Chapter 3 section 2 The New England Colonies. Colonies Reasons they were settled Religious Freedom...

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Transcript of Chapter 3 section 2 The New England Colonies. Colonies Reasons they were settled Religious Freedom...

The New England Colonies

Chapter 3 section 2The New England ColoniesColonies Reasons they were settledHelp from the Native AmericansTheir 1st winter in America, almost half the Pilgrims died of malnutrition, disease and cold. Squanto & Samoset, Pawtuxet Indians showed the Pilgrims how to grow corn, beans & pumpkins and where to hunt and fish.Massasoit, a Wampanoag leader signed a treaty with the Pilgrims and the 2 groups lived in harmony.New SettlementsConflict with Native AmericansChapter 3 Section 2 VocabularyDissent- disagree with beliefs or practices.Persecute- to treat harshlyPuritans- Protestants who wanted to reform the Anglican ChurchSeparatist- Protestants who wanted to leave and set up their own churchesPilgrim- what separatists called themselves because their journey had a religious purposeToleration- the acceptance of differencesMayflower Compact- a 1620 document that provided law and order to the Plymouth Colony.