Chapter summaries (1 12)

Denise Hawkes Sls Chapter One Summary This chapter was how about your first time in college. The sections discussed topics like you want out of college, you can explore you’re learning in college and throughout life. This can promote your success for your future. Using the three thinking skills, analytical, creative and practical thinking will provide a new view of your skills and potential as a student. There were didn’t cases with college students who had personal issues with life and school this chapter provided information to show us how to think and solve problems. Some cases are facts some were fiction. There were also in chapter content and student profiles that illustrate growth mindset and thoughtful, emotionally intelligent choices. Learn from your failure was also a topic in this chapter, one of the messages about this topic was failure approached with a growth mindset can spark motivation, showing you what you can do better this will drive you to improve. I found key four very helpful in this chapter. It was a pyramid that showed the different level of basics for success there are



Transcript of Chapter summaries (1 12)

Page 1: Chapter summaries  (1 12)

Denise Hawkes Sls

Chapter One Summary

This chapter was how about your first time in college. The sections discussed topics

like you want out of college, you can explore you’re learning in college and throughout

life. This can promote your success for your future. Using the three thinking skills,

analytical, creative and practical thinking will provide a new view of your skills and

potential as a student. There were didn’t cases with college students who had personal

issues with life and school this chapter provided information to show us how to think and

solve problems.

Some cases are facts some were fiction. There were also in chapter content and

student profiles that illustrate growth mindset and thoughtful, emotionally intelligent

choices. Learn from your failure was also a topic in this chapter, one of the messages

about this topic was failure approached with a growth mindset can spark motivation,

showing you what you can do better this will drive you to improve.

I found key four very helpful in this chapter. It was a pyramid that showed the different

level of basics for success there are seven levels I’ll start from the bottom 7. Attend

class on time with a positive attitude. 6. Read assigned material before it is discussed in

class. 5. Listen attentively, take notes, and participate in discussions, 4. Complete

assignments on schedule, 3.Study for exams, 2. Seek help when needed, 1. Toward

graduation. These were tips that were given in chapter one to help some college

students stay focus in order to get closer to their success.

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Chapter Two Summary

This chapter talked about values, goals and time. Which is a very important topic in all

college students life. Most of us work one job or two. Some of us have kids or a family

we have to take care of, so when it comes to school our values, goals and time may be

an issue when it comes to staying focus and on top of class assignments. Values talked

about why it’s important to know what you value and how important it is for you to know

what’s important about your future career and what’s not important. There were four

important topics that were given. 1. Understand what you want out of life. 2. Choose

how to use your valuable time. 3. Build rules for life. 4. Find people who inspire you.

Goals talked about short term and long term goals. Setting up a SMART goal

achievement plan can be very helpful. The SMART system to make your goals specific,

Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and linked to a Time Frame. 1. Define a realistic and

achievable goal. 2. Define a specific path. 3. Link to a time frame. 4. Measure your

progress. 5. Get unstuck.

Time talked about identifying your time profile and preferences, building a schedule,

keeping track of events and commitments (this particular topic is a very hard issue for

me because of my busy schedule) Scheduling tasks and activities that support your

values and goals. Make a to do list and prioritize. Plan a track had a few tips that were

helpful as well: 1. Plan regularly 2. Actively manage your schedule 3. Use monthly and

yearly calendars at home. 4. Work to stay motivated. 5. Avoid time traps. 6. Schedule


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Chapter Three Summary

Learning how to learn was about learning what works for you as you go through

college. Some students may lean better in study groups others may learn better through

online classes many prefer to be in the classroom to get hands on experience like me.

Learning style is a particular way in which the mind receives and process information.

Potential is the abilities that may be developed. Intelligence is the ability to solve

problems or create products that are of values in a culture.

One of the topics was Classroom choices one of the questions was; what can you do

when your preferences don’t match up with how your instructor teaches. Three

suggestions were 1. Play to your strengths. 2. Work to strength weaker areas. 3. Ask

your instructor for help. This tip is especially important because when there are large

lectures and your unknown to the instructor unless you speak up they’ll never know if

you need help or if you understand if you never say anything.

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Chapter Four

Critical, Creative and Practical thinking chapter discussed a lot of different topics such

as Gathering information 1. Review the assignment terms you note two important

items. 2. At the library and online you can find thousands of articles in this topic area. 3.

Examining the summaries of six comprehensive articles leads you to three in depth

sources. Break information into parts 1. Separate the ideas 2. Identify the evidence.

Another topic was improving your creative thinking skills brainstorming. Take a new and

different look challenge assumptions shift your perspective ask the what if questions.

Set the stage for creativity, choose or create environments that free your mind. Be

curious. Give yourself time to sit with a question. Take risks go against established

ideas. Let mistakes be okay.

All the topics and information in this chapter helps you improve your three different

thinking skills. Solving problems keeping your balance and making your decisions are

not only apart of college life but it’s also used in your everyday life as well.

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Chapter Five

This chapter is about reading comprehension. There are a lot of techniques that

college students can use in order to help them understand what they are reading.

Those techniques are: Define your reading purpose, Take active and positive approach,

Choose the right setting, Learn to concentrate and Expand your vocabulary. There is

also something called SQ3R which stands for Survey, Questions, Read, Recite, and

Review. This technique helps readers take in, understand and remember what they


What Strategies help with specific subjects and formats? Math and science. You have

to interact with math material actively through writing. Pay attention to formulas, use

memory strategies to learn science. . Social science and humanities prepare you to be

a well-rounded person, able and ready to fulfill your responsibilities to yourself, your

family, and a free democracy. Look at the themes as you read, even if they are not

spelled out. think critically will help you maximize learning and understanding as you

ask questions about what you read.

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Chapter Six:

Listening and Note Taking was the best chapter to me. I feel that I learned a lot of

strategies that I know for sure that I will use in my everyday life. Knowing the stages of

listening was about four listening stages which are: Sensation, Interpretation,

Evaluation, Reaction. With these four stages anyone can become a better listener by

learning to recognize and manage listening challenges and becoming actively involved

with the material.

Also becoming an active listener, Manage listening challenges were topics discussed in

this chapter. When it comes to Managing listening challenges there are five fixable

things to help you which are: Focusing, Have an I can do it attitude, Recognize and

correct your patterns, Get help, and take a proactive approach to understanding.

There are also note taking skills advice in this chapter, some of those tips are: Being

prepared, Preview your reading material, Review what you know, Set up your

environment, Gather support and choose the best note taking systems. Record info

effectively during class, Review and revise, Take notes from the texts in the book and

use the Cornell T-note system.

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Chapter Seven

When it comes to memory a lot of people have a hard time knowing exactly what they

wrote, or even what was told to them five minutes ago. This chapter talked about short

term, long term memory and sensory registers. Most people including me wants to know

why we forget things what is it in our mind that makes us forget. In this chapter that

topic was explained it’s because of ineffective studying. That’s when your not doing

what you should to retain what you learn.

How can you remember what you study? There are six questions to answer this which

is: 1. When 2.where 3.who. 4. What 5. Why? 6How. When choosing when, where, and

who, choose your best setting. When your using what and why, that’s evaluating study

materials. How is use with study strategies.

Have purpose, intention and emotional connection, put your notes to work. Understand

what you memorize, Study during short, frequent sessions. Get your body ready, use

analytical thinking skills. Organize the items you are processing. Recite, rehearse and

write. Also use flash cards, use audio strategies. Use learning styles strategies and use

the information.

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Chapter Eight

Are you having problems when you’re trying to study for a test or you’re about to take a

test? How can preparation improve test performance? Identify test type and what you

will be expected to know. You need to determine where and how the test will be given.

What kinds of ways can you create a study schedule and checklist? There are reading

and studying strategies such as: Think analytically, Use SQ3R, Employ strategies from

how questions and Create mnemonic devices.

You can also make a pretest on your own with your notes that you have. Prepare

yourself for final exams. Prepare yourself physically and make the most of the last

minute cramming. Prepare yourself well and have a positive attitude. Try to eliminate

the amount of distraction you get while trying to studying. That includes cell phones, Tv,

sitting by the window, listening to the radio etc.

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Chapter Nine

Differences among people and within people, now days everyone has a mixture of

different levels of diversity. There are differences in gender, skin, color, ethnicity and

national origin age and physical characteristics are most obvious. Value diversity which

means have a basic respect for the difference among people and an understanding of

what is positive about those differences.

Identify and evaluate personal perceptions and attitudes such as prejudice and

stereotypes. Be aware of what happens when cultures interact this includes

discrimination and hate crimes. Build a cultural knowledge so you can understand

others lifestyle better and not to be quick to judge they what other people do or how

they think. Adapt to diverse cultures look past external characteristics, move beyond

your feelings, put yourself in other people shoes.

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Chapter Ten

S-T-R-E-S-S! is a huge topic in everyone lives. There are many ways in this chapter

that can help you manage stress. You have to eat well. Evaluate your waiting habits,

understand your eating habits, understand the effects of obesity target your ideal weight

and control the body mass index. Make sure you get lost of exercise. Make exercising a

priority. Get enough sleep good sleep is at least about 8-9 hours.

Make effective decisions about sex. Use birth control you can get this from a primary

doctor or a health clinic. Use condoms. It prevents you from getting sexually transmitted

diseases. AIDS and HIV. You have to be more than careful when it comes to yourself

now a days there are so many diseases.

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Chapter Eleven

Money is a major issue in everyone’s life. You have to learn how to spend it when you

need to spend it and when you don’t sometimes you might have to cut back on the

things you want and only get the things you really need. This chapter was about

Managing Money. Look at how your time relates to your money. Figure out what you

earn every year, hour, every month or two weeks. Figure out what you spend and how

much you spend on a regular bases, It’s all on important things or things you know you

don’t need but still want because you have no self control. Adjust your expenses from

your earnings evaluate the difference.

If you have credit cards manage them correctly what for problems build a good credit

score. If you have bad credit try to clean the things off your credit to help yourself out

because with good credit you can get the things you really want with no problem, such

as homes, cars or jobs.

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Chapter Twelve

We are all in college to get a career so we can live the life we planned for ourself

since we’ve been in high school. Without a career things will be a lot harder for you as

far as finding a good job with great pay. Trying to get a house but you can’t because

you can’t afford that. Having a kid but you can’t afford to put them in the school you

would like for them to go to because it costs to much. It’s all based on you career tour

yearly income what can you afford. How can you prepare for career success? Consider

your personality and strengths, Be stragetic, Build knowledge and experience,

investigate career paths, know what employers you want to be around or that you may

want to work for you, if you plan on being a boss. Expect change in your career and

your personal life. Flexibility helps you adapt to change. Without change you will never

see progress.