Chapter 3 Section 3 Notes The Southern Colonies. I.Lord Baltimore Founds Maryland 1. 1634 – second...

Chapter 3 Section 3 Notes The Southern Colonies

Transcript of Chapter 3 Section 3 Notes The Southern Colonies. I.Lord Baltimore Founds Maryland 1. 1634 – second...

Page 1: Chapter 3 Section 3 Notes The Southern Colonies. I.Lord Baltimore Founds Maryland 1. 1634 – second Southern colony, Maryland, settled on Chesapeake Bay.

Chapter 3

Section 3 Notes

The Souther

n Colonies

Page 2: Chapter 3 Section 3 Notes The Southern Colonies. I.Lord Baltimore Founds Maryland 1. 1634 – second Southern colony, Maryland, settled on Chesapeake Bay.

I. Lord Baltimore Founds Maryland1. 1634 – second Southern colony, Maryland, settled on Chesapeake Bay2. New kind of society- free from religious conflicts in Europe

A. The Act of Toleration1. Catholics and Protestants continue fighting in Europe2. English Anglicans (Church of England) including King Charles I were

sympathizers3. Baltimore receives the colony as a proprietary colony where Catholics would

not be persecuted.4. In St. Mary’s City, first capital, elected assembly passes Act of Toleration5. Maryland based economy on tobacco

a. indentured servantsb. slaves

B. Religious Conflict in Maryland1. Haven for Catholics – majority were Protestants2. 1645 – Puritans try to seize power3. Puritans dismissed governor and replace the Act of Toleration with an anti-

Catholic law 4. Act of Toleration was restored

Page 3: Chapter 3 Section 3 Notes The Southern Colonies. I.Lord Baltimore Founds Maryland 1. 1634 – second Southern colony, Maryland, settled on Chesapeake Bay.

II. The Carolinas 1. 1640s – England torn by civil war2. 1660 – Charles II a. restored monarchy b. 8 supporters rewarded with land for new colony called Carolina

A. Proprietors Plan Their Colony1. owners offered settlers a. religious tolerance (Christians and Jews) b. large land grants c. political representation2. northern regions were settled by those from Virginia3. southern portions were settled by English colonists from the West Indies4. 1670 – Charles Town built by English settlers from Barbados 5. after 1685 Charleston became a refuge for Huguenots

B. Rice and Slavery 1. 1690s Carolinians started to export rice a. learned rice cultivation from enslaved Africans

b. large labor force needed – imported large numbers of slaves from Africa2. planters/owners lived in fear of slave revolt3. war with Native Americans broke out because of

a. capturing Native Americans to be used as slaves b. taking of native lands

Page 4: Chapter 3 Section 3 Notes The Southern Colonies. I.Lord Baltimore Founds Maryland 1. 1634 – second Southern colony, Maryland, settled on Chesapeake Bay.

II. The Carolinas cont.

C. The Colonists Rebel1. 1691 – group of colonists forced the proprietors to establish separate government in North Carolina2. colonists unhappy that there was not enough military protection from the Natives and Spanish3. 1719 – colonists overthrew proprietary rule4. 1729 – North and South Carolina become royal colonies

Page 5: Chapter 3 Section 3 Notes The Southern Colonies. I.Lord Baltimore Founds Maryland 1. 1634 – second Southern colony, Maryland, settled on Chesapeake Bay.

III. Georgia1. 1732 – James Oglethorpe received charter for Georgia2. first settlement built in Savannah

A. Ethnic and Religious Diversity1. place where debtors, the poor and criminals could get a fresh start2. hopes settlers would protect English colonies from the Spanish to the south

and the French to the west3. great diversity – Swiss, German, Scottish4. all protestant groups as well as Jews welcome5. Catholics were not welcome – fear they would join forces with the Spanish

B. Oglethorpe’s Policies1. opposed large plantations – helped poor settle small farms2. opposed slavery – fear slaves revolts might weaken the colony3. colonists did not like policies

a. jealous of Carolina’s prosperity b. trustees legalized slavery

c. Georgia became royal colony4. Georgia turned into plantation economy

Page 6: Chapter 3 Section 3 Notes The Southern Colonies. I.Lord Baltimore Founds Maryland 1. 1634 – second Southern colony, Maryland, settled on Chesapeake Bay.

IV. The Region of the South1. southern region stretched from borders of Spanish Florida to Maryland 2. share common climate and culture

A. Southern Culture Develops1. Appalachians border colonies to the west2. on the east tidewater

a. flat land along coast b. soil and climate encouraged warm-weathered crops

1. tobacco 2. rice

3. indigo3. wealthy elite developed in Virginia and South Carolina4. poor forced to move west to frontier5. Anglican Church (Church of England) established6. much diversity7. colonists demanded say in government8. each colony had an elected representative assembly