Chapter 5: Interacting With Our Environment

Chapter 5: Interacting With Our Environment


Chapter 5: Interacting With Our Environment. Section 1: Natural Resources. VOCABULARY. Natural Resources Raw Materials Renewable Resources Non-renewable Resources. Useful materials found in the environment Natural resources that must be worked to be useful - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Chapter 5: Interacting With Our Environment

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Chapter 5: Interacting With Our Environment

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Section 1: Natural Resources

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VOCABULARYUseful materials found in the environment

Natural resources that must be worked to be useful

Natural resources that can be replaced

Natural resources that cannot be replaced

Natural Resources

Raw Materials

Renewable Resources

Non-renewable Resources

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What Are Natural Resources?

Everything people use or consume is made with this

Examples: Water, minerals, vegetation, etc (you?)

Used just as they are found

Trees are the raw materials for paper and wood

Wood is soaked and broken up to create pulp (soup of wood fibers) and machines collect the wet fibers on screen to form paper

Natural Resources

Resources found in nature

Raw Materials

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Types of Resources



Replaced naturally due to how Earth worksEx. Water through use of water cycle Nitrogen & Carbon

Wind to make electricityComes from differences in how Sun heats EarthEnergy from the sun (Solar Energy)Geothermal Energy

Difference in heat between Earth’s surface & interior

Plants & animals considered renewableMust be managed more closely in order to survive

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Rotating Fields(Sustainable Farming)

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Fossil Fuels

Most non-living things fall into this categoryExamples: minerals, metals, gas and petroleumResources must be used carefullyMaterials can be recycled in order to be reused

Type of non-renewable resourceCoal, natural gas & petroleum fall into this category

Created over millions of years from remains of prehistoric living things

Could possibly run out if we continue to use like we do

Oil & natural gas are renewable so living things of today will become fossil fuel later but it takes so long to develop it is of no use for us today.

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A Special Resource: EnergySolarWindHydroelectric

Needed to make use of other natural resources

People in every country need itCertain areas are rich in energy resources, others have very few

May have to buy “energy” from other sources



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Meeting Energy Needs in the Future

Over time: energy use has gone up rapidly

Fossil Fuels are slowly running outwe may need to find an alternate source eventually

Sources that won’t run outWindSunTidalGeothermalBiomass (plant material)

These can be used in place of different fossil fuels

Atomic Powerplentiful but can be dangerousdoes not pollute the air

Ways to help energy?

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force or speed of movement; impetus, as of a physical object or course of events

a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

something that obstructs, blocks, or closes up with an obstacle or obstacles

representing, characterized by, or including members from two parties or factions

Partial financial support

State of the Union Vocabulary

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Ch. 5 Section 2Land Use

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VOCABULARYNatural surroundings

The large-scale production of goods by hand or by machine

The movement of settlers and their culture to a new country

The growth of machine-powered production in an economy





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LAND USE AND CULTUREWhat depends on how people use land?

Culture & EnvironmentExample?

Environment helps to shape cultureEnvironment & culture changes over time which would change land use

Remember, similar environments do not necessarily mean similar cultureCultural background determines how you will interact with your particular environment

Cultures and Landscape

Land Use and Cultural Differences

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Land Use and Economic Activity

People use land and resources to make a livingExamples: Farming, fishing, mining

Factories turn natural resources into materials or productsWay things are produced correspond with economic activity


People use land & resources directly to make products (hunting, mining, fishing, farming)Interact directly with land or sea


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People process the products of 1st level activitiesDone by manufacturing in a factory

Ex. Turning corn into cornflakes for cerealFound in urban areas

Known as servicesEx. Delivering cornflakes to grocery stores

Do not produce goods but help sell themExamples?

Second-Level Activities


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Changes in Land UseColonization allows new people to change the land based on their cultural practices

Ex. Farmers that move will still farm regardless of where they are going

Before European colonists went to Australia there was no farming or raising animals

They changed the way of land use when they moved

Industrialization has changed environmentCaused urbanizationSpread of cities and suburbs is known as sprawl


Industrialization and Sprawl

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A loss of forest cover in a region

A richness of different kinds of living things in a region

Technology for building structures that alter the landscape, such as dams, roads, and bridges

Man-made, that makes the air, water, or soil less clean





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First-Level ActivitiesDirect Interaction w/ raw materialsProvide food & resources that people need to live

Countries have grown, so people have to meet challenge of feeding population

Ex. Created new farmland has destroyed grasslands & wetlands but food was needed

Agriculture, forestry & fishing is helpful but can have harmful effects (Examples)Farmers use fertilizer to grow food, it’s needed but is harmful

Creating Farmland

Environmental Challenges

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People all around the world are working to find solutions to meeting our needs and helping our environmentExamples of how?

Finding A Balance

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Second & Third Level ActivitiesIndustry


Created & transformed environment & landscapes

Provide most of the jobs in developed countriesMain land use in urban areasHave side effects on the environment but create convenience, efficiency & are useful

2nd Level

3rd Level

Both Levels

Provide Jobs & Reshape


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Pollution issuesCan cause higher temperatures or other changes in climateWhat are some things that cause pollution?

Are working to find solutionsGreen vehiclesRenewable energy sources

Reducing pollution may reduce risk of harmful environment changesRecycling

Reduces the amount of waste dumpedSaves natural resources

Finding solutions is a major challengeMust work together to meet this challenge


Finding Solutions