Chapters 6 & 7 Storing and retrieving from episodic memory Semantic memory: categorization and...

Chapters 6 & 7 • Storing and retrieving from episodic memory • Semantic memory: categorization and priming

Transcript of Chapters 6 & 7 Storing and retrieving from episodic memory Semantic memory: categorization and...

Page 1: Chapters 6 & 7 Storing and retrieving from episodic memory Semantic memory: categorization and priming.

Chapters 6 & 7

• Storing and retrieving from episodic memory

• Semantic memory: categorization and priming

Page 2: Chapters 6 & 7 Storing and retrieving from episodic memory Semantic memory: categorization and priming.

Who learns with music?

Page 3: Chapters 6 & 7 Storing and retrieving from episodic memory Semantic memory: categorization and priming.

Taxonomy of long-term memory (Squire, 1993)

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Episodic memory

• Memory for facts about personally experienced events

• Three stages: Encoding (storing or acquisition), storage (retention), and retrieval

• Four ways to improve episodic memory: Rehearsal, levels of processing, organization, and imagery

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• The aim of rehearsal is maintaining information in working memory as long as possible thus increasing the possibility of storing the information in long-term memory.

• Serial position effects: Primacy and recency effect

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Primacy and recency effects (Rundus, 1971)

• Subjects were presented list of 20 words at a rate of 5 s per word. They were asked to rehearse the list out loud.

• Rundus (1971) compared the probability of recall with the position of the word on the list and the number of rehearsals.

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Primacy and recency effects (Rundus, 1971)

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Levels of processing (Craik & Lockhart, 1972)

• Also called elaborative rehearsal, type II rehearsal, or depth of processing

• When new information is processed in a more intentional and meaningful way, the representation of that information will make more connections with the existing information.

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Glenberg, Smith, and Green (1977): Task effects

• Participants were asked to remember four-digit numbers. During variable intervals, they had to repeat words. At the end subjects were given a free recall or a recognition test on the words.

• Rehearsal did not improve performance on free recall test, but did improve performance on recognition test.

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• (Re)structuring of information, so it can be stored in groups (chunking).

• The organization of information can be subjective (Tulving, 1962).

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Visual imagery

• When people can store mental pictures, they will remember information better (Schnorr & Atkinson, 1969).

• Dual coding hypothesis (Paivio, 1971): Concrete objects are represented twice.

• Once in terms of their verbal attributes and once in terms of their imaginal attributes.

Page 12: Chapters 6 & 7 Storing and retrieving from episodic memory Semantic memory: categorization and priming.

Mnemonic Devices

• Use levels of processing, organization, as well as imagery techniques.

Page 13: Chapters 6 & 7 Storing and retrieving from episodic memory Semantic memory: categorization and priming.

Encoding specificity (Tulving & Thompson, 1973)

• Items are stored into a larger representation, that includes information about the item presentation.

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Encoding is retrieval

• When people learn information, connections between new and old information are made.

• When these connections are numerous (rehearsal), elaborate (processing levels, organization, and imagery), it will be easier to retrieve information because there are more cues to help retrieving it.

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Retrieval in episodic memory

• Decay (which is actually a storage/retention problem): The passage of time is cause of forgetting (Thorndike, 1914).

• Interference. Different items are associated with the same retrieval cue. Attempted retrieval of one of these items can be blocked by the inadvertent retrieval of the other item.

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• Negative transfer, for instance when subjects have to learn a list of word pairs that were already related to other words in prior lists.

• Positive transfer, for instance when subjects have to learn a list of word pairs that were similar to words in prior lists.

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Negative Transfer

List 1 List 2

Tall – Bone Tall – Leaf

Plan – Leaf Plan – Bone

Page 18: Chapters 6 & 7 Storing and retrieving from episodic memory Semantic memory: categorization and priming.

Positive Transfer

List 1 List 2

Tall – Bone Tall – Skeleton

Plan – Leaf Plan - Tree

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• Proactive interference: A previous learned list interferes with a later list which is tested.

• Retroactive interference: A later learned list interferes with a previous list which is tested.

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• Encoding – Storage - Retrieval

• Retrograde amnesia (no retrieval)

• Anterograde amnesia (no encoding)

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What’s better learning with music or learning without music?