Cheap Food Policy: Fact or Rhetoric? - AgEcon Search

Cheap Food Policy: Fact or Rhetoric? James C. Miller * Department of Agricultural Economics Mississippi State University P.O. Box 5187 Mississippi State, MS 39762 [email protected] Keith H. Coble Department of Agricultural Economics Mississippi State University P.O. Box 5187 Mississippi State, MS 39762 [email protected] Selected paper prepared for presentation at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island, July 24-27, 2005 Abstract The term “cheap food policy” has frequently been used as a descriptor for U.S. commodity programs by those who contend these payments to farmers ultimately result in lower food costs for consumers. More recently, farm policy has been criticized for contributing to the obesity problem in the U.S. by making large quantities of fattening foods widely available and relatively inexpensive. This paper econometrically evaluates the impact of direct government payments to farmers from 1960-1999 on the proportion of disposable income consumers spend on food. The model finds the payments do not significantly affect the affordability of food. Copyright 2005 by James C. Miller and Keith H. Coble. All rights reserved. Readers may make verbatim copies of this document for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that this copyright notice appears on all such copies. * Corresponding author. The authors wish to thank Barry Barnett of the University of Georgia for helpful comments on previous drafts of this article.

Transcript of Cheap Food Policy: Fact or Rhetoric? - AgEcon Search

Page 1: Cheap Food Policy: Fact or Rhetoric? - AgEcon Search

Cheap Food Policy: Fact or Rhetoric?

James C. Miller* Department of Agricultural Economics

Mississippi State University P.O. Box 5187

Mississippi State, MS 39762 [email protected]

Keith H. Coble

Department of Agricultural Economics Mississippi State University

P.O. Box 5187 Mississippi State, MS 39762 [email protected]

Selected paper prepared for presentation at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island, July 24-27, 2005

Abstract The term “cheap food policy” has frequently been used as a descriptor for U.S. commodity programs by those who contend these payments to farmers ultimately result in lower food costs for consumers. More recently, farm policy has been criticized for contributing to the obesity problem in the U.S. by making large quantities of fattening foods widely available and relatively inexpensive. This paper econometrically evaluates the impact of direct government payments to farmers from 1960-1999 on the proportion of disposable income consumers spend on food. The model finds the payments do not significantly affect the affordability of food.

Copyright 2005 by James C. Miller and Keith H. Coble. All rights reserved. Readers may make verbatim copies of this document for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that this copyright notice appears on all such copies.

* Corresponding author. The authors wish to thank Barry Barnett of the University of Georgia for helpful comments on previous drafts of this article.

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Introduction Americans spent just over ten percent of their disposable income on food in 2003. This amount

equals the lowest level recorded since 1929, and is well below the peak level of 25.2 percent

experienced in 1933. The percentage of disposable income Americans dedicate to food

purchases has consistently fallen since 1947, and has hovered near ten percent since 1997. The

downward trend over time can be observed in Figure 1.

This article focuses on a long-asserted source of the declining proportion of consumer

income devoted to food, U.S. agricultural commodity policy. For many decades, U.S. farm

policy has been described as a “cheap food” policy—in the broadest sense meaning the results of

actions taken by the federal government to affect agriculture include lower retail food prices for

consumers. In their textbook Agricultural and Food Policy, a cheap food policy is described by

Knutson, Penn, and Flinchbaugh (1998) as one that “involves the government overtly pursuing

policies that hold down the price of food below the competitive equilibrium price.”

Cheap food policy remains in the milieu of the debate about federal farm program

payments. For example, a recent farm publication editorial stated, “They [farm payments] really

are a food subsidy assistance in disguise . . . and every person in this county [sic] who buys food

and eats three squares a day are the beneficiaries of it—U.S. citizens pay far less for food than

anyone on the planet” (Brandon, 2004).

Cheap food policy has also made its way into the recent debate surrounding the nation’s

emerging obesity problem. According to the National Center for Health Statistics (2004), the

proportion of obese adults in the U.S. increased from 14.6 percent in 1971 to 31.1 percent in

2002. Many articles in the popular press over the last 18-24 months have been highly critical of

what their authors contend are the deleterious effects of U.S. agricultural policy concerning


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obesity. In 2003 Pollan asserted, “Absurdly, while one hand of the government is campaigning

against the epidemic of obesity, the other is subsidizing it, by writing farmers a check for every

bushel of corn they can grow.” James Tillotson (2003), Professor of Food Policy and

International Business at Tufts University, perhaps best encapsulates the arguments for the

commodity policy-obesity link:

Yes, public-supported long-active strongly politically backed agricultural policies have played a pivotal role in shaping our low-cost commodity supply. Combined with our highly efficient food-processing industry, this helps to lower the costs of our consumer food. These conditions have, unintentionally and unexpectedly, created one of the environmental preconditions that have allowed many of us to become fat—cheap food.

The idea of such a relationship is gaining acceptance, as four first-year medical students recently

concluded in the Stanford Daily (2004) that, “Specifically, the United States should advocate for

a gradual phase-out of the existing farm subsidies and shifting to an open market . . . as a

potential solution for the increasing obesity epidemic.”

Literature Review

The term “cheap food policy” has been employed by academics, politicians, and a variety of

advocates over the years. The concept has taken on numerous meanings over time, although the

outcome of low-priced food for a nation’s consumers essentially remains the same. In the

postwar book The Farmer and the Rest of Us, for example, importing low-priced food products

from South America to support an industrial expansion in the U.S. is described as a form of

cheap food policy (Moore, 1945). As another example, Peterson (1979) discusses the use of

export taxes, overvalued currencies, and state controls by the governments of lesser-developed

countries to depress real food prices for their domestic populations as cheap food policy. Yet


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both of these depictions differ considerably from our analysis of the impact of commodity

programs on the affordability of food for consumers.

In a relatively early reference, Eggert (1947) notes how farmers might oppose receiving

direct payments in place of price supports because they could view them as a cheap food policy;

at the time receiving such payments was seen as akin to a form of relief.

Paarlberg (1982), describing what he labeled the “scarcity syndrome” that arose out of

the events of the mid-1970s, criticizes three forms of government action taken to maintain low

food prices: trade embargoes, direct price controls, and management of stocks. Embargoes

diminish the nation’s credibility, price controls result in marked price increases upon their

removal, and liquidating food reserves to depress prices can result in unintended shortages.

Paarlberg lists several consequences of this cheap food policy in the context of the scarcity

syndrome: 1) low prices and incomes for farmers through disincentives for production, 2)

reduced export earnings, 3) loss of export markets, and 4) damage to the U.S. reputation as a

global trader.

In his discussion of the justifications for and failures of farm policies, Moore (1987)

notes that subsidies are cited as a way to lower food prices for consumers through increases in

production. However, he states that “consumers pay the cost of increased production or food

reserves through higher taxes.” Furthermore, he explicitly states the programs do not reduce

food prices for consumers.

Tweeten (1995) dismisses the contribution of commodity programs toward improving

economic efficiency in his critique of their most common justifications. He contends the reasons

for the decline in the proportion of consumer income spent on food over the last six decades

include the increase in real consumer income and the improvements in agricultural


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productivity—influenced primarily by “public and private investments in research, education,

extension, and infrastructure.”

Beach, Boyd, and Uri (1997), in their assessment of land values in the absence of direct

payments, develop a computable generalized equilibrium model that finds total output would be

reduced by 0.18 percent annually. Output of program crops would be reduced 14 percent, and

overall agricultural output would fall 4.39 percent. The reduction in total output reflects a

decrease in output in the food and tobacco sector of 0.55 percent because of the higher prices

associated with the elimination of direct payments.

Knutson, Penn, and Flinchbaugh (1998) assert the case for a cheap food policy could be

made throughout the period USDA maintained its target price-deficiency payment program

because the program stimulated production, leading to increases in supply that caused lower

commodity prices. However, USDA also established production controls for much of this same

period, as on average almost 20 percent of U.S. cropland remained out of production in the five

decades following World War II (Orden, Paarlberg, and Roe, 1999). Knutson, Penn, and

Flinchbaugh also state any link between farm programs and food prices was essentially broken in

1996 by a farm bill that eliminated deficiency payments and replaced them with a system of

decoupled payments. Yet since 1985 USDA has maintained a system of loan deficiency

payments which essentially guarantees producers a minimum price for all of their production of

program crops.

More recently, Morrison Paul and MacDonald (2003) found that over the period they

examined, 1972-1992, agricultural materials declined as a share of food processor costs, as did

the sensitivity of food prices to farm prices. Furthermore, they found a total increase in food

processing costs of 4.17 percent from 1982-1992 with essentially no contribution from


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agricultural materials. This occurred as a result of the decrease in agricultural materials cost as a

share of total costs and a negligible increase in inflation. Finally, Babcock has stated his

unpublished analysis demonstrates the price of corn and soybeans would increase by no more

than five to seven percent without government subsidies (Fields, 2004). Furthermore, Babcock

notes, “A five- to seven-percent increase in the price of corn would lead to, at most, a one-

percent increase in the price of meat.”

Conceptual Framework

The existence of a cheap food policy is most frequently and consistently promoted by

proponents of commodity programs as a prime benefit and consequently a justification.

Commodity programs keep production resources in agriculture, resulting in surplus production

and inefficiency (Shoemaker, Anderson, and Hrubovcak, 1990). Further, not only are these

resources impeded from moving to other sectors of the economy, they remain dedicated to the

production of crops covered by the commodity programs. In order to clear the market of the

surplus production, equilibrium prices for these commodities must fall. An effective cheap food

policy would mean lower farm-level prices for these raw commodities would result in less

expensive food products at the retail level for sale to consumers.

However, acceding to cheap food policy presents challenges at the farm level in the long

run. Shoemaker, Anderson, and Hrubovcak (1990) state that gains to farmers in the short run

from payments are lost because the agricultural sector adjusts by capitalizing the expected

program benefits into land values. They note that because the value of land is for the most part

based on the income it can generate, government payments increasing that income increase the

land value and the landowner’s wealth. Moore (1987) also states those who actually benefit in


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the long run are those who owned farm land before the enactment of a farm program or

enhancements to an existing program. Shoemaker, Anderson, and Hrubovcak (1990) estimate

land prices would be 15-20 percent lower without government programs. The CGE model

developed by Beach, Boyd, and Uri (1997) for 1988 found land prices would fall about 14

percent without direct payments. Under the 1996 farm bill, estimates of inflated land prices were

as high as 20 percent (Barnard, 2001). Over time, therefore, as land prices and rents rise the cost

of production increases.

Figure 2 depicts the immediate effect at the farm level of a loan program coupled to

production. Under the current regime, a loan rate acts as an effective floor on all of a farmer’s

current production of a particular crop. The first panel of Figure 2 illustrates the farmer’s

response when the market price is below the loan rate. Production increases in response to the

higher effective price created by the loan rate, moving from a1 to a2. As each farmer in the

industry responds to the loan rate, the quantity supplied increases. Additionally, the potential to

earn economic profits attracts new entrants, causing supply of the crop to increase. This change

is reflected by the shift in the supply curve for the industry from S1 to S2 in the second panel of

Figure 2. Total output for the industry increases from Q1 to Q2.

Figure 3 illustrates how the initial response to the loan rate becomes tempered in the long

run as farmers and landowners recognize the land can produce more income. The figure assumes

the value of the payments becomes capitalized and as a result land prices and rental rates

increase. Higher land charges increase the farmer’s costs of production, as the average cost

curve shifts from AC1 to AC2. in the first panel of Figure 3. The farmer’s marginal cost of

production increases and this curve moves from MC1 to MC2. The parallel shifts of these curves

reflect an assumption that changes to the costs of inputs are scale-neutral. Correspondingly,


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output falls from a1 to a2, and the farmer earns zero economic profit. As each farmer in the

industry reduces output and other farmers exit the industry, the supply curve for the industry

shifts from S1 to S2 in the second panel of Figure 3. Industry output falls from Q1 to Q2,

returning to the level that existed prior to the introduction of the loan rate program. Again, this

movement follows from the assumption that changes to the costs of inputs in the industry are

scale-neutral. Additionally, these figures abstract away from risk aversion and any uncertainty

regarding the future of government payments.

In sum, the introduction of a loan rate above the market price causes farmers in the

industry to increase their output and new farmers to enter in attempts to capture economic profits

in the short run. However, landowners recognize the increase in income their land can generate

because of the loan rate program, and they attempt to capture this additional income by raising

the price of land and rental rates. Over time, the value of loan payments becomes capitalized in

the cost of farm land. Higher land costs result in higher average production costs for farmers,

who either reduce their output or exit the industry. The industry output falls and supply reverts

from a short-run increase to its original level. The industry again earns zero economic profit

over the long-run in the presence of the loan program under the competitive framework.

Data and Methods

We test whether direct payments to producers contribute significantly to the proportion of

disposable income devoted to food expenditures. The reason the percentage of disposable

income spent on food is the variable of interest in our study is primarily due to its predominance

as a measure of food cost. Furthermore, in general, advocates of cheap food policy refer to the

commodity title of the farm bill as such. The variable is constructed as the ratio of the dollar


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expenditures on food to disposable income, so that the dependent variable is a function of the

supply and demand for food and disposable income. Data on the proportion of disposable

income spent on food are obtained from the Economic Research Service (ERS) of USDA. Forty

observations are utilized in the data set from 1960 through 1999. These data include purchases

of food from grocery stores and retail outlets, as well as food produced and consumed on farms,

because this value is reflected in personal income. Meals and snacks purchased away from home

are also included. USDA’s definition of disposable personal income includes the value of food

produced and consumed on farms as noted, as well as government transfer payments such as

food stamps and supplements to wages and salaries including employers’ contributions to Social

Security and Medicare.

We employ total factor productivity in agriculture in the model as a measure of changes

in technology, another important variable affecting the affordability of food because it lowers

production costs and equilibrium prices. As such, we expect advances in technology to have a

negative impact on the percentage of disposable income spent on food, as improvements should

make food more affordable by shifting the supply curve to the right. Data are also obtained from

ERS on this measure of agricultural productivity. Their index of total factor productivity has

increased more than two-and-a-half times since 1948. The lack of availability of more recent

data prevents the model from incorporating additional years through 2003. Additionally, the

remarkable increases in crop yields that have taken place over the same period, as evidenced by

the record harvests USDA forecasts for corn, soybeans, and cotton in 2004, reflect the

importance of this variable (Abbott, 2004).

The total level of consumer income is included in the model because we expect it to

affect the proportion of income spent on food. The variable is constructed as a per capita


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disposable income variable, and as income rises over time, the proportion spent on food should

decline ceteris paribus. Thus, this variable is hypothesized to be negative. USDA data on

disposable income are divided into population data from the U.S. Census Bureau to create the

variable. These data are adjusted for inflation to 2000 dollars using the Consumer Price Index

for all items, which uses a base period of 1982-84.

The model includes an annual calculation of a farm-to-retail price spread from USDA

because the food commodities purchased at the retail level by consumers reflect the value added

to raw farm commodities. The farm-to-retail spread is expected to be positive because increased

food processing raises the proportion of disposable income spent on food (Gardner, 1975). The

farm-to-retail spread data acquired from ERS are based on USDA’s calculation of its market

basket of foods produced on farms, which is weighted according the quantities purchased by

consumers during the base period of 1982-84. ERS converts this spread to an index because

current price data are multiplied by quantities from the base period instead of current quantities.

Thus, as with per capita disposable income, these data are multiplied by the Consumer Price

Index using 2000 as a base year.

Finally, direct payments are included as an independent variable in the model to test the

hypothesis of cheap food policy. If direct payments to farmers in fact generate cheaper food,

then they should have a negative effect on the percentage of disposable income spent on food.

Direct payments should stimulate production, shifting the supply curve to the right, ultimately

lowering the real cost of food to the consumer. Annual data on direct payments to farmers are

also obtained from ERS. These data include payments on program crops as well as conservation

payments1. As with other monetary data used, these annual payments are also expressed in 2000

dollars by using the Consumer Price Index.


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Model and Results

Following our interest in the percentage of disposable income spent on food (XF), we use

this calculation as the dependent variable in an autoregressive AR(1) model, which employs the

Yule-Walker method to correct for the presence of autocorrelation:

ttttttt vDPFRSPDITFPXF +++++= 43210 ααααα (1)

The advantage of using the Yule-Walker method is the retention of the first observation from the

data. Initially the ordinary least squares method was utilized, but the results of the Durbin-

Watson d test precipitated the use of an AR(1) model. The five independent variables in Eq. (1)

include, in order, total factor productivity, per capita disposable income, farm-to-retail spread,

and direct payments to farmers. These variables are all given for year t.

All independent variables in the model have the expected sign, reflecting their

hypothesized impacts on the percentage of disposable income spent on food. Each independent

variable with the exception of direct payments is significant. This implies that while the direct

payments variable has the assumed sign, this effect cannot be statistically distinguished from


The per capita disposable income variable is the only independent variable significant at

the one percent level. This is not unexpected since consumer incomes have steadily increased as

standards of living have improved considerably in the years following World War II. The fact

the farm-to-retail spread variable is positive and significant is also not surprising given the rising

value-added component of retail food. The significance of total factor productivity in agriculture

as an independent variable is anticipated because the increases in agricultural efficiency over the

last several decades have reduced per unit costs of production.


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Table 1 presents the results of the AR(1) model described in the previous section. In

understanding these results, an additional reason direct payments do not significantly impact

consumers’ food expenditures can be observed in the relative size of farm subsidies compared to

the dollars U.S. consumers spend on food each year. Figure 4 depicts direct payments to farmers

and food expenditures since 1960 in 2000 dollars. Since 1960, this level has averaged 1.1

percent and has not exceeded 2.8 percent. In 2003, direct payments were approximately 1.7

percent of consumer food expenditures, which totaled almost $950 billion in nominal dollars.

Elasticities calculated by the model for each independent variable are also included in

Table 1. The largest elasticity is for the disposable income variable with an absolute value of

0.655, indicating not only its influence in the model but how much rising consumer incomes

have been responsible for increasing the affordability of food over the last forty years. The next

largest elasticity absolute value of 0.297 is for the farm-to-retail spread variable. The increasing

value-added component of food products contributes to the sensitivity of the relationship

between the farm-to-retail spread and the dependent variable, as the farm value becomes a

smaller proportion of the total value of food products. The elasticity value of total factor

productivity is the next largest absolute value of 0.097, reflecting the importance of

technological change in increasing the supply of food. This variable might be expected to have a

larger elasticity value, but the relationship between the production technology and the

affordability of food is not as direct as the previously discussed variables. However,

technological change remains an important factor because of its impact on the supply of

agricultural commodities. Finally, we note the direct payments variable, which is not significant

in the AR(1) model, has a very small elasticity with an absolute value of 0.00495.


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The fact the model does not find evidence of a cheap food policy at least since 1960 is

consistent with the historical development of U.S. farm programs. These programs were

initiated during the Great Depression to provide assistance to farmers whose disappearing

incomes left them destitute. The number of farmers at that time, and even in 1960, was much

greater than today. The programs were designed to increase the incomes of farmers, not to

reduce the costs of retail food products to consumers. Indeed, the contribution of direct

payments to net farm income is well known throughout agriculture. Since 1960 all direct

payments to farmers have on average comprised over 20 percent of net farm income as measured

by ERS. In 1983, the year of the highest proportion, they accounted for over 65 percent of net

farm income. The percentage has also increased in recent history, as the average from 1960 to

1980 was 15 percent; since 1980 the average has approached 28 percent. Figure 5 depicts net

farm income and direct payments to farmers from 1960 to 2003.

Additionally, the existence of supply controls throughout much of the history of U.S.

farm policy runs counter to the notion of cheap food policy, as these mechanisms attempted to

reduce the differential between market prices for farm commodities and federal price supports.

These policy actions to mitigate the distortions created by commodity programs were not

consistent with a goal of reducing retail food prices.

The downward trend in the proportion of consumer disposable income spent on food has

continued since 1996, when the decoupling of farm programs began. This event alone has made

justifying the existence of a cheap food policy more difficult, as noted by Knutson, Penn, and

Flinchbaugh (1998), although the retention of a loan deficiency payment program maintains

effective price floors for all production of program crops.


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Tweeten (1995) notes how half of production agriculture does not receive assistance from

commodity programs (livestock, forages, fruits, vegetables), yet remains as abundant and

efficient as that of program crops. He states, “Consumers do not anguish over shortages of

tomatoes, potatoes, eggs, broilers, and other commodities not under government control.” Our

results are consistent with this contention.

Implications and Conclusions

The results of this study are perhaps most applicable to the debate over the future of

federal commodity policy. As noted in the introduction, the cheap food policy idiom continues

to be employed by advocates of existing farm programs, including farmers, interest groups, and

farm state members of Congress. However, our findings indicate consumers and taxpayers

should be wary of these pronouncements. The results indicate that because the capitalization of

direct payments into the cost of land essentially mitigates any significant impact on retail food

prices, the true beneficiaries of farm programs tend to be landowners. In addition to our

statistical findings, the sheer magnitude of consumer expenditures on food relative to direct

payments to farmers indicates how little these payments should be expected to influence the

affordability of food. However, direct payments to farmers have become responsible for an

increasingly larger proportion of net farm income over time, and perhaps this situation

encourages farm interest groups to advocate the continuation and expansion of commodity

programs for reasons that include their ostensible impact on retail food prices.

Our results may also clarify the often confusing arguments surrounding the nation’s

obesity problem. As discussed previously, many social advocates insist on implicating farm

commodity programs as at least partially responsible for this predicament by making low-cost,


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high-fat food products easily available to consumers. Many of these critics believe eliminating

these programs would remedy much of the obesity problem. However, our findings indicate this

is a largely unsubstantiated argument. Payments to farmers are not found to significantly

influence the affordability of retail food products, particularly not on the scale suggested by

some public health advocates. Nonetheless, the mix of crops produced as a result of government

support remains a distinctly separate issue from this study. The results are also consistent with

recent work on the relationship between technological change and rising obesity rates, both on

the supply side and the demand side through the reduction in more labor-intensive employment

(Lakdawalla and Philipson, 2002; Philipson and Posner, 1999). Hence, the ability to remove

commodity programs from the discussion of the U.S. obesity problem would seem beneficial to

all parties.

In the continuing public debate over the design of U.S farm policy, proponents of

commodity programs delineate numerous justifications (see Tweeten). Similarly, several sources

are cited by critics as contributing to an environment that leads to a significant obese population,

commodity programs among them. The lack of evidence found in this study for a significant

role for direct payments indicates much of the discussion is misplaced. Direct payments are

shown to be a negligible factor in shifting the long-run supply curve for agricultural commodities

to the right. Rather, increases in consumer income and advances in technology that improve

agricultural productivity are shown to be more significant in their effects on the affordability of

retail food products. Debate over public investments to improve such technologies and

infrastructure would seem to be more appropriate.


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1 “Direct payments” as used in this article refer to all payments directly received by farmers for

which USDA has collected data for many decades. This is not a reference to the specific system

of fixed, decoupled payments to farmers established by the 2002 farm bill known as direct or

fixed direct payments. These payments could not be included in this analysis since no data after

1999 are incorporated.

2 The model was also estimated by modifying the direct payments variable to incorporate a three-

year moving average. Transforming this variable allowed for an alternative approach to

measuring expected direct payments. However, the results of estimating the model with this

variable are very similar to those in Table 1. In fact, direct payments become less significant

with the inclusion of the three-year moving average.


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Abbott, C., 2004. Record corn, soy, cotton crops to sink prices—USDA. Reuters. [Online.]. Available from News&storyID=6480119&pageNumber=0. 12. Barnard, C., Nehring, R., Ryan, J., Collender, R., 2001. Higher cropland value from farm program payments: Who gains? Agricultural Outlook, November. Beach, E. D., Boyd, R, Noel, D.U., 1997. An assessment of the effect on land values of eliminating direct payments to farmers in the United States. Journal of Economic Development, 22, 1-27. Brandon, H., 2004. Those awful farm subsidies: What’s food security worth? Delta Farm Press, 10 December. Eggert, R.J., 1947. Advantages and disadvantages of direct payments with special emphasis on marketing considerations. Journal of Farm Economics 29, 250-255. Fields, S., 2004. The fat of the land: Do agricultural subsidies foster poor health? Environmental Health Perspectives, vol. 112, no. 14, October. Gardner, B.L., 1975. The farm-retail price spread in a competitive food industry. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 57, 399-409. Knutson, R.D., Penn, J.B., Flinchbaugh, B.L., 1998. Agricultural and Food Policy, 4th ed. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. Lakdawalla, D., Philipson, T., 2002. The growth of obesity and technological change: A theoretical and empirical examination. National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 8946. [Online.] Available from Llewellyn, M., Margeta, M., Maxwell, B., Wong, L., 2004. Farm subsidies contribute to obesity. The Stanford Daily, 25 May. Moore, A., 1945. The Farmer and the Rest of Us. Little, Brown, and Company, Boston. Moore, T.G., 1987. Farm policy: Justifications, failures and the need for reform. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, October. Morgan, D., 2004. Farm revolution stops at subsidies. Washington Post, 3 October. Morrison Paul, C.J., McDonald, J.M., 2003. Tracing the effects of agricultural commodity prices and food costs. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 85, 633-646.


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National Center for Health Statistics, 2004. Health, United States, 2004 with chartbook on trends in the health of Americans. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Hyattsville, Maryland. Orden, D., Paarlberg, R., Roe, T., 1999. Policy reform in American agriculture: Analysis and prognosis. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Paarlberg, D., 1982. The scarcity syndrome. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 64, 110-114. Peterson, W.L., 1979. International Farm Prices and the Social Cost of Cheap Food Policies. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 61, 12-21. Philipson, T.J., Posner, R.A., 1999. The long-run growth in obesity as a function of technological change. National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 7423. [Online.] Available from Pollan, M., 2003. The (agri)cultural contradictions of obesity. The New York Times, 12 October. Shoemaker, R., Anderson, M., Hrubovcak, J., 1990. U.S. farm programs and agricultural resources. Agricultural Information Bulletin Number 614. United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service, Washington, DC. Tillotson, J.E., 2003. Pandemic obesity: agriculture’s cheap food policy is a bad bargain. Nutrition Today 38 (September-October) p. 186. Tweeten, L., 1995. The twelve best reasons for commodity programs: Why none stands scrutiny. CHOICES, pp. 4-7, 43-44, Second quarter.


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1933 1936 1939 1942 1945 1948 1951 1954 1957 1960 1963 1966 1969 1972 1975 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002


ent (


Figure 1. Percentage of U.S. disposable income spent on food, 1933-2003. Source: USDA ERS.


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$/unit $/unit

S1 S2


Loan Rate



a1 a2 Q1 Q2 Acres

Figure 2. Short-run output effect of a loan program.


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$/unit $/unit

S2 MC2 S1 MC1


Loan Rate AC1 Pe


a2 a1 Acres Q2 Q1

Figure 3. Long-run output effect of a loan program with payments capitalized into land values.


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1960 1963 1966 1969 1972 1975 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002


ons (





Food expenditures Government Payments

Figure 4. Total U.S. food expenditures and direct government payments to farmers, 1960-2003. Source: USDA-ERS.


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1960 1963 1966 1969 1972 1975 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002


ons (





Figure 5. Direct government payments to farmers as a share of net farm income, 1960- 2003. Source: USDA-ERS.


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Variable Estimate Elasticity

Intercept 0.1891*a

(0.0161) n/a

Total Factor Productivity -0.018*(0.0103) -0.09706

Per Capita Disposable Income (thousand $)

-0.00452**(0.00055) -0.65537

Farm-to-Retail Spread 0.0002*(0.0001) 0.29717

Direct Payments (billion $) -0.0000932(0.000145) -0.00495

R2 0.987 n/a aNumbers in parentheses are standard errors. Statistical significance at the α = 0.05 level is indicated by *; significance at the α = 0.01 by **.

Table 1. Percentage of disposable income spent on food AR(1) model results.