Cheers for your Peers App - Free SAP Training

Cheers for your Peers App Gareth Banks OpenSAP Design your own Fiori App in the Cloud Develop Challenge User Story Today many businesses are recognising the importance of fostering an organisational climate where values such a team work, credibility and exceptional effort need to be recognised and rewarded. Recognition needs to come from not only management but from those who directly and indirectly interact with the employees on a daily basis. Who best to nominate that employee themselves! However the process of conducting employee surveys or collating information via email or interviews about which employee’s should be nominated can be time-consuming and most often done out of duty or at the last moment. Often employees notice a colleague living out a value and by the time they get the chance to nominate them via traditional methods (email or a quarterly survey) they have forgotten all about it leading to a missed opportunity to encourage values. What is needed to an application that not only invites employees to nominate their peers, but is easy to use and allows them nominated a colleague as a when a value is recognised. Nominations via the application are open for a specified time period after which the results are collected, analysed and a winner is selected. This is my attempt to improve the user experience of an application currently deployed within my organisation which will lead to an increase in nominations. Main areas of improvement being: Employee search feature. Currently users have to type in the name, job title and department of the employee they wish to nominate which is a major deterrent when a either is not known. Value definitions. Currently users have to exist the current screen to view the definitions of each value which are presented in numerous text boxes. Segmentation: This app could be used by all industries and companies. Targeting: This app will be targeted towards those companies who place emphasise on recognising and rewarding employee values Positioning: This app will be optimised to afford users the ability to nominate fellow colleagues as and when the need arises. POV Judy, the HR Manager needs a way to quickly nominate a colleague for the Cheers for Your Peers award for the exceptional service received from Paul a service engineer who helped her with a printer problem before she forgets.

Transcript of Cheers for your Peers App - Free SAP Training

Cheers for your Peers AppGareth BanksOpenSAP Design your own Fiori App in the CloudDevelop Challenge

User Story

Today many businesses are recognising the importance of fostering an organisational climate where values such a team work, credibility and exceptional effort need to be recognised and rewarded. Recognition needs to come from not only management but from those who directly and indirectly interact with the employees on a daily basis. Who best to nominate that employee themselves!

However the process of conducting employee surveys or collating information via email or interviews about which employee’s should be nominated can be time-consuming and most often done out of duty or at the last moment. Often employees notice a colleague living out a value and by the time they get the chance to nominate them via traditional methods (email or a quarterly survey) they have forgotten all about it leading to a missed opportunity to encourage values.

What is needed to an application that not only invites employees to nominate their peers, but is easy to use and allows them nominated a colleague as a when a value is recognised. Nominations via the application are open for a specified time period after which the results are collected, analysed and a winner is selected.

This is my attempt to improve the user experience of an application currently deployed within my organisation which will lead to an increase in nominations.

Main areas of improvement being:• Employee search feature. Currently users have to type in the name, job title and department of

the employee they wish to nominate which is a major deterrent when a either is not known.• Value definitions. Currently users have to exist the current screen to view the definitions of each

value which are presented in numerous text boxes.

Segmentation: This app could be used by all industries and companies.Targeting: This app will be targeted towards those companies who place emphasise on recognising and rewarding employee valuesPositioning: This app will be optimised to afford users the ability to nominate fellow colleagues as and when the need arises.


Judy, the HR Manager needs a way to quickly nominate a colleague for the Cheers for Your Peers award for the exceptional service received from Paul a service engineer who helped her with a printer problem before she forgets.

OpenSAP Design Challenge Cheers for Your Peers Gareth Banks


User Experience Journey

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• Design Performance Incentives • Boost Employee Morale • Increase number of nominations for Cheers for your

Peers awards • Increase Accountability

• Administer compensation, benefits and performance management systems, and safety and recreation programs.

• Identify staff vacancies and recruit, interview and select applicants.

• Allocate human resources, ensuring appropriate matches between personnel.

Not getting buy-in from managers and employees to use the current app due to it not being easy to use and requiring to much effort particularly in having to type in employee names, job titles and department.

Executives and senior managers of and employee within each respective shared service.

An app that allows for the easy nomination of employees for the quarterly Cheers for your Peers award and that drives the values established by management.

HR Manager - Shared Services

15 years HR consulting. Has a passion for personal development and known for getting things done. Always on the go and believes in leading by example.

To see people taking initiative and people being rewarded for going beyond what’s required.

Judy Star

OpenSAP Design Challenge Cheers for Your Peers Gareth Banks



Link to study in SAP BUILD:

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OpenSAP Design Challenge Cheers for Your Peers Gareth Banks

WEB IDE Prototype

Home PageDesign Component: - sap.m.SplitApp Floor-plan- Master-Detail app with Icon Tab Filter- sap.m.semantic.SemanticPage

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OpenSAP Design Challenge Cheers for Your Peers Gareth Banks

Enabled the onSearch event….

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OpenSAP Design Challenge Cheers for Your Peers Gareth Banks

Values Icon TabDesign Components:- sap.m.customList with type “Navigation” with “onLineItemPressed” event- sap.m.CheckBox- sap.m.MessageBox

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OpenSAP Design Challenge Cheers for Your Peers Gareth Banks

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OpenSAP Design Challenge Cheers for Your Peers Gareth Banks

Comments Icon TabDesign Components:- sap.m.label- sap.m.Input to capture description- sap.m.Semantic.PositiveAction for the Submit button with “onButtonClick” function- sap.m.MessageToast

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OpenSAP Design Challenge Cheers for Your Peers Gareth Banks

Run ConfigurationsUsing the With Frame option in preview mode and selecting the small view we can test the UX of the app on the mobile device which is what we’re primarily developing the app for so that user can nominate peers on-the-spot.

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