CHECKERS, jSUW FIRM! Fields,€¦ · o o 3H)c lUcckln Enterprise. OREGON CITY BUSINESS. OREGON CITY...

o o MISCELLAXEO US. OREGON CITY BUSINESS. OREGON CITY BUSINESS. 3H)c lUcckln Enterprise. OREGON CITY BUSINESS. CLARK GREENMAN, AVllIamette Lodge No. 131. O. G. T. Meets every Saturday evening, at the rooms S.E. corner of Main and Fifth streets, at 7 2 o'clock. Visiting members are inritcd to attend. By order of "W. C. T. tregm Lod;o jfo. 3, I. O. or O. K. RKDINGTON A CO. Essence of Jamaica Ginger r I Ml I Valuable preparation. eoiolg la 1 a highly couccntrated form mil the prop- erties of the Jamaica Ginger, has f the most popnlar domestic remedies" for an liaeases of the stomach .. . . and digestive l.kl orjraB. all Couktt Cocrt -- Judge W. T. Matlock pre- sidingconvenes on Monday next at 9 o'clock a. m. Citt Council. The regular meeting of the City Council will be held on Monday eve- ning next. New Saloon. The Cosmopolitan, card of which appears elsewhere in this pa- per to-da- ia decidedly an elegant saloon. It is located in Carter' fine brick, aud the interior decorations correspond with that splendid structure. The What Cheer. Messrs Lyon Leonard A Co., of the What Cheer House, Portland, present their card to the reader of the E.VTBRPitiSB T 'Personal cxperi-eHc- es lead to an endorsement of the What Cheer. Back Again. Mr. Hugh Reams requests us to announce that h is back and will aoon resume lua occupation, as a fash- ionable boot aud ahoe-inake- r, in Oregon O O c o J. WELCH, DENTIST. Permanently Located at Orsgon City, Oregon. Rooms with Dr. Saffarans, on Main stree. LINCOLN BAKERY: AVeat Siae Street, Oregon City Oregon. L. DILLER Proprietor. HAVING REMOVED INTO MI NEW BUILDING! T WOULD INFORM TUE PUBLIC THAT JL I still continue the manufacture of BREAD, TIES, CAKES, PILOT BREAD, Boston, Butter, Sugar and Soda CHECKERS, c, etc., ic. In addition to which 1 will keep constantly on baud a large stock ot the best staple and FAMILY GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Sec. I am also ageut for the celebrated Dursery FLOWER GARDEN! of H.MILLER. Milwaukie, and am prepared to supply orders for Flowers and Shrubbery at the Jiu.raerv prices. " " l:lyl L. DILLER. CITY BAKERY ! Ma IX STREET, OR EG OX CITY. BARLOW & FULLER, (Successors to Wortman & Sbeppard,) Keep constantly on hand CAKES! JMES! BREAD! And Cracker of all kinds! Orders in this Line will meet with PROMPT ATTENTION I BARLOW & FULLER Also keep on hand all kinds of FAMILY GROCERIES! AND PROVISIONS ! STEAMBOAT STORES! And all Articles ut;ed for Culinary Purposes ! BARLOW & FULLER Sell a fine assortment of LIQUORS AND TOBACCO ! By the Case, or at retail ! Attention is also directed in the fact that noliody else sells the FAMOUS GLEASON CHEESE ! IN SHORT ! Farmers and the public generally, are in- vited to call at the City Bakery, where the truth will be made apparent that our stock is complete, and our prices reasonable. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for good- -. BARLOW A FULLER. Oregon City, Jan. 9th, (12:1 LOttl 't A. AI.BRIUHT, EXCELSIOR MARKET ! Corner of Fourth and Main Sts., Oregon City Oregon. rpAKK THIS METHOD OF INFORMING JL the public that mey keep constantly on hand all kinds fresh and salt meats, such as BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, CORNED BEEF, HAMS, PICK E LED PORK. LARD, And every thing else to be found in their lis of business. LOG US A ALBRIGHT. Oregon City. April 2nh, lSrtT. f2:lT CENTRAL 22& MARKET (Late May? Marlet,) Removed to the lower story of the late Court House, under the Enterprise office. Main Street Oregon City The undirsigned will keep on hand all the varieties of fresh and cured meats: Poultry, Vegetables, Corned Beef and Pork, Bacon, Hams, Lord, Tallow, J-- e A liberal share of patronage is solicited as we expect to keep as good an assortment and of as good quality, as the country afl'ordt., which will ba delivered to purchasers at anj reasonable distance in the city. :J) RYAN A MAYER. THE MUTUAL jLsite Insurance Co. OF NEW YORK. Incorporated 18 13. Frederick S. AVinttoa, Pre4dTet. Assets, $2,000,CO'J Cash. Annual Income, over $6,000,000. Cash Dividend (Feb. 1, l&t7.) f 2,m,0u0.75. Policy Holders the Sole Stockholders. To Farmers and others : Gentlsmsn : Every good and true man should have a provision for himself during his advanced years, and for his family in case of his death. His anxious desire can be accom- plished by becoming a policy holder in the above Company. A small annual payment will relieve you of all future care for the temporal comfort of you ravel rea and those dear ones dependent upon your daily labor ; and you will also become stockholders in the Mutual, sharing in the profits of this most admirable institution. This field is now open to you all for a golden harvest. Sow your seed whilst you are able, so that wheu old age comes upon you the harvest loitv keep your declining days in comfort; and whea the scythe ot death sweeps you from the Geld t life, yotir lat thought may be blessed with the knowledge that a pru- dent investment has enabled your little ones to start in life indepeudot of the cold char- ities of the world. References in Oregon City : Thos. Char-man- , Esq., and Dr. Barclay, M. I). JAMES H. BUTLER and RICHARD W. HEATH, Jr., Agents fur a and the Territories. Olbce: Front street. Portland. Frkd. CnARMAX Agent, Oregon City. nS Sheriff 's Sale. VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION is- sued BT out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon. Cur the county of Clacka- mas, to me directed, m favor of JamesSmith and against Alfred Spicer, for the sum of $1,922 G. and interest and costs, I have this lth day of December, 1SS7, levied on tho fellowing described piece or parcel of land, to-wr- The aouth half of the north east quarter, anc the north half of the south east quarter, of section twenty-two- , T. ,r S. R. 1 L, containing one hundred and sixty acres, and ou Saturday, the first day of February, lfcf8, at 10 o'clock A. M of said day, at the Court House door, in Oregon Citv in said county, I will ell the same, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, to satisfy said execution, interest and costa.and cost f sale. WM. I BURNS, SherifT of Clackamas Couuty. imivrixo r&tly Jon at the ENTERPRISE OFFICE. TOWlf AXD t'Ol'STY. The Gitt School. We call at tention to the following report of the term ending Dec. 24th 1867 which has been kindly furnished us by Mr. The Roll of I ope, the Principal.0 Honor; we are informed, is preserved vrith the records of the school, and will be a proud-memoria- l for those pupils who, by their own zel and good conduct, have placed their namej.upon it.. Tfiose pupils whose names appear on the following Roll of Honor have won nimble distin- ctionand deserve commendr-ti- . n for the industry and fidelity whicb V hs placed their names so high. niUngtt DEPABTMKXT. fotal number ia attendance 51 (A verage daily llollof Iunor Haiti Barclay, John Wort-man- , Katie Rarclay, Mollie Barlow, Ions JUflTarrans, Annie Winston, Ellen Sattarrans, Win. Warre i.' Wm. Marshall, Elbou Raudall, Oecan Cosper, Edward Dement. INTeUXBDIATl DSPiSTMIXT. Tatal iumbr in attendance.. .8 Average daily H R!i if Honor Mary Handera, M indwell Rafia'all, Mary DeLiu, Leonora Rout, George Brwugnton, Lewis Log us, Era Cosper, Net-- t e fost,. Frank Taylor, Rachel Fish. William Thomas, Francis Miller, Wm. Wilson. miMABT DBTABTM BUT. Total number n a.teudaaea . .SJ . . " r - r UmllT a v VI J Ksll f Honor. BtlU Potter, Jarata Bar-la- Uexana Fish, Louisa hambran, Saiah Johnson. Afgregats'on 18"5 Average daily attendance. . H5 O S. t). rOfE, 11. A, ., Principal. Tn Lxai Year Uall. The ball .given at th Cliff House on New Year Ere wm a magnificent hffir an undoubted success The spacious dining hall was filled at an early hour by a festive throng, er.ger to escort the old year out, and usher the Sc?r cYnr in, w ith the sound of music, nnd tlie natter of merry fet. The ladies ever pretty, the grntlemen weru good natured, the music wg grand and not witl.standiiig the ii. clemency of riic weather, every thing ' went as merry a a marriage bell" till the " wee sma' hours of morning" when nil went home. "To sleep perchance to dream." Ir30.val. Wr had a friendly call from our old frkud Stanford Ctpps, Eq., of Oro Kino; who is spending a few weeks visiting his old friends in thi country, after havii.g been absent sixteen years. We nre gUd to find thnt life in the mountains has not spoiled those social qusjitita which al trays made him the prince of good fellows. lie reports the mines at Oro Fino as paying better than they did in 1831. A; Lire I'kesk.nt. It is pretty generally known in town that the only real live present of the evening, on the 24th at the M. E. Church, was for the Editor of the Enterprise. The poor we should gay Jut ammal lore this inscription ' Well, if I am for the Printer, than am I a gone 0 yoost, and I suppose his D 1 wili be after "me." lt ussalargo white one f tbe male gender, anil was a good offset to the melodies of Mother Goose, presented to Bro. Hums on a recent occasion. Mocht Tlkasant. We leans that the people generally enjoyed the hol- idays at- - Moant -- Pleasant, in this county. A CUristtKas tree was erected at the church, and many presents given away. The M. E. Church held quarterly meeting there for several days, awaking quite au interestln re ligious matters IIorsks Drowned. On Tuesday before Christmas a team of valuable horses belonging to Mr. Samuel Al- len of Marion county, were" drowned in Rutte Creek, bv the falling of the bridge. The driver, .Mr, osmuel Newman of this city, escaped with a flight sprain or two. Scddxk Dk at . Mr. G. A. Arco, aalooti keeper of this city, was found dead in his bed on the morning of the 3.1. He was in his usual benlth at 1130 the night before. The Coroners Jury returned a verdict of dea th 'by" apoplexy. A 4i preliminary" Injunction has been granted by the agreement of the 1 T. Co , vs. N. Ilnun, tt al, says h Herald, and in February the right of the P. T. Company to the exclusive use of the b:sin aud channel leading lo the will be tested. The city school will reopen on Monday morning the Cthinst., under the charge of S. D. Pope, C. A. principal, Mr. N. W. Randall, teach er deportment, and Miss II. Pambran, teacher of pria. ry department. Oh Eit. We see no account, in the Portland dailies, of nuptial cere monies on the Jst, ia which it is ra rnorefl ama of the prominent citizens of this place took part. New School. It should be rec- ollected that on Monday oext the ichool of B. Cornelius, A. M , will open in this city. We are under obligations' to Messenger II. A. Siegfried for yala able favors newspoporial. The steamer Lewiston will prob, ably take to water to-da- above this city, CHAS. UOllCI. .CBAS. . CALEF. .BBO. W. IXBLl ! HODGE, CALEF 2c Co., DEALERS IX DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAISTS, OILS, AKD WINDOW GLASS, YARXISHES, BRUSHES, PAINTERS'. Matsnats, ana druggists' Sutulri. 97 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS! A Pure and Powerful Tonic, Corrective and Alterative, of wonder-- f nl efficacy tn diseases of like STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. PROTECTIVE PROPERTIED. Prevents Fever and Ague and Billious Re- mittent Fevers ; fortifies the system against Miasma and the evil efTecta of unwholesome water ; invigor- ates the organs ot digestion and the bowels; Steadies the .Veivti aud tends to Pro- long Lfe. REMEDIAL PROPERTIES. Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Sick and Nervous Headache, General Debility, Nervousness, Depression of Spirits, Constipation, Colic, Intermit- tent Fevers, Sea Sickness, Cramps and Spasms, and all complaints of either sex arising Irom Bodily Weakness, whether inherent in the system or TRODUCED BY SPECIAL CAUSES. "rOTIHKG THAT IS NOT WIIOLE-L- some, genial, and restorative in its na- ture, enters into the composition of 11 STOMACH BITTERS. This popular preparation contains no mineral of any kind ; no deadly botanical element ; no fiery excitant ; but is a combination of the extracts of rare balsamic herbe aud plant, with the purest and mildest of all diflusive stimulants. The week stomacn is rapidly invigorated, and the appetite restored by this tonic, and hence it works wonders in casenof Dyspepsia, and in less confirmed furms of Indigestion. Acting as a gentle aud painless apricnt, as well as upon the liver, it also invariably re- lieves the Constipation superinduced by ir- regular action of the digestive and secretive organs. Persons of feeble habit, liable to Nervous Attacks, Lowness ol Spirits, and Fits ef Languor, find prompt and permament relief from the Bitters. The testimony on this point is conclusive, aud from both sexes. As a Genuine Tonic, HOSTETTER'S BIT-TEK- S produce etfucts which must be erpei or witnessed before they can be fully appreciated. In cases ol Constitutional Weakness, Premature Decay, and Debility aud Decrepitude arising from old age, it ex- ercises the electric iiitluence. Iu the conva- lescent stage3 of all discuses it operates as a delightful mvigorant. When the powers of nature are relaxed, it operates to and them. Last, but not least, it is the only safe stim- ulant, being manufactured from sound and iuocuous materials, and entirely free frorn the acrid elements present more or less ia all the ordinary tonics and stomachics etthe day. SOLD EVERYWHERE. IIODUE, CALEt' & CO., Agrnta, 35:tf.j Portland, Orego. Family lye Colors. Patented October Iflth, 1SJ. PERFECT FAST COLORS. Blck, Dark Green, Black Silk, Light Grren, Dark Blue, Magenta, Light Blue, Maize, French Blue, Maroon, Claret Brown, Orange, Dark Brown, Pink, Light Brown Purple, Snvf Brown, Royal Purple, Cherry, Salmon, Crimson, Scarlet, Dark Drab, Slaie, Light Drab, Solfrrin, Fawn Drab, Violet, Yellow. Light Fawn Drab, yoa. DYK1XG SILIC. Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, flcaxts. Dresses, Ribbons. Gloves, Bonnet. Hats, Feathers, Children'sCLolhing, And all Kinds of Wearing Apparel. A Saving of Eighty per Cent. For 25 cents you can color as many goods as would otherwise cost tivetiajes that sum. Various shades can be produced from the same dye. The process ia simple, and any one can use the dye with perfect success. Directions in English, r rench aud German outside of each package. HOWE & STEVENS, 3"6 Broadway, Boston. a For sale bv Smith A Davis Portland, and by Bell A Tarter, Oregou City. al TO MILKMEN, DAIRYMEN AND STOCK RAISERS. CAKE MEAL THE BEST FEED OIL for increasing the product and richness of Milk, fattening Stock, and fitting it for market. For sale in quantities de- sired. Also, Pure RAW AHD BOILKD UJISEKD OIL, and Ground Paint, designed et- - pccially for outside work, constantly on hand. ALSO, WANTED," CASTOR BEAN'S AND FLAXSEED, for which cash will be paid on delivery. Eacijic Linseed Oil and Lead Works, King street, near Third. San Francisco, 51:tf L. 11. BENCH LEY A CO., Agents. DR. HUTELAND S CELEBRATED SWISS STOMACH BITTERS. TRY cst Purifier of the Blood! T rp A Pleasant Tonic 1 A very Agreeable Drink ! i mn'tr Unsurpassed for acting aarely bat Jt gently n the secretions of the kid-I- T neys, bowels, stomach and liver! For sale at all wholesale and retail liquor drug, and grocery stores. NOBODY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT J. G,. Frisch, Proprietor. Tati.oii A !eniici.. Sole Agents, 3?.ly) 41S Clay t., Sau Francisco SMlTOTTfiEUNiWf '. CELE8RATFD J STOMACH BITTERS!: A M, wii fr frm alcohol and ere 17 hurtful irf tc i TRY A JUDGE i THEM! FOR TRY YOUR THEM! , i The rrtJf k t ia DtiMt with ant THESE biiw-r- . k1 t!,. ' Jsrwln oT viuMe tf.t. lark n4 frrlM im4-- arf.pie to tha ears of nil rfminii ef thei MonMc. hklnrvi. I.irer n4 lwl- - mrL u tivI tie. 0 Korsnleevrjwlji;re. A. KENKU ll'SKX. rHi r. MiKhnfTffB f t MONITOR FLOUR. BARLOW A FULLER, OREGON CITY, hand for sale, m lot to amt purchasers, the celchrate-- i MOIT"R A Sf D Life Insurance . A McCOWX AP.E THE Iocal JOHNSON in Oregon City, of the Pacific Fire Insurance Company.' the best doing business on this st. 'This Company is the only one iu Oregon that Issue Policies aud Adjusts Losses Without referring the case to San Francisco. ALSO, AGENTS OE THE North America Life Insurance Co.! Presenting the most desirable features, having its policies guaranteed by the State of New York. S?" Don't delay attention to these mat- ters unil your property is destroyed by fire, or until you are sick, when you caiuot be insured. Call immediately. ( C. W. POPE & Co., DEALERS IE STOVES, Pumps, Lead Pipe, Host, etc. . . And Manufacturers of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, Main Street, Oregon City. The subscribers would respectfully an- nounce that they keep constantly on hand a Rood assortment of Cookiug, Parlor, Air Tight, and other" stoves, suitablt to this market, which are being Offered at Portland Prices ! Our assortment in this line is large, and em- braces almost any desired pattern, including the BECK, HENRY CLAY, HEARTHSTONE, WESTERN EMPIRE, GREAT REPUBLIC. BLACK KNIGHT, Ac. Roofing and Jobbing of every description done to order, in a manner that cannot fail to suit patrons. In addition to the abov may ba found a good assortment ot Hard- ware, Wuodeuware, etc. C. W. POPE & Co. Oregon City, Anril 20th. JS67. 1. NEW LIGHT S NEW LAMP ! BEST NIGHT LAMP IN USE ! It ATsajr AdvaatagM i FIRST It is and tntirtlu frt fmm or oftnsivt odor whit burniny. SECOXDIt fins Sf-f-t, CU, Whits Li? hi. THlIiDR is CHEAPER tKan, any other Fluid or Oil. LUCINE BURNING FLUID For burningjin the above Lamps, outrivals all other Fluids for LIGHT and ECONOMY. It will not Stain or Greisc Clothes, Carpets, Tables, etc. LUCINE LAMPS AND THE FLUID C.tX BK MAD OF C. W. POPE & Co., OREGON CITY, 1)1 ILEUS IS States, Tintrars, 'Limpi, Oil, Chimnsvs, Lantsrns. dre., ttc. n4:tf NERVE! NERVE! NERVE! The Requirements of the Times ! J. R. RALSTON, HAS IT ! rrMIE OLD ROCK STOKE, THE BEST L Dry Goods house in Oregon the pluek to till every department with aa entire New Winter Sto K ! Joy to the Hungry ! Hard Times Come Again no More ! Great Eall in the price of Goods! J. R. RAISTOJT, At the Rock Store, oc the corner of Main and Fifth streets, Oregon City, has jast re- turned from San Francisco, where he pure U ased a large and well selected stock of DRESS GOODS, WOOLEN PRINTS, WHITE " HOSIERT, BLEACHED SHEETINGS, GENTS' FURNISIING GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, YANKEE NOTIONS, PAINTS OILS, &c, 6zc, &c. t3? At prices hitherto unheard of, lSf By the oldest inhabitant. fssT" Let the People clothe themselves And Rejoice! For the winter cometh. Give him a call and be convinced that the Rock Store is the place to trade. IiATE ARRIVAL ! (F Fall and Winter Stock! At the OLD CORXER. I. SELLING, 0 REG OX CITY, Has just received, and is now opening, all the latest Styles and Patterns Which lu teill sell low, Eor Cuh or Country Produce ! Hit stock Comprises, in part, DRY GOODS, HEADY MADE CLOTHING BOOTS AND SHOES, Mem Ladies'1 Misses and Childrens1 HATS AND CAPS, Groceries.Crockcry, Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys, and Burners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc, Being Hundreds of Other Articles! Too numerous to Mention! Call and examine for yourself. I take pleasure in showing goods, and customers will find the articles at reasonable figures. I. SELLING. , Corner store, opposite the a.lj Tiu aal .o"e t'rrre. City Drayman, OR EG OX CITY. All orders for the delivery of merchandise, or packages and fri-isjl- it ot whatever descrip- tion, to any part of the city,' will be executed promptly and with care. ' K.6m DAVID SMITH, SucctMor to SHU II d- - MA US HALL, Black Smith and Wagon Maker, i Loruer of Main and Third street, - Oregon City Oregon. Blacksmithing in all its branches. Wagon making and repairing. All work warranted to give satisfaetibn. (tt OREGON CITY BREWERY! HENRY HUMBEL, Having purchased the above Brewery, wishes to inform the public that he is now prepared to manufacture a No. 1 quality of LAGER BEER! As good as can be obtained anywhere in the State. Orders solicited and promptly filled. Oregon City, December 2Sth, !?." ICtt jSUW FIRM! JACOB WORTHiX. tkcmas a. riBLfts Wortman & Fields, Ktxt Door to the Post Office, Oregon City,' Orrgon. DEALBES IK Fsiinilj- - Oroceries I Provisions of all Kin d ! Wines and Liquors ! Confectionery, Spices f Canned Emits and Meats ! And all the Favorite Brands of Flour and Sugar ! &S?"The highest market prices j)aid for country produce. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MANUFACTURING CO 31 P A N V. rpiIE ABOVE COMPNAY ARK XOW A producing aquality of WOOLEN GOODS WHICH ABB Superior to any ever before ofired on the Pacific Coast ! Comprising CASSIMEHES, TWEKDS. HAIID TIMES, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, YARN, etc. j F Using only the best grades of Wool. The above goods are offered to the trad on the most tavorable terms. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Address : U. JACOB, Agent, i J0.6in Oregon Citv. Oregon. Or L. WHITE A BUO., Agents at Portland. HOME MADE FURNITURE! Levy & Feciiheimer, Maanfacturers of and Dealers in Farnitars, OKECJOX CITY, rpAKETHIs METHOD OF INFORMING the public that they have now on baud a large invoice of SQUARE AND EXTENSION TABLES, BUREAUS. BED-STEAD- LOUNGES. DSSKS. STANDS, CHAIRS. And various other Qualifies of Rich and Medium Eurniture ! Terming a complete and desirable assort- ment, which merits the attention of buyers! We MANUFACTURE FURNITURE Using good materials, and employing the very best mechanics ia the State, hence we can warrant our goods to be as represented, and we are prepared to fill all orders with promptness. We call the attention ot the public to our salesroom, as containing the most complete assortment ef de&rable grxtds in the State. LEVY fc FECIHIEIMER, 45.1y! Mam street, Oregon City.. HIGHLY IMPORTANT To all wishing Wsions, Csirrisiires, HORSE SHOEING, BLACK-SMITHIN- G, IRON, ETC. John W. Lewis, Garner of MA IX and SECOXD streets, OREGON CITY, Takes this opportunity to inform his old customer", and the public in general, that he now has on hand THE CELBBRATED ""Web-Foot- " Plow ! And other patterns which he warrants in every particular to give satisfaction. The Farming community are especially and earnestly invited to call and sec these im- plements, before purchasing elsewhere. All work in his line is done in the best possible manner, and at such prices as must suit all. In connection with the above de- partment of business the undersigned is also prepared to manufacture Wagons and Carriages o f every kind! in point ol style and durability EQUAL. TO ANY IMPORTED! Having constantly on hand for sale a. large assortment of mat ertal, consisting in part f WAG OX TIMBER. I BOX, STEEL, ETC., The proprietor is Enabled to fill all Orders ! For sneh Articles oh. The Most Favorable Terms. All work from tins establishment, and all material sold ou order, is warranted . , to be S3 represented. - - J. W. LEWIS. MS?- - "ts every Wednesday evening pat 7 o'clock, in the Masonic Hall. Members of the r in rited to attend. By order G. Multnomah lodg ?fo. 1. A. K. and a A. M. Holds its regular rommuni-,s2f- r cations on the Ilrxt and Third Sat' urdny in each month, at 7 o'clock, from the '20th of September to the 2th of March, and 7 o'clock from the 2oth of March to the iiO'.h of September. Brethren lu good standing ar invited to attend. By order of W. M. MACK fc HATCH, DENTISTS, The patronage of those desiring Firtt Clmt Operation, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction iu all case's guaranteed. N. 15. Sitroat Oryde administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Also : the lihlyoUnt Sprat used for those who prefer it. OrincE Corner of Washington and Front streets, Portland. Entrance on Washington street. '.tf Education a i The want of a good pri- vate school for boys and girla between the ages of eight and fifteen years has, doubt- less, been felt by many anxious and intel- ligent parents in Oregon City and its vicinage. . It is confidently hoped that this want may now be effectively met. B. CoRNKiJus, A. M., begs respectfully to an- nounce his intention of opening a Select Private School on improved educational methods in the building commonly known a the Baptist College where will be pre-pr- d for the reception of pupil, on thf fl;st Monday in January next Bcchtel's Photograph Gallert is the only establishment in Oregon that is thoroughly prepared to do all tha different styles of work in the art. Photographs from etrd to life size. The new Cabinet Cards, j Ac, Ac. Small pictures enlarged (retouched in India ink painted in water colors or oil, by Mrs. ri. .1. Rumscy.) All negatives taken in this "gallery w ill be careful iy preserved, that additional copies may be hail. Mr. B. has now on hand a very large collection of negatives, the names of which are recorded alphabetically in a book for tiat purpose, which may be seen in the reception room. Dr. IIostetter's Stomach Bit ters. The operation of this palatable rem- edy upon the stomach, liver and excretory organs is singularly soothing and conserva- tive. It regulates, recruit, and purifies them. Dyspepsia in all its tonus yields ta its control aud invigorating properties, and it is recommended lo mothers, enfeebled by the cares and duties of maternity, as the safest and best remedy they can probably use. In all the crisis of female life it will ba found eminently useful, and elderly persons will derive much more benefit from it than Iroui ordinary stimulants. Sold bv the drug- gists and dealers everywhere. HODGE, CALEF A CO., Agents, 35:tf Portland, Oregon. Glorious News for the Million J Annual Grand Opkxiko of Santa Claus Budget, AT McCORMICK S BOOK STORE ! Where my Headquarters i Have Been Established for the past St: Years, and ichere I icill hold MY A ii 11 ii si 1 Carnival ! During the Coming Holidays ! Bl'DGET FOR THIS SKASO MY comprises the largest stock, with the handsomest Goods and the cheapest prices ! And that all iray observe the CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS, herewith issue my Annual PROCLAMATIO N: I've come, my dear people, among you once more, ' Keeping up the good cuttom established of yore. I bid tos all welcome! I wish you good cheer'. A right Merry C hriiUnas and flippy JVew Year .' You will find me this year as you have liet-tfor- e, At McC'okmick's on Front street the Frajc- - i s Book Stobie ! Where I've opened my Budget 'twas filled to the brim With every nice Toy, tha could taVk, walk, or swim. I've ilusical W-erl- Boxes and Guitars for the fair; And Gifts for the gents that are both rich and rare. Whilst my Budget includes the nicest new toys Intended as gifts to good Girls and Boys! I've the Ark iu which Grandfather Noah was kept When all other creatures from the world were swept. For men m those days would in evil persist. So the world was washed ut by an Oregon ;. I've Babies of rabber, of wax; and of leather. They were all made to order, and well put together; I've Vases and cups, nicely gilded outside, And little Iioek Horses, for Bobbies to ride; I've Cannon and Pistols, which cannot ex- plode. For the reason thev bold neither wadding or load. I've steamboats that run you just wind them in front. And they'll beat the Gaseade or the WilsonG. Hunt! I've a new Locomotive it can never explode, 'Twaa built for the use of G.istou's railroad, I've Engines that play net them down on the Floor And they'll throw greater streams than old 'A or new 1. I've Furnituie. Fiddles, and French Fusilecrs Soldiers that look like B. B. Pioneers. I've swords made of tin guus and pistols as well Andau?w kind of Drum, tS at rings like a. bell. I've Masks of all sizes I've Grace Hoops, galore, And you'll find at McCormlcks a thousand Toys more. On Front strtst the store is 10S I Where to a are as plenty as bees in a hive ; Go there and buy them this is mv request, His prices are low, and his stock is the best. Given in my Pnlace at Wonderlan, ( T'" ) 3'1'th day of the eleventh, month - L.. - being the tirst year of the reign of ' --v ' Gorge tha Third iu Web Foot SASTA CLAl'S. Per Bejcjakiv Fratx:, T.lmJ Kcrprtr et tht fjtra! Seal. . . As a tonic it will be lonna hitsisiow reeoeering from debilit, wbether produced by fever or otherwise, for whiUt imparts to the system all the glow and that can be produeed by wine or brandy, it entirely free from the reactionary effssa follow the use of spirits of any kind. It is also an excellent remedy for fewalea who suffer from difficult mtnatroatien. rii( almost immediate relief to the spaaisa tfcat sw frequently accompany that period. It trivei immediate relief to aae. mmtm by s, etc. It isalsojeloabls a M external application for Gont, Kbeaiuatiaat, Neuralgia, etc. REDINGTON A CO. J7.It 1 Sole Agents for the Paeifle Co-- e, " MARTHA WASHINGTON " HAIR RESTORES. Trust none other, howe'or pleasant. None can do what this has done. Try it alwaye keep it present Use the Martha Washington. IT WILL KEEP THE H AIM, IT itt and srlossjr Change It Its Original Color Pre rent It IS falling oat Make old newi NOT look yonns; and do all n.nfji expected of a caaalnr, , A Hair Restorer. "O DYE. REDHCTON S( Co., A gen.. San Franc " MARTHA WASHINGTON " HAIK RESTORER Is the wonder of the world, and staada above comparison with any other article fr the hair ever brought before the public. I--T Sold everywhere. REDINGTOX'S FLAVO RING EX T Ii A CTKI Are made from Krealt Fruits. KV bottle holds twice as much as any otVr brand in the market, consequently t.e are the cheapest and the best. Vac no other. REDIKGTOK k C., Agents fr the fsveifie Co as. I1Y WILL YOU DELAY w We ere sorry that there are pereons who a3er on day by day month after tnenth, and year by var,wfeen friends acd neighbors have been eared of the malady that afflicts then, Kor( it has been proved by sabstao-tia- l evidence that SCOVILL'3 BLOOD AND LIVER SYRUP will tore tle worst case of aertif' - ula, Cauker, Rbeumatieno, 'a-ralgi- a, etc.; jet still there are 8 - O those who neglect .this saire and O valuable remedy. To such we say, try the svropand be eonvineel. 2ED1XGTGX A Co., Ageat. il sad 418 Front street Ran Fraaeiseo. ORAEFEXI3ERO UTERINE CATIIOLICO 5T. If faithfully used accoHiog to dirsetirvua will cure every case of Diabetes, end greTr" mitigate the troublesome effect eanaed by relaxation of the outlet of the bladder. It .a most successful remedy for gravel and vtki diseases of the kidneys and bladder, sad tt Female diseases is unequalled. The Cathoitcon uniformly cure Prolapma Uteri, Whites, all irregularities of the Moutw-l- r period, suppression, ineotitmerKreof Una. Bloating, and Dropsical swellings, and all diseases of pregnancy. The apecilic action ef this medicine is imminent and certain, if- -a the Uterine and abdominal muscles audli-.-mcnt- s restoring them to as healthy a sts as those of childhood and youth, so that f a tienU who have nsed the Greefenberg Cen ft ny's Uterine Catholicoa. ennoot sufficient-- , y express their gratitude for the relief affordad. REDrNGTON' k Co., AgtfltS, 41 C and 413 Front street, San Franciss STOP THATJ501IGHIN3 come op yot; r.t ifT, asd we riTT l3 you. Tou liava tii;d every nmtdr but Aba OXJt dtilinod, ly Ms intrinsic merit, tn snperseda alt mm-il- ir pretwraUona. It is not aurtnrinx i a Uoa!J S rrluctant to try romeiliini; ! flar Ihn maay fsrimetU you have matla X traWiy t Ioisi& ea the pu'wlia as a crlaia car; kit NEWELL'S Pulmoiiary Syrui rfoKy tlio VERY JtKST ypr4y evrreomrat-- 4 for the cure f I'wnch. C'.11. .ore Thrnt. Atei. WhoopiiisCnurh. Ilmnehiiw anil t'inm(ii. ?anli uf e..).f 111 Calirnrnia ani Orswn lia fc.-- n already bii.e3lt;i ty tha aarprUiEJ eunoiye eet NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup and with ne 'l cie it thir v,a!i-- ' We r.'crts nrslTi tn 'l- - areeJ arquamtel with this, th crr.iirt r ia flhiijV" Ur the healin; ef oil tUrt- - ef " sTWea'sW" Lun;s, siwuriBij B lli.-.-l . ' t NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup has cured tnva,aii'.3 and it wiU cr TOV if ye t- - it. ' This !Ta!::bie r'.edioire ia rleaajt t sootUint', litnlin anj ..(ret gihi-um-j in its eBi-ct--- ; tircly free from all fx)iAaous w 'Utrt i li.l y.nTlCAy Ij.nntilrs nlr all cireum Han. eenirlreimi frm many prvmtrwei iiuar f Traacico tccun:a:ijf evety bolU ef O NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup Family Dtk Colors. The most useful and welcome articles to be found in almost every household in the land, are the Family Dye Colors of Howe & Stevens. They can always be relied upon, ar easily ued, and cost but a tntie. Cai-tion- . All persons are caution- ed not to buy or negotiate a certain sheck of the value of $00, npon a bunk in Iowa, drawn in favor of Francis I.ebold, and endorsed by him as the same was lost in Oregon Citv, on tha 2itb, and payment has been stopped.' The finder would confer a favor by leaving it with Capt. j. T. App.rson, of the steamer t nion. Grob'b Institutk. We desire to impress upon tha minds of our readers the fact that tha Musical i.nd Educational Insti- tute ef l'rof Grob, is worthy of liberal pat- ronage. We have long been intimately ac- quainted with ..him, and can honestly attest te his proficiency as a musical scholar, his social qu alitica and kind disposition. Tna Okiginal Paxaratta. The la?t time we recollect seeing "Paxaratta;" Fred. Muller, Eq., he was about to take his dparture for the Atlantic side. Whether he went or not we are uninformed stall events f he did like about everybody else who goes from the Pacific coast he returned, and has again entered into business at Port- land, where his acquired reputation will nyt let him sutler. Merchant Tailoring. M. Sutt land, who commanded the largest salary as a first class Cutter in the city of New York, writes to Barman Bros, thnt he will be here in about six weeks from this date. Barman P.ros. have employed him at an advanced salary, because they were bound to have the best Cutter on the coast. When he arrives their Merchant Tailorir. establishment will be equal to the best in America. New Columbian. We felt deep regret ta learn that the liabilities of Mr. P. H. Sinnott, Proprietor of tha New Columbian at Portlnnd, liad caused a temporary suspen- sion of his business, but are now glad to bear that he is ajtain " oa his pins" better than erer. Mr. Sinnott kept a good hotel and although the past embarrassment has gone upon the paj;es of history, we venture to asert that it will not put one obstacle in the onward march of trogressien, making in tha line of hotel keeping by him. Sea advertisement. Bankkipt DiccisiON-Jud- ge Bond, Register in Bankruptcy at Richmond, has delivered an apinion in regard to applica- tions for bankruptcy, similar to that of Judge Watchword, of N" c w A ork. It is that proper- ty acquired or inherited after an application is tiled is not liable for the debts of the party applving for bankruptcy. The decision it is said, will increase materially the number of applications at Koha A Fishel's, PI Front strr-et- , Portland, for the best quality of gents furnishing, and ladies' dress goods. Architectural.- - It must highly please the admirers of Architecture in Port- land, indeed throughout Oregon, to learn that Mr. John r has changed one mate- rial plan in the construction of his own for- tune. He has amended his original design, and instead o"f going to Illinois, will remain where he is now located. The finest struc- tures in Portland were planned by his skill- ful hand, and nowthat Oregon is just getting out of debt or 'rising to & position which entitles her to those distinctive features in the ornamental world fine buildings we should protest against havng our chief archi- tect pull up leave. Thk Western-- . As will be seen by the card of this popular hcl, which ap- pears elsewhere to-da- Messrs. William H. Sewell and John C. Darcey have taken pos- session. We can hardly say whom to con- gratulate first the pulyTie, er tWe new firm. The Western ha obtained an enviable name, but no doubt much of it is owing to the hos- pitable nianarrs of our friend Sewell, who has been its clerk for three years past. Mr. Darcy. for five years in the employ of the O. S. N. Company upon the upper Columbia, brings with him a name which stamps the new enterprise w ith continued success, rich- ly merited. Daly & Stevens, General Agtnts. Our personal knowledge of the capability and business qualifications of this firm, lead us to c dl the attention of the public to their advertisement in this issue. From ourbim-nes- s relations with these gentlemen, during the year past, we know them to be prompt, energetic and TeliabVc, and the ability and eipericnceof both partners render them com petent to accomplish, with satisfaction to all parties concerned, all business committed to their charge. Mesvs. Daly A Stevens carry on the General Agency business in its varl ous branches collecting and adjusting ac- counts ; baying, selling and leasing real es- tate; house renting; negotiating inland bills; effecting loans, etc. Give them a call, and you will endorse our r eeommendatien. A TiiVE .Story. Tripping down tte stajrway once, long ago, we fell, shatter- ing a large, tigVted flaid lamp. In a moment the blaze wrapped us around like a fiery serpent. Every tragedy has a comic side : Bridget tossed the baby on the bed, and ran for water ; aunt Mary seized the spread to extinguish the flames, and pulled baby down on the floor; Jane came up from the kitchen and put out every light then burning, 'cause the house was alire, fcnd Bridget, returning with a tub of water, tumbled down, upset the water and bumped her nose. Meanwhile we rolled over and over on the floor, till the flame was extinguished, when one arm was found to be terribly burned. Then bow quick'v Davis' Pain killer soothed the pain, and to-da- y, with a hand and arm un marred by any scar. c write the paisea of Pain Killer, valuable for many an ill and ache. Manchester, X II., Fiery" Month. Allens'Lung Balsam The rem dy for curing consumption, asthma, croup, diseases of the throat, bronchitis, pains and oppressions of the chest or lungs, dillicult breathing, and all diseases of the pulmonary organs Its nction is expectorant.altcrative sudorific, sedative, diaphoretic, and diuretic which renders it one of the most valuable remedies known, for the cure of diseases of the lungs It excites expectoration, and causes the lungs to throw off the phlegin changes the secretions, and purifies the b.ood.heals the irritated parts.giTes strength to the digestive organs brings the liver to its proper action, and imparts strength to the whole system. It is warranted to give entire satislection, even in the most confirm- ed cases of consumption, and not to produce cosUeness, as do most remedies, or effect the head, as it contains no opium in any form, it is perfectly harmless to the most delicate child, although an active and power ful remedy for restoring the system. There is no necessity ior so many deaths by con- sumption, when Allen's Lung Balsam will prevent it, if only taken in time. Sold bv all druggist. Price f l per bottle. xi.4 If you wish the very best Cabinet Phovo-baph- s. yoa must calf on Braplet k KcLor-soy- , MojatjjnmTy street, J?do Frac.rvo. B ILL HEAPS PRINTED. At the Enterprise 031??. i. U C S' . i rr

Transcript of CHECKERS, jSUW FIRM! Fields,€¦ · o o 3H)c lUcckln Enterprise. OREGON CITY BUSINESS. OREGON CITY...





AVllIamette Lodge No. 131. O. G. T.Meets every Saturday evening, at the roomsS.E. corner of Main and Fifth streets, at 7 2

o'clock. Visiting members are inritcd toattend. By order of "W. C. T.

tregm Lod;o jfo. 3, I. O. or O. K. RKDINGTON A CO.

Essence of Jamaica Gingerr I Ml I Valuable preparation. eoiolg la1 a highly couccntrated form mil the prop-

erties of the Jamaica Ginger, hasf the most popnlar domestic remedies" for an

liaeases of the stomach. . . . and digestivel.klorjraB.all

Couktt Cocrt --Judge W. T. Matlock pre-

sidingconvenes on Monday next at 9 o'clocka. m.

Citt Council. The regular meeting ofthe City Council will be held on Monday eve-ning next.

New Saloon. The Cosmopolitan,card of which appears elsewhere in this pa-

per to-da- ia decidedly an elegant saloon.It is located in Carter' fine brick, aud theinterior decorations correspond with thatsplendid structure.

The What Cheer. Messrs LyonLeonard A Co., of the What Cheer House,Portland, present their card to the readerof the E.VTBRPitiSB T 'Personal cxperi-eHc- es

lead to an endorsement of the WhatCheer.

Back Again. Mr. Hugh Reamsrequests us to announce that h is back andwill aoon resume lua occupation, as a fash-ionable boot aud ahoe-inake- r, in Oregon







Permanently Located at Orsgon City, Oregon.

Rooms with Dr. Saffarans, on Main stree.


Oregon City Oregon.

L. DILLER Proprietor.


NEW BUILDING!T WOULD INFORM TUE PUBLIC THATJL I still continue the manufacture of



Boston, Butter, Sugar and Soda

CHECKERS,c, etc., ic.In addition to which 1 will keep constantly

on baud a large stock ot the best staple and


PROVISIONS, Sec.I am also ageut for the celebrated Dursery

FLOWER GARDEN!of H.MILLER. Milwaukie, and am preparedto supply orders for Flowers and Shrubberyat the Jiu.raerv prices." "l:lyl L. DILLER.


BARLOW & FULLER,(Successors to Wortman & Sbeppard,)

Keep constantly on handCAKES! JMES! BREAD!

And Cracker of all kinds!

Orders in this Line will meet withPROMPT ATTENTION I

BARLOW & FULLERAlso keep on hand all kinds of


STEAMBOAT STORES!And all Articles ut;ed for Culinary

Purposes !

BARLOW & FULLERSell a fine assortment of

LIQUORS AND TOBACCO !By the Case, or at retail !

Attention is also directed in the factthat noliody else sells the



Farmers and the public generally, are in-

vited to call at the City Bakery, where thetruth will be made apparent that our stock iscomplete, and our prices reasonable. Allkinds of produce taken in exchange forgood- -. BARLOW A FULLER.

Oregon City, Jan. 9th, (12:1



Corner of Fourth and Main Sts.,Oregon City Oregon.rpAKK THIS METHOD OF INFORMINGJL the public that mey keep constantly on

hand all kinds fresh and salt meats, such asBEEF, PORK,


PICK E LED PORK. LARD,And every thing else to be found in their lisof business. LOG US A ALBRIGHT.

Oregon City. April 2nh, lSrtT. f2:lT


(Late May? Marlet,)Removed to the lower story of the late Court

House, under the Enterprise office.Main Street Oregon City

The undirsigned will keepon hand all the varieties offresh and cured meats:

Poultry, Vegetables,Corned Beef and Pork,

Bacon, Hams, Lord, Tallow, J-- e

A liberal share of patronage is solicitedas we expect to keep as good an assortmentand of as good quality, as the country afl'ordt.,which will ba delivered to purchasers at anjreasonable distance in the city.:J) RYAN A MAYER.

THE MUTUALjLsite Insurance Co.

OF NEW YORK.Incorporated 18 13.

Frederick S. AVinttoa, Pre4dTet.Assets, $2,000,CO'J Cash.

Annual Income, over $6,000,000.Cash Dividend (Feb. 1, l&t7.) f 2,m,0u0.75.

Policy Holders the Sole Stockholders.

To Farmers and others : Gentlsmsn :Every good and true man should have aprovision for himself during his advancedyears, and for his family in case of hisdeath. His anxious desire can be accom-plished by becoming a policy holder in theabove Company. A small annual paymentwill relieve you of all future care for thetemporal comfort of you ravel rea and thosedear ones dependent upon your daily labor ;and you will also become stockholders inthe Mutual, sharing in the profits of thismost admirable institution. This field isnow open to you all for a golden harvest.Sow your seed whilst you are able, so thatwheu old age comes upon you the harvestloitv keep your declining days in comfort;and whea the scythe ot death sweeps youfrom the Geld t life, yotir lat thought maybe blessed with the knowledge that a pru-dent investment has enabled your little onesto start in life indepeudot of the cold char-ities of the world.

References in Oregon City : Thos. Char-man- ,

Esq., and Dr. Barclay, M. I).

JAMES H. BUTLER and RICHARD W.HEATH, Jr., Agents fur a and theTerritories. Olbce: Front street. Portland.Frkd. CnARMAX Agent, Oregon City. nS

Sheriff 's Sale.VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION is-

suedBT out of the Circuit Court of theState of Oregon. Cur the county of Clacka-mas, to me directed, m favor of JamesSmithand against Alfred Spicer, for the sum of$1,922 G. and interest and costs, I have thislth day of December, 1SS7, levied on thofellowing described piece or parcel of land,to-wr- The aouth half of the north eastquarter, anc the north half of the south eastquarter, of section twenty-two- , T. ,r S. R. 1

L, containing one hundred and sixty acres,and ouSaturday, the first day of February,

lfcf8, at 10 o'clock A. M of said day, at theCourt House door, in Oregon Citv in saidcounty, I will ell the same, at public auctionto the highest bidder for cash in hand, tosatisfy said execution, interest and costa.andcost f sale. WM. I BURNS, SherifT of Clackamas Couuty.

imivrixo r&tlyJon at the ENTERPRISE OFFICE.


The Gitt School. We call attention to the following report of theterm ending Dec. 24th 1867 which

has been kindly furnished us by Mr.The Roll ofI ope, the Principal.0

Honor; we are informed, is preserved

vrith the records of the school, and

will be a proud-memoria- l for those

pupils who, by their own zel and

good conduct, have placed theirnamej.upon it.. Tfiose pupils whose

names appear on the following Roll

of Honor have won nimble distin-

ctionand deserve commendr-ti- . n

for the industry and fidelity whicb

V hs placed their names so high.niUngtt DEPABTMKXT.

fotal number ia attendance 51(A verage dailyllollof Iunor Haiti Barclay, John Wort-man- ,

Katie Rarclay, Mollie Barlow, IonsJUflTarrans, Annie Winston, Ellen Sattarrans,Win. Warre i.' Wm. Marshall, Elbou Raudall,Oecan Cosper, Edward Dement.


Tatal iumbr in attendance.. .8Average daily HR!i if Honor Mary Handera, M indwell

Rafia'all, Mary DeLiu, Leonora Rout, GeorgeBrwugnton, Lewis Log us, Era Cosper, Net--t

e fost,. Frank Taylor, Rachel Fish. WilliamThomas, Francis Miller, Wm. Wilson.


Total number n a.teudaaea . .SJ .. "r - rUmllT a v VI J

Ksll f Honor. BtlU Potter, Jarata Bar-la-

Uexana Fish, Louisa hambran, SaiahJohnson.

Afgregats'on 18"5

Average daily attendance. . H5O S. t). rOfE, 11. A ,

., Principal.

Tn Lxai Year Uall. The ball.given at th Cliff House on NewYear Ere wm a magnificent hffiran undoubted success The spaciousdining hall was filled at an earlyhour by a festive throng, er.ger toescort the old year out, and usher theSc?r cYnr in, w ith the sound ofmusic, nnd tlie natter of merry fet.The ladies ever pretty, the grntlemenweru good natured, the music wggrand and not witl.standiiig the ii.

clemency of riic weather, every thing' went as merry a a marriage bell"till the " wee sma' hours of morning"when nil went home. "To sleepperchance to dream."

Ir30.val. Wr had a friendlycall from our old frkud StanfordCtpps, Eq., of Oro Kino; who isspending a few weeks visiting his oldfriends in thi country, after havii.gbeen absent sixteen years. We nregUd to find thnt life in the mountainshas not spoiled those social qusjititawhich al trays made him the princeof good fellows. lie reports themines at Oro Fino as paying betterthan they did in 1831.

A; Lire I'kesk.nt. It is prettygenerally known in town that theonly real live present of the evening,on the 24th at the M. E. Church, wasfor the Editor of the Enterprise.The poor we should gay Jut ammallore this inscription ' Well, if I amfor the Printer, than am I a gone

0yoost, and I suppose his D 1 wili beafter "me." lt ussalargo white one

f tbe male gender, anil was a good

offset to the melodies of MotherGoose, presented to Bro. Hums on arecent occasion.

Mocht Tlkasant. We leans thatthe people generally enjoyed the hol-

idays at-- Moant -- Pleasant, in thiscounty. A CUristtKas tree was erected

at the church, and many presentsgiven away. The M. E. Church heldquarterly meeting there for severaldays, awaking quite au interestln religious matters

IIorsks Drowned. On Tuesdaybefore Christmas a team of valuablehorses belonging to Mr. Samuel Al-

len of Marion county, were" drownedin Rutte Creek, bv the falling of thebridge. The driver, .Mr, osmuelNewman of this city, escaped with aflight sprain or two.

Scddxk Dk at . Mr. G. A. Arco,aalooti keeper of this city, was founddead in his bed on the morning ofthe 3.1. He was in his usual benlthat 1130 the night before. TheCoroners Jury returned a verdict ofdea th 'by" apoplexy.

A 4i preliminary" Injunction hasbeen granted by the agreement of the1 T. Co , vs. N. Ilnun, tt al, says

h Herald, and in February the rightof the P. T. Company to the exclusiveuse of the b:sin aud channel leadinglo the will be tested.

The city school will reopen onMonday morning the Cthinst., underthe charge of S. D. Pope, C. A.principal, Mr. N. W. Randall, teacher deportment, andMiss II. Pambran, teacher of pria.ry department.

Oh Eit. We see no account, inthe Portland dailies, of nuptial ceremonies on the Jst, ia which it is rarnorefl ama of the prominent citizensof this place took part.

New School. It should be rec-

ollected that on Monday oext theichool of B. Cornelius, A. M , willopen in this city.

We are under obligations' toMessenger II. A. Siegfried for yalaable favors newspoporial.

The steamer Lewiston will prob,ably take to water to-da- above thiscity,





YARXISHES, BRUSHES, PAINTERS'.Matsnats, ana druggists' Sutulri.

97 Front Street,Portland, Oregon.


BITTERS!A Pure and Powerful Tonic,

Corrective and Alterative, of wonder-- fnl efficacy tn diseases of like


PROTECTIVE PROPERTIED.Prevents Fever and Ague and Billious Re-

mittent Fevers ; fortifies the systemagainst Miasma and the evil efTecta

of unwholesome water ; invigor-ates the organs ot digestion

and the bowels;Steadies the .Veivti aud tends to Pro-


Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Sick andNervous Headache, General Debility,

Nervousness, Depression of Spirits,Constipation, Colic, Intermit-

tent Fevers, Sea Sickness,Cramps and Spasms,

and all complaints ofeither sexarising Irom Bodily Weakness, whether

inherent in the system orTRODUCED BY SPECIAL CAUSES.


some, genial, and restorative in its na-

ture, enters into the composition of 11

STOMACH BITTERS. Thispopular preparation contains no mineral ofany kind ; no deadly botanical element ; nofiery excitant ; but is a combination of theextracts of rare balsamic herbe aud plant,with the purest and mildest of all diflusivestimulants.

The week stomacn is rapidly invigorated,and the appetite restored by this tonic, andhence it works wonders in casenof Dyspepsia,and in less confirmed furms of Indigestion.Acting as a gentle aud painless apricnt, aswell as upon the liver, it also invariably re-

lieves the Constipation superinduced by ir-

regular action of the digestive and secretiveorgans.

Persons of feeble habit, liable to NervousAttacks, Lowness ol Spirits, and Fits efLanguor, find prompt and permament relieffrom the Bitters. The testimony on thispoint is conclusive, aud from both sexes.

As a Genuine Tonic, HOSTETTER'S BIT-TEK- S

produce etfucts which must be erpeior witnessed before they can be fully

appreciated. In cases ol ConstitutionalWeakness, Premature Decay, and Debilityaud Decrepitude arising from old age, it ex-ercises the electric iiitluence. Iu the conva-lescent stage3 of all discuses it operates as adelightful mvigorant. When the powers ofnature are relaxed, it operates toand them.

Last, but not least, it is the only safe stim-ulant, being manufactured from sound andiuocuous materials, and entirely free frornthe acrid elements present more or less iaall the ordinary tonics and stomachics ettheday. SOLD EVERYWHERE.

IIODUE, CALEt' & CO., Agrnta,35:tf.j Portland, Orego.

Family lye Colors.Patented October Iflth, 1SJ.


Black Silk, Light Grren,Dark Blue, Magenta,

Light Blue, Maize,French Blue, Maroon,

Claret Brown, Orange,Dark Brown, Pink,Light Brown Purple,

Snvf Brown, Royal Purple,Cherry, Salmon,

Crimson, Scarlet,Dark Drab, Slaie,

Light Drab, Solfrrin,Fawn Drab, Violet,

Yellow. Light Fawn Drab,yoa. DYK1XG SILIC.

Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, flcaxts.Dresses, Ribbons. Gloves, Bonnet.Hats, Feathers, Children'sCLolhing,

And all Kinds of Wearing Apparel.A Saving of Eighty per Cent.

For 25 cents you can color as many goodsas would otherwise cost tivetiajes that sum.Various shades can be produced from thesame dye. The process ia simple, and anyone can use the dye with perfect success.

Directions in English, r rench aud Germanoutside of each package.

HOWE & STEVENS,3"6 Broadway, Boston. a

For sale bv Smith A Davis Portland,andby Bell A Tarter, Oregou City. al


CAKE MEAL THE BEST FEEDOIL for increasing the product andrichness of Milk, fattening Stock, and fittingit for market. For sale in quantities de-sired. Also, PureRAW AHD BOILKD UJISEKD OIL,

and Ground Paint, designed et- -

pccially for outside work,constantly on hand.


for which cash will be paid on delivery.Eacijic Linseed Oil and Lead Works,

King street, near Third. San Francisco,51:tf L. 11. BENCH LEY A CO., Agents.



TRY cst Purifier of the Blood!T rp A Pleasant Tonic 1

A very Agreeable Drink !i

mn'tr Unsurpassed for acting aarely batJt gently n the secretions of the kid-I- T

neys, bowels, stomach and liver!For sale at all wholesale and retail liquor

drug, and grocery stores.


Tati.oii A !eniici.. Sole Agents,3?.ly) 41S Clay t., Sau Francisco



M, wii fr frm alcohol and ere 17 hurtful irf tc



, iThe rrtJf k t ia DtiMt withant THESE biiw-r- . k1 t!,. '

Jsrwln oT viuMe tf.t. lark n4 frrlM im4--arf.pie to tha ears of nil rfminii ef thei

MonMc. hklnrvi. I.irer n4 lwl- - mrL u tivItie. 0

Korsnleevrjwlji;re. A. KENKU ll'SKX.rHi r. MiKhnfTffB

f t


hand for sale, m lot to amtpurchasers, the celchrate-- i MOIT"R

A Sf D

Life Insurance .

A McCOWX AP.E THE IocalJOHNSON in Oregon City, of the PacificFire Insurance Company.' the best doingbusiness on this st. 'This Company isthe only one iu Oregon thatIssue Policies aud Adjusts LossesWithout referring the case to San Francisco.

ALSO, AGENTS OE THENorth America Life Insurance Co.!

Presenting the most desirable features,having its policies guaranteed by the Stateof New York.

S?" Don't delay attention to these mat-ters unil your property is destroyed by fire,or until you are sick, when you caiuot beinsured. Call immediately. (

C. W. POPE & Co.,


STOVES,Pumps, Lead Pipe, Host, etc.

. . And Manufacturers of

Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware,

Main Street, Oregon City.

The subscribers would respectfully an-nounce that they keep constantly on hand aRood assortment of Cookiug, Parlor, AirTight, and other" stoves, suitablt to thismarket, which are being

Offered at Portland Prices !

Our assortment in this line is large, and em-braces almost any desired pattern, includingtheBECK,




Roofing and Jobbing of every descriptiondone to order, in a manner that cannot failto suit patrons. In addition to the abovmay ba found a good assortment ot Hard-ware, Wuodeuware, etc.

C. W. POPE & Co.Oregon City, Anril 20th. JS67. 1.



It ATsajr AdvaatagM i

FIRST It is and tntirtlufrt fmm or oftnsivt odor whitburniny.

SECOXDIt fins Sf-f- t, CU, WhitsLi? hi.

THlIiDR is CHEAPER tKan, any otherFluid or Oil.

LUCINE BURNING FLUIDFor burningjin the above Lamps, outrivalsall other Fluids for LIGHT and ECONOMY.It will not Stain or Greisc Clothes, Carpets,Tables, etc.



1)1 ILEUS ISStates, Tintrars, 'Limpi, Oil, Chimnsvs,Lantsrns. dre., ttc. n4:tf


The Requirements of the Times !


rrMIE OLD ROCK STOKE, THE BESTL Dry Goods house in Oregon the

pluek to till every department with aa entire

New Winter Sto K !

Joy to the Hungry !Hard Times Come Again no More !

Great Eall in the price of Goods!

J. R. RAISTOJT,At the Rock Store, oc the corner of Main

and Fifth streets, Oregon City, has jast re-turned from San Francisco, where he pure U

ased a large and well selected stock of


PAINTS OILS, &c, 6zc, &c.

t3? At prices hitherto unheard of,

lSf By the oldest inhabitant.fssT" Let the People clothe themselves

And Rejoice! For the winter cometh.

Give him a call and be convinced that theRock Store is the place to trade.



Fall and Winter Stock!At the OLD CORXER.


Has just received, and is now opening,all the latest

Styles and PatternsWhich lu teill sell low,

Eor Cuh or Country Produce !Hit stock Comprises, in part,


BOOTS AND SHOES,Mem Ladies'1 Misses and Childrens1


Groceries.Crockcry, Glass and PlatedWare, Paints, Oils, Lamps,

Wicks, Chimneys, and Burners !

Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc,Being Hundreds of Other Articles!

Too numerous to Mention!

Call and examine for yourself. I takepleasure in showing goods, and customerswill find the articles at reasonable figures.

I. SELLING. ,Corner store, opposite the

a.lj Tiu aal .o"e t'rrre.

City Drayman,OR EG OX CITY.

All orders for the delivery of merchandise,or packages and fri-isjl- it ot whatever descrip-tion, to any part of the city,' will be executedpromptly and with care. ' K.6m


Black Smith and Wagon Maker,i Loruer of Main and Third street, -

Oregon City Oregon.

Blacksmithing in all its branches. Wagonmaking and repairing. All work warrantedto give satisfaetibn. (tt



Having purchased the above Brewery,wishes to inform the public that he is nowprepared to manufacture a No. 1 quality of

LAGER BEER!As good as can be obtained anywhere in theState. Orders solicited and promptly filled.

Oregon City, December 2Sth, !?." ICtt

jSUW FIRM!JACOB WORTHiX. tkcmas a. riBLfts

Wortman & Fields,Ktxt Door to the Post Office,

Oregon City,' Orrgon.


Fsiinilj-- Oroceries I

Provisions of all Kin d !Wines and Liquors !

Confectionery, Spices fCanned Emits and Meats !

And all the Favorite

Brands of Flour and Sugar !

&S?"The highest market prices j)aidfor country produce.


C O 31 P A N V.

rpiIE ABOVE COMPNAY ARK XOWA producing aquality of


Superior to any ever before ofiredon the Pacific Coast !





j F Using only the best grades of Wool.

The above goods are offered to the tradon the most tavorable terms. All orderswill meet with prompt attention.

Address : U. JACOB, Agent,i J0.6in Oregon Citv. Oregon.

Or L. WHITE A BUO., Agents at Portland.



Levy & Feciiheimer,Maanfacturers of and Dealers in Farnitars,


rpAKETHIs METHOD OF INFORMINGthe public that they have now on baud

a large invoice of




And various other Qualifies of Richand Medium Eurniture !

Terming a complete and desirable assort-ment, which merits the attention of buyers!


Using good materials, and employing thevery best mechanics ia the State, hence wecan warrant our goods to be as represented,and we are prepared to fill all orders withpromptness.

We call the attention ot the publicto our salesroom, as containing the mostcomplete assortment ef de&rable grxtds in theState.

LEVY fc FECIHIEIMER,45.1y! Mam street, Oregon City..


To all wishing



John W. Lewis,Garner of MA IX and SECOXD streets,

OREGON CITY,Takes this opportunity to inform his

old customer", and the publicin general, that he now


""Web-Foot- " Plow !

And other patterns which he warrants inevery particular to give satisfaction. TheFarming community are especially andearnestly invited to call and sec these im-

plements, before purchasing elsewhere.All work in his line is done in the best

possible manner, and at such prices as mustsuit all. In connection with the above de-

partment of business the undersigned is alsoprepared to manufactureWagons and Carriages of every kind!

in point ol style and durabilityEQUAL. TO ANY IMPORTED!

Having constantly on hand for sale a. largeassortment of mat ertal, consisting in part fWAG OX TIMBER.

IBOX, STEEL, ETC.,The proprietor is

Enabled to fill all Orders !

For sneh Articles oh.

The Most Favorable Terms.All work from tins establishment,

and all material sold ou order, is warranted. ,to be S3 represented. - -


MS?- - "ts every Wednesday eveningpat 7 o'clock, in the Masonic Hall.

Members of the r inrited to attend. By order G.

Multnomah lodg ?fo. 1. A. K. anda A. M. Holds its regular rommuni-,s2f- r

cations on the Ilrxt and Third Sat'urdny in each month, at 7 o'clock,

from the '20th of September to the 2th ofMarch, and 7 o'clock from the 2oth of Marchto the iiO'.h ofSeptember. Brethren lu goodstanding ar invited to attend.

By order of W. M.


DENTISTS,The patronage of those desiring Firtt Clmt

Operation, is respectfully solicited.Satisfaction iu all case's guaranteed.N. 15. Sitroat Oryde administered for the

Painless Extraction of Teeth. Also : thelihlyoUnt Sprat used for those who prefer it.

OrincE Corner of Washington and Frontstreets, Portland. Entrance on Washingtonstreet. '.tf

Education a i The want of a good pri-vate school for boys and girla between theages of eight and fifteen years has, doubt-less, been felt by many anxious and intel-ligent parents in Oregon City and itsvicinage. . It is confidently hoped that thiswant may now be effectively met. B.CoRNKiJus, A. M., begs respectfully to an-

nounce his intention of opening a SelectPrivate School on improved educationalmethods in the building commonly knowna the Baptist College where will be pre-pr- d

for the reception of pupil, on thffl;st Monday in January next

Bcchtel's Photograph Gallertis the only establishment in Oregon that isthoroughly prepared to do all tha differentstyles of work in the art. Photographs frometrd to life size. The new Cabinet Cards,

j Ac, Ac. Small pictures enlarged (retouchedin India ink painted in water colors or oil,by Mrs. ri. .1. Rumscy.) All negatives takenin this "gallery w ill be careful iy preserved,that additional copies may be hail. Mr. B.has now on hand a very large collection ofnegatives, the names of which are recordedalphabetically in a book for tiat purpose,which may be seen in the reception room.

Dr. IIostetter's Stomach Bitters. The operation of this palatable rem-edy upon the stomach, liver and excretoryorgans is singularly soothing and conserva-tive. It regulates, recruit, and purifiesthem. Dyspepsia in all its tonus yields taits control aud invigorating properties, andit is recommended lo mothers, enfeebled bythe cares and duties of maternity, as thesafest and best remedy they can probablyuse. In all the crisis of female life it will bafound eminently useful, and elderly personswill derive much more benefit from it thanIroui ordinary stimulants. Sold bv the drug-gists and dealers everywhere.

HODGE, CALEF A CO., Agents,35:tf Portland, Oregon.

Glorious News for the Million J

Annual Grand Opkxiko


Santa Claus Budget,



Where my Headquartersi Have Been Established for the past

St: Years, and ichere I icill hold


Aii11 ii si1 Carnival !

During the Coming Holidays !

Bl'DGET FOR THIS SKASOMYcomprises the largest stock, with thehandsomest Goods and the cheapest prices !

And that all iray observe the


HOLIDAYS,herewith issue my Annual

PROCLAMATIO N:I've come, my dear people, among you once

more, 'Keeping up the good cuttom established of

yore.I bid tos all welcome! I wish you good cheer'.A right Merry C hriiUnas and flippy JVew

Year .'You will find me this year as you have liet-tfor- e,

At McC'okmick's on Front street the Frajc- -

i s Book Stobie !

Where I've opened my Budget 'twas filledto the brim

With every nice Toy, tha could taVk, walk,or swim.

I've ilusical W-erl- Boxes and Guitars forthe fair;

And Gifts for the gents that are both richand rare.

Whilst my Budget includes the nicest newtoys

Intended as gifts to good Girls and Boys!I've the Ark iu which Grandfather Noah was

keptWhen all other creatures from the world

were swept.For men m those days would in evil persist.So the world was washed ut by an Oregon;.I've Babies of rabber, of wax; and of leather.They were all made to order, and well put

together;I've Vases and cups, nicely gilded outside,And little Iioek Horses, for Bobbies to ride;I've Cannon and Pistols, which cannot ex-

plode.For the reason thev bold neither wadding or

load.I've steamboats that run you just wind

them in front.And they'll beat the Gaseade or the WilsonG.

Hunt!I've a new Locomotive it can never explode,'Twaa built for the use of G.istou's railroad,I've Engines that play net them down on

the FloorAnd they'll throw greater streams than old

'A or new 1.I've Furnituie. Fiddles, and French FusilecrsSoldiers that look like B. B. Pioneers.I've swords made of tin guus and pistols as

wellAndau?w kind of Drum, tS at rings like a.

bell.I've Masks of all sizes I've Grace Hoops,

galore,And you'll find at McCormlcks a thousand

Toys more.On Front strtst the store is 10S IWhere to a are as plenty as bees in a hive ;Go there and buy them this is mv request,His prices are low, and his stock is the best.

Given in my Pnlace at Wonderlan,( T'" ) 3'1'th day of the eleventh, month- L.. - being the tirst year of the reign of' --v ' Gorge tha Third iu Web Foot

SASTA CLAl'S.Per Bejcjakiv Fratx:,T.lmJ Kcrprtr et tht fjtra! Seal.

. . As a tonic it will be lonna hitsisiowreeoeering from debilit, wbether

produced by fever or otherwise, for whiUtimparts to the system all the glow andthat can be produeed by wine or brandy, itentirely free from the reactionary effssafollow the use of spirits of any kind.

It is also an excellent remedy for fewaleawho suffer from difficult mtnatroatien. rii(almost immediate relief to the spaaisa tfcat sw

frequently accompany that period.It trivei immediate relief to aae. mmtm

by s, etc. It isalsojeloabls a Mexternal application for Gont, Kbeaiuatiaat,Neuralgia, etc. REDINGTON A CO.J7.It 1 Sole Agents for the Paeifle Co-- e,


Trust none other, howe'or pleasant.None can do what this has done.

Try it alwaye keep it presentUse the Martha Washington.


IT itt and srlossjr Change ItIts Original Color Pre rent It

ISfalling oat Make old newi

NOT look yonns; and do all n.nfjiexpected of a caaalnr, ,

AHair Restorer. "O

DYE. REDHCTON S( Co., A gen..San Franc


Is the wonder of the world, and staadaabove comparison with any other article frthe hair ever brought before the public.

I--T Sold everywhere.


Are made from Krealt Fruits. KVbottle holds twice as much as any otVrbrand in the market, consequently t.eare the cheapest and the best.

Vac no other.REDIKGTOK k C.,

Agents fr the fsveifie Co as.

I1Y WILL YOU DELAYwWe ere sorry that there are

pereons who a3er on day by day

month after tnenth, and year by

var,wfeen friends acd neighbors

have been eared of the

malady that afflicts then, Kor(

it has been proved by sabstao-tia- l

evidence that SCOVILL'3


will tore tle worst case of aertif'

- ula, Cauker, Rbeumatieno, 'a-ralgi- a,

etc.; jet still there are8 - O

those who neglect .this saire andO

valuable remedy. To such we

say, try the svropand be eonvineel.

2ED1XGTGX A Co., Ageat.

il sad 418 Front street

Ran Fraaeiseo.


If faithfully used accoHiog to dirsetirvuawill cure every case of Diabetes, end greTr"mitigate the troublesome effect eanaed byrelaxation of the outlet of the bladder. It .a

most successful remedy for gravel and vtkidiseases of the kidneys and bladder, sad ttFemale diseases is unequalled.

The Cathoitcon uniformly cure ProlapmaUteri, Whites, all irregularities of the Moutw-l- r

period, suppression, ineotitmerKreof Una.Bloating, and Dropsical swellings, and alldiseases of pregnancy. The apecilic action efthis medicine is imminent and certain, if--a

the Uterine and abdominal muscles audli-.-mcnt- s

restoring them to as healthy a stsas those of childhood and youth, so that f atienU who have nsed the Greefenberg Cen ftny's Uterine Catholicoa. ennoot sufficient-- , yexpress their gratitude for the relief affordad.

REDrNGTON' k Co., AgtfltS,41 C and 413 Front street, San Franciss

STOP THATJ501IGHIN3come op yot; r.t ifT, asd we riTTl3 you. Tou liava tii;d every nmtdr but Aba OXJtdtilinod, ly Ms intrinsic merit, tn snperseda alt mm-il- ir

pretwraUona. It is not aurtnrinx i a Uoa!J Srrluctant to try romeiliini; ! flar Ihn maayfsrimetU you have matla X traWiy tIoisi& ea the pu'wlia as a crlaia car; kit

NEWELL'SPulmoiiary Syrui

rfoKy tlio VERY JtKST ypr4y evrreomrat-- 4

for the cure f I'wnch. C'.11. .ore Thrnt. Atei.WhoopiiisCnurh. Ilmnehiiw anil t'inm(ii.?anli uf e..).f 111 Calirnrnia ani Orswn lia fc.-- n

already bii.e3lt;i ty tha aarprUiEJ eunoiye eet

NEWELL'SPulmonary Syrupand with ne 'l cie it thir v,a!i-- '

We r.'crts nrslTi tn 'l- - areeJarquamtel with this, th crr.iirt r ia flhiijV"Ur the healin; ef oil tUrt- - ef " sTWea'sW"Lun;s, siwuriBij B lli.-.-l . ' t

NEWELL'SPulmonary Syruphas cured tnva,aii'.3 and it wiU cr TOV if ye t- -

it. '

This !Ta!::bie r'.edioire ia rleaajt tsootUint', litnlin anj ..(ret gihi-um-j in its eBi-ct--- ;

tircly free from all fx)iAaous w 'Utrt ili.l y.nTlCAy Ij.nntilrs nlr all cireum Han.

eenirlreimi frm many prvmtrwei iiuar fTraacico tccun:a:ijf evety bolU ef O

NEWELL'SPulmonary Syrup

Family Dtk Colors. The mostuseful and welcome articles to be found inalmost every household in the land, are theFamily Dye Colors of Howe & Stevens.They can always be relied upon, ar easilyued, and cost but a tntie.

Cai-tion-. All persons are caution-ed not to buy or negotiate a certain sheck ofthe value of $00, npon a bunk in Iowa, drawnin favor of Francis I.ebold, and endorsed byhim as the same was lost in Oregon Citv,on tha 2itb, and payment has been stopped.'The finder would confer a favor by leavingit with Capt. j. T. App.rson, of the steamert nion.

Grob'b Institutk. We desire toimpress upon tha minds of our readers thefact that tha Musical i.nd Educational Insti-tute ef l'rof Grob, is worthy of liberal pat-ronage. We have long been intimately ac-quainted with ..him, and can honestly attestte his proficiency as a musical scholar, hissocial qu alitica and kind disposition.

Tna Okiginal Paxaratta. Thela?t time we recollect seeing "Paxaratta;"Fred. Muller, Eq., he was about to take hisdparture for the Atlantic side. Whether hewent or not we are uninformed stall eventsf he did like about everybody else who

goes from the Pacific coast he returned,and has again entered into business at Port-land, where his acquired reputation will nytlet him sutler.

Merchant Tailoring. M. Suttland, who commanded the largest salary asa first class Cutter in the city of New York,writes to Barman Bros, thnt he will be herein about six weeks from this date. BarmanP.ros. have employed him at an advancedsalary, because they were bound to have thebest Cutter on the coast. When he arrivestheir Merchant Tailorir. establishment willbe equal to the best in America.

New Columbian. We felt deepregret ta learn that the liabilities of Mr. P.H. Sinnott, Proprietor of tha New Columbianat Portlnnd, liad caused a temporary suspen-sion of his business, but are now glad tobear that he is ajtain " oa his pins" betterthan erer. Mr. Sinnott kept a good hoteland although the past embarrassment hasgone upon the paj;es of history, we ventureto asert that it will not put one obstacle inthe onward march of trogressien, makingin tha line of hotel keeping by him. Seaadvertisement.

Bankkipt DiccisiON-Jud- ge Bond,Register in Bankruptcy at Richmond, hasdelivered an apinion in regard to applica-tions for bankruptcy, similar to that of JudgeWatchword, of N" c w A ork. It is that proper-ty acquired or inherited after an applicationis tiled is not liable for the debts of the partyapplving for bankruptcy. The decision it issaid, will increase materially the number ofapplications at Koha A Fishel's, PI Frontstrr-et- , Portland, for the best quality of gentsfurnishing, and ladies' dress goods.

Architectural.- - It must highlyplease the admirers of Architecture in Port-land, indeed throughout Oregon, to learnthat Mr. John r has changed one mate-rial plan in the construction of his own for-tune. He has amended his original design,and instead o"f going to Illinois, will remainwhere he is now located. The finest struc-tures in Portland were planned by his skill-ful hand, and nowthat Oregon is just gettingout of debt or 'rising to & position whichentitles her to those distinctive features inthe ornamental world fine buildings weshould protest against havng our chief archi-tect pull up leave.

Thk Western--. As will be seenby the card of this popular hcl, which ap-

pears elsewhere to-da- Messrs. William H.Sewell and John C. Darcey have taken pos-session. We can hardly say whom to con-gratulate first the pulyTie, er tWe new firm.The Western ha obtained an enviable name,but no doubt much of it is owing to the hos-pitable nianarrs of our friend Sewell, whohas been its clerk for three years past. Mr.Darcy. for five years in the employ of theO. S. N. Company upon the upper Columbia,brings with him a name which stamps thenew enterprise w ith continued success, rich-ly merited.

Daly & Stevens, General Agtnts.Our personal knowledge of the capability

and business qualifications of this firm, leadus to c dl the attention of the public to theiradvertisement in this issue. From ourbim-nes- s

relations with these gentlemen, duringthe year past, we know them to be prompt,energetic and TeliabVc, and the ability andeipericnceof both partners render them competent to accomplish, with satisfaction to allparties concerned, all business committed totheir charge. Mesvs. Daly A Stevens carryon the General Agency business in its varlous branches collecting and adjusting ac-

counts ; baying, selling and leasing real es-tate; house renting; negotiating inland bills;effecting loans, etc. Give them a call, andyou will endorse our reeommendatien.

A TiiVE .Story. Tripping downtte stajrway once, long ago, we fell, shatter-ing a large, tigVted flaid lamp. In a momentthe blaze wrapped us around like a fieryserpent. Every tragedy has a comic side :

Bridget tossed the baby on the bed, and ranfor water ; aunt Mary seized the spread toextinguish the flames, and pulled baby downon the floor; Jane came up from the kitchenand put out every light then burning, 'causethe house was alire, fcnd Bridget, returningwith a tub of water, tumbled down, upsetthe water and bumped her nose. Meanwhilewe rolled over and over on the floor, till theflame was extinguished, when one arm wasfound to be terribly burned. Then bowquick'v Davis' Pain killer soothed the pain,and to-da- y, with a hand and arm un marredby any scar. c write the paisea of PainKiller, valuable for many an ill and ache.Manchester, X II., Fiery" Month.

Allens'Lung Balsam The remdy for curing consumption, asthma, croup,

diseases of the throat, bronchitis, pains andoppressions of the chest or lungs, dillicultbreathing, and all diseases of the pulmonaryorgans Its nction is expectorant.altcrativesudorific, sedative, diaphoretic, and diureticwhich renders it one of the most valuableremedies known, for the cure of diseases ofthe lungs It excites expectoration, andcauses the lungs to throw off the phleginchanges the secretions, and purifies theb.ood.heals the irritated parts.giTes strengthto the digestive organs brings the liver toits proper action, and imparts strength tothe whole system. It is warranted to giveentire satislection, even in the most confirm-ed cases of consumption, and not to producecosUeness, as do most remedies, or effectthe head, as it contains no opium in anyform, it is perfectly harmless to the mostdelicate child, although an active and powerful remedy for restoring the system. Thereis no necessity ior so many deaths by con-sumption, when Allen's Lung Balsam willprevent it, if only taken in time. Sold bvall druggist. Price f l per bottle. xi.4

If you wish the very best Cabinet Phovo-baph- s.

yoa must calf on Braplet k KcLor-soy- ,MojatjjnmTy street, J?do Frac.rvo. B ILL HEAPS PRINTED.

At the Enterprise 031??. i. U C S' . i rr