Chapter 30: A Second Global Conflict



Chapter 30: A Second Global Conflict. Unchecked Aggression-Japan. 1922 and 1928: Japan signs treaties to respect China’s borders and renounce war -Great Depression: Japanese blamed government -Military leaders gained support -Emperor symbol of state -Extreme nationalists - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Chapter 30: A Second Global Conflict

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Unchecked Aggression-Japan 1922 and 1928: Japan signs treaties to respect

China’s borders and renounce war-Great Depression: Japanese blamed government-Military leaders gained support

-Emperor symbol of state-Extreme nationalists

1931: Japan seized Manchuria-Rich in iron and coal-League of Nations protests (No formal action

taken) 1935: Japan invades China

-Take capital in 1937

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Unchecked Aggression-Europe Italy and Ethiopia

-Mussolini orders a massive invasion in 1935-Ethiopian emperor appeals to League of Nations

for help, but members did nothing Hitler Defies Versailles

-1933: Germany leaves the League of Nations-1935: Hitler refuses to obey military restrictions

of the Treaty of Versailles-1936: Hitler reoccupies the Rhineland

Appeasement-Policy of giving in to an aggressor to keep peace

Axis Powers-Germany, Italy, and Japan enter into an alliance

in 1936

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“The 48 hours after the march into the Rhineland were the most nerve-racking ofmy life. If the French had opposed us then we would have had to withdraw. Our forceswere not strong enough to even put up with moderate resistance.”-Adolf Hitler

“The Spineless Leaders of Democracy”

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Pre-War Policies Europe makes Concessions

-Focused on dealing with economic problems at home and wanted to avoid war again United States

-Pursued the policy of isolationism-Political ties to other countries should be avoided

-1935: Congress passed three Neutrality Acts

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The German Reich Expands 1937: Hitler plans to absorb Austria and

Czechoslovakia into the Third Reich-Treaty of Versailles prohibited Anschluss or union

between Austria and Germany-Many Austrians supported annexation-1938: Austria annexed into Germany

Sudetenland-Heavily fortified area that protected

Czechoslovakia-Hitler demands annexation of Sudetenland in

1938 Munich Conference

-Hitler could take the Sudetenland, but must respect Czech borders

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Hitler and the “Jewish Problem” 1935: The Nuremberg Laws

-Deprived Jews of rights as citizens, limited work, and forbade marriages 1938: Night of Broken Glass (Kristallnacht)

-Nazi storm troopers attacked Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues Refugees

-Jews realized that violence was inevitable-Attempt to emigrate to other countries-Many countries abruptly closed doors to

immigration Ghettos

-Order to move all Jews to segregated areas

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Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact Non-Aggression Pact

-France and Britain sought help from Soviet Union to stop Hitler

-Stalin secretly negotiates with Hitler

-1939: Germany and Russia agree not to attack one another, divide Poland, and that the USSR gained Baltic territories Hitler demands Danzig

-1939: Hitler moves towards Poland and invades

-War declared

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The Conduct of a Second Global War German Offensive-Blitzkrieg: Quick mobilization of forces led to rapid occupation of territory-France: Germans occupied northern France and puppet Vichy regime in south Battle of Britain-German air offensive over Britain-British continuously repel attacks and Hitler abandons plans for invasion Subjugated Populations-Provide resources, soldiers, and materials to German war machine

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Germany Invades the Soviet Union Operation Barbarossa

-Germany invaded in June of 1941-Soviet Union retreated using the scorched-earth

policy-Leningrad under siege for over 900 days

-Germans ultimately defeated by Russian winter at Stalingrad (Begins German retreat)

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The Fog of War: Genocide Eastward Progress

-Mobile killing squads (Einsatzgruppen) used on Eastern European Jewish population Final Solution

-Protocol established at Wannsee Conference in 1942

-Systematic killing of Jews and others -Established concentration camps and

death camps

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The Rise and Fall of the Japanese: The Pacific Atlantic Charter (1941)

-Secret agreement between U.S. and Britain to uphold free trade and right of people to choose their government Lend-Lease

-Lend or lease arms to any country vital to U.S. Pearl Harbor

-Triggers formal involvement of U.S. in war-Pacific fighting motivated by race

Vulnerability-Japanese on defensive after Pearl Harbor-Alienated most of Europe with imperialism-Large civilian populations in wood and paper dwellings

Island Hopping-Allies quickly gain upper hand in air and sea battles-Regular bombing of Japanese homeland

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The Allied Victory Invasion of North Africa and Italy-Long and embattled campaigns to dislodge Germans D-Day-1944: Amphibious invasion of Normandy after crossing the English Channel-Allies break through German defenses and move towards Germany Leyte, Iwo Jima, Okinawa-Kamikazes-After victory at Okinawa, invasion of Japan was considered Effects on Civilian Populations-Regular bombing-Limit of civil rights (Japanese internment camps)-Shortages

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Demanding Unconditional Surrender Battle of the Bulge

-After victory, Allies move towards Germany on two fronts

-Hitler commits suicide and leaves Berlin to defend itself Unconditional Surrender (Demanded of Japan and

Germany)-May 7, 1945: Allies accept the unconditional

surrender of Germany on V-E Day-Soviet troops brutalized the German population

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The Atomic Bomb Japan Retreats

-1944: Allies closed in on Japanese homeland-Predicted that invasion would have extremely

high human toll-Truman had to decide whether or not to use

atomic bomb Warning

-Truman issued multiple warnings-Drops two atomic bombs on August 6th and 9th

(Hiroshima and Nagasaki)-Japanese surrender on September 2nd

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Warning Leaflet Mushroom CloudHeat Ray Burns

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Postwar Europe Widespread Damage-Cities reduced to rubble from bombing-Displaced persons and refugees-Agriculture ravaged and transportation systems destroyed Postwar Government-Communist Party membership increased (Decline when recovery achieved) Nuremberg Trials-IMT: Nazis tried for “war crimes” and “crimes against humanity”*-Denazification

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Postwar Japan Occupation

-U.S. occupation of Japan (Gen. Douglas MacArthur)

-Demilitarization: Disband Japanese armed forces-Democratization: Create a government elected

by the people-Broaden land ownership and increase political

participation of workers and farmers Constitution

-Emperor no longer divine (Figurehead)-Restore the Diet-Bill of Rights

*Japan and America became allies in postwar world*

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Allies Become Enemies Yalta Conference (February 1945)

-U.S., Britain, and Soviet Union met in Yalta-Agree to divide Germany into zones of

occupation controlled by Allied military forces-Germany would pay Soviet Union

-In return, Stalin promised to join Allies against Japan and that Eastern Europe would have free elections

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The United Nations United Nations

-Founded in June of 1945-International peace-keeping organization

Founding Charter-Established the General Assembly

-Each UN member votes-Security Council

-Power to investigate and settle disputes Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)

-Formal document that recognized human rights globally