Chapter 8

Social Class in the United States Chapter 8



Transcript of Chapter 8

  • 1. Social Class in the United States Chapter 8

2. After studying this chapter, you should be able to do the following

  • Describe the distribution of wealth and income in the United States.
  • Summarize the functionalist and conflict theory views of social stratification.
  • Describe differences in the poverty rate among various groups in American society.
  • Describe some of the personal and social consequences of a persons position in the class structure.


  • Social class
  • DEF:A category of people who share similar opportunities, similar economic and vocational positions, similar lifestyles, and similar attitudes and behaviors.
  • Class System of stratification
  • A society that has several different social classes and permits social mobility


  • There is little agreement among sociologists about how many classes there are and what their unique characteristics are.
  • While the definitions and distinctions between the upper class and lower class are straightforward. The lines between the three categories of middle class are more blurred.


  • Upper Class-Great Wealth which is often handed down over generations
  • Often influence societys basic economic and political structures.
  • Usually isolates itself from the rest of society.
  • The Lower Class
  • Bottom of the economic ladder.
  • Low education levels
  • Few occupational skills and consequently are unemployed or underemployed.


  • Upper middle classis made up of successful business and professional people and their families. Often have a college education, own property, and have a savings reserve.
  • The Middle-Middle Classare usually high school grads with modest incomes which are limited because of economic or educational shortcomings. (clerical, sales, semi-professional)
    • The Lower Middle Class (working class ) is made up of skilled and semiskilled laborers, factory employees, and other blue collar workers. They live adequately but have little for luxuries.

7. Functionalist Theory of Stratification

    • Based on the assumption that the major social structures contribute to the maintenance of the social system.
    • Those who fill the top careers, do so because they are the best qualified and make the most significant contribution.
    • This view goes back to Spencers social darwinism

8. Functionalist Theory of Stratification

  • Different positions in society make different levels of contributions to the well-being and preservation of society
  • Filling the more complex and important positions in society requires talent that is scarce and has a long period of training
  • Providing unequal rewards ensures that the most-talented and best-trained individuals will fill the roles of greatest importance

9. Functionalist Critique

  • MORAL On what actual grounds is the differential award based? How large should the differential be?
  • SCIENTIFIC- There is limited mobility between the classes due to obstacles to advancement and the class structure actually keeps qualified individuals from filling positions they could perform well in.

10. Conflict Theory - Marx

  • Karl Marx believed one must look at the economic conditions centering around producing the necessities of life.
  • Stratification emerged from the power struggles for scarce resources and the ability of the controllers of production to control other parts of society.

11. Conflict Theory - Weber

  • Weber and Marx agreed that group conflict is a basic ingredient of society and that economic classes arise out of the unequal distribution of wealth.
  • Weber stated that people are motivated by self-interest.
  • Those who do not have property can defend their interests less well than those who have property.
  • Economic institutions are of fundamental importance in shaping the rest of society.

12. Conflict Theory - Weber

  • Those in power promote ideas and values that help them maintain their dominance.
  • Only when exploitation becomes extremely obvious will the powerless object.
  • Weber said that there were three sources of stratification:Social Status
    • Economic classPolitical Power

13. Modern Conflict Theory

  • Social inequality emerges through the domination of one or more groups by other groups, creating classes.
  • Because the powerful exploit others, they must find mechanisms ofsocial controlto keep everyone in line.
  • What are thought to be the common values of society are really the values of the dominant groups.These values often justify their established positions.
  • Those who are dominated have the potential to express resistance and hostility,but often do not .
  • Those in power arevery resistantto sharing their advantages

14. Conflict Theory Critique

  • Does conflict theory fully explain social classes?
  • Is there a synthesis possible between structural/functionaland conflict view?


    • DEF:Refers to a condition in which people do not have enough money to maintain a standard of living that includes the basic necessities of life.
    • Depending on how it is measured, estimates vary from 14-45 million in the U.S.
    • Poverty in the U.S. varies across a number of attributes, it is more likely if an individual is:
    • A resident of a rural Area
    • A female head of household
    • American Indian, Black or Hispanic


    • 30% of single women with children are living in poverty. (12.5% of all people live in poverty)
    • For divorced women the rate is not as bad as the never married who are usually much younger.
    • Many rural areas have high poverty: applachia (white), delta (black), rio grande valley (hispanic), and Indian reservations in general
    • While the poverty rate among whites is lower than other groups, due to their larger overall numbers there are more whites living in poverty in the U.S.
    • A full time worker making minimum wage with a three person household, is below the poverty level


  • Government programs that provide benefits can be divided into two categories:
  • - Social insurance and cash benefits going to people of all income levels. Mostly Social Security and Medicare and benefits the elderly.
  • -Makes up 38% of government payments to individuals
  • Means-tested programs and cash assistance going only to the poor.
  • -For female heads of household makes up2% of government payments to individuals


  • Is being poor a sociological issue or a personal issue?