Chapter 4 LINUX Shells. Table 4.1 Shell Locations and Program Names.

Chapter 4 LINUX Shells

Transcript of Chapter 4 LINUX Shells. Table 4.1 Shell Locations and Program Names.

Page 1: Chapter 4 LINUX Shells. Table 4.1 Shell Locations and Program Names.

Chapter 4

LINUX Shells

Page 2: Chapter 4 LINUX Shells. Table 4.1 Shell Locations and Program Names.

Table 4.1  Shell Locations and Program Names

Page 3: Chapter 4 LINUX Shells. Table 4.1 Shell Locations and Program Names.

Figure 4.1 Shell families and their relative functionalities

Page 4: Chapter 4 LINUX Shells. Table 4.1 Shell Locations and Program Names.

Table 4.2 Shell Similarities and Disimilarities

Page 5: Chapter 4 LINUX Shells. Table 4.1 Shell Locations and Program Names.

Table 4.2 Shell Similarities and Disimilarities (continued from previous slide)

Page 6: Chapter 4 LINUX Shells. Table 4.1 Shell Locations and Program Names.

Table 4.3 Some Useful Shell Built-In Commands

Page 7: Chapter 4 LINUX Shells. Table 4.1 Shell Locations and Program Names.

Table 4.4 Shell Environment Variables

Page 8: Chapter 4 LINUX Shells. Table 4.1 Shell Locations and Program Names.

Table 4.5 Shell Startup Files for Bash and TC Shells

Page 9: Chapter 4 LINUX Shells. Table 4.1 Shell Locations and Program Names.

Shell Startup Files

• Startup files set environment variables and set the initial behavior of the shell

• Bash first runs the file /etc/profile• Additional startup files have names that start

with “.” which denotes a hidden file

Page 10: Chapter 4 LINUX Shells. Table 4.1 Shell Locations and Program Names.

Figure 4.2  An illustration of the write command (continued on next slide)

Page 11: Chapter 4 LINUX Shells. Table 4.1 Shell Locations and Program Names.

Figure 4.2  An illustration of the write command (continued from previous slide

Page 12: Chapter 4 LINUX Shells. Table 4.1 Shell Locations and Program Names.

Table 4.6 Some Useful Aliases

Page 13: Chapter 4 LINUX Shells. Table 4.1 Shell Locations and Program Names.

Some Useful Commands

• Directory commands: pwd, mkdir, rmdir, ls• File display commands: cat, more, less• File printing: lpr• Calendar display: cal• Instant Messaging: write, talk (can be enabled or disabled

using mesg)• Email notification: enabled or disabled using biff• Aliasing: create an alias name for long commands (alias, and

unalias)• System statistics: uptime, ps

Page 14: Chapter 4 LINUX Shells. Table 4.1 Shell Locations and Program Names.

Shell Metacharacters

• Metacharacters are characters that have a special meaning to the shell

• Metacharacters can be used as regular characters by preceding them with “\”

Page 15: Chapter 4 LINUX Shells. Table 4.1 Shell Locations and Program Names.

Table 4.7 Shell Metacharacters (continued on next slide)

Page 16: Chapter 4 LINUX Shells. Table 4.1 Shell Locations and Program Names.

Table 4.7 Shell Metacharacters (continued from

previous slide)