Check List - Installing AX Retail POS

How to Install & Configure AX POS machine © Mantaq Systems (Pvt.) Limited Suite # 407, Siddiq Trade Center 72-Main Gulberg Lahore, Pakistan Phone: 042-35787456-8 Email: [email protected] Helping You Excel in Retail Microsoft Dynamics AX Retail for Outfitters Dynamics AX User Manual Presented to: Mr. Kamran Khurshid Mr. Wasim Anwar September 27, 2012


Check List - Installing AX Retail POS

Transcript of Check List - Installing AX Retail POS

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How to Install & Configure AX POS machine

© Mantaq Systems (Pvt.) Limited Suite # 407, Siddiq Trade Center 72-Main Gulberg Lahore, Pakistan Phone: 042-35787456-8 Email: [email protected]

Helping You Excel in Retail

Microsoft Dynamics AX Retail for Outfitters

Dynamics AX User Manual

Presented to:

Mr. Kamran Khurshid Mr. Wasim Anwar

September 27, 2012

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Check list for installing Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail

Contents System Hardware & Software .................................................................................................................. 2

Install prerequisites ................................................................................................................................. 3

Set up POS User Accounts ........................................................................................................................ 3

Create user accounts ................................................................................................................................ 4

Create the POS User Group ...................................................................................................................... 4

Install Microsoft Dynamics AX POS for Retail .......................................................................................... 4

Start the POS installation .......................................................................................................................... 5

Configuring Retail POS Register ................................................................................................................ 5

Install Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail Store Connect .......................................................................... 7

How to test Retail Store Connect communication with Head quarter ................................................... 10

Configuring Logon as a Service account ................................................................................................. 10

Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail Transaction Service (not required on POS) ...................................... 10

Tips & Tricks: .......................................................................................................................................... 11

System Hardware & Software

a. System Hardware (CPU, Memory, Hard-drive, etc.) and OS/software requirements are met as per client

business requirements.

b. Latest Service packs and updates are installed.

c. Network is setup and tested.

At the store, one computer for each register is required, and a database server, if db is not installed on the

register computer.

Installation of Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS is a complex press and consists of two major steps.

Please make sure to follow the check list for installation and configuration Microsoft Dynamics AX Retail


1. Install Prerequisites

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2. Install Microsoft Dynamics AX POS for Retail

Install prerequisites

Following pre-requisites must be installed before installing AX Retail POS:

1. Windows Installer 4.5

2. Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5

3. Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package

4. Install database Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express/Standard edition with Tools and include the latest service packs

Note: SQL Server 2005 is supported only for the head-office database. For Retail Store Connect message databases and Retail POS databases, SQL Server 2008 Standard, Enterprise, or Express is required. a. Create a SQL Server login with the same name as the POS user. This login must have read and

write (db_datareader and db_datawriter) access privileges on the store databases and also on the Retail Store Connect message database.

b. Open the firewall for SQL Server

5. OPOS Common Control Objects, version 1.12 or higher, are required. Note: After installing hardware drivers by a hardware manufacturer, confirm that the Common Control Objects have not been overwritten by an earlier version. Certain service objects require the installation of Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package.

6. Acquire, install, and configure required hardware and software

7. Create user accounts for all POS users/store employees (see Setup POS User accounts section for details)

1. Set up POS User Accounts

To manage access to store computers and databases, you must create the following Windows users and

user group.

1. An account for Retail Store Connect. The Retail Store Connect service will run as this user.

2. An account for each Store Employee. Each employee user account must be created on each register

that the employee will use. With this user account, the employee can log on to Windows and start

Retail POS, and then log on to Retail POS.

Note: For each store employee, an employee account must be created in Retail Headquarters.

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2. Create user accounts

1. Open Local Users and Groups. Click Start, type lusrmgr.msc into the search or Run box, and then press ENTER.

2. Right-click the Users folder, and then click New User.

3. Type information about the user, and then click Create.

4. For the Retail Store Connect service user only, complete these additional steps:

a. Right-click the user, and then click Properties.

b. Clear the User must change password at next logon check box, select the User cannot change password and Password never expires check boxes, and then click OK.

5. Continue adding users, and then, when you are done, click Close.

3. Create the POS User Group

1. Open Local Users and Groups. Click Start, type lusrmgr.msc into the search or Run box, and then press ENTER.

2. Right-click the Groups folder, and then click New Group.

3. In the Group name box, type the name of the new group. Be sure to use the same name on all computers and Click Add.

4. In the Enter the object names to select box, type the employee user names that you set up in the previous procedure (separated by semicolons), click Check Names to verify your typing, and then click OK.

5. Click Create, and then click Close.

Install Microsoft Dynamics AX POS for Retail

In order to install AX Retail POS you must Logon as system administrator or your user must be added to

local computers administrator group. The Retail POS package includes:

i) Retail POS

ii) Retail Store Connect, and

iii) Partner plug-ins for certain Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail services

For more information:

a). About interfaces for these services, see Interfaces for Services and Triggers, available at

b). Review the Release Notes at and account for the

impact of any known issues.

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4. Start the POS installation

a. Browse to the folder where the installation files are placed. In the RetailPOS folder, double-

click AxUpdate.exe, and then complete the Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail Setup Wizard.

b. After POS installation, obtain company ID, store ID, and terminal numbers for all registers.

c. Configure Retail POS and complete steps to create and connect to a Retail POS database, as

described in Configuring Retail POS Register section for details.

d. Verify that the Windows locale of each database computer in the store is set to one of the

supported locales for Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail. Otherwise, you might encounter issues

related to the collation of the Retail POS database.

5. Configuring Retail POS Register

After POS has been installed successfully, do following configuration of Retail POS on each register.

a. Click Start, click Programs or All Programs, point to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, point to Retail

POS, right-click Retail POS, click Run as or Run as administrator, and then provide administrator


b. The Retail POS Initial configuration dialog box is displayed, as shown below.

c. In the Database name box, type the name for the database for this register (e.g. AXRetailPOS).

d. In the Server name box, type the location and name of the instance of SQL Server for this

database. To verify the connection to the database server, click Test connection. Note that this

test does not verify the existence of the database.

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e. In the Store ID box, type the ID number for the store, and in the Terminal ID box, type the

terminal number for this register.

f. In the Data Area Id box, type company ID and click Continue.

g. Retail POS creates a blank database named AXRetailPOS on your computer. Later, you need to

synchronize this database with the head-office database through N-Jobs, and then you can log

on to Retail POS by using employee credentials that have been set up in Retail Headquarters.

h. When AX Retail POS database for a register is installed on a computer, it creates a

configuration file, POS.config.exe in installation folder named “C:\Program

Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\50\Retail POS\” as shown below.

The POS.exe configuration file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



<section name="AxRetailPOS" type="LSRetailPosis.Settings.ConfigFile.AppConfiguration,

SystemSettings, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" />


<AxRetailPOS LocalConnectionString="Data Source=LOCALHOST;Initial Catalog=AxRetailPOS;Integrated

Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=false;Pooling=false;TrustServerCertificate=true;Encrypt=TRUE"

StoreId="S0004" TerminalId="0007" DatabasePhysicalFilePath="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL


DATAAREAID="dat" UseSnapshotIsolation="true" />


Note: If you are installing POS register on a computer whose database is placed on some remote computer.

You may need to edit the POS.exe config file to specify the correct Database Connection string. You must

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add the port number to the connection string. The format of a complete connection string value in the

configuration file is as follows:

LocalConnectionString="Data Source=tcp:server_name,port_number\instance_name;Initial

Catalog=database_name;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security


Steps are as following:

I. Open the POS.exe config file in Notepad.

II. Modify the connection string with the correct database server, instance, database, store ID,

terminal ID, and company account.

III. Save the configuration file

IV. In order to establish communications between computers, Open the firewall between two


Collation of the Retail POS database is inherited from the default collation setting in Microsoft SQL Server.

However, you must still verify that selected collation setting matches one of the supported locales for

Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail.


Install Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail Store Connect

Retail Store Connect is the integrated service that periodically sends data between the head office, stores,

and individual Retail POS terminals. Communications via Retail Store Connect are managed through

distribution locations and Retail Scheduler in Retail Headquarters.

1. Install Retail Store Connect (RSC)

a. Browse to the folder where the installation files. Select folder named RetailStoreConnect and

double-click AxUpdate.exe, and then complete the Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail Setup


2. Configure Retail Store Connect (RSC)

a. Click Start, click Programs Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Retail Store Connect, and click

Retail Store Connect Settings to start.

b. In the Retail Store Connect Settings Wizard, type name of the computer in Server Name field,

and click Add button (Note: Use a unique computer name for each instance of Retail Store

Connect in the organization).

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c. You will see Retail Store Connect Wizard that prompts you to provide:

i. Computer and Message database name. Provide name of your machine and name of

store connect database in the Server and Database name text boxes, as shown below.

ii. Next you need to provide service account that will be used to start the RetailStore

Connect service. Provide system administrator user name & password (MTQ-PS-


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iii. Check the box against IPSec (to disable) on Configure IPSec window and Complete the

rest of the wizard by using the default settings.

Note: User provided in above step shall be added to local administrator group and security

policy (i.e. secpol.msc) and right of “Logon as a service” (see Configuring Logon as a Service

account for details).

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3. Press Start button to start the Retail Store Connect service and Close to exist the configuration


7. How to test Retail Store Connect communication with Head quarter

a. In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, click Retail scheduler > Locations, select the location for which

you want to bypass IPSec, and then, on the Replication tab, select the Disable IPsec check box.

b. In order to establish communications between computers in the organization, you must open

the firewall on any computer where Retail Store Connect is installed.

4. On the head-office communications server, open the firewall to SQL Server, Retail Store

Connect, and Retail Transaction Service.

5. On the head-office communications server, open Distribution Location window and test

connection with store instance of Retail Store Connect.

8. Configuring Logon as a Service account

1. Click Start Run and type secpol.msc and press ENTER.

2. Click system “Local security policy Local PoliciesUser Rights AssignmentLog on as a Service”

and double click to show properties window.

3. Press “Add Users and Groups” button and add required user to the policy. This will assign “Log on

as a Service” role to administrator/user that will execute Retail Store Connect service.

4. Open SQL Server and assign role of sysadmin to administrator/user that will run Retail Store

Connect service. OR at the minimum assign db_datareader and db_datawriter privileges to the SQL

login for user of RSC.

Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail Transaction Service (not required on POS)

Together with Retail Store Connect and Retail Scheduler, Retail Transaction Service completes the

communications mechanism of Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail by providing real-time, synchronous

communication. It can be used to authenticate cashier logon credentials, send loyalty requests,

exchange up-to-the-minute physical inventory, inventory transfer-In/Out, Gift card, credit voucher

information between the head office and the stores, and more.

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Tips & Tricks:

a. When starting Retail POS the first time, you must run as an administrator.

b. Make sure that OPOS common control objects have been installed in a local folder, such as C:\Program


c. For peripheral hardware devices on each register, the use of OPOS Common Control Objects version

1.13 is required. Install the objects and configure and test the devices prior to attempting to use the

devices with Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail.

d. When installing hardware drivers after OPOS Common Control Objects have been installed, you may

need to reinstall OPOS Common Control Objects so that Retail POS can detect the new devices.

e. From the installation folder for Retail POS, copy RMSPinPad1000SO.dll to the OPOS folder.

f. As an Administrator, register RMSPinPad1000SO.dll using RegSvr32 from the command prompt.

g. Configure the service object using settings that are appropriate for your installation. The registry file

installed with Retail POS (pinpad1000.reg for 32-bit installations or pinpad1000x64.reg for 64-bit

installations) can be used to create a registry entry using default values for the PIN pad class service

objects. The default name used is "pad1000" and the COM port is set to "1". The included registry file

should be used as an example only. Registry entries for PIN pad service objects are the responsibility of

the party installing the device.

NOTE: If you are using the PIN pad service object on Windows XP, install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008

Redistributable Package (x86), available for download at