CHARACTERSTICS OF SHEEP - Creative Sunday … CHARACTERSTICS OF SHEEP (based on information from...

4 CHARACTERSTICS OF SHEEP (based on information from Sociablelike staying close to other sheep, can become stressed when sepa- rated from their flock Followerstend to follow a leader (the leader may simply be the first sheep to move)

Transcript of CHARACTERSTICS OF SHEEP - Creative Sunday … CHARACTERSTICS OF SHEEP (based on information from...

CHARACTERSTICS OF SHEEP (based on information from


like staying

close to

other sheep,

can become


when sepa-

rated from

their flock


tend to

follow a

leader (the

leader may

simply be

the first

sheep to


Herbivores—eat only plants, mainly grass (hay during the

winter); very food oriented (you can get them to follow you if

you offer food)

Require clean water—refuse water that is covered in scum

or algae

Usually thought of as unintelligent—but can recognize indi-

vidual faces of people and sheep and remember them for

years; a University of Illinois study found their IQ to be

just below pigs and equal with cattle

Good senses—sensitive to noise;

excellent sense of smell; great

peripheral vision (can see behind

themselves without turning their

heads); however, they have poor

depth perception, so shadows

bother them, and they tend to

move out of the dark into well-lit


Little ability to defend themselves—flee danger, but if

cornered, may charge; many sheep are killed by predators

(wolves, foxes, coyotes, dogs); protective measures:

shepherds, guard dogs, barns, fencing, etc.

Sheep’s Best Friend