Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser

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  • 8/10/2019 Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser


  • 8/10/2019 Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser


    tw ' tube wall temperature,)*

    + ' all resistances but the gas film



    dqU t #1$

    In general, it is not possible to integrate this relationship formally using analytical expressions

    for both + and &t as functions of .

    The method of *olburn and ougen is generally accepted as the basis for obtaining rigorous

    design of cooler-condensers. The method is tedious since it involves successive trial and error


    The rate of transfer of sensible heat from the gas stream on the shell side of the exchanger to the

    outside of the tubes is given by:

    d qs


    0( t



    ) #$

    The rate of transfer of latent heat from the gas stream on the shell side of the exchanger to the fin

    side of the tubes due to mass transfer of condensable material to the tube surface is given by:

    d qL

    dA=km(pgpc) #$

    The total rate of heat transfer, given by the sum of #$ and #$ above, must be transferred through

    the tube and water film:


    A 'h0(tgtc) / km(pgpc ) ' +comb. (tctw) ' +&t #0$


  • 8/10/2019 Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser


  • 8/10/2019 Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser


    The fin side gas film mass transfer coefficient is obtained using the heat transfer coefficient

    obtained from the above euation and the factor relationships for heat and mass transfer. The

    heat transfer factor is defined as:



    k )

    2 /3



    The mass transfer factor is defined as:

    8m '

    D v

    kmMmP gf

    G MV


    The mass transfer coefficient is obtained as:




    cp Dv

    k 2/3





    8h' heat-transfer ;8< factor #dimensionless$

    h)' gas film heat-transfer coefficient, 2hr-m-)*

    *3' =pecific heat at constant pressure, 2"g-)*

    > ' mass velocity, "g2hr-m

    ? ' viscocity, "g2m-hr

  • 8/10/2019 Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser


    " ' thermal conductivity, 2hr-m-)*

    8m' mass transfer 8 factor #dimensionless$

    "m' mass transfer coefficient, "g2hr-mper unit of pressure

    Mm' molecular weight of gas-vapour mixture #average$

    M4' molecular weight of vapour

    3gf ' log mean partial pressure of noncondensable gas across the film, "g2s.m

    3gf ' #


    ( g)at (pg ) attc

    ln(pg ) at tg

    (pg ) attc

    3g' partial pressure of the noncondensable gas in th main body, "g2s.m

    @ ' vapour density, "g2cu.m

    A4' diffusion coefficient, s.m2hr

    A4' ).)177 #








    MA+ 1



    T ' absolute temperature, )B

    T ')

    Can"ine, change constant to ).))76

    3 ' 3ressure, atmosphere

  • 8/10/2019 Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser


  • 8/10/2019 Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser



    The three principal elements involved in evaporator design are namely:

    eat transfer

    4apour-liuid separation and

    !nergy utiliEation

    The vapour-liquid separaorsare variously called bodies, vapour heads, or flash chambers. The

    term flash chambers is also used to denote the minimum building bloc" of an evaporator,

    comprising one heating element #the fluid with sensible heat$ and one vapour head. This type is

    the choice here in this design pro8ect.

    Hea ra!s"eris the most important single factor in evaporator design since the heating surface

    represents the largest part of evaporator cost. !uipment costs are usually correlated as function

    only of heating-surface area, materials of construction, and evaporator type. Fther things being

    eual, the evaporator selected is the one having the highest transfer coefficient under operating

    conditions in terms of amount of energy per hour per degree temperature per cost of installation.

    4apour liuid separation may be important for a number of reasons. Most important is usually

    prevention of entrainment because of value of product lost, pollution, contamination of the

    condensed vapour or fouling or corrosion of the surfaces on which the vapour is condensed.

    The thermodynamic efficiency of e!er#$ uili%aio!in an evaporator is very low since the

    minimum energy reuirement is only eual to the heat that will be liberated if the feed were

    reconstituted by mixing product and liuid solvent. *onseuently, evaporator performance is

    rated on the basis of steam economy.

    3roduct uality considerations may reuire low hold up time and low temperature operation to

    avoid thermal degradation. The low hold up time eliminate some types of evaporator and some

    types are also eliminated because of poor heat transfer characteristic at low temperature. 3roduct

  • 8/10/2019 Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser


    uality may also dictate special materials of construction to avoid metallic contamination or a

    catalytic effect on decomposition of the product.

    Glash evaporators- as the feed to evaporation ratio is increased in a forward- feed evaporator

    having the feed heated by vapour blend from each effect, a point is reached where all the vapours

    is needed to preheat the feed and none is available to heat the succeeding effect. Then all ther

    heating surface is in the feed heaters and the evaporator themselves becomes merely flash

    chambers. This heating case is called a flash evaporator


    The calculation of the heat and material balance on a flash evaporator is relatively easy once it is

    understood that the temperature rise in each heater and temperature drop in each flash must all be

    substantially eual. This euality is almost exact if the condenser from each heater is flashed to

    the following heater. The steam sensory #!2=$ may be approximated from H




    A+$+ %

    %here is the total temperature difference )G, between feed to the flasher

    D is the approach between vapour and temperature from the flasher and the liuid leaving the

    heater where the vapour condensed

    is the number of stages

    C is the boiling point rise in the flash

    Evaporaor A&&essories


  • 8/10/2019 Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser


    The vapor from the effect of an evaporator is usually removed by a condenser. =urface

    condensers will be employed in this design, because the mixing of condensate and condenser

    cooling water is not desired.

    =urface condensers use more cooling water and are so much more expensive that they are never

    used where a direct contact condenser is suitable. The ratio of water consumption to vapour

    condensed can be determined from the following euation:


    vapor f&ow='v(232)



    %here v' vapour enthalpy #2"g$

    T ' water temperature entering and leaving the condenser,)*

    Ve! s$se's

    on- condensable gases may be present in the evaporator vapor as a result of lea"age air

    dissolved in the feed, or decomposition reactions in the feed. Ds the non-condensable increases,

    they tend to impede the heat transfer.

    In any event, non-condensable gases should be vented well before their concentration reaches

    1)J since gas concentration are difficult to measure the usual thing is to over-vent.

  • 8/10/2019 Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser


    !vaporator *osts

    Capial &oss

    Dpproximate selling prices of various type of evaporator are given by Kimmerman and Lavine

    #165$. These prices include all auxiliary euipment that a manufacturer would normally supply

    such as vapour piping barometric condenser, steam 8et, condensate flash tan"s, and in some

    cases, liuor piping and pumps.

    I!salled &oss

    The installed cost of a number of types of evaporator is given by *hilton #1606$. The costs

    include foundation steel wor", evaporator assembly, pumps, piping, insulation, painting, and a

    moderate of instrumentation. It is usually impossible to estimate the effect of a change in body

    material. In some cases, welded alloy bodies are cheaper than cast iron bodies.

    Operai!# &oss

    Fperating labour reuirement depend mainly on the proximity of the evaporator to other process

    unit where occasional assistance and maintenance help can be obtained. Fccasional maintenance

    labour will be reuired for the repac"ing of pumps and valve and repair of piping.


    Cal&ulaio! o" Mi!i'u' Nu')er o" Plaes*

  • 8/10/2019 Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser


    The minimum number of stages minis obtained from Gens"e euation which is,

    %here LBis the average relative volatility of the light "ey with respect to the heavy"ey, and xLB

    and xB are the light and heavy "ey concentrations. The suffixes d and b denote the distillate

    #tops$ #d$ and the bottoms #b$,

    Dverage geometric relative volatility LB' 1.51

    A&ealde+$de , ./0121.3//4 , 015261 7'ol

    8aer , 9 7'ol

    Croo!alde+$de , :/92593.94 , ;2// 7'ol

    8aer , ::92.

  • 8/10/2019 Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser


    *alculation of Minimum Ceflux Catio Cm:

    +sing +nderwood euations

    1' the relative volatility of component I ' ).67

    Cm' the minimum reflux ratio,

    1' concentration of component 1 ' 0299

    ' 1.51

    ' ).16)

    Ny trial, ' ).5

    3utting all values we get,

    Cm' 1.6

    Dctual Ceflux Catio, C:

    The rule of thumb is:

    C ' #1. ------- 1.5$ C min

    C ' 1. C min

    C ' 1.7

  • 8/10/2019 Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser


    Theoretical no. of 3lates:

    >illiland related the number of euilibrium stages and the minimum reflux ratio and the no. of

    euilibrium stages with a plot that was transformed by !dul8ee into the relationH




    1 R




    Cecall C min ' 1.6 , C ' 1.7, and min' )

    Grom which the theoretical number of stages to be,

    N , /9

    *alculation of actual number of stages:

    Dctual number of stages ' theoretical number of stages


    Fverall Tray !fficiency !o:

    !dul8ee #165$ has expressed the F

  • 8/10/2019 Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser


    Oa ' average relative volatility of the light "ey ' ).61

    so, !o ' ).5J ' ).)5


    No2 o" a&ual ra$s , /939259:6 , 69

    Colu'! dia'eer

    The principal factor which determines column diameter is the vapour flow-rate.


    where uv = maximum allowable vapour velocity, based on the gross #total$ column

    cross-sectional area, m2s,

    Lt ' plate spacing, m, ).7 is chosen.

    4 ' density of vapour product,acetaldehyde ' ).9961g2cm' 999.61 "g2m

    L ' density of liuid product, #crotonaldehyde$ / #)$ '

    ' Total mass2#Total volume$

    Mass of crotonaldehyde formed ' 0).) "g2hr

    Mass of water ' ).96 "g2hr

    Aensity of water ' 1)))"g2m

    Aensity of crotonaldehyde ' ).07 g2cm07 "g2m

  • 8/10/2019 Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser


    4olume ' Mass2#density$

    4olume of water ' #).6 "g2hr$2#1)))"g2m$ ' ).)1 m2hr

    4olume of crotonaldehyde ' #0).) "g2hr$2#07 "g2m$ ' ).07 m2hr

    Total volume ' volume of crotonaldehyde / volume of water ' ).5)09 m2hr

    Total of mass ' ).6 / 0).) ' 071.)6 "g2hr

    Aensity of liuid product, L'# Total mass$2#Total volume$ ' 61.56 "g2m

    Ny !, +v ' maximum allowable vapour velocity

    P#-).191Q).7$/ #).9Q).7$ ( ).)09R QP#61.56-996.1$2996.1R12

    ).)509 Q ).0155

    ').)9 m2hr.

    *apacity 3arameter:

    Dssumed tray spacing ' 1 inch #).5 m$

    The flooding velocity can be estimated from the correlation given by Gair #1671$:

    B1 ' a constant obtained from a chart of liuid-vapor flow factor against " ' ).197

    L' 61.56 "g2mand 4 ' ).9961g2cm

    ' 999.61 "g2m

  • 8/10/2019 Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser


    Ny this the flooding velocity +f ' ).)9 m2hr

    Dssume 6)J of flooding then actual vapor velocity

    4n ' ).6 Q ).)9 ' ).)9)51 m2hr

    et column area used in separation is

    Dn' mv24n

    4olumetric flow rate of vapors ' mv

    S 0o* vapor density of acetaldehyde #vapor$ ' 1.61atm ' 16177.0 2m

    Mass vapor flow rate ' 9017.79 "g2hr

    mv' #mass vapor flow rate 2#16177.0$

    mv' ).)9 m2hr

    ow, net area Dn ' mv24n' ).506 m

    Dssume that downcommer occupies 15J of cross sectional Drea #Dc$ of column thus:

    Dc' Dn/ Dd

    %here, Dd ' downcommer area

    Dc' Dn/ ).15#Dc$

    Dc' Dn2 ).5

    Dc').705 m

  • 8/10/2019 Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser


    =o Aiameter of *olumn Is


    A ' #0Dc2$

    A ' ). meter

    #based upon bottom conditions$

    3rovisional 3late Aesign:

    *olumn Aiameter Ac ' 1.051 m

    *olumn *ross-sectional Drea #Dc$ ' ).705 m

    Aown comer areaAd ' ).15Dc' ).)676 m

    et Drea #Dn$ ' Dc- Dd').506 m

    Dctive area Da' Dc-Dd' ).05) m

    ole areaAhta"e 1)JAa' ).1 U ).05)

    ').)05 m

    %eir length

    Dd2 Dc' ).)676 2 ).705 ' ).15)) ).15

    Grom figure 11.1 *oulson V Cichardson 7th volume 0th edition, which gives the relation

    between downcomer area and weir length,

    Lw2 Ac' ).)

  • 8/10/2019 Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser


    Lw ' 1.051 Q).)


    %eir length should be 7) to 5J of column diameter which is satisfactory


    weir height, hw' 5) mm

    ole diameter, dh' 5 mm

    3late thic"ness ' 5 mm

    %eir liuid crest

    Gor a segmental downcomer the height of the liuid crest over the weir can be estimated using

    %here Lw' weir length, m,

    how ' weir crest, mm liuid,

    Lw' liuid flow-rate, "g2s.

    Maximum liuid rate WLmX ' #).96 "g2hr / 0).) "g2hr $ ' 071.56 "g2hr ' ).1 "g2s

    Minimum Liuid Cate Dt 9)J turn down ratio

    ' ).)67 "g2sec

    Cecall weir length Lw=1.1717m and L' 61.5 "g2m

  • 8/10/2019 Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser


    Dt Maximum rate #how$ ' .97 mm Liuid

    Dt Minimum rate #how$ ' .)1 mm Liuid

    Dt minimum rate hw/ how' 5) / .)1 ' 5.) mm Liuid

    Grom fig 11.) #weep- point correlation#!dul8ee, 1656$$, *oulson and Cichardson 4ol.7

    B ' ).1

    ow *hec" %eeping: in order to calculate minimum design vapor velocity.

    %here +h ' minimum vapour velocity through the holes #based on the hole area$, m2s,

    dh' hole diameter, mm' 5 mm

    B ' a constant, dependent on the depth of clear liuid on the plate ' ).1

    Dlso recall v '999.61 "g2m. Ny that +h ' ).0)6 m2sec

  • 8/10/2019 Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser



    *ompressors are typically of two types: reciprocating and rotary #screw or scroll$. =croll

    compressors are limited to lower capacity halocarbon systems. Cotary screw and scroll are

    increasingly popular due to lower maintenance costs. =crew compressors dominate the

    refrigeration mar"et. This is mainly due to their high reliability, usually capable of operating over

    5),))) hours between overhauls, and the selection of capacities of commercially available

    euipment. *ommercially available motor driven capacities range from ) "ilowatts #5

    horsepower$ to over 15) "ilowatts #1795 horsepower$.

  • 8/10/2019 Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser


    The recommended compressor for refrigeration service is a screw type compressor that comes as

    a pac"age unit. The screw compressor pac"age units consist of screw compressor, motor,

    coupling, oil separator, local logic controller, oil pump and filter.

    =croll compressors are also positive displacement compressors. The refrigerant is compressed

    when one spiral orbits around a second stationary spiral, creating smaller and smaller poc"ets

    and higher pressures. Ny the time the refrigerant is discharged, it is fully pressuriEed.

    D compressor is considered to be single stage when the entire compression is accomplished with

    a single cylinder or a group of cylinders in parallel. Many applications involve conditions

    beyond the practical capability of a single compression stage. Too great a compression ratio

    #absolute discharge pressure2absolute inta"e pressure$ may cause excessive discharge

    temperature or other design problems. Two stage machines are used for high pressures and are

    characteriEed by lower discharge

    temperature #10) to 17))*$ compared

    Gor practical purposes most plant air reciprocating air compressors over 1)) horsepower are built

    as multi-stage units in which two or more steps of compression are grouped in series. The air is

    normally cooled between the stages to reduce the temperature and volume entering the following

    stage. #ational 3roductivity *ouncil, 166$.

    Ceciprocating air compressors are available either as air-cooled or water-cooled in lubricated and

    non-lubricated configurations, may be pac"aged, and provide a wide range of pressure and

    capacity selections.

    Per"or'a!&e Assess'e! o" Re"ri#eraio! o" a &o'pressor

    The cooling effect produced is uantified as tons of refrigeration #TC$.

    TC of refrigeration ' )0 "*almol2hr heat re8ected ' 1759.7 "mol2hr

  • 8/10/2019 Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser


    The refrigeration TC is assessed as TC ' Y x *p x #T)( Ti$ 21759.7

    %here Y is molar flow rate of inlet component in "mol2hr

    Tiis inlet temperature in Z*

    T)is outlet temperature in Z*.

    Gor the condenser to be designed,

    *p for Dcetaldehyde ' 6.)52mol.B

    Y ' 10.9 "mol2hr #component entering the compressor$

    Ti' 5)*, To' 0


    =ubstituting values,

    TC ' 10.9 x 6.)5 x #0-5$21759.7

    TC ' 1).9 "mol2hr

    The above TC is also called as chiller tonnage.

    Co'pressor E""i&ie!&$

    =everal different measures of compressor efficiency are commonly used for the design :

    volumetric efficiency, adiabatic efficiency, isothermal efficiency and mechanical efficiency.

    Ddiabatic and isothermal efficiencies are computed as the isothermal or adiabatic power divided

    by the actual power consumption. The figure obtained indicates the overall efficiency of a

    compressor and drive motor.

    Co'pressor Po>er

    The power of a compressor is given byH

    3 '(ork/)mo& * +n&et f&owrate


  • 8/10/2019 Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser


    %or"2Bmol ' Ki TiCn

    n1(P 2P1 )

    n1n 1

    where K ' compressibility factor #1 for an ideal gas$,

    R ' universal gas constant, .10 2B. mol

    T1' inlet temperature, B

    3' outlet pressure

    %here T' 0)*' 17 B, T1' 5

    )* ' ) B

    Grom the relationship,2



    P1 '316

    308 ' 1.)5

    The value of n will depend on the design and operation of the machine.

    The design is more effective in a polytropic process, hence n is approximately 1.70

    =ubstituting values,

    %or"2Bmol ' 1 x ) x .10 x1.64

    1.641 (1.025 )

    1.6411.64 1

    %or"2Bmol ' ).)7 "2Bmol

    Inlet flowrate into the condenser ' 10.9 "mol2hr

    In "mol2 sec ' 10.927)) ' ).)51 "mol 2sec

    4olumetric flow rate of the compressor ' ).)51 x .0 x308

    273 ' 1.6 m2s

    Grom fig .7 #graph of compressor efficiency, !pagainst volumetric flow rate$ in Cichardson and

    *oulson vol.7, the corresponding flow rate is 75J

    Grom euristics, *ompression ratio is about the same in each stage of a multistage unit,

    ratio ' #3n231$ x 12n, with n stages.

    !fficiencies of reciprocating compressors: 75J at compression ratio of 1.5, 95J at .), and )-

    5J at -7. !fficiency of large centrifugal compressors at suction is 97-9J. The compression

    ratio is 1.5 and the compressor is not very large.

  • 8/10/2019 Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser


    3ower '0.206* 267.73

    65 ' 0.5 " 2s ' 0.5 "%

    E!er#$ required per +our' 0.5 x 7)) ' )5,056.0 " ' )5.07 M

    The specific power consumption "%2TC is a useful indicator of the performance of refrigeration

    system. Ny measuring refrigeration duty performed in TC and the

    "ilo%att inputs, "%2TC is used as a reference energy performance indicator.

    Therefore, Spe&i"i& po>er &o!su'pio! 'power cons-mption



    10.37 ' .1

    !ffectively, the overall energy consumption would be towards:

    *ompressor "%

    *hilled water pump "%

    *ondenser water pump "%

    *ooling tower fan "%, for induced 2 forced draft towers

    The specific power consumption for certain TC output would therefore have to include:

    *ompressor "%2TC

    *hilled water pump "%2TC

    *ondenser water pump "%2TC

    *ooling tower fan "%2TC

    The overall "%2TC is the sum of the above.

    I!e#raed Par Load Value IPLV4

  • 8/10/2019 Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser


    Dlthough the "%2 TC can serve as an initial reference, it should not be ta"en as an absolute value

    since this value is derived from 1))J of the euipment[s capacity level and is based on design

    conditions that are considered the most critical. These conditions occur may be, for example,

    during only 1J of the total time the euipment is in operation throughout the year.

    *onseuently, it is essential to have data that reflects how the euipment operates with partial

    loads or in conditions that demand less than 1))J of its capacity. To overcome this, an average

    of "%2TC with partial loads ie Integrated 3art Load 4alue #I3L4$ have to be formulated.

    The I3L4 is the most appropriate reference, although not considered the best, because it only

    captures four points within the operational cycle: 1))J, 95J, 5)J and 5J.

    Gurthermore, it assigns the same weight to each value, and most euipment usually operates at

    between 5) J and 95J of its capacity. This is why it is so important to prepare specific analysis

    for each case that addresses the four points already mentioned, as well as developing a profile of

    the heat exchanger[s operations during the year.

    Lea7 qua!i"i&aio!

    Gor rotary compressors, there is an easy way to estimate the amount of lea"age in the system.

    This method involves starting the compressor when there are no demands on the system #when

    all the air -operated, end-use euipment is turned off$. D number of measurements are ta"en to

    determine the average time it ta"es to load and unload the compressor. The compressor will load

    and unload because the air lea"s will cause the compressor to cycle on and off as the pressure

    drops from air escaping through the lea"s. Total lea"age #percentage$ can be calculated as


    Lea"age #J$ ' *100

    + t

    %here T ' on-load time #minutes$

  • 8/10/2019 Chemical Engineering Design of a Partial Condenser


    t ' off-load time #minutes$

    Lea"age will be expressed in terms of the percentage of compressor capacity lost. The

    percentage lost to lea"age should be less than 1) percent in a well- maintained system. 3oorly

    maintained systems can have losses as high as ) to ) percent of air capacity and power.

    Gor accuracy, ta"e F V FGG times for ( 1) cycles continuously.

    Gor a lea"age of 5J and a load time of 1.5 mins

    Lea"age #5 J$ '1.5*100


    t ' .5 mins

    Gor the compressor capacity of 1.6 m2s ' 99.0 m2min

    Lea"age capacity '1.5*77.4

    1.5+28.5 ' .9 m2min