Chapter 3 - Sampling - Sage Publications

3 Sampling How well a sample represents a population depends on the sample frame, the sample size, and the specific design of selection procedures. If proba- bility sampling procedures are used, the precision of sample estimates can be calculated. This chapter describes various sampling procedures and their effects on the representativeness and precision of sample estimates. Two of the most common ways of sampling populations, area probability and random-digit-dialing samples, are described in some detail. There are occasions when the goal of information gathering is not to gener- ate statistics about a population but to describe a set of people in a more gen- eral way. Journalists, people developing products, political leaders, and others sometimes just want a sense of people’s feelings without great concern about numerical precision. Researchers do pilot studies to measure the range of ideas or opinions that people have or the way that variables seem to hang together. For these purposes, people who are readily available (friends, coworkers) or people who volunteer (magazine survey respondents, people who call talk shows) may be useful. Not every effort to gather information requires a strict probability sample survey. For the majority of occasions when surveys are undertaken, however, the goal is to develop statistics about a population. This chapter is about sampling when the goal is to produce numbers that can be subjected appropriately to the variety of statistical techniques available to social scientists. Although many of the same general principles apply to any sampling problem, the chapter focuses on sampling people. The way to evaluate a sample is not by the results, the characteristics of the sample, but by examining the process by which it was selected. There are three key aspects of sample selection: 1. The sample frame is the set of people that has a chance to be selected, given the sampling approach that is chosen. Statistically speaking, a sample only can be representative of the population included in the sample frame. One design issue is how well the sample frame corresponds to the population a researcher wants to describe. 2. Probability sampling procedures must be used to designate individual units for inclusion in a sample. Each person must have a known chance of 19

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How well a sample represents a population depends on the sample frame,the sample size, and the specific design of selection procedures. If proba-bility sampling procedures are used, the precision of sample estimates canbe calculated. This chapter describes various sampling procedures andtheir effects on the representativeness and precision of sample estimates.Two of the most common ways of sampling populations, area probabilityand random-digit-dialing samples, are described in some detail.

There are occasions when the goal of information gathering is not to gener-ate statistics about a population but to describe a set of people in a more gen-eral way. Journalists, people developing products, political leaders, and otherssometimes just want a sense of people’s feelings without great concern aboutnumerical precision. Researchers do pilot studies to measure the range of ideasor opinions that people have or the way that variables seem to hang together.For these purposes, people who are readily available (friends, coworkers) orpeople who volunteer (magazine survey respondents, people who call talkshows) may be useful. Not every effort to gather information requires a strictprobability sample survey. For the majority of occasions when surveys areundertaken, however, the goal is to develop statistics about a population. Thischapter is about sampling when the goal is to produce numbers that can besubjected appropriately to the variety of statistical techniques available tosocial scientists. Although many of the same general principles apply to anysampling problem, the chapter focuses on sampling people.The way to evaluate a sample is not by the results, the characteristics of the

sample, but by examining the process by which it was selected. There are threekey aspects of sample selection:

1. The sample frame is the set of people that has a chance to be selected,given the sampling approach that is chosen. Statistically speaking, a sampleonly can be representative of the population included in the sample frame. Onedesign issue is how well the sample frame corresponds to the population aresearcher wants to describe.

2. Probability sampling procedures must be used to designate individualunits for inclusion in a sample. Each person must have a known chance of


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selection set by the sampling procedure. If researcher discretion or respondentcharacteristics such as respondent availability or initiative affect the chancesof selection, there is no statistical basis for evaluating how well or how poorlythe sample represents the population; commonly used approaches to calculat-ing confidence intervals around sample estimates are not applicable.

3. The details of the sample design, its size and the specific proceduresused for selecting units, will influence the precision of sample estimates, thatis, how closely a sample is likely to approximate the characteristics of thewhole population.

These details of the sampling process, along with the rate at which infor-mation actually is obtained from those selected, constitute the facts needed toevaluate a survey sample.Response rates are discussed in Chapter 4, which also includes a brief dis-

cussion of quota sampling, a common modification of probability samplingthat yields nonprobability samples. In this chapter, sampling frames and prob-ability sampling procedures are discussed. Several of the most common prac-tical strategies for sampling people are described. Interested readers will findmuch more information on sampling in Kish (1965), Sudman (1976), Kalton(1983), Groves (1989), Henry (1990), and Lohr (1998). Researchers planningto carry out a survey almost always would be well advised to obtain the helpof a sampling statistician. This chapter, however, is intended to familiarizereaders with the issues to which they should attend, and that they will likelyencounter, when evaluating the sampling done for a survey.


Any sample selection procedure will give some individuals a chance to beincluded in the sample while excluding others. Those people who have achance of being included among those selected constitute the sample frame.The first step in evaluating the quality of a sample is to define the sampleframe. Most sampling schemes fall into three general classes:

1. Sampling is done from a more or less complete list of individuals in thepopulation to be studied.

2. Sampling is done from a set of people who go somewhere or do some-thing that enables them to be sampled (e.g., patients who received medical carefrom a physician, or people who attended a meeting). In these cases, there

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is not an advance list from which sampling occurs; the creation of the list andthe process of sampling may occur simultaneously.

3. Sampling is done in two or more stages, with the first stage involvingsampling something other than the individuals finally to be selected. In one ormore steps, these primary units are sampled, and eventually a list of individu-als (or other sampling units) is created, from which a final sample selection ismade. One of the most common such sampling schemes is to select housingunits, with no prior information about who lives in them, as a first stage ofselecting a sample of people living in those housing units. These multistageprocedures will be described in more detail later in this chapter.

There are three characteristics of a sample frame that a researcher shouldevaluate:

1. Comprehensiveness, that is, how completely it covers the target population.

2. Whether or not a person’s probability of selection can be calculated.

3. Efficiency, or the rate at which members of the target population can befound among those in the frame.

Comprehensiveness. A sample can only be representative of the sample frame,that is, the population that actually had a chance to be selected. Most samplingapproaches leave out at least a few people from the population the researcherwants to study. For example, household-based samples exclude people who livein group quarters such as dormitories, prisons, and nursing homes, as well asthose who are homeless. Available general lists, such as those of people withdriver’s licenses, registered voters, and homeowners, are even more exclusive.Although they cover large segments of some populations, they also omit majorsegments with distinctive characteristics. As a specific example, published tele-phone directories omit those without landline telephones, those who haverequested that their numbers not be published, and those who have beenassigned a telephone number since the most recent directory was published. Insome central cities, such exclusions amount to almost 50% of all households.In such cities, a sample drawn from a telephone directory would be representa-tive of only about half the population, and the half that is represented could eas-ily be expected to differ in many ways from the half that is not.A growing threat to telephone surveys is the increase of cell phone use.

Most telephone surveys have depended on sampling telephone numbers thatcan be linked to households. Households that are not served by any “landline”


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are excluded using the techniques most often used to draw samples fortelephone surveys. Those households which are served only by cell phones aretherefore left out of such samples (Blumberg, Lake, & Cynamon, 2006).E-mail addresses provide another good example. There are some popula-

tions, such as those in business or school settings, that have virtually universalaccess to e-mail, and more or less complete lists of the addresses of these pop-ulations are likely to be available. On the other hand, as an approach to sam-pling households in the general population, sampling those with e-mailaddresses leaves out many people and produces a sample that is very differentfrom the population as a whole in many important ways. Moreover, there is notcurrently a way to create a good list of all or even most of those who havee-mail addresses.Two recent innovations, spurred by the desire to conduct survey via the

Internet, deserve mentioning. First, large numbers of people have been recruitedvia the Internet to participate in surveys and other research studies. Thesepeople fill out initial baseline questionnaires covering a large number of char-acteristics. The answers to these questions can then be used to “create” a sam-ple from the total pool of volunteers that roughly matches those of the wholepopulation a researcher wants to study. When such a “sample” is surveyed, theresults may or may not yield accurate information about the whole population.Obviously, no one is included in such a sample who does not use the Internetand is not interested in volunteering to be in the surveys. Often, the same peopleparticipate in numerous surveys, thereby further raising questions about howwell the respondents typify the general population (Couper, 2007).In an effort to address some of those concerns, another approach is to

carry out a telephone survey to recruit a pool of volunteers for Internet sur-veys. Those without access to computers may be given a computer to use.Even with those efforts, the “sample frame” consists of that subset of thepopulation that lives in a household with telephone service and agrees to bepart of a pool for research studies. From a statistical perspective, statisticsbased on samples from that pool do not necessarily apply to the balance ofthe population. Rather, in both of the examples above, those respondingto a survey can only be said to be representative of the populations that vol-unteered or agreed to be on these lists (Couper, 2007). The extent to whichthey are like the rest of the population must be evaluated independently ofthe sampling process.A key part of evaluating any sampling scheme is determining the percent-

age of the population one wants to describe that has a chance of being selectedand the extent to which those excluded are distinctive. Very often a researchermust make a choice between an easier or less expensive way of sampling apopulation that leaves out some people and a more expensive strategy that is


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also more comprehensive. If a researcher is considering sampling from a list,it is particularly important to evaluate the list to find out in detail how it wascompiled, how and when additions and deletions are made, and the numberand characteristics of people likely to be left off the list.

Probability of selection. Is it possible to calculate the probability of selection ofeach person sampled? A procedure that samples records of visits to a doctorover a year will give individuals who visit the doctor numerous times a higherchance of selection than those who see the doctor only once. It is not necessarythat a sampling scheme give every member of the sampling frame the samechance of selection, as would be the case if each individual appeared once andonly once on a list. It is essential, however, that the researcher be able to findout the probability of selection for each individual selected. This may be doneat the time of sample selection by examination of the list. It also may be possi-ble to find out the probability of selection at the time of data collection.In the above example of sampling patients by sampling doctor visits, if the

researcher asks selected patients the number of visits to the physician they hadin a year or if the researcher could have access to selected patients’ medicalrecords, it would be possible to adjust the data at the time of analysis to takeinto account the different chances of selection. If it is not possible to knowthe probability of selection of each selected individual, however, it is not pos-sible to estimate accurately the relationship between the sample statistics andthe population from which it was drawn.“Quota samples,” discussed near the end of Chapter 4, are another common

example of using procedures for which the probability of selection cannot becalculated.

Efficiency. In some cases, sampling frames include units that are not membersof the target population the researcher wants to sample. Assuming that eligiblepersons can be identified at the point of data collection, being too comprehen-sive is not a problem. Hence a perfectly appropriate way to sample elderlypeople living in households is to draw a sample of all households, find out ifthere are elderly persons living in selected households, then exclude thosehouseholds with no elderly residents. Random-digit dialing samples selecttelephone numbers (many of which are not in use) as a way of sampling hous-ing units with telephones. The only question about such designs is whether ornot they are cost effective.Because the ability to generalize from a sample is limited by the sample

frame, when reporting results the researcher must tell readers who was or wasnot given a chance to be selected and, to the extent that it is known, how thoseomitted were distinctive.


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Once a researcher has made a decision about a sample frame or approach togetting a sample, the next question is specifically how to select the individualunits to be included. In the next few sections, the various ways that samplerstypically draw samples are discussed.

Simple Random Sampling

Simple random sampling is, in a sense, the prototype of population sam-pling. The most basic ways of calculating statistics about samples assume thata simple random sample was drawn. Simple random sampling approximatesdrawing a sample out of a hat: Members of a population are selected one at atime, independent of one another and without replacement; once a unit isselected, it has no further chance to be selected.Operationally, drawing a simple random sample requires a numbered list of

the population. For simplicity, assume that each person in the populationappears once and only once. If there were 8,500 people on a list, and the goalwas to select a simple random sample of 100, the procedure would be straight-forward. People on the list would be numbered from 1 to 8,500. Then a com-puter, a table of random numbers, or some other generator of random numberswould be used to produce 100 different numbers within the same range. Theindividuals corresponding to the 100 numbers chosen would constitute asimple random sample of that population of 8,500. If the list is in a computer-ized data file, randomizing the ordering of the list, then choosing the first100 people on the reordered list, would produce an equivalent result.

Systematic Samples

Unless a list is short, has all units prenumbered, or is computerized so thatit can be numbered easily, drawing a simple random sample as describedabove can be laborious. In such situations, there is a way to use a variationcalled systematic sampling that will have precision equivalent to a simple ran-dom sample and can be mechanically easier to create. Moreover, the benefitsof stratification (discussed in the next section) can be accomplished more eas-ily through systematic sampling.When drawing a systematic sample from a list, the researcher first deter-

mines the number of entries on the list and the number of elements fromthe list that are to be selected. Dividing the latter by the former will produce a


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fraction. Thus, if there are 8,500 people on a list and a sample of 100 isrequired, 100/8,500 of the list (i.e., 1 out of every 85 persons) is to be includedin the sample. In order to select a systematic sample, a start point is designatedby choosing a random number that falls within the sampling interval, in thisexample, any number from 1 to 85. The randomized start ensures that it is achance selection process. Starting with the person in the randomly selectedposition, the researcher proceeds to take every 85th person on the list.Most statistics books warn against systematic samples if a list is ordered by

some characteristic, or has a recurring pattern, that will differentially affect thesample depending on the random start. As an extreme example, if members ofa male-female couples club were listed with the male partner always listedfirst, any even number interval would produce a systematic sample that con-sisted of only one gender even though the club as a whole is evenly divided bygender. It definitely is important to examine a potential sample frame from theperspective of whether or not there is any reason to think that the sampleresulting from one random start will be systematically different from thoseresulting from other starts in ways that will affect the survey results. In prac-tice, most lists or sample frames do not pose any problems for systematic sam-pling. When they do, by either reordering the lists or adjusting the selectionintervals, it almost always is possible to design a systematic sampling strategythat is at least equivalent to a simple random sample.

Stratified Samples

When a simple random sample is drawn, each new selection is independent,unaffected by any selections that came before. As a result of this process, anyof the characteristics of the sample may, by chance, differ somewhat from thepopulation from which it is drawn. Generally, little is known about the char-acteristics of individual population members before data collection. It is notuncommon, however, for at least a few characteristics of a population to beidentifiable at the time of sampling. When that is the case, there is the possi-bility of structuring the sampling process to reduce the normal sampling vari-ation, thereby producing a sample that is more likely to look like the totalpopulation than a simple random sample. The process by which this is done iscalled stratification.For example, suppose one had a list of college students. The list is arranged

alphabetically. Members of different classes are mixed throughout the list. Ifthe list identifies the particular class to which a student belongs, it would bepossible to rearrange the list to put freshmen first, then sophomores, thenjuniors, and finally seniors, with all classes grouped together. If the sampling


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design calls for selecting a sample of 1 in 10 of the members on the list, therearrangement would ensure that exactly 1/10 of the freshmen were selected,1/10 of the sophomores, and so forth. On the other hand, if either a simple ran-dom sample or a systematic sample was selected from the original alphabeti-cal list, the proportion of the sample in the freshman year would be subject tonormal sampling variability and could be slightly higher or lower than was thecase for the population. Stratifying in advance ensures that the sample willhave exactly the same proportions in each class as the whole population.Consider the task of estimating the average age of the student body. The

class in which a student is a member almost certainly is correlated with age.Although there still will be some variability in sample estimates because of thesampling procedure, structuring the representation of classes in the samplingframe also will constrain the extent to which the average age of the sample willdiffer by chance from the population as a whole.Almost all samples of populations of geographic areas are stratified by

some regional variable so that they will be distributed in the same way as thepopulation as a whole. National samples typically are stratified by region ofthe country and also by urban, suburban, and rural locations. Stratificationonly increases the precision of estimates of variables that are related to thestratification variables. Because some degree of stratification is relativelysimple to accomplish, however, and because it never hurts the precision ofsample estimates (as long as the probability of selection is the same across allstrata), it usually is a desirable feature of a sample design.

Different Probabilities of Selection

Sometimes stratification is used as a first step to vary the rates of selectionof various population subgroups. When probabilities of selection are constantacross strata, a group that constitutes 10% of a population will constitute about10% of a selected sample. If a researcher wanted a sample of at least 100 froma population subgroup that constituted 10% of the population, a simple ran-dom sampling approach would require an overall sample of 1,000. Moreover,if the researcher decided to increase the sample size of that subgroup to 150,this would entail taking an additional 500 sample members into the sample,bringing the total to 1,500, so that 10% of the sample would equal 150.Obviously, there are occasions when increasing a sample in this way is not very

cost effective. In the latter example, if the researcher is satisfied with the size ofthe samples of other groups, the design adds 450 unwanted interviews in order toadd 50 interviews that are wanted. In some cases, therefore, an appropriate designis to select some subgroup at a higher rate than the rest of the population.


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As an example, suppose that a researcher wished to compare male andfemale students, with a minimum of 200 male respondents, at a particular col-lege where only 20% of the students are male. Thus a sample of 500 studentswould include 100 male students. If male students could be identified inadvance, however, one could select male students at twice the rate at whichfemale students were selected. In this way, rather than adding 500 interviewsto increase the sample by 100 males, an additional 100 interviews over thebasic sample of 500 would produce a total of about 200 interviews with males.Thus, when making male-female comparisons, one would have the precisionprovided by samples of 200 male respondents and 400 female respondents. Tocombine these samples, the researcher would have to give male respondents aweight of half that given to females to compensate for the fact that they weresampled at twice the rate of the rest of the population. (See Chapter 10 formore details about weighting.)Even if individual members of a subgroup of interest cannot be identi-

fied with certainty in advance of sampling, sometimes the basic approachoutlined above can be applied. For instance, it is most unusual to have alist of housing units that identifies the race of occupants in advance of con-tact. It is not uncommon, however, for Asian families to be more concen-trated in some neighborhood areas than others. In that instance, aresearcher may be able to sample households in areas that are predomi-nantly Asian at a higher than average rate to increase the number of Asianrespondents. Again, when any group is given a chance of selection differ-ent from other members of the population, appropriate compensatoryweighting is required in order to generate accurate population statistics forthe combined or total sample.A third approach is to adjust the chance of selection based on information

gathered after making contact with potential respondents. Going back to thecollege student survey, if student gender could not be ascertained in advance,the researchers could select an initial sample of 1,000 students, have inter-viewers ascertain the gender of each student, then have them conduct a com-plete interview with all selected male students (200) but only half of thefemale students they identified (400). The result would be exactly the same aswith the approach described above.Finally, one other technical reason for using different probabilities of selec-

tion by stratum should be mentioned. If what is being measured is much morevariable in one group than in another, it may help the precision of the result-ing overall estimate to oversample the group with the high level of variability.Groves (1989) provides a good description of the rationale and how to assessthe efficiency of such designs.


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When there is no adequate list of the individuals in a population and no wayto get at the population directly, multistage sampling provides a usefulapproach.In the absence of a direct sampling source, a strategy is needed for link-

ing population members to some kind of grouping that can be sampled.These groupings can be sampled as a first stage. Lists then are made of indi-vidual members of selected groups, with possibly a further selection fromthe created list at the second (or later) stage of sampling. In sampling ter-minology, the groupings in the last stage of a sample design are usuallyreferred to as “clusters.” The following section illustrates the general strat-egy for multistage sampling by describing its use in three of the most com-mon types of situations in which lists of all individuals in the targetpopulation are not available.

Sampling Students From Schools

If one wanted to draw a sample of all students enrolled in the public schoolsof a particular city, it would not be surprising to find that there was not a sin-gle complete list of such individuals. There is, however, a sample frame thatenables one to get at and include all the students in the desired population:namely, the list of all the public schools in that city. Because every individualin the study population can be attached to one and only one of those units, aperfectly acceptable sample of students can be selected using a two-stage strat-egy: first selecting schools (i.e., the clusters) and then selecting students fromwithin those schools.Assume the following data:There are 20,000 students in a city with 40 schoolsDesired sample = 2,000 = 1/10 of studentsFour different designs or approaches to sampling are presented below. Each

would yield a probability sample of 2,000 students.The four approaches listed all yield samples of 2,000; all give each student

in the city an equal (1 in 10) chance of selection. The difference is that fromtop to bottom, the designs are increasingly less expensive; lists have to be col-lected from fewer schools, and fewer schools need to be visited. At the sametime, the precision of each sample is likely to decline as fewer schools aresampled and more students are sampled per school. The effect of this and othermultistage designs on the precision of sample estimates is discussed in moredetail in a later section of this chapter.


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Area Probability Sampling

Area probability sampling is one of the most generally useful multistagestrategies because of its wide applicability. It can be used to sample any pop-ulation that can be defined geographically, for example, the people living in aneighborhood, a city, a state, or a country. The basic approach is to divide thetotal target land area into exhaustive, mutually exclusive subareas with identi-fiable boundaries. These subareas are the clusters. A sample of subareas isdrawn. A list then is made of housing units in selected subareas, and a sampleof listed units is drawn. As a final stage, all people in selected housing unitsmay be included in the sample, or they may be listed and sampled as well.This approach will work for jungles, deserts, sparsely populated rural areas,

or downtown areas in central cities. The specific steps to drawing such a sam-ple can be very complicated. The basic principles, however, can be illustratedby describing how one could sample the population of a city using city blocksas the primary subarea units to be selected at the first stage of sampling.


Probability Probability Overallof Selection × of Selection = Probabilityat Stage 1 at Stage 2 of Selection(schools) (students in


(a) Select all schools, 1/1 × 1/10 = 1/10list all students, andselect 1/10 students ineach school

(b) Select 1/2 of the 1/2 × 1/5 = 1/10schools, then select 1/5of all students in them

(c) Select 1/5 of the 1/5 × 1/2 = 1/10schools, then select 1/2of all students in them

(d) Select 1/10 schools, 1/10 × 1/1 = 1/10then collectinformation aboutall students in them

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Assume the following data:A city consists of 400 blocks20,000 housing units are located on these blocksDesired sample = 2,000 housing units = 1/10 of all housing unitsGiven this information, a sample of households could be selected using

a strategy parallel to the above selection of students. In the first stage ofsampling, blocks (i.e., the clusters) are selected. During the second stage, allhousing units on selected blocks are listed and a sample is selected from thelists. Two approaches to selecting housing units are as follows:

Probability × Probability of = Overallof Selection Selection at ProbabilityStage 1 Stage 2 of(blocks) (housing units Selection

in selectedblocks)

(a) Select 80 blocks (1/5), 1/5 × 1/2 = 1/10then take 1/2 of unitson those blocks

(b) Select 40 blocks (1/10), 1/10 × 1/1 = 1/10then take all units onthose blocks

Parallel to the school example, the first approach, involving more blocks, ismore expensive than the second; it also is likely to produce more precise sam-ple estimates for a sample of a given size.None of the above sample schemes takes into account the size of the Stage 1

groupings (i.e., the size of the blocks or schools). Big schools and big blocksare selected at the same rates as small ones. If a fixed fraction of each selectedgroup is to be taken at the last stage, there will be more interviews taken fromselected big schools or big blocks than from small ones; the size of the samples(cluster sizes) taken at Stage 2 will be very divergent.If there is information available about the size of the Stage 1 groups, it is usu-

ally good to use it. Sample designs tend to provide more precise estimates if thenumber of units selected at the final step of selection is approximately equal inall clusters. Other advantages of such designs are that sampling errors are easierto calculate and the total size of the sample is more predictable. To produceequal-sized clusters, Stage 1 units should be sampled proportionate to their size.The following example shows how blocks could be sampled proportionate

to their size as the first stage of an area probability approach to sampling housing


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units (apartments or single family houses). The same approach could beapplied to the school example above, treating schools in a way analogous toblocks in the following process.

1. Decide how many housing units are to be selected at the last stage ofsampling—the average cluster size. Let us choose 10, for example.

2. Make an estimate of the number of housing units in each Stage 1 unit(block).

3. Order the blocks so that geographically adjacent or otherwise similarblocks are contiguous. This effectively stratifies the sampling to improve thesamples, as discussed above.

4. Create an estimated cumulative count across all blocks of housing units.A table like the one below will result.


Hits (RandomStart = 70;

Block Estimated Cumulative Interval = 100Number Housing Units Housing Units HUs)

1 43 43 −2 87 130 70

3 99 229 170

4 27 256 −5 15 271 270

Determine the interval between clusters. If we want to select 1 in 10 hous-ing units and a cluster of about 10 on each selected block, we need an intervalof 100 housing units between clusters. Put another way, instead of taking 1house at an interval of every 10 houses, we take 10 houses at an interval ofevery 100 houses; the rate is the same, but the pattern is “clustered.”After first choosing a random number from 1 to 100 (the interval in the

example) as a starting point, we proceed systematically through the cumulativecount, designating the primary units (or blocks) hit in this first stage of selection.In the example, the random start chosen (70) missed block 1 (though 43 timesin 100 it would have been hit); the 70th housing unit was in block 2; the 170thhousing unit was in block 3; and the 270th housing unit was located in block 5.A list then is made of the housing units on the selected blocks (2, 3, and 5),

usually by sending a person to visit the blocks. The next step is to select housingunits from those lists. If we were sure the estimates of the sizes of blocks wereaccurate, we could simply select 10 housing units from each selected block, using

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either simple random or systematic sampling; a systematic sample would usuallybe best because it would distribute the chosen units around the block.It is common for estimates of the size of stage 1 units such as blocks to be

somewhat in error. We can correct for such errors by calculating the rate atwhich housing units are to be selected from blocks as:


(On block 2)

Rate of HU=

Avg. cluster size=



selection on block Estimated HUs on block 87 8.7

In our example, we would take 1 per 8.7 housing units on block 2, 1 per 9.9housing units on block 3, and 1 per 1.5 housing units on block 5. If a block isbigger than expected (e.g., because of new construction), more than 10 hous-ing units will be drawn; if it is smaller than expected (e.g., because of demo-lition), fewer than 10 housing units will be drawn. If it is exactly what weexpected (e.g., 87 housing units on block 2), we take 10 housing units (87)8.7 = 10). In this way, the procedure is self-correcting for errors in initialestimates of block size, while maintaining the same chance of selection forhousing units on all blocks. No matter the estimated or actual size of the block,the chance of any housing unit being selected is 1 in 10.The area probability sample approach can be used to sample any geograph-

ically defined population. Although the steps are more complicated as the areagets bigger, the approach is the same. The key steps to remember are thefollowing:

• All areas must be given some chance of selection. Combine areas whereno units are expected with adjacent areas to ensure a chance of selection; newconstruction may have occurred or estimates may be wrong.

• The probability of selecting a block (or other land area) times the proba-bility of selecting a housing unit from a selected block should be constantacross all blocks.

Finally, even careful field listers will miss some housing units. Therefore, it isgood practice to include checks for missed units at the time of data collection.

Random-Digit Dialing

Random-digit dialing (RDD) provides an alternative way to draw a sampleof housing units in order to sample the people in those households. Suppose

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the 20,000 housing units in the above example are covered by six telephoneexchanges. One could draw a probability sample of 10% of the housing unitsthat have telephones as follows:

1. There is a total of 60,000 possible telephone numbers in those 6exchanges (10,000 per exchange). Select 6,000 of those numbers (i.e., 10%),drawing 1,000 randomly generated, four-digit numbers per exchange.

2. Dial all 6,000 numbers. Not all the numbers will be household numbers;in fact, many of the numbers will not be working, will be disconnected or tem-porarily not in service, or will be businesses. Because 10% of all possible tele-phone numbers that could serve the area have been called, about 10% of all thehouseholds with telephones in that area will be reached by calling the sampleof numbers.

This is the basic random-digit-dialing approach to sampling. The obvious dis-advantage of this approach is the large number of unfruitful calls. Nationally,fewer than 25% of possible numbers are associated with residential housingunits; the rate is about 30% in urban areas and about 10% in rural areas.Waksberg (1978) developed a method of taking advantage of the fact that tele-phone numbers are assigned in groups. Each group of 100 telephone numbers isdefined by a three-digit area code, a three-digit exchange, and two additionalnumbers (area code–123–45XX). By carrying out an initial screening ofnumbers by calling one random number in a sample of groups, then calling addi-tional random numbers only within the groups of numbers where a residentialnumber was found, the rate of hitting housing units can be raised to more than50%. In this design, the groups of 100 telephone numbers are the clusters.In recent years, most survey organizations have begun using a list-assisted

approach to RDD. With the advancement of computer technology, companiescan compile computerized versions of telephone listings. These computerizedphone books are updated every 3 months. Once all these books are in a com-puter file, a search can yield all clusters (area code– 123–45XX) that have atleast one published residential telephone number. These companies can thenproduce a sample frame of all possible telephone numbers in clusters that haveat least one published residential telephone number. Sampling can now be car-ried out using this sample frame. This approach has two distinct advantages.The first is that the initial screening of telephone numbers required by theWaksberg method is no longer needed. The construction of the sample framehas already accomplished this. The second advantage is that the sampleselected using this frame is no longer clustered. By using all clusters that con-tain residential telephone numbers as a sample frame, a simple or systematicrandom sample of telephone numbers can be drawn. This new approach to


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RDD is more cost effective and efficient than its predecessors were. A limita-tion is that telephone numbers in clusters that have no listed residentialnumbers have no chance of selection. Brick, Waksberg, Kulp, and Starer(1995) have estimated that, on average, about 4% of households with tele-phone service in the United States are left out. Lepkowski (1988) provides agood summary of the various ways to sample telephone numbers in order tosample households.The accumulation of lists of individuals and their characteristics has made

possible some other efficiencies for telephone surveys. One comparativelysimple advance is that reverse telephone directories can be used to tieaddresses to some telephone numbers. One of the downsides of RDD is thathouseholds do not receive advance notice that an interviewer will be calling.Lists make it possible to sort selected numbers into groups (or strata) based onwhether or not there is a known residential address associated with a number.Those for whom there is a known address can be sent an advance letter.More elaborately, if there are lists of people who have known characteris-

tics that are targeted for a survey—an age group, those living in a particulargeographic area, people who gave to a particular charity—a stratum can bemade of telephone numbers likely to connect to households that are being tar-geted. Numbers in the other strata or for which information is not availablemay be sampled at lower rates, thereby giving all households a known chanceof selection but increasing the efficiency of the data collection by concentrat-ing more effort on households likely to yield eligible respondents. Note that ifthe probabilities of selection are not the same for all respondents, weightingmust be used at the analysis stage, as described in Chapter 10.There are several additional issues to note about the random-digit-dialing

approach to sampling. First, its value depends on the fact that most householdshave telephone service. Nationally, only about 5% of the households lackhousehold service, but in some areas, particularly central cities or rural areas,the rate of omission may be greater than that. The growing use of individualcell phones has also posed a growing problem for RDD sampling. Most cur-rent RDD sampling focuses only on household service and avoids exchangesdevoted to cell phone use. It is possible to sample from both kinds of services,but the complexity of sampling, data collection, and postsurvey weighting aregreatly increased if cell phone numbers are included in the sample frames(Brick, Dipko, Presser, Tucker, & Yuan, 2006; Lavrakas, Shuttles, Steeh, &Fienberg, 2007).To give one example of the complexity: RDD sampling uses area codes to

target populations in defined geographic areas. However, cell phone numbersare much less tied to where people actually live. A survey based on cell phone


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area codes will reach some people who live outside the targeted geographicarea and, worse, will omit those who live in the area but whose cell phoneshave distant area codes.Like any particular sampling approach, RDD is not the best design for all sur-

veys. Additional pros and cons will be discussed in Chapter 5. The introductionof RDD as one sampling option, however, has made a major contribution toexpanding survey research capabilities in the last 30 years. With the longer-term impact of cell phones and response rate challenges (discussed in Chapter 5),the future use of RDD sampling remains to be seen.

Respondent Selection

Both area probability samples and RDD designate a sample of housingunits. There is then the further question of who in the household should beinterviewed.The best decision depends on what kind of information is being gathered. In

some studies, the information is being gathered about the household and aboutall the people in the household. If the information is commonly known andeasy to report, perhaps any adult who is home can answer the questions. If theinformation is more specialized, the researcher may want to interview thehousehold member who is most knowledgeable. For example, in the NationalHealth Interview Survey, the person who “knows the most about the health ofthe family” is to be the respondent for questions that cover all family members.There are, however, many things that an individual can report only for him-

self or herself. Researchers almost universally feel that no individual canreport feelings, opinions, or knowledge for some other person. There are alsomany behaviors or experiences (e.g., what people eat or drink, what they havebought, what they have seen, or what they have been told) that usually canonly be reported accurately by self-reporters.When a study includes variables for which only self-reporting is appropri-

ate, the sampling process must go beyond selecting households to samplingspecific individuals within those households. One approach is to interviewevery eligible person in a household. (So there is no sampling at that stage.)Because of homogeneity within households, however, as well as concernsabout one respondent influencing a later respondent’s answers, it is more com-mon to designate a single respondent per household. Obviously, taking the per-son who happens to answer the phone or the door would be a nonprobabilisticand potentially biased way of selecting individuals; interviewer discretion,respondent discretion, and availability (which is related to working status,lifestyle, and age) would all affect who turned out to be the respondent. The


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key principle of probability sampling is that selection is carried out throughsome chance or random procedure that designates specific people. The proce-dure for generating a probability selection of respondents within householdsinvolves three steps:

1. Ascertain how many people living in a household are eligible to be respondents(e.g., how many are 18 or older).

2. Number these in a consistent way in all households (e.g., order by decreasing age).

3. Have a procedure that objectively designates one person to be the respondent.

Kish (1949) created a detailed procedure for designating respondents usinga set of randomized tables that still is used today. When interviewing is com-puter assisted, it is easy to have the computer select one of the eligible house-hold members. The critical features of the procedure are that no discretion beinvolved and that all eligible people in selected households have a known (andnonzero) probability of selection. Groves and Lyberg (1988) review severalstrategies for simplifying respondent selection procedures.One of the concerns about respondent selection procedures is that the initial

interaction upon first contacting someone is critical to enlisting cooperation. Ifthe respondent selection procedure is too cumbersome or feels intrusive, itmay adversely affect the rate of response. Thus, there have been various effortsto find streamlined ways to sample adults in selected households.One popular method is the “last birthday” method. The household contact

is asked to identify the adult who last had a birthday, and that person is the des-ignated respondent. In principle, this should be an unbiased way to select arespondent. In practice, it depends on the initial contact having informationabout all household members’ birthdays.Another relatively new approach keys selection to the person the inter-

viewer first talks with. First, the number of eligible people in the household isdetermined. If there are two or more eligible, a randomized algorithm chooseseither the initial informant at the appropriate rate or chooses among the“other” eligible adults (if there is more than one) (Rizzo, Brick, & Park, 2004).However the respondent is chosen, when only one person is interviewed in

a household, a differential rate of selection is introduced. If an adult lives in aone-adult household, he or she obviously will be the respondent if the house-hold is selected. In contrast, an adult living in a three-adult household only willbe the respondent one third of the time. Whenever an identifiable group isselected at a different rate from others, weights are needed so that oversampledpeople are not overrepresented in the sample statistics. In the example earlierin this chapter, when male students were selected at twice the rate of femalestudents, their responses were weighted by one half so that their weighted


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proportion of the sample would be the same as in the population. The samegeneral approach applies when one respondent is chosen from householdswith varying numbers of eligible people.The simplest way to adjust for the effect of selecting one respondent per

household is to weight each response by the number of eligible people in thathousehold. Hence, if there are three adults, the weight is three; if there are twoeligible adults, the weight is two; and if there is only one eligible adult, theweight is one. If a weighting scheme is correct, the probability of selectiontimes the weight is the same for all respondents. (See Chapter 10.)


The sampling strategies presented above were chosen because they are amongthe most commonly used and they illustrate the major sampling design options.A probability sampling scheme eventually will designate a specific set ofhouseholds or individuals without researcher or respondent discretion. Thebasic tools available to the researcher are simple random and systematic sam-pling, which are modified by stratification, unequal rates of selection, andclustering. The choice of a sampling strategy rests in part on feasibility andcosts; it also involves the precision of sample estimates. A major reason forusing probability sampling methods is to permit use of a variety of statisticaltools to estimate the precision of sample estimates. In this section, the calcu-lation of such estimates and how they are affected by features of the sampledesign are discussed.Researchers usually have no interest in the characteristics of a sample per se.

The reason for collecting data about a sample is to reach conclusions about anentire population. The statistical and design issues in this chapter are consid-ered in the context of how much confidence one can have that the characteris-tics of a sample accurately describe the population as a whole.As described in Chapter 2, a way to think about sampling error is to think

of the distribution of means one might get if many samples were drawn fromthe same population with the same procedure. Although some sources of errorin surveys are biasing and produce systematically distorted figures, samplingerror is a random (and hence not a systematically biasing) result of sampling.When probability procedures are used to select a sample, it is possible to cal-culate how much sample estimates will vary by chance because of sampling.If an infinite number of samples are drawn, the sample estimates of descrip-

tive statistics (e.g., means) will form a normal distribution around the true


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population value. The larger the size of the sample and the less the variance ofwhat is being measured, the more tightly the sample estimates will buncharound the true population value, and the more accurate a sample-based esti-mate usually will be. This variation around the true value, stemming from thefact that by chance samples may differ from the population as a whole, iscalled “sampling error.” Estimating the limits of the confidence one can havein a sample estimate, given normal chance sampling variability, is one impor-tant part of evaluating figures derived from surveys.The design of sample selection (specifically, whether it involves stratifica-

tion, clustering, or unequal probabilities of selection) affects the estimates ofsampling error for a sample of a given size. The usual approach to describingsampling errors, however, is to calculate what they would be for a simple ran-dom sample, and then to calculate the effects of deviations from a simple ran-dom sampling design. Hence, the calculation of sampling errors for simplerandom samples is described first.

Sampling Errors for Simple Random Samples

This is not a textbook on sampling statistics. Estimating the amount of errorone can expect from a particular sample design, however, is a basic part of thesurvey design process. Moreover, researchers routinely provide readers withguidelines regarding error attributable to sampling, guidelines that both theknowledgeable reader and the user of survey research data should know andunderstand. To this end, a sense of how sampling error is calculated is a nec-essary part of understanding the total survey process.Although the same logic applies to all statistics calculated from a sample,

the most common sample survey estimates are means or averages. The sta-tistic most often used to describe sampling error is called the standard error(of a mean). It is the standard deviation of the distribution of sample esti-mates of means that would be formed if an infinite number of samples of agiven size were drawn. When the value of a standard error has been esti-mated, one can say that 67% of the means of samples of a given size anddesign will fall within the range of ±1 standard error of the true populationmean; 95% of such samples will fall within the range of ±2 standard errors.The latter figure (±2 standard errors) often is reported as the “confidenceinterval” around a sample estimate.The estimation of the standard error of a mean is calculated from the vari-

ance and the size of the sample from which it was estimated:


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SE = standard error of a meanVar = the variance (the sum of the squared deviations from the sample mean

over n)n = size of the sample

The most common kind of mean calculated from a sample survey is proba-bly the percentage of a sample that has a certain characteristic or gives a cer-tain response. It may be useful to show how a percentage is the mean of atwo-value distribution.A mean is an average. It is calculated as the sum of the values divided by

the number of cases: Σx/n. Now suppose there are only two values, 0 (no) and1 (yes). There are 50 cases in a sample; 20 say “yes” when asked if they aremarried, and the rest say “no.” If there are 20 “yes” and 30 “no” responses,calculate the mean as

A percentage statement, such as 40% of respondents are married, is just astatement about the mean of a 1/0 distribution; the mean is .40. The calcula-tion of standard errors of percentage is facilitated by the fact that thevariance of a percentage can be calculated readily as p × (1 − p), wherep = percentage having a characteristic (e.g., the 40% married in the aboveexample) and (1 − p) is the percentage who lack the characteristic (e.g., the60% not married).We have already seen that the standard error of a mean is as follows:

Because p(1 − p) is the variance of a percentage,

SE =√



SE =√



SE =√





(20 × 1 + 30 × 0)



50= 0.40


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is the standard error of a percentage. In the previous example, with 40% ofa sample of 50 persons being married, the standard error of that estimatewould be as follows:

Thus we would estimate that the probability is .67 (i.e., ±1 standard errorfrom the sample mean) that the true population figure (the percentage of thewhole population that is married) is between .33 and .47 (.40 ± .07). We are95% confident that the true population figure lies within two standard errorsof our sample mean, that is, between .26 and .54 (.40 ± .14).Table 3.1 is a generalized table of sampling errors for samples of various

sizes and for various percentages, provided that samples were selected assimple random samples. Each number in the table represents two standarderrors of a percentage. Given knowledge (or an estimate) of the percentage ofa sample that gives a particular answer, the table gives 95% confidence inter-vals for various sample sizes. In the example above, with 50 cases yielding asample estimate of 40% married, the table reports a confidence interval near.14, as we calculated. If a sample of about 100 cases produced an estimate that20% were married, the table says we can be 95% sure that the true figure is20% ± 8 percentage points (i.e., 12% to 28%).Several points about the table are worth noting. First, it can be seen that

increasingly large samples always reduce sampling errors. Second, it also can beseen that adding a given number of cases to a sample reduces sampling error agreat deal more when the sample is small than when it is comparatively large. Forexample, adding 50 cases to a sample of 50 produces a quite noticeable reductionin sampling error. Adding 50 cases to a sample of 500, however, produces a vir-tually unnoticeable improvement in the overall precision of sample estimates.Third, it can be seen that the absolute size of the sampling error is greatest

around percentages of .5 and decreases as the percentage of a sample having acharacteristic approaches either zero or 100%. We have seen that standarderrors are related directly to variances. The variance p(1 − p) is smaller asthe percentages get further from .5. When p = 0.5, (0.5 × 0.5) = 0.25. Whenp = 0.2, (0.2 × 0.8) = 0.16.Fourth, Table 3.1 and the equations on which it is based apply to samples

drawn with simple random sampling procedures. Most samples of generalpopulations are not simple random samples. The extent to which the particu-lar sample design will affect calculations of sampling error varies from designto design and for different variables in the same survey. More often than not,

SE =√



√0.40 × 0.60



50= 0.07


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Table 3.1 will constitute an underestimate of the sampling error for a generalpopulation sample.Finally, it should be emphasized that the variability reflected in Table 3.1

describes potential for error that comes from the fact of sampling rather thancollecting information about every individual in a population. The calculationsdo not include estimates of error from any other aspects of the survey process.

Effects of Other Sample Design Features

The preceding discussion describes the calculation of sampling errors forsimple random samples. Estimates of sampling errors will be affected by dif-ferent sampling procedures. Systematic sampling should produce sampling


TABLE 3.1Confidence Ranges for Variablility Attributable to Sampling*

Sample Size




























































Percentage of Sample With Characteristic

NOTE: Chances are 95 in 100 that the real population figure lies in the range defined by ± numberindicated in table, given the percentage of sample reporting the characteristic and the number ofsample cases on which the percentage is based.

*This table describes variability attributable to sampling. Errors resulting from nonresponse orreporting errors are not reflected in this table. In addition, this table assumes a simple randomsample. Estimates may be subject to more variability than this table indicates because of thesample design or the influence of interviewers on the answers they obtained; stratification mightreduce the sampling errors below those indicated here.

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errors equivalent to simple random samples if there is no stratification.Stratified samples can produce sampling errors that are lower than those asso-ciated with simple random samples of the same size for variables that differ(on average) by stratum, if rates of selection are constant across strata.Unequal rates of selection (selecting subgroups in the population at differ-

ent rates) are designed to increase the precision of estimates for oversampledsubgroups, thus

(a) they generally will produce sampling errors for the whole sample that arehigher than those associated with simple random samples of the same size, forvariables that differ by stratum, except

(b) when oversampling is targeted at strata that have higher than average variancesfor some variable, the overall sampling errors for those variables will be lowerthan for a simple random sample of the same size.

Clustering will tend to produce sampling errors that are higher than thoseassociated with simple random samples of the same size for variables that aremore homogeneous within clusters than in the population as a whole. Also, thelarger the size of the cluster at the last stage, the larger the impact on samplingerrors will usually be.It often is not easy to anticipate the effects of design features on the preci-

sion of estimates. Design effects differ from study to study and for differentvariables in the same survey. To illustrate, suppose every house on variousselected blocks was the same with respect to type of construction and whetheror not it was occupied by the owner. Once one respondent on a block reportshe is a home owner, the additional interviews on that block would yieldabsolutely no new information about the rate of home ownership in the popu-lation as a whole. For that reason, whether the researcher took one interviewper block or 20 interviews per block, the reliability of that estimate would beexactly the same, basically proportionate to the number of blocks from whichany interviews at all were taken. At the other extreme, the height of adults islikely to vary as much within a block as it does throughout a city. If the respon-dents on a block are as heterogeneous as the population as a whole, clusteringdoes not decrease the precision of estimates of height from a sample of a givensize. Thus, one has to look at the nature of the clusters or strata and what esti-mates are to be made in order to evaluate the likely effect of clustering on sam-pling errors.The effects of the sample design on sampling errors often are unappreciated.

It is not uncommon to see reports of confidence intervals that assume simple ran-dom sampling when the design was clustered. It also is not a simple matter toanticipate the size of design effects beforehand. As noted, the effects of the


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sample design on sampling errors are different for every variable; their calcula-tion is particularly complicated when a sample design has several deviationsfrom simple random sampling, such as both clustering and stratification. Becausethe ability to calculate sampling errors is one of the principal strengths of the sur-vey method, it is important that a statistician be involved in a survey with a com-plex sample design to ensure that sampling errors are calculated and reportedappropriately. The problem of appropriately taking into account design featureswhen estimating sampling errors has been greatly simplified by the fact that sev-eral available analysis packages will do those adjustments. (See Chapter 10.)Finally, the appropriateness of any sample design feature can be evaluated

only in the context of the overall survey objectives. Clustered designs are likelyto save money both in sampling (listing) and in data collection. Moreover, it iscommon to find many variables for which clustering does not inflate the sam-pling errors very much. Oversampling one or more groups often is a cost-effective design. As with most issues discussed in this book, the importantpoint is for a researcher to be aware of the potential costs and benefits of theoptions and to weigh them in the context of all the design options and the mainpurposes of the survey.


Of the many issues involved in sample design, one of the most common ques-tions posed to a survey methodologist is how big a survey sample should be.Before providing an approach to answering this question, perhaps it is appro-priate to discuss three common but inappropriate ways of answering it.One common misconception is that the adequacy of a sample depends heav-

ily on the fraction of the population included in that sample—that somehow1%, or 5%, or some other percentage of a population will make a sample cred-ible. The estimates of sampling errors discussed above do not take into accountthe fraction of a population included in a sample. The sampling error estimatesfrom the preceding equations and from Table 3.1 can be reduced by multiply-ing them by the value (1 − f ), where f = the fraction of the population includedin a sample.When one is sampling 10% or more of a population, this adjustment can

have a discernible effect on sampling error estimates. The vast majority of sur-vey samples, however, involve very small fractions of populations. In suchinstances, small increments in the fraction of the population included in asample will have no effect on the ability of a researcher to generalize from asample to a population.


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The converse of this principle also should be noted. The size of the popula-tion from which a sample of a particular size is drawn has virtually no impacton how well that sample is likely to describe the population. A sample of 150people will describe a population of 15,000 or 15 million with virtually thesame degree of accuracy, assuming that all other aspects of the sample designand sampling procedures are the same. Compared to the total sample size andother design features such as clustering, the impact of the fraction of a popu-lation sampled on sampling errors is typically trivial. It is most unusual for itto be an important consideration when deciding on a sample size.A second inappropriate approach to deciding on sample size is somewhat

easier to understand. Some people have been exposed to so-called standard sur-vey studies, and from these they have derived a typical or appropriate samplesize. Thus some people will say that good national survey samples generally are1,500, or that good community samples are 500. Of course, it is not foolish tolook at what other competent researchers have considered to be adequate sam-ple sizes of a particular population. The sample size decision, however, likemost other design decisions, must be made on a case-by-case basis, with theresearchers considering the variety of goals to be achieved by a particular studyand taking into account numerous other aspects of the research design.A third wrong approach to deciding on sample size is the most important

one to address, for it can be found in many statistical textbooks. The approachgoes like this: A researcher should decide how much margin of error he or shecan tolerate or how much precision is required of estimates. Once one knowsthe need for precision, one simply uses a table such as Table 3.1, or appropri-ate variations thereon, to calculate the sample size needed to achieve thedesired level of precision.In some theoretical sense, there is nothing wrong with this approach. In prac-

tice, however, it provides little help to most researchers trying to design realstudies. First, it is unusual to base a sample size decision on the need for preci-sion of a single estimate. Most survey studies are designed to make numerousestimates, and the needed precision for these estimates is likely to vary.In addition, it is unusual for a researcher to be able to specify a desired level

of precision in more than the most general way. It is only the exception, ratherthan the common situation, when a specific acceptable margin for error can bespecified in advance. Even in the latter case, the above approach implies thatsampling error is the only or main source of error in a survey estimate. Whena required level of precision from a sample survey is specified, it generallyignores the fact that there will be error from sources other than sampling. Insuch cases, the calculation of precision based on sampling error alone is anunrealistic oversimplification. Moreover, given fixed resources, increasing thesample size may even decrease precision by reducing resources devoted toresponse rates, question design, or the quality of data collection.


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Estimates of sampling error, which are related to sample size, do play a rolein analyses of how big a sample should be. This role, however, is complicated.The first prerequisite for determining a sample size is an analysis plan. The key

component of that analysis plan usually is not an estimate of confidence intervalsfor the overall sample, but rather an outline of the subgroups within the total pop-ulation for which separate estimates are required, together with some estimates ofthe fraction of the population that will fall into those subgroups. Typically, thedesign process moves quickly to identifying the smaller groups within the popu-lation for which figures are needed. The researcher then estimates how large asample will be required in order to provide a minimally adequate sample of thesesmall subgroups. Most sample size decisions do not focus on estimates for thetotal population; rather, they are concentrated on the minimum sample sizes thatcan be tolerated for the smallest subgroups of importance.The process then turns to Table 3.1, not at the high end but at the low end

of the sample size continuum. Are 50 observations adequate? If one studiesTable 3.1, it can be seen that precision increases rather steadily up to samplesizes of 150 to 200. After that point, there is a much more modest gain toincreasing sample size.Like most decisions relating to research design, there is seldom a definitive

answer about how large a sample should be for any given study. There are manyways to increase the reliability of survey estimates. Increasing sample size isone of them. Even if one cannot say that there is a single right answer, however,it can be said that there are three approaches to deciding on sample size that areinadequate. Specifying a fraction of the population to be included in the sam-ple is never the right way to decide on a sample size. Sampling errors primar-ily depend on sample size, not on the proportion of the population in a sample.Saying that a particular sample size is the usual or typical approach to studyinga population also is virtually always the wrong approach. An analysis plan thataddresses the study’s goals is the critical first step. Finally, it is very rare thatcalculating a desired confidence interval for one variable for an entire popula-tion is the determining calculation in how big a sample should be.


The sampling process can affect the quality of survey estimates in three dif-ferent ways:

• If the sample frame excludes some people whom we want to describe,sample estimates will be biased to the extent that those omitted differ fromthose included.


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• If the sampling process is not probabilistic, the relationship between thesample and those sampled is problematic. One can argue for the credibility ofa sample on grounds other than the sampling process; however, there is no sta-tistical basis for saying a sample is representative of the sampled populationunless the sampling process gives each person selected a known probability ofselection.

• The size and design of a probability sample, together with the distribu-tion of what is being estimated, determine the size of the sampling errors, thatis, the chance variations that occur because of collecting data about only asample of a population.

Often sampling errors are presented in ways that imply they are the onlysource of unreliability in survey estimates. For surveys that use large samples,other sources of error are likely to be more important. A main theme of thisbook is that nonsampling errors warrant as much attention as sampling errors.Also, it is not uncommon to see sampling errors reported that assume simplerandom sampling procedures when the sample design involved clusters, oreven when it was not a probability sample at all. In these ways, ironically, esti-mates of sampling errors can mislead readers about the precision or accuracyof sample estimates.Sampling and analyzing data from a sample can be fairly straightforward if

a good list is used as a sampling frame, if a simple random or systematic sam-pling scheme is used, and if all respondents are selected at the same rate. Withsuch a design, Table 3.1 and the equations on which it is based will providegood estimates of sampling errors. Even with such straightforward designs,however, researchers need to consider all sources of error, including the sam-ple frame, nonresponse, and response errors (all discussed in subsequentchapters) when evaluating the precision of survey estimates. Moreover, whenthere are doubts about the best way to sample, or when there are deviationsfrom simple random sampling, it is virtually essential to involve a samplingspecialist both to design an appropriate sampling plan and to analyze resultsproperly from a complex sample design.


1. In order to grasp the meaning of sampling error, repeated systematicsamples of the same size (with different random starts) can be drawn from thesame list (e.g., a telephone directory). The proportions of those sampleshaving some characteristic (e.g., a business listing) taken together will form


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a distribution. That distribution will have a standard deviation that is about onehalf the entry in Table 3.1 for samples of the sizes drawn. It is also valuable tocalculate several of the entries in Table 3.1 (i.e., for various sample sizes andproportions) to help understand how the numbers were derived.

2. What percentage of adults in the United States would you estimate:

a. Have driver’s licenses?

b. Have listed telephone numbers?

c. Are registered to vote?

d. Have a personal e-mail address (not through their work)?

3. What are some likely differences between those who would be in thosesample frames and those who would not?

4. Compared with simple random samples, do the following tend to increase,decrease, or have no effect on sampling errors?

a. Clustering?

b. Stratifying?

c. Using a systematic sampling approach?

Further Readings

Kalton, G. (1983). Introduction to survey sampling. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.Kish, L. (1965). Survey sampling. NewYork: John Wiley.Lohr, S. L. (1998). Sampling design and analysis. NewYork: Brooks/Cole.


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