Chemistry vce chapter

Chemistry Unit 3 Introduction Page 1 VCE CHEMISTRY UNIT 3- BOOK 1 INTRODUCTION Welcome to VCE Chemistry, Unit 3. You will need to read through introductory chapter to acquired important information about this unit. The first thing you must do is to make sure you buy a copy of the following textbook: Other very useful books: Title: Heinemann Chemistry 2 (4 th Edition) Enhanced student Book- Combo pack Author: Hogendoorn, Bob Et Al Publisher: Pearson Year: 2011 Title: Study On VCE Chemistry Units 3 &4 Booklet w/Online access Year: 2015


Chemistry vce unit 3

Transcript of Chemistry vce chapter

Chemistry Unit 3 Introduction Page 1




Welcome to VCE Chemistry, Unit 3. You will need to read through

introductory chapter to acquired important information about this

unit. The first thing you must do is to make sure you buy a copy of the

following textbook:

Other very useful books:

Title: Heinemann Chemistry 2 (4th

Edition) Enhanced student Book-

Combo pack

Author: Hogendoorn, Bob Et Al

Publisher: Pearson

Year: 2011

Title: Study On –VCE Chemistry Units 3 &4 Booklet w/Online


Year: 2015

Chemistry Unit 3 Introduction Page 2

Areas of study

Outcome 1

On completion of this unit the student should be able to evaluate the suitability of techniques

and instruments used in chemical analyses.

Key knowledge

volumetric analysis including determination of excess and limiting reagents and titration

curves: simple and back titrations, acid-base and redox titrations

gravimetric analysis

calculations including amount of solids, liquids and gases; concentration; volume,

pressure and temperature of gases

the writing of balanced chemical equations, including the use of oxidation numbers to

write redox equations, and the application of chemical equations to volumetric and

gravimetric analyses

principles and applications of chromatographic techniques (excluding features of

instrumentation and operation), and interpretation of qualitative and quantitative data


– thin layer chromatography (TLC), including calculation of Rf

– high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography (GC)

including Rt and the use of a calibration graph to determine amount of analyte

principles and applications of spectroscopic techniques (excluding features of

instrumentation and operation), and interpretation of qualitative and quantitative data


– atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) including electron transitions and use of

calibration graph to determine amount of analyte

– infrared spectroscopy (IR) including use of characteristic absorption bands to

identify bonds

– proton and carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) including

spin, the application of carbon-13 to determine number of equivalent carbon

environments; and application of proton NMR to determine structure: chemical

shift, areas under peak and peak splitting patterns (excluding coupling constants),

and application of n+1 rule to simple compounds

– visible and ultraviolet spectroscopy (visible-UV) including electron transitions

and use of calibration graph to determine amount of analyte

– mass spectroscopy including determination of molecular ion peak and relative

molecular mass, and identification of simple fragments

matching analytical technique/s to a particular task: single and combined techniques.

Outcome 2

On completion of this unit the student should be able to identify and explain the role of

functional groups in organic reactions and construct reaction pathways using organic molecules.

Key knowledge

Structure including molecular, structural and semi-structural formulae, and International Union

of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) nomenclature of alkanes, alkenes, amines,

haloalkanes, alkanols (CnH2n+1OH), alkanoic acids (CnH2n+1COOH) and esters up to C10

common reactions of organic compounds including equations: addition reactions of

alkenes (addition of hydrogen halides and water limited to symmetrical alkenes),

substitution reactions of alkanes and primary haloalkanes, oxidation of primary alkanols,

and esterification

Chemistry Unit 3 Introduction Page 3

chemical bonding:

– primary, secondary and tertiary structures of proteins

– the role of the tertiary structure of proteins in enzyme action

– denaturing of proteins: effect of changes in pH and temperature on bonding

– primary and secondary structure of DNA

organic reaction pathways including appropriate equations and reagents:

– production of esters from alkenes

– condensation reactions that produce lipids (limited to triglycerides)

– condensation and polymerisation reactions that produce large biomolecules

including carbohydrates, proteins and DNA

– production of biochemical fuels including the fermentation of sugars to produce


– function of organic molecules in the design and synthesis of medicines including

the production of aspirin from salicylic acid.

How to use this book There are eight weeks in this book covering Area of

Study One, Chemical Analysis.

Each week you should:

1. Read the notes, do the “Quick check” questions and

correct your answers as you go.

2. Do any practical work required, or arrange for a time

and place when the practical work will be done.

3. Complete the SEND exercises in the assignment

booklet and send them in.

Websites and Heinemann eChemistry 2 CD

There are also some excellent interactive activities as well as risk and

safety phrases used in the material safety data sheet (MSDS) on the

Heinemann eChemistry2 CD that came with your textbook. You are

urged to refer to these activities when you see the textbook CD icon on

the left.

Chemistry Unit 3 Introduction Page 4

Practical Work Practical work is an extremely important part of your Year 12

Chemistry studies. This is a compulsory part of the course and

is best carried out under supervision in a school laboratory.

In Unit 3, the first school assessed coursework task, SAC 1,

requires you to submit an Extended Experimental Investigation

(EEI) relating to the detailed study “Chemical analysis” and SAC

2 in study area 2.

To complete this by distance mode you must choose one of the


The practical work that requires lab access can be conducted

* If you are school-based and your school has the

appropriate equipment and expertise (eg appropriate

teacher and/or lab. technician) then the EEI can be

done at your school OR

* At the DECV in Thornbury, A lab day will be

held on 20 March 2015 in Term 1. Your teacher

will send you details about the date a few weeks

before hand.

Safety First! Some chemicals used are poisonous. Use minimum

quantities and avoid skin contact with all chemicals. Pour

carefully to avoid inhaling fumes, particularly if fume

cupboards are required. Use bench mats when heating, and

be careful with hot liquids. Laboratories should have fire

extinguishers and fire blankets on hand.

How much time do

you need to


This unit requires an average of 100 hours of study, or

approximately 6 to 7 hours a week. For students aiming for

a high Chemistry study score eight to ten hours a week would

be a more realistic target. Unit 3 is 16 weeks in length.

However, these figures do depend on your prior knowledge

and aptitude for the subject. You may find it helpful to allocate

a specific time of day and week to do your Chemistry work, so

a work schedule or timetable would be a good idea as it is

crucial to keep up to date with the work load.

Chemistry Unit 3 Introduction Page 5

Assessment The award of satisfactory completion (S) for Unit 3 is based on the

student completing all of the weekly submissions satisfactorily.

The student‟s level of achievement in Unit 3 will be determined by

school-assessed coursework and the end of year exam.

School Assessed Coursework (SAC)

School-assessed coursework for Unit 3 will contribute 20% to the study

score for the year and 60% of the End of Year exam. The SACs that you

will do at DECV are shown below and will be marked by your teacher.

The posting and deadline dates for these SACs are shown below.

SAC Outcome Marks allocated Assessment Task

SAC 1 Outcome 1 50 An extended



SAC 2 Outcome 2 25 A written report of

one practical activity.

SAC 3 Outcome 2 25 A response to a

stimulus material

Total Marks 100

End of-year Written Examination

You will complete an examination, which consists of a set of questions

designed to assess your understanding of all Areas of studies in Unit 3

and Unit 4.

Duration of exam: Two and a half hours

The examination will contribute 60 per cent to the study score.

SAC –Time table

It is your responsibility as a VCE student at the DECV to ensure that

work is submitted on time. You will find a timetable for Weeks 1-8 of

Unit 3 on page 10.

The SAC Timetable is printed on the next page. You cannot have

unlimited time to complete these. If they are not received by the date

indicated as the deadline they will not receive a grade and the reasons for

this will be indicated in your report. The only exception will be if you

provide suitable documentation such as a medical certificate or a letter

from a parent, school Principal or VCE Coordinator. If you have any

questions regarding this matter please contact your teacher.

Chemistry Unit 3 Introduction Page 6

Failure to hand in the SACs by the deadlines indicated below could have a disastrous

effect on your study score for this subject.

Week 7

SAC 1: Analytical


An extended experimental


Posting date:

Friday March 20

Deadline by which SAC must be

received at the DECV:

Friday March 27

Week 12

SAC 2: Organic Chemical


Practical activity

Date for posting:

Friday May 8

Deadline by which SAC must be

received at the DECV:

Friday May 15

Week 14

SAC 3: DNA structure and


A response to stimulus


Date for posting:

Friday May 22

Deadline by which the SAC must be

received at the DECV:

Friday May 29

Please detach the portion below this line, sign it to indicate that you are aware of the timetable

requirements for the Unit 3 Chemistry SACs, and forward it to your teacher along with your

Week 1 “Work for Submission”.


Student Declaration

I have received and read the timetable for the submission of SACs in

Unit 3 Chemistry. I am aware that if I do not fulfil my obligation to meet

these deadlines then my work will not receive a grade unless I am able to

furnish documented proof of a valid reason for lateness.

Name: ____________________________________________

DECV Student Number: ______________________________________

Signature: ________________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________

Chemistry Unit 3 Introduction Page 7

Work for Submission You will find "Work for Submission" questions for each week in the

Assignment booklet. These are used to monitor your understanding of the

course and to fulfil the requirements of the three outcomes for Unit 3. The

questions are very similar to those set by the Victorian Curriculum and

Assessment Authority. Work for Submission questions are identified in

this course book by the „letter box‟ icon shown at left.

Always write your solutions to Work for Submission questions in the

spaces provided beneath each question.

One of the major problems students have with the November exam is

completing it in the time allowed (2 hours 30 mins). To help you with this

you should complete the “Work for Submission” questions under strict

exam conditions. Each mark in the exam is a minute‟s worth. Each of the

weekly submissions is approximately 25 marks-worth, therefore you

should complete them in 25 minutes. Allow another 5 minutes for reading

time. If you don‟t finish the submission in the time allowed then draw a

red line under that work and finish off the remaining questions.

You must attempt all Work for Submission questions before

submitting each week’s work.

For quantitative (“number crunching”) questions show all working, i.e.

Clearly write the formula or relationship first.

Then substitute the numbers into the above.

Finally, do your calculation and write the answer to 2 significant


For qualitative (descriptive) questions use “dot-point” solutions. Look at

the solutions to the Checkpoints questions at the back of the book as a

guide. Generally, a 4 mark descriptive question in the exam will require 4

dot-points. A dot-point may be a diagram, a formula or relationship, a

calculation, or a brief sentence showing that you understand a chemistry


The planned posting dates for “Work for Submission” weeks are shown

on page 10. Please try to keep to this schedule. Submitting late, or even

omitting weeks of work, can have a disastrous effect later in the unit. You

are urged to complete all the work. This means completing not only the

work for submission, but also the problems from “Study On”.

Please keep to the timetable schedule. Once you fall behind you

will find it very difficult to catch up!

At the end of each week‟s work in this book is an assignment cover sheet

which must be attached to the front of your weekly assignment. You

should have received a set of barcode labels with your student number on

each. These are identical and one should be attached to each cover sheet

before posting.

Chemistry Unit 3 Introduction Page 8

Online Resources (DECVOnline)

Students have a range of resources and study styles. If you wish to

study and communicate online, you have access to our online site:

For the username, use your DECV student id number and for the

password use your date of birth (in the format yyyymmdd).

Within this environment you can see your course materials and

submit your work online.

From DECV Online there is also access to our Resource Centre

and Careers Advice. DECV Links goes to several useful sites and a

Toolbox with various software packages and advice.

Sending Work on time

Every page that you send should have your name and student

number clearly marked on the top as work goes astray and

sometimes pages become separated in the mail. Staple your work

together but do not use papers clips as they often come off and

pages separate.

Post All work should be posted by the Friday in order to arrive at the

DECV on the Monday. The posting dates are recorded on your

DECV handbook for VCE.

When ever possible copies of your work should be kept as work

has gone astray on occasions.

On-line submission tool or Email

The use of this mode of delivery is a great advantage. Weekly

work that is Emailed can be returned as soon as it is corrected.

This is a huge advantage, as you will be doing each activity with

the knowledge that you have already had the feed back on all of

the previous work.

It has the added advantage of automatically keeping a record of

everything you do. Work does go astray occasionally and this

happens far more often when it is posted, as there are a number of

processes that occur between the time the work leaves your hand

and the time that you receive it back.

Please keep to the timetable schedule. Once you fall behind you will

find it very difficult to catch up!

Chemistry Unit 3 Introduction Page 9

Consequential Answers Let us imagine that there is a group of questions – questions 1, 2 and 3 –

that all relate to the same information, and you get Question 1 wrong. If

you now attempt Question 2 which requires your answer to Question 1,

then clearly you will get that question wrong also. However, if you used

the correct reasoning and calculations to Question 2, you will get full

marks for this question in the exam even though your answer is wrong.

This is called a consequential answer, and I will indicate this with a

CA in my comments. Look out for this!

Late Work Weekly “Work for Submission” – this does not include SACs which

have special one week deadlines (see page 5) – that is more than 2 weeks

late will be read but not marked. By that I mean you are able to submit

late work. If it is of a satisfactory standard it will receive an “S”, and will

contribute towards your “S” for the unit. However, it is your

responsibility to check your solutions with the attached response sheet

solutions for that week as I will not give you feedback. It is imperative

that you keep up-to-date with your submissions

Year 12 Unit 3

Revision Seminar Towards the end of Unit 3 you will be invited to attend a revision

seminar at the DECV. We will work through a practice exam questions,

and there will be advice on exam preparation. Most importantly,

however, it will allow you the opportunity to talk with your teacher and

raise any problems that you are having with your chemistry.

Revision seminar: Friday 29th

May 2015 from 9:30am – 3:00pm at DECV.

Final Word Studying by distance mode is not easy. It requires a great deal of self-

discipline and self-motivation. These are personal attributes that are

difficult to teach, and you will find that there will be a number of

distractions to your studying that only you can solve. However, if you

are determined to pass chemistry then you will! To help you with your

goal keep in regular, weekly contact with your teacher, keep up-to-date

with your work, and allow at least 8 hours per week on this subject.

Finally, I wish you all the best with your chemistry studies this year.

Please keep in touch with your DECV teacher on a regular basis, and let

him or her know how you are getting on. Good Luck!!

Acknowledgements I would like to gratefully acknowledge the following:

Heinemann for allowing me to include their worked solutions in this

course book.

The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.

Heinemann Chemistry teacher‟s resource and assessment book.

Talking molecules –Brian Stevenson

Study on Chemistry

You are strongly urged to attend this revision seminar


Chemistry Unit 3 Introduction Page 10




Calculations including amount of

solids, liquids and gases;

concentration; volume, pressure and

temperature of gases. (outcome 1)




Introduction to Chemistry

Revising the basics

Feb 6

Application of chemical equations

to Gravimetric analysis and the

writing balance equations.

(Outcome 1)


Revise ionic compounds and

precipitation reactions

Feb 13

Application of chemical equations to

volumetric analysis.

(Outcome 1)


Revise acid-base reactions

and apply them to titration


Feb 20

Back titration.

(Outcome 1)


Revise pH as a measure of

acidity. Apply pH to

titration experiments and

back titration.

Feb 27

The use of oxidation numbers to

write redox equations and redox

titrations.(Outcome 1)

5 Revise redox reactions.

Apply redox reactions to

titration experiments.

Mar 6

Principles, applications and

interpretation of atomic, UV and

Visible spectroscopy. (Outcome 1)


Principles and applications

of spectroscopic techniques

Mar 13

SAC1- (Evaluate the suitability of

techniques and instruments used in

chemical analyses. (Outcome 1)

7 A teacher directed Extended

experimental investigation


Mar 20

Chemistry Unit 3 Sac 1 - practical day on Friday 20th

March 2015 at DECV

Principles and applications of TLC

HPLC and GC a including Rt

and the use of a calibration graph to

determine amount of analyte.

(Outcome 1)

8 Principles and applications

of Chromatography


Mar 27

Chemistry Unit 3 Introduction Page 11

Chemistry Unit 3 Introduction Page 12