Chapter 3 Revisi

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  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 3 Revisi




    A. The Location of Research Schedule

    This research was conducted at the library of Muhammadiyah University

    of North Sumatra, which is location in Jalan Kapten Mucthar Basri No. Medan.

    This research started in June !"##.

    B. Research Desin

    This research was based on descriptive method. $ descriptive method was

    used in collected the data then compared between %n&lish and Javanese in Nasal

    'onsonants. Besides that, library research was used in analy(in& the data re)uired.

    The researcher collected the data and read some boo*s that related to %n&lish and

    Javanese in Nasal 'onsonants. +escriptive research was carried out to describe

    the similarities and differences between %n&lish and Javanese. These followin&

    are the step of the analysis.

    a-. 'ollectin& the +ata.

    The data need many boo*s, especially %n&lish and Javanese boo*s about

    Nasal 'onsonants to become the data of the analysis.

    b-. Selectin& the +ata.

    The Main +ata of $nalysis in this proposal were relative to the researchers

    interest about contrastive analysis between %n&lish and Javanese in Nasal



  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 3 Revisi


    c-. Selectin& and Tabulatin& in Nasal 'onsonants.

    $fter selectin& the data the researcher made a tabulatin& of the data. 0t means

    that the data were tabulated accordin& to their positions.

    d-. 1indin& out the similarities and differences of nasal consonants in %n&lish and


    C. Source of Data

    0n collectin& data, documentary was employed. By usin& this library

    research, the en)uired information was &athered by readin& and studyin& some

    references that related to the study. 0t was necessary to observe boo*s as many as

    possible and choose the most relevant ones. Most of the te2t boo*s were ta*en

    from the library of Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra.

    Besides the use of library research, observation was used in this study to

    find some informants who are native spea*ers or non3 native spea*er in 0ndonesia.

    0t would be aimed to &ather the re)uired data of nasal consonants in Javanese

    consulted them with the e2perts The 0nformants-.

    D. The Techni!ue of Collectin Data

    0n this study, the documentary techni)ue was used to collect the data. The

    re)uired information was collected after readin& some references that related to

    this study. Some references are 4phonolo&y5 edited by +aniel Jones.

    $fter readin& some references, the nasal consonant are identified based on

    the position meanin&. Then, those are classified into the 6osition and meanin&.


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    1inally the similarities and differences of nasal consonant both in lan&ua&es was

    e2plained in this study.

    E. The Procedure in Collectin the Data

    There are some steps in collectin& the data, and the steps are as follows7

    #. 0dentifyin& the 6osition, the meanin& and the function of nasal consonant both

    in %n&lish and Javanese lan&ua&e.

    !. 'lassifyin& the 6osition and the meanin& of nasal consonant both in %n&lish

    and Javanese lan&ua&e.

    . %2plainin& the similarities and differences of nasal consonant %n&lish and

    Javanese lan&ua&e.

    F. Techni!ue of Data Anal"sis

    0n this research, the researcher used the descriptive analysis. 0t mean that

    the researcher obtained the re)uirement data from libraries. The researcher

    collected the data from many boo*s that related to %n&lish and Javanese in Nasal

    'onsonants. This techni)ue used the contrastive of each sub elements and found

    out the similarities and dissimilarities amon& of both lan&ua&e in Nasal

    'onsonants and identifyin& their positions of the two lan&ua&es.

    The data was analy(ed and compared to find out the similarities and

    differences of nasal consonant both in %n&lish and Javanese lan&ua&e by usin&

    contrastive analysis theory.


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    a. Data Collection

    0n this research, the data obtained were divided into two &roups, they are

    Nasal 'onsonants in %n&lish and Javanese as shown in the followin& tables.

    &. Enlish $asal

    Ta'le ()&

    The *osition of nasal +,+ of Enlish in initial *osition

    $o +,+ -ord Pronunciation

    # 8 Move 9mu7v:! 8 Many 9meni: 8 Mnemonic 9ni7m;ni*:

    < 8 Million 9mil=;n:> 8 Method 9me?;d:@ 8 Mouth 9mau?:A 8 Month 9mn?:C 8 Mansion 9mDnEn:/ 8 Musician 9m=u7-(iEn:#" 8 Machine 9m;Ei7n:

    Ta'le ()

    The *osition of nasal +,+ of Enlish in ,edial *osition

    $o +,+ -ord Pronunciation

    # 8 'omfort 9*mf;t:! 8 Become 9be*m: 8 'ambrid&e 9*eimbredF:< 8 Thames 9tem(:> 8 Gamp 9lDmp:@ 8 Small 9sm;7l:

    A 8 +umville 9dmvil:


  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 3 Revisi


    C 8 0nformation 9imf;meiEn:/ 8 Salmon 9sDm;n:

    #" 8 triumph 9trai;mf:

    Ta'le ()/

    The *osition of nasal +,+ of Enlish in final *osition

    $o +,+ -ord Pronunciation

    # 8 Jim 9dFim:! 8 'ome 9*m: 8 Balm 9ba7m:< 8 'alm 9*a7m:> 8 6alm 9pa7m:

    @ 8 6salm 9sa7m:A 8 Hualm 9*w;7m:C 8 1arm 9fa7m:/ 8 Iarm 9ha7m:

    #" 8 'lapham 9*lap;m:


  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 3 Revisi


    Ta'le ()(The *osition of nasal +n+ of Enlish in initial *osition

    $o +n+ -ord Pronunciation

    # 8 Newt 9n=u7t:! 8 Nap 9nDp: 8 Nine 9nain:< 8 Noble 9noubl:> 8 Nails 9nell(:@ 8 Noose 9nu7s:A 8 Nation 9neiEn:

    C 8 New 9n=u7:/ 8 Needle 9ni7dl:

    #" 8 Nec*s 9n*s:


  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 3 Revisi


    Ta'le ()0The *osition of nasal +n+ of Enlish in ,edial *osition

    $o +n+ -ord Pronunciation

    # 8 inter 9wint;:! 8 Loodness 9&udnes: 8 Gondon 9lnd;n:< 8 Business 9bi(nis:> 8 Send 9sD7nd:@ 8 %nthusiasm 9in ?=u7(iD(m:A 8 %nrol 9in roul:

    C 8 Snee(e 9sni7(:/ 8 6ond 9p;nd:

    #" 8 6rincess 9prin ss:

    Ta'le () 1

    The *osition of nasal +n+ of Enlish in final *osition

    $o +n+ -ord Pronunciation

    # 8 Kitten 9*itn:! 8 'hin 9tEin: 8 Thin 9?in:< 8 Sinn 9(in:

    > 8 Seven 9sevn:


  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 3 Revisi


    @ 8 6en 9pen:A 8 Men 9men:

    C 8 wn 9;un:/ 8 Ginen 9linen:

    #" 8 an 9vDn:

    Ta'le ()2

    The *osition of nasal +3+ of Enlish in initial *osition

    $o +3+ -ord Pronunciation

    # 3 3 3! 3 3 3 3 3 3< 3 3 3

    > 3 3 3@ 3 3 3A 3 3 3C 3 3 3/ 3 3 3

    #" 3 3 3


  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 3 Revisi


    Ta'le ()4

    The *osition of nasal +3+ of Enlish in ,edial *osition

    $o +3+ -ord Pronunciation

    # 8 1in&er 9fiO&;:! 8 Stron&est 9str;O&ist: 8 Sin&er 9siOa:< 8 Ian&in& 9hDOiO:> 8 'on&re&ation 9*;O&ri&eiEn:

    @ 8 %n&a&e 9iO&eidF:A 8 Sin* 9siO*:C 8 Gon&est 9l;O&ist:/ 8 $n&er 9DO&a:

    #o 8 0n&redient 9iO &ridi;nt:


  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 3 Revisi


    Ta'le ()5

    The *osition of nasal +3+ of Enlish in final *osition

    $o +3 + -ord Pronunciation

    # 8 Gon& 9l;O:! 8 Sin& 9siO: 8 Brin&in& 9briOiO:< 8 Kin& 9*iO:> 8 Loin& 9&ouiO:

    @ 8 Son& 9s;O:A 8 $lon& 9;l;O:C 8 Gon&in& 9l;OiO:/ 8 Brin& 9briO:

    #" 8 Pun& 9rO:

    . 6a7anese $asal

    Ta'le ()&8

    The *osition of nasal +,+ of 6a7anese in initial *osition


  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 3 Revisi


    $o +,+ -ord Meanin

    # 8 Mblaso) 9enter:

    ! 8 Maten& 9ripe: 8 Man&an 9eat:< 8 Mumet 9confused:> 8 Mla*u 9road:@ 8 Mblayu 9run:A 8 Muden& 9understand:C 8 Mba*yu 9sister:/ 8 Mudhun 9down:

    #" 8 Metu 9e2it:

    Ta'le ()&&

    The *osition of nasal +,+ of 6a7anese in ,edial *osition

    $o +,+ -ord Meanin

    # 8 Gemah 9land:

    ! 8 %mpo) 9soft: 8 Temban& 9son&:< 8 Trimo 9accept:> 8 %man 9darlin&:@ 8 mah 9house:A 8 mpon& 9tooth:C 8 Lrumbol 9bushes:/ 8 mbo 9wide:#o 8 *emban& 9flower:


  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 3 Revisi


    Ta'le ()&

    The *osition of nasal +,+ of 6a7anese in final *osition

    $o +,+ -ord Meanin

    # 8 6alem 9man&o:! 8 Nom 9youn&:

    8 'an&*em 9month:< 8 +alem 9yes:> 8 Lelem 9shall:@ 8 Min&*em 9silent:A 8 $dem 9cold:C 8 $nyem 9calm:/ 8 Kalem 9soft:#" 8 %nem 9si2:


  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 3 Revisi


    Ta'le ()&/

    The *osition of nasal +n+ of 6a7anese in initial *osition

    $o +n+ -ord Meanin

    # 8 Niru 9imitate:! 8 Nander 9plant:

    8 Numpa* 9&o up:< 8 Nis 9worried:> 8 N&&owo 9brin&in&:@ 8 Nrambol 9disapprove:A 8 Nesu 9an&ry:C 8 Nemu 9can:/ 8 Nduwe 9possess:

    #" 8 Noto 9arran&&in&:

    Ta'le ()&(

    The *osition of nasal +n+ of 6a7anese in ,edial *osition

    $o +n+ -ord Meanin

    # 8 Kendho 9Goose:


  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 3 Revisi


    ! 8 Tandor 9en&a&e: 8 ani 9brave:

    < 8 Puntoh 9collapse:> 8 Ban=er 9flood:@ 8 Mana) 9bearin&:A 8 $neh 9stran&e:C 8 Untu 9tooth:/ 8 Klinitan 9clinic:

    #" 8 0sinan 9prude:

    Ta'le ()&0

    The *osition of nasal +n+ of 6a7anese in final *osition

    $o +n+ -ord Meanin

    # 8 Ta*on 9)uestion:! 8 Tan&an 9hand: 8 %dan 9cra(y:< 8 0sen 9shy:> 8 Klalen 9for&et:@ 8 6lintiren 9roll:A 8 +olan 9play:C 8 $mbe*an 9breath:/ 8 Biyen 9former:#" 8 man&&on 9place:


  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 3 Revisi


    Ta'le ()&1

    The *osition of nasal +n"+ of 6a7anese in initial *osition

    $o +n"+ -ord Meanin

    # 8 Nyambi 9while:

    ! 8 Nyadon& 9re)uest: 8 Nyambit 9throw:< 8 Nyawo* 9ta*e:> 8 Nyarob 9=oin:@ 8 Nyawer 9&ive:A 8 Nyan&*al 9self3 defence:C 8 Nyun&sep 9enter:/ 8 nyelem 9sin*:

    #" 8 Ny=ran&*on& 9thin once:

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 3 Revisi


    Ta'le ()&2

    The *osition of nasal +n"+ of 6a7anese in ,edial *osition

    $o +n"+ -ord Meanin

    # 8 $nyar 9new:

    ! 8 Banyu 9water: 8 Konyol 9=o*e:< 8 $nyam 9net:> 8 $nyir 9stin*in&:@ 8 Gunyu 9slippery:A 8 $nyel 9sic* over:C 8 Mblenye* 9flabby:/ 8 N&enye* 9=eer:#" 8 Kunyu* 9cra(y:

    Ta'le ()&4

    The *osition of nasal +n"+ of 6a7anese in final *osition

    $o +n"+ -ord Meanin

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 3 Revisi


    # 3 ) )! 3 ) )

    3 ) )< 3 ) )> 3 ) )@ 3 ) )A 3 ) )C 3 ) )/ 3 ) )

    #" 3 ) )

    Ta'le ()&5

    The *osition of nasal +3+ of 6a7anese in initial *osition

    $o +3+ -ord Meanin# 8 N&omon& 9spea*:! 8 N&&andron& 9fall in love: 8 N&erebot 9&rab:< 8 N&&ra&as 9&reedy:> 8 N&ade* 9self:@ 8 N&awan& 9mind:A 8 N&erti 9understand:C 8 N&rutu*i 9&rant:/ 8 n&enes 9annoyed:#" 8 N&idul 9south:


  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 3 Revisi


    Ta'le ()8

    The *osition of nasal +3+ of 6a7anese in ,edial *osition

    $o +3+ -ord Meanin

    # 8 $n&et 9hot:

    ! 8 Krun&u 9listen: 8 'lin&os 9prude:< 8 Nlon&so 9sad:> 8 6en&&awean 9=ob:@ 8 +in&*le* 9chair:A 8 $n&el 9difficult:C 8 Sun&e 9river:/ 8 Mon&&oh 9please:

    #" 8 wan&i 9fra&rance:


  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 3 Revisi


    Ta'le ()&

    The *osition of nasal +3+ of 6a7anese in final *osition

    $o +3+ -ord Meanin

    # 8 Garan& 9e2pensive:

    ! 8 0ren& 9blac*: 8 Geren& 9bicycle:< 8 Kalen& 9tin can:> 8 +luwan& 9paper:@ 8 Ja&on& 9sit:A 8 La&an& 9stal*:C 8 Srawon& 9associate:/ 8 mpon& 9tooth:#" 8 N&&anden& 9hold:

    '. The Data Anal"sis


  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 3 Revisi


    $fter the researcher collected the data and analy(ed the nasal consonants

    in %n&lish and Javanese, the researcher presents the findin& as the followin&


    Ta'le ()

    The si,ilarities of Enlish and 6a7anese in $asal Consonants

    $o Si,ilarit" Enlish 6a7anese

    # +efinition Nasal consonants is

    speech sounds which are

    formed by complete

    closure in the mouth so

    that the air which comes

    from the lun&s escapes

    throu&h the nasal cavity

    instead of throu&h the

    mouth cavity.

    Nasal consonants is a speech

    sound which is produced by a

    complete or some abstraction

    of the passa&e of air.

    ! positions %n&lish has three

    positions in nasal

    consonants, they are7

    initial, medial and final.

    Javanese has three positions in

    nasal consonants, they are7

    initial, medial and final.

    Ta'le ()/

    The Differences of Enlish and 6a7anese in $asal Consonants

    $o Si,ilarit" Enlish 6a7anese

    # Kinds %n&lish has QmQ Javanese has QmQ


  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 3 Revisi


    %n&lish has QnQ

    %n&lish has QOQ

    %n&lish does not have QnyQ

    Javanese has QnQ

    Javanese has QOQ

    Javanese has QnyQ! 6ositions %n&lish has three positions,

    they are7 initial, medial and

    final, but in position nasal

    QOQ does not have initial


    Javanese has three positions,

    they are7 initial, medial and

    final, but in position QnyQ

    does not have final position.

    6ronunciation %n&lish has pronunciation in

    nasal consonants

    Javanese does not have

    pronunciation in nasal



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    A. Conclusions

    1rom the data and findin& that obtained, some conclusion can be drawn a


    #. The similarities of %n&lish and Javanese in Nasal 'onsonants

    a. The definition of nasal consonants either in %n&lish and Javanese

    b. %n&lish and Javanese has initial, medial and final positions

    !. The differences of %n&lish and Javanese nasal consonants

    a. Nasal consonants in %n&lish is divided into three *inds that is QmQ, QnQ, QOQ

    Meanwhile in Javanese nasal consonants is divided into four that are QmQ

    QnQ, QOQ, QnyQ. Nasal consonants in %n&lish QOQ does not have initial position

    and nasal consonants in Javanese QnyQ does not have final position.

    b. %n&lish has pronunciation but Javanese does not pronunciation in nasal


    c. Javanese has nasal consonants of QmQ,QnQ, QOQ, QnyQ but in %n&lish does not

    have QnyQ.

    B. Suestions

    1rom the conclusions above, some su&&estions can present as follows7

    #. 0t is that teacher of %n&lish should concern about the e2istence mother ton&ue,

    that is Javanese to present the %n&lish nasal consonants to see the similarities

    and differences,

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 3 Revisi


    !. 1rom the similarities of both lan&ua&e, they can help the teacher to present

    materials in teachin& of %n&lish word from the easiest to the most difficult


    . %n&lish and Javanese have the similarities in some other ways. By havin&

    *nown the similarities of both lan&ua&e, the students could ma*e an easy

    approach in understandin& %n&lish,