Charlie steak and scott nobles a love that knows no bounds




Transcript of Charlie steak and scott nobles a love that knows no bounds

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Page 2: Charlie steak and scott nobles a love that knows no bounds


This story was first created as part of the Archibull competition. The aim of Hurlstone’s entry was to instruct and inform the viewer about sustainable agriculture. We believe that the balance between farmers and developers is essential in our society and integral as a part of sustainable agriculture. This story was written as an extended metaphor as it personified the fibreglass steers that were made into our artwork.

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This is the story if the love that bloomed between two young steers, Scott Nobles and Charlie Steak. This story has all the elements of a good love story; romance, passion, intrigue! But be warned, this is not a happy story.

Like all good stories, this one began in a fibreglass factory. Charlie and Scott suddenly found themselves in a state of existence but before they were able to come to terms with this unusual turn of events they were put onto a truck (not that they knew what a truck was) and sent to Hurlstone Agricultural High School.

“Hello,” said Scott.

“Hi,” said Charlie.

And that was it. An instant connection. Such immediate, easy conversation is not the norm and while the steers did not know much about this world, they knew they had found something worth holding onto.

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Weeks passed and the steers sat idle in the Art faculty while the amazing, dedicated and undervalued Art teachers attempted to convince, coerce and threaten the students to pull their collective fingers out and actually do something. Meanwhile, the love between the two deepened. They frolicked around the Art quad, lost in their love. They were that kind of couple that sickens all present with their over the top public displays of affection, but luckily for them they had no peers miming a gag reflex and so they were carefree and happy.

The Art teachers soon learned of the torrid affair and attempted to end it. They dragged Scott and Charlie all around the school in an attempt to tire them out enough that they would forget about each other. But such love is not so easily discouraged. One stormy afternoon they met in the Art room and decided that they needed to do something.

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“We need to do something,” said Scott.

“I agree,” agreed Charlie.

“See, we’re, like, totally in sync, this is why I love you baby!”

“I know right, I love you so much babes! By the way that white looks great on you!”

As usual, they got carried away by the incredibly intellectually stimulating conversation they shared, and forgot all about their predicament.

And then… the painting started.

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Scott was thrilled with his new look, and was so preoccupied he wasn’t talking to Charlie nearly as much. Charlie noticed and tried to confront him.

“Scott! You never talk to me anymore!”

“Well it’s a bit hard when I have your butt in my face...” Scott pointed out.

“I’m just worried that while you’re getting painted you’ll forget about me. That you’ll change,” confessed Charlie softly.

“I won’t change,” Scott assured him.

“You might! Things change… people change… hairstyles change… interest rates fluctuate…we flatulate...”

“I won’t.” Scott reassured him.

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With his insecurities about their relationship put to rest, work began on Charlie.

The painting was slow at first, but began to gather momentum as the deadline approached with increasing speed. Finally, after two days of intense painting, after which many students will not be able to look at a straight edge or farmyard animal without suffering severe psychological effects, the two steers were complete. And by golly gosh, did they look great.

“By golly gosh, you look great!” exclaimed Charlie. “All those straight edges really suit you! So chic!”

“You look good too! Those farmyard animals… wow!”

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And so the mental health of the Hurlstone students and Art teachers suddenly seemed a reasonable sacrifice, just to see Charlie and Scott so happy. Little did they know at the time, their happiness was to be short-lived.

I told you that this was not a happy story. If you want, you may stop reading now and imagine that the two steers lived happily ever after together, however this is not what happened. You have been warned.

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Not 12 hours after the conclusion of the painting, the construction of the scales commenced. Charlie and Scott were being brought close to one another and were, of course, thrilled with this process, but then suddenly it stopped. They were placed a metre away from each other and although they didn’t know it at the time, were never to be closer ever again.

Holes were drilled, harnesses were attached, hydroponic systems were installed and before the steers knew it they were two feet above the ground, for the rest of eternity. After their initial panic the steers soon became used to their fate and were able to discuss it.

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“I’m sorry Charlie,” said Scott. “I feel like this is all my fault.”

“Don’t be ridiculous!” exclaimed Charlie. “You didn’t strap us up to these things.”

“No, I mean about us, about us not being together anymore. I feel like if I hadn’t shown you what true love was like, you wouldn’t feel so bad about what has happened.”

Charlie shook his head.

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“I’m not the first fibreglass steer that has been sent to a school to be painted for an Art competition only to fall in love with his equally emasculated counterpart and then made in to a sculpture which demonstrates the balance required for sustainable agriculture as well as being a working hydroponics system.”

“When you say it like that,” said Scott. “It all sounds like some bored year ten student having too much fun writing a story...”

“I’m serious! Everyone else who has been in my situation has survived and I’m sure we will too.”

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And so this story comes to its conclusion, with two steers parted by fate but bound by a love so strong that not even a couple of slightly insane Art teachers could come between them. They spent the rest of eternity looking into each other’s eyes and seeing themselves reflected in the soul of the other.

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The End

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