Chelsea Achig Sofía Mancheno Doménica Córdova Allison Muñoz Ariana Bonilla Melissa Tulcán.

Chelsea Achig Sofía Mancheno Doménica Córdova Allison Muñoz Ariana Bonilla Melissa Tulcán ALFARO PRESIDENCY

Transcript of Chelsea Achig Sofía Mancheno Doménica Córdova Allison Muñoz Ariana Bonilla Melissa Tulcán.

Page 1: Chelsea Achig Sofía Mancheno Doménica Córdova Allison Muñoz Ariana Bonilla Melissa Tulcán.

Chelsea AchigSofía ManchenoDoménica CórdovaAllison MuñozAriana Bonilla Melissa Tulcán


Page 2: Chelsea Achig Sofía Mancheno Doménica Córdova Allison Muñoz Ariana Bonilla Melissa Tulcán.

FIRST PERIOD 1897-1901 General of Ecuador since 1895 and

leader of the liberal revolution of Ecuador (1895-1924)

known as “Viejo Luchador” On June 5, 1895, the people of

Guayaquil is against interim President Vicente Lucio Salazar and Supreme Leader appoints him, so Eloy Alfaro returns to the country from exile in Panama and begins the liberal revolution and a short civil war with the conquering power.

Page 3: Chelsea Achig Sofía Mancheno Doménica Córdova Allison Muñoz Ariana Bonilla Melissa Tulcán.

His most important legacy was the defense of democratic values.

Territorial integrity of Ecuador. Secularism( laicismo) and

modernization of Ecuadorian society, through new ideas.

New ideas in education, transportation and communication systems

Characteristics of Eloy Alfaro

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First Government: From the June 5,

1895 to August 31, 1901. During this first period Alfaro administration

signed the "Agreement Harman“

Work Guayaquil to Quito Railway

Education: with "Coronel Luciano Coral Morillo" he create “Colegio Bolivar” being the first secular school in the country.In 1907 the School of Arts and Crafts1897 the National Institute "Mejia" 1897 the National Institute "Mejia"

Page 5: Chelsea Achig Sofía Mancheno Doménica Córdova Allison Muñoz Ariana Bonilla Melissa Tulcán.
Page 6: Chelsea Achig Sofía Mancheno Doménica Córdova Allison Muñoz Ariana Bonilla Melissa Tulcán.

(January 16, 1906- December 31, 1907)DATA•This second administration was very opposed, not only by conservatives but also by the very liberal; distinguishing between them, which formed the fraction of named termism•Since the beginning of the first period of Plaza, liberalism was divided into two irreconcilable camps: the alfarismo and termism. This political split much evil, for half a century


Page 7: Chelsea Achig Sofía Mancheno Doménica Córdova Allison Muñoz Ariana Bonilla Melissa Tulcán.

ALFARO DROP•General Eloy Alfaro was about to be killed, and put salvation seeking asylum in the Embassy of Chile.

•The disturbance lasted three days and three nights and unfortunately had to lament a few victims.

•The Congress accepted the resignation of Alfaro, and the next day became President of the Republic, the President of the Senate Dr. Carlos Freile Zaldumbide.

•On September 1, 1911 began to serve as President of the Republic Mr. Emilio Estrada, declared as legally elected.

•The General Alfaro went to Panama, where he set up his new residence.

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WORKS•This General Administration Alfaro, the following works were performed: •In 1908 opened the Southern Railway•He 1'700 000 Drinking Water sucres Quito•Guayaquil endowed pipeline• Opened in the store today Recoleta occupies the Ministry of Defense of Ecuador provided the weaponry. •He plans to lift our border and provided appropriate to various military buildings.

EDUCATION•In 1898, founding of the girls' school in Esmeraldas.•In 1898, completion of the School of Vinces. - Construction of school buildings Cuicocha, Arenal, Imantag, San Gabriel, Mulalillo, Guambaló. - In 1898, he founded the Commercial School in Quito; Local School and College Alausí Cayambe.•In 1899, he created the Military School of Music in Quito and opens the College "Eloy Alfaro" Babahoyo.•In 1901, local set to run normal schools and Manuela Cañizares Montalvo, The College building Vicente Rocafuerte of Guayaquil.•In 1906, he inaugurated the Workshop School of Arts and Crafts in Latacunga, the Institute of Daule Vicente Piedrahita, Liceo Juan Montalvo in Chone. In Montecristi College is founded in Ibarra Eloy Alfaro and Normal Institute for Boys.

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Page 10: Chelsea Achig Sofía Mancheno Doménica Córdova Allison Muñoz Ariana Bonilla Melissa Tulcán.

Is a liberal party in Ecuador and is one of the oldest existing political parties in Ecuador

The party evolved out of divisions between moderate and radical liberals in the Liberal Party of Ecuador.

As in many Latin American countries, Ecuador has experienced much conflict, often violent, between the Liberal and Conservative parties.

Eloy Alfaro brought the Liberal Party to power during the revolution of 1895. In 1925, the Liberal Party was officially founded as the Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party.

Page 11: Chelsea Achig Sofía Mancheno Doménica Córdova Allison Muñoz Ariana Bonilla Melissa Tulcán.

Over the next 50 years several of its members served as presidents of Ecuador.

The party was in power from 1895 to 1911, from 1921 to 1952 and from 1960 to 1970. During each period of power the party was overthrown by military coups. In 2002, the PLRE participated in the presidential elections, with the party's candidate, Ivonne Juez de Baki, receiving 1.77% of the vote. However, as the party was unable to fulfill the necessary 5% of votes required to remain a valid political entity, the PLRE ceased to officially exist.

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Nonetheless, the PLRE retains recognition for its important role in Ecuadorian history and has reputedly inspired several other political parties. Similarly, the PLRE's founding leader, Eloy Alfaro, is still widely revered in Ecuador.

In 2008, a political party with the same name was registered for the 2009 presidential elections.

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The end of the revolution

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García Moreno’s conservative reign arguably gave the Roman Catholic Church more power in Ecuador during the nineteenth century than it had in any other country in the world.

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Alfaro was the contradistinction of Moreno, and their differences were further accentuated by their historical juxtaposition.

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Ecuador suffered a bloody civil war in which Catholic Church regularly urged its faithful masses to rise in rebellion against the Liberals.

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A prolonged war was avoided largely because of the efforts of Catholic Archbishop Federico González Suárez, who urged the Church stay out of politics.

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Ecuador’s political situation remained tumultuous even after the defeat of the conservatives, as a result of political infighting within the PLR.

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Most remember Alfaro as the central figure in the Liberal Revolution, though, in reality, he grudgingly shared control of the PLR with General Leónidas Plaza Gutiérrez and the two vied for the party’s leadership until Alfaro’s death at the hands of a Plaza-instigated mob.

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After Alfaro’s murder, Plaza served a second presidential term, however, by this point the coastal agricultural and banking interests, popularly known as la Argolla , controlled the PLR more than Plaza did.

Causes of The Liberal Revolution:

And though la Argolla publicly advocated the Liberal cause, in practice it did little more than use the PLR and the Government to line its own pockets.

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La Argolla’s abuse of power combined with the decline in world demand for Ecuadorian products pitched the country into a severe economic depression.

Ecuador’s worsening economic situation and

the popular unrest it manifested set the

stage for a bloodless coup d’état in July 1925that officially marked

the end of Liberal rule.

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Church turned factory during the transition from Conservatism to Liberalism.

After the Liberal Revolution and thirty years of Liberal rule, the Catholic Church lost much of its hold on Ecuador.

Consequences of The Liberal Revolution:

Roman Catholicism was no longer the constitutionally mandated state religion, education was secularized, and civil marriage and divorce were legalized.

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In addition to tethering the

Catholic Church, the era of Liberal rule sparked the

development of Ecuador’s infrastructure and


Alfaro and subsequent Liberal Administrations completed a number of important public projects such as the

Quito-Guayaquil Railway.