilian Stanev Illustrations: students from class 3rd, 137 School "Angel Kunchev", Sofia Translated by Galina Yulianova – English teacher

Victoriya St. 3a

The old fox kept an eye on the activities of her five-month-old cube while she pretending to be deeply fallen asleep.

Ani 3b

The cube was standing on the path, squatting on its hind legs. Its black velvet ears were rather huge for its small head and from time they rose up to listen to the cries of gays down in the oak woods. It had been staying there since noon, when the sun was brightly shining above the clearing. It would lay down then it would suddenly rise up protruding its tongue and puffing like a dog that has lost his mother.

Antoni 3b

The fox kept on lying, quite indifferent to what was happening. Her eyes were closed but through the black fissures transpired her yellow-green pupils. A sunbeam, slipped among the rocks fell on her white belly.

Victoria M. 3 a

A few days ago she was a mother of five cubes, which were at the time wandering through the area, driven away by her. Only that one didn’t want to get away, although it was given clearly to understanding that its presence irritated her. Her maternal instincts had done away. Her body began to gain weight, her summer fur began to fall while her winter fur began growing wildly, and her thin tail started covering with new gray-yellow hairs.

All day long the fox was lying under the rocks which were covered with ivy, yellow lichen and young aspen was burning untimely in fiery hues. At the end of the summer there was plenty of food and every might the fox would eat as long as she liked it decayed wild, sweet pears, how thorn berries and grapes from the wild vines which branches were entangling like ropes between the branches of the oak trees. Sometimes she would catch a rabbit, a bird or a mouse in the morning and would return home happy and content, soaked with dew feeling laziness and indifference.

Denica 3v

Sometimes she would catch a rabbit, a bird or mouse in the morning and would return home happy and content, soaked with dew feeling laziness and indifference. In these afternoons she gave herself to a sweet naps while sun warmed her in the soundless forest the silence lay down only the quiet river was churning at the bottom of the passage and its equipment roar made her sleepy. And if that stubborn and stupid cube was not on the poth, she would sink into a blissful sleep.

As it got tired of standing in one place it toyed with desire to shrink into a

ball and to roll but them it turned its head towards its mother and hesitantly walked toward her. Its whole creature was begging for forgiveness. Its beautiful eyes, yellow as amber looked as if it way saying “Why are you choosing and biting? What have I done?”

Denis 3b

It came so close that her smell filled it with hope. Maybe this time its mother would accept it without roaring overhead and without biting it? Then it would lie next to her, playing with her tail as it used to play only a few days ago.

Stilian 3a

Almost confident with that, it prepared itself to lick her long muzzle. At this moment the fox jumped like a spring. The cube ran away. The fur on its back rose like a brash. It tried to escape from its mother’s jagged mouth which was trying to bit it viciously. The choose continued across the clearing and ended up to a big plate, where the cube rolled powerlessly on its back. Its mother leaned over it, showed her teeth, while and then like owls, while staring at it with burning eyes of hatred. That mean: “Do not even dare come to me! The forest is mine, and none of you will live here! I am not your mother anymore and I do not know you!”

Ana Maria 3a

When mother hid in the clearing the cube got up without shaking, looked sadly and mildly at the rocks where it was born. That place was forbidden to go anymore and then with a broken heart it went to the oak forest at the bottom of the trench.

Cvetelina 3g

The cube was female and rather short. The colour of its fur was grayish-black with a dull greenish and white strip under the crop and stomach which was as grey, almost as the colour of lead. The top of the tai being white and sharp, naturally for the mountain foxes, while the cube’s was blunt and devoided of white hairs. Thus its tail looked as if it was unfinished and short. Instead it had the most beautiful and expressive eyes ever seen in the fox. Once they shone like pearls when light fell right into its pupils, then they seemed as if they were made of amber in which sparkling clarity numerous wires could be seen. Even at that moment they hadn’t lost their cheerful purity. They seemed smart and funny, perhaps both of the red eyebrows beneath the broadest protruding forehead and the thin, delicate pointed muzzle that reinforced the constant characteristic of sly-cheerful expression of the foxes. It walked with small quiet steps gracefully putting his tiny black legs in a line, and during that time its whole body was dangling with the rhythm of its own steps as if a thin flexible stick was dangling in the hand of a walking man.

Plamen 3a

Once it reached the hight forest, from trench, lost in shadow came chill and damp smell. The forest was filled with sun drops and grey shadows. The cube heartd the bass drone of hornest which flow from the hollow of an oak tree and the slight knocking of the wood peckers. From a tree a jaywas quacling. The cube stop but it was too late, the bird had already seen it. The jay quacket again, this time with confidence and no longer silenly. Her quacks sounded the same but for the acute hearing of the cube they sounded differently. It understood the language of jay no worsethan jays understood each other. These cries meant “Fox! Watch out and come here!”

Georgi V. 3a

The cube tried to hide and went deeply into the forest, but the bird was flying from tree to tree and kept watching it. Its glossy-velvet tail was quivering on permanent basis and the hood of her head was bristled up. From the other side of the trend another jay quacked. Right after it a macaroon broke the peaceful silence with its unpleasant voice, that sounded like chatterbox. The cube was entering, deeper and deeper into the trench, but the birds followed it from branch to branch dropping acorns that feel beside the cube and scared it. Finally it hid itself from the eyes of its chasers as it concealed behind a dogwood.

Borislava 3g