Chemistry Unit 14: Global Warming Welcome To The GowerHour.

Chemistry Unit 14: Global Warming Welcome To The GowerHour

Transcript of Chemistry Unit 14: Global Warming Welcome To The GowerHour.

Page 1: Chemistry Unit 14: Global Warming Welcome To The GowerHour.

ChemistryUnit 14: Global Warming

WelcomeTo The


Page 2: Chemistry Unit 14: Global Warming Welcome To The GowerHour.

I. Ozone DepletionA. Layers of the Atmosphere

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I. Ozone DepletionA. Layers of the Atmosphere

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1. Troposphere: The layer of the atmosphere closest to the Earth (0 - ____ km). It contains ______ of the mass of air, and almost all of the ______vapor. All weather events (rain, hurricanes) occur here. Most aircrafts fly in this region of the atmosphere. Temperature __________ in the troposphere as altitude increases. Visible light comes from the sun and radiates back from the Earth as ________ radiation (______). Molecules such as ____ absorb the IR and trap the heat. Because the concentration of molecules is _________ at the Earth’s surface, the temperature is highest there, and decreases with increasing altitude. Because warm air _____ and cold air ______, convection currents occur in the troposphere. This leads to the mixing of the troposphere (tropo = turning, changing).

10 mostwater


infrared Heat CO2



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2. Stratosphere: The second layer of the atmosphere (~10 – ___ km). Temperature_________ in this region of the atmosphere due to ___________ reactions that occur in the stratosphere. There is a high concentration of ____ in this region, known as the ___________. Because the temperature is warmest at the top of this layer, convection currents do not occur. Therefore air in the stratosphere remains “layered.” (strato = stratified, layered)



O3 ozone layer

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3. Mesosphere: Layer above the stratosphere (~50 km - _____ km). Temperature __________ in this region of the atmosphere.

4. Thermosphere (Ionosphere): Uppermost layer of the atmosphere (~80 km – ____km).Temperature _________ in this region of the atmosphere because the molecules absorb very high energy particles from the sun, which causes an increase in their ______ energy. There are many ____ in this part of the atmosphere.

80 decreases



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B. Ozone in the Troposphere:1. Ozone in the lower atmosphere is a _________

and is formed during photochemical smog. It can lead to health problems such as irritation of the ___________ tract. Higher concentrations of ozone can lead to premature aging of the lung tissue. Tropospheric ozone is sometimes called “Bad Ozone.”



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C. Ozone in the Stratosphere:

1. Natural formation of ozone in the stratosphere:

O2 + UV light 2 O

(light wavelength < ___ nm)

O + O2 + M O3 + M*

(M = inert substance such as __, absorbs extra energy)



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2. Natural depletion of ozone in the stratosphere:

a. O3 + UV light O + O2 (light wavelength _____ to _____nm, UV light)b. Visible light: ______ to ______ nmUV-A______ to ______ nm (suntan)UV-B______ to ______ nm (sunburn, skin

cancer)UV-C< _____ nm (absorbed in upper atm)c. Ozone protects us from UV radiation by absorbing UV-A and UV-B radiation as it decomposes.3. Prior to the use of CFCs, this natural cycle of ozone formation and depletion was in_______ equilibrium.

220 330400 700

320 400290 320


dynamic(opposing rates are equal, conc. of O3 is constant)

E increases

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D. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs, Freons)1. Introduced in the _____.2. Benefits: non-toxic, non-flammable,

stable, inert. Replaced compounds like SO2 and NH3.

3. Uses: a. _______________b. _______________c. _______________d. _______________

4. The peak year of production was ____, when ________ tons of CFCs were produced in the US.

5. Because of their inertness, CFCs are able to diffuse into the stratosphere.


air conditioners

foamsaerosol cans

19771.5 x 106


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6. Once they reach the stratosphere, UV radiation between 175 and 220 nm causes the CFCs to decompose.

example: CFCl3 + UV light CFCl2 + Cl(Freon-11)

7. The __ atoms act as a catalyst in the destruction of ozone:

Cl + O3 ClO + _____

ClO + O Cl + _____

Each Cl atom can react with approximately _________ ozone (O3) molecules!



O3 + O → 2 O2



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8. CFCs

a. are NOT soluble in ______.

b. do not react in the ____________.

c. are able to diffuse into the _____________ (____ years).

d. remain in the atmosphere for 75 - _____ years!

9. In 1974, Sherwood _________ and Mario _______ from UCI determined that CFCs were depleting ozone in the atmosphere. They won the Nobel Prize for their research in 1995.


stratosphere> 10


Rowland Molina


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10. Overview of process:

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E. Antarctic Ozone Hole:1. Discovered in 1985, but satellite data shows depleted ozone as early as _____ (a data analysis program automatically threw out data that was lower than a particular threshold).2. Before the ozone hole, the [O3] in the stratosphere was about 350 ppb. In the Antarctic spring (__________), the [O3] declines to as low as ___ ppb. The largest (in km2) ozone hole was seen in ____.




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Page 16: Chemistry Unit 14: Global Warming Welcome To The GowerHour.

3. Chlorine in the stratosphere is found in two general forms:


RESERVOIR SPECIES: (______) HCl + ClONO2 (Chlorine nitrate)

4. The formation of the ozone hole:a. Sun goes down for the winter, no heat, no photons. Ozone no longer formed.b. Polar vortex (mass of very cold air circulating around the south pole) forms (T < _____).c. Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSCs) form (Clouds do not normally form in the stratosphere, only in the __________).


- 80oC



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d. These solid ice clouds provide a surface for reactions to take place:

HCl + ClONO2 --> Cl2 + HNO3


e. SUN comes up in spring, and Cl2 reacts with UV radiation to form 2 Cl atoms.

Cl2 + UV light --> 2 Clf. Cl atoms begin to react with the ozone molecules, quickly depleting them.g. The intermediate ____ is found in high concentrations when O3 concentrations are at their lowest.


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Page 19: Chemistry Unit 14: Global Warming Welcome To The GowerHour.

Polar stratospheric clouds provide a surface for the rx:

Cl2 + h 2ClSpring sunlight

HCl + ClONO2 Cl2 + HNO3

Antarctic O3 Depletion (in purple) 17.3

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F. Ozone Depletion over Mid-Latitudes

1. From 1979 to present, ozone concentrations

have decreased by ~_____ over the mid-latitudes. 10%

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G. Effects of Ozone Depletion1. Increased ____ radiation, which leads to higher rates of __________ and ________.2. __________ suffer the highest rates of skin cancer in the world.3. Punta Arenas, Chile, (53◦S) has seen increases in UV-B radiation that is __ times greater than when ozone levels are normal. From 1987 – 2000, there was a _____ increase in skin cancers.

UVskin cancer cataracts




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H. Reduction of CFCs1. Montreal Protocol (_____): 24 nations signed document to freeze CFCs at 1986 levels. 2. Today 100 nations have reduced production of CFCs. It is predicted that there will still be an ozone hole until _____.3. Replacements for CFCs have been: _______ and _____.4. The replacements are more reactive in the atmosphere, therefore do not make it to the ____________. 5. Though the replacements have reduced the problem of ozone depletion, they are still problematic to the environment because they are _________________.





greenhouse gases

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II. Climate Change (Global Warming)

A. The Greenhouse Effect

1. The natural process by which ___________ absorb energy from the sun, thereby warming the Earth’s atmosphere.

2. The sun provides energy in the form of ____ and ________ light. This light is absorbed by the Earth’s surface and re-radiated as ___ radiation (____). Some of this heat is trapped by certain gases, like ____, ____, and ____. The rest of the heat escapes into ______.




CO2 CH4 N2Ospace

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3. Without the greenhouse effect, the average global temperature would be ___°C or __°F. With the greenhouse effect, the average global temperature is ___°C or ___°F. Therefore, the greenhouse effect is NEEDED to support life on Earth.

-18 015 60

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4. Greenhouse gases:





CO2 280 ppm 385 ppm 1

CH4 715 ppb 1774 ppb 25 – 75

N2O 270 ppb 330 ppb 140 – 250

CFC-11 0 260 ppt10,000 –


CFC-12 0 550 ppt10,000 –


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B. Global Warming

1. As the concentration of greenhouse gases have increased in the atmosphere, the global average temperature has ________, the global average sea level has _____, and the snow cover has ________.increased

risen decreased

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Figure 1 Figure 2

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Keeling Curve: Plots of the longest continuous record of atmospheric carbon dioxide, taken at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii (20oN, 156oW).

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The rise of carbon dioxide gas in our atmosphere has been measured continuously since 1958 and follows an oscillating line known as the "Keeling Curve”, named after Dr. Charles David Keeling, professor at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. A renowned expert on the way carbon moves through our planet’s environment, Keeling was the first to measure carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (1959) on a continuous basis.

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Page 31: Chemistry Unit 14: Global Warming Welcome To The GowerHour.

He discovered its annual fluctuations (the little squiggles in the curve) and was the first to report that global atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide were rising. The "Keeling curve" has become the symbol of the ever-changing chemistry of the atmosphere and the associated warming of the planet.

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Keeling wanted to determine the cause of the yearly carbon dioxide fluctuations (squiggles)?

Was it processes on land, having to do with plant growth? Or did it come from the ocean? There are ways to distinguish between the two possibilities.

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The answer is that the little squiggles in the Keeling curve are actually due to land plants. Since most of the land is in the northern hemisphere, the fluctuations are greatest there. (If the ocean were to blame, we should see a larger effect in the southern hemisphere.)

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Every spring, when trees leaf out and grasslands and farmlands green, the carbon dioxide in the air decreases, reflecting the uptake from photosynthesis. Conversely, in fall, when leaves and wilted plants are returned to the soil and decay, the carbon dioxide rises again. Thus, one can envision the Earth “breathing”on an annual cycle, and we can measure how deeply.

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Recent increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). The monthly CO2 measurements display small seasonal oscillations in an overall yearly uptrend; each year's maximum is reached during the Northern hemisphere’s late spring, and declines during the Northern Hemisphere growing season as plants remove some CO2 from the atmosphere.

Why Hawaii?

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Though Mauna Loa is an active volcano, Keeling and collaborators made measurements on the incoming ocean breeze and above the thermal inversion layer to minimize local contamination from volcanic vents.

In addition, the data is normalized to negate any influence from local contamination

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Figure 3

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2. Eleven of the last twelve years rank among the 12 warmest years on record (since ____).3. The total global average temperature increase from 1850 to present is ______.4. The difference in global average temperature between now and the last ice age was only ____, therefore a small change in temperature is significant.


0.76 oC

5 oC

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Source Example %

Fossil fuel combustion

CH4 + O2 73


decomposition___ 25

Cement Production

CaCO3 2

2CO2 + 2 H2O

CaO + CO2

C. Sources of Greenhouse Gases

1. Carbon Dioxide

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Source %

Natural Wetlands 20

Rice Paddies 19

Natural Gas Leakage 18

_________ 14

Landfills 14

Biomass Burning 10

____________ 4

2. Methane: Produced in anaerobic (__________) environments.

without O2



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Source %

Agricultural Soils 44

Fossil Fuel Consumption 31

________________ 24

Agricultural Waste Burning 1

3. Nitrous Oxide

Acid Production

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D. Changes in Temperature: The Future1. For the next two decades, a warming of about _____ / decade is projected.2. Depending on predicted emission scenarios, the predicted warming over the next century is ______ to ______, and the sea level rise is predicted to be ___ cm to ___cm.3. The major uncertainty in the climate models are from changes in ___________, and the effects of _________ loops.4. An example of a positive feedback loop: As the surface temperature warms, polar ice melts, reducing the amount of sunlight ________ back to space. More energy is _________ by the Earth, leading to more ________.

0.2 oC

1.8 oC

cloud cover

4.0 oC18 59




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Page 44: Chemistry Unit 14: Global Warming Welcome To The GowerHour.

E. Effects of Climate Change1. The polar regions have warmed approximately _______________, which is significantly greater than other parts of the world. This warming has caused a decrease in sea ice area (predicted to decrease summer sea ice to ____ in the latter part of the century), and a warming of the permafrost. The tundra has a large store of _____________ in the soil. As the water table lowers, more of the carbon oxidizes to CO2. This is a positive feedback loop, which leads to more ________.2. Warming tends to reduce land and ocean uptake of CO2, leaving more CO2 in the atmosphere (_________ feedback loop). As temperature increases, the solubility of a gas _________ (________ Law).

1.22 oC/decade



organic carbon




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3. Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations leads to an increase in ________ acid in the ocean. This causes the pH of the ocean to ________. Projections show the ocean pH to drop by 0.14 to 0.35 over the 21st century.

4. It is likely that future typhoons and __________ will become more intense.

5. It is very likely that there will be more ____________.

6. It is likely that there will be increased intensity of ___________(heavy rain and snow events).

7. Sea levels are predicted to rise 7 – 24 inches by 2100 due to thermal expansion alone (as water temperature increases, the density _________).





hot extremes


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F. Ways to Reduce Greenhouse Gases1. Change incandescent bulbs to ___________.Use: 4 hours per day

Standard light bulb 63 kg CO2 / yearFluorescent light bulb 11 kg CO2 / year

2. Drive a car with greater fuel efficiency. 1 gallon of gas produces 8.8 kg of CO2. The average American drives 12,000 miles / year. Compare the kg of CO2 produced by an SUV that gets 18 miles per gallon to a hybrid car that gets 44 mpg.


12,000 mi8.8 kg CO2

18 mi

1 gal

1 gal= 5900 kg CO2


12,000 mi8.8 kg CO2

44 mi

1 gal

1 gal= 2400 kg CO2


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If there are 250,000,000 cars in the US, how many Tg of CO2 will be emitted from cars each year assuming 18 mpg versus 44 mpg?

2.5 x 108 cars103 g

1 car

5900 kg

1 kg= 1475 Tgx

= 1500 Tg

x x1012 g

1 Tg

2.5 x 108 cars103 g

1 car

2400 kg

1 kgx = 600Tgx x

1012 g

1 Tg

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3. Use mass transit.4. Ride your bike or walk.5. Others????

In 2005 close to 1800 Tg CO2 emitted from transportation (all cars, trucks, etc.)

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One possible effect of the enhanced greenhouse effect is a rise in mean sea-level.

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Rising sea levels.

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8.5 Greenhouse effect

8.5.5 Identify the main greenhouse gases and their sources.

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Many _______ and ____________ (anthropogenic) gases contribute to the greenhouse effect that warms the Earth's surface.

Water vapor (H2O) is the _____ important, followed by carbon dioxide (CO2), _______ (CH4), ___________ (N2O), ozoneO3, and the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used in air conditioners and many industrial processes.

The increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration is likely the _____ significant cause of the current warming.

natural human-made


nitrous oxide


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Importance of Human-produced Greenhouse Gases

This diagram shows the relative importance of the major human-produced greenhouse gases to current warming.

CO2 is the most important followed in descending order by methane, CFCs, ozone and nitrous oxide.

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Greenhouse gases, which include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane,ozone and dinitrogen monoxide warm the atmosphere by efficiently absorbing thermal infrared radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface, by the atmosphere itself, and by clouds. As a result of its warmth, the atmosphere also radiates thermal infrared in all directions, including downward to the Earth’s surface. Thus, greenhouse gases trap heat within the surface-troposphere system… the “Greenhouse Effect”.

This mechanism is fundamentally different from the mechanism of an actual greenhouse, which instead isolates air inside the structure so that the heat is not lost by convection and conduction.

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1. More than six and a half billion people burn fuel to keep warm, to provide electricity to light their homes and to run industry, and to move about using cars, buses, boats, trains, and airplanes.2. The burning of fuel produces carbon dioxide, which is released to the atmosphere.3. The burning of fuels adds about 6 gigatons of carbon to the atmosphere each year.

The Problem: The carbon dioxide problem can be stated relatively simply:

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4. Carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere have risen from about 270 parts per million (0.026%) before the industrial age to about 380 parts per million (0.038%) by 2006, a 41% increase over pre-industrial values, and a 31% increase since 1870.5. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, and the increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere must influence earth's radiation balance.

The Problem: The carbon dioxide problem can be stated relatively simply:

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Bessy’s Stomachs:Methane is the second most significant cause of greenhouse warming, behind carbon dioxide. Bessy, the science cow, and her many brothers and sisters are one of the greatest methane emitters. Bessy’s grassy diet and multiple stomachs cause her to produce methane, which she exhales with every breath. The sheer size of her herds makes a significant contribution to global.

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Bessy the Science Cow: Bessy and her cow friends are one of the world's greatest methane emitters. Cows exhale methane, which is a byproduct of the digestion of their grassy diet.

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A single cow is capable of producing from 800-1000 liters (25-35 cubic feet) of emissions every day, which adds up quickly when you consider the 55 million cattle that comprise Argentina’s massive livestock industry. Cows produce 30% of the global warming gases in Argentina!

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I know how tostop globalwarming…

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