Chapter 6.1: Process Synchronization Part 1. 6.2 Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne ©2005 Operating...

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Transcript of Chapter 6.1: Process Synchronization Part 1. 6.2 Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne ©2005 Operating...

Page 1: Chapter 6.1: Process Synchronization Part 1. 6.2 Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne ©2005 Operating System Concepts Process Synchronization Process Synchronization.

Chapter 6.1: Process SynchronizationChapter 6.1: Process SynchronizationPart 1Part 1

Page 2: Chapter 6.1: Process Synchronization Part 1. 6.2 Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne ©2005 Operating System Concepts Process Synchronization Process Synchronization.

6.2 Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne ©2005Operating System Concepts

Process SynchronizationProcess Synchronization

Lecture 6.1 Background The Critical-Section Problem Peterson’s Solution Synchronization Hardware Semaphores

Lecture 6.2: Classic Problems of Synchronization

Monitors Synchronization Examples Atomic Transactions

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6.3 Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne ©2005Operating System Concepts

BackgroundBackground While we will talk about processes, primarily, in this chapter, what we say can and

does apply to threads (or ‘tasks’ in Linux).

Here’s another definition from Stallings (another source) “Concurrent” pertaining to processes or threads that take place within a common interval of time during which they have to alternatively share common resources.”

Concurrent processes can exist in the system at the same time.

Concurrent threads may execute completely independently of each other or they can execute in cooperation.

Asynchronous Execution: Processes that operate independently of each other but must occasionally communicate and synchronize to perform cooperative tasks are said to execute asynchronously.

Such processes simply must be ‘synched up’ properly with regard to sharing data. If not, very undesirable results may occur – and unpredictable too.

Important notes:

Communication and synchronization are necessary for asynchronously executing threads and processes.

Such threads are said to execute asynchronously.

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Background - moreBackground - more

So we will address processes that can affect or be affected by other processes.

Sharing may be direct - as in sharing a logical address space or data, or

processes may share data through files or messages. We have discussed the former in Threads.

But the problem is that concurrent access to shared data may result in data inconsistency.

This is very serious!!

So, what do we do to avoid major consistency problems?

We will talk about mechanisms (both hardware and software) that ensure the orderly execution of cooperating processes so that data consistency is maintained.

The sharing of global resources is filled with peril.

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Background - moreBackground - more

If two processes both make use of the same global variable and both perform reads and writes on that variable, then the order in which the various reads and writes occur is critical.

Same too for I/O channels. This is further complicated because repeating a sequence of I/O requests is necessarily inconclusive because there is no way to determine exact speeds of execution.

To really illustrate the problem in a single processor system let’s consider the following example:

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Sample from Stallings…Sample from Stallings… void echo()


chin = getchar();

chout = chin;

putchar (chout);


Very simple routine that echos input from keyboard to monitor. (Go through the code…)

Now consider that this code is shared and is thus global to more than one application.

It is a commonly used routine and sharing something like this makes sense and saves space.

But consider the following sequence:

Process P1 invokes echo() and is interrupted right after the getchar() stores a value in chin. Say, ‘x.’

Process P2 is activated and invokes echo() which runs to conclusion, inputting and then displaying a single character, say ‘y’, on the screen.

Process P1 resumes, but the ‘x’ was overwritten with the ‘y’ which is written onto the screen. ‘x’ is lost.

Furthermore, ‘y’ is printed again by P1.

So, let’s help ourselves. This is clearly not what we want, but the example does serve to show the notion of ‘shared code.’

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Stallings - author of Operating Systems - moreStallings - author of Operating Systems - more

Suppose that only one process at a time may be in that procedure. Then:

1. Process P1 invokes echo() and is interrupted right away after it inputs an ‘x’

‘x’, then, is stored in chin.

2. Process P2 is activated and invokes echo().

3. But because P1 is still ‘inside’ echo(), even though it is currently suspended (in a wait queue), P2 is blocked from entering this procedure.

4. P2 is then blocked from entering the procedure and is suspended awaiting the availability of the echo() procedure.

5. Later, P1 is resumed and completes its execution of echo(). ‘x’ is displayed.

6. When P1 exits echo(), the block on P2 is removed and P2 can be rescheduled and the echo() procedure properly invoked…

Clearly the message is that in order to protect shared variables / data / etc. we must control access to the code that accesses shared variables…

Imposing a discipline so that only one process at a time can enter echo() ensures that the described error will not occur.

This is what we will discuss this chapter.

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How about Multiple Processors?How about Multiple Processors? For multiple processors, same problems and same solutions exist for sharing resources.

Suppose, first, we have no mechanism for protecting shared resources in a multiprocessor environment….

Process P1 and P2 are both executing on separate processors. Both processes invoke echo(). Here’s what happens:

Process P1 Process P2

- -

chin = getchar(); -

- chin = getchar();

chout = chin; chout = chin;

putchar(chout); -

- putchar (chout);


Result is that character input to P1 is lost before being displayed. And the character input to P2 is displayed by both P1 and P2. (Note: this appears to be the same problem with single processor systems…)

We could also enforce the discipline (as we did for single processors) that only one process at a time may be executing echo(), and, (in addition to blocking and that additional overhead), results are the same.

We have two processes executing simultaneously both trying to access the same global variable.

Solution is the same: control access to the shared resource.

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We refer to a situation where several processes have access to the same shared resource and can access it concurrently and where the outcome depends on the order of execution a race.

To guard against this, we need to ensure that only one process at a time can be manipulating a shared resource.

Access must be synchronized and coordinated.

Another definition of a Race Condition: ‘situation in which multiple processors access and manipulate shared data with the outcome dependent upon the relative tyiming of the processes.” (Stallings, Operating Systems Internals and Design Principles).

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Here’s Some Key Terms - StallingsHere’s Some Key Terms - Stallings Critical Section – a section of code within a process that requires

access to shared resources and that may not be executed while another process is in the corresponding section of code.

Deadlock (Chapter 7) A situation in which two or more processes are unable to proceed because each is waiting for one of the others to do something.

Mutual Exclusion – the requirement that when one process is in a critical section that accesses shared resources, no other process may be in a critical section that accesses any of these shared resources.

Race Condition – A situation in which multiple threads or processes read and write a shared data item and the final result depends on the relative timing of their execution.

Starvation – A situation in which a runnable process is overlooked indefinitely by the scheduler; although it is able to proceed, it is never chosen.

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The Critical Section ProblemThe Critical Section Problem

Essentially we have a system of ‘n’ processes each of which has some code called a critical section, within which this process may be accessing common variables, updating status tables, accessing a file that other processes also need to have access to etc.

The important thing to recognize is when one process is executing code in this critical section, no other process can be allowed to execute a critical section.

So, we must control access: Simply put, a process desiring to enter its critical section must actually request permission.

An Entry Section of code in a process is where a process requests to enter its critical section.

An Exit Section (surprise!) is some code where the process ‘releases’ its ‘hold’ on the critical section.

Clearly, the actual execution of critical code (the critical section) lies in between the Entry Section and the Exit Section.

Code following the Exit Section is called remainder section.

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Solution to Critical-Section ProblemSolution to Critical-Section Problem

1. Mutual Exclusion - If process Pi is executing in its critical section, then no other processes can be executing in their critical sections

2. Progress - If no process is executing in its critical section and there exist some processes that wish to enter their critical section, then the selection of the processes that will enter the critical section next cannot be postponed indefinitely

3. Bounded Waiting - A bound must exist on the number of times that other processes are allowed to enter their critical sections after a process has made a request to enter its critical section and before that request is granted

Consider the following code:

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Figure 6.1 – Critical Section

do {

entry section code // includes request to enter critical section)

critical section //executes here if permission granted.

exit section code ….

remainder section

} while (TRUE)

Note this is a do…while.

So the code will execute its entry section code…

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More… We must realize that at any given point in time, there are many kernel-

mode processes active in the operating system. (Recall: kernel mode – a privileged mode of execution reserved for the kernel

of the operating system. Typically kernel mode allows access to regions of main memory that are unavailable to processes executing in less privileged mode and also enables the execution of certain machine instructions that are restricted to the kernel mode. Kernel mode also referred to as system mode or privileged mode.)

So, when a lot of kernel code is being executed, there are strong possibilities of encountering race conditions. Example: a kernel data structure maintains a list of all open files in system. List must be accessed when a new file is opened/closed. If two processes were to open files simultaneously, the separate updates

could result in a race condition. Example: Other kernel data structures prone to race conditions include

memory allocation tables, process lists for interrupt handling and more.. Kernel developers must insure there are no races in here!!!

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Still more… Complicating these issues, we note there are two kernel ‘modes’ that

impact the execution of critical sections. We may have 1. preemptive kernels – a kernel process that may be preempted while it

is running, and in some cases, or 2. non-preemptive kernel processes, do not allow a process running in

kernel mode to be preempted. Here, a preemptive kernel process will run until it exits the kernel code,

voluntarily giving control back to CPU, or blocks.

We will get back to preemptive kernels and non-preemptive kernels ahead.

(It is important to note that preemptive kernels are really tricky to design for SMP architectures because two kernel mode processes may be running simultaneously on two different processors.

Preemptive kernels are better for real time processing, so that a real time process can preempt another kernel process to provide real time response.

Too, it is likely that kernel mode processes run for only short times, so this will often not cause too much degradation of services…)

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Review Peterson’s Solution. I’m going to skip going through the details of this

solution. It is interesting and points out the difficulties in solving

the critical section problem. However the problem is to be solved, we need to show

that: 1. mutual exclusion is preserved 2. the progress requirement is satisfied, and 3. The bounded –waiting requirement is met.

We will now look at synchronization hardware and synchronization software to address mutual exclusion, progress, and the bounded wait issue.

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Many systems provide hardware support for critical section code

What we really need is a ‘lock.’ And this is the basic approach:

Critical regions are protected by ‘locks’ and a process must acquire a lock before entering a critical section and release it when it leaves the critical section.

Both hardware and software approaches to protect critical sections are based on locks.

But locks can be ‘quite sophisticated’ as your book states. Of course, if hardware is used, this can make programming

easier and certainly execution will be quicker when implemented in hardware.

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Synchronization of Hardware Using Locks

In Uniprocessors – problem could be made rather simple – merely disable interrupts while a kernel process is in its critical section.

No problems if we have non-preemptive kernels. This is the approach that non-preemptive kernels

take. Currently running code would execute without


But disabling interrupts is far too inefficient / impractical on multiprocessor systems Disabling interrupts on multiprocessors (can

be several) takes time. Kernel processes are not allowed to enter

critical sections.

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Synchronization of Hardware Using Locks

Modern machines provide special atomic hardware instructions, which means that an instruction itself cannot be interrupted while it is executing.

The instruction can do more than one thing, such as test a variable and set it as part of the execution of a single instruction or perhaps swap contents of two memory words done with a single instruction...

We call this atomic execution. Again, it is the execution of a single instruction – atomically!

Let’s ‘abstract’ the concept of these types of instructions.

We consider two such instructions: TestAndSet() and Swap()

Both provide for mutual exclusion…but unless we implement them carefully, they might not provide for bounded waiting…

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Test And Set Instruction Test And Set Instruction Definition: Here’s the Test and Set Instruction… It is executed atomically. Consider the code:

boolean TestAndSet (boolean *target)


boolean rv = *target; // rv set to the value of target

*target = TRUE; // target set to TRUE

return rv: // value passed to TEstAndSet() returned

} // via rv.

We will see how this is used (implemented) on the next slide…

But you can see that a pointer value (dereferenced) ‘to something’ is passed to TestAndSet; a boolean variable rv is set to the pointer’s value. The dereferenced value of the actual parameter is set to TRUE, and we return this boolean value of rv which will be whatever was passed to TestAndSet().

Note: TestAndSet() returns a boolean value passed to it, but it sets the global

variable to TRUE.

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Mutual Exclusion via TestAndSet() But we implement the mutual exclusion shown by TestAndSet() by using a

global boolean lock as the parameter and it is initially set to false. Consider:

do {

while (TestAndSetLock (&lock))

; // do nothing

// if lock is false (see above) , value of predicate is false (but remember // lock itself was set to TRUE), and we drop into critical section;

// if TestAndSet() returns ‘true’ (which it would if another process

// was already executing its critical section) , do nothing; Spin…

// critical section

lock = FALSE; // reset global variable as part of this ‘instruction.’

// remainder section

} while (TRUE);

Remember, TestAndSet() is atomic, the routine above includes TestAndSet() but the

overall execution is NOT atomic (only the TestAndSet() part).

Let’s look at another hardware instruction that uses two variables: a lock and a key.

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End of Chapter 6End of Chapter 6Part 1Part 1