Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution...

Chapter 6 Query Execution

Transcript of Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution...

Page 1: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.

Chapter 6

Query Execution

Page 2: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.


Query Compilation (Chapter 7 )

query plan

Query execution metadata

( Chapter 6 ) data

the major parts Of the query processor

Page 3: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.

Query Compilation

1. Parse Query parse tree

2. Rewrite Query logical query plan

3. Implement Query physical query plan

2+3 => Query Optimization

Page 4: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.

Metadata for Query Optimization

• The size of each relation

• Statistics such as the approximate number and frequency of different values for an attribute.

• The existence of certain indexes

• The layout of data on disk.

Page 5: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.

Overview of Query Optimization

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apply laws

estimate result sizes

consider physical plans estimate costs

pick best






SQL query

parse tree

logical query plan

“improved” l.q.p

l.q.p. +sizes


Page 7: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.

Example: SQL query

SELECT title

FROM StarsIn

WHERE starName IN (


FROM MovieStar

WHERE birthdate LIKE ‘%1960’


(Find the movies with stars born in 1960)

Page 8: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.

Example: Parse Tree<Query>


SELECT <SelList> FROM <FromList> WHERE <Condition>

<Attribute> <RelName> <Tuple> IN <Query>

title StarsIn <Attribute> ( <Query> )

starName <SFW>

SELECT <SelList> FROM <FromList> WHERE <Condition>

<Attribute> <RelName> <Attribute> LIKE <Pattern>

name MovieStar birthDate ‘%1960’

Page 9: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.

Example: Generating Logical Query Plan


StarsIn <condition>

<tuple> IN name

<attribute> birthdate LIKE ‘%1960’

starName MovieStar

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Example: Logical Query Plan



StarsIn name

birthdate LIKE ‘%1960’


Page 11: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.

Example: Improved Logical Query Plan



StarsIn name

birthdate LIKE ‘%1960’


Question:Push project to


Page 12: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.

Example: Estimate Result Sizes

Need expected size



Page 13: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.

Physical Query Plan

• Selecting algorithms to implement each of the operators of the logical query plan.

• Selecting an order of execution for these operators.

Page 14: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.

Example: One Physical Plan

Parameters: join order, memory size, project


Hash join

SEQ scan index scan Parameters:Select Condition,...

StarsIn MovieStar

Page 15: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.

Example: Estimate costs


P1 P2 …. Pn

C1 C2 …. Cn

Pick best!

Page 16: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.

Query Execution

• To execute the operations of physical query plan

• Major approaches: scanning, hashing, sorting, and indexing

• Different costs and structures due to the amount of available main memory

Page 17: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.

Textbook outline

Chapter 66.1 Algebra for queries [bags vs set

s]- Select, project, join, …. [project list

a,a+b->x,…]- Duplicate elimination, grouping, sorting

6.2 Physical operators- Scan,sort, …

6.3-6.10 Implementing operators +estimating their cost

Page 18: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.

An Algebra for QueriesRelational Algebra SQLOperators Operators

Union ∪ UNIONIntersection ∩ INTERSECTIO


Difference - EXCEPT

Selection σ WHERE

Projection Π SELECT

Product × FROM

Join ∞ JOIN

Duplicate elimination δ DISTINCT

Grouping γ GROUP BY

Sorting τ ORDER BY

Page 19: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.

Differences Between SQL Relations and Set

• Relations are bags

• Relations have schemas

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Union, Intersection, and Difference

1. For R U S, a tuple t is in the result as many times as the number of times it is in R plus the number of times it is in S ;

2. For R ∩ S, a tuple t is in the result the minimum of the number times it is in R and S ;

3. For R – S, a tuple t is in the result the number of times it is in R minus it is in S, but not fewer than zero times 。

For example : Suppose R={A, B, B} S={C, A, B, C}

R U S={A, A, B, B, B ,C, C}

R ∩ S={A, B}

R – S={B}

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The Selector Operator

• Selection σc(R) , produces the bag of those tuples in R that satisfy the condition C 。

Condition C may involve : 1. Arithmetic or string operators on constants and/or attributes ; 2. Comparison between terms constructed in 1 ; 3. Boolean connectives AND, OR, and Not applied to terms cons

tructed in 2.For example : R a b σa≥1(R): a b σb≥3 AND a+b≥6(R) 0 1 2 3 a b 2 3 4 5 4 5 4 5 2 3 2 3

Page 22: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.

The Projection Operator• ΠL(R) is the projection of R onto the list L 。 L can have the following kinds of elements : 1. A single attribute of R ; 2. An expression x y, where x and y are names for attr

ibutes 。 In the result, the attribute x of R is renamed with y;

3. An expression E z, where E is an expression, z is a new name for the attribute that results from calculation implied by E 。

For example : R a b c Πa,b+c→x(R) a x 0 1 2 0 3 0 1 2 0 3 3 4 5 3 9

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The Product of Relations The product RXS is a relation whose

schema consists of attributes of R and the attributes of S.

For example : R: a b S: b c 0 1 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 2 5

a R.b S.b c


1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3

1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2

4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 5


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JoinsNatural Join: R ∞ S = ΠL(σc(RXS)), where :1. C is a condition that equates all pairs of attribute

s of R and S that have the same name.2. L is a list of all the attributes of R and S, except t

hat one copy of each pair of equated attributes is omitted.

For example : R: a b S: b c

0 1 ∞ 1 4

2 3 1 4 2 3 2 5

a b c0 1 40 1 4

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The theta-join: R ∞ S = σc(RXS), c

If C is x = y, x from R and y from S, we call it equijoin

For example : R: a b S: b c 0 1 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 2 5

∞ a+R.b<c+S.b

a R.b S.b c

0 1 1 40 1 1 40 1 2 52 3 2 52 3 2 5

For example : R: a b S: b c 0 1 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 2 5

∞ b=b

a R.b S.b c

0 1 1 40 1 1 4

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Duplicate Elimination

For example : R: a b 0 1 2 3 2 3

For relation R, δ ( R) returns the set consisting of one copy of every tuple that appears one or more times in relation R.

δ ( R ): a b 0 1 2 3

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Grouping and Aggregation

• Grouping: According to Attribute (s)

• Having: Grouping Condition

• Aggregation operators: AVG, SUM, COUNT,MIN and MAX

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For StarsIn (title, year, starName), to find , for each star who has appeared in at least three movies, the earliest year in which they appeared.

SQL: SELECT starNme, MIN(year) AS minYear FROM StarsIn GROUP BY starName HAVING COUNT(title)>=3; Π starName,minYear

σ ctTitle>=3

γ starName, MIN(year) → minYear, COUNT(title) → ctTitle


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The Sorting Operator

τL(R) denotes relation R is sorted in the order indicated by L 。

For example, for R(a, b, c), τc,b(R) orders the tuples of R by their value of c, and tuples with the same c-value are ordered by their b value. Tuples that agree on both b and c may be ordered arbitrarily.

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Logical Query PlanFor example, there are two tables : MovieStar



Convert SQL statements into logical query plan : SELECT title,birthdate

FROM MovieStar,StarIn

WHERE year = 1996 AND gender=‘F’ AND starName=name;

Π title,birthdate Πtitle,birthdate

σ year=1996 AND gender=‘F’AND starName=name starName=name

× σ gender=‘F’ σ year=1996

MovieStar StarIn MovieStar StarsIn

Page 31: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.


• Scanning a table• Executing algebraic operators• Passing data among operators

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Scanning Tables

• Table–scan

• Index–scan

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Sorting While Scanning Tables

(1) scanning index

(2) main-memory sorting algorithm

(3) multiway merge sort

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The Model of Computation for Physical Operators

• Use the number of disk I/O as the measure of cost for an operation

• Assume the arguments of any operator on disk and the result left in memory

• Pipeline the result of one operator to another operator

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Parameters for Measuring Costs

• M: the number of main-memory buffers available to an execution of a particular operator

• B(R): the number of blocks that are needed to hold all the tuples of R

• T(R): the number of tuples in R

• V(R,a): the number of distinct values of the column for a in R

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I/O Cost for Sort-Scan Operator

Fits in main memory

Does not fit in main memory

Clustered B 3B

Not Clustered T T+2B

Page 37: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.

Iterators for Implementation of Physical Operators

Open (R) { b:= the first block of R; t:= the first tuple of block b; Found:= TRUE; }

GetNext(R) { IF ( t is past the last tuple on block b ) { increment b to the next block; IF ( there is no next block) { FOUND:=FALSE;RETURN;} ELSE t:= first tuple on block b; oldt:= t; increment t to the next tuple of b; RETURN oldt }

Close(R) { }

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Building a union iterator from its components Open (R,S) { R.Open(); CurRel:=R; } GetNext (R,S) { IF (CurRel=R) { t:=R.GetNext(); IF (FOUND) RETURN t; ELSE S.Open(); CurRel:=S; } } RETURN S.GetNext() } Close(R,S){ R.Close() ; S.Close(); }

Page 39: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.

Implementation Algorithms for Algebraic Operators

1. Sorting-based methods

2. Hash-based methods

3. Index-based methods

Three degrees of difficulty and cost: one-pass, two-passes, three or more passes

Page 40: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.

One-Pass Algorithms for Database Operators

1. Tuple-at-a-time, unary operations

2. Full-relation, unary operations

3. Full-relation, binary operations

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Input buffer Output buffer

Unary operate

• COST :If R is clustered , disk I/O is B;

If R is not clustered , disk I/O is T.

One-Pass Algorithms for Tuple-at-a-Time Operations

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One-Pass Algorithms for Unary, Full-Relation Operations

• Duplication Eliminationδ(R) Read a block from disk , for each tuple to make a decision : 1. If it has not been seen before, copy it to the output ; 2. Otherwise, ignore it 。 In order to support this decision , keep one copy in memory 。

B(δ(R)) ≤ M-1 → B(δ(R)) ≤ M R

Input buffer

Seen before?

M-1 buffersOutput buffer

Main Memory: Hash Table or Binary Search Tree

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One-Pass Algorithm for Binary Operations

• Set Union

• Set Intersection

• Set Difference

• Bag Intersection

• Bag Difference

• Product

• Natural Join



B(S) <= M-1

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Nested-Loop Joins

• Tuple-Based Nested-Loop Join

• Block-Based Nested-Loop Join

They can be used for relations of any size.

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Tuple-Based Nested-Loop Join


FOR each tuple s in S DO FOR each tuple r in R DO IF r and s join to make a tuple t THEN output t ; Cost may be T(R)T(S) Disk I/O.

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An Iterator for Tuple-Based Nested-Loop Join

Open (R,S) { R.Open(); S.Open(); S:=S.GetNext(): } GetNext (R,S) { REPEAT { r:=R.GetNext (); IF (NOT Found) { R.Close(); S:=S.GetNext(); IF (NOT Found) RETURN; R.Open(); r:=R.GetNext (); } } UNTILL (r and s join); RETURN the join of r and s; } Close (R,S) { R.Close(); S.Close() }

Page 47: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.

Block-Based Nested-Loop Join

• Organizing access to both argument relations by blocks

• Using as much main memory as we can to store tuples belonging to the relation S, the relation of the outer loop

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FOR each chunk of M-1 blocks of S DO BEGIN read these blocks into main-memory buffers; organize their tuples into a search structure whose search key is the common attributes of R and S; FOR each block b of R DO BEGIN read b into main memory; FOR each tuple t of b DO BEGIN find the tuples of S in main memory that can join with t; output the join of t with each these tuples; END; END; END;

The nested-loop join algorithm

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Assume B(R) = 1000, B(S) = 500 and M = 101Using S in the outer loop, we need 5X(100+1000) = 5500 Disk I/OUsing R in the outer loop, we need 10X(100+500) = 6000 Disk I/O

There is a slight advantage to using the smaller relation in the outer loop.

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Summary of Algorithms

Operators Approximate M required

Disk I/O

σ Π 1 B

γ δ B B

∪ ∩ - × ∞ min (B(R),B(S)) B(R)+B(S)

∞ M≥2 B(R)B(S)/M

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Two-Pass Algorithms Based on Sorting

• Two-pass algorithm for sorting B(R) (B(R)>M): Read M blocks of R into main memory

Sort M blocks, using an efficient sorting algorithm

Write the sorted list into M blocks of disk.

Main memory disk1.Read data, process in some way2.Write out to disk, again

3.Reread from disk to complete the operation

First pass

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Duplicate Elimination Using Sorting


M buffers Same M buffers



Sorted sublists of R


Choose the first unconsidered tuple t in sorted order

Output the first copy of t and remove the other copies of t.

All of sorted sublists are exhausted.

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Example 6.15: assume M=3, and only two tuples fit on a block. The relation R consists of 17 tuples:

(2,5,2,1,2,2,) ( 4,5,4,3,4,2,) (1,5,2,1,3)

R1 R2 R3

sublist In memory Waiting on disk

R1 1 2 2 2, 2 5

R2 2 3 4 4, 4 5

R3 1 1 2 3, 5

sublist In memory Waiting on disk

R1 2 2 2, 2 5

R2 2 3 4 4, 4 5

R3 2 3 5

sublist In memory Waiting on disk

R1 5

R2 3 4 4, 4 5

R3 3 5

sublist In memory Waiting on disk

R1 5

R2 4 4 4 5

R3 5

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Analysis:• The total cost of this algorithm is 3B(R).

• to compute δ(R) with the two-pass algorithm requires only √B(R) blocks of memory since B≤M(M-1)≈M²

1.B(R) : to read each block of R when creating the sorted sublists.2.B(R) : to write each of the sorted sublists to disk.3.B(R): to read each block from the sublists at the appropriate time

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Grouping and Aggregation Using Sorting

This algorithm for γ takes 3B(R) disk I/O’s, as long as B(R) ≤M ²

One pass to generate the sorted sublist of R


Find the least value v of the sort key ( grouping attributes)

All tuples with sort key v becomes the next group

Compute all the aggregates on the group

Output the group as tuple of the result

Until all sublists are exhausted.

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Sort-Based Algorithms for Union, Intersection and Difference

Each of the algorithms takes 3(B(R)+B(S)) disk I/O’s , as long as B(R)+B(S)≤M*M

• Generate the sorted sublists for R, S respectively

• Use one buffer for each sublist of R and S.

• Repeatedly find the first remaining tuple t among all the buffers.

Union: copy t to the output, and remove all copies of t from the buffers.

If a buffer becomes empty, reload it with the next block from its sublist.

Intersection: Set: output t if it appears in both R and S.

Bag: output t the minimum of the number of times it appears in R and S.Difference :

R―s S output t if and only if it appears in R but not in S

R―B S: output t the number of times it appears in R minus the number of times it appears in S.

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• Example 6.16: make the same assumptions as Ex6.15. And R has 12 tuples and S has 5 tuples. Ask R ―B S:?

(2,5,2,1,2,2,) ( 4,5,4,3,4,2,) (1,5,2,1,3)

R1 R2 S1

sublist In memory Waiting on disk

R1 1 2 2 2, 2 5

R2 2 3 4 4, 4 5

S1 1 1 2 3, 5

sublist In memory Waiting on disk

R1 2 2 2, 2 5

R2 2 3 4 4, 4 5

S1 2 3 5

sublist In memory Waiting on disk

R1 5

R2 3 4 4, 4 5

S1 3 5

sublist In memory Waiting on disk

R1 5

R2 4 4 4 5

S1 5

The output is 2,2,2,2,4,4,4,5.

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A Simple Sort-Based Join Algorithm

R(X,Y) join S(Y,Z)

Sort R Sort S

Buffer for R Buffer for S

The least value y

Appears in both of R and S Does not appear in the other

Remove the tuples with sort key yIdentify all the tuples from both R and S

Output all of the joined tuples

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• Example 6.17 Assume: B(R)=1000, B(S)=500, M=101. Then we use 4(B(R)+B(S))=6000 disk I/O’s to sort with two-phase multiway merge sort. When we merge the sorted R and S to find the joined tuples, we use another B(R)+B(S)=1500 disk I/O’s. So ,the total number of disk I/O’s is 5(B(R)+B(S))=7500.

• Analysis: The sort-join has linear I/O cost, taking time proportional to B(R)+B(S), while the nested-loop join is a quadratic algorithm, taking time proportional to B(R)B(S). It is only the constant factors and the small size of the example that make nested-loop join preferable. And the sort-join requires B(R)≤M*M, B(S) ≤M*M to work.

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• If the tuples from one of the relations fit in M-1 buffers, perform one-pass join on the tuples with the sort key y from the two relations.

• If neither of them can fit in M-1 buffers, perform a nested-loop join on the tuples with the sort key y from the two relations.

The number of tuples with Y-value y does not fit in M buffers

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A More Efficient Sort-Based Join

Sort R Sort S

Sorted Sublists of R Sorted Sublists of S

Buffer for each sublists

Find the least Y-value y

Identify all the tuples of both relations that have Y-value y

Output all the joined tuples


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• Example 6.18:B(R)=1000, B(S)=500, M=101.Divide R into 10 sublists, S into 5 sublists, each of length 100. Use 15 buffers to hold the current blocks of each sublist. The total number of disk I/O’s is

3(B(R)+B(S))=4500 . It requires B(R)+B(S)≤M*M.

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Summary of Sort-Based Algorithm

Operators Approximate M Required

Disk I/O

γ δ √B 3B

∪ ∩ - √(B(R)+B(S)) 3(B(R)+B(S))

∞ √max(B(R),B(S)) 5(B(R)+B(S))

∞ √(B(R)+B(S)) 3(B(R)+B(S))

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Two-Pass Algorithms Based on Hashing

• Pass One Hash all the tuples of the argument or arg

uments using an appropriate hash function.• Pass Two Perform the operation by working on one b

ucket at a time (or on a pair of buckets with the same hash value)

Page 65: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.

Partitioning Relations by Hashing

• Initialize M-1 buckets using M-1 empty buffers;• FOR each block b of relation R DO BEGIN• Read block b into the Mth buffer;• FOR each tuple t in b DO BEGIN• IF the buffer for bucket h(t) has no room for t THEN• BEGIN• Copy the buffer to disk;• Initialize a new empty block in that buffer;• END;• Copy t to the buffer for bucket h(t);• END;• END;• FOR each bucket DO• IF the buffer for this bucket is not empty THEN write the buffer to disk ;

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Hash-Based Algorithms for Union, Intersection, and Difference

R SRelations

R1 Ri S1 Si… …… …Hash R and S by the same hash functions.

One-pass algorithm to each pair of corresponding buckets.

For example, R ∩ S = (R1 ∩ S1) U … (Ri ∩ Si) U …

Cost: 3(B( R ) +B(S)) disk I/O Requirement: min(B( R ), B(S)) <= M(M-1)

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The Hash-Join Algorithm

R SRelations

R1 Ri S1 Si… …… …

Hash R and S by the same hash functions with the join attributes as the hash key.

One-pass algorithm to each pair of corresponding buckets.

R ∞ S = (R1 ∞ S1) U … (Ri ∞ Si) U …

Cost: 3(B( R ) +B(S)) disk I/O Requirement: min(B( R ), B(S)) <= M(M-1)

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Saving Some Disk I/O’s by Hybrid Hash-Join

k-m buckets

m buckets


mB(S)/k+k-m≤M 。

• Keep m of the k buckets entirely in main memory.• Keep only one block for each of the other k – m buckets.

Cost: (3- 2M/B(S))(B(R)+B(S))(3- 2M/B(S))(B(R)+B(S))

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Operators M I/O’s δ,γ

∩∪― ∞







Summary of Hash-Based Algorithms (B(S)<B(R) )

Page 70: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.

Index-Based Algorithm

The existence of an index on one or more attributes of a relation makes available some algorithms that would not be feasible without index.

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Clustering and Nonclustering Indexes

A clustering index has all tuples with a fixed value packed into (close to) the minimum possible number of blocks.

a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1

All the a1-tuples

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Index-Based Selection

For σa=v (R), there is an index on a,

1. Search the index with value v;

2. Get the pointers to exactly those tuples of R that have a-value v;

3. Retrieve tuples following these pointers.

Cost:Cost: B(R)/V(R,a) (Index is clustered);B(R)/V(R,a) (Index is clustered); T(R) /V(R,a) (Index is non-clustered)T(R) /V(R,a) (Index is non-clustered)

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For example:

B(R)=1000, T(R)=20000, let a be one of the attributes of R, suppose there is an index on a, and consider the operation

σa=0 (R), :– If R is clustered , without index, cost is 1000– If R is not clustered , without index, cost is 20000– If V(R,a)=100, with the clustering index, cost is B(R)/V

(R,a) =10– If V(R,a)=100, with the nonclustering index , cost is T

(R) /V(R,a) =200.– If V(R,a)=20000, a is the key of R , cost is 1.

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Joining by Using an IndexSuppose R(X,Y)∞S(Y,Z) with an index on the attribute(s) Y

of S.

1. For each tuple t of R, use the index to find all those tuples of S having the same Y-value.

2. Output the join of each of these tuples with t.

Disk I/O :– Read all the tuples of R

• B(R) ( R is clustered) ;• T(R) (R is nonclustered)

– Retrieve tuples of S• Index is clustered, T(R)B(S)/V(S,Y)• Index is not clustered, T(R)T(S)/V(S,Y)

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Joins Using a Sorted Index

• Suppose that we have relations R(X,Y) and S(Y,Z) with indexes on Y for both relations. A zig-zag join using two indexes are performed as follows:

• R 1, 3, 4 4, 4, 5, 6

• S 2 2 4 4 6 7

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Buffer Management

Buffer manager

Read / Write



1. The buffer manager controls main memory directly.2. The buffer manager allocates buffers in virtual memory.

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Buffer Management Strategies

• Least-Recently Used (LRU)• First-In-First-Out (FIFO)• The “Clock” Algorithm

• System Control

00 1

0 1



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The Relationship Between Physical Operator Selection and Buffer Management

• The selection of algorithms depends on the number of the available main-memory buffers.

• Some algorithms can adapt to changes in the number of the available main-memory buffers.

• The buffer-replacement strategy has impact on the number of disk I/Os for execution of the physical operators.

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Algorithms Using More Than Two Passes

• Multipass Sort-Based Algorithm

• Multipass Hash-Based Algorithm

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Multipass Sort-Based AlgorithmsBASIS: If R fits in M blocks, then read R into main memory,

sort it using your favorite main-memory sorting algorithm, and write the sorted relation to disk.

INDUCTION: If R does not fit into main memory, partition the blocks holding R into M groups, which we shall call R1, R2, …,RM. Recursively sort Ri for each i = 1,2,…,M. Then, merge the M sorted sublists.

Page 81: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.

Performance of Multipass, Sort-Based Algorithm

Let s(M,k) be the maximum size of a relation that we can sort using M buffers and k passes.

• Basis: If k=1, s(M,1)=M.• Induction : If k>1, partition R into M Pieces, e

ach of which must be sortable in k-1 passes. if B(R)=s(M,k), B(R)/M≤s(M,k-1), then s(M,k)= Ms(M,k-1).

s(M,k)= Ms(M,k-1)=M²s(M,k-2)=...=M^(k-1) s(M,1)=M^k.

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Multipass Hash-Based Algorithm

• BASIS: For a unary operation, if the relation fits in M buffers, read it into memory and perform the operation. For a binary operation, if either relation fits in M-1 buffers, perform one pass algorithm.

• INDUCTION: If no relation fits in main memory, then hash each relation into M-1 buffers. Recursively perform the operation on each bucket or corresponding pair of buckets, and accumulate the output from each bucket or pair.

Page 83: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.

Performance of Multipass Hash-Based Algorithms

• Unary Operation: Let u(M,k) be the number of blocks in the largest relation that a k-pass hashing algorithm can handle.

– Basis : u(M,1)=M.– Induction : Divide the relation R into M-1 buckets of

equal size, u(M,k)=(M-1)u(M,k-1). u(M,k)=M(M-1)^(k-1)≈M^k

• Binary Operation, R(X,Y)∞S(Y,Z) : Let j(M,k) be an upper bound on the size of the smaller of R and S 。– Basis : j(M,1)=M-1.– Induction : j(M,k)=(M-1)j(M,k-1),

So j(M,k)=(M-1)^k.

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Parallel Algorithms for Relational Operations

• Models of Parallelism

• Tuple-at-a-Time Operations in Parallel

• Parallel Algorithms for Full-Relation Operations

• Performance of Parallel Algorithms

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Models of Parallelism



A shared-memory machine

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A shared-disk machine

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A shared-nothing machine

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Tuple-at-a-Time Operations in Parallel


R1 R2 Ri Rn… …

P1 P2 Pi Pn

σc(R) = σc (R1) U σc(R2) U …U σc(Ri) U … U σc(Rn)

Partition R to n Processors evenly.

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Parallel Algorithms for Full-Relation Operations



… …R1, S1 Ri, Si Rn, Sn

P1 P2 P3

Partition R and S by the same hash functions, perform the binary operation at each processor.

Page 90: Chapter 6 Query Execution. Query Query Compilation (Chapter 7 ) query plan Query execution metadata ( Chapter 6 ) data the major parts Of the query processor.

Performance of Parallel Algorithms

• Unary Operation: B(R)/p• Binary Operation: 5(B(R) + B(S))/p

p is the number of the parallel processors.

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• Ex 6.1.6 (d), EX 6.3.1 (e)

• Ex 6.4.3 (a), Ex 6.5.3 (a)

• Ex 6.6.2, Ex 6.7.2 (b)

• Ex 6.8.1 (c), Ex 6.10.1 (b)