CHAPTER Judicial Branch - ·...

CHAPTER 5 Judicial Branch “Trick Rider” (Missouri State Archives, Putman Collection)

Transcript of CHAPTER Judicial Branch - ·...

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Judicial Branch

“Trick Rider”(Missouri State Archives, Putman Collection)

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From its inception in 1820, Missouri state gov-ernment has been constitutionally divided intothree separate branches—the legislative, executiveand judicial departments. The judicial department’sfunction is not to make the laws of the state or toadminister them, but to adjudicate the controver-sies that arise between persons and parties, todetermine fairly and justly the guilt or innocence ofpersons charged with criminal offenses, and tointerpret the laws of the state as enacted by the leg-islature and carried out by the executive.

The roots of Missouri’s judicial branch reachback to the days when Missouri was a part of theMissouri Territory controlled by the French andSpanish. When Missouri was officially organized asa territory in 1812, the judicial power was vested ina superior court, inferior courts and justices of thepeace. The Constitution of 1820, the state’s firstconstitution, placed the judicial power in a Su-preme Court, chancery courts (later abolished bythe General Assembly), and circuit and other courtsto be established by the legislature.

Today, Missouri has a three-tier court system.Article V of the Constitution, as amended byMissouri voters in 1976, vests the judicial power ina Supreme Court, the state’s highest court, withstatewide jurisdiction; in a court of appeals con-sisting of districts established by the General As-sembly; and in a system of circuit courts that haveoriginal jurisdiction over all cases and matters, civiland criminal.

Effective January 2, 1979, the circuit court sys-tem absorbed all former courts of limited jurisdic-tion and became the state’s single trial court. Casesonce heard in magistrate and probate courts, in theSt. Louis Court of Criminal Corrections, in the Han-nibal and Cape Girardeau Courts of CommonPleas, and in municipal and other local courts noware heard in appropriate divisions of the circuitcourts.

All the judges of these former courts have be-come either circuit, associate circuit or municipaljudges. They may hear and determine differentclasses of cases within their respective circuits. Apresiding judge, elected for a two-year term, hasgeneral administrative authority over all judicialpersonnel in the circuit. He or she may assign other


judges throughout the circuit to relieve case loadand administrative backlogs. The Supreme Courtand court of appeals have general superintendingcontrol over all courts and tribunals within theirjurisdictions. Original remedial writs may be issuedand determined at each level of the court system.Decisions of the Supreme Court are controlling inall other courts.

Selection of JudgesIn the first 30 years of Missouri’s statehood, the

judges of the supreme, circuit and chancery courtswere appointed by the governor with the advice andconsent of the Senate. After much public discussion,the Constitution was amended in 1849 to providefor the popular election of judges, and this systemremains in effect for most Missouri courts eventoday. In most circuits, the judges are elected by thevoters in partisan elections.

However, in 1940 Missouri voters amended theConstitution by adopting the “Nonpartisan Se-lection of Judges Court Plan,” which was placed onthe ballot by initiative petition and which providesfor the nonpartisan (non-political) appointment ofcertain judges, rather than having them popularlyelected.

The Constitution, as amended further in 1976,provides that the Nonpartisan Court Plan is to be ineffect for the Supreme Court, the court of appeals,and the circuit courts within the City of St. Louisand Jackson County. In addition, voters in St. Louis,Clay and Platte counties have elected to institutethe plan, and the Kansas City Charter extends anonpartisan selection plan to Kansas City munici-pal court judges. While all other judges are popu-larly elected, other judicial circuits may adopt theplan upon approval by a majority of the voters inthe circuit.

Under the Missouri Court Plan, as it is oftencalled, a vacancy on a court to which the planapplies is filled in the following way. A nonpartisanjudicial commission of lay persons, lawyers andjudges selects three persons from those who applybased on merit. The governor appoints one of thethree. A judge appointed in this way must stand forretention in office at the first general electionoccurring after the judge has been in office for 12months; the judge’s name is placed on a separatejudicial ballot, without political party designation,and the voters must vote either for or against reten-tion in office. The judge’s name is again placed onthe ballot for retention vote at certain intervals. TheMissouri Court Plan has served as a national modelfor the selection of judges and has been adopted bya number of other states.

Every supreme, appellate, circuit and associatecircuit court judge must be licensed to practice lawin Missouri. By constitutional amendment andstatute, all judges must retire by age 70.


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Supreme Court Bldg.PO Box 150Jefferson City 65102Telephone: (573) 751-4144

History and OrganizationThe Supreme Court has been the state’s highest

court since 1820, when the first Missouri Constitu-tion was adopted. The earliest court, consisting ofonly three members, was required to hold sessionsin four different judicial circuits in the state. At var-ious times, the court sat in St. Louis, Jackson, CapeGirardeau, St. Charles, Boonville, Fayette, Hanni-bal, Lexington and other cities.

The size of the Supreme Court was increased tofive judges in 1872 and to its present size—sevenjudges—in 1890. Because of the court’s increasingcaseload, commissioners were appointed for a briefperiod in the 1880s. In 1911, the legislature autho-rized the court to appoint four commissioners, andin 1927, the number was changed to six. The com-missioners were required to possess the same qual-ifications as judges of the Supreme Court. Theyreceived the same compensation and were appoint-ed for four-year terms. The commissioners in thepast have heard cases along with the judges andtheir written opinions, if approved by the court,were promulgated as opinions of the court.

Under terms of the 1970 constitutional amend-ment of Article V, the offices of the commissionersceased to exist when the individuals holding theoffices retired, resigned, died or were removedfrom office.

In 1890, the Supreme Court was divided intotwo divisions to permit it to handle and decidemore cases in a shorter time. Under the presentconstitution, the court may sit en banc (all sevenjudges together) or in as many divisions as the courtdetermines are needed. Today, all cases areassigned to and decided by the court en banc.

Supreme Court JurisdictionOriginally, the Supreme Court had only the tra-

ditional powers to decide cases on appeal from thelower courts (either the circuit courts or the courtof appeals) and to issue and determine originalremedial writs, such as habeas corpus, mandamus


and prohibition. The Constitution of 1945 alsoauthorized the court to establish rules for practiceand procedure in the courts and to make temporarytransfers of judicial personnel. Maintaining andupdating the rules is a continuous process requir-ing substantial time. Each year, the Supreme Court,through the state courts administrator, transfers sev-eral hundred court personnel on a temporary basisto assist other courts. This usually is done when ajudge has been disqualified by the parties in a caseor when a judge’s docket has become overlycrowded and the judge cannot handle all the casesexpeditiously.

The constitutional amendments of 1976 and1982 defined the jurisdiction of the Supreme Courtmore narrowly than in the past, resulting in itsreceiving fewer cases on appeal and directingmore appeals to the Court of Appeals. Under theamendment, the Supreme Court has exclusiveappellate jurisdiction in all cases involving: thevalidity of a treaty or statute of the United States orof a statute or provision of the Missouri Constitu-tion; the construction of the state’s revenue laws;the title to any state office; and in all cases wherethe punishment imposed is death.

Cases do not have to fall within this area ofexclusive jurisdiction to reach the Supreme Court,however. The court may order cases transferred toit from the court of appeals if the cases involvequestions of general interest or importance, if thecourt thinks the existing law should be reexam-ined, or for other reasons provided by rule of thecourt. The court of appeals also may order a casetransferred to the Supreme Court either by order ofthe court of appeals itself or by the dissent of acourt of appeals judge, if that judge certifies thecourt of appeals opinion is contrary to previousdecisions of the Supreme Court or of other districtsof the court of appeals.

In addition to its decision-making powers, theSupreme Court supervises all lower courts in thestate. It is assisted in this task by the Office of StateCourts Administrator, established in 1970. TheSupreme Court also licenses all lawyers practicingin Missouri and disciplines those found guilty ofviolating the legal Rules of Professional Conduct.

THOMAS F. SIMONClerk, Missouri Supreme Court

SupremeCourt ofMissouri

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Qualifications and TermsSupreme Court judges must be at least 30 years

of age, U.S. citizens for 15 years and qualifiedMissouri voters for nine years. Supreme Courtjudges are retained for 12-year terms.

Chief JusticeThe seven judges of the Supreme Court select

one of their number to be chief justice and presideover the court. The chief justice also handles manyof the administrative details for the court. The pres-ent practice of the court is to rotate the position ofchief justice every two years.

The court hears oral arguments each monthfrom September through May. Court sessions areopen to the public.

Supreme Court BuildingThe Supreme Court Building, a three-story, red

brick structure of French Renaissance architecture,was built in 1907 and stands opposite the Capitol.It houses the attorney general’s offices as well asthose of the Supreme Court. The building’s mainfeatures are a massive marble staircase in the lobbyand the two-story high library. The building hasbeen extensively refurbished and modernized withthe use of moneys appropriated by the GeneralAssembly.

Clerk’s OfficeThe clerk of the Supreme Court is responsible for

a wide range of duties, including the supervision ofthe internal administrative function of the court itselfas well as the planning and administrative directionof the Missouri Judicial Conference, the organizationcomprising all of the judges in the state.

Supreme Court FunctionThe day-to-day administrative duties, as they

relate to the court, include handling all inquiries andprocedural requests from attorneys throughout thestate, arranging the docketing of cases, maintainingfiles in each case before the court, receiving and dis-posing of fees related to those cases, and printingand distributing opinions of the court. In all of thesematters, the clerk reports directly to the chief justice.

Missouri Bar ResponsibilitiesThe clerk of the Supreme Court has a number of

additional duties relating to The Missouri Bar andthe supervision of the admission of new attorneys.

Among the records required to be maintained bythe clerk are the official and permanent roll of attor-neys for the State of Missouri. The clerk’s office alsoprepares on request certificates evidencing ad-mission to The Missouri Bar. By Supreme Court rule,the clerk is treasurer of the state board of law exam-iners, which conducts bar examinations twice year-ly. The clerk also supervises the semi-annual enroll-ment ceremonies and prepares all attorney licenses.

By Supreme Court rule, the clerk is ex officiotreasurer of The Missouri Bar and the advisory com-mittee and is responsible for collecting the annualattorney enrollment fee and distributing MissouriBar membership cards to all attorneys licensed topractice in Missouri. He is responsible for main-taining the official records of The Missouri Bar andthe bar fund and for preparing annual financialreports for publication in the Journal of TheMissouri Bar. The clerk also is responsible for con-ducting annual elections for The Missouri BarBoard of Governors.

Security AdministrationThe Supreme Court’s marshal is under the

clerk’s supervision. He is responsible for buildingsecurity and the transportation of prisoners. Themarshal also acts as bailiff when the court is in ses-sion. In addition, the marshal is responsible for allhomeland security matters as they affect theSupreme Court.

Supreme Court LibraryTelephone: (573) 751-2636

The Supreme Court Library, which is on thesecond floor of the Supreme Court Building, con-tains more than 110,000 volumes. These includethe decisions of state and federal courts and feder-al administrative agencies, statutes of all states, 150legal periodicals, legal textbooks, and many Englishdecisions and statutes. In addition, the library con-tains computer research services for the use of courtpersonnel.

The library’s main responsibility is to meet theresearch needs of the Supreme Court, the attorneygeneral’s office, the General Assembly and thestate’s executive department agencies, but it alsoprovides resources to members of the bench andbar and the general public. It maintains daily hoursthroughout the year.

Supreme Court PublicationsTelephone: (573) 751-4696

There are three monthly publications availableto the public on a subscription basis. Tomorrow’sOpinion Monitor (T.O.M.) allows electronic explo-ration of all cases in the appellate system with con-densed legal arguments of pending cases, sum-maries of opinions and official citations. Infinitepossibilities for searching include subject, statute,rule, keyword, attorney and judge name. The Opin-ion Summary provides subscribers with a briefdigest of decisions from the Supreme Court andCourt of Appeals. The Pending Issues Digest pro-vides a summary of the issues raised in legal briefsfiled in the courts.

The Missouri Approved Instructions—Criminaland Missouri Approved Charges—Criminal also arepublished by the publications department.


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MICHAEL A. WOLFF served on the faculty of St.Louis University School of Law for 23 yearsbefore being appointed to the Supreme Court ofMissouri in August, 1998. His term as chief jus-tice is from July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2007.

During his time in St. Louis, Judge Wolff wasactive in trial practice and was co-author of Fed-eral Jury Practice and Instructions, (4th edition),which is used by lawyers and judges throughoutthe country. As a law school teacher, he taughtCivil Procedure, Trial Advocacy, Health Law,Criminal Sentencing, Constitutional Law andAdministrative Law, among other courses. Hewas a recipient of the law school’s TeachingExcellence Award. Judge Wolff was on the facul-ty of the University’s School of Medicine andSchool of Public Health. He is a member of theAmerican Law Institute. Judge Wolff is a memberof the Missouri Sentencing Advisory Commis-sion and served as its chair in 2004 and 2005.

In 1992, while on leave from the University,Judge Wolff was Transition Director for Gover-nor-elect Mel Carnahan, served as Chief Counselto the governor in 1993–1994, and was SpecialCounsel to the governor 1994–1998 after return-ing to the law school. As special counsel, Wolffwas active in seeking solutions, including legis-lation that passed in 1998, for dealing with theproblems of urban schools after the end of courtordered desegregation.

Wolff also served from 1993–1998 as chair-man of the Board of Trustees of the Missouri Con-solidated Health Care Plan, the health insuranceprogram for public employees. Wolff was a candi-date for attorney general in 1988 and 1992.

In addition to The Missouri Bar, Judge Wolffis a member of the Lawyers Association of St.Louis and the Bar Association of Metropolitan St.Louis. He also has served several charitable andeducational organizations in various capacities.

In his early legal career, Wolff was a federalcourt law clerk in 1970–1971 and served inlegal services programs in St. Paul, Minnesota,and Denver, Colorado, and was director of BlackHills Legal Services in Rapid City, South Dakota,


from 1973 to 1975. He joined the St. Louis Uni-versity faculty in 1975.

Judge Wolff was born April 1, 1945, in LaCrosse, Wisconsin, and was educated inCatholic grade schools and Lourdes High Schoolin Rochester, Minnesota. He graduated in 1967from Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hamp-shire, where he was editor-in-chief and chair-man of the board of The Dartmouth, the studentdaily newspaper. He received his law degreewith honors from the University of Minnesotalaw school in 1970. During law school, heworked as a reporter and copy editor for TheMinneapolis Star. He and his wife, Patricia B.Wolff, M.D., who is a pediatrician, have beenmarried since 1968. They have two grown sons,Andrew Barrett Wolff, born in 1974, and Ben-jamin Barrett Wolff, born in 1977.

Michael A.Wolff

Chief Justice of theSupreme Court

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STEPHEN N. LIMBAUGH JR. was born January25, 1952, in Cape Girardeau.

Judge Limbaugh was educated in the CapeGirardeau public schools and later graduatedfrom Southern Methodist University (Bachelor ofArts, 1973; Juris Doctor, 1976) and the Universi-ty of Virginia (Master of Laws in Judicial Process,1998).

Judge Limbaugh was admitted to the StateBar of Texas and The Missouri Bar in 1977. Hewas engaged in private practice with the CapeGirardeau law firm of Limbaugh, Limbaugh andRussell from 1977–1978. In November 1978 hewas elected prosecuting attorney of CapeGirardeau County and served from 1979–1982.He then returned to private practice with theLimbaugh firm from 1983 until September 1987when he was appointed Circuit Judge, 32ndJudicial Circuit, for a portion of an unexpiredterm. He was elected in 1988 for the remainderof the unexpired term and re-elected in 1990 fora full six-year term. While circuit judge, heserved as Presiding Judge of the 32nd JudicialCircuit and as judge of the Juvenile Court.

Judge Limbaugh has served on the MissouriDivision of Youth Services Advisory Board and thegoverning boards of Southeast Missouri Hospital,Southeast Missouri Council and Great RiversCouncil of the Boy Scouts of America, SoutheastMissouri Symphony, Cape Girardeau United Way,Cape Girardeau Civic Center, Cape Girardeau andJefferson City Community Concert Associations,Cape Girardeau Rotary Club, Cape GirardeauJaycees, Greater Cape Girardeau DevelopmentCorporation, Centenary United Methodist Church,William Woods University, Southern MethodistUniversity Law Alumni Association and Friends ofthe Missouri State Archives. He is a member, andpast president, of the Cape Girardeau Rotary Cluband is a Paul Harris Fellow. He is also a memberof the American Bar Association and the AmericanJudicature Society, and is a Fellow of the AmericanBar Foundation. He is a recipient of the Universi-ty of Missouri–Columbia School of Law Distin-guished Non-Alumnus Award, the Distinguished

Eagle Scout Award from the National Eagle ScoutAssociation and the honorary degree of LegumDoctorem from William Woods University.

He was married on July 21, 1973, to the for-mer Marsha D. Moore. They have two sons,Stephen III and Christopher. His father, StephenN. Limbaugh, is a senior United States DistrictJudge in St. Louis.

Judge Limbaugh was appointed by GovernorJohn Ashcroft to the Supreme Court in August1992. He was retained at the November 8, 1994general election for a term expiring December31, 2006. Judge Limbaugh served as Chief Jus-tice, July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2003.

Stephen N.Limbaugh Jr.

Judge of the Supreme Court

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WILLIAM RAY PRICE JR. was born January 30,1952, in Fairfield, Iowa.

He was educated at Keokuk (Iowa) publicschools; University of Iowa, B.A., with high dis-tinction, religion, 1974; Yale University DivinitySchool, 1974–1975; Washington and Lee Uni-versity School of Law, J.D., cum laude, 1978. Heis the recipient of the Hancher-Finkbine Under-graduate Award from the University of Iowa,1974; Burks Scholar Individual Winner at Wash-ington and Lee University School of Law, 1976.

Judge Price was married to Susan MarieTrainor on January 4, 1975. They have two chil-dren: Emily Margret Price and William JosephDodds Price.

Admitted to the bar in 1978, Judge Pricepracticed law with a Kansas City law firm from1978–1992. He served as chair of the BusinessLitigation Section and was a member of theexecutive committee.

He was president of the Kansas City Board ofPolice Commissioners; member of the G.L. v.Zumwalt monitoring committee in the UnitedStates District Court for the Western District ofMissouri; member of the board of directors of theTruman Medical Center, the Together Center andthe Family Development Center; and chair of theMerit Selection Commission for United StatesMarshal, Western District of Missouri, 1990.

He is a member of the Christian Church (Dis-ciples of Christ), Phi Beta Kappa, Omicron DeltaKappa, Phi Eta Sigma and Kappa Sigma.

Judge Price served as Chief Justice of theMissouri Supreme Court from July 1, 1999through July 1, 2001, and as vice president ofthe Conference of Chief Justices of the UnitedStates from August 1, 2000 through August 1,2001. He is presently chairman of the MissouriDrug Court Commission.

Judge Price was appointed to the SupremeCourt by Governor John Ashcroft on April 7,1992. He was retained in 1994 for a term expir-ing December 31, 2006.

William RayPrice Jr.

Judge of theSupreme Court

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MARY R. RUSSELL was born July 28, 1958, inHannibal, a seventh-generation Missourian, oneof five children. Educated in Hannibal publicschools; Truman State Univ., graduating summacum laude with a B.S. and B.A.; University ofMissouri–Columbia School of Law, 1983.

Upon graduation from law school, JudgeRussell clerked for the Honorable George Gunn,of the Supreme Court of Missouri. She practicedlaw in Hannibal until her appointment to theCourt of Appeals, Eastern District, 1995, whereshe served as Chief Judge from 1999–2000.

Active in many professional organizations,she is currently a member of the Missouri BarAssociation; the American Bar Association; theNational Association of Women Judges; the BarAssociation of Metropolitan St. Louis; theLawyers’ Association; the Kansas City Metropoli-tan Bar Association; the Springfield MetropolitanBar Association; the Cole County Bar Associa-tion; the 10th Circuit Bar Association; theWomen Lawyers Association of St. Louis; and theMid-Missouri Women Lawyers Association.

Always promoting the administration of jus-tice, Judge Russell has served on the Commissionon Retirement, Removal and Discipline of Judges;Missouri Lawyer’s Trust Account Foundation;Commission to Select a Federal Judge for the East-ern District of Missouri, 1993; House of Delegatesto the American Bar Association; Young LawyersCouncil; numerous Missouri Bar committees; theMissouri Press-Bar Commission; and the SupremeCourt Civil Rules Committee and Appellate Prac-tice Committee. She is a past co-chair of theAppellate Practice Committee of BAMSL and hasserved as chair on other committees in BAMSL.

She has served on a variety of statewide boardsand commissions including: the Board of Gover-nors of Truman State Univ., president, 1996; Mo.State Senate Reapportionment Commission, 1991;the Mo. Council on Women’s Economic Develop-ment; and Mo. Job Training Council.

Judge Russell is the recipient of numerousawards including: Faculty/Alumni Award, Univ. of

Mo.–Columbia; Citation of Merit Award, UMCLaw School; Distinguished Alumni Award, TrumanState Univ.; Legal Services of Eastern Mo. EqualJustice Award; Soroptomist International WomenHelping Women Award; Matthews-Dickey Boys’& Girls’ Club Appreciation Award; and KirkwoodCitizen of the Year in 2003. She was named aHenry Toll Fellow in 1997 and a member of theMissouri Academy of Squires in 2002.

Active in many community organizations,Judge Russell is a member of the Jefferson CityRotary Club, PEO, the St. Louis Forum, and GraceEpiscopal Church. She currently serves on theBoard of Directors of the Matthews-Dickey Boys’and Girls’ Clubs and the Missouri CASA Bd. Shealso volunteers at the Samaritan Center and as aTruancy Court Judge at Lewis and Clark MiddleSchool, in Jefferson City. She was active in manyorganizations in Hannibal and Kirkwood prior toher move to Jefferson City. An easily approachablejudge, she devotes much time to mentoring youngwomen.

Judge Russell and her husband, Jim, a gov-ernmental consultant, live in Jefferson City. Shewas sworn in as a Supreme Court Judge, October8, 2004, her term expires Dec. 31, 2006.

Mary R.Russell

Judge of theSupreme Court

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LAURA DENVIR STITH was born in St. Louis, onOctober 30, 1953. She was raised in St. Louis andgraduated with honors from the John BurroughsSchool, in 1971. She received a National MeritScholarship to attend Tufts University in Boston,Mass. While there, she was an Iglauer FellowshipIntern in Washington, D.C. for Sen. Thomas Eagle-ton, in 1973. She studied at the Univ. of Madridthrough a program administered by the Institute ofEuropean Studies. In 1975, she graduated magnacum laude from Tufts, receiving her B.A. in politicalscience and social psychology. She then attendedthe Georgetown Univ. Law Center, distinguishingherself as an editor of Law and Policy in Interna-tional Business Journal. Judge Stith graduatedmagna cum laude from Georgetown in 1978.

Following her graduation from law school,Judge Stith served for one year as a law clerk to theHon. Robert E. Seiler of the Missouri SupremeCourt. In 1979, she moved to Kansas City and prac-ticed law with the firm of Shook Hardy & Bacon,becoming a partner of the firm in 1984 and later co-founding the firm’s appellate practice group.

In the fall of 1994, Governor Mel Carnahanappointed Judge Stith to the Missouri Court ofAppeals, Western District. She was retained at theNov. 1996 general election. During her time on thecourt of appeals, Judge Stith authored over 400 opin-ions in cases involving nearly every area of state law.

Governor Bob Holden appointed Judge Stith tothe Supreme Court of Missouri effective March 7,2001. She is the second woman in Missouri historyto serve on the Supreme Court.

Judge Stith has been involved in many organi-zations in the legal community. She has served aschair of the Gender and Justice Jt. Committee of theMissouri Bar and the Missouri Supreme Court. Shewas a founding director of Lawyers EncouragingAcademic Performance (LEAP), an inter-barlawyers’ public service organization. She has servedas president and member of the board of directorsof the Assn. for Women Lawyers (AWL) of GreaterKansas City; chair and vice chair of the Missouri BarCivil Practice and Procedure Committee; chair ofthe Appellate Practice Committee and vice chair ofthe Tort Law Committee of the Kansas City Metro-

politan Bar Association (KCMBA); and a member ofthe American Bar Association (ABA).

Judge Stith has served as a speaker on appellatepractice at the annual conventions of ABA, MissouriBar, Missouri Association of Trial Attorneys (MATA),and Missouri Organization of Defense Lawyers(MODL). She has also served as a speaker or moder-ator on civil procedure and evidence at Missouri Bar,KCMBA, AWL, and Univ. of Missouri–Kansas City(UMKC) Continuing Legal Education programs; andas a speaker on gender bias at the Missouri NewJudges School. She has authored many CLE publica-tions, including a law review article, Stith,A Contrastof State and Federal Court Authority to Grant HabeasRelief, 38 Valparaiso Law Rev. 421 (Spring 2004).

Judge Stith has been involved in many commu-nity activities in Kansas City; serving as a mentorand tutor to young students at St. Vincent’s Opera-tion Breakthrough; and as guest speaker at manylocal civic organizations, talking about the law, therole of the courts and public service.

Judge Stith is married to fellow attorney Donald G.Scott. He served as a law clerk for Judge Warren D.Welliver of the Missouri Supreme Court. He is a share-holder in McDowell, Rice , Smith and Buchanan, Kansas City. They have three daughters.


Laura DenvirStith

Judge of theSupreme Court

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RICHARD TEITELMAN was born in Philadelphia,Pa. He received a bachelor’s degree in mathemat-ics, 1969 from the University of Pennsylvania.

After graduating from Washington UniversitySchool of Law, St. Louis in 1973 he opened asolo law practice. In 1975 he joined Legal Ser-vices of Eastern Missouri, serving for 23 years, 18of those as executive director and general coun-sel. His dedication to the Legal Services program,which provides a wide range of programs forMissourians unable to pay for civil legal services,earned him many honors, including the presti-gious Missouri Bar President’s Award, the Ameri-can Council for the Blind’s Durward K. McDanielAmbassador Award, the Women’s Legal CaucusGood Guy Award, the Mound City Bar Associa-tion’s Legal Service Award, the Bar Association ofMetropolitan St. Louis, Young Lawyers SectionAward of Merit, the St. Louis Bar FoundationAward, and the American Bar Association’s Makea Difference Award.

Judge Teitelman served as president of theYoung Lawyers Section of the St. Louis Bar Asso-ciation and as the St. Louis Bar Association’spresident. He served as president of the St. LouisBar Foundation. He serves as a board member,executive committee member, and past-presi-dent of the Bar Association of Metropolitan St.Louis. He served as a member of the Board ofGovernors, vice president and president-elect ofThe Missouri Bar. He served as trustee of theNational Council of Bar Foundations of the ABAand is a lifetime member of the Fellows of theABA. He was chair of the ABA’s Commission onMental and Physical Disability Law. He is amember of the executive committee of theAmerican Judicature Society.

Judge Teitelman serves in a variety of roles inhis pursuit of equality and access to justice for all.He is a member of the African-American/JewishTask Force. He served on the midwest board of theAmerican Federation for the Blind, the board ofParaquad, and the United Way Government Rela-tions Committee. He is a board member of the St.Louis Public Library and a lifetime member of the

Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis. He has received several honors, including the

Missouri Bar’s Purcell Award for Professionalism;the American Jewish Congress’ Democracy inAction Award; the Lawyer’s Association of St. LouisAward of Honor; and the the St. Louis Society forthe Blind’s Lifetime Achievement Award.

He is an honorary dean of St. Louis Universi-ty School of Law’s DuBourg Society. He is anhonorary member of the Order of the Coif ofWashington University School of Law and itsEliot Society. He was honored as a DistinguishedAlumnus at Washington University’s 2002Founders Day celebration and has been selectedby The Council of State Governments to partici-pate in the 2003 Toll Fellowship Program.

Judge Teitelman served on the Missouri Courtof Appeals from 1998 to 2002. Richard Teitel-man was appointed to the Missouri SupremeCourt in 2002, becoming the first legally blindand first Jewish judge to serve on Missouri’shighest court. He was retained at the 2004 gen-eral election

Richard B.TeitelmanJudge of the

Supreme Court

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RONNIE L. WHITE was born May 31, 1953, inSt. Louis.

He attended elementary school in St. Louisand graduated from Beaumont High School in1971. Judge White received an Associate of Artsdegree from St. Louis Community College in1977. Two years later he earned a Bachelor ofArts degree in political science from St. LouisUniversity.

Judge White graduated from the University ofMissouri–Kansas City Law School in 1983. Dur-ing law school he served as a legal intern for theJackson County prosecutor. He later worked as alegal assistant for the Department of DefenseMapping Agency. White served as a trial attorneyfor the public defender’s office in both the Cityof St. Louis and St. Louis County. In 1987 JudgeWhite entered private practice as a principal forthe law firm of Cahill, White and Hemphill.While in private practice he was elected to servethree terms in the Missouri House of Represen-tatives.

In 1993 Mayor Freeman Bosley Jr. appointedJudge White city counselor for the City of St.Louis. While serving as city counselor, JudgeWhite argued his first case before the MissouriSupreme Court in April 1994. One month later,Governor Mel Carnahan appointed Judge Whiteto the Missouri Court of Appeals, Eastern District.In September 1995 he served as a special judge


for the Missouri Supreme Court. During thatsame year he served as an adjunct faculty mem-ber for the National Institute of Trial Advocacy.

Governor Carnahan appointed Judge Whiteto the Missouri Supreme Court in October 1995.He was retained in the November 5, 1996 elec-tion. His term expires December 31, 2008.Judge White served as Chief Justice from July 1,2003 through June 30, 2005.

Ronnie L.White

Judge of theSupreme Court

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Office of State Courts Administrator2112 Industrial Dr.Jefferson City 65110Telephone: (573) 751-3585 / FAX: (573) 552-6152

Acting under the direction of the MissouriSupreme Court, the Office of State CourtsAdministrator (OSCA) is responsible for provid-ing administrative and technical support to thecourts of Missouri as they vigorously pursue ajudicial system that is accessible, equitable andswift. The duties and responsibilities assigned tothe state courts administrator are broad in scopeand relate to all levels of the state court system.

Since the appointment of the first state courtsadministrator in 1970, the office has beenresponsible for providing technical assistance,management services, education and trainingprograms, information services and systemsanalysis, administrative procedure evaluation,compilation of statistics, and case processingsupport to the courts. The office also assistscourts in developing and implementing courtimprovement projects in such areas as childabuse and neglect, juvenile services, familypreservation, criminal history reporting, debtcollection and judgment enforcement, media-tion services, alcohol and drug abuse treatmentand prevention, and the implementation of timestandards for case disposition. With the passageof SB 420 in 1994, the office has worked withthe Missouri Court Automation Committee on aproject with enormous potential for the peopleof Missouri. The Statewide Court Automationprogram has and will continue to automate allthe courts in the state and, through the use ofadvanced technologies, provide Missouri citi-zens with the most timely and responsive judi-cial system possible. The office is organized intofive divisions and one office: Administration andBudget, Court Services, Information Technology,Juvenile and Adult Court Programs, JudicialDepartment Education, and the office for projectmanagement.

Administration and BudgetAdministration and Budget staff provide

administrative services essential to office man-agement and maintain programs developed toassist the judiciary in a variety of areas. The bud-get section compiles and organizes the judicialbranch’s annual state appropriation request. Itprepares fiscal notes for proposed legislationthat affects the judicial system, and providessupport to the Supreme Court’s Circuit andAppellate Court Budget committees.

The personnel section maintains thestatewide Circuit Court Personnel System as wellas the Circuit Court Personnel Handbook. Thissection also processes the payroll for all court


employees and maintains the Payroll Handbookfor the payroll designees in each county. It alsohas primary responsibility for recruitment andpersonnel management for OSCA.

The fiscal section processes and accounts forall funds appropriated to the Supreme Court forjudicial branch operations paid by the state. Thesection also handles payments for reimburse-ment to court personnel for incurred expensesand provides fiscal training as needed.

The contract section is responsible foradministering contracts for the judiciary; the sec-tion also monitors and authorizes bill paymentfor all Missouri drug courts.

The sponsored programs section developsinternal and external partnerships with national,state and local funding sources. The section hasmanaged grant funds for areas such as improvingchild abuse/neglect case management in juve-nile courts, statewide juvenile court automation,automation of criminal history dispositions,electronic filing of adult protection orders, andimprovement of mediation and other alternativedispute resolutions programs.

Finally, Administration and Budget staff alsoprovides legislative support to the judiciary, per-forms office management functions for OSCA,and handles a wide array of requests for infor-mation from the legislature, governor’s office,other public officials and the public in general.

Court Services The Court Services Division acts as a service

bureau for all court personnel statewide by pro-viding direct assistance to trial courts in a num-ber of areas including: developing proceduresrelated to case processing and financial man-agement; preparing transcripts from soundrecorded tapes submitted by the courts; devel-oping and updating procedural handbooks oncase processing for court clerks; providing on-site case processing reviews, examining admin-istrative and financial procedures to make rec-

MICHAEL BUENGERState Courts Administrator

DAVID COPLENDirector of Administrationand Budget

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ommendations for improved efficiency; manag-ing statewide debt collection efforts, and col-lecting criminal history dispositions data for thecriminal records repository maintained by theMissouri Highway Patrol.

The advent of the Statewide Court Automa-tion Program has created a major new responsi-bility within the division. Court Services staffworked closely with the software provider andcourt staff from around the state to “customize”the software and continually monitor changingpractices and legal requirements over time sothat the software is revised as necessary.

Court Services staff work with the courtsprior to implementing automation by assistingthe courts with preparation for computerizedcase management and financial accounting.OSCA staff provide on-site assistance severalweeks after the court implements the automatedsystem. After the court is automated, both finan-cial specialists and court specialists provide helpdesk support and follow-up site visits.

In 2000, a statewide jury management auto-mated system was purchased for implementationin the courts. Court Services coordinates thecourt training, assists the courts with formsdesign and procedural changes, and providestelephone and on-site support to the courts. Asof July 2005, the software has been installed in113 counties and the jury staff in these countieshave received training.

The Statistics Section is responsible for com-piling caseload information from the trial courts,municipal divisions, and appellate courts. Theinformation is used to project the impact of leg-islative changes, to improve docket managementand administration of the courts, and to identifycourts that need additional judicial resourcesand additional court clerk staff.

Information Technology The Information Technology (OSCA-IT) divi-

sion provides information technology manage-ment support for all Missouri courts and OSCA.


NANCY GRIGGSDirector of Court Services

MICHAEL J. ROGGERODirector of InformationTechnology

GARY WAINTDirector of Juvenile and AdultCourt Programs

LINDA EVANSDirector of Judicial Education Department

The division is responsible for technical analysis,design, development, implementation, mainte-nance, quality assurance, systems security andautomation support for the systems that Missouricourts require as a business need. OSCA-IT pro-vides this support exclusively to most courts, butalso works in conjunction with the few metro-politan courts that have information technologystaff on-location.

In 1994, Missouri Revised Statutes section476.055 established a statewide court automa-tion program and some offset funding with a $7per-case court fee. The program oversight wasgiven to the Missouri Court Automation Com-mittee under the Supreme Court. OSCA-IT hasbeen actively involved with the Court Automa-tion Committee in this enormous and excitingproject, which was recognized nationally in2002 by the Center for Digital Government andinternationally in 2003 with a Gold Medal ofAchievement from the Computerworld HonorsProgram.

The Missouri Court Automation Program isworking to build an integrated justice system byusing a family of standard automated systemsthat allow courts to increase their efficiency andprovide increased service, fair and equitable jus-tice and increased public access to public infor-mation. The standardization of the courts willprovide a modern justice system with reducedcosts to the litigant and taxpayer due to theeconomies of scale, greater accountability, time-ly justice, and improved public safety due to theability of OSCA-IT to work with other state, fed-eral and local systems to electronically ex-change pertinent court information.

One of the most relevant examples of thiselectronic exchange has been the ability ofcourts using the statewide case managementsystem to electronically transfer ex parte ordersof protection to the law enforcement system,providing knowledge for officers and rapid pro-tection for victims of domestic violence.

OSCA-IT also provides additional support for

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the office in the areas of judicial transfer, fiscalnotes and inventory control. The staff developsspecial reports to assist in workload analysis,judicial research and special legislative requests.

Juvenile and Adult Court Programs

In 1997, the 89th General Assembly approvedthe creation of the Division of Juvenile andAdult Court Programs within OSCA. It is withinthis division that administrative efforts arelaunched to comply with statutory mandatesthat apply to juvenile and adult court services.

Early division efforts centered on providingcontinued education and training standards forjuvenile court personnel, developing a standard-ized assessment and classification system thatrecommends graduated sanctions and servicesaimed at reducing juvenile offender recidivism,and evaluating the effects of tighter protectivecustody timelines in child abuse and neglectcases.

Division projects now include expandingcommunication networks, better assessment ofjuvenile offenders, and better evaluation ofoffender data through automated systems. Com-munication is being enhanced with better hard-ware, software, specialized juvenile offenderdatabases, and establishment of cooperativeinformation-sharing agreements with other youthservice agencies. Conversion of the hand-scoredstandardized offender assessment and classifica-tion system to a software program allows for eas-ier collection, storage, and evaluation of juvenileoffender data. A single source for juvenile relat-ed information has been incorporated into thelarger court automation system that is beingimplemented in various circuits throughout thestate.

In addition, the division is also working toestablish alternative treatment programs, andwork on child abuse and neglect cases, fostercare and adoption, divorce education programsfor parent and children and alternative disputeresolution such as mediation in child custodyand visitation disputes, child abuse and neglectcases, and in juvenile victim/offender situationsto improve court services to the public. The suc-cess of adult drug courts as an alternative treat-ment to substance abuse problems has led to thedevelopment of juvenile and family drug courts.Development is ongoing for other specializedcourts such as mental health and Unified FamilyCourts. Federally funded pilot projects to estab-lish permanency planning for abused andneglected children placed in foster care are inprogress as well.

The division provides technical assistance incourthouse design related to security and Amer-

icans with Disabilities Act Access, personnelsafety, assisting in emergency and disaster pre-paredness, certifying Spanish speaking inter-preters for the courts, and locating and providingservices for non-English speaking parties andthose parties and customers covered by theAmericans with Disabilities Act. The divisionalso assists with programs that address issues ofdomestic violence.

The Juvenile and Adult Court Programs Divi-sion, in conjunction with the juvenile and fami-ly courts, is committed to building the founda-tion for a new standard of justice in Missouri.The impact of strong court programs and ad-vanced technology will be far-reaching for thecitizens of Missouri.

Judicial DepartmentEducation

The Division of Judicial Department Educa-tion is responsible for coordinating educationservices for almost four thousand state courtemployees and judges. These services aredesigned to ensure the courts have access to ahighly skilled, professional workforce that istechnologically literate, conversant with prac-tices that aid in the internal management of thecourts, oriented towards a high level of customerservice, and forward thinking in improving thatlevel of service in a rapidly changing environ-ment.

The Coordinating Commission for JudicialDepartment Education provides strategic direc-tion for a comprehensive statewide educationprogram. Commission members are appointedby the Supreme Court and represent various lev-els of courts and regions of the state to ensurethat the educational needs of all court personnelare fairly represented. The commission has builta comprehensive education program that affordsopportunities to acquire and enhance technicalknowledge and skills, and supervisory and lead-ership skills and abilities.

The commission relies on six education com-mittees (Appellate Court Education Committee,Trial Judge Education Committee, Juvenile Divi-sion Education Committee, Municipal DivisionEducation Committee, Court Clerk EducationCommittee, and the Court Reporter EducationCommittee) for program development. Eachcommittee develops and implements a skills-based core curriculum within its assigned sub-ject area designed to improve the knowledgebase and skills of Judicial Department personnel.

The division is responsible for implementingthe policies and programs established by theCoordinating Commission and its six educationcommittees. The Education Division consists ofthree service delivery areas: Continuing Educa-


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tion, Automation Training, and Education Tech-nology. The Continuing Education Section offersa broad range of education courses and certifi-cate programs for court personnel. Educationspecialists, working in cooperation with commit-tee members and court personnel design andcoordinate the delivery of courses tailored tomeet the unique needs of appellate, trial andmunicipal court personnel, including judges,clerks, juvenile officers and court reporters. Allcourses are designed to provide court personnelwith the knowledge and skills essential to dis-charging their judicial and administrative re-sponsibilities.

The Automation Training Section, working inconjunction with the Missouri Court Automationprogram, designs, coordinates and delivers acomprehensive court automation training pro-gram. This program provides court personnel theskills necessary to effectively use the computerinfrastructure and electronic case managementsystems that are the cornerstone of Missouricourt automation.

The Education Technology Section is respon-sible for developing, implementing and evaluat-ing alternative delivery methods of educationalprogramming through the use of technology.Education Technology supports the work of theAutomation Training Section and the ContinuingEducation Section through education servicesincluding web-based learning, computer-basedlearning, videoconferencing and satellite broad-casts.


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Judges of the Supreme Court of Missouri: 1821 to 2005*

Name County TermMathias McGirk Montgomery 1821-1841 John Dillard Cook Cape Girardeau 1821-1823John Rice Jones Washington 1821-1824Rufus Pettibone St. Louis 1823-1825George Tompkins Howard 1824-1825 Robert Wash St. Louis 1825-1837John Cummins Edwards Cole 1837-1839William Barclay Napton Saline 1839-1849


William Scott Cole 1841-1843Priestly Haggin McBride Monroe 1845-1848John Ferguson Ryland Lafayette 1849James Harvey Birch Clinton 1849Note: In 1849, an amendment to the 1820 Constitution vacated the office of Judge of the Supreme Court. See 12Mo. ii (1849).James Harvey Birch Clinton 1850-1851John Ferguson Ryland Lafayette 1850-1857Hamilton Rowan Gamble St. Louis 1850-1855William Scott Cole 1851-1862Abiel Leonard Howard 1855-1857John Crowley Richardson St. Louis 1857-1859Ephraim Brevard Ewing Ray 1859-1861

1873Note: In March 1862, the Pre-Civil War Judges were purged from the bench for refusing to take the loyalty oath.See “Preface” to 31 Mo. (1862).Barton Bates St. Charles 1862-1865William Van Ness Bay St. Louis 1862-1865John D.S. Dryden Marion 1862-1865 Note: By “Order” of the State Convention the office of Judge of the Supreme Court became vacant on the first dayof May 1865. Judge Bates resigned from the Court on February 1, 1865; and Judges Bay and Dryden were forciblyremoved from the bench for failure to take the new loyalty oath, called the “Ironclad Oath.” See 35 Mo. iii, at iv-vi(1865).David Wagner Lewis 1865-1877Walter L. Lovelace Montgomery 1865-1866Nathaniel Holmes St. Louis 1865-1868Thomas James Clark Fagg Pike 1866-1868James Baker Greene 1868Philemon Bliss Buchanan 1868-1872Warren Currier St. Louis 1868-1872 Washington Adams Cooper 1871-1874Henry M. Vories Buchanan 1873-1876Thomas Adiel Sherwood Greene 1873-1902 Edward Augustus Lewis St. Louis 1874Warwick Hough Jackson 1875-1884Elijah Hise Norton Platte 1877-1888John Ward Henry Macon 1876-1888Robert D. Ray Carroll 1881-1890 Francis Marion Black Jackson 1885-1894Theodore Brace Monroe 1887-1907Shephard Barclay St. Louis 1889-1898 James Britton Gantt Henry 1891-1910John Lilburn Thomas Jefferson 1890-1892 George Bennett MacFarlane Audrain 1890-1898 Gavon Drummond Burgess Linn 1893-1910 Waltour Moss Robinson Jasper 1895-1904 William Muir Williams Cooper 1898 William Champe Marshall St. Louis 1899-1906 Leroy B. Valliant St. Louis 1899-1912 James David Fox Madison 1903-1910 Henry Lamm Pettis 1905-1914 Waller Washington Graves Bates 1906-1928

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Name County TermArchelaus Marius Woodson Buchanan 1907–1925Franklin Ferriss St. Louis 1910–1912John Kennish Jackson 1910–1913 John Chilton Brown Carter 1911–1915 Henry Whitelaw Bond St. Louis 1913–1919 Charles Breckenridge Faris Pemiscot 1913–1919 Robert Franklin Walker Morgan 1913–1930 James Thomas Blair DeKalb 1915–1924Charles G. Revelle St. Francois 1915–1916Fred Lincoln Williams Jasper 1917–1920John Isaac Williamson Jackson 1919–1920Richard Livingston Goode St. Louis 1919–1922Conway Elder St. Louis 1921–1922 Edward Higbee Adair 1921–1922David Elmore Blair Jasper 1921–1930 William T. Ragland Monroe 1919–1932John Turner White Greene 1923–1932Frank Ely Atwood Carroll 1925–1934Robert William Otto Franklin 1925–1926Ernest S. Gantt Audrain 1927–1946North Todd Gentry Boone 1928William Francis Frank Adair 1929–1938Berryman Henwood Marion 1930–1932George Robb Ellison Nodaway 1931–1955 Charles Thomas Hays Marion 1933–1942Clarence Alexander Burney Jackson 1933Ernest Moss Tipton Jackson 1933–1955Charles A. Leedy Jr. Jackson 1933–1964 Walter D. Coles St. Louis 1935 John Caskie Collet Chariton 1935–1937 James Marsh Douglas St. Louis 1937–1949 Raymond B. Lucas Scott 1938Albert M. Clark Ray 1939–1950 Laurence Mastick Hyde Mercer 1943–1966Roscoe P. Conkling Buchanan 1947–1954Sidna Poage Dalton Cape Girardeau 1950–1965 Frank Hollingsworth Audrain 1950–1964Henry J. Westhues Howard 1954–1963Henry I. Eager Jackson 1955–1968 Clem F. Storckman City of St. Louis 1955–1970 Lawrence Holman Randolph 1963–1977Fred L. Henley Pemiscot 1964–1978James A. Finch Jr. Cape Girardeau 1965–1978Robert True Donnelly Laclede 1965–1988Robert Eldridge Seiler Jasper 1967–1982June P. (J.P.) Morgan Lincoln 1969–1982John E. Bardgett St. Louis County 1970–1982Albert L. Rendlen Marion 1977–1992Joseph J. Simeone St. Louis County 1978–1979Warren Dee Welliver Boone 1979–1989Andrew Jackson Higgins Platte 1979–1991 George F. Gunn Jr. St. Louis County 1982–1985William Howard Billings Dunklin 1982–1991Charles Blakey Blackmar St. Louis County 1982–1992Edward D. Robertson Jr. Cole 1985–1998Ann K. Covington Boone 1989–2001John C. Holstein Howell 1989–2002Duane Benton Cole 1991–2004Elwood L. Thomas Clay 1991–1995William Ray Price Jr. Jackson 1992–Present Stepehen N. Limbaugh Jr. Cape Girardeau 1992–PresentRonnie L. White St. Louis County 1995–PresentMichael A. Wolff St. Louis County 1998–PresentLaura Denvir Stith Jackson 2001–PresentRichard B. Teitelman City of St. Louis 2002–Present Mary R. Russell Marion 2004–Present

*Prepared by, Joseph Fred Benson, Archivist, Supreme Court of Missouri

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The first general intermediate courts in Mis-souri were provided for in the 1865 Constitutionand were known as district courts. There weredistrict courts in Jefferson City, Springfield, CapeGirardeau, Macon, St. Joseph and St. Charles.Each district was composed of three circuits.Appeals were taken from the circuit court to thedistrict court, and then to the Supreme Court.However, the district courts were abolished in1870 by a constitutional amendment.

Alarmed at the congested docket of the Su-preme Court, the St. Louis Bar Association urgedthe 1875 Constitutional Convention to providefor another appellate court. Thus was created theSt. Louis Court of Appeals consisting of threejudges who heard appeals from St. Louis, St.Charles, Lincoln and Warren counties. Its territo-rial jurisdiction was expanded to include severalmore counties in 1884.

Another constitutional amendment in 1884established the Kansas City Court of Appeals andauthorized creation of another appellate court,when necessary, by the General Assembly.

The Springfield Court of Appeals was orga-nized in 1909. Missouri’s current appellate


structure—a single Court of Appeals consistingof three districts—was established by a 1970constitutional amendment.

The Eastern District of the Court of Appealssits in St. Louis and consists of 14 judges. Elevenjudges preside over the Western District inKansas City, and seven judges sit on the SouthernDistrict bench meeting either in Springfield orPoplar Bluff. Trained law clerks, who are licensedattorneys, assist each appellate judge with legalresearch.

The Court of Appeals may issue and deter-mine original remedial writs and has generalappellate jurisdiction in all cases not within theexclusive jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.However, as previously mentioned, cases notwithin the Supreme Court’s exclusive jurisdic-tion may be transferred from the Court ofAppeals to the Supreme Court when it is deter-mined that a case involves an important issuethat should be decided by the state’s highestcourt.

A chief judge is elected for the Eastern andSouthern districts of the Court of Appeals by thejudges in the districts, and serves for such timeas the districts determine. In the Western Dis-trict, the chief judge serves a two-year term byrotation according to seniority.

The courts are authorized to sit in divisions ifthey choose, which all three districts have elect-ed to do.

Courts of Appeals judges must be at least 30years old, residents of their district, U.S. citizensfor at least 15 years and Missouri voters for nineyears before their selection. Appeals judgesserve 12-year terms.

MissouriCourt ofAppeals

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Missouri’s Court of Appeals Districts

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“Attention Please”(Missouri State Archives, Putman Collection)

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CLIFFORD H. AHRENSOffice phone: (314) 539-4395.Office address: 121 S. Meramec, Ste. 500, Clayton 63105.Biography: Born December 19, 1945, in Hannibal. Educated at Uni-versity of Missouri–Columbia, B.S. cum laude, J.D. Married Kimber-ly Ann Robison. They have three children. Engaged in general prac-tice of law, 1969–91. Member: Holy Family Catholic Church; YMCA,president, 1981–83; Kiwanis, president, 1978–79; United Way ofHannibal, president, 1977–78; Chamber of Commerce, president,1979; Children’s Trust Fund, board of directors, 1987–91; St. LouisCity–St. Louis County Board of Electors, 1990–91; Hannibal Plan-ning Commission, chair, 1983–86; Missouri, American, MetropolitanSt. Louis and 10th Judicial Circuit, (president, 1981–82) Bar Associa-tions; Missouri Law Review; Phi Delta Phi; American Judicature Soci-ety; Missouri Court Automation Committee, chair, 2002–present.Awards: Missouri Judicial Conference Distinguished Service, 1999;Hannibal Kiwanian of the Year, 1983–84; Legal Services of Northeast Missouri Outstanding Attorney,1982. Appointed to the Court of Appeals, February 7, 1991. Retained in 1992 and 2004. Chief Judge,1996–97. Term expires December 31, 2016.

GLENN A. NORTONOffice phone: (314) 539-4367.Office address: Wainwright State Office Bldg., St. Louis 63101.Biography: Chief Judge. Born in Macon, raised southeast of Anabel. Edu-cated: Westminster College, B.A., English; Univ. of Mo.–Columbia, J.D.Married to Colleen Dolan, they have four children. Practiced law in NewLondon. Asst. Prosecuting Attorney Ralls Co. Elected Assoc. Circuit JudgeRalls Co., 1994, 1998. Chief Legal Counsel to Governor Bob Holden,Jan. 2001–May 2002. Former member: Supreme Court CoordinatingCommission; Judicial Branch Exec. Council; Legislative Steering Com-mittee; Editorial Bd.–Bench Book for Mo. Judges; Supreme Court JudicialEducation Committee; Supreme Court Commission on Children’s Justice,vice chair; Disproportionate Minority Confinement Governing Bd.; past-pres., Mo. Assn. of Probate and Assoc. Judges; bd. of dirs. Mo. Munici-pal and Assoc. Circuit Judges Assn. Judicial education instructor in Mo.and other states. Faculty, the Nat’l. Judicial College. Published in TheMissouri Trial Attorney; “Persuading is Teaching: Good Teachers KnowTheir Students!” Member: Mo. Statewide Legal Svcs. Commission for Low Income Missourians; SupremeCourt Judicial Records Committee. Appointed to the Court of Appeals, 2002. Retained in 2004. Term expiresDecember 31, 2016.


Wainwright State Office Bldg., St. Louis 63101Telephone: (314) 539-4300121 S. Meramec, Ste. 500, Clayton 63105Telephone: (314) 727-5424Clerk: Laura RoyTelephone: (314) 539-4300FAX: (314) 539-4324

The Eastern District Court of Appeals sits inSt. Louis. Judges serve 12-year terms under anonpartisan selection plan set out in the MissouriConstitution. Each of the 14 judges earns an

annual salary of $115,000. Members of the courtelect one from their number to act as chief judge.

Territorial Jurisdiction:The City of St. Louis and counties of Audrain,

Cape Girardeau, Clark, Franklin, Gasconade, Jef-ferson, Knox, Lewis, Lincoln, Madison, Marion,Monroe, Montgomery, Osage, Perry, Pike, Ralls,St. Charles, St. Francois, St. Louis, Ste.Genevieve, Scotland, Shelby, Warren and Wash-ington.

Appellate Judges, Eastern District

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NANNETTE A. BAKEROffice phone: (314) 539-4371.Office address: Wainwright State Office Bldg., St. Louis 63101.Biography: Born October 3, 1957 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Educat-ed at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, B.S.; Saint Louis Uni-versity, J.D. Clerked for U.S. District Judge Odell Horton (W.D.Tenn.). Engaged in private practice in St. Louis. Member: MissouriBar Association; Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis; theMound City Bar Association; Women Lawyers’ Association; Nation-al Bar Association; board of governors, University of TennesseeNational Alumni Association (executive board 2004–present).Appointed Circuit Judge November 1999. Retained in 2002.Appointed to the Court of Appeals, November 2004. Term expiresDecember 31, 2006.

PATRICIA L. COHENOffice phone: (314) 539-4330.Office address: Wainwright Bldg., 111 N. Seventh St., St. Louis63101.Biography: Born May 24, 1956, in St. Louis. Educated at Universityof Michigan, B.A., with high honors, 1978; Cornell Law School, J.D.,1982. In private practice from 1982–1997. Appointed Circuit Judgefor the 22nd Judicial Circuit on September 26, 1997. Retained in1998. Appointed to the Court of Appeals, September 29, 2003.Retained in 2004. Term expires December 31, 2016.

LAWRENCE G. CRAHANOffice phone: (314) 539-4335.Office address: Wainwright State Office Bldg., St. Louis 63101.Biography: Born October 20, 1949, in Guam, Marianas Islands(U.S.). Educated at University of Missouri–Columbia, B.A., 1971;J.D. cum laude, 1977. Elected editor-in-chief, Missouri Law Reviewand to Order of the Coif. Married to Linda S. Legg. Served as lawclerk to Judge James A. Finch Jr., Missouri Supreme Court,1977–1978. Active service as naval officer with Commander,Amphibious Squadron Six, Norfolk, Va., 1971–1974. Practiced lawin Kansas City and St. Louis. Member: Missouri Bar Association,chair, Administrative Law Committee, 1988–1990; Metropolitan St.Louis Bar Association, chair, Courts Subcommittee, 1988–1990; St.Louis Bar Foundation; UMC Law School Foundation, trustee,1989–1992; UMC Law Society; DuBourg Society, St. Louis Univer-sity; Missouri Supreme Court Historical Society; American Judica-

ture Society. Appointed to the Court of Appeals October 23, 1992. Retained in 1994. Chief judge,1997–1998. Term expires December 31, 2006.


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KATHIANNE KNAUP CRANEOffice phone: (314) 539-4385.Office address: 121 S. Meramec, Ste. 500, Clayton 63105.Biography: Born October 28, 1945, in St. Louis. Educated at Wash-ington University, A.B.; University of Strasbourg; St. Louis University,J.D. cum laude. Married to David D. Crane. They have two children.Served in the Peace Corps, 1967–1968; practiced law with a St.Louis law firm, 1972–1980; Assistant U.S. Attorney, 1980–1990.Received Robert Walston Chubb Award from Legal Services of East-ern Missouri, 1992; Vincent C. Immel 1998 Alumni Merit Awardfrom St. Louis University School of Law; the Chief Justice’s Award,2002. Chair, Supreme Court Civil Rules Committee, 1994–2003;Nerinx Hall Woman of Excellence Award, 2005. Member: AmericanLaw Institute; Metropolitan St. Louis, Missouri and American BarAssociations; American Judicature Society; Fellows of the Americanand Missouri Bar Foundations; National Association of WomenJudges. Appointed to the Court of Appeals, July 9, 1990. Retained in1992 and 2004. Chief Judge, 1995–96. Term expires December 31,2016.

ROBERT G. DOWD JR.Office phone: (314) 539-4350.Office address: Wainwright State Office Bldg., St. Louis 63101.Biography: Born March 6, 1951, in St. Louis. Educated at Universi-ty of Missouri–St. Louis; Quincy College, B.A.; St. Mary’s University,J.D. Married in 1982 to Denise Sandoz, they have three children.Engaged in private law practice. Elected magistrate judge, 1978.Retained as associate circuit judge, 1982. Member: CatholicChurch; American, Missouri and Metropolitan St. Louis Bar Associ-ations; Lawyers Association; Quincy College and St. Mary’s Univer-sity Alumni Associations. Board of directors: CYC; Mental HealthAssociation; Daughters of St. Paul, Dismas House. Attended: Nation-al Judicial College, Reno, Nevada; American Academy of JudicialEducation, Cambridge, Mass. Appointed circuit judge in 1985.Retained in 1986 and 1992. Appointed to the Court of Appeals,August 19, 1994. Retained in 1996. Chief Judge 1998–1999. Termexpires December 31, 2008.

GEORGE W. DRAPER IIIOffice phone: (314) 539-4345.Office address: Wainwright State Office Bldg., St. Louis 63101.Biography: Born August 5, 1953, in St. Louis. Graduate of More-house College in Atlanta, Ga., B.A., psychology; Howard Univ.School of Law, J.D. Married to Judy P. Draper, Associate CircuitJudge, 21st Judicial Circuit. They have one daughter, Chelsea W.Draper. Served as Law Clerk for the Honorable Shellie Bowers, Dis-trict of Columbia Superior Court, 1981–1982. Office of the CircuitAttorney, City of St. Louis, 1984–1994. First Asst. Circuit Attorney,1993–1994. Appointed Associate Circuit Judge, 21st Judicial Circuit,1994. Retained November 1996. Appointed Circuit Judge, 21st Judi-cial Circuit, 1998. Adjunct Professor, St. Louis University School ofLaw since 1996. Member: Covenant Community Church; MoundCity Bar Association; Lawyers Association of St. Louis; Bar Associa-tion Metropolitan St. Louis; Missouri Asian bar Association; and thePrince Hall Free and Accepted Masons. Appointed to the Court of Appeals, Eastern District, May 16,2000. Retained in 2002. Served as Chief Judge from July 1, 2004 until June 30, 2005. Term expiresDecember 31, 2014


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MARY KATHRYN HOFFOffice phone: (314) 539-4355.Office address: Wainwright State Office Bldg., St. Louis 63101.Home address: St. Louis 63110.Biography: Born January 5, 1953, in St. Louis. Educated at Universi-ty of Missouri–Columbia, B.S., education, and St. Louis University,J.D. Served as assistant public defender, St. Louis City, 1978–1982,and was engaged in private law practice, 1982–1989. Member: St.Margaret of Scotland Catholic Church; Metropolitan St. Louis BarAssociation; Women Lawyers’ Association of Greater St. Louis;National Association of Women Judges. Appointed circuit judge onMay 15, 1989. Retained in 1990. Appointed to the Court of Appeals,December 15, 1995. Retained in 1998. Term expires December 31,2010.

LAWRENCE E. MOONEYOffice phone: (314) 539-4361.Office address: Wainwright State Office Bldg., Ste. 350, 111 N. Sev-enth St., St. Louis 63101.Home address: St. Louis 63105.Biography: Born September 3, 1949, in St. Louis. Educated at St.Louis University, A.B., J.D. His life partner is Dr. James D. Reid.Engaged in private law practice, 1974–1975 and 1977–1978.Served in St. Louis County as Assistant Prosecuting Attorney,1975–1977; First Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, 1979–1990; exec-utive assistant to the County Executive, 1991–1998. Chief Judge forthe Missouri Court of Appeals–Eastern District, July 2002–June2003. Chair of the Judicial Finance Commission. Member of theDrug Court Coordinating Commission. Member: American,Missouri and Metropolitan St. Louis Bar Associations; InternationalAssociation of Lesbian and Gay Judges. Board member: Laumeier

Sculpture Park; National Conference for Community and Justice; and the Buzz Westfall MemorialFund. Appointed to the Court of Appeals, August 14, 1998. Retained November 7, 2000. Term expiresDecember 31, 2012.

GARY M. GAERTNER SR.Office phone: (314) 539-4340.Office address: Wainwright State Office Bldg., St. Louis 63101.Home address: 1825 N. Geyer Rd., Frontenac 63131.Biography: Born in St. Louis. Attended St. Louis Univ. and St. Louis Univ.Law School. Married to Maureen E. Norwich, they have three children.Served in the U.S. Coast Guard Reserves. Engaged in private practice,served as asst. city counselor, assoc. city counselor and city counselor ofSt. Louis. Member: Catholic Church; Phi Delta Phi; bd. of dirs., and sec-retary, former president, Policemen and Firemen’s Fund of St. Louis, Inc.(Backstoppers); vice president, Khoury International Leagues; American,Missouri and Metropolitan St. Louis Bar Assns.; Lawyers Assn. of St.Louis. Awards: Judiciary, St. Louis Grand Jury Assn.; Man of the Year,George Khoury International Assn.; Special Act, U.S. Assn. of FederalInvestigators; Outstanding Young St. Louisans, by St. Louis Junior Cham-ber of Commerce. Serves as chair of the Commission on Retirement,

Removal and Discipline of Judges; sat on the Supreme Court Presiding Judges Exec. Comm. Appointed cir-cuit judge July 14, 1969. Retained in 1970, 1976 and 1982. Appointed to the Court of Appeals, May 6,1985. Retained in 1986 and 1998. Chief Judge 1993–1994. Term expires December 31, 2010.


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BOOKER T. SHAWOffice phone: (314) 539-4375.Office address: Wainwright State Office Bldg., St. Louis 63101.Biography: Born September 14, 1951, in St. Louis. Educated atSouthern Illinois University–Carbondale, B.A.; Catholic Universityof America–Washington, D.C., J.D. Studied at Northwestern Univer-sity Advanced Trial Skills Program; National Judicial College; Amer-ican Academy of Judicial Education and Center for the Study of Dis-pute Resolution. Married to Jane Berman, with three sons. Previous-ly employed at Columbus Legal Services, the Justice Departmentand Federal Trade Commission. Served as Assistant Circuit Attorney,City of St. Louis. Adjunct Professor, Washington University, St. Louis.Faculty member, Missouri Bar/CLE and National Institute for TrialAdvocacy. Member: Second Presbyterian Church; National,Missouri, and Mound City Bar Associations. Appointed AssociateCircuit Judge, January 1983. Retained in 1984, 1988 and 1992.Appointed Circuit Judge, January 1995. Retained in 1996. Appointed to the Court of Appeals, Novem-ber 18, 2002, retained in 2004. Term expires December 31, 2016.

KENNETH M. ROMINESOffice phone: (314) 539-4390.Office address: 121 S. Meramec, Ste. 500, Clayton 63105.Home address: 248 Rosemont, Webster Groves 63119.Biography: Born in Wilmington, North Carolina. Educated atWilliam Jewell College, A.B., liberal arts; University of Mississippi,J.D. Married Jane Hackett, June 18, 1966. They have three children.Served as clerk of the Supreme Court of Mississippi and as assistantattorney general of Missouri. Was in private law practice until hisappointment to the bench. Member: Central Presbyterian Church.Appointed circuit judge on November 17, 1986, by Governor JohnAshcroft. Retained in 1988, 1994 and 2000. Appointed to the Courtof Appeals by Governor Matt Blunt on May 16, 2005. Term expiresDecember 31, 2006.


SHERRI B. SULLIVANOffice phone: (314) 539-4380.Office address: Wainwright State Office Bldg., St. Louis 63101.Home address: St. Louis 63109.Biography: Born September 20, 1953, in St. Louis. Undergraduatedegree from University of Missouri–St. Louis, B.S., administration ofjustice; law degree, St. Louis University, J.D. Married to James E. Sul-livan, they have two children. Member: Metropolitan St. Louis BarAssociation; Women Lawyers’ Association of Greater St. Louis;National Association of Women Judges. Appointed associate circuitjudge of the 22nd Judicial Circuit, February 27, 1989. Appointed cir-cuit judge October 17, 1994. Retained in 1996. Appointed to theCourt of Appeals, August 5, 1999. Previously served as Chief Judge.Retained in 2000. Term expires December 31, 2012.

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JEFFREY W. BATESOffice phone: (417) 895-6824.Office address: 300 Hammons Pkwy., Springfield 65806.Biography: Chief Judge. Born September 28, 1958, in Petersburg,Virginia. Educated at Southwest Missouri State University, B.S.,1979; University of Missouri–Columbia, J.D., 1984. Married HarrietNelson on April 27, 1979. They have three sons and three daughters.Practiced law in Springfield. Member: Order of the Coif; Phi DeltaPhi; Missouri Law Review; Greene County and Missouri Bar Associ-ations. Appointed to the Court of Appeals, November 14, 2003, fora term beginning on December 1, 2003. Term expires December31, 2006.

ROBERT S. BARNEYOffice phone: (417) 895-6818.Office Address: 300 Hammons Pkwy., Springfield 65806.Biography: Born in Puerto Rico; grew up in Bernie, Missouri. Edu-cated in the Bernie Public Schools; Southeast Missouri State Univer-sity, B.S. Education; National Law Center, George Washington Uni-versity, Washington, D.C., J.D. Married to Janice, they have twosons, Alex and Stewart. He is a Protestant. Served in the U.S. Army,1966–1969, attained rank of Captain (overseas service). Member oflegal bars of Missouri, Florida and District of Columbia. Practicedlaw in Southeast Missouri. Reserve Foreign Service Officer, U.S.Department of State, 1979–1982 (overseas service). Elected toMissouri House of Representatives, 1983, 1984 and 1986. AssociateCircuit Judge, 1987–1995. Appointed to the Court of Appeals,December 10, 1995. Retained in 1998. Term expires December 31,2010.


300 Hammons Pkwy., Springfield 65806Telephone: (417) 895-6811Clerk: Sandra L. SkinnerTelephone: (417) 895-6811 / FAX: (417) 895-6817

The Southern District Court of Appeals meets inSpringfield and in Poplar Bluff. Judges are named to12-year terms under a nonpartisan selection planset out in the Missouri Constitution. Each of the dis-trict’s seven judges earns an annual salary of$127,998. Members of the court elect one fromtheir number to act as chief judge.

Territorial jurisdiction:The counties of Barry, Barton, Bollinger, Butler,

Camden, Carter, Cedar, Christian, Crawford, Dade,Dallas, Dent, Douglas, Dunklin, Greene, Hickory,Howell, Iron, Jasper, Laclede, Lawrence, Maries,McDonald, Mississippi, New Madrid, Newton,Oregon, Ozark, Pemiscot, Phelps, Polk, Pulaski,Reynolds, Ripley, Scott, Shannon, St. Clair, Stod-dard, Stone, Taney, Texas, Wayne, Webster andWright.

Except by different stipulation of the parties, allcases from the counties of Bollinger, Butler, Carter,Crawford, Dent, Dunklin, Iron, Mississippi, NewMadrid, Oregon, Pemiscot, Reynolds, Ripley, Scott,Shannon, Stoddard and Wayne, will be heard atPoplar Bluff.

Appellate Judges, Southern District

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PHILLIP R. GARRISONOffice phone: (417) 895-6826.Office Address: 300 Hammons Pkwy., Springfield 65806.Biography: Born May 7, 1942, in Springfield. Educated at Drury Col-lege, B.A., 1964; University of Missouri–Columbia, J.D., 1966. Mar-ried Patricia Kelly on January 27, 1965. They have one son, Timothy.Practiced law in Ozark and Springfield. Served as prosecuting attor-ney of Christian County, 1971–1972. Member: American College ofTrial Lawyers; Springfield Metropolitan, Missouri and American BarAssociations. Appointed to the Court of Appeals, December 30,1992. Retained in 1994. Term expires December 31, 2006.

JOHN EDWARD PARRISHOffice phone: (417) 895-6820.Office Address: 300 Hammons Pkwy., Springfield 65806.Biography: Born June 10, 1940, in Lebanon. Educated at Universityof Mo.–Columbia, B.S., business administration and J.D.; MissouriLaw Review. Attended National Judicial College, Univ. of Nevada,1974, faculty advisor, 1982. Married Claudia Barbee, September 1,1962; they have one son, Mark Everett Parrish, an attorney. Served asartillery captain, U.S. Army, 1966–1968. Received Army Commen-dation and National Defense Service medals. Practiced law in Cam-denton; served as prosecuting attorney, Camden County, 1969–1973.Member: Christian Church (Disciples of Christ); Alpha Kappa Psi;Beta Gamma Sigma; The Missouri Bar; Children’s Services Commis-sion, 1983–1990; board of directors, Lake Regional Health System;Board of Certified Court Reporter Examiners, 1974–1995; State Judi-cial Records Committee, 1982–2003; board of trustees, National Juv-enile Court Foundation, Inc., 1987–1990; Missouri Juvenile Justice Advisory Group. Appointed circuitjudge of the 26th Judicial Circuit, 1973. Elected in 1974, 1976, 1982 and 1988. Appointed to the Courtof Appeals, January 3, 1990. Retained in 1992 and 2004. Term expires December 31, 2016.

JAMES K. PREWITTOffice phone: (417) 895-6825.Office Address: 300 Hammons Pkwy., Springfield 65806.Biography: Born January 13, 1936, in California, Missouri. Educat-ed at University of Missouri–Columbia, LL.B. Married August 14,1956, to Jean Sheffield. They have three daughters, four grand-daughters and two grandsons. Engaged in private law practice inKansas City and Springfield. Member: Order of the Coif; Phi DeltaPhi; Alpha Tau Omega; Missouri Law Review; Greene County,Missouri and American Bar Associations. Appointed to the Court ofAppeals, May 30, 1979, for a term beginning July 1, 1979. Retainedin 1980, 1992 and 2004. Term expires December 31, 2016.


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NANCY STEFFEN RAHMEYEROffice phone: (417) 895-6823.Office Address: 300 Hammons Pkwy., Springfield 65806-2597.Biography: Born October 10, 1951, in Spencer, Iowa. Educated atIowa State University, B.S., history; Southwest Missouri State Uni-versity, M.S., education; University of Arkansas, J.D. Married, shehas two children. Was a clerk in the Federal District Court,1987–1989; served as part-time municipal judge in Springfield1993–2001. Engaged in private law practice in Springfield. Member:Missouri and Springfield Bar Associations; Arkansas Law Review.Appointed to the Court of Appeals, February 1, 2001. Retained in2002. Term expires December 31, 2014.

KENNETH W. SHRUMOffice phone: (417) 895-6822.Office Address: 300 Hammons Pkwy., Springfield 65806.Home address: 401 Walnut St., Marble Hill 63764.Biography: Born March 22, 1938, in Cape Girardeau. Educated atUniversity of Missouri–Rolla, ChE; University of Missouri–Colum-bia, LL.B. Married Jo Ann Hansen on October 14, 1960. They havefour children and six grandchildren. Practiced law in Jefferson Cityand Marble Hill. Served as prosecuting attorney of Bollinger Coun-ty, 1964–1986; city attorney for Fredericktown, 1967–1989; and cityattorney for various other cities. Member: Marble Hill UnitedMethodist Church; AXE; Tau Beta Pi; Order of the Coif; Missouri LawReview; Bollinger County, Cape Girardeau County, Greene Countyand Missouri Bar Associations. Appointed to the Court of Appeals,May 1, 1990, for a term beginning May 19, 1990. Retained in 1992and 2004. Term expires December 31, 2016.


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EDWIN HODEL SMITHOffice phone: (816) 889-3632.Office address: 1300 Oak St., Kansas City 64106.Home address: 12100 Victory Dr., St. Joseph 64505.Biography: Chief Judge. Born December 8, 1951, in St. Joseph. Edu-cated at University of Missouri–Columbia, A.B., sociology, 1974;J.D., 1977. Married Deborah J. Lacy, June 17, 1978. Two daughters,Maddison and Jensen. Admitted to the Bar in 1977. Was in privatepractice until elected Associate Circuit Judge of Andrew County in1978; re-elected in 1982 and 1986. Elected Circuit Judge, Fifth Cir-cuit, November 1988, to fill an unexpired term, re-elected in 1992.Member: United Methodist Church, Savannah; Missouri and KansasCity Metro Bar Associations; Missouri Association of Probate andAssociate Circuit Judges, past president; American Judicature Soci-ety; Masonic Lodge; Pony Express Council, B.S.A., advisory com-mittee. Appointed to the Court of Appeals, October 15, 1995.Retained in 1996. Term expires December 31, 2008.

PATRICIA BRECKENRIDGEOffice Phone: (816) 889-3614.Office Address: 1300 Oak St., Kansas City 64106.Biography: Born October 14, 1953, in Nevada, Missouri. Educatedat University of Arkansas–Fayetteville and University of Missouri–Columbia, B.S., J.D. Married Bryan C. Breckenridge, May 16, 1976.Member: United Methodist Church; Association of Probate andAssociate Circuit Judges, president, 1990–1991; National Associa-tion of Women Judges; Fellow of the American Bar Foundation;American Judicature Society; Kansas City Metropolitan, Missouriand American Bar Associations. Was a Council of State Govern-ments Toll Fellow; served on the Missouri Task Force on Gender andJustice, 1990–1993, and Gender Fairness Implementation Commit-tee, co-chair, 1993–1997. Appointed associate circuit judge January22, 1982, elected in 1982, 1986 and 1990. Appointed to the Courtof Appeals, December 18, 1990. Retained in 1992 and 2004. Servedas chief judge from July 1, 1998 to June 30, 2000. Term expires December 31, 2016.


1300 Oak St., Kansas City 64106Telephone: (816) 889-3600Clerk: Terence G. LordTelephone: (816) 889-3600 / FAX: (816) 889-3668

The Western District Court of Appeals sits inKansas City. Judges are named to 12-year termsunder a nonpartisan selection plan set out in theMissouri Constitution. Each of the district’s 11judges earns an annual salary of $115,000. Thechief judge serves a two-year term by rotationaccording to seniority.

Territorial Jurisdiction:The counties of Adair, Andrew, Atchison,

Bates, Benton, Boone, Buchanan, Caldwell,Callaway, Carroll, Cass, Chariton, Clay, Clinton,Cole, Cooper, Daviess, DeKalb, Gentry, Grundy,Harrison, Henry, Holt, Howard, Jackson, John-son, Lafayette, Linn, Livingston, Macon, Mercer,Miller, Moniteau, Morgan, Nodaway, Pettis, Plat-te, Putnam, Randolph, Ray, Saline, Schuyler, Sul-livan, Vernon and Worth.

Appellate Judges, Western District

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JOSEPH M. ELLISOffice Phone: (816) 889-3622.Office Addresses: 1300 Oak St., Kansas City 64106; PO Box 583,Macon 63552.Biography: Born October 25, 1946, in St. Louis. Educated: Universityof Missouri–St. Louis, B.A., history; Washington University, J.D., man-aging editor, Urban Law Annual. Married Linda Basler, June 11, 1966.They have a daughter. Practiced law, 1972–1993. Served in U.S. AirForce, office of Special Investigations and Judge Advocate General’sCorps. Was Municipal Judge, City of Macon, 1987–1993. Member:Immaculate Conception Church; American, Missouri (Young LawyersSection, 1975–1983, chair 1981–1982) board of governors,1982–1990; chair, Div. of Judcial Administraton, 2004–present; 41stJudicial Circuit (past president) and Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Asso-ciations; American Judicature Society; 1970 White House Conferenceon Children, planner; Blue Ribbon Commission, Future of Services toChildren, 1987; Industrial Development Authority of Macon, presi-

dent, 1978–1993; The Bar Plan Foundation, trustee, 1994–1997; Commission on Judicial Independence,2005. Award: Outstanding Jaycee, 1973. Appointed to the Court of Appeals, August 4, 1993. Retained in1994. Term expires December 31, 2006.

LISA WHITE HARDWICKOffice phone: (816) 889-3611.Office address: 1300 Oak St., Kansas City 64106-2970.Biography: Born October 5, 1960, in Kansas City. Educated at Uni-versity of Missouri–Columbia, B.J., 1982; Harvard Law School, J.D.,1985. Joined Shook, Hardy & Bacon in private law practice in 1985,was a firm partner, 1992–1999. Elected to Jackson County Legisla-ture, 1993–2000. Member: St. James United Methodist Church;Jackson County and Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Associations;Association of Women Lawyers; Community Blood Bank, board ofdirectors; KCUR Radio Community, advisory board; Swope Com-munity Enterprises. Appointed Jackson County Circuit Court Judge,16th Judicial Circuit in 2000. Appointed to the Court of Appeals,May 2, 2001. Retained in 2002. Term expires December 31, 2014

RONALD HOLLIGEROffice phone: (816) 889-3608.Office address: 1300 Oak St., Kansas City 64106.Home Address: Blue Springs.Biography: Born July 9, 1946, in Kansas City. Educated at Universi-ty of Missouri–Kansas City, B.S, education; University of Missouri–Kansas City School of Law, J.D. Married to Janet S. Holliger. Engagedin private practice from 1973–1994. Member: First PresbyterianChurch, Independence; Missouri, American, Kansas City and East-ern Jackson County Bar Associations; Trial Judge Education Commit-tee, chair; Missouri Commission on Alternative Dispute Resolutionin Domestic Relation Cases, chair; Coordinating Commission onJudicial Branch Education; Trial Judge Publications, editorial boardchair; KIDSAFE, executive council; Master, Division II, Ross T.Roberts Inn of Court; American Inn of Court. Appointed circuitjudge, 1995. Juvenile judge, 1999. Appointed to the Court ofAppeals, January 2000. Retained in 2002. Term expires December31, 2014.


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VICTOR C. HOWARDOffice phone: (816) 889-3626.Office Address: 1300 Oak St., Kansas City 64106.Home Address: Kansas City.Biography: Born July 9, 1952, in Kansas City. Graduate of CentralMissouri State University, B.S., 1973; University of Missouri–KansasCity, J.D., 1976. He has three sons. Served: North Kansas City Boardof Education, 1977–1993, secretary; law clerk to Judge WilliamMarsh, Jackson County Circuit Court, 1977; Clay County DeputyCounty Counselor, 1977–1991; Youth Friends Advisory Board, chair;Adult and Community Education Advisory Committee, board mem-ber. Member: Tri-County Mental Health Supportive EmploymentTask Force; Domestic Violence Community Response Team, board;Kansas City Consensus Leadership Task Force; Kansas City Board ofZoning Adjustment, 1991–1993; Clay County Bar Association, pres-ident, 1992–1993. Practiced law until his appointment as a ClayCounty circuit judge in 1993. Retained in 1994. Appointed to theCourt of Appeals, October 11, 1996. Retained in 1998. Term expires December 31, 2010.

HAROLD (Hal) LOWENSTEINOffice phone: (816) 889-3617.Office Address: 1300 Oak St., Kansas City 64106.Biography: Born August 18, 1939, in Marshall. Educated at Univer-sity of Missouri–Columbia, B.S., business administration; J.D. Mar-ried to Wanda M. Wiebe. Served as assistant attorney general;Health Facilities Review Committee, vice chair. Member: State Juve-nile Justice Advisory Group; Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Kansas City,past president; Adjunct professor at University of Missouri, UMKCand Washburn law schools; Division of Youth Services Facility atWatkins Mill, liaison committee; Whatsoever Community Center,board of directors; Avila College, Gillis Homes for Boys, board; Sal-vation Army, advisory board; American Red Cross, past board mem-ber. Recipient of 1997 Kansas City Spirit Award, Michael Coburnand Spurgeon Smithson awards for community service. Elected tothe House of Representatives in 1972–1980. Appointed to the Courtof Appeals, July 6, 1981. Retained in 1982 and 1994. Term expiresDecember 31, 2006.

THOMAS H. NEWTONOffice Phone: (816) 889-3629.Office Address: 1300 Oak St., Kansas City 64106-2970.Home address: Kansas City.Biography: Born April 23, 1952, in Washington, D.C. Graduate ofHoward University, Washington, D.C., B.A., J.D. Married to ReneePryor of Kansas City. They have one daughter. Member: Swope Park-way United Christian Church. Former assistant prosecuting attorney,Jackson County, 1984–1987; former assistant United States attorney,Western District, 1987–1993. Appointed circuit judge on September7, 1993. Retained in 1994. Appointed to the Court of Appeals,November 1, 1999. Retained in 2000. Term expires December 31,2012.


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PAUL M. SPINDENOffice phone: (816) 889-3620.Office address: 1300 Oak St., Kansas City 64106.Biography: Born November 10, 1948. Educated at Evangel College,B.S., history and political science; Southwest Missouri State Univer-sity, M.A., American history; University of Missouri–Kansas City,J.D., (law review); University of Virginia, L.L.M., judicial process.Married to Sara Heinemann Spinden, with two adult children. Chairof Appellate Education Committee. Member: Coordinating Comm-mission for Judicial Department Education; Judicial Records Com-mittee. Adjunct instructor of business law, William Jewell College;adjunct professor of legal studies, Webster Univ. Elder of NorthlandCathedral Assembly of God, Kansas City; Northland Cathedral ChildCare, secretary of bd. of directors; Northland Alternative ServicesProgram, bd. of directors. Former presiding commissioner, Adminis-trative Hearing Commission; Division of Transportation, administra-

tive law judge; Missouri Attorney General, chief counsel. Appointed to the Court of Appeals, Octo-ber 1, 1991. Retained in 1992 and 2004. Term expires December 31, 2016.

ROBERT G. ULRICH Office phone: (816) 889-3602.Office address: 1300 Oak St., Kansas City 64106.Home address: Lee’s Summit.Biography: Born in St. Louis. Educated at William Jewell College,B.A., history; University of Missouri–Kansas City, J.D., LL.M.; Uni-versity of Virginia, L.L.M. Married JoAnn Demark, July 3, 1965. Theyhave two daughters. U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, colonel (retired).Practiced law; assistant U.S. attorney; U.S. attorney, Western Dis-trict, 1981–1989. Appointed to Attorney General’s Advisory Com-mittee of U.S. Attorneys, 1984, chair, 1986–1989; Department ofJustice Economic Crime Council; Department of Justice ResourceBoard; Personnel Management Board; National Executive ReviewBoard, Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force. Served onadvisory committee and Sentencing Guidelines Education Commit-tee, U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit. Member: Kansas City Met-ropolitan Bar Association; American Judicature Society; National

Association of Former U.S. Attorneys; Association of Judicial Administration. Appointed to the Courtof Appeals, March 30, 1989. Retained in 1990 and 2002. Term expires December 31, 2014.


JAMES MADISON SMART JR.Office phone: (816) 889-3605.Office address: 1300 Oak St., Kansas City 64106.Home address: Kansas City.Biography: Born June 28, 1945, in Mexia, TX. Educated at Collegeof William and Mary, A.B., 1966; University of Missouri School ofLaw, J.D., 1969. Married Talaine S. Alexander, December 12, 1970.They have two children. Order of the Coif; article editor, MissouriLaw Review; U.S. Army JAGC, 1970–1974; military judge,1973–1974; Army Commendation medal; assistant prosecutingattorney, Jackson County, 1969–1970; private practice of law,1974–1991. Member: board of directors, Greater Kansas City Foun-dation for Citizens with Retardation, 1991–1998; board of elders,Westbrooke Church; American Judicature Society; Deficit Reduc-tion Task Force; Center School District No. 58, chair, 1996. Award-ed honorary life membership, Missouri Congress of Parents and

Teachers, 1997. Appointed to the Court of Appeals, December 13, 1991. Retained in November1994. Term expires December 31, 2006.

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Missouri’s 45 Judicial Circuits

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Missouri’s first two circuit courts were estab-lished in 1815. The 1820 Constitution providedfor the creation of four circuits, each containingfrom four to eight counties. The number of cir-cuits has increased over the years; today 45 cir-cuits operate in Missouri.

The first circuit judges were appointed by thegovernor and confirmed by the Senate. However,the life term of the judges and their method ofappointment proved unpopular; in 1849, theConstitution was amended to provide for popularelection. Most circuit judges are elected today,although judges in some circuits are selectedunder provisions of the Nonpartisan Court Plan.

Constitutional amendments approved byMissouri voters in 1976 provide that the circuitcourts shall be courts of original civil and crimi-nal jurisdiction. All trials start at this level. For-mer courts of limited jurisdiction became divi-sions of the circuit court on January 2, 1979.

Within the divisions of the Circuit Courtthere are three levels of jurisdiction: circuit,associate and municipal. Circuit judges may actwithin all circuit jurisdictions.

The number of circuit judges is determinedby the General Assembly. The Constitutionrequires at least one circuit judge in each ofMissouri’s 45 judicial circuits.

Associate circuit judges may hear matterspending in the Circuit Court or assigned by theSupreme Court. Associate circuit judges hear allcases pursuant to Chapter 517, RSMo, and haveconcurrent jurisdiction over all cases pending inthe Circuit Court.

The Constitution requires at least one resi-dent associate circuit judge in each county. Thestatutes authorize additional associate circuitjudges depending on county populations. Pres-ently, 187 associate circuit judges are requiredby statute.

Municipalities with 400,000 or more peoplemust establish a municipal division over which amunicipal judge presides. Communities of lessthan 400,000 may establish municipal divisionsto hear ordinance violations, or the municipalitymay request that these matters be heard in theassociate division of the Circuit Court. Munici-pal judges are paid locally.

By statute each circuit judge appoints a courtreporter and the court in each circuit appoints a


juvenile officer. A circuit clerk in each county isselected according to law and salaries are set bystatute.

Circuit court judges must be at least 30 yearsold, residents of their circuit, U.S. citizens for 10years and Missouri voters for three years. Circuitjudges serve six-year terms. Associate judgesmust be at least 25 years old, Missouri votersand residents of the counties they serve. Associ-ate judges serve four-year terms.

Circuit court judges each earn $108,000annually; associate circuit court judges earn$96,000. Compensation is determined by statute(RSMo 476.405).

The Fine Collection CenterThe Missouri Supreme Court established the

Fine Collection Center (FCC) pursuant to Section476.385, RSMo. The Fine Collection Center is acentral bureau authorized by statute to processcertain traffic, conservation and watercraft viola-tions for the courts of counties that voluntarilyjoin the center’s program. The center beganoperation on July 1, 1999 and 79 Missouri coun-ties were members of the program as of August1, 2005. Offenders who receive citations in par-ticipating counties have the option of pleadingguilty by paying their fine and costs directly tothe FCC or pleading not guilty and having theircitations sent to the county prosecutor for pro-cessing in the court system.

The Supreme Court appoints the Director ofthe Fine Collection Center. Since April of 2004,the ACS Corporation has performed most finecollection citation processing services under acontract with the state courts. The director of thecenter oversees the operation of the center byACS. The Supreme Court also appoints a FineCollection Center Committee of at least sevenassociate circuit court judges. This committeeprovides oversight and policy guidance for theFCC program and establishes and maintains auniform fine schedule to be used by the FCC.Counties that voluntarily join the program mustagree to use the uniform fine schedule. This fineschedule contains all traffic, conservation andwatercraft offenses that the FCC is authorized toprocess.

The FCC fine schedule sets uniform fines forthe same offenses in all counties participating inthe FCC, resulting in a more equitable system foroffenders. Benefits of participating in the FCCinclude better accountability, improved collec-tion rates and a reduction in clerical workloadassociated with processing citations that allowscourt staff to redirect their efforts to other areas.The FCC also provides user-friendly customerservice at a toll free number (1-877-866-3926)that offenders can call from anywhere within theUnited States. The FCC accepts payment by

MissouriCircuit Courts

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check, money order or credit cards, making pay-ment more convenient for offenders. The FCCalso has an automated system that allows pay-ment 24 hours a day by phone at a toll free num-ber or over the internet.

When an offender pays a citation to the FCC,the center is legally authorized to issue a recordof conviction. Records of conviction for trafficoffenses are prepared the same business day thatthe FCC receives the offender’s guilty plea andpayment of the fine and costs. The FCC electron-ically transmits these records of conviction eachday to the Missouri Department of Revenue for

entry on the offender’s driving records and to theMissouri State Highway Patrol.

The FCC sends payments of fines and courtcosts to member county treasurers at the first ofeach month. The FCC keeps no part of the fine orcosts. The county where the offenses occurredreceives all the fine money and the entire coun-ty’s share of court costs on each case. The FCCsends courts costs and fees designated for stateagencies directly to those agencies.


Circuit 1GARY DIALOffice address: Scotland County Courthouse, 117 S. Market, Room205, Memphis 63555; phone (660) 465-7012.Home address: Rt. 1, Box 135-X, Memphis 63555.Counties: Clark, Schuyler and Scotland.Biography: Born October 12, 1955, in Kirksville. Educated at North-east Missouri State University, B.A., political science, 1977; Univer-sity of Missouri–Kansas City, J.D., 1980. Married Lana Porter, July29, 1978. They have two children, Lydia and Brian. Engaged in pri-vate practice in Memphis. Served as Prosecuting Attorney of Scot-land County, 1981–1996; city attorney for Memphis. Member:Missouri and American Bar Associations. Appointed circuit judge onJanuary 30, 1996; elected November, 1996 to fill an unexpired term.Re-elected: 1998 and 2004. Term expires December 31, 2010.Democrat.

Circuit 2RUSSELL E. STEELEOffice address: Adair County Courthouse, 3rd Fl., 106 W. Washing-ton, Kirksville 63501; phone (660) 665-3145.Home address: 27696 State Hwy. P, Kirksville 63501.Counties: Adair, Knox and Lewis.Biography: Born February 27, 1952, in Kirksville. Graduate of Uni-versity of Missouri–Columbia, A.B., economics, 1974; J.D., 1977.Married Teresa Michelle Terhune, 1996. In private law practice,1977–1997. Member: Missouri, Adair County and American BarAssociations. Appointed circuit judge December 1997. Elected:1998 and 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Democrat.

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Circuit 3ANDREW A. KROHNOffice address: 802 E. Main, Princeton 64673; phone (660) 748-3430.Home address: RR 2, Princeton 64673, phone (660) 748-3456.Counties: Grundy, Harrison, Mercer and Putnam.Biography: Presiding Judge. Born April 7, 1944, in Kansas City. Edu-cated at University of Missouri–Kansas City, B.A., education, 1966;University of Missouri–Kansas City, J.D., 1971. Married Connie JoRenfro, 1985. Between them they have seven children. Engaged inprivate practice and served as Prosecuting Attorney of Mercer Coun-ty, 1973–1992; Mercer County associate circuit judge, 1992–2000.Member: Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church; Third CircuitBar Association, former president; Missouri Bar Association; Prince-ton Rotary Club. Elected circuit judge, November 7, 2000. Termexpires December 31, 2006. Republican.

Circuit 4ROGER M. PROKESOffice address: 305 N. Main, Ste. 204, Maryville 64468; phone(660) 582-4231.Home address: 6 Golf Tee Ln., Maryville, 64468.Counties: Atchison, Gentry, Holt, Nodaway and Worth.Biography: Born November 10, 1951, in Scottsbluff, Nebraska.Graduate of University of Nebraska–Lincoln, B.S., business adminis-tration, 1973; J.D., 1976. Married Julia A. Willson, June 2, 1975.They have five children. Engaged in general practice of law in North-west Missouri for 24 years. Former assistant professor of BusinessLaw, and adjunct professor of Education Law, at Northwest MissouriState University. Elected circuit judge: November 7, 2000. Termexpires December 31, 2006. Republican.

Circuit 5—Division 3PATRICK K. ROBBOffice address: Buchanan County Courthouse, 411 Jules, St. Joseph64501; phone (816) 271-1444.Home address: 4800 State Rt. H, S.E., Agency 64401.Counties: Andrew and Buchanan.Biography: Presiding Judge. Born November 6, 1955, in Quincy, Il.Educated at Southeast Missouri State University, B.A., political sci-ence; University of Missouri–Kansas City, J.D. Married Carol Ganter,November 22, 1986. They have two children. Served as assistantprosecuting attorney in Buchanan County and practiced law forseven years. Elected associate circuit judge in 1986. Member: West-minster Presbyterian Church; St. Joseph Bar Association; AmericanJudicature Society; Missouri Council of Juvenile and Family CourtJudges; National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges;Missouri Supreme Court Committee on Criminal Procedure. Electedcircuit judge: 1988, 1994 and 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Democrat.

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Circuit 5—Division 2WELDON C. JUDAHOffice address: Buchanan County Courthouse, 411 Jules, St. Joseph64501; phone (816) 271-1441.Home address: 2222 Edgewater Dr., St. Joseph 64506.Counties: Andrew and Buchanan.Biography: Born July 2, 1949, in St. Joseph. Graduate of SavannahHigh School; Missouri Western State College, B.S., business admin-istration; University of Missouri–Kansas City, J.D., 1980. MarriedLinda C. Bachman. They have two daughters, Idean and Abigail.Served in the Air National Guard, 1967–1973, received honorabledischarge. Admitted to the Missouri Bar, 1980; in private practice,1981. Appointed Assistant Buchanan County Prosecutor,1982–1986; elected St. Joseph Municipal Judge, 1986–1988;Buchanan County Associate Circuit Judge, 1988, 1990 and 1994.Member: Our Lady of Guadalupe Church; Knights of Columbus

(Fourth Degree). Appointed circuit judge: 1995. Elected: 1996, 1998 and 2004. Term expires Decem-ber 31, 2010. Democrat.

Circuit 5—Division 4DANIEL F. KELLOGGOffice address: Buchanan County Courthouse, 411 Jules, St. Joseph64501; phone (816) 271-1477.Home address: 2807 Whitman Dr., St. Joseph 64506.Counties: Andrew and Buchanan.Biography: Born February 1, 1960, in St. Joseph. Graduate ofMissouri Western State College, B.S.B.A., 1982; University ofMissouri–Columbia, J.D., 1988. Married Jennifer Lang, December30, 1988. They have three children: Xan, Joseph and Annaka.Engaged in private practice in Kansas City, 1988–1990. Served as anAssistant Prosecuting Attorney for Buchanan County and practicedlaw from 1990–1995. Appointed Associate Circuit Judge in 1995,elected in 1996 and 1998. Member: Wyatt Park Christian Church;American Barber Boys; MWSC Alumni Board; St. Joseph AreaChamber of Commerce; Missouri Association of Probate and Asso-

ciate Circuit Judges; American, Missouri, Kansas City Metropolitan and St. Joseph Bar Associations.Elected circuit judge: 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Democrat.

Circuit 5—Division 1RANDALL R. JACKSONOffice address: Buchanan County Courthouse, 411 Jules, St. Joseph64501; phone (816) 271-1447.Home address: 2227 N. 22nd St., St. Joseph 64505.Counties: Andrew and Buchanan.Biography: Born July 19, 1949, in St. Joseph. Educated at MissouriWestern State College; University of Missouri–Columbia, B.A., polit-ical science, 1971; J.D., 1974. Married Vicki Leigh Burton, August 22,1981. They have two sons, Garrett and Tyler. Former assistant cityattorney and prosecutor for the City of St. Joseph; engaged in privatelaw practice. Appointed magistrate judge, January, 1977, servedthrough December, 1978. Elected associate circuit judge in 1978,1982 and 1986. Member: Green Valley Baptist Church; MissouriWestern College Department of Criminal Justice Advisory Commit-tee; St. Joseph and Missouri Bar Associations. Received W. Oliver

Rasch Award for outstanding article in Journal of Missouri Bar, 1999. Appointed circuit judge February8, 1988. Elected: 1988, 1994 and 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Republican.

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Circuit 6—Division 1ABE SHAFEROffice address: Platte County Courthouse, 415 Third St., Ste. 65,Platte City 64079; phone (816) 858-2232.Home address: 21730 Hwy. M, Weston 64098.County: Platte.Biography: Born July 18, 1943, in Kansas City. Educated at Univer-sity of Missouri–Columbia, B.S., business administration, 1965; Uni-versity of Kansas, J.D., 1968. Married to Ann Shafer, and has twochildren. Served as a Platte County Prosecuting Attorney, MagistrateJudge and Associate Circuit Judge and practiced law for 29 years.Member: Weston Christian Church; American, Missouri and Platte(former president) Bar Associations. Appointed circuit judge, Sep-tember 28, 1999. Retained in 2000. Term expires December 31,2006. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 6—Division 2OWENS LEE HULL JR.Office address: Platte County Courthouse, 415 Third St., Ste. 65,Platte City 64079; phone (816) 858-3436.Home address: PO Box 248, Weston 64098.County: Platte.Biography: Presiding Judge. Born September 1, 1943. Graduate ofUniversity of Missouri–Columbia, B.S., public administration; Uni-versity of Missouri–Columbia School of Law, J.D. Served in U.S.Army 1968–1970; Vietnam Veteran. Served in Platte County as:Prosecuting Attorney, 1975–1976, 1977–February 1978; MagistrateJudge, February 1978–January 1979; associate circuit judge, January1979–August 1998. Member: Missouri and Platte County Bar Asso-ciations; Missouri Juvenile Justice Association. Appointed circuitjudge: August 1998. Retained in 2000. Term expires December 31,2006. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 7—Division 4LARRY D. HARMANOffice address: Clay County Courthouse, 11 S. Water, Liberty64068; phone (816) 792-7714.Home address: 1006 Wildbriar, Liberty 64068.County: Clay.Biography: Presiding Judge. Born August 29, 1953, in St. Joseph.Graduated from William Jewell College, B.A.; University ofMissouri–Kansas City, J.D., 1975. Married Debra A. (Perry) Harman.They have three children. Member of Liberty United MethodistChurch. Engaged in private practice, 1978. Assistant public defend-er, Clay County; Clay County prosecuting attorney; municipaljudge, Claycomo; city attorney, Smithville and Lathrop; prosecutingattorney, Liberty; special assistant attorney general, 1986–1987.Active with various local service groups and charities. Appointedcircuit judge: August 26, 1992. Retained in 1994 and 2000. Termexpires December 31, 2006. Nonpartisan.

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Circuit 7—Division 2ANTHONY REX GABBERTOffice address: Clay County Courthouse, 11 S. Water, Liberty64068; phone (816) 792-7712.Home address: Kansas City 64155.County: Clay.Biography: Born September 25, 1956, in Kansas City. Educated at the Uni-versitites of Mo.–Columbia and Kansas City, B.A.; Mississippi College Schoolof Law, J.D. Married January 1, 1993 to Melissa Pate. They have two daugh-ters. He is an Episcopalian. Engaged in private practice, 1986 and 1991–1994;Asst. Prosecuting Atty. of Clay County 1987–1991; Prosecuting Atty. of Glad-stone, 1991–1992; Municipal Judge, North Kansas City, 1993–1994; Associ-ate Circuit Judge, 1994–2004. Member of American, Missouri, Clay County,past sec./treas. and Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Assns. Served on Clay-Plat-te-Ray Mental Health Tax Levy Bd. and North Kansas City Hospital Bd. ofTrustees, sec. Adjunct Professor, William Jewell College and Rockhurst Univ.

Member of Mo. Supreme Court Legislative Steering Committee 1999–2004. Appointed Circuit Judge: June 1, 2004.Term expires December 31, 2006. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 7—Division 3JAMES EDWARD WELSHOffice address: Clay County Courthouse, 11 S. Water, Liberty64068; phone (816) 792-7713.Home address: 803 N. Morse, Liberty 64068.County: Clay.Biography: Born May 26, 1948, in Brookfield. Educated at ParksCollege of Aeronautical Technology; St. Louis University, B.S., aero-nautics, 1969; St. Louis University School of Law, J.D., 1975. Mar-ried Theresa M. Kaszko, 1968. They have two daughters. Worked foran astronautics company, 1969–1975; law clerk to Judge Turnage,Missouri Court of Appeals, 1975–1976; a law firm, 1976–1985; Lib-erty municipal judge, 1983–1985; associate circuit judge,1985–1988. Adjunct professor, University of Missouri–Kansas CityLaw School. Member: St. James Church; Missouri and Clay CountyBar Assns. Served as vice president and president of Missouri Circuit

Judges Assns. and Clay and Platte Municipal and Associate Judges Assn.; treasurer and secretary,Missouri Municipal and Associate Circuit Judges Assn. Appointed circuit judge: November 17, 1988.Retained in 1990, 1996 and 2002. Term expires December 31, 2008. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 7—Division 1MICHAEL J. MALONEYOffice address: Clay County Courthouse, 11 S. Water, Liberty64068; phone (816) 792-7711.Home address: 9011 Catherine, Liberty 64068.County: Clay.Biography: Born August 4, 1938, in Kansas City. Educated atWilliam Jewell College, B.A., history, 1960; University ofMissouri–Kansas City, J.D., 1964. Married Barbara (Bobbie) Mal-oney, 1960. They have four children. Law clerk to Judge Wm. H.Becker, U.S. District Court, Western District of Missouri,1964–1966; engaged in private practice, 1966–1991; assistant pros-ecuting attorney, Clay County, 1969–1977; Clay County AssociateCircuit Judge, 1991–1996. Member: Clay County, Kansas City Met-ropolitan and Missouri Bar Associations. Former president of theClay County Bar Association. Appointed circuit judge: December

1996. Retained in 1998 and 2004. Term expires December 31, 2010. Nonpartisan.

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Circuit 8WERNER A. MOENTMANNOffice address: Ray County Courthouse, PO Box 346, Richmond64085; phone (816) 776-3525.Home address: 1404 S. Golf Club Dr., Richmond 64085.Counties: Carroll and Ray.Biography: Born January 17, 1940, in Norborne. Educated at theUniversity of Missouri–Columbia, A.B., J.D. Married to Sharon K.Thoeni, September 2, 1962. They have one son and two daughters.Served in U.S. Army in the Judge Advocate Generals Corp. Attorneywith the estate and gift tax division, Internal Revenue Service.Engaged in private practice, 1972–1995. Served on Board of Adju-dication for Lutheran Church, Missouri district. Member: FaithLutheran Church; Ray County and Missouri Bar Associations; Rich-mond Rotary Club, past president. Elected circuit judge: 1994 and2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Republican.

Circuit 9GARY E. RAVENSOffice address: PO Box 84, 108 N. High, Linneus 64653; phone(660) 895-5523.Home address: PO Box 315, Marceline 64658.Counties: Chariton, Linn and Sullivan.Biography: Born October 16, 1945, in St. Louis. Graduated fromSoutheast Missouri State University, B.S.; University of Missouri–Kansas City, J.D. Married to Eleanor I. Ravens. They have two chil-dren, Andrea and Jared. United States Army, Military Police Corps,1969–1971. General practice of law from 1972–1994. Elected cir-cuit judge: 1994 and 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006.Democrat.

Circuit 10ROBERT M. CLAYTON IIOffice address: Marion County Courthouse, 906 Broadway, Hanni-bal 63401; phone (573) 221-0579.Counties: Marion, Monroe and Ralls.Biography: Born December 24, 1940, in Hannibal. Graduate ofHannibal Public Schools; Duke University, A.B.; University ofMissouri–Columbia School of Law, J.D. Married to Frances Nicoll(Nicky) Price, in 1966. They have two children. Practiced law inHannibal for 32 years. Hannibal City Counselor, 1969–1977.Missouri Bar, president, 1985–1986; Missouri Gaming Commission,vice chair, 1993–1997; Commission on Retirement, Removal andDiscipline of Judges, 1988–1993 and 2002 to present, chair,1992–1993; Fellow of the American College of Bankruptcy; Fellowof the American Bar Association. Member: Trinity Episcopal Church;Presiding Judges’ Executive Committee; Judicial Finance Commis-sion. Appointed circuit judge: September 1997. Elected: 1998 and 2000. Term expires December 31,2006. Democrat.

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Circuit 11—Division 4JOSEPH R. BRISCOE JR.Office address: St. Charles County Courthouse, 300 N. Second St.,Rm. 512, St. Charles 63301-5415; phone (636) 949-7900, ext.5514.Home address: 16 Belle Plaine Dr., St. Charles 63301-1666.County: St. Charles.Biography: Presiding Judge. Born January 31, 1937, in St. Louis.Graduate of St. Louis University, B.S., 1958; J.D., 1972. Admitted tothe Missouri Bar, 1972. Married former Joan G. Foltz in Louisville,Kentucky, 1960. They have four children and 11 grandchildren.Municipal Judge, City of St. Charles, 1973–2000; St. Charles CityCouncil, 1962–1972. Past president, St. Charles Jaycees, St. CharlesCivitan Club. Member: St. Charles Borromeo Church; St. CharlesKiwanis Club; Knights of Columbus. Elected circuit judge: Novem-ber 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Republican.


Circuit 11—Division 1TED HOUSEOffice address: St. Charles County Courthouse, 300 N. Second St.,Rm. 539, St. Charles 63301; phone (636) 949-5538.County: St. Charles.Biography: Born August 22, 1959, in Kansas City. Educated atFayette High School, 1977; Central Methodist College, B.A., 1981;University of Missouri–Kansas City School of Law, J.D., 1984. Mar-ried Martha Smith in St. Charles, December 2, 1989. Children: Ben-jamin, Catherine and Daniel. Employment: Emergency MedicalTechnician; Legal Intern for Missouri Attorney General; Field Repre-sentative for Congressman Ike Skelton; private law practice in St.Charles. Member: First United Methodist Church of St. Charles.Elected to the House of Representatives, 1988, 1990, 1992. Electedto the State Senate, 1994, 1998. Was chair of the Senate EducationCommittee. Elected Associate Judge, 2002. Elected circuit judge:2004. Term expires December 31, 2008. Democrat.

Circuit 11—Division 2NANCY L. SCHNEIDEROffice address: St. Charles County Courthouse, 300 N. Second St.,Rm. 439, St. Charles 63301; phone (636) 949-7900, ext. 5512.Home address: 1600 Watson St., St. Charles 63301.County: St. Charles.Biography: Born June 28, 1948, in St. Louis. Educated at Universityof Missouri, Lindenwood College, B.A., business administration,magna cum laude, 1978; St. Louis University, J.D., cum laude, 1981.Married to Leon J. Schneider. They have two daughters, Kristin andMeghan. Practiced law in St. Charles, 1981–1991. Board of Gover-nors, Truman State University, 1987–1995; Special AssistantMissouri Attorney General, 1989–1991; Prosecuting Attorney, St.Charles County Juvenile Court, 1986–1990; Special Assistant, St.Charles County Counselor, 1986–1987; appointed St. Charles Coun-ty Associate Judge, 1991. Elected in 1992 and 1994. Elected circuitjudge: 1998 and 2004. Term expires December 31, 2010. Republi-can.

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Circuit 12KEITH M. SUTHERLANDOffice address: Warren County Courthouse, 104 W. Main St., War-renton 63383; phone (636) 456-9705.Counties: Audrain, Montgomery and Warren.Biography: Presiding Judge. Born June 29, 1945, in Washington,D.C. Educated at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio,B.A., 1967 and University of Missouri–Columbia, J.D., 1973. Mar-ried Janet Haverkamp. They have three sons. Served in U.S. Army1969–1971. Practiced law in Warrenton, 1973–1978. Elected Pros-ecuting Attorney of Warren County, 1974; re-elected, 1976. ElectedAssociate Circuit Judge of Warren County, 1978–1998. Member:Friedens United Church of Christ; Municipal Judge Education Com-mittee, 1985–2000, chair, 1988–2000; Coordinating Commissionfor Judicial Branch Education, 1998–2000; Missouri Association ofProbate and Associate Circuit Judges, 1979–2000; Circuit CourtBudget Committee, 2005; board of directors, Crider Center for Mental Health. Elected circuit judge:2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Republican.

Circuit 13—Division 1GENE HAMILTONOffice address: Boone County Courthouse, 705 E. Walnut St.,Columbia 65201; phone (573) 886-4050.Home address: 209 E. Ninth St., Fulton 65251.Counties: Boone and Callaway.Biography: Presiding Judge. Born October 31, 1942, in Bachelor.Educated at Westminster College, B.S.; University of Missouri–Columbia, J.D. Married August 12, 1967, to Marcia Flippen. Theyhave three children. Served as a captain in the U.S. Army SignalCorps, 1968–1969. Prosecuting attorney of Callaway County,1970–1980; in private law practice, 1970–1982. Member: Elder,Old Auxvasse–Nine Mile Presbyterian Church; Fulton BreakfastOptimist Club; Delta Tau Delta; Phi Delta Phi; Masonic Lodge;Missouri, Callaway County and Boone County Bar Associations;Missouri Supreme Court Committee on Procedure in CriminalCases, chair, 1989–2003; Missouri Supreme Court Judicial Education Committee. Elected circuitjudge: 1982, 1988, 1994 and 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Democrat.

Circuit 11—Division 3LUCY RAUCHOffice address: St. Charles County Courthouse, 300 N. Second St.,Rm. 341, St. Charles 63301; phone (636) 949-7900, ext. 5541.Home address: 1022 Jefferson St., St. Charles 63301.County: St. Charles.Biography: Born November 3, 1949, in St. Charles. Educated atDuke University, B.A., English; University of North Carolina atChapel Hill, M.S., library science; St. Louis University, J.D. St.Charles County prosecuting attorney’s office, 1979–1982. Electedassociate circuit judge, 1982, 1986 and 1990. Served on Case Pro-cessing Time Standards Committee, 1992, and the Domestic Rela-tions Committee, 1992–1993. Member: St. Charles County BarAssociation; Catholic Church; St. Charles Rotary Club; Academy ofthe Sacred Heart, St. Charles, advisory board, 1996–2003. Appoint-ed circuit judge: October 1, 1991. Elected: 1992 (special election).Re-elected: 1994 and 2000. Served as presiding judge, 1995–1998 and 2003–2004. Term expiresDecember 31, 2006. Republican.

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Circuit 13—Division 2GARY OXENHANDLEROffice address: Boone County Courthouse, 705 E. Walnut St.,Columbia 65201; phone (573) 886-4050.Counties: Boone and Callaway.Biography: Born in St. Louis, 1946. Education: University City HighSchool, 1964; University of Missouri, B.A., 1968 and J.D., 1973.Served in the United States Army, 1969–1970. Married for 35 years.Private practice for 29 years with Marvin Tofle. AV Rating Martin-dale-Hubbel®. Member: Numerous boards and commissionsincluding president, Columbia Chamber of Commerce; co chair,Columbia’s 1996 Race Relations Task Force; chair, Boone County’s1997 Jail Task Force; and 2000 Judicial and Law Enforcement TaskForce. Interests include competitive handball and reading. Appoint-ed circuit judge: 2002. Elected: November 2, 2004. Term expiresDecember 31, 2010. Democrat.

Circuit 13—Division 3ELLEN S. ROPEROffice address: Boone County Courthouse, 705 E. Walnut St.,Columbia 65201; phone (573) 886-4050.Home address: Columbia 65201.Counties: Boone and Callaway.Biography: Born September 15, 1940, in Dallas, Texas. Educated atBrandeis University, A.B.; University of Missouri–Columbia, J.D.Married August 17, 1973, to Robert L. Roper Jr. They have two chil-dren. Served as assistant attorney general, deputy director and exec-utive director, Missouri Commission on Human Rights. Member:Missouri, Boone County and Callaway County Bar Associations;Judicial Administration and Civil Practice and Procedure commit-tees; Missouri Trial Judges Association; faculty, National Judicial Col-lege; Rotary; Phi Alpha Delta; auxiliary, Disabled American Veter-ans. Appointed probate judge, January 1976. Elected: 1976 and

1978. Became circuit judge under the Court Reorganization Act of 1978. Elected: 1982–2000. Firstwoman to serve as circuit judge in Missouri. Term expires December 31, 2006. Republican.

Circuit 14RALPH H. JAYNESOffice address: 372 Hwy. JJ, Ste. C, Huntsville 65259; phone (660)277-4240.Home address: 122 1/2 E. Morrison, Fayette 65248.Counties: Howard and Randolph.Biography: Presiding Judge. Born November 8, 1940. Educated atSouthwest Missouri State University; University of Missouri–Colum-bia. Was a practicing attorney and elected prosecuting attorney ofHoward County 1968, 1970 and 1972. Elected probate and magis-trate judge, Howard County, 1974; elected associate circuit judge,Howard County, 1978–1994. Elected circuit judge: 2000. Termexpires December 31, 2006. Democrat.

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Circuit 15DENNIS A. ROLFOffice address: 548 Main, PO Box 751, Concordia 64020; phone(660) 463-5834.Home address: RR 1, Box 1-J, Alma 64001.Counties: Lafayette and Saline.Biography: Born December 7, 1958, in Warrensburg. Graduate of Santa FeHigh School, Alma, 1977; Univ. of Mo.–Columbia, B.S., agricultural eco-nomics, 1980; J.D., 1983. Married Rebecca S. Owens, 1981. They havethree children. Practiced law in Carrollton, 1983–1984 and in Concordia,1984–2000. Was Assistant Prosecutor for Layfayette County; PublicDefender for Lafayette and Saline Counties; Municipal Prosecutor for Alma,Concordia, Corder, Higginsville, Napoleon and Wellington; MunicipalAttorney for Alma, Concordia, Corder, Napoleon and Wellington; Munici-pal Judge for Alma, Higginsville, Lexington, Napoleon, Waverly andWellington. Member: Trinity Lutheran Church, Alma; Santa Fe R-10 Foun-dation, Inc.; Mo., Lafayette and Saline County Bar Assns. and the Mo. Bar Disciplinary Committee; active inyouth activities. Elected circuit judge: November 7, 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Democrat.

Circuit 16—Division 1SANDRA C. MIDKIFFOffice address: Jackson County Courthouse, 415 E. 12th St., KansasCity 64106; phone (816) 881-3601.County: Jackson.Biography: Judge Midkiff received a bachelor’s degree from KnoxCollege, Galesburg, Illinois, 1972 and graduated with honors fromUniversity of Missouri–Kansas City Law School, 1975. She ownedand operated a private law practice from 1975 until her appointmentto the bench. During her 26 years of private practice, she litigatedvarious types of cases, including employment discrimination, civilrights, sexual harrassment and business and commercial torts. Anoriginal member of the Association of Women Lawyers and memberof the Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association. Appointed circuitjudge, March 8, 2002. Retained in 2004. Term expires December31, 2010. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 16—Division 11J.D. WILLIAMSON JR.Office address: 415 E. 12th St., Kansas City 64106; phone (816)881-3611.Home address: 10821 Milton Thompson Rd., Lee’s Summit 64086.County: Jackson.Biography: Presiding Judge. Educated at the University ofMissouri–Kansas City, B.B.A., 1963; J.D., 1965; L.L.M., trial practice,1972. Engaged in private practice of law from 1965 until hisappointment to the bench. Member: Missouri Bar Association; Kan-sas City Metro Bar Association, past president; Eastern JacksonCounty Bar Assn., founding member and past president, MissouriAssociation Criminal Defense Lawyers; former member, board oftrustees, University of Missouri–Kansas City Law Foundation; pastpresident, University of Missouri–Kansas City Law Alumni Associa-tion. Served as assistant City Counselor, Independence, 1965–1966;assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Jackson County, 1970–1977. Appointed circuit judge: July 24, 1995.Retained in 1996 and 2002. Term expires: December 31, 2008. Nonpartisan.

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Circuit 16—Division 3THOMAS C. CLARKOffice address: Jackson County Courthouse, 415 E. 12th St., KansasCity 64106; phone (816) 881-3603.Home address: 412 W. 62nd St., Kansas City 64113.County: Jackson.Biography: Born August 26, 1938, in Kansas City, Kansas. Educatedat University of Kansas, B.A., mathematics, 1961; B.S., engineeringphysics, with distinction, 1961; LL.B., 1964; and University ofNevada–Reno, Master’s in judicial studies, National Judicial Col-lege, 1997. Married to Margaret G. Cathcart, August 24, 1963, inKansas City. They have two children. Engaged in private law prac-tice, 1964–1967. Assistant city prosecutor and assistant city attor-ney, 1967–1987, Kansas City. Member of Phi Delta Phi Legal Frater-nity. Appointed circuit judge: October 13, 1987 to fill an unexpiredterm. Retained in 1990, 1996 and 2002. Term expires December 31,2008. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 16—Division 4JUSTINE E. DEL MUROOffice address: Jackson County Courthouse, 415 E. 12th St., KansasCity 64106; phone (816) 881-3604.Home address: Kansas City.County: Jackson.Biography: Born July 15, 1955, in Chicago, Illinois. Educated at theUniversity of Missouri–Kansas City, B.A., speech and hearing sci-ences/psychology. Attended the University of Missouri–Kansas CitySchool of Law, 1981–1984. Practiced law at Legal Aid, the JacksonCounty Public Defender’s Office, and The Popham Law Firm.Adjunct Professor at Rockhurst College, 1990–1991. Member: Asso-ciation of Women Lawyers; Missouri, Hispanic and Kansas City Met-ropolitan Bar Associations. Recipient of the David J. Dixon Appel-late Advocacy Award, 1990. Appointed circuit judge: July 30, 1993.Retained in 1994 and 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Non-partisan.

Circuit 16—Division 2MICHAEL W. MANNERSOffice address: Jackson County Courthouse Annex, 308 W. Kansas,Independence 64050; phone (816) 881-4402.Home address: Independence 64057.County: Jackson.Biography: Born September 25, 1950, in Independence. Graduatedfrom Truman High School, 1968; Central Missouri State University,B.A., history and political science, summa cum laude, 1972; Univer-sity of Missouri–Kansas City Law School, J.D., 1976. He has two chil-dren. Practiced law in Independence for 24 years. Prosecuting Attor-ney for Smithville from 1982 to 2000. Appointed circuit judge,November 16, 2000. Elected circuit judge: 2002. Term expiresDecember 31, 2008. Nonpartisan.

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Circuit 16—Division 6JOHN R. O’MALLEYOffice address: Jackson County Courthouse, 415 E. 12th St., KansasCity 64106; phone (816) 881-3606.County: Jackson.Biography: Born April 9, 1948, in Kansas City. Educated at St. Louis Univ.,A.B., English; J.D., 1973. He has three children: Colin J., Carey F. andMartin R. Served as Assistant City Counselor for the City of St. Louis,1973–1975. Private law practice in Kansas City and Grandview,1975–1989. Served as Grandview Prosecuting Attorney, 1979–1989.Taught business law at Rockhurst Univ., 1975–1983; paralegal instructorat Avila Univ. and area community colleges, 1984–present. Serves withthe U.S. Army Reserve, rank of Lt. Colonel, JAG Corps. Member: CatholicChurch. Appointed circuit judge: March 30, 1989. Retained in 1990,1996 and 2002. Served as Presiding Judge, 1995–1998. Elected to Com-mission on Retirement, Removal and Discipline of Judges, 1995–2001;Executive Council of Judicial Conference, 1994–2006; Circuit Court Bud-get Committee chair; Judicial Education Committee; and Executive Committee of Presiding Judges. Termexpires December 31, 2008. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 16—Division 7CATHARINE ANN MESLEOffice address: Jackson County Courthouse, 415 E. 12th St., KansasCity 64106; phone (816) 881-3607.County: Jackson.Biography: Born May 2, 1946, in Independence. Educated at Grace-land College; University of Missouri; University of Missouri–KansasCity School of Law, J.D., 1972. Prior legal experience with Achten-berg, Sandler & Balkin; Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; andLathrop & Gage. Married, with one daughter. Past president of theKansas City Metropolitan Bar Association and the University ofMissouri–Kansas City Law Foundation. Awards: University ofMissouri–Kansas City Law School, Alumna of the Year, 2000; Asso-ciation for Women Lawyers, Woman of the Year, 1999 and Judge ofthe Year in 2004. Appointed circuit judge: November 2000.Retained in 2002. Term expires December 31, 2008. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 16—Division 5W. STEPHEN NIXONOffice address: Jackson County Courthouse Annex, 308 W. Kansas,Independence 64050; phone (816) 881-4405.Home address: M-28 Lake Shore Dr., Lake Lotawana 64086.County: Jackson.Biography: Born September 5, 1951, in Ft. Knox, Kentucky. Educat-ed at Drury College, 1969–1971; University of Missouri–KansasCity, B.A., J.D. Married Betsy Ann Travostino Stewart in 1998. Mem-ber: Missouri Trial Judges Association; Missouri Judicial Conference;UMKC Law Alumni Association; Missouri Bar Association; past pres-ident of Eastern Jackson County Bar Association; Kansas City Metro-politan Bar Association; Association of Women Lawyers of KansasCity. Civic service: Mayor, City of Lake Lotawana, 1995–1998; vicepresident, Lake Lotawana Optimist Club; director, Truman HeartlandCommunity Foundation. Served as Family Court AdministrativeJudge, 2002–2003. Appointed circuit judge: March 2, 1998. Retained in 2000. Term expires Decem-ber 31, 2006. Nonpartisan.

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Circuit 16—Division 9KELLY MOORHOUSEOffice address: Jackson County Courthouse, 415 E. 12th St., KansasCity 64106; phone (816) 881-3609.County: Jackson.Biography: Born June 13, 1959, in Kansas City. Educated at Univer-sity of Missouri–Columbia, A.B., political science; University ofMissouri–Kansas City, J.D. Married 1981. Former attorney for Juve-nile Officer, Jackson County. Practiced law at Legal Aid and with aprivate law firm. Served as Jackson County Family Court Commi-sioner, June 1995–February 2000. Appointed circuit judge: February25, 2000. Retained in 2002. Term expires December 31, 2008. Non-partisan.

Circuit 16—Division 10CHARLES E. ATWELLOffice address: Jackson County Courthouse, 415 E. 12th St., KansasCity 64106; phone (816) 881-3610.Home address: 638 W. 69th Terr., Kansas City 64113.County: Jackson.Biography: Born April 1, 1950, in Kansas City. Graduate of Univ. ofKansas, B.A., education, 1972; UMKC, J.D., 1978. Married to Janel AnnRobinson. They have two children. Former history teacher, 1973–75;adjunct prof. of law, 1981–2001; instructor, Nat’l. Institute of Trial Advo-cacy, Univ. of Ks. and Northwestern Univ., 1981–97; Loyola Univ.,Chicago, 1998–present; asst. Jackson Co. prosecuting atty., 1978–81;asst. U.S. Atty., Western Dist. of Mo., 1983–84; pres., Mo. Assn. of Crim-inal Defense Lawyers, 1989–90; bd. member, Nat’l. Assn. of CriminalDefense Lawyers, 1991–96. Member: Second Presbyterian Church; Mo.Supreme Court committee on postconviction relief; chair, Mo. Supreme

Court committee on procedures in criminal cases (formerly MAI); 2000–present, presenter for Mo.Supreme Court education committee on criminal law for annual state judicial college. Appointed circuitjudge, 1996. Retained in 1998 and 2004. Term expires December 31, 2010. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 16—Division 8PEGGY STEVENS McGRAWOffice address: Jackson County Courthouse, 415 E. 12th St., KansasCity 64106; phone (816) 881-3608.County: Jackson.Biography: Born December 5, 1951, in Mt. Ayr, Iowa. Educated atWorth County R-I High School; graduated from the University ofMissouri–Columbia, B.A., economics, 1973; J.D, 1976. Married toHonorable Gary A. Fenner, one son, James Maxwell. Served as alaw clerk to the Honorable Jack P. Pritchard, Missouri Court ofAppeals, Western District, 1976–1977; appointed clerk of the Courtof Appeals, 1979. Appointed associate circuit judge: June 29, 1995.Appointed circuit judge: January 2, 2001. Retained in 2002. Termexpires December 31, 2008. Nonpartisan.

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Circuit 16—Division 12EDITH L. MESSINAOffice address: Jackson County Courthouse, 415 E. 12th St., KansasCity 64106; phone (816) 881-3612.County: Jackson.Biography: Born January 7, 1945, in Kansas City. Educated at AvilaCollege, B.A., English literature; University of Missouri–Kansas City,J.D. She is single. Served as a Peace Corps volunteer in NorthernNigeria, 1966–1968, working in both teaching and communitydevelopment. Engaged in private law practice, 1976–1981; waswith the Missouri Public Defender’s Office, 1974–1976 and1981–1984. Member: St. Thomas More Catholic Church and PhiAlpha Delta. Appointed circuit judge: October 1, 1984. Retained in1986, 1992 and 1998. Term expires December 31, 2004. Nonparti-san.

Circuit 16—Division 13JAY A. DAUGHERTYOffice address: 415 E. 12th St., Kansas City 64106; phone (816)881-3613.Home address: Kansas City.County: Jackson.Biography: Born September 20, 1955, in Hermann. Educated at theUniversity of Missouri–Columbia, B.S., public administration; Uni-versity of Missouri–Kansas City School of Law, J.D.; University ofNevada–Reno, the National Judicial College, M.J.S., Masters in Judi-ciary; graduate of the National Institute for Trial Advocacy. MarriedLyn Elizabeth Goertemiller, September 21, 1985. They have twochildren. Former assistant Attorney General of Missouri, three years;administrative law judge, seven years. Member: Country Club Chris-tian Church; ALS Association (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), board of direc-tors; Missouri and Kansas City Bar Associations. Appointed circuitjudge: October 25, 1991. Retained in 1992, 1998 and 2004. Term expires December 31, 2010. Non-partisan.

Circuit 16—Division 14JOHN M. TORRENCEOffice address: Jackson County Courthouse, 415 E. 12th St., KansasCity 64106; phone: (816) 881-3614.Home address: Kansas City.County: Jackson.Biography: Born December 7, 1957, in St. Louis. Educated at Uni-versity of Missouri–Columbia and St. Louis University, B.A., 1979;University of Missouri–Kansas City School of Law, J.D., 1982. Mar-ried Julie Marie Hill, June 3, 1989. They have three children. Formerassistant public defender, Jackson County, 1982–1988. Engaged inprivate practice and partner in law firm, 1988–2001. Member: St.Elizabeth Catholic Church. Appointed circuit judge: July 12, 2001.Retained in 2002. Term expires December 31, 2008. Nonpartisan.

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Circuit 16—Division 15K. PRESTON DEAN IIOffice address: Jackson County Courthouse, 415 E. 12th St., KansasCity 64106; phone (816) 881-3615.County: Jackson.Biography: Born November 9, 1946. Graduate of University ofMissouri–Columbia, B.A., J.D. Married August 14, 1970, to CathyPitman. Former assistant Attorney General of Missouri, 1971–1982;company counsel, Missouri Public Service Company, 1982–1984;associate with a law firm, 1985–1987; assistant United States attor-ney, Western District of Missouri, 1987–1989. Appointed circuitjudge: September 25, 1989. Retained in 1990, 1996 and 2000. Termexpires December 31, 2006. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 16—Division 16MARCO ROLDANOffice address: Jackson County Courthouse, 308 W. Kansas, Inde-pendence 64050; phone (816) 881-4416.Home address: Jackson County.County: Jackson.Biography: Born June 13, 1957, in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. Educat-ed at Central Missouri State University, B.S., 1979; University ofMissouri–Kansas City School of Law, J.D., 1983. Married with threechildren. Appointed circuit judge: September 28, 1999. Retained in2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 16—Division 17JACK R. GRATEOffice address: Jackson County Courthouse, 308 W. Kansas, Inde-pendence 64050-3715; phone (816) 881-4417.County: Jackson.Biography: Born October 7, 1949, in St. Louis. Educated at the Uni-versity of Notre Dame, B.A., 1972 and the University ofMissouri–Columbia, J.D., 1976. Married to Joan Canoy. They havefour children. Member: Catholic Church. In private practice,1976–2004. Former board member of Legal Aid of Western Missouri,1987–1996, president 1994–1995; and a member of various LegalAid of Western Missouri fundraising committees, 1987–2004; KansasCity Bar Association, Eastern Jackson County Bar Association, presi-dent, 1999–2000, American Bar Association, Missouri Bar and Amer-ican Judges Association. Appointed circuit judge by Governor BobHolden: April 2004. Term expires December 2006. Nonpartisan.

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Circuit 16—Division 18JON R. GRAYOffice address: Jackson County Courthouse, 415 E. 12th St., KansasCity 64106; phone (816) 881-3618.County: Jackson.Biography: Born November 16, 1951, in Little Rock, Arkansas. Edu-cated at Grinnell College, Iowa, A.B.; University of Missouri–KansasCity, J.D. Married to Dr. Valerie E. Chow. Former assistant countycounselor, Jackson County; engaged in private law practice; partnerin a law firm; attorney, Board of Election Commissioners, KansasCity; chair, Liquor Control Board of Review, Kansas City. Member:Centennial United Methodist Church; Mt. Oread Lodge No. 76, Fand AM, PHA; 32nd degree Mason, Kansas City Consistory No. 7,AASR, PHA. Appointed circuit judge: December 5, 1986. Retainedin 1988, 1994 and 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Nonpar-tisan.

Circuit 16—Division 19KATHLEEN A. FORSYTHOffice address: Jackson County Courthouse, 415 E. 12th St., KansasCity 64106; phone (816) 881-3759.County: Jackson.Biography: Educated at Emporia State University, B.S.; University ofMissouri–Kansas City, J.D. She was engaged in private law practice,1980–94. Appointed Jackson County Probate Court Commissioner,1994. Served as council member, vice chair and chair, Missouri Pro-bate and Trust Law Committee; KCMBA Probate and Estate PlanningCommittee, vice chair and chair; Association for Women Lawyers ofGreater Kansas City, executive committee, board and treasurer. Sheis a volunteer at Alphapointe Center for the Visually Impaired. Mem-ber: Missouri Bar Gender and Justice Committee; Pets for Life, LegalBeagle Chapter; National Association of Probate Judges. Appointedcircuit judge: June 19, 2003. Retained in 2004. Term expiresDecember 31, 2010. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 17—Division 2JOSEPH P. DANDURANDOffice address: Johnson County Justice Center, 101 W. Market, War-rensburg 64093; phone (660) 422-7407.Counties: Cass and Johnson.Biography: Presiding Judge. Born June 24, 1956, in ChicagoHeights, Il. Educated at Central Missouri State University, B.S.: Uni-versity of Missouri–Columbia; University of Missouri–Kansas City,J.D. Married December 29, 1978, to Mary K. Bauer. They have threesons: Michael, Christopher and Mark. Was a commissioned U.S.Army officer, honorably discharged in 1980. Member: Sacred HeartCatholic Church; American, Missouri and Johnson County Bar Asso-ciations; Board of Certified Court Reporter Examiners; JudicialAdministration Division of Missouri Bar; Judicial Education Com-mittee; State Judicial Records Committee; Commission for JudicialBranch Education; Presiding Judges Executive Committee. Electedcircuit judge: 1986, 1992, 1998 and 2004. Term expires December31, 2010. Democrat.

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Circuit 18—Division 4ROBERT L. KOFFMANOffice address: Pettis County Courthouse, 415 S. Ohio, Sedalia65301; phone (660) 827-0164.Home address: Sedalia 65301.Counties: Cooper and Pettis.Biography: Presiding Judge. Born December 24, 1953, in Maryville. Edu-cated: Schools in Moberly; Central Mo. State Univ., B.S., 1977; St. Mary’sUniv., San Antonio, TX, J.D., 1980. Married Doris Fry, 1981. Two chil-dren, John and Kathryn. Associate Circuit Judge, Pettis Co., 1981–2005.Member: Wesley United Methodist Church; Mo. and Pettis Co. BarAssns.; Sedalia School Foundation; AF & AM Lodge No. 272; Smith Cot-ton H.S. Wrestling Booster Club, treas.; Legislative Steering Comm. andexec. council, Mo. Judicial Conference; Sedalia Jaycees, past vice pres.Member and past pres.: Mo. Assn. of Probate and Assoc. Circuit Judges;Sedalia Symphony Society; Central Mo. State Univ. Alumni Band;

Sedalia Rotary Club. Coaches various youth sports teams. Appointed circuit judge: 2005. Term expiresDecember 31, 2006. Republican.

Circuit 19—Division 1THOMAS J. BROWN IIIOffice address: Cole County Courthouse, PO Box 1156, JeffersonCity 65102; phone (573) 634-9192.Home address: 3430 Flanders Rd., Jefferson City 65109.County: Cole.Biography: Presiding Judge. Born December 24, 1950 at Charleston,the son and grandson of Missouri lawyers. Educated at University ofMissouri–Columbia, B.S., business and public administration; J.D.He has four children. Elected prosecuting attorney of Cole County,1978–1986; associate circuit judge, 1987–1993. Past president,Missouri Association of Prosecuting Attorneys and Missouri Associ-ation of Probate and Associate Circuit Judges. Member: First UnitedMethodist Church; Missouri and Cole County Bar Associations; PhiDelta Phi; Security State Bancshares, board of directors; Eagles.Licensed to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court. Elected circuitjudge: 1994 and 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Democrat.

Circuit 17—Division 1JACQUELINE A. COOKOffice address: Cass County Courthouse, 102 E. Wall, Harrisonville64701; phone (660) 380-8175.Home address: 400 Airway Ct., Belton 64012.Counties: Cass and Johnson.Biography: Born August 2, 1958, in Chicago, Illinois. Educated atCentral Missouri State University, B.S.; University of Missouri–Kansas City, M.A., J.D. Married Feb. 18, 1983 to Eldon B. Cook.They have two children. Private practice, 1990–2000. Law clerk,1989–90, for Honorable Fernando Gaitan Jr., then Missouri Court ofAppeals, Western District judge; former member, board of directors,Missouri Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Member: BeltonEvening Optimist; DAR; Harrisonville Kiwanis; Bel-Ray Lions Club;St. Paul’s Methodist Church; ABA; KCMBA; Association of WomenLawyers; Cass and Johnson County Bar Assns. Subcommittee–8th

Circuit Pattern Instruction Committee–Criminal. Elected circuit judge: November 2000. Term expiresDecember 31, 2006. Democrat.

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Circuit 19—Division 2RICHARD G. CALLAHANOffice address: Cole County Courthouse, 301 E. High, PO Box1870, Jefferson City 65102; phone (573) 634-9190.Home address: Jefferson City 65109.County: Cole.Biography: Born April 22, 1947, in St. Louis. Educated at George-town University, A.B., 1968; Georgetown University Law School,J.D., 1972. Served as assistant circuit attorney, St. Louis, 1972–1978;assistant prosecuting attorney, Cole County, 1979–1986; prosecut-ing attorney, Cole County, 1987–2002. Past president, Missouri Pros-ecutor’s Association; past vice president, National District AttorneyAssociation; past member, American Bar Association’s House ofDelegates. Elected circuit judge: 2002. Term expires December 31,2008. Democrat.

Circuit 19—Division 4PATRICIA JOYCEOffice address: Cole County Courthouse, 301 E. High, Jefferson City65101; phone (573) 634-9178.Home address: Jefferson City.County: Cole.Biography: Born September 6, 1955, in Cape Girardeau. Educatedat Southeast Missouri State University, B.S., law enforcement,summa cum laude, 1976; St. Louis University, J.D., cum laude,1979. Married to Dan Joyce. They have five children, Shannon,Daniel, Patrick, Marisa and Jacqueline. Staff attorney, Mid-MissouriLegal Services, 1980–1983; assistant prosecuting attorney, ColeCounty, 1983–1994. Elected associate circuit judge: 1994 and1998. Member: St. Joseph Cathedral; State Judicial Records Com-mittee; Circuit Court Budget Committee; Missouri Association ofDrug Court Professionals; St. Mary’s Hospital Board of Governors.Elected circuit judge: 2002. Term expires December 31, 2008.Democrat.

Circuit 20—Division 1GAEL D. WOODOffice address: Franklin County Courthouse, 300 E. Main St., Rm.302, Union 63084; phone (636) 583-6308.Home address: Washington 63090.Counties: Franklin, Gasconade and Osage.Biography: Presiding Judge. Born October 23, 1947, in Washington,Missouri. Educated at University of Missouri, B.A., 1969 and Uni-versity of Missouri–Kansas City, J.D., 1975. Married Mary Sander,June 14, 1983. He has one daughter, Samantha. In private practicein Washington, 1975–2000. Served as municipal judge for Wash-ington and Owensville. Served as president of 20th Circuit Bar Asso-ciation, Washington Rotary, Washington Area Chamber of Com-merce. Member: Emmaus Homes, Inc., Board of Directors. Electedcircuit judge: 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Republican.

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Circuit 20—Division 2CYNTHIA M. (Cindy) ECKELKAMPOffice address: 300 E. Main, Union 63084; phone (636) 583-6309.County: Franklin.Biography: Born September 9, 1949 in Franklin County. Educated atVassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., A.B.; University ofMissouri–Columbia, M. Ed.; Washington University, St. Louis, J.D.Married to Terry Witthaus. Clerked for Missouri Court of Appeals,Eastern District (Judge Weier); Associate with Armstrong, Teasdale,Kramer & Vaughn; Staff Attorney with ITT Diversified Credit Co. andITT Commercial Finance Co.; engaged in private practice in Union.Member: National Association of Women Judges; American BarAssociation. Elected associate circuit judge, November 2002. Elect-ed circuit judge: November 2004. Term expires December 31, 2010.Republican.

Circuit 21—Division 1ROBERT S. COHENOffice address: St. Louis County Court Bldg., 7900 Carondelet,Clayton 63105; phone (314) 615-1501.County: St. Louis.Biography: Born July 4, 1946, in St. Louis. Educated at University ofMissouri–Columbia and Washington University, A.B.; St. Louis Uni-versity School of Law, J.D. Married August 16, 1970, to Sheila AnnBrin. They have two children. Engaged in private law practice. Elect-ed to two terms as magistrate, 2nd District, St. Louis County. Servedas magistrate and associate circuit judge, 1975–1994. Member:Congregation Shaare Emeth; Missouri, St. Louis County (past presi-dent), Metropolitan St. Louis Bar Associations and Lawyers Associa-tion. Appointed circuit judge: July 6, 1994. Retained in 1996 and2002. Presiding judge: 1998–2000. Term expires December 31,2008. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 21—Division 7CAROLYN C. WHITTINGTONOffice address: St. Louis County Court Bldg., 7900 Carondelet,Clayton 63105; phone (314) 615-1507.County: St. Louis.Biography: Presiding Judge. Born in Chicago, Illinois. Educated atNorthwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, B.S., journalism; St.Louis University, J.D. Married to Joseph M. Whittington, August 12,1972. They have two children. Served as assistant county counselor,1980–1987. Engaged in private law practice, 1987 until appoint-ment to the bench. Member: Missouri Supreme Court Committee onProcedure in Criminal Cases, Missouri Association of Probate andAssociate Circuit Judges, president, 2002. Appointed Associate cir-cuit judge: October, 1992 by Governor John Ashcroft. Retained in1994 and 1998. Appointed circuit judge: December, 2001 by Gov-ernor Bob Holden. She was retained in 2004. Term expires Decem-ber 31, 2010. Nonpartisan.

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Circuit 21—Division 3MARK D. SEIGELOffice address: St. Louis County Court Bldg., 7900 Carondelet,Clayton 63105; phone (314) 615-1503.County: St. Louis.Biography: Born November 13, 1944. Graduated from the Universi-ty of Missouri–Columbia, B.J., journalism; Washington University,J.D. Engaged in private law practice, 1970–1994. Member: Board ofCongregation Shaare Emeth, past vice president; Bar Association ofMetropolitan St. Louis; St. Louis County Bar Association; JewishFamily and Children’s Service, board of directors; Supreme CourtJudicial Records Committee and Lawyers Associaton. Appointed cir-cuit judge: August 23, 1994. Retained in 1996 and 2002. Termexpires December 31, 2008. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 21—Division 4BERNHARDT C. DRUMM JR.Office address: St. Louis County Court Bldg., 7900 Carondelet,Clayton 63105; phone (314) 615-1504.County: St. Louis.Biography: Born August 29, 1941, in St. Louis. Educated at AmherstCollege, A.B., cum laude; Washington University Law School, J.D.Married Carol L. Falkenhain, July 9, 1966. They have four children.Served as special agent for the FBI and as an assistant U.S. attorneyof the Eastern District of Wisconsin. Engaged in private law practicein St. Louis, 1969–1983. Member: Presbyterian Church; Beta ThetaPi; Phi Delta Phi; Missouri, St. Louis County and Metropolitan St.Louis Bar Associations and Lawyers Association; Supreme CourtBudget Committee; Missouri State Trial Judges Association. PresidingJudge, 21st Circuit, 1987–1988; executive council, Judicial Confer-ence, 1990–1992. Served on the St. Louis County Air PollutionAppeals Board, 1972–1983. Appointed circuit judge: December 29, 1982. Retained in 1984, 1990,1996 and 2002. Term expires December 31, 2008. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 21—Division 2MAURA B. McSHANEOffice address: 501 S. Brentwood, Clayton 63105; phone (314)615-1502.County: St. Louis.Biography: Born in San Antonio, Texas. Graduated from St. LouisUniversity, B.S.; South Texas College of Law, Houston, Texas, J.D.Private practice, 1982–1984. Served as assistant prosecuting attor-ney, St. Louis County, 1984–1994. Member: St. Louis County BarAssociation and Women Lawyers Association. Appointed circuitjudge: October 17, 1994. Retained in 1996 and 2002. Term expiresDecember 31, 2008. Nonpartisan.

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Circuit 21—Division 6GARY M. GAERTNER JR.Office address: St. Louis County Court Bldg., 7900 Carondelet,Clayton 63105; phone (314) 615-1506.County: St. Louis.Biography: Born in St. Louis. Educated at St. Louis University Schoolof Business, B.S., magna cum laude; St. Louis University School ofLaw, J.D., cum laude. Married to Julie H. Sauer; two children. For-mer associate of Bryan Cave; assistant circuit attorney for St. Louis;assistant United States attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri;United States Department of Justice Insurance Fraud Task Force forthe E.D. of Missouri, chair. Member: Catholic Church; Bar Associa-tions: Metropolitan St. Louis; Mound City; St. Louis County; andWomen Lawyers’. Awarded: Adler-Rosecan; Childress; and ThomasJ. White Fellowship; Alpha Sigma Nu Honorary Scholastic Societyand Law Review, St. Louis University School of Law. Received: John

C. Shepherd Professionalism Award; BAMSL. Board of directors, Boys’ and Girls’ Town of Missouriand former council member, Young Lawyers’ Section of Missouri Bar. Sworn in as circuit judge: July14, 2000. Retained in 2002. Term expires December 31, 2008. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 21—Division 8 (Juvenile)TOMMY W. DePRIEST JR.Office address: 501 S. Brentwood, Clayton 63105; phone (314)615-1508.Home address: Oakville 63129.County: St. Louis.Biography: Born October 9, 1947, in Poplar Bluff. Educated atSoutheast Missouri State University and University of Missouri–Columbia, B.S. and J.D. Married to the late Renea O’Neill, April 18,1998. He has one son. Served in the U.S. Army, 1969–1971. Mem-ber: Missouri, Metropolitan St. Louis, and St. Louis County Bar Asso-ciations; National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges; St.Louis County Family and Domestic Violence Council executivecommittee, chair; St. Louis County Truancy Court executive com-mittee. Served as assistant prosecuting attorney and chief warrantofficer, St. Louis County, 1975–2000. Appointed circuit judge: June14, 2000. Retained in 2002. Term expires December 31, 2008. Non-partisan.

Circuit 21—Division 5JOHN F. KINTZOffice address: St. Louis County Court Bldg., 7900 Carondelet,Clayton 63105; phone (314) 615-1505.Home address: Brentwood 63144.County: St. Louis.Biography: Born September 18, 1940, in St. Louis. Educated at St.Louis University, B.S. and J.D. Married to Karen Sadlier, November15, 1968. They have four children. Admitted to the Bar in 1966.Elected magistrate judge in 1978. Retained as associate circuitjudge, 1982, 1986 and 1990. Member: Immacolata CatholicChurch, Richmond Heights; St. Louis County, Metropolitan St. Louisand Missouri (board of governors, 2002–2006) Bar Associations andLawyers Association; Brentwood Lions Club. Appointed circuitjudge: January 10, 1993. Retained in 1994 and 2000. Term expiresDecember 31, 2006. Nonpartisan.

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Circuit 21—Division 9DAVID LEE VINCENT IIIOffice address: St. Louis County Court Bldg., 7900 Carondelet,Clayton 63105; phone (314) 615-1509.County: St. Louis.Biography: Born July 15, 1958, in Dayton, Ohio. Educated at Ten-nessee State University–Nashville, B.S.E.E.; University of Wiscon-sin–Madison Law School, J.D. Married to Marcia Nathelia Thomas.They have two children. Assistant circuit attorney from 1988–1993,homicide unit and felony staff supervisor. Actively practiced lawuntil appointment to the bench. Truancy Court–Pattonville District.Mock Trial Coach, Marquette High School. Member: CatholicChurch; Missouri and Mound City Bar Associations; B.A.M.S.L.; St.Louis for Kids, board member. Appointed to Missouri Supreme CourtJudicial Finance Commission. Appointed Supreme Court SpecialJudge: February 2, 2005. Appointed circuit judge: November 14,1997. Retained in 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 21—Division 10(VACANCY)

Circuit 21—Division 11EMMETT M. O’BRIENOffice address: St. Louis County Court Bldg., 7900 Carondelet,Clayton 63105; phone (314) 615-1511.County: St. Louis.Biography: Born December 11, 1937, in St. Louis. Educated at Re-gis College, Denver, Colorado, B.S.; St. Louis University, J.D. Mar-ried July 3, 1965, in St. Louis to Carol M. Haefner. They have threechildren. Served in the U.S. Army Reserve, 1962–1969. Engaged inprivate law practice until appointed to the bench. Member: HolyInfant Catholic Church; American, Missouri, Metropolitan St. Louisand St. Louis County Bar Associations; Lawyers Association. Recipi-ent of the Thomas Cochran Memorial Community Service Award ofthe Missouri Bar, young lawyers section, 1982. Appointed circuitjudge: November 16, 1987. Retained in 1990, 1996 and 2002. Termexpires December 31, 2008. Nonpartisan.

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Circuit 21—Division 12STEVEN H. GOLDMANOffice address: St. Louis County Court Bldg., 7900 Carondelet,Clayton 63105; phone (314) 615-1512.County: St. Louis.Biography: Born September 26, 1946, in St. Louis. Educated atWashington University, A.B.; St. Louis University, J.D. Married toVictoria R. Kochner, 1979. They have two children. Served in theU.S. Army Reserve, discharged in 1971. Was assistant prosecutingattorney in the St. Louis County Prosecutor’s Office, 1972–1988;chief trial attorney, 1977. Member: United Hebrew Temple; PhiDelta Phi; Sigma Alpha Mu; St. Louis County Bar Association;Lawyers Association of St. Louis. Grievance Committee, St. LouisMetropolitan Medicine Society; ad hoc committee to reviseSupreme Court criminal rules, chair. Guest lecturer: MetropolitanPolice Academy; St. Louis County Police Education Services;

Missouri Office of Prosecution Services. Appointed circuit judge: February 19, 1988. Retained in1990, 1996 and 2002. Term expires December 31, 2008. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 21—Division 13BARBARA W. WALLACEOffice address: St. Louis County Court Bldg., 7900 Carondelet,Clayton 63105; phone (314) 615-1513.County: St. Louis.Biography: Born June 9, 1951, in Blue Island, Illinois. Educated atWashington University, A.B., economics, J.D. Married August 21,1971. Engaged in private law practice, 1976–1995, until appointedto the bench. Member: Missouri, Metropolitan St. Louis and St.Louis County Bar Associations; Lawyers Association, president,1989–1990; Women Lawyers Association, president, 1980–1981.Elected lawyer member, Judicial Nominating Commission, 21st Judi-cial Circuit, 1988–1994. Awards: Outstanding Young Lawyer, 1985;President’s Award, 1988. Appointed circuit judge: November 15,1995. Retained in 1998 and 2004. Elected Presiding Judge2000–2004. Term expires December 31, 2010. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 21—Division 14JAMES R. HARTENBACHOffice address: St. Louis County Court Bldg., 7900 Carondelet,Clayton 63105; phone (314) 615-1514.Home address: 444 Iris Ln., Kirkwood 63122.County: St. Louis.Biography: Born October 7, 1941, in St. Louis. Educated at St. LouisUniversity, B.S. and J.D. Married to Graciela I. Rodriguez, June 7,1969. They have three children. Served with the U.S. Army, 199th Lt.Infantry brigade, 1967–1968, in Vietnam. Served as assistant prose-cuting attorney, St. Louis County; first assistant prosecuting attorney,Franklin and St. Louis counties. Engaged in private law practice untilappointed to the bench. Member: St. Peters Catholic Church.Appointed circuit judge: December 21, 1983. Retained in 1986,1992, 1998 and 2004. Term expires December 31, 2010. Nonparti-san.

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Circuit 21—Division 15JOHN A. ROSSOffice address: St. Louis County Court Bldg., 7900 Carondelet,Clayton 63105; phone (314) 615-1515.County: St. Louis.Biography: Born June 7, 1954, in St. Louis. Graduated from EmoryUniversity in 1976, B.A.; Emory University School of Law, J.D. Mar-ried to Judy L. Ross, two children, Emily and Joseph Alan. Admittedto Georgia Bar and Missouri Bar, 1979. Served as an assistant in theSt. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney’s office; grand jury attorney;assistant chief trial attorney and chief trial attorney; appointed spe-cial assistant Attorney General and special assistant prosecutingattorney for St. Charles County; St. Louis County Counselor, 1991,serving until 2001. Member: St. Louis County Domestic and FamilyViolence Council and Friends of the Weinman Shelter. Appointedcircuit judge: January 2001. Retained in 2002. Term expires Decem-ber 31, 2008. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 21—Division 16MICHAEL D. BURTONOffice address: St. Louis County Court Bldg., 7900 Carondelet,Clayton 63105; phone (314) 615-1516.County: St. Louis.Biography: Born June 20, 1960 in Philadelphia, Pa. Educated at Uni-versity of Notre Dame, B.A., government; Washington University,J.D. Married to Sheila A. Shunick in 1991. They have three children.Was Assistant Special Public Defender for St. Louis County and St.Louis City from 1985–1989. Engaged in private law practice from1989–1999. Member: Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Church, St.Louis County Truancy Court, co-chair; ADA Committee, chair;Domestic and Family Violence Council; Metropolitan St. Louis andSt. Louis County Bar Associations. Adjunct Professor of Law at St.Louis University and Washington University Law Schools. Appoint-ed associate circuit judge (Division 41): April 20, 1999. Retained in2000. Appointed circuit judge: February 16, 2004. Term expiresDecember 31, 2006. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 21—Division 17LARRY L. KENDRICKOffice address: St. Louis County Court Bldg., 7900 Carondelet,Clayton 63105; phone (314) 615-1517.Home address: Florissant 63031.County: St. Louis.Biography: Born April 15, 1945, in St. Louis. Educated at Universityof Missouri–Columbia, A.B.; St. Louis University, J.D. Married Mar-leen Compton, June 10, 1967. They have two children. Served aslieutenant, U.S. Navy Submarine Service, 1967–1971. Admitted tothe Bar, 1974. Assistant St. Louis county counselor, 1974–1978.Appointed magistrate, 6th District, St. Louis County, 1976. Engagedin private law practice, 1978–1981. Served as deputy director/gen-eral counsel, Missouri Department of Social Services, 1981–1985.Member: St. Ferdinand Catholic Church; board of directors, YouthEmergency Services; Supreme Court Budget Committee; Missouri,Metropolitan St. Louis and St. Louis County Bar Associations; Lawyers Association of St. Louis.Appointed associate circuit judge: 1985. Retained in 1986 and 1990. Appointed circuit judge, Janu-ary 2, 1991. Retained in 1992, 1998 and 2004. Term expires December 31, 2010. Nonpartisan.

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Circuit 21—Division 18RICHARD C. BRESNAHANOffice address: St. Louis County Court Bldg., 7900 Carondelet,Clayton 63105; phone (314) 615-1518.County: St. Louis.Biography: Born September 6, 1945, in St. Louis. Educated at Uni-versity of Missouri–St. Louis, B.A., business administration, 1967;University of Missouri–Columbia, J.D., 1973. Married Anne Schrein-er, August 20, 1983. They have two daughters. Served in the U.S.Army, 1968–1970. Served as Municipal Judge City of Town andCountry, 1986–2004. Was in private law practice, 1973–2004.Member: St. Clement Catholic Church; Missouri Bar Board of Gov-ernors, 1999–present. Past president, St. Louis County Bar Associa-tion and St. Louis Municipal Lawyers Association. Recipient of St.Louis County Bar Distinguished Service Award, 2002. Appointedcircuit judge: June 4, 2004. Term expires December 31, 2006. Non-partisan.

Circuit 21—Division 19MELVYN WADE WIESMANOffice address: St. Louis County Court Bldg., 7900 Carondelet,Clayton 63105; phone (314) 615-1519.County: St. Louis.Biography: Born February 8, 1939, in Granite City, Ill. Educated atWashington Univ.; Univ. of Mo.–Columbia, A.B., J.D. Married June30, 1963, to Marcia Ann Polinsky. They have a son and a daughter.Engaged in private law practice. Served as St. Louis County magis-trate for 13 years. Member: Congregation Shaare Emeth; several Mo.Supreme Court task forces, committees and commissions; Mo., St.Louis Co. and St. Louis Metropolitan Bar Assns.; Lawyers Assn.; PhiDelta Phi. Awards: Robert Walston Chubb, Legal Services of EasternMo.; special recognition, Judicial Conference of Mo. Faith in Action,Lutheran Family & Children’s Svcs., 1998; Award of Excellence,1999, and Community Spirit, 2000, Payback, Inc. Served in JuvenileDiv., Circuit 21, 1982–1984; Administrative Judge, Family Court of

St. Louis Co., 1993–1999. Appointed circuit judge: January 2, 1979. Retained in 1980–2004. Termexpires December 31, 2010. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 21—Division 20COLLEEN DOLANOffice address: St. Louis County Court Bldg., 7900 Carondelet,Clayton 63105; phone (314) 615-1520.County: St. Louis.Biography: Born in Baltimore, Maryland. Educated at University ofMissouri–St. Louis, B.S., administration of justice; St. Louis Universi-ty, J.D. Married to Glenn A. Norton, they have four children.Engaged in private law practice from 1984 until appointed to thebench as an associate circuit judge, 1994. Retained in 1996. Mem-ber: St. Clare of Assisi Catholic Church; Missouri Municipal andAssociate Circuit Judges Association, vice president, 1998, secretary,1996–1997; Missouri Association of Probate and Associate CircuitJudges; Supreme Court Committees on Alternative Dispute Resolu-tion, Municipal Division Education, 1995–2000, and Family Law1997–1999. Appointed circuit judge: March 30, 1999. Retained in2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Nonpartisan.

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Circuit 22—Division 1JOHN J. RILEYOffice address: Civil Courts Bldg., 10 N. Tucker St., St. Louis 63101;phone (314) 622-4311.Home address: 3820 Flora, St. Louis 63110.City of St. Louis.Biography: Presiding Judge. Born June 20, 1947, in St. Louis. Edu-cated at St. Louis University, B.S., 1969; St. Louis University Schoolof Law, J.D., 1972. Married Kathleen Loberg, June 7, 1975, in St.Louis. Engaged in private law practice, 1972–1995. Lieutenantcolonel, United States Army Reserve, retired. Member: St. Margaretof Scotland Catholic Church; Missouri and St. Louis MetropolitanBar Associations. Municipal judge, City of Black Jack, 1983–1995.Appointed circuit judge: March 22, 1995. Retained in 1996 and2002. Term expires December 31, 2008. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 22—Division 2STEVEN R. OHMEROffice address: Civil Courts Bldg., 10 N. Tucker St., St. Louis 63101;phone (314) 622-5606.Home address: 3635 Hartford, St. Louis 63116.City of St. Louis.Biography: Born April 18, 1954, in St. Louis. Educated at FloridaState University, B.S., 1975; and Creighton University, J.D., 1979.Married Roberta Marie Cassulo, December 29, 1976. They have twochildren, Rachel Caroline and Rebecca Anne. Was assistant circuitattorney, 1979–1983 and 1987–1994; practicing attorney1983–1987 with Ohmer & Ohmer, P.C.; chief warrant officer for theoffice of circuit attorney, 1992–1994. Member: St. Pius V CatholicChurch; Supreme Court Circuit Court Budget Committee; SupremeCourt Family Court Committee; Missouri and Illinois Bar. Appointedassociate circuit judge: May 24, 1994. Retained in 1996. Appointedcircuit judge, August 1, 2000. Retained in 2002. Term expires December 31, 2008. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 22—Division 3THOMAS C. GRADYOffice address: Civil Courts Bldg., 10 N. Tucker St., St. Louis 63101;phone (314) 622-3706.City of St. Louis.Biography: Born in St. Louis. Graduated from St. Louis University,A.B., 1966 and School of Law, J.D., 1969. Married to Carol Adreon.They have two children, Kelly and Tom Jr. In private law practice,1970–1976. Member: Missouri Bar; Lawyers’ Association of St.Louis; Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis; Society of Archi-tectural Historians; Irish Georgian Society–Dublin; past com-modore–Harbor Point Y.C. Board member: Herman Pott WaterwaysCollection of the Mercantile Library. Elected 5th District magistrate,1976; re-elected, 1978. Retained under Missouri nonpartisan courtplan as associate circuit judge, 1982, 1986 and 1990. Appointedcircuit judge: 1994. Retained in 1996 and 2002. Term expiresDecember 31, 2008. Nonpartisan.

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Circuit 22—Division 4JULIAN L. BUSHOffice address: Civil Courts Bldg., 10 N. Tucker St., St. Louis 63101;phone (314) 622-3668.Home address: St. Louis.City of St. Louis.Biography: Born November 7, 1949, in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania.Educated at George Washington University, B.A., 1971; and Washing-ton University, J.D., 1976. Married to Jane Turner. He has a daughter,Sarah. Was legal advisor to circuit clerk, 1977–1981; in private lawpractice, 1981–1982; assistant and associate city counselor,1982–1995. Appointed circuit judge: June 15, 1995. Retained in 1996and 2002. Term expires December 31, 2008. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 22—Division 5DAVID L. DOWDOffice address: Civil Courts Bldg., 10 N. Tucker St., St. Louis 63101;phone (314) 622-4233.City of St. Louis.Biography: Born December 18, 1953, in St. Louis. Graduate ofQuincy College, B.A.; St. Mary’s University, J.D. Engaged in privatelaw practice with Dowd and Dowd, P.C., 1983–1984; assistantcounty counselor, 1984–1988; administrative law judge,1988–1993; chief administrative law judge, 1993–2000. Truancycourt judge, City of St. Louis Public Schools. World of ChildrenAward, 2003. Member: Catholic Church; Missouri and MetropolitanBar Associations; board of directors: Saint Louis Crisis Nursery, Dis-mas House of St. Louis, Catholic Youth Council; Judge Dowd SoccerLeague, chair. Appointed circuit judge: December 13, 2000, byGovernor Roger B. Wilson. Retained in 2002. Term expires Decem-ber 31, 2008. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 22—Division 6MICHAEL P. DAVIDOffice address: Civil Courts Bldg., 10 N. Tucker St., St. Louis 63101;phone (314) 622-4827.City of St. Louis. Biography: Born May 7, 1951, in Des Moines, Iowa. Educated atUniv. of Missouri-St. Louis, B.S., business administration, magnacum laude, 1973; St. Louis Univ., J.D., 1977, Law Journal; Nat’l.Judicial College. Married Michelle Boston, May 29, 1982. They havea son, John. Served as asst. public defender, City of St. Louis,1977–1979 and Jefferson Co., 1980–1982. Was in private practice,1979–1989. Served on Bd. of Commissioners, St. Louis PublicHousing Authority, 1981–1983. Elected to the Missouri House ofRepresentatives, 1982–1988. Presiding Judge 22nd Judicial Circuit,2003–2004. Past president, Circuit Judges Assn. Member: Missouriand Metropolitan St. Louis Bar Associations, and Lawyers Assn. of St.

Louis. Appointed associate circuit judge: March 13, 1989. Retained in 1990. Appointed circuit judge,November 12, 1992. Retained in 1994 and 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Nonpartisan.

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Circuit 22—Division 7LISA S. VAN AMBURGOffice address: Civil Courts Bldg., 10 N. Tucker St., St. Louis 63101;phone (314) 622-4401.City of St. Louis. Biography: Born September 13, 1948, in New Orleans, Louisiana.Graduate of Washington University, St. Louis, B.A., 1970; St. LouisUniversity, J.D cum laude, 1975. Licensed in the State of Missouri,1975. Engaged in private practice, 1975–2003. Adjunct professor oflaw, Washington University, St. Louis. Member: American Bar Asso-ciation, past co-chair, Committee on Equal Employment Opportuni-ty Law; Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis; charter member,Women Lawyers’ Association; National Employment Lawyers’ Asso-ciation. Award recipient: President’s Award, Women Lawyers’ Asso-ciation of Greater St. Louis; Robert Walston Chubb, Legal Servicesof Eastern Missouri; Legal Services to Civil Liberties, American CivilLiberties Union; Horace Mann, Missouri NEA. Appointed circuit judge: March 7, 2003. Retained in2004. Term expires December 31, 2110. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 22—Division 9MARGARET M. NEILLOffice address: Civil Courts Bldg., 10 N. Tucker St., St. Louis 63101;phone (314) 622-4682.City of St. Louis. Biography: Born March 21, 1949, in St. Louis. Educated at St. LouisUniversity, B.A., J.D.; College of Notre Dame, M.Ed. Engaged in pri-vate practice in St. Louis. Past president, Lawyers Association of St.Louis. Member: Catholic Church; Missouri Bar Association; BarAssociation of Metropolitan St. Louis; Board of Certified CourtReporter Examiners of Missouri; Missouri Bar, Division of JudicialAdministration Committee; Lawyers Association of St. Louis;Women Lawyers’ Association; National Conference of MetroplitanCourts, board 1998–present, executive committee, 1999–present,president 2003. Appointed circuit judge: February 5, 1993. Retainedin 1994 and 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 22—Division 8EDWARD SWEENEYOffice address: Civil Courts Bldg. 10 N. Tucker St., St. Louis, 63101;phone (314) 622-4382.City of St. Louis. Biography: Born Sept. 11, 1947, in St. Louis. Educated at Univ.of Mo.–Columbia, A.B. political science, 1969, J.D., 1974; St.Louis Univ. M.B.A., 1981. Admitted to the Mo. Bar, 1974. FieldArtillery Officer, Army, 1969, 1971, including service with the101st Airborne Div., Vietnam, 1970–71. Democratic Comm.,8th Ward, St. Louis, 1984–96. Delegate to the 1988 Democrat-ic Nat’l. Convention. Chair, Third Congressional Dist. Democ-ratic Comm., 1986–90. Engaged in private law practice,1974–86; and as Asst. Circuit Att., City of St. Louis, 1986–97.Chair, Mo. Bar Criminal Law Comm., 1997–99. Chair, BarAssoc. of Metropolitan St. Louis Legis. Comm., 1984–85. Mar-ried May 17, 1986, to Mary Myerscough Wiechens. Father andstep-father to four children. Member: Saint Joan of Arc parish,the St. Louis Saint Patrick’s Day Parade Comm., and veterans and community organizations.Appointed Assoc. Circuit Judge, Dec. 12, 1997. Retained in 2000, 2004. Appointed CircuitJudge Jan. 6, 2005. Term expires: Dec. 31, 2006. Nonpartisan.

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Circuit 22—Division 10PHILIP D. HEAGNEYOffice address: Civil Courts Bldg., 10 N. Tucker St., St. Louis 63101;phone (314) 622-4491.Home address: 4541 Gibson Ave., St. Louis 63110.City of St. Louis.Biography: Born November 24, 1947, in Spokane, Washington.Educated at Johns Hopkins University, B.A., 1970; Harvard LawSchool, J.D., 1976. Married to Barbara Lynn Prosser, October 12,1991. They have two children, Nathaniel Owen and Samuel Joseph.Was in private law practice, 1976–1996; engaged in general lawpractice in St. Louis. Member: St. Cronan Catholic Church; GibsonHeights Neighborhood Association. Appointed circuit judge: Febru-ary 28, 1996. Retained in 1998 and 2004. Term expires December31, 2010. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 22—Division 11MARK H. NEILLOffice address: Civil Courts Bldg., 10 N. Tucker St., St. Louis 63101;phone (314) 622-4802.Home address: St. Louis.City of St. Louis.Biography: Born March 21, 1949, in St. Louis. Educated at St. LouisUniversity, B.A., history, 1971, J.D., 1974. Married Catherine KellyCross, December 28, 1973. They have four children: Thomas, John,Kevin and Katie. Engaged in private practice in St. Louis. Formerattorney for the St. Louis Police Department. Member: Our Lady ofLourdes Catholic Church; Missouri Bar Association; Bar Associationof Metropolitan St. Louis; Lawyers Association of St. Louis. Appoint-ed circuit judge: February 15, 2002. Retained in 2004. Term expiresDecember 31, 2010. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 22—Division 12DENNIS M. SCHAUMANNOffice address: Civil Courts Building, 10 N. Tucker St., St. Louis63101; phone (314) 622-4420.Home address: St. Louis 63109.City of St. Louis.Biography: Born January 7, 1948, in the City of St. Louis. Graduateof Southeast Missouri State University, B.A.; St. Louis UniversitySchool of Law, J.D. Married August 23, 1969, to Patricia Ann Sin-grun. Two children, Michael and Marissa. Legal officer for the Juve-nile Division, Circuit Court, City of St. Louis, 1973–1975. Privatepractice of law, 1975–1994. Appointed Municipal Judge for the Cityof St. Louis, 1981; reappointed 1985, 1989 and 1993. Served as pre-siding judge for the St. Louis Municipal Court, 1981–1993. Member:Lawyers Association of St. Louis; St. Louis Metropolitan Bar Associ-ation. Appointed associate circuit judge: December 16, 1994.

Retained in 1996. Appointed circuit judge, October 16, 1997. retained in 1998 and 2004. Termexpires December 31, 2010. Nonpartisan.

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Circuit 22—Division 13JOAN M. BURGEROffice address: Civil Courts Bldg., 10 N. Tucker St., St. Louis 63101;phone (314) 622-4381.Home address: 3512 Crittenden, St. Louis 63118.City of St. Louis.Biography: Born March 15, 1944, in Chicago. Educated at LoyolaUniversity in Chicago, B.S., 1996; St. Louis University, J.D., 1976,cum laude. Married to Gary K. Burger, March 19, 1966. They havethree children. Served as legal officer for the St. Louis Juvenile Court;assistant circuit attorney for the City of St. Louis; private practice,1980–1994; hearing officer, St. Louis Board of Police Commission-ers, 1980–1994; past president, Women Lawyers Assn. of St. Louis.Member: Valuing Diversity Task Force, Focus St. Louis; Bar Associa-tion of Metropolitan St. Louis; National Association of WomenJudges; Women Lawyers Association. Former member: board ofdirectors, Monsanto YMCA, Nat’l. Assn. of Women Business Owners; board of directors, St. LouisForum; United Way Admissions Comm.; Venture Grant Comm. Appointed circuit judge: November1994. Retained in 1996 and 2002. Term expires December 31, 2008. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 22—Division 15 (Family)THOMAS J. FRAWLEYOffice address: Civil Courts Bldg., 10 N. Tucker St., St. Louis 63101;phone (314) 622-4323.City of St. Louis.Biography: Born Feb. 28, 1947, in Rochester, N.Y. Attended HamiltonCollege, B.A.; Univ. of Mo.–Columbia, J.D. Married Ann Kathleen Lieb in1980. Member: Supreme Court Family Court Comm., chair, 1995–2004;Mo. Law Review; Comm. on Children’s Justice. Awards: Equal Justice,Legal Svcs. of Eastern Mo.; Judge of the Year, Mo. Court Appt’d. SpecialAdvocates; Person of the Year, Mo. Coalition Against Domestic Violence,St. Louis Metro. Region; Best Interest of the Child, Optimist Club, St.Louis; Champion of Kids, Kids-in-the-Middle, Inc.; President’s Advocacy,NBA ECHO Emergency Children’s Home; Outstanding Leader for Gov-ernmental Leadership, St. Louis Children’s Agenda, Vision for Children atRisk; Advocacy, St. Louis Mental Health Bd.; World of Children Honoree,Progressive Youth Connection. Appointed circuit judge: September 1991. Retained in 1992–2004. Termexpires December 31, 2010. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 22—Division 16DONALD L. McCULLINOffice address: Carnahan Bldg., 1114 Market St., St. Louis 63103,St. Louis 63101; phone (314) 622-4461.City of St. Louis.Biography: Born April 14, 1941, in St. Louis. Educated at SouthernIllinois University, B.S., 1969; Webster University, M.A., 1973; St.Louis University Law School, J.D., 1977. Engaged in private lawpractice, 1977–1984, managing attorney, UAW Legal Services,1984–1988, director of compliance, Anheuser-Busch Co.1988–1999. Member: Mound City, Metropolitan, National WomenLawyer’s, National, American and St. Louis Lawyer’s Associations;Missouri, Ilinois and California Bars. Appointed circuit judge, 1999.Retained 2000. Term expires 2006. Nonpartisan.

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Circuit 22—Division 17DAVID CHARLES MASONOffice address: Carnahan Bldg., 1113 Market St., St. Louis 63103;phone (314) 622-4421.City of St. Louis.Biography: Born March 12, 1956, in Nashville, Tn. Educated atAustin Peay State Univ., B.S.; Washington Univ., J.D. Married TauniaL. Allen, June 3, 1995. They have two children, William R. and Har-rison M. Member: Catholic Church; American, Missouri, Metro. andMound City Bar Assns.; American Law Institute, elected 1996; St.Louis Regional Convention and Sports Complex Authority,1990–1991. Boards: American Judicature Society, 1998–2002;Hope House; St. Louis Symphony Orchestra; St. Patrick’s Center.Awards: 1997 Honor Initiate; Order of the Coif, honorary memberAmerican Bd. of Trial Advocates; 1991 Missouri Bar Thomas D.Cochran for Community Service.; 1990 BAMSL Merit; 1992 Austin

Peay State Univ. Outstanding Alumnus; 1999 Washington Univ. School of Law Outstanding YoungAlumnus; 11 time recipient of American College of Trial Lawyers Award of Merit. Appointed circuitjudge: Aug. 1991. Retained in 1992, 1998 and 2004. Term expires December 31, 2010. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 22—Division 18ROBERT H. DIERKER JR.Office address: Carnahan Bldg., 1114 Market St., St. Louis 63103;phone (314) 622-4331.Home address: St. Louis.City of St. Louis.Biography: Born February 24, 1949, in St. Louis. Attended St. LouisUniversity, A.B.; University of Missouri–Kansas City, J.D.; HarvardUniversity, LL.M. Married to Dorothy Dreyer, July 3, 1982. They havethree children. Law clerk to Joseph J. Simeone, Missouri Court ofAppeals, summers 1973, 1974; associated with a St. Louis law firm,1975–1978; assistant and associate city counselor, City of St. Louis,1979–1986. Candidate for Missouri House of Representatives, 1978;campaign treasurer for Paul Kiel, Missouri Senate candidate, 1978.Member: Catholic Church; Circuit Bar Committee, Division 1, 22ndCircuit, 1985–1986; Missouri and Metropolitan St. Louis Bar Associ-

ations; other legal and fraternal organizations. Appointed circuit judge: February 1986. Retained in1988, 1994 and 2000. Presiding judge, 1997–1998. Term expires December 31, 2006. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 22—Division 19JIMMIE M. EDWARDSOffice address: Carnahan Bldg., 1114 Market St., St. Louis 63103;phone (314) 622-4376.City of St. Louis.Biography: Born June 18, 1955, in St. Louis. Educated at St. LouisUniversity, B.A.; St. Louis University School of Law, J.D. MarriedStacy M. Taylor, April 1988. They have three children: Murphy, Ash-ley and John. Was legal advisor to clerk of circuit court for 22nd cir-cuit, 1982–1984; corporate counsel for an aircraft company,1984–89; litigation attorney with a utility company, 1989–1992.Member of Antioch Baptist Church. Appointed circuit judge: April 3,1992. Retained in 1994 and 2000. Term expires December 31,2006. Nonpartisan.

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Circuit 22—Division 20ANGELA TURNER QUIGLESSOffice address: Carnahan Bldg., 1114 Market St., St. Louis 63103,Phone (314) 622-4503.City of St. Louis.Biography: Born January 4, 1960, in Miami, Fla. Educated at Universi-ty of Missouri–Columbia, B.A., 1981; St. Louis University School ofLaw, J.D., 1984. Married to Charles R. Quigless Jr., they have one son,Charles III. Previously an assistant United States attorney; assistant citycounselor for the City of St. Louis; assistant circuit attorney, City of St.Louis; assistant general counsel, Missouri Public Service Commission;assistant general counsel, Missouri Department of Revenue. Member:Shalom Church; National Association of Women Judges; MetropolitanSt. Louis, American and Mound City Bar Associations; WomenLawyers’ Association; The Lawyer Association; American JudicatureSociety. Mentor for Mentor St. Louis; Mathew Dickey’s Boys and GirlsClub. Appointed associate circuit judge: February 28, 1995. Retained in 1996 and 2000. Appointed cir-cuit judge: January 3, 2003. Retained in 2004. Term expires December 31, 2010. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 22—Division 21EVELYN M. BAKEROffice address: Carnahan Bldg., 1114 Market St., St. Louis 63103;phone (314) 622-4363.Home address: 4603 Westminster Pl., St. Louis 63108.City of St. Louis.Biography: Born March 29, 1948, in St. Louis. Educated at St. LouisUniversity, A.B., philosophy; J.D. Served on the National RelationsBoard, Region 14, 1973 and 1974; St. Louis City Circuit Attorney’sOffice, 1974–1977; St. Louis Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, 1977 and1978; U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Missouri, 1978–1983.Member: St. Louis Cathedral; Missouri, Metropolitan, Mound Cityand two American Bar Associations; Women Lawyers Association; PhiDelta Phi. Appointed circuit judge: May 5, 1983. Retained in 1984,1990, 1996 and 2002. Term expires December 31, 2008. Nonparti-san.

Circuit 22—Division 22MICHAEL B. CALVINOffice address: Carnahan Bldg., 1114 Market St., St. Louis 63103;phone (314) 622-4929.City of St. Louis.Biography: Born February 16, 1951, in Nashville, Tennessee. Educat-ed at Monmouth College, Illinois, B.A.; St. Louis University, J.D. Mar-ried Vanessa Garner-Calvin. He has two sons, Michael and Justin,and one daughter through marriage, Patrice. Member of All SaintsEpiscopal Church; Circuit Court Budget Committee. Was a practicingattorney, 1976–1978. Elected magistrate judge of City of St. Louis,1978; became associate circuit judge by operation of law, 1979.Appointed circuit judge: November 17, 1988. Retained in 1990,1996 and 2002. Term expires December 31, 2008. Nonpartisan.

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Circuit 22—Division 23TIMOTHY JOSEPH WILSONOffice address: Carnahan Bldg., 1114 Market St., St. Louis 63103;phone (314) 622-4926.City of St. Louis.Biography: Born December 2, 1947, in St. Louis. Educated at St.Louis University College of Arts and Science; St. Louis UniversityLaw School, A.B., cum laude, J.D. Married Carol A. Newcombe,August 24, 1973, in St. Louis. Participated in the United StatesDepartment of Justice honors program, trial attorney in Washington,D.C., 1973–1978; assistant United States attorney, Eastern District ofMissouri, 1978–1989. Member: Catholic Church; Boy Scouts ofAmerica. Appointed circuit judge: May 15, 1989. Retained in 1990,1996 and 2002. Term expires December 31, 2008. Nonpartisan.

Circuit 22—Division 30 (Juvenile)JOHN F. GARVEY JR.Office address: 920 North Vandeventer, St. Louis 63108; (314) 622-4841.City of St. Louis.Biography: Born November 9, 1960, in Drexel Hill Pa. Educated atSt. Louis University, B.A., Urban Studies, 1983; Rutgers Universi-ty–Camden, N.J., J.D., 1986. Married to Katherine A. Garvey(McCool). Private Practice, 1987-1988. Worked as Assistant CircuitAttorney, 1988–1991. Partner in the Law firm of Sestric and Garvey,1991–1995, of Counsel in Law Firm of Leritz, Plunkert and Bruning,1995–1997. Member: Board of Directors, St. Louis Public Library,currently board president. Appointed associate circuit judge:December 18, 1987. Retained in 2000. Appointed circuit judge:December 12, 2003. Term expires December 31, 2006. Nonparti-san.

Circuit 22—Division 31JOAN L. MORIARTYOffice address: Civil Courts Bldg., 10 N. Tucker St., St. Louis 63101;phone (314) 622-4927.City of St. Louis.Biography: Born in Brookings, South Dakota. Graduated fromCreighton University School of Pharmacy in Omaha, Neb., B.S.,pharmacy, 1982; St. Louis University School of Law, J.D., 1985. Lawclerk for the Honorable Robert G. Dowd Sr., Missouri Court ofAppeals, Eastern District, 1985–1986. Private practice, 1986–1987.Served as assistant prosecuting attorney, St. Louis County,1987–1998. Member: Greater St. Louis Women’s Association;National Association of Women Judges. Appointed circuit judge:January 16, 1998. Retained in 2000. Term expires December 31,2006. Nonpartisan.

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Circuit 23—Division 1TIMOTHY J. PATTERSONOffice address: Jefferson County Courthouse, PO Box 100, Hillsboro63050; phone (636) 797-5410.Home address: 114 N. Lake Dr., Hillsboro 63050.County: Jefferson.Biography: Born August 6, 1941, in St. Louis. Educated: SoutheastMo. State College, B.S., secondary education, 1963; UMKC, J.D.,1972. Married Carole A. Cooper, June 27, 1998. Served in U.S. AirForce, 1966–1970. Jefferson County first asst. prosecuting attorney,1973–1974; elected prosecuting attorney, Jefferson County,1975–1978; private law practice, 1979–1982. Member: CatholicChurch; Hillsboro Rotary Club; MARCH Advisory Comm; Comm. onAlternative Dispute Resolution in Domestic Cases. Past member: Mo.Bar Continuing Legal Education Comm.; Mo. Circuit Judges Assn.,pres., 1994–1995; Mo. Judicial Conference, exec. comm.; FamilyCourt Study Comm.; COMTREA, bd. of dirs., 1975–1993; Presiding Judge Exec. Comm.; State CourtSecurity Comm. Elected circuit judge: 1982–2000. Served as presiding judge, 1986–1988, 1994–1996and 2003–2004. Term expires December 31, 2006. Democrat.

Circuit 23—Division 2GARY P. KRAMEROffice address: Jefferson County Courthouse, PO Box 100, Hills-boro 63050; phone (636) 797-5443.Home address: 14 Evergreen Ln., Festus 63028.County: Jefferson.Biography: Presiding Judge. Born August 14, 1947, in Pontiac, Ill.Educated at Carleton College, B.A.; Washington University LawSchool, J.D. Married Alice Lee Childress, January 17, 1971. Theyhave three children. Served as assistant prosecuting attorney, St.Louis County, 1971–1972; assistant prosecuting attorney, JeffersonCounty, 1972–1974. Engaged as an associate partner in a law firm,1974–1982. Member, of the board of directors, Missouri Associationof Probate and Associate Circuit Judges, 1989–1992. Received theEqual Justice Award from Legal Service of Eastern Missouri, 1990.Faculty member, National Judicial College, 1993. Elected circuitjudge: in 1990–2002. Presiding judge, 1997–1998. Term expiresDecember 31, 2008. Democrat.

Circuit 23—Division 3M. EDWARD WILLIAMSOffice address: Jefferson County Courthouse, PO Box 100, Hills-boro 63050; phone (636) 797-5430.County: Jefferson.Biography: Born August 29, 1941, in Jerome. Educated at the Uni-versity of Missouri–Columbia, A.B., J.D. Married to Nancy Enoch.Father of three sons. Served as Public Defender for the 23rd JudicialCircuit and as Prosecuting Attorney for Jefferson County. BoardMember: Community Treatment, Inc., 1979–present. Appointedassociate circuit judge in 1994. Elected in 1996. Appointed circuitjudge in 1997. Elected: 1998 and 2004. Term expires December 31,2010. Democrat.

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Circuit 23—Division 4DENNIS J. KEHMOffice address: Jefferson County Courthouse, PO Box 100, Hills-boro 63050; phone (636) 797-5443.Home address: 1328 Melvin, Festus 63028.County: Jefferson.Biography: Born October 30, 1942, in St. Louis. Educated at Univer-sity of Missouri–St. Louis; Southeast Missouri State University, B.S;Washington University; University of Missouri–Kansas City, J.D. Mar-ried to Dorothea Ann Rouggly, December 20, 1968. They have twochildren. Taught school in the Hillsboro and Pattonville school dis-tricts. Practiced law in Kansas City. Former Assistant ProsecutingAttorney and Prosecuting Attorney for Jefferson County. Member:Missouri Juvenile Justice Association; National Council of Juvenileand Family Court Judges, former trustee; Missouri Division of YouthServices Advisory Board, chair; Missouri Council of Juvenile and Fam-

ily Court Judges, past president. Received Equal Justice Award and Andrew Jackson Higgins Award forExcellence in Juvenile Justice. Elected to the circuit court: November 4, 1986. Re-elected in 1988, 1994and 2000. Presiding judge, 2001–2002. Term expires December 31, 2006. Democrat.

Circuit 24—Division 1SANDY MARTINEZOffice address: St. Francois County Courthouse, 1 N. Washington,Third Fl., Farmington 63640; phone (573) 756-5144.Counties: Madison, St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve and Washington.Biography: Born June 14, 1963. Educated at University of Texas at ElPaso, B.A.; University of Missouri–Columbia, J.D. Married toMichael J. Anderson, an assistant prosecutor for the 42nd CircuitChild Support Enforcement. They have two children, Chris andAmber. Was assistant public defender, assistant prosecuting attorneyand prosecuting attorney for St. Francois County. Elected circuitjudge: 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Democrat.

Circuit 24—Division 2KENNETH W. PRATTEOffice address: St. Francois County Courthouse, 1 N. Washington,Third Fl., Farmington 63640; phone (573) 756-5144.Home address: 809 Janey Dr., Farmington 63640.Counties: Madison, St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve and Washington.Biography: Presiding Judge. Born May 2, 1945, in Bonne Terre. Edu-cated at Mineral Area College; University of Missouri–Columbia,A.B., political science, J.D. Served in United States Marine Corps inVietnam. Employed as management trainee with an electric compa-ny; loan officer with a savings and loan association; parole officerfor state of Missouri; assistant prosecuting attorney, St. Francois andMadison counties; practiced law in Farmington and Park Hills; firstelected city attorney for City of Farmington. Member: CatholicChurch; American, Missouri and Judicial Circuit Bar Associations;Knights of Columbus; VFW; American Legion; Elks. Elected circuit

judge: 1982–2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Democrat.

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Circuit 25—Division 1TRACY L. STORIEOffice address: 301 Historic Hwy. 66 E., Ste. 318, Waynesville65583; phone (573) 774-4789.Home address: 24970 Republic Rd., Waynesville 65583.Counties: Maries, Phelps, Pulaski and Texas.Biography: Presiding Judge. Born July 18, 1948. Graduate of Uni-versity of Missouri–Rolla, 1970, B.A.; University of Arkansas Schoolof Law, 1973, J.D. Married to former Linda Carol Duncan. They havefour children. Served as magistrate judge, Pulaski County,1974–1979; associate circuit judge, 25th Circuit, 1979–2004. Elect-ed Presiding Judge, January 2005. Member: Harmony BaptistChurch; Waynesville Lodge 375 AF & AM; Buckhorn–Laquey LionsClub; adjunct faculty, Drury University, 1980–present. Appointedcircuit judge: November 2004. Term ends December 2006. Demo-crat.

Circuit 25—Division 2MARY SHEFFIELDOffice address: Phelps County Courthouse, 200 N. Main St., Ste.211, Rolla 65401.Counties: Maries, Phelps, Pulaski and Texas.Biography: Born July 26, 1955, in Durham, North Carolina. Educat-ed at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, B.A.; University ofMiami Law School, Coral Gables, J.D. Married to John Sheffield.They have three children. Engaged in private practice in Rolla andSalem. Served as associate circuit judge for 23 years. Member: FirstUnited Methodist Church; National College of Probate Judges; BlueRidge Institute for Juvenile and Family Law Judges; National Associ-ation of Women Judges; National Guardianship Association; Ameri-can Judicare Society; Supreme Court Judicial Education Committee,Family Court Committee and Judge Transfer Committee; American,Missouri and Phelps County Bar Associations; Rotary Club; PEO;and Phelps County Caring Communities. Elected circuit judge:November 2, 2004. Term expires December 31, 2010. Democrat.

Circuit 26—Division 1JAMES A. FRANKLIN JR.Office address: Camden County Courthouse, One Court Circle, Ste.9, Camdenton 65020; phone (573) 346-5160.Home address: PO Box 54, Camdenton 65020.Counties: Camden, Laclede, Miller, Moniteau and Morgan.Biography: Presiding Judge. Born March 24, 1948, in CamdenCounty. Graduate of Drury College, A.B., economics and businessadministration; University of Missouri–Kansas City, J.D. Admitted tothe bar, 1975. Married Julie K. Robertson, July 1977. They have twodaughters. Engaged in private law practice, 1975–1979. Prosecutingattorney, one term, Camden County; elected magistrate-probatejudge, Camden County, 1978; served as associate circuit judge.Appointed Supervisor of Liquor Control, State of Missouri, 1981.Member: Camdenton United Methodist Church; Camden CountyLibrary District Board of Trustees, president; 26th Circuit andMissouri Bar Associations; Phi Alpha Delta and Pi Kappa Alpha fraternities. Appointed circuit judgein February 1988. Elected circuit judge: November 6, 1990. Re-elected 1994 and 2000. Term expiresDecember 31, 2006. Republican.

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Circuit 26—Division 2GREG KAYSOffice address: Camden County Courthouse, One Court Circle, Ste.9, Camdenton 65020; phone (573) 346-5160.Home address: Lebanon.Counties: Camden, Laclede, Miller, Moniteau and Morgan.Biography: Born May 10, 1962, in Kansas City. Educated at South-west Missouri State University, B.S., finance; University of Arkansas,J.D. Married to Julie Roper. They have one daughter. Assistant pros-ecuting attorney, 1988–1990. Elected: Laclede County ProsecutingAttorney, 1990; Lebanon City Attorney, 1991; Associate CircuitJudge of Laclede County, 1994, 1998 and 2002. Member: LebanonFirst Christian Church, Elder; Laclede County Bar Association; 26thJudicial Circuit Bar Association. Elected circuit judge: 2004. Termexpires December 31, 2010. Republican.

Circuit 27WILLIAM J. (Bill) ROBERTSOffice address: PO Box 487, Clinton 64735; phone (660) 885-7242.Home address: Clinton 64735.Counties: Bates, Henry and St. Clair.Biography: Born October 6, 1946, in Windsor. Educated at DruryCollege and University of Missouri–Columbia, A.B., business admin-istration and economics, J.D. Married Judith Ann Bare, June 15,1973. They have two children. Was assistant prosecuting attorney ofHenry County, 1978–1979, and partner in the law firm of Lillestonand Roberts, 1974–1982. Elected circuit judge: 1982, 1988, 1994and 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Democrat.

Circuit 28JAMES R. BICKELOffice address: Office of the Circuit Judge, 100 W. Cherry, Ste. A,Nevada 64772; phone (417) 667-5016; Fax (417) 448-2535.Home address: 303 E. Vernon, Nevada 64772.Counties: Barton, Cedar, Dade and Vernon.Biography: Born July 24, 1946, in Lamar. Education: Univ. ofMissouri–Columbia, B.S., 1968; J.D., 1973. Married to Sherry Culbert-son. They have three children. Phi Delta Phi (pres., Tiedeman Inn,1972–1973); Order of the Coif; Missouri Law Review; United StatesArmy, 1968–1970; Vietnam Service Medal, Bronze Star. Municipaljudge, Nevada, 1976–2000. Partner in a law firm, 1973–2000. Mem-ber: Missouri and Vernon Co. Bar Assns.; AG’s Professional LiabilityReview Bd., 1977–1979; Missouri Bar Fee Dispute Resolution Comm.,1992–2000; Missouri Municipal and Assoc. Circuit Judges Association,1975–2000. Rotary Club, Citizen of the Year, 2004; Elks Lodge; V.F.W.;

Osage Prairie YMCA, pres., 1999; Nevada United Methodist Church; Missouri United Methodist Founda-tion, Inc., bd. of dir., 1993–2001 (exec. comm., 1999–2000). House of Representatives Outstanding Mis-sourian, 2005. Elected circuit judge: November 7, 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Republican.

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Circuit 29—Division 1WILLIAM CARL CRAWFORDOffice address: Jasper County Courts Bldg., 601 S. Pearl, Rm. 320,Joplin 64801; phone (417) 625-4318.Home address: 13415 Ellipse Ln., Carthage 64836.County: Jasper.Biography: Born August 15, 1941, in Carthage. Graduated from Uni-versity of Missouri–Kansas City, B.A., J.D. Married Jane Frieze, June20, 1964, in Carthage. They have two children. Was a partner in alaw firm, 1972–1988; assistant prosecuting attorney of Jasper Coun-ty, 1986–1988. Served in the U.S. Army, judge advocate generalcorps, 1966–1972. Member of the First United Methodist Church.Elected circuit judge on November 8, 1988, 1994 and 2000. Pre-siding judge: 1990–1996. Term expires December 31, 2006. Repub-lican.

Circuit 29—Division 2DAVID C. DALLYOffice address: Jasper County Courts Bldg., 601 S. Pearl, Joplin64801; phone (417) 625-4320.Home address: Carthage 64836.County: Jasper.Biography: Presiding Judge. Born March 15, 1948, in Ishpeming,Michigan. Educated at the University of Missouri, B.A., J.D. MarriedGaye Ramm, August 16, 1969. They have two children and fivegrandchildren. Served as assistant prosecuting attorney of JasperCounty, 1974–1986; prosecuting attorney of Jasper County,1987–1998; city attorney of Carthage, 1974–1998; engaged in theprivate practice of law in Carthage, 1973–1998. Member: CarthageFirst Presbyterian Church; Carthage Rotary Club; University ofMissouri Alumni Association; Missouri and Jasper County Bar Asso-ciations. Past president of Missouri Association of Prosecuting Attor-neys, Missouri Association of Municipal Attorneys and Jasper County Bar Association. Elected circuitjudge: 1998 and 2004. Term expires December 31, 2010. Republican.

Circuit 29—Division 3JON DERMOTTOffice address: Jasper County Courts Bldg., 601 S. Pearl, Joplin64801; phone (417) 625-4325.Home address: 1340 Crest Dr., Joplin 64801.County: Jasper.Biography: Born January 19, 1938, in Lamar. Graduated from theUniversity of Arkansas, LL.B., 1963. He and his wife, Courtney, havethree children: Lyter, Sharrock and Seth. Member: St. Philip’s Epis-copal Church; United States Marine Corps Reserve, 1956–1963;Missouri, Arkansas and Texas Bar Associations; past president andmember, Freeman Hospital board of directors; past member, JoplinFamily Y board of directors; Kiwanis Club of Joplin; University ofArkansas Alumni Association; Sigma Nu Fraternity; Blue Key HonorSociety, University of Arkansas; Spiva Center for the Arts, past direc-tor; United Way of Joplin, past director. Outstanding Alumnus, Uni-versity of Arkansas School of Law, 1990. Elected circuit judge: November 8, 1994 and 2000. Termexpires December 31, 2006. Republican.

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Circuit 30JOHN W. (Bill) SIMSOffice address: PO Box 679, Buffalo 65622; phone (417) 345-6822.Home address: PO Box 163, Marshfield 65706.Counties: Benton, Dallas, Hickory, Polk and Webster.Biography: Presiding Judge. Born July 6, 1943, in Kansas City. Edu-cated at the University of Kansas, B.A., J.D. Married ElizabethHaymes, August 30, 1969. They have three children and two grand-children. Practiced law in Marshfield for 30 years. Member: Marsh-field United Methodist Church. Elected Prosecuting Attorney ofWebster County. Served as City Attorney for Marshfield for 29 years.Past president: Missouri Municipal Attorneys Association; WebsterCounty Bar Association; 30th Judicial Circuit Bar Association. Elect-ed circuit judge: November 7, 2000. Term expires December 31,2006. Republican.

Circuit 31—Division 1DON E. BURRELL JR.Office address: Greene County Courthouse, 1010 Boonville, Spring-field 65802; phone (417) 868-4078.Home address: 1562 N. East Ridge Dr., Strafford 65757.County: Greene.Biography: Born December 4, 1960, in Springfield. Graduate ofSouthwest Missouri State University, B.S., finance, 1992. MarriedMay 28, 1983, to Denise Renee Campfield. Worked in radio broad-casting until entering law school at the University of Missouri–Kansas City in 1988. Received J.D. with honors from U.M.K.C.,1991; attended National Judicial College. Associate with Morrison& Hecker law firm in Kansas City and staff attorney for U.S. DistrictJudge Kathryn Vratil, Federal District of Kansas. Private practice inSpringfield, 1993-1998. Elected to fill an unexpired term November3, 1998. Re-elected November 7, 2000. Term expires December 31,2006. Republican.

Circuit 31—Division 2J. MILES SWEENEYOffice address: Greene County Courthouse, 1010 Boonville, Spring-field 65802; phone (417) 868-4086.County: Greene.Biography: Presiding Judge. Born September 29, 1945, in Pittsburg,Kansas. Educated at University of Kansas, B.S., J.D. Married KarenKreider. They have one child. Served in U.S. Army, second lieu-tenant, 1967–1969, one year in Vietnam. Member: National AvenueChristian Church; Circuit Court Budget Committee; Judicial Educa-tion Committee; Rotary Club; American Legion, past state officer.Founder of Community Alternative Service Program. Recipient ofDavid B. Woodruff Memorial Award of the Community Justice Asso-ciation. Past President, Missouri Trial Judges Association. Appointedassociate circuit judge: 1984. Appointed circuit judge: June 1990.Elected: 1990-2002. Term expires December 31, 2008. Republican.

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Circuit 31—Division 3J. DAN CONKLINOffice address: Greene County Circuit Court, 1010 Boonville,Springfield, MO 65002; phone: 417-868-4080Biography: Education: Metropolitan State College, Denver, Colo., B.S. in marketing, summa cum laude; University of Arkansas, J.D.,1978. Prior to law school, he was with Litton Industries in Manage-ment and Marketing. He was engaged in private practice with thefirm of Conklin, Holden and Wagner. Served as city attorney for theCity of Republic. Former instructor of marketing and business law atSouthwest Missouri State University. Was an associate circuit judge,then circuit judge of Circuit 31 since being elected in 1986. Electedcircuit judge: November, 2004. Term expires December 31, 2010.Republican.

Circuit 31—Division 4THOMAS E. MOUNTJOYOffice address: Greene County Courthouse, 1010 Boonville, Spring-field 65802; phone (417) 868-4089.Home address: Springfield.County: Greene.Biography: Born in 1953, in Stockton, California. Educated at Cen-tral Missouri State Univ., B.S., criminal justice administration; Univ.of Missouri–Kansas City, J.D. Married Donna Newman. They havethree daughters. Served as asst. professor, criminal justice adminis-tration; director, Juvenile Court Services; asst. Greene County pros-ecuting attorney; Greene County prosecuting attorney. Member: EastSunshine Church of Christ; past president, Missouri Assn. of Prose-cuting Attorneys; Governor’s Crime Commission; State Task Force onFatal Child Abuse; Community Alternative Service Program; co-founder, Child Advocacy Center of Southwest Missouri.; steeringcommittee, Juvenile Court Improvement Project. Awards: David B. Woodruff Memorial CommunityJustice; Child Advocacy Council Friend of Children. Appointed circuit judge, February 9, 1996. Elect-ed: 1996 and 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Democrat.

Circuit 31—Division 5CALVIN R. HOLDENOffice address: Greene County Courthouse, 1111 N. Robberson,Springfield 65802; phone (417) 868-4837.County: Greene.Biography: Born September 28, 1953, in Mountain View. Educatedat Southwest Missouri State University, B.S., cum laude; Drake Uni-versity, J.D., 1980. Married Margaret Ellis, 1990. He has four chil-dren: Chrysa, Calie, Alexander and Zoe. Engaged in the practice oflaw, 1980–1996. Administrative law judge, Division of EmploymentSecurity, 1980–1981; Greene County assistant prosecuting attorney,1983. Served in the U.S. Navy, 1972–1974. Member: Phi Kappa Phi;Springfield Metropolitan and Missouri Bar Associations. Admitted toUnited States Supreme Court Bar. Commissioner, Missouri DrugCourt Commission. David B. Woodruff Memorial Community JusticeService Award recipient, 2000; NAMI of Southwest Missouri Gov-ernmental Award for Excellence, 2001; Mo. Association of Drug Court Professionals President’sAward, 2002. Appointed circuit judge: 1996. Elected: 1996 and 2002. Term expires December 31,2008. Democrat.

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Circuit 32—Division 1WILLIAM L. SYLEROffice address: Common Pleas Courthouse, 44 N. Lorimier, CapeGirardeau 63701; phone (573) 335-2802.Home address: 1261 Dover Ln., Cape Girardeau 63701.Counties: Bollinger, Cape Girardeau and Perry.Biography: Presiding Judge. Born in St. Louis, November 28, 1948.Graduate of Southeast Mo. State Univ., B.A., 1971; Univ. of Mo.–K.C., J.D., 1974. Married to Georganne Penzel. Two daughters, Laurenand Claire. Asst. prosecuting attorney, Jackson Co., 1974–1975; CapeGirardeau Co., 1975–1976. Private law practice, 1977–1992. Mem-ber: Mo. Bar Foresight Comm., 1987–1990; Cape Girardeau Co.Health Dept. Board of Trustees, chair, 1986–1992; Cape GirardeauCo. Bar Assn., president, 1997–98. Southeast Mo. State Univ. Foun-dation, executive board; First Presbyterian Church; National PublicRadio, Community Advisory Board; St. Francis Medical Center Foun-

dation Board; Circuit Court Budget Comm., 1997–present; Court Automation Committee, 2005.Appointed circuit judge: October 1, 1992. Elected: 1992 (special election), 1996 and 2002. Presidingjudge, 1995–1996, 1999–2002, 2002–present. Term expires December 31, 2008. Republican.

Circuit 32—Division 2BEN LEWISOffice address: Common Pleas Courthouse, 44 N. Lorimier, CapeGirardeau 63701; phone (573) 335-2802.Counties: Bollinger, Cape Girardeau and Perry.Biography: Born in Cape Girardeau, March 17, 1955. Graduate ofSoutheast Missouri State University, B.A., 1977; University ofMissouri–Kansas City, J.D., 1980. Married Debra K. Scholl, July 5,1986. Law clerk, 16th Circuit, 1980–1981. Private practice,1981–1990. Associate Circuit Judge, 1991–1994. Member: Layton &Lewis, L.L.C., 1995–2004; Southeast Missouri Hospital Board ofTrustees; president, Hanover Lutheran Church; past president, Thir-ty-second Judicial Circuit Bar Association; past president, CapeGirardeau Lions Club; past district chair, Shawnee District, B.S.A.,Award of Merit, Silver Beaver Award. Elected circuit judge: Novem-ber 2, 2004. Term expires December 31, 2006. Republican.

Circuit 33DAVID A. DOLANOffice address: Scott County Courthouse, PO Box 256, Benton63736; phone (573) 545-3141.Home address: 103 Goldbrier, Sikeston 63801.Counties: Mississippi and Scott.Biography: Presiding Judge. Born June 19, 1954, in Memphis, Tenn.Graduate of Univ. of Memphis, B.B.A., J.D. Married Julie Crader,August 2, 1980. Two children, Win and Claire. Member: St. FrancisXavier Catholic Church; Knights of Columbus, 4th Degree; Mo. andTenn. Bar Assns.; Nat’l. Assn. of Juvenile and Family Court Judges;Mo. Juvenile Justice Assn.; Nat’l. (sec.) and Missouri Assns. of DrugCourt Professionals; Sikeston Youth Soccer, pres.; Sikeston LittleLeague, coach; Rotary Club; Sikeston Jaycees; SMC Pi Kappa AlphaFraternity; ODK; Bar Governor Univ. of Memphis School of Law. Pri-

vate practice, Crader, Crader, Dolan and Dolan, 1982–1990. Asst. pros. atty. Scott Co., 1986–1990;pros. atty., 1991–1993. Elected associate circuit judge: Scott Co.: 1992 and 1994. Appointed circuitjudge: March 1998. Elected, 1998 and 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Democrat.

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Circuit 34FRED W. COPELANDOffice address: New Madrid County Courthouse, 450 Main, NewMadrid 63869; phone (573) 748-2669.Home address: 390 St. Paul, New Madrid 63869.Counties: New Madrid and Pemiscot.Biography: Born November 13, 1954, in Coronado, Calif. Educatedat University of Missouri–Columbia, B.S., public administration; J.D.Married Sherry Lee Richardson, August 6, 1977, in Grandview. Theyhave three daughters. Engaged in private law practice in NewMadrid. Appointed associate circuit judge, New Madrid County, fora term beginning January 15, 1982. Elected: 1982 and 1986. Mem-ber: United Methodist Church; Optimist; Eagles; Phi Delta Phi.Elected circuit judge: 1988, 1994 and 2000. Term expires Decem-ber 31, 2006. Democrat.

Circuit 35STEPHEN R. SHARPOffice address: Dunklin County Courthouse, PO Box 507, Kennett63857; phone (573) 888-9133.Home address: 807 College, Kennett 63857.Counties: Dunklin and Stoddard.Biography: Born July 25, 1944, in southeast Missouri. Graduate ofSoutheast Mo. State Univ., A.B.; Memphis State Univ., J.D. MarriedPatt Varnon, June 23, 1967. Served in Vietnam, U.S. Army; receivedBronze Star. Prosecuting attorney, Dunklin Co., 1979–1984. Mem-ber: Baptist Church; Memphis State Univ. Law Review; Chamber ofCommerce; Lions Club; American Legion; American and DunklinCo. Bar Assns.; Young Lawyers Section Council, Mo. Bar,1976–1979; Mo. Professional Liability Review Bd., 1977–1979;Foresight Comm., Mo. Bar, 1991; Supreme Court ad hoc committeeto review Judicial Circuit Boundaries, 1992; Legislative SteeringCommittee, Mo. Judicial Conference. Received St. Louis Globe–Democrat Meritorious Public ServiceAward, 1986. Elected to the Senate, 1984 and 1988. Appointed to the circuit court: 1990. Elected:1992, 1994 and 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Democrat.

Circuit 36MARK L. RICHARDSONOffice address: Butler County Courthouse, 100 N. Main, PoplarBluff 63901; phone (573) 686-8080.Home address: 3411 Normandy Rd., Poplar Bluff 63901.Counties: Butler and Ripley.Biography: Born March 19, 1952, in Poplar Bluff. Graduate ofSoutheast Missouri State University, B.A., political science and his-tory; M.A., psychology; Memphis State University, J.D., 1980. Mar-ried Kathy Todd, June 2, 1973. They have three children: Todd,Christopher and Megan. Served in the Missouri House of Represen-tatives, 1991–2002. Member: First Christian Church; Poplar BluffChamber of Commerce; Lions Club; Optimist Club; Missouri Asso-ciation of Trial Lawyers; American Bar Association; March of Dimes;Distinguished Legislator, 1996. Elected circuit judge: 2002. Termexpires December 31, 2008. Republican.

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Circuit 37R. JACK GARRETTOffice address: 225 Courthouse, West Plains 65775; phone (417)256-4383.Home address: 10302 County Rd. 9030, West Plains 65775.Counties: Carter, Howell, Oregon and Shannon.Biography: Born Nov. 13, 1941, in West Plains. Graduate of South-west Mo. State Univ., A.B., history, 1962; Univ. of Mo.–Columbia,J.D., 1966. He and wife, Kay, asst. professor of communications atSMSU-WP, have two sons: Jacob, a practicing attorney and Nathan,a federal prosecutor. Served as prosecuting attorney, Howell Co.,1967–1970; juvenile officer, 1967–1969. Member: ConservationFederation of Missouri, state pres., 1992–1993. Trustee, Mo. Con-servation Heritage Foundation. Charter member, first pres., SouthCentral Mo. Law Enforcement Assn. Former special counsel, Mo.National Educaton Assn. Life member, Mo. Trapshooting Assn. For-

mer chief counsel, Mo. Girls Town Foundation. Past pres., West Plains Kiwanis Club. Elected circuitjudge: 1994 and 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Republican.

Circuit 38JAMES L. EIFFERTOffice address: 110 W. Elm, Rm. 205, Ozark 65721; phone (417)581-2727.Home address: Nixa 65714.Counties: Christian and Taney.Biography: Born May 12, 1945, in Springfield. Educated at South-west Missouri State University, B.A.; University of Missouri–Colum-bia, J.D. Married July 18, 1970, to Judith A. Repp in Columbus, Indi-ana. They have two daughters. Served in the U.S. Army, captain, mil-itary intelligence. A practicing attorney since 1970. Was ChristianCounty prosecuting attorney, 1972–1974. Supreme Court ad hoccommittee to Review Judicial Circuit Boundaries, 1992. Member:Methodist Church; Missouri Sentencing Advisory Commission,1994–2003. Elected circuit judge: 1988, 1994 and 2000. Termexpires December 31, 2006. Republican.

Circuit 39J. EDWARD SWEENEYOffice address: PO Box 400, Monett 65708; phone (417) 235-6245.Home address: 268 Farm Rd. 1090, Monett 65708.Counties: Barry, Lawrence and Stone.Biography: Born August 4, 1944, in Monett. Graduate of MarquetteUniversity, L.A., 1966; University of Missouri–Columbia, J.D., 1969.Married Donna D. McKinley, April 28, 1973. They have two chil-dren. Served with the United States Army in Vietnam. Engaged inprivate law practice in Monett, 1971–1985. Prosecuting attorney ofBarry County, 1973–1974. Member: St. Lawrence Catholic Church;Chamber of Commerce; American Legion; VFW; Missouri and 39thJudicial Circuit Bar Associations; Phi Alpha Delta. Received Lon O.Hocker Trial Lawyer Award of Missouri Bar, 1978. Appointed asso-ciate circuit judge: 1985. Elected: 1986 and 1990. Elected circuitjudge: 1994 and 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Republi-can.

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Circuit 40TIMOTHY W. PERIGOOffice address: Newton County Courthouse, 101 S. Wood, Neosho64850; phone (417) 451-8234.Home address: PO Box 218, Neosho 64850.Counties: McDonald and Newton.Biography: Born June 2, 1953, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Educated at Uni-versity of Tulsa, B.S., J.D. Married with three children. Member:Northside Baptist Church; Missouri Bar Association. Was a practic-ing attorney; assistant prosecuting attorney; Newton County prose-cuting attorney, 1985–1990. President-elect of Missouri Associationof Drug Court Professionals. Elected associate circuit judge: 1990.Elected circuit judge: 1992 to fill an unexpired term. Re-elected:1994 and 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Republican.

Circuit 41HADLEY E. GRIMMOffice address: Macon County Courthouse, PO Box 368, Macon63552; phone (660) 385-3713.Home address: 508 Cardinal, Macon 63552.Counties: Macon and Shelby.Biography: Born December 2, 1942, in St. Louis. Educated at Uni-versity City public schools and the University of Missouri–Columbia,J.D., 1966. Married Wanda L. Rayfield, November 13, 1976. Theyhave five children and seven grandchildren. Was engaged in privatelaw practice in Macon from 1966–1998. Elected associate circuitJudge for Macon County: November 1998. Elected circuit judge:November 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Democrat.

Circuit 42—Division 1WILLIAM CAMM SEAYOffice address: Dent County Judicial Bldg., PO Box 551, Salem65560; phone (573) 729-6816.Home address: Rt. 6, PO Box 736, Salem 65560.Counties: Crawford, Dent, Iron, Reynolds and Wayne.Biography: Presiding Judge. Born August 17, 1957, in Salem. Attend-ed University of Missouri–Columbia; University of Missouri–Colum-bia School of Law. Married to Sara Lynn Bressie, he is the father oftwo daughters, Velvette Marie and Stevee Anne. Dent County Pros-ecuting Attorney, 1982–1994; assistant prosecutor, 1980–1982.Member: Salem United Methodist Church. Elected circuit judge:November 8, 1994 and 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006.Democrat.

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Circuit 42—Division 2J. MAX PRICEOffice address: Dent County Judicial Bldg., PO Box 551, Salem65560; phone (573) 729-6816.Home address: 1205 S. Mildred Blvd., Salem 65560.Counties: Crawford, Dent, Iron, Reynolds and Wayne.Biography: Born October 27, 1935, in Webster County. Educated atSouthwest Missouri State University, A.B.; University ofMissouri–Columbia, J.D. Married Joyce Stephens in 1962. They havethree children: Leigh Ann, Jennifer J. and John Max II. Served in theU.S. Marine Corps. Appointed Assistant Attorney General ofMissouri, 1966. Engaged in private law practice in Salem, 24 years.Elected four consecutive terms as Prosecuting Attorney of DentCounty. Served as City Attorney of Salem. Member: American,Missouri and 42nd Judicial Bar Associations; Phi Delta Phi; Americanand Missouri Association of Trial Lawyers; Masonic Lodge; York Rite;

Scottish Rite; Abou Ben Adhem Shrine; I.O.O.F.; life member, VFW; American Legion; Eagles. Electedcircuit judge: November 6, 1990. Re-elected: November 1996 and 2002. Term expires December 31,2008. Democrat.

Circuit 43—Division 1WARREN L. McELWAINOffice address: PO Box 512, Maysville 64469; phone (816) 449-2602; FAX: (816) 449-2440.Home address: PO Box 512, Maysville 64469.Counties: Caldwell, Clinton, Daviess, DeKalb and Livingston.Biography: Born November 7, 1947, in Kansas City. Graduate ofUniversity of Missouri–Columbia, B.A., J.D. Married in 1970 to JudyVoris. They have two daughters, Laura and Michele. Engaged in pri-vate law practice in Maysville. Member: United Methodist Church;Chamber of Commerce; EOC; Cameron Community HospitalBoard. Elected prosecuting attorney of DeKalb County in 1974 and1976. Elected associate circuit judge of DeKalb County in 1978–98.Elected circuit judge: November 7, 2000. Term expires December31, 2006. Republican.

Circuit 43—Division 2STEPHEN K. GRIFFINOffice address: Clinton County Courthouse, Box 275, Plattsburg64477; phone (816) 539-3732.Home address: 1314 E. Grand, Cameron 64429.Counties: Caldwell, Clinton, Daviess, DeKalb and Livingston.Biography: Presiding Judge. Born June 6, 1952, in Cameron. Edu-cated at University of Missouri–Columbia, B.S., public administra-tion, 1974; J.D., 1975. Married Jennifer Davis, June 9, 1972, inCameron. They have three sons. Engaged in private law practice,1976–1988. Member of the First Baptist Church. Former ClintonCounty Democratic committeeman. He was the first teenager in thenation to vote following the ratification of the 26th amendment tothe U.S. Constitution. Appointed circuit judge: November 15, 1988.Elected: 1988, 1994 and 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006.Democrat.

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Circuit 44JOHN GARNER MOODYOffice address: PO Box 439, Mansfield 65704; phone (417) 924-3246.Home address: PO Box 11, Mansfield 65704.Counties: Douglas, Ozark and Wright.Biography: Born in Springfield, on June 13, 1952. Educated in theMansfield schools; St. Louis University; University of MissouriSchool of Law. Married to Jo Alice and father of Thomas, Emily, Ben-jamin and Michael. Served as Wright County prosecuting attorney,1977–1982; associate circuit judge, 1983–1994. Member: Immacu-late Heart of Mary Parish, Mansfield. Elected circuit judge: Novem-ber 8, 1994 and 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Republi-can.

Circuit 45DAN DILDINEOffice address: Lincoln County Justice Center, 45 Business Park Dr.,Troy 63379; phone (636) 528-6300.Home address: 533 Bridgeway Dr., Troy 63379.Counties: Lincoln and Pike.Biography: Born October 15, 1951, near Blytheville, Ark. Graduateof the University of Missouri–St. Louis, B.S., administration of jus-tice; John Marshall Law School, J.D., 1978. Married Christine Konc-ki, August 14, 1976. They have two children. Served as assistantpublic defender for the 11th Judicial Circuit, 1980–1981; assistantprosecuting attorney of Lincoln County, 1983–1985. Engaged in pri-vate law practice, 1979–2000, including representing several citiesand villages. Member: First Baptist Church, Troy; Troy Optimist Club;Troy Chamber of Commerce; Pike County Historical Society. Elect-ed circuit judge: 2000. Term expires December 31, 2006. Democ-rat.

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Adair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 2Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 5Atchison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 4Audrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 12Barry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 39Barton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 28Bates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 27Benton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 30Bollinger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 32Boone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 13Buchanan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 5Butler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 36Caldwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 43Callaway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 13Camden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 26Cape Girardeau . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 32Carroll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 8Carter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 37Cass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 17Cedar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 28Chariton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 9Christian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 38Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 1Clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 7Clinton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 43Cole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 19Cooper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 18Crawford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 42Dade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 28Dallas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 30Daviess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 43DeKalb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 43Dent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 42Douglas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 44Dunklin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 35Franklin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 20Gasconade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 20Gentry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 4Greene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 31Grundy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 3Harrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 3Henry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 27Hickory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 30Holt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 4Howard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 14Howell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 37Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 42Jackson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 16Jasper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 29Jefferson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 23Johnson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 17Knox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 2Laclede . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 26Lafayette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 15Lawrence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 39Lewis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 2Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 45Linn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 9Livingston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 43

Macon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 41Madison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 24Maries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 25Marion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 10McDonald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 40Mercer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 3Miller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 26Mississippi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 33Moniteau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 26Monroe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 10Montgomery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 12Morgan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 26New Madrid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 34Newton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 40Nodaway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 4Oregon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 37Osage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 20Ozark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 44Pemiscot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 34Perry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 32Pettis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 18Phelps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 25Pike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 45Platte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 6Polk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 30Pulaski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 25Putnam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 3Ralls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 10Randolph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 14Ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 8Reynolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 42Ripley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 36St. Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 11St. Clair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 27St. Francois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 24St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 21Ste. Genevieve . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 24Saline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 15Schuyler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 1Scotland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 1Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 33Shannon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 37Shelby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 41Stoddard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 35Stone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 39Sullivan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 9Taney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 38Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 25Vernon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 28Warren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 12Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 24Wayne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 42Webster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 30Worth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 4Wright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 44St. Louis City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit No. 22

Circuit courts by county


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Circuit 3BRAD FUNK (D)Mercer County Courthouse802 E. MainPrinceton 64673Phone: (660) 748-4232FAX: (660) 748-4292

Circuit 3JERRI BUSH (R)Putnam County Courthouse1601 W. Main, Rm. 101Unionville 63565Phone: (660) 947-2117FAX: (660) 947-7348

Circuit 4KAY GRAVES ROSENBOHM (D)Atchison County CourthousePO Box 187Rock Port 64482Phone: (660) 744-2700FAX: (660) 744-6100

Circuit 4ROGER E. COMBS (R)Gentry County Courthouse200 W. ClayAlbany 64402Phone: (660) 726-3411FAX: (660) 726-3130

Circuit 3THOMAS R. ALLEY (R)Harrison County CourthousePO Box 189Bethany 64424Phone: (660) 425-6432FAX: (660) 425-6390

Circuit 2GARRY D. LEWIS (D)Knox County CourthousePO Box 126Edina 63537Phone: (660) 397-3146FAX: (660) 397-3331

Circuit 2FRED WESTHOFF (D)Lewis County CourthousePO Box 36Monticello 63457Phone: (573) 767-5352FAX: (573) 767-5342

Circuit 3STEVEN D. HUDSON (R)Grundy County CourthousePO Box 26Trenton 64683Phone: (660) 359-6909FAX: (660) 359-6604

Circuit 1JOHN MOON (D)Clark County Courthouse113 W. Court St.Kahoka 63445Phone: (660) 727-3628FAX: (660) 727-2544

Circuit 1STEPHEN K. WILLCOX (D)Schuyler County CourthousePO Box 158Lancaster 63548Phone: (660) 457-3755FAX: (660) 457-3016

Circuit 1KARL A.W. DeMARCE (D)Scotland County Courthouse117 S. Market, Rm. 102Memphis 63555Phone: (660) 465-2404

Circuit 2KRISTIE J. SWAIM (D)Adair County Courthouse106 W. WashingtonKirksville 63501Phone: (660) 665-3877


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Circuit 6–Div. 4 JAMES W. VAN AMBURG (NP)Platte County Courthouse415 Third St., Ste. 50Platte City 64079Phone: (816) 858-1977FAX: (816) 858-3392

Circuit 6–Div. 3DANIEL M. CZAMANSKE (NP)Platte County Courthouse415 Third St., Ste. 50Platte City 64079Phone: (816) 858-2232FAX: (816) 858-3392

Circuit 5RONALD E. TAYLOR (D)Buchanan County Courthouse411 Jules, Rm. 331St. Joseph 64501Phone: (816) 271-1448FAX: (816) 271-1538

Circuit 5MICHAEL J. ORDNUNG (R)Andrew County CourthousePO Box 49Savannah 64485Phone: (816) 324-3921FAX: (816) 324-3191

Circuit 4WM. S. RICHARDS (R)Holt County CourthousePO Box 173Oregon 64473Phone: (660) 446-3380FAX: (660) 446-3588

Circuit 4GLEN DIETRICH (D)Nodaway County Courthouse303 N. MarketMaryville 64468Phone: (660) 582-2531FAX: (660) 582-2047

Circuit 4Wm. REX BEAVERS (D)Worth County CourthousePO Box 428Grant City 64456Phone: (660) 564-2152

Circuit 5KEITH MARQUART (R)Buchanan County Courthouse411 JulesSt. Joseph 64501Phone: (816) 271-1454FAX: (816) 271-1538


Circuit 7–Div. 7JANET SUTTON (NP)Clay County Courthouse11 S. WaterLiberty 64068Phone: (816) 792-7717

Circuit 7–Div. 6DONALD T. NORRIS (NP)Clay County Courthouse11 S. WaterLiberty 64068Phone: (816) 792-7716FAX: (816) 792-6592

Circuit 7–Div. 5K. ELIZABETH DAVIS (NP)Clay County Courthouse11 S. WaterLiberty 64068Phone: (816) 792-7715FAX: (816) 792-7795

Circuit 6–Div. 5GARY D. WITT (NP)Platte County Courthouse415 Third St., Ste. 50Platte City 64079Phone: (816) 858-2232FAX: (816) 858-3392

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Circuit 11–Div. 5JON A. CUNNINGHAM (R)St. Charles County Courthouse300 N. Second St., Rm. 333St. Charles 63301Phone: (636) 949-7900,

ext. 7635FAX: (636) 949-7457

Circuit 11–Div. 6TERRY R. CUNDIFF (R)St. Charles County Courthouse300 N. Second St., Rm. 436St. Charles 63301Phone: (636) 949-7900,

ext. 7660FAX: (636) 949-3072

Circuit 11–Div. 7DANIEL G. PELIKAN (R)St. Charles County Courthouse300 N. Second St., Rm. 336St. Charles 63301Phone: (636) 949-7900,

ext. 3026

Circuit 11–Div. 8WILLIAM T. LOHMAR, JR. (D)St. Charles County Courthouse300 N. Second St., Rm. 431St. Charles 63301Phone: (636) 949-7900,

ext. 5526FAX: (636) 949-7384

Circuit 9JAMES SPENCER (D)Sullivan County Courthouse109 N. MainMilan 63556Phone: (660) 265-3303FAX: (660) 265-5071

Circuit 10JOHN J. JACKSON (D)Marion County Courthouse906 BroadwayHannibal 63401Phone: (573) 221-0288FAX: (573) 221-0945

Circuit 10MICHAEL P. WILSON (D)Monroe County Courthouse300 N. MainParis 65275Phone: (660) 327-5220FAX: (660) 327-5651

Circuit 10DAVID C. MOBLEY (D)Ralls County CourthousePO Box 466New London 63459Phone: (573) 985-5641FAX: (573) 985-3446

Circuit 8KEVIN L. WALDEN (R)Carroll County Courthouse8 S. Main, Ste. 1Carrollton 64633Phone: (660) 542-2494FAX: (660) 542-1877

Circuit 8DAVID L. BUSCH (D)Ray County Courthouse100 Main, Second Fl.Richmond 64085Phone: (816) 776-2335FAX: (816) 776-2185

Circuit 9MICHAEL L. MIDYETT (D)Chariton County Courthouse306 S. CherryKeytesville 65261Phone: (660) 288-3271FAX: (660) 288-1511

Circuit 9JAMES P. WILLIAMS (D)Linn County CourthousePO Box 84Linneus 64653Phone: (660) 895-5212FAX: (660) 895-5277


Photo notAvailable

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Circuit 15JOHN E. FRERKING (R)Lafayette County Courthouse-Lafayette HallPO Box 10Lexington 64067Phone: (660) 259-2324FAX: (660) 259-4997

Circuit 14SCOTT A. HAYES (D)Randolph County Justice Center372 Highway JJHuntsville 65259Phone: (660) 277-4604FAX: (660) 277-4636

Circuit 14GARY G. SPRICK (D)Howard County CourthousePO Box 370Fayette 65248Phone: (660) 248-3326FAX: (660) 248-1075

Circuit 13JOE D. HOLT (D)Callaway County Courthouse10 E. Fifth St.Fulton 65251Phone: (573) 648-0777FAX: (573) 648-0700E-mail: [email protected]

Circuit 13CARY AUGUSTINE (R)Callaway County Courthouse10 E. Fifth St.Fulton 65251Phone: (573) 642-0777FAX: (573) 648-0700

Circuit 13CHRISTOPHER S. KELLY (D)Boone County Courthouse705 E. Walnut St.Columbia 65201Phone: (573) 886-4050FAX: (573) 886-4070

Circuit 13CHRISTINE CARPENTER (D)Boone County Courthouse705 E. Walnut St.Columbia 65201Phone: (573) 886-4050FAX: (573) 886-4070

Circuit 13JODIE CAPSHAW ASEL (R)Boone County Courthouse705 E. Walnut St.Columbia 65201Phone: (573) 886-4050FAX: (573) 886-4070

Circuit 12LINDA R. HAMLETT (D)Audrain County Courthouse101 N. Jefferson, Rm. 205Mexico 65265Phone: (573) 473-5850FAX: (573) 581-3364

Circuit 12ROY L. RICHTER (R)Montgomery County Courthouse211 E. Third St.Montgomery City 63361Phone: (573) 564-3348FAX: (573) 564-8081

Circuit 12WESLEY C. DALTON (D)Warren County Courthouse104 W. Main St.Warrenton 63383Phone: (636) 456-3375FAX: (636) 456-2422

Circuit 13LARRY BRYSON (D)Boone County Courthouse705 E. Walnut St.Columbia 65201Phone: (573) 886-4050FAX: (573) 886-4070


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Circuit 16–Div. 30TWILA KAY RIGBY (NP)Jackson County CourthouseAnnex308 W. KansasIndependence 64050Phone: (816) 881-4506FAX: (816) 881-1647

Circuit 16–Div. 31CHRISTINE T. SILL-ROGERS(NP)Jackson County Courthouse415 E. 12th St.Kansas City 64106Phone: (816) 881-3542

Circuit 16–Div. 32ROBERT L. TROUT (NP)Jackson County CourthouseAnnex308 W. KansasIndependence 64050Phone: (816) 881-4518FAX: (816) 881-4412

Circuit 16–Div. 33JEFFREY L. BUSHUR (NP)Jackson County CourthouseAnnex308 W. KansasIndependence 64050Phone: (816) 881-1783

Circuit 16–Div. 26ROBERT BEAIRD (NP)Jackson County Courthouse415 E. 12th St.Kansas City 64106Phone: (816) 881-3685

Circuit 16–Div. 27GREGORY B. GILLIS (NP)Jackson County Courthouse415 E. 12th St., 7th FloorKansas City 64106Phone: (816) 881-3691FAX: (816) 881-3895

Circuit 16–Div. 28VERNON E. SCOVILLE III (NP)Jackson County CourthouseAnnex308 W. KansasIndependence 64050Phone: (816) 881-4606FAX: (816) 881-4683

Circuit 16–Div. 29MARGARET L. SAUER (NP)Jackson County Courthouse415 E. 12th St.Kansas City 64106Phone: (816) 881-3734

Circuit 15JOHN G. MILLER (R)Lafayette County Courthouse-Lafayette HallPO Box 10Lexington 64067Phone: (660) 259-6101FAX: (660) 259-6148

Circuit 15JAMES T. BELLAMY (D)Saline County CourthousePO Box 751Marshall 65340Phone: (660) 886-6988FAX: (660) 886-2919

Circuit 15HUGH C. HARVEY (D)Saline County Courthouse101 E. Arrow, Rm. 302Marshall 65340Phone: (660) 886-8808FAX: (660) 886-3114

Circuit 16–Div. 25RICHARD E. STANDRIDGE(NP)Jackson County Courthouse415 E. 12th St.Kansas City 64106Phone: (816) 881-3678


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Circuit 20JOHN B. BERKEMEYER (R)Gasconade County Courthouse119 E. First St., Rm. 3Hermann 65041Phone: (573) 486-2321

Circuit 20STANLEY D. WILLIAMS (D)Franklin County Courthouse120 S. Church St.Union 63084Phone: (636) 583-6326

Circuit 20WALTER A. MURRAY JR. (R)Franklin County Courthouse401 E. SpringfieldUnion 63084Phone: (636) 583-6312

Circuit 20DAVID L. HOVEN (D)Franklin County Courthouse120 S. Church St., Ste. AUnion 63084Phone: (636) 583-6318

Circuit 19THOMAS SODERGREN (R)Cole County CourthousePO Box 503Jefferson City 65102Phone: (573) 634-9170FAX: (573) 635-5376

Circuit 18ROBERT LISTON (R)Pettis County Courthouse415 S. OhioSedalia 65301Phone: (660) 826-4699FAX: (660) 827-8613

Circuit 18RICHARD PAUL BEARD II (R)Pettis County Courthouse415 S. OhioSedalia 65301Phone: (660) 826-0368

Circuit 18KENTON G. ASKREN (D)Cooper County Courthouse200 Main, Rm. 31Boonville 65233Phone: (660) 882-5604FAX: (660) 882-8747

Circuit 17THOMAS CAMPBELL (D)Cass County Justice Center2501 W. Wall St.Harrisonville 64701Phone: (816) 380-8217FAX: (816) 380-8215

Circuit 17WILLIAM B. COLLINS (D)Cass County Justice Center2501 W. Wall St.Harrisonville 64701Phone: (816) 380-8200FAX: (816) 380-8195

Circuit 17STEPHEN ANGLE (D)Johnson County Justice Center101 MarketWarrensburg 64093Phone: (660) 422-7410FAX: (660) 422-7412

Circuit 17GARRETT R. CROUCH II (R)Johnson County Justice Center101 MarketWarrensburg 64093Phone: (660) 422-7405FAX: (660) 422-7417


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Circuit 21–Div. 38ELLEN LEVY SIWAK (NP)St. Louis County Court Bldg.7900 CarondeletClayton 63105Phone: (314) 615-1538

Circuit 21–Div. 39PATRICK CLIFFORD (NP)St. Louis County Court Bldg.7900 CarondeletClayton 63105Phone: (314) 615-1539

Circuit 21–Div. 40DENNIS SMITH (NP)St. Louis County Court Bldg.7900 CarondeletClayton 63105Phone: (314) 615-1540

Circuit 21–Div. 41JUDY PREDDY DRAPER (NP)St. Louis County Court Building7900 CarondeletClayton 63105Phone: (314) 615-1541

Circuit 21–Div. 34JOSEPH A. GOEKE III (NP)St. Louis County Court Bldg.7900 CarondeletClayton 63105Phone: (314) 615-1534

Circuit 21–Div. 35THEA A. SHERRY (NP)St. Louis County Court Bldg.7900 CarondeletClayton 63105Phone: (314) 615-1535FAX: (314) 615-2689

Circuit 21–Div. 36GLORIA CLARK RENO (NP)St. Louis County Court Bldg.7900 CarondeletClayton 63105Phone: (314) 615-1536

Circuit 21–Div. 37JOHN R. ESSNER (NP)St. Louis County Court Bldg.7900 CarondeletClayton 63105Phone: (314) 615-1537

Circuit 20ROBERT SCHOLLMEYER (D)Osage County CourthousePO Box 470Linn 65051Phone: (573) 897-2136

Circuit 21–Div. 31BARBARA A. CRANCER (NP)St. Louis County Court Bldg.7900 CarondeletClayton 63105Phone: (314) 615-1531FAX: (314) 615-2689

Circuit 21–Div. 32MARY BRUNTRAGER SCHROEDER(NP)St. Louis County Court Bldg.7900 CarondoletClayton 63105Phone: (314) 615-1532

Circuit 21–Div. 33BRENDA STITH LOFTIN (NP)St. Louis County Court Bldg.7900 CarondeletClayton 63105Phone: (314) 615-1533FAX: (314) 615-5640


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Circuit 22–Div. 28ELIZABETH B. HOGAN (NP)Civil Courts Bldg.10 N. Tucker St.Phone: (314) 622-4282

Circuit 23NATHAN STEWART (D)Jefferson County CourthousePO Box 100Hillsboro 63050Phone: (636) 797-5424

Circuit 23WILLIAM J. WEGGE JR. (D)Jefferson County CourthousePO Box 100Hillsboro 63050Phone: (636) 797-5362

Circuit 23DARRELL E. MISSEY (R)Jefferson County CourthousePO Box 100Hillsboro 63050Phone: (636) 797-5424FAX: (636) 797-5073

Circuit 22–Div. 25IRIS G. FERGUSON (NP)Civil Courts Bldg.10 N. Tucker St.St. Louis 63101Phone: (314) 622-4687

Circuit 22–Div. 26PAULA PERKINS BRYANTCivil Courts Bldg.10 N. Tucker St.St. Louis 63101Phone: (314) 622-4536

Circuit 22–Div. 27MICHAEL F. STELZERCivil Courts Bldg.10 N. Tucker St.St. Louis 63101Phone: (314) 622-3573

Circuit 21–Div. 42SANDRA FARRAGUT-HEMPHILL(NP)St. Louis County Court Bldg.7900 CarondeletClayton 63105Phone: (314) 615-1542FAX: (314) 615-2689

Circuit 21–Div. 43MICHAEL T. JAMISON (NP)St. Louis County Court Bldg.7900 CarondeletClayton 63105Phone: (314) 615-1543FAX: (314) 615-2689

Circuit 22–Div. 24MICHAEL K. MULLEN (NP)Civil Courts Bldg.10 N. Tucker St.St. Louis 63101Phone: (314) 622-4277

Circuit 22 Div.–14CALEA STOVALL-REID (NP)Carnahan Courthouse1114 Market St.St. Louis 63101Phone: (314) 622-4646


Circuit 22–Div. 29BARBARA T. PEEBLES (NP)Civil Courts Bldg.10 N. Tucker St.St. Louis 63101Phone: (314) 622-4432

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Circuit 24ROBERT STILLWELL (R)Madison County CourthousePO Box 521Fredericktown 63645Phone: (573) 783-3105FAX: (573) 783-5920

Circuit 24JAMES HARRISON KELLY (D)St. Francois County Courthouse1 N. WashingtonFarmington 63640Phone: (573) 756-6601FAX: (573) 756-6602

Circuit 24THOMAS L. RAY (D)St. Francois County Courthouse1 N. WashingtonFarmington 63640Phone: (573) 756-5755FAX: (573) 756-8173

Circuit 24RAYMOND M. WEBER (D)Ste. Genevieve County Court-house55 S. Third St., Rm. 24Ste. Genevieve 63670Phone: (573) 883-2265FAX: (573) 883-9351

Circuit 24TROY HYDE (D)Washington County Courthouse102 N. Missouri St.Potosi 63664Phone: (573) 438-3691FAX: (573) 438-7900

Circuit 25JOHN CLAYTON (D)Maries County CourthousePO Box 490Vienna 65582Phone: (573) 422-3303FAX: (573) 422-9917

Circuit 25RALPH J. HASLAG (R)Phelps County Courthouse200 N. Main, Suite 201Rolla 65401Phone: (573) 458-6230

Circuit 25COLIN LONG (D)Pulaski County Courthouse301 Historic Rt. 66 E., Suite 314Waynesville 65583Phone: (573) 774-4786FAX: (573) 774-6673

Circuit 25RONALD D.WHITE (D)Phelps County Courthouse200 N. Main, Suite 259Rolla 65401Phone: (573) 458-6233FAX: (573) 458-6235

Circuit 25D. GREGORY WARREN (D)Pulaski County Courthouse301 Historic Rt. 66 E., Suite 316Waynesville 65583Phone: (573) 774-4784

Circuit 25BRADFORD E. ELLSWORTH (R)Texas County Courthouse210 N. GrandHouston 65483Phone: (417) 967-3663FAX: (417) 967-4128


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Circuit 23MARK T. STOLL (D)Jefferson County CourthousePO Box 100Hillsboro 63050Phone: (636) 797-5375

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Circuit 26BRUCE E. COLYER (R)Camden County Courthouse1 Court Circle, Ste. 9Camdenton 65020Phone: (573) 346-5160FAX: (573) 346-0369

Circuit 26CHRISTINE HUTSON (D)Laclede County GovernmentCenter200 N. AdamsLebanon 65536Phone: (417) 532-9196FAX: (417) 532-5917

Circuit 26LARRY WINFREY JR. (R)Laclede County Courthouse200 N. AdamsLebanon 65536Phone: (573) 533-7451FAX: (573) 533-5917

Circuit 26KENNETH L. OSWALD (R)Miller County Courthouse2001 Hwy. 52Tuscumbia 65082Phone: (573) 369-1970

Circuit 27WAYNE STROTHMANN (D)Henry County CourthousePO Box 487Clinton 64735Phone: (660) 885-7231

Circuit 27JOHN M. O’BANNON (D)Bates County Courthouse1 N. DelawareButler 64730Phone: (660) 679-3311

Circuit 26KEVIN SCHEHR (R)Morgan County Justice Center211 E. NewtonVersailles 65084Phone: (573) 378-4235FAX: (573) 378-6847

Circuit 26PEGGY RICHARDSON (R)Moniteau County Courthouse200 E. MainCalifornia 65018Phone: (573) 796-4671

Circuit 28JOSEPH B. PHILLIPS (R)Cedar County CourthousePO Box 665Stockton 65785Phone: (417) 276-4213FAX: (417) 276-5001

Circuit 28CHARLES CURLESS (R)Barton County Courthouse1007 BroadwayLamar 64759Phone: (417) 682-2444FAX: (417) 682-2960

Circuit 27MICHAEL DAWSON (D)St. Clair County Courthouse655 Second St.Osceola 64776Phone: (417) 646-2421


Circuit 26JACK A. BENNETT (R)Camden County Courthouse1 Court Circle, Ste. 9Camdenton 65020Phone: (573) 346-4440FAX: (573) 346-5422

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Circuit 28GERALD D. McBETH (R)Vernon County Courthouse100 W. CherryNevada 64772Phone: (417) 667-5016FAX: (417) 448-2535

Circuit 29RICHARD COPELAND (R)Jasper County Courts Bldg.601 S. PearlJoplin 64801Phone: (417) 625-4316

Circuit 29JOSEPH SCHOEBERL (R)Jasper County Courthouse302 S. Main, Rm. 304Carthage 64836Phone: (417) 358-0450FAX: (417) 358-0460

Circuit 29STEPHEN P. CARLTON (R)Jasper County Courthouse302 S. MainCarthage 64836Phone: (417) 237-1096FAX: (417) 237-1092

Circuit 30LARRY M. BURDITT (D)Benton County CourthousePO Box 37Warsaw 65355Phone: (660) 438-6231FAX: (660) 438-5755

Circuit 30CODY A. HANNA (R)Dallas County CourthousePO Box 1150Buffalo 65622Phone: (417) 345-7641FAX: (417) 345-5358

Circuit 30JAMES P. ANDERTON (R)Hickory County CourthousePO Box 75Hermitage 65668Phone: (417) 745-6822FAX: (417) 745-6670

Circuit 30GARY W. LYNCH (R)Polk County Courthouse102 E. Broadway, Rm. 7Bolivar 65613Phone: (417) 326-4912FAX: (417) 326-4194

Circuit 30DANIEL MAX KNUST (R)Webster County CourthousePO Box 7Marshfield 65706Phone: (417) 859-2041FAX: (417) 859-6265

Circuit 30KENNETH F. THOMPSON (D)Webster County CourthousePO Box 7Marshfield 65706Phone: (417) 859-2041

Circuit 31–Div. 21MAX E. BACON (D)Greene County Courthouse1010 BoonvilleSpringfield 65802Phone: (417) 868-4097


Circuit 28DAVID MUNTON (R)Dade County Courthouse300 W. WaterGreenfield 65661Phone: (417) 637-2741

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Circuit 31–Div. 23MARK FITZSIMMONS (R)Greene County Courthouse1010 BoonvilleSpringfield 65802Phone: (417) 868-4095

Circuit 31–Div. 24MARK A. POWELL (D)Greene County Courthouse1010 BoonvilleSpringfield 65802Phone: (417) 829-6546FAX: (417) 829-6623

Circuit 32SCOTT E. THOMSEN (R)Bollinger County CourthousePO Box 1040Marble Hill 63764Phone: (573) 238-1900, ext. 4FAX: (573) 238-4511

Circuit 32GARY KAMP (R)Cape Girardeau County Court-house100 Court St.Jackson 63755Phone: (573) 243-8446FAX: (573) 204-2367

Circuit 33DAVID C. MANN (D)Scott County CourthousePO Box 249Benton 63736Phone: (573) 545-3576FAX: (573) 545-4231

Circuit 33T. LYNN BROWN (D)Mississippi County CourthousePO Box 369Charleston 63834Phone: (573) 683-2146

Circuit 32MICHAEL BULLERDIECK (R)Perry County Courthouse15 W. Ste. Marie, Ste. 3Perryville 63775Phone: (573) 547-7861

Circuit 32PETER STATLER (D)Cape Girardeau County Court-house44 N. LorimierCape Girardeau 63701Phone: (573) 334-6249FAX: (573) 331-2376

Circuit 34W. KEITH CURRIE (D)Pemiscot County Courthouse610 Ward Ave., Ste 2-ECaruthersville 63830Phone: (573) 333-0152

Circuit 34CHARLES L. SPITLER (D)New Madrid County Courthouse450 Main St.New Madrid 63869Phone: (573) 748-5556FAX: (573) 748-9274

Circuit 33W.H. WINCHESTER III (D)Scott County CourthousePO Box 220Benton 63736Phone: (573) 545-3511FAX: (573) 545-3511


Circuit 31–Div. 22JASON R. BROWN (D)Greene County Courthouse1010 BoonvilleSpringfield 65802Phone: (417) 868-4107FAX (417) 868-4809

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Circuit 35JOHN M. BEATON (D)Dunklin County CourthousePO Box 466Kennett 63857Phone: (573) 888-3272FAX: (573) 888-4124

Circuit 35DAN J. CRAWFORD (D)Dunklin County CourthouseRm. 103Kennett 63857Phone: (573) 888-3378FAX: (573) 888-0754

Circuit 35JOE Z. SATTERFIELD (D)Stoddard County CourthousePO Box 218Bloomfield 63825Phone: (573) 568-4671FAX: (573) 568-2299

Circuit 35STEPHEN R. MITCHELL (D)Stoddard County CourthousePO Box 518Bloomfield 63825Phone: (573) 568-4640, ext. 3FAX: (573) 568-3229

Circuit 36JOHN BLOODWORTH (D)Butler County Courthouse100 N. MainPoplar Bluff 63901Phone: (573) 686-8087FAX: (573) 686-8093

Circuit 36WILLIAM J. CLARKSON (D)Butler County Courthouse100 N. MainPoplar Bluff 63901Phone: (573) 686-8073FAX: (573) 686-0056

Circuit 36JAMES R. HALL (D)Ripley County Courthouse100 Court Sq.Doniphan 63935Phone: (573) 996-2013FAX: (573) 996-5014

Circuit 37DAVID JOE HEDSPETH (D)Hedspeth Bldg.PO Box 328Van Buren 63965Phone: (573) 323-4344

Circuit 37DAVID P. EVANS (R)Howell County Courthouse222 Courthouse West Plains 65775Phone: (417) 256-4050FAX: (417) 256-5826

Circuit 37DONALD M. HENRY (D)Howell County Courthouse222 CourthouseWest Plains 65775Phone: (417) 256-4050FAX: (417) 256-5826

Circuit 37JO BETH PREWITT (D)Oregon County CourthousePO Box 211Alton 65606Phone: (417) 778-7461


Circuit 34BYRON D. LUBER (D)Pemiscot County CourthousePO Box 228Caruthersville 63830Phone: (573) 333-2784FAX: (573) 333-4722

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Circuit 38MARK ORR (R)Christian County Courthouse110 W. Elm, Rm. 203Ozark 65721Phone: (417) 581-2425

Circuit 38JOHN S. WATERS (R)Christian County Courthouse110 W. Elm, Rm. 105Ozark 65721Phone: (417) 581-4523FAX: (417) 581-1443

Circuit 38TONY WILLIAMS (R)Taney County CourthousePO Box 129Forsyth 65653Phone: (417) 546-7212FAX: (417) 546-4513

Circuit 38JAMES JUSTUS (R)Taney County CourthousePO Box 1030Forsyth 65653Phone: (417) 546-7206FAX: (417) 546-5821

Circuit 39SCOTT S. SIFFERMAN (R)Lawrence County Courthouse1 Courthouse Sq.Mt. Vernon 65712Phone: (417) 466-2463FAX: (417) 466-0463

Circuit 39LARRY W. MEYER (R)Lawrence County Courthouse1 Courthouse Sq.Mt. Vernon 65712Phone: (417) 466-2463FAX: (417) 466-0463

Circuit 39CARR WOODS (R)Barry County Judicial Center102 West St., Ste. 2Cassville 65625Phone: (417) 846-1842

Circuit 39MICHAEL GARRETT (R)Barry County Judicial Center102 West St., Ste. 2Cassville 65625Phone: (417) 847-2127FAX: (417) 847-6298

Circuit 40KEVIN SELBY (R)Newton County Courthouse101 S. WoodNeosho 64850Phone: (417) 451-8232FAX: (417) 451-8265

Circuit 40JOHN LePAGE (R)McDonald County CourthousePO Box 157Pineville 64856Phone: (417) 223-4717FAX: (417) 223-4125

Circuit 39ALAN BLANKENSHIP (R)Stone County CourthousePO Box 186Galena 65656Phone: (417) 357-6511FAX: (417) 357-6163


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Circuit 37ROBERT M. HELLER (D)Shannon County CourthousePO Box 845Eminence 65466Phone: (573) 226-5515FAX: (573) 226-3239

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Circuit 43R. BRENT ELLIOTT (D)DeKalb County CourthousePO Box 248Maysville 64469Phone: (816) 449-5400FAX: (816) 449-2440

Circuit 43DAREN L. ADKINS (D)Daviess County CourthousePO Box 233Gallatin 64640Phone: (660) 663-2532FAX: (660) 663-2646

Circuit 43PAUL T. LUCKENBILL JR. (D)Clinton County CourthousePO Box 383Plattsburg 64477Phone: (816) 539-3755

Circuit 41PAUL PARKINSON (D)Macon County CourthousePO Box 491Macon 63552Phone: (660) 385-3531FAX: (660) 385-3132

Circuit 41GARY G. WALLACE (D)Shelby County CourthousePO Box 206Shelbyville 63469Phone: (573) 633-2251FAX: (573) 633-2142

Circuit 42J. KENT HOWALD (R)Crawford County CourthousePO Box BCSteelville 65565Phone: (573) 775-2149

Circuit 42SANBORN N. BALL (D)Dent County Judicial Bldg.112 E. Fifth St.Salem 65560Phone: (573) 729-3134FAX: (573) 729-5172

Circuit 43DANIEL LINUS CHADWICK (R)Caldwell County CourthousePO Box 5Kingston 64650Phone: (816) 586-2771FAX: (816) 586-2333


Circuit 42KELLY W. PARKER (D)Iron County CourthousePO Box 325Ironton 63650Phone: (573) 546-2511FAX: (573) 546-6006

Circuit 42EDITH R. RUTTER (D)Reynolds County CourthousePO Box 39Centerville 63633Phone: (573) 648-2494

Circuit 42RANDY P. SCHULLER (D)Wayne County CourthousePO Box 47Greenville 63944Phone: (573) 224-3052FAX: (573) 224-3225

Circuit 40GREGORY STREMEL (R)Newton County CourthousePO Box 170Neosho 64850Phone: (417) 451-8210FAX: (417) 451-8272

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Circuit 44ROBERT C. CARTER (R)Douglas County CourthousePO Box 276Ava 65608Phone: (417) 683-2114FAX: (417) 683-3121

Circuit 44JOHN JACOBS (R)Ozark County CourthousePO Box 278Gainesville 65655Phone: (417) 679-4611FAX: (417) 679-2099

Circuit 44LYNETTE VEENSTRA (R)Wright County CourthousePO Box 58Hartville 65667Phone: (417) 741-6505FAX: (417) 741-7120

Circuit 45T. BENNETT BURKEMPER JR. (D)Lincoln County Justice Center45 Business Park Dr.Troy 63379Phone: (636) 528-6300FAX: (636) 528-9168

Circuit 45DAVID H. ASH (D)Pike County Courthouse115 W. MainBowling Green 63334Phone: (573) 324-5582FAX: (573) 324-6297

Circuit 45AMY J. KINKER (R)Lincoln County Courthouse45 Business Park Dr.Troy 63379Phone: (636) 528-6300FAX: (636) 528-3787

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Circuit 43BARBARA GALE LAME (D)Livingston County Courthouse700 Webster, Ste. 8Chillicothe 64601Phone: (660) 646-2055FAX: (660) 646-8014

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Alphabetical list of Missouri judgesAdkins, Daren L. . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 43Ahrens, Clifford H. . . . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . . .EasternAlley, Thomas R. . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Anderton, James P. . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 30Angle, Stephen . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Asel, Jodie Capshaw . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Ash, David H. . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 45Askren, Kenton G. . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Atwell, Charles E. . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Augustine, Cary . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Bacon, Max E. . . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Baker, Evelyn M. . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Baker, Nannette A. . . . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . . .EasternBall, Sanborn N. . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 42Barney, Robert S. . . . . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . .SouthernBates, Jeffrey W. . . . . . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . .SouthernBeaird, Robert . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Beard, Richard Paul II . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Beaton, John M. . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 35Beavers, Wm. Rex . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Bellamy, James T. . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Bennett, Jack A. . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Berkemeyer, John B. . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Bickel, James R. . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28Blankenship, Alan . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 39Bloodworth, John . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 36Breckenridge, Patricia . .Appeals . . . . . . . . .WesternBresnahan, Richard C. . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Briscoe, Joseph R. Jr. . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Brown, Jason R. . . . . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Brown, T. Lynn . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 33Brown, Thomas J. III . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Bryant, Paula Perkins . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Bryson, Larry . . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Bullerdieck, Michael . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Burditt, Larry M. . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 30Burger, Joan M. . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Burkemper, T. Bennett Jr. . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 45Burrell, Don E. Jr. . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Burton, Michael D. . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Busch, David L. . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Bush, Jerri . . . . . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Bush, Julian L. . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Bushur, Jeffrey L. . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Callahan, Richard G. . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Calvin, Michael B. . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Campbell, Thomas . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Carlton, Stephen P. . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 29Carpenter, Christine . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Carter, Robert C. . . . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 44Chadwick, Daniel Linus Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 43Clark, Thomas C. . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Clarkson, William J. . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 36Clayton, John . . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Clayton, Robert M. II . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Clifford, Patrick . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Cohen, Patricia L. . . . . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . . EasternCohen, Robert S. . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Collins, William B. . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Colyer, Bruce E. . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Combs, Roger E. . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Conklin, J. Dan . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Cook, Jacqueline A. . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Copeland, Fred W. . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34Copeland, Richard . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 29Crahan, Lawrence G. . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . . EasternCrancer, Barbara A. . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Crane, Kathianne K. . . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . . EasternCrawford, Dan J. . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 35Crawford, William Carl Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29Crouch, Garrett R. II . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Cundiff, Terry R. . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Cunningham, Jon A. . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Curless, Charles . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 28Currie, W. Keith . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 34Czamanske, Daniel M. . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Dally, David C. . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29Dalton, Wesley C. . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Dandurand, Joseph P. . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Daugherty, Jay A. . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16David, Michael P. . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Davis, K. Elizabeth . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Dawson, Michael . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Dean, K. Preston II . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Del Muro, Justine E. . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16DeMarce, Karl A.W. . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 1DePriest, Tommy W. Jr. . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Dermott, Jon . . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29Dial, Gary . . . . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Dierker, Robert H. Jr. . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Dietrich, Glen . . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Dildine, Dan . . . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45Dolan, Colleen . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Dolan, David A. . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33Dowd, David L. . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Dowd, Robert G. Jr. . . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . . EasternDraper, George W. III . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . . EasternDraper, Judy Preddy . . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Drumm, Bernhardt C. Jr. . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Eckelkamp, Cindy . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Edwards, Jimmie M. . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Eiffert, James L. . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38Elliott, R. Brent . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 43Ellis, Joseph M. . . . . . . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . . WesternEllsworth, Bradford E. . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Essner, John R. . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Evans, David P. . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 37Farragut-Hemphill, Sandra . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Ferguson, Iris G. . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Fitzsimmons, Mark . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Forsyth, Kathleen A. . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Franklin, James A. Jr. . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Frawley, Thomas J. . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Frerking, John E. . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Funk, Brad . . . . . . . . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Gabbert, Anthony Rex . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Gaertner, Gary M. Sr. . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . . EasternGaertner, Gary M. Jr. . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Garrett, Michael . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 39Garrett, R. Jack . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37Garrison, Phillip R. . . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . .SouthernGarvey, John F. Jr. . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Gillis, Gregory B. . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Goeke, Joseph A. III . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Goldman, Steven H. . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Grady, Thomas C. . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Grate, Jack R. . . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Gray, Jon R. . . . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Griffin, Stephen K. . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43Grimm, Hadley E. . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41Hall, James R. . . . . . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 36Hamilton, Gene . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Hamlett, Linda R. . . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Hanna, Cody A. . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 30Hardwick, Lisa White . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . . WesternHarman, Larry D. . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

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Hartenbach, James R. . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Harvey, Hugh C. . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Haslag, Ralph J. . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Hayes, Scott A. . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Heagney, Philip D. . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Hedspeth, David Joe . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 37Heller, Robert M. . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 37Henry, Donald M. . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 37Hoff, Mary K. . . . . . . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . . EasternHogan, Elizabeth B. . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . 22Holden, Calvin R. . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Holliger, Ronald . . . . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . . WesternHolt, Joe D. . . . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 13House, Ted . . . . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Hoven, David L. . . . . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Howald, J. Kent . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 42Howard, Victor C. . . . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . . WesternHudson, Steven D. . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Hull, Owens Lee Jr. . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Hutson, Christine . . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Hyde, Troy . . . . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Jackson, John J. . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Jackson, Randall R. . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Jacobs, John . . . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 44Jamison, Michael T. . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Jaynes, Ralph H. . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Joyce, Patricia . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Judah, Weldon C. . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Justus, James . . . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 38Kamp, Gary . . . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Kays, Greg . . . . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Kehm, Dennis J. . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Kellogg, Daniel F. . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Kelly, Christopher S. . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Kelly, James Harrison . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Kendrick, Larry L. . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Kinker, Amy J. . . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 45Kintz, John F. . . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Knust, Daniel Max . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 30Koffman, Robert L. . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Kramer, Gary P. . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Krohn, Andrew A. . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Lame, Barbara Gale . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 43LePage, John . . . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 40Lewis, Ben . . . . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Lewis, Garry D. . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Limbaugh, Stephen N. Jr. Supreme CourtListon, Robert . . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Loftin, Brenda Stith . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Lohmar, William T. Jr. . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Long, Colin . . . . . . . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Lowenstein, Harold . . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . . WesternLuber, Byron D. . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 34Luckenbill, Paul T. Jr. . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 43Lynch, Gary W. . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 30Maloney, Michael J. . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Mann, David C. . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 33Manners, Michael W. . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Marquart, Keith . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Martinez, Sandy . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Mason, David Charles . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22McBeth, Gerald D. . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 28McCullin, Donald L. . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22McElwain, Warren L. . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43McGraw, Peggy Stevens . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16McShane, Maura B. . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Mesle, Catharine Ann . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Messina, Edith L. . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Meyer, Larry W. . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Midkiff, Sandra C. . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Midyett, Michael L. . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Miller, John G. . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Missey, Darrell E. . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Mitchell, Stephen R. . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 35Mobley, David C. . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Moentmann, Werner A. Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Moody, John Garner . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44Moon, John . . . . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Mooney, Lawrence E. . .Appeals . . . . . . . . . EasternMoorhouse, Kelly . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Moriarty, Joan L. . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Mountjoy, Thomas E. . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Mullen, Michael K. . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Munton, David . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 28Murray, Walter A. Jr. . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Neill, Margaret M. . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Neill, Mark H. . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Newton, Thomas H. . . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . . WesternNixon, W. Stephen . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Norris, Donald T. . . . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . 7Norton, Glenn A. . . . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . . EasternO’Bannon, John M. . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . 27O’Brien, Emmett M. . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21O’Malley, John R. . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Ohmer, Steven R. . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Ordnung, Michael J. . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . 5Orr, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . 38Oswald, Kenneth L. . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . 26Oxenhandler, Gary . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Parker, Kelly W. . . . . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . 42Parkinson, Paul . . . . . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . 41Parrish, John E. . . . . . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . .SouthernPatterson, Timothy J. . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Peebles, Barbara T. . . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . 22Pelikan, Daniel G. . . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . 11Perigo, Timothy W. . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40Phillips, Joseph B. . . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . 28Powell, Mark A. . . . . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . 31Pratte, Kenneth W. . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Prewitt, James K. . . . . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . .SouthernPrewitt, Jo Beth . . . . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . 37Price, J. Max . . . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42Price, William Ray Jr. . . Supreme CourtProkes, Roger M. . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Quigless, Angela Turner . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Rahmeyer, Nancy . . . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . .SouthernRauch, Lucy . . . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Ravens, Gary E. . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Ray, Thomas L. . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Reno, Gloria Clark . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Richards, Wm. S. . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Richardson, Mark L. . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36Richardson, Peggy . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Richter, Roy L. . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Rigby, Twila Kay . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Riley, John J. . . . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Robb, Patrick K. . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Roberts, William J. . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Roldan, Marco . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Rolf, Dennis A. . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Romines, Kenneth M. . . Appeals . . . . . . . . . EasternRoper, Ellen S. . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Rosenbohm, Kay Graves . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Ross, John A. . . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Russell, Mary R. . . . . . . .Supreme CourtRutter, Edith R. . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 42Satterfield, Joe Z. . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 35Sauer, Margaret L. . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

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Schaumann, Dennis M. . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Schehr, Kevin . . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Schneider, Nancy L. . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Schoeberl, Joseph . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 29Schollmeyer, Robert . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Schroeder, Mary Bruntrager . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Schuller, Randy P. . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 42Scoville, Vernon E. III . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Seay, William Camm . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42Seigel, Mark D. . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Selby, Kevin . . . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 40Shafer, Abe . . . . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Sharp, Stephen R. . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35Shaw, Booker T. . . . . . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . . EasternSheffield, Mary . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Sherry, Thea A. . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Shrum, Kenneth W. . . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . .SouthernSifferman, Scott S. . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 39Sill-Rogers, Christine T. . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Sims, John W. . . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30Levy-Siwak, Ellen . . . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Smart, James M. Jr. . . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . . WesternSmith, Dennis . . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Smith, Edwin H. . . . . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . . WesternSodergren, Thomas . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Spencer, James . . . . . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Spinden, Paul M. . . . . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . . WesternSpitler, Charles L. . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 34Sprick, Gary G. . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Standridge, Richard E. . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Statler, Peter . . . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Steele, Russell E. . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Stelzer, Michael F. . . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Stewart, Nathan . . . . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Stillwell, Robert . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Stith, Laura Denvir . . . . Supreme CourtStoll, Mark T. . . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Storie, Tracy L. . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Stovall-Reid, Calea . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Stremel, Gregory . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 40Strothmann, Wayne . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Sullivan, Sherri B. . . . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . . EasternSutherland, Keith M. . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Sutton, Janet . . . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Swaim, Kristie J. . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Sweeney, Edward . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Sweeney, J. Edward . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39Sweeney, J. Miles . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Syler, William L. . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Taylor, Ronald E. . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Teitelman, Richard B. . . Supreme CourtThompson, Kenneth F. . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 30Thomsen, Scott E. . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Torrence, John M. . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Trout, Robert L. . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Ulrich, Robert G. . . . . .Appeals . . . . . . . . . WesternVan Amburg, James W. . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Van Amburg, Lisa S. . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Veenstra, Lynette . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 44Vincent, David Lee III . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Walden, Kevin L. . . . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Wallace, Barbara W. . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Wallace, Gary G. . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 41Warren, D. Gregory . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Waters, John S. . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 38Weber, Raymond M. . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Wegge, William J. Jr. . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Welsh, James E. . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Westhoff, Fred . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 2White, Ronald D. . . . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 25White, Ronnie L. . . . . . Supreme CourtWhittington, Carolyn C. . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Wiesman, Melvyn Wade Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Willcox, Stephen K. . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Williams, James P. . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Williams, M. Edward . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Williams, Stanley D. . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Williams, Tony . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 38Williamson, J.D. Jr. . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Wilson, Michael P. . . . . .Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Wilson, Timothy Joseph Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Winchester, W.H. III . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 33Winfrey, Larry Jr. . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Witt, Gary D. . . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Wolff, Michael A. . . . . . Supreme CourtWood, Gael D. . . . . . . . Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Woods, Carr . . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

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Commission on Retirement,Removal and Discipline of Judges2190 S. Mason Rd., Ste. 201St. Louis 63131Telephone: (314) 966-1007 / FAX: (314) [email protected]

The Commission on Retirement, Removaland Discipline of Judges was created by a con-stitutional amendment in 1970. It began operat-ing on January 1, 1972, and is governed bySupreme Court Rule 12.

The commission is responsible for receivingand investigating all requests and suggestions forthe retirement of judges because of disabilityand all complaints concerning the alleged mis-conduct of judges and members of judicial com-missions. It is composed of six members whoserve six-year terms. Two non-lawyers areappointed by the governor, two lawyers areappointed by the Missouri Bar’s governing body,one Court of Appeals judge is selected by Courtof Appeals judges and one circuit judge is select-ed by the state’s circuit judges.

The members as of July 1, 2005, were: GaryM. Gaertner, appellate judge, Eastern District,Court of Appeals, chair; Thomas J. Plunkert,attorney, St. Louis, secretary; Barbara Bennett,St. Louis; Richard P. Bruening, attorney, KansasCity; Robert M. Clayton II, circuit judge, Hanni-bal; Adrienne B. Morgan, St. Louis.

Upon receiving a proper complaint against ajudge or other judicial officer, the commissionconducts an informal investigation. If at least fourmembers of the commission find there is proba-ble cause to believe the person may be guilty ofmisconduct, incompetency or other action con-stituting grounds for discipline as listed in Rule12.08, a formal investigation is conducted. If atleast four members find the person investigatedshould be disciplined, a report containing find-ings of fact and conclusions of law is made to theSupreme Court, with recommendations for disci-pline (removal from office, suspension or otherdiscipline). The court then makes a final rulingbased on the commission’s record and transcript.

A similar procedure is followed in casesinvolving retirements because of disability.

The Chief Disciplinary Counsel, theAdvisory Committee and Legal EthicsCounselOffice of Chief Disciplinary Counsel3335 American Ave.Jefferson City 65109Telephone: (573) 635-7400/FAX: (573) 635-2240

Advisory Committee and Legal Ethics Counsel217 E. McCartyJefferson City 65101Telephone: (573) 638-2263

In order to protect the public from personsunqualified or unauthorized to practice law, theMissouri Supreme Court has established anattorney discipline system. A chief disciplinarycounsel is appointed by the Supreme Court toinvestigate allegations of professional miscon-duct, incompetence and incapacity of lawyers.Regional Disciplinary Committees throughoutthe state, composed of at least four lawyers andtwo lay persons, may investigate complaintsreferred to them by the Chief Disciplinary Coun-sel or the Advisory Committee. The Chief Disci-plinary Counsel and the Regional DisciplinaryCommittees are empowered to institute formalproceedings against lawyers accused of miscon-duct. If the Chief Disciplinary Counsel or amajority of a Regional Disciplinary Committeefinds that there is probable cause to believe thata lawyer is guilty of professional misconduct,they prepare information making specific allega-tions of violations of the Rules of ProfessionalConduct. The lawyer may request a hearing tobe held before a Disciplinary Hearing Panelselected by the Advisory Committee from apanel of disciplinary hearings officers appointedby the Supreme Court. The panel is made up oftwo lawyers and one lay person. If the Discipli-nary Hearing Panel finds, by a preponderance ofthe evidence, that the lawyer is guilty of miscon-duct, it makes findings of fact, conclusions oflaw and recommendations for discipline, whichare then filed in the Supreme Court. It is theresponsibility of the Supreme Court to imposeany discipline found to be warranted. The ChiefDisciplinary Counsel is also charged with theduty of investigating the unauthorized practiceof law and instituting suits and other actions tostop such practices. The Chief DisciplinaryCounsel conducts investigations of applicationsmade by lawyers seeking reinstatement afterthey have been suspended or disbarred. TheChief Disciplinary Counsel is Maridee FarnquistEdwards.

The Advisory Committee may give formalopinions and the Legal Ethics Counsel may givenonbinding informal advisory opinions, inter-preting Supreme Court Rules 4, 5 and 6, to


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members of the Bar. The Advisory Committeealso oversees the hearing process and reviewscomplaint files that have been closed after inves-tigation, at the request of the complainant. TheLegal Ethics Counsel serves as counsel and stafffor the Advisory Committee. Members of theAdvisory Committee, appointed by the SupremeCourt are: John C. Dods, chair, Kansas City; Jen-nifer Gille Bacon, Kansas City; Al Brooks, KansasCity; Doreen D. Dodson, St. Louis; Hon. John C.Holstein, Springfield; David P. Macoubrie, Chill-icothe; Christina R. Neff, Jefferson City; Luther J.Rollins, Jr., St. Louis; Sherry A. Rozell, Spring-field; James E. Spain, Poplar Bluff. The LegalEthics Counsel is Sara Rittman.

State Board of Law ExaminersSupreme Court Clerk’s OfficePO Box 150Jefferson City 65102Telephone: (573) 751-9814Email: [email protected] / Web site:

Standards for admission to the bar, set out inSupreme Court Rule 8, are administered by theState Board of Law Examiners. Its six lawyermembers are appointed by the Supreme Courtfor one six-year term. It conducts bar examina-tions for new lawyers each year on subject mat-ters of the law of general application. The two-day exam is given in February and July in Jeffer-son City. One day of the examination consists ofessay questions and the second day is devoted tothe multistate bar examination, a multiplechoice test that is administered in 48 otherstates.

Admission information and applicationforms are available on the web at

Members, State Board ofLaw ExaminersRobertson, Susan Ford, president, Columbia;

Weaver, Thomas B., vice president, St. Louis;Brown, Clifford S., Springfield;Hollie, Thad Jr., St. Louis;Martin, Cindy Reams, Lee’s Summit;Reeves, W. Edward, member, Caruthersville.

Summary of examinationsFebruary 1998: number taking, 297; number

passing, 220.July 1998: number taking, 758; number passing,

612.February 1999: number taking, 313; number

passing, 234.July 1999: number taking, 770; number passing,

581.February 2000: number taking, 335; number

passing, 205.July 2000: number taking, 814; number passing,

634.February 2001: number taking, 360; number

passing, 238.July 2001: number taking, 780; number passing,

609.February 2002: number taking, 370; number

passing, 239.July 2002: number taking, 792; number passing,

607.February 2003: number taking, 388; number

passing, 251.

CLIFFORD S.BROWNMemberBoard of Law Examiners

W. EDWARD REEVESMemberBoard of Law Examiners

THOMAS W. WEAVERVice PresidentBoard of Law Examiners

THAD HOLLIE JR.MemberBoard of Law Examiners

SUSAN FORD ROBERTSONPresidentBoard of Law Examiners

CINDY REAMS MARTINMemberBoard of Law Examiners

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July 2003: number taking, 821; number passing,631.

February 2004: number taking, 391; numberpassing, 289.

July 2004: number taking, 832; number passing,706.

February 2005: number taking, 302; numberpassing, 226.

The Missouri Bar326 Monroe St., P.O. Box 119Jefferson City 65102Telephone: (573) 635-4128 / FAX: (573) 635-2811E-mail: [email protected]

The Missouri Bar is the official organizationof all Missouri lawyers and judges. Establishedby rule of the Supreme Court of Missouri in1944, it is the successor of the original MissouriBar Association, a voluntary organization of law-yers founded in 1880.

Membership in The Missouri Bar is requiredof every lawyer who practices in Missouri and ofevery judge of a state court. To qualify for mem-bership, a person must have completed at leastsix years of study in college and an approved lawschool leading to a bachelor of law or a JurisDoctor degree. Those seeking membership inThe Missouri Bar must also pass a comprehen-sive bar examination and character fitness inves-tigation and make application for admission tothe bar with the Supreme Court of Missouri.

CommitteesThere are numerous standing committees of

The Missouri Bar plus a number of special pro-ject committees. Committees of The Missouri Barmeet at least twice each year to discuss particu-lar areas of the law and, in some cases, draftpotential legislation in those areas. Committeemembers, as well as officers and other membersof The Missouri Bar, are available to testify beforethe General Assembly in support of those bills. Inaddition, the bar’s board of governors often votesto support or oppose other bills pending beforethe legislature and the bar’s legislative servicesare directed accordingly. Because of its status asa mandatory organization for those practicinglaw in Missouri, the bar’s legislative efforts areconfined to bills affecting the administration ofjustice.

EducationThe Missouri Bar’s Continuing Legal Educa-

tion Department (MoBarCLE) has taken the leadin keeping bar members informed of the latestdevelopments in the law. Each year, the CLEDepartment organizes and presents a number ofprograms - live, videotaped, and by telephone -to keep lawyers abreast of changes in state and

federal laws. These sessions are regularly accom-panied by detailed course materials designed tosupplement the programs themselves. In addi-tion, the department’s renowned deskbook series(the “black books”) and supplements provideattorneys with valuable reference materials theycan make use of in their own law libraries.

Publications/Public InformationThe Journal of The Missouri Bar, offering valu-

able perspectives on the law from its lawyer-authors, is published six times per year as theofficial publication of the legal profession inMissouri. Also available to members are the Leg-islative Digest, published during and after eachyear’s session of the General Assembly; theMissouri Bar Bulletin, a newsletter for bar mem-bers; and The Courts Bulletin, a monthly updateon recent court decisions in pertinent areas ofthe law.

For more than 50 years The Missouri Bar hascarried on a broad program of public informa-tion and education. Thousands of informativepamphlets and other educational materials onthe law are distributed annually, including mate-rials from an extensive law-related educationaudio-visual lending library. Copies of the bar’sbrochures are also available on the Internet The growth of the bar’s publicinformation programs has been aided by cooper-ative ventures with the Extension Division of theUniversity of Missouri, the Missouri Departmentand Elementary and Secondary Education, theMissouri Press Association, the Missouri Broad-casters Association, various state colleges, andother groups and associations.

Other ActivitiesOther prominent programs and services

offered by The Missouri Bar include: a ClientSecurity Fund that considers partial financialreimbursement to eligible clients who have beenharmed by the unethical conduct of a lawyer; aLawyer Referral Service that links attorneys withMissourians in need of legal assistance; aLawyers Assistance Program that offers help tolawyers hindered by impairment issues; a men-toring program that matches older, more experi-enced attorneys with younger colleagues; a com-plaint resolution program that offers an alterna-tive to the formal lawyer disciplinary system formatters considered to be less serious in nature; afee dispute resolution that works to resolve dis-putes between a lawyer and a client over feescharged for services; and many more.

Through the years, The Missouri Bar hasgained recognition on the national and interna-tional level. It has been cited many times by theAmerican Bar Association as the outstanding barorganization in the nation. Its programs have

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won Freedom Foundation awards, the AmericanBar Association Award of Merit, and the Ameri-can Judicature Society’s Justice Award. Similarly,staff members and officers serve on many impor-tant national committees and work with variousnational groups on problems of national scope.

Officers, The Missouri Bar,2005–2006Copeland, Douglas A., Clayton, president;Baird, C. Ronald, Springfield, president-elect;Birkes, Keith A., Jefferson City, executive direc-


Judicial Conference of MissouriSupreme Court Bldg.PO Box 150Jefferson City 65102Telephone: (573) 751-4144

In 1943, the General Assembly establishedthe Judicial Conference of Missouri, which iscomposed of all state judges. The conference ischarged by statute (Section 476.350) with study-ing the organization and administration of thestate’s judicial system, compiling data on thework of various courts and making biennialreports to the General Assembly, including anyrecommendations the conference may have forimproving the laws. Since 1974, the Chief Justiceof the Supreme Court, who is the conference’spresiding officer, has presented an annual Stateof the Judiciary address to a joint session of theGeneral Assembly, reviewing the problems,needs and goals of the judicial department.

The statute also requires the conference to holdan annual meeting to be attended by all judges. Atthis meeting, the judges discuss the problems ofcourt administration and invite experts in variousfields to speak on matters of particular concern.

The clerk of the Supreme Court provides ad-ministrative and staff assistance and also servesas secretary to the executive council and theconference.

Nonpartisan Judicial NominatingCommissions

Under provisions of the Missouri Constitution,Article V, any vacancy occurring in the office ofjudge of the Supreme Court, the court of appealsor the circuit courts within St. Louis City or Jack-son County is filled by the governor, who appointsone of three qualified persons nominated by anonpartisan judicial commission. This method ofselecting circuit judges was adopted by the votersof the 21st Judicial Circuit, St. Louis County, at thegeneral election in 1970, and by the voters of theSixth Judicial Circuit, Platte County and the Sev-enth Judicial Circuit, Clay County, in 1972. This

method of selecting judges was extended to asso-ciate circuit judges in these jurisdictions in 1979.

Appellate Judicial CommissionNominations for judges of the Supreme Court

and the court of appeals are made by a seven-member Appellate Judicial Commission. It con-sists of a judge of the Supreme Court selected bythe members of the Court and two resident citi-zens from each of the three court of appeals dis-tricts. One lawyer is elected from each district bymembers of The Missouri Bar residing in that dis-trict, and one non-lawyer is appointed from eachdistrict by the governor.

Members: Michael A. Wolff, Chief Justice,Supreme Court, chair.

From Eastern District, Missouri Court ofAppeals: Gerald T. Carmody, lawyer member,term expires December 31, 2005; Mildred Cohn,lay member, term expires December 31, 2006.

From Western District, Missouri Court ofAppeals: Richard E. McLeod, lawyer member,term expires December 31, 2009; Jill Shurin, laymember, term expires December 31, 2010.

From Southern District, Missouri Court ofAppeals: Steve Garner, lawyer member, term expiresDecember 31, 2007; Bill Burch, lay member, termexpires December 31, 2008.

Circuit Judicial CommissionsNominations for judges of circuit courts are

made by a five-member Circuit Judicial Commis-sion consisting of the chief judge of the district ofthe Court of Appeals within which the circuit orthe major portion of its population lies, twolawyers elected from their number by the mem-bers of The Missouri Bar residing in the judicialcircuit and two non-lawyer residents of the cir-cuit appointed by the governor.

Sixth Circuit (Platte County) Judicial Com-mission: Chair: Edwin H. Smith, chief judge,Missouri Court of appeals, Western District.Members: Gary W. Collins, Kansas City, lawyermember; Victor B. Peters, Kansas City, lawyermember; Diane Pepper, Kansas City, lay mem-ber; Pauli A. Kendrick, Weatherby Lake, laymember.

Seventh Circuit (Clay County) Judicial Com-mission: Chair: Edwin H. Smith, chief judge,Missouri Court of Appeals, Western District.Members: F.A. (Al) White Jr., Kansas City, lawyermember; Jon Michael Krebbs, Liberty, lawyermember; Susan Rose, lay member; Mary B. Jaco-bi, Kansas City, lay member.

Sixteenth Circuit (Jackson County) JudicialCommission: Chair: Edwin H. Smith, chief judge,Missouri Court of Appeals, Western District.Members: Cindy Reams Martin, Lee’s Summit,lawyer member; John Kurtz, Kansas City, lawyer

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member; Jill Shurin, Kansas City, lay member;Anita L. Russell, Kansas City, lay member.

Twenty-first Circuit (St. Louis County) Judi-cial Commission: Chair: Glenn Norton, chiefjudge, Missouri Court of Appeals, Eastern District.Members: Thomas Lang, Clayton, lawyer mem-ber; Gerard T. Noce, St. Louis, lawyer member;Matthew McCormick, St. Louis, lay member; LoriL. Westfall, Des Peres, lay member.

Twenty-second Circuit (St. Louis) JudicialCommission: Chair: Glen Norton, chief judge,Missouri Court of Appeals, Eastern District. Mem-bers: Christopher McGraugh, St. Louis, lawyermember; Thomas Schwartz, St. Louis, lawyermember; June Bosley Dabney-Gray, St. Louis, laymember; Laura T. Cohen, St. Louis, lay member.

Office of State Public Defender231 E. Capitol Ave.Jefferson City 65101Telephone: (573) 526-5210 / FAX: (573) 526-5213

RSMo 600.019.1. creates the “Office of StatePublic Defender” as an independent departmentwithin the judicial branch of state government.

The Missouri Public Defender System(MSPD) is the organization responsible for pro-viding legal representation to all indigent citi-

LORAMEL P. SHURTLEFFCommissionerPublic Defender Commission

JOYCE BLADESChairPublic Defender Commission

MURIEL BRISONCommissionerPublic Defender Commission

WILLIE J. ELLIS JR.CommissionerPublic Defender Commission

KENNETH HENSLEYCommissionerPublic Defender Commission

REBECCA STITHCommissionerPublic Defender Commission

GARY L. SMITHCommissionerPublic Defender Commission

J. MARTY ROBINSONState Public DefenderPublic Defender Commission

DANIEL J. GRALIKEDeputy DirectorPublic Defender Commission

zens accused of or convicted of.state crimes inMissouri.

Public Defender CommissionState law (Chapter 600, RSMo) provides for a

seven-member Public Defender Commission tooversee the State Public Defender System. Themembers of the commission are appointed bythe governor with consent of the Senate andserve without compensation for six-year terms.Four members must be lawyers, and no morethan four members may be of the same politicalparty.

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MSPD is a statewide department primarilycomprised of three legal service divisions: theTrial Division, the Capital Division, and theAppellate/Post-Conviction Division. Attorneys indistrict offices within each division providedirect representation to indigent clients.

Attorneys are directly responsible for the rep-resentation of their clients. Their practiceincludes: meeting with clients, investigatingcases, drafting motions, briefs, and memoranda,trying cases before both judges and juries injurisdictions throughout Missouri, litigating casesbefore Missouri Appellate Courts, the MissouriSupreme Court, and the United States SupremeCourt.

Trial DivisionThe Trial Division employs 300 full-time

attorneys who represent indigent clients chargedwith crimes at the State Trial Court level through-out Missouri. The Trial Division has 36 districtoffices throughout the state.

The Youth Advocacy Unit within the TrialDivision has attorneys in the St. Louis andKansas City areas to ensure effective representa-tion of juveniles. Attorneys in the unit litigatecertification proceedings and jury trials in theadult court system, if the child is certified tostand trial as an adult. This specialized unit pro-vides assistance to the other Trial Offices in juve-nile matters.

The unit also employs investigators to exam-

ine the circumstances surrounding the criminalcharge. Staff disposition specialists conductsocial investigations and locate availableresources to help the client with treatment needs.They act as experts for court, testifying abouttreatment needs and alternatives on behalf of ourclients.

The Commitment Defense Unit representsindigent people throughout the State of Missouriagainst whom the government has initiated civilcommitment proceedings based on the allega-tion that the citizen is a “sexually violent preda-tor” (SVP). The unit was created in 1999 inresponse to Missouri’s sexually violent predatorlegislation. This legislation enables the state toincarcerate individuals after they have complet-ed their sentences for eligible sex offenses, andallows for indefinite civil commitment upon ajury finding that an individual meets the legisla-tive criteria of a SVP.

The Alternative Sentencing Unit, also withinthe Trial Division, utilizes social workers as Alter-native Sentencing Specialists. Staff in the Alter-native Sentencing Program investigate and rec-ommend resourceful, restorative alternatives toincarceration. These alternatives are specificallydesigned to meet the unique needs of the indi-vidual client in order to reduce recidivism. Theyalso address the sentencing goals of punishment,deterrence, public safety, restitution, and reha-bilitation.


Missouri State Public Defender Trial Division District Map

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Capital DivisionThe Capital Division of MSPD was estab-

lished in 1989 to address the unique challengesthat arise when the state seeks the death penalty.The purpose of this division is to provide thehighest-quality representation to individualsagainst whom the State of Missouri is seeking thedeath penalty in the State Trial Court, the StateSupreme Court, and the United States SupremeCourt.

The division employs experienced attorneyswho excel as litigators to handle the initial trialof the case. The division also employs experi-enced attorneys with exceptional appellateadvocacy skills to handle the direct appeal ofcases following a trial and sentence of death.

There are three Capital Division districtoffices within the state, located in St. Louis,Kansas City and Columbia. Trial attorneys in thedivision have the opportunity to try cases in boththe urban and rural areas of Missouri.

Division of Appellate/Post-ConvictionRelief

This division is to ensure that the constitu-tional rights of citizens are preserved and pro-tected, and that the trial or guilty-plea processwas fair and legal. In essence, the division mon-itors and provides quality control for the criminaljudicial process.

There are six district offices in this division.The offices are located in St. Louis, Kansas Cityand Columbia in close proximity to most ofMissouri’s appellate courts.

Attorneys in this division provide representa-tion to indigent citizens who have been convict-ed of felony offenses, after either a trial or aguilty plea. These attorneys handle direct appealsfrom non-capital felony convictions, post-con-viction trial court challenges and appeals frompost-conviction proceedings. The post-convic-tion practice includes providing aggressive rep-resentation to death-row clients at the trial-courtlevel, and in the Supreme Courts of Missouri andthe United States.

Members, Public DefenderCommissionBlades, Joyce, chair;Brison, Muriel, commissioner;Ellis, Willie J. Jr., commissioner;Hensley, Kenneth, commissioner;Shurtleff, Loramel P., commissioner; Smith, Gary L., commissioner;Stith, Rebecca, commissioner.