
Chapter 10 VAPOR AND COMBINED POWER CYCLES Wan Rosli Wan Sulaiman Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, 6 th Edition Yunus A. Cengel, Michael A. Boles McGraw-Hill, 2008

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Chapter 10VAPOR AND COMBINED POWER CYCLESWan Rosli Wan SulaianCop!ri"ht # $he M%&ra'()ill Copanies* In%+ Perission re,uire- .or repro-u%tion or -ispla!+$hero-!nai%s/ An En"ineerin" Approa%h* 0th E-itionYunus A+ Cen"el* Mi%hael A+ BolesM%&ra'()ill* 10022O34e%ti5esEvaluate the performance of gas power cycles for which the working fluid remains a gas throughout the entire cycle.Analyze vapor power cycles in which the working fluid is alternately vaporized and condensed.Analyze power generation coupled with process heating called cogeneration.Investigate ways to modify the basic Rankine vapor power cycle to increase the cycle thermal efficiency.Analyze the reheat and regenerative vapor power cycles.Analyze power cycles that consist of two separate cycles known as combined cycles and binary cycles.

$)E CARNO$ VAPOR CYCLET-s diagram of two !arnot vapor cycles."he !arnot cycle is the most efficient cycle operating between two specified temperature limits but it is not a suitable model for power cycles. #ecause$%rocess &'2 (imiting the heat transfer processes to two'phase systems severely limits the ma)imum temperature that can be used in the cycle *+,-! for water.%rocess 2' "he turbine cannot handle steam with a high moisture content because of the impingement of li/uid droplets on the turbine blades causing erosion and wear.%rocess ,'& It is not practical to design a compressor that handles two phases.$he %!%le in 637 is not suita3le sin%e it re,uires isentropi% %opression to e8treel! hi"h pressures an- isotheral heat at 5aria3le pressures+1(1 isothermal heat addition in a boiler 1(9 isentropic e)pansion in a turbine 9(: isothermal heat re0ection in a condenser:(1 isentropic compression in a compressor,RAN;INE CYCLE/ $)E IDEAL CYCLEAL VAPOR POWER CYCLES