Chapter 7 - Science and Its Critics

PHILIPPINE NORMAL UNIVERSITY The National Center for Teacher Education College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research Science Education Specialization Name: Junrey D. Lidres MASEd Chemistry Science and its Critics Science is a good thing for an obvious reasons. Science given as electricity, drinking water, penicillin, contraception and air travel. Science is not without its critics like producing weapons of mass destruction. The words “Science” and “scientific” acquired peculiar cachet in a modern times. Scientific should have acquired the high status in which science is held in modern society. Scientism is a pejorative label used by some philosophers to describe what they see as science-religious-the over reverential attitude. While opponents of scientism argue that science is not the only valid form of intellectual endeavor, and no the uniquely privilege route to knowledge. The opponents aim is not to attack science but to put it in place. To show that science is simply one among the equals and to free other disciplines from the tyranny that science supposedly exerts over them. Science and religion is old and well documented. Galileo’s clash with the Catholic Church was one of the best example. The church objected to the Copernican theory which Galileo believed Telephone No. 317 – 1768 loc 744 PNU – CGSTER – Science Education Specialization – Management of Science Program


the opponents of science

Transcript of Chapter 7 - Science and Its Critics

Page 1: Chapter 7 - Science and Its Critics

PHILIPPINE NORMAL UNIVERSITYThe National Center for Teacher Education

College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research

Science Education Specialization

Name: Junrey D. Lidres

MASEd Chemistry

Science and its Critics

Science is a good thing for an obvious reasons. Science given as electricity, drinking

water, penicillin, contraception and air travel. Science is not without its critics like producing

weapons of mass destruction.

The words “Science” and “scientific” acquired peculiar cachet in a modern times.

Scientific should have acquired the high status in which science is held in modern society.

Scientism is a pejorative label used by some philosophers to describe what they see as science-

religious-the over reverential attitude. While opponents of scientism argue that science is not the

only valid form of intellectual endeavor, and no the uniquely privilege route to knowledge. The

opponents aim is not to attack science but to put it in place. To show that science is simply one

among the equals and to free other disciplines from the tyranny that science supposedly exerts

over them.

Science and religion is old and well documented. Galileo’s clash with the Catholic

Church was one of the best example. The church objected to the Copernican theory which

Galileo believed because in contravened the Holy Scriptures. Other scientist like Darwin against

the theory of creationism.

Everybody agree that scientific knowledge has been used for unethical ends. Science is

covered with facts, and facts in themselves have no ethical significance. It is what we do with

those facts that is right or wrong, moral or immoral. Science is essentially a value-free activity.

Scientific enquiry is invariably laden with value judgements.

It is inevitable that an enterprise such as science, which occupies so pivotal a role in

modern society and commands so much public money, should find itself subject to criticism

from a variety of source. It is also good thing, for uncritical acceptance of everything that

scientist say and do would be both unhealthy and dogmatic. It is safe to predict that science in

Telephone No. 317 – 1768 loc 744 PNU – CGSTER – Science Education Specialization – Management of Science Program

Page 2: Chapter 7 - Science and Its Critics

PHILIPPINE NORMAL UNIVERSITYThe National Center for Teacher Education

College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research

Science Education Specialization

the 21st century through its technological applications, will impact on everyday life to an even

greater extent that it has already.

To answer the questions, is science a good thing? It will surely divide us to which value

judgement we would consider. Science is value free until you find its purpose. Also inevitable

that science always brought good and bad effect to the society. Like technology has its own

function and purpose. It is our task to consider those purpose and its function as useful or not

helpful at all. Science is awesome and helpful in our daily lives.

Telephone No. 317 – 1768 loc 744 PNU – CGSTER – Science Education Specialization – Management of Science Program