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Transcript of CHAPTER 28 BIBLIOGRAPHY - USGS Chapter 28... · Chapter 28 Bibliography Bechtel National, Inc....

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Agatep, L., City of Westmorland. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 21, 2005.

Barfknecht, M., County of Riverside Sheriff’s Department. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 21, 2005.

Barrett, M., New River Wetlands Project. E-mail with Department of Fish and Game in 2006.

Cagle, F., Sierra Club. E-mail with Department of Water Resources on August 29, 2005.

Cannell, T., Salton City Community Services District. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 30, 2005.

Colon, M., City of Imperial Police Department. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 22, 2005.

Cornejo, F., City of Holtville. Telephone conversation with Lorraine Woodman CH2M HILL on April 12, 2006.

Crayon, J., California Department of Fish and Game. Personal communication to CH2M HILL on March 30, 2006.

Duffey, California Building Industry Association. Personal communication to CH2M HILL in 2006.

Eckhardt, J., Imperial Irrigation District. Personal communication with CH2M HILL on April 20, 2006.

Flores, A., City of Imperial. Personal communications with CH2M HILL in 2005.

Fravila, D., Calexico Fire Department. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 16, 2005.

Garcia, A., City of Imperial. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 23, 2005.

Garcia, M., City of Brawley. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 22, 2005.

Garcia, M., Niland Sanitation District. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 30, 2005.

Gillmore, M., City of Brawley. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 16, 2005.

Gomez, M., City of Calexico Police Department. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 16, 2005.

Gomez, R., City of Calipatria Police Department. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 16, 2005.

Gracia, D., City of Calexico Department of Public Works. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 18, 2005.

Harlow, J., Riverside County Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder Office. Personal communication with of CH2M HILL in 2005.

Hyatt, T., County of Riverside Fire Department. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 22, 2005.

Jefferson, G.T. Personal communication with CH2M HILL in 2005.

Johnson, M., Coachella Valley Water District. E-mail correspondence with CH2M HILL on November 23, 2005.

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Jordan, J., Heber Public Utilities District. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on April 26, 2006.

Jorgenson, N., Imperial County. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on March 29, 2006.

Kaiser Ventures LLC letter to M. Chrisman, Secretary for Resources Agency, California, and D. Hoffman-Floerke, Chief of Colorado River & Salton Sea Office, Department of Water Resources, California. Dated June 7, 2006. Signed by Terry L. Cook.

Kemp, Golden State Water. Personal communications with CH2M HILL in 2005.

Lee, E., City of Coachella Water Department. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 22, 2005.

Lopanec, M., Valley Sanitary District. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 22, 2005.

Lucas, D., Union Pacific Railroad. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 17, 2005.

Macken, R., County of Imperial Sheriff’s Department. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 16, 2005.

Martinez, E., City of Brawley Fire Department. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 10, 2005.

Morena, M., City of Holtville Police Department. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 16, 2005.

Moreno, G., Imperial Sheriff’s Department. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 16, 2005.

Moreno, T., County of Imperial Fire Department. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 10, 2005.

Munoz, H., City of El Centro Public Works Department. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 22, 2005.

Oliver, C., California Integrated Waste Management Board. E-mail correspondence with CH2M HILL on November 30, 2005.

Orozco, H., Seeley County Water District. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 21, 2005.

Palitang, O., Caltrans District 8 Planning, Forecasting/Traffic Analysis. E-mail to CH2M HILL on November 21, 2005.

Peychtl, Seeley County Water District. Personal communications with CH2M HILL in 2005.

Ramirez, J., Clean Harbors Westmorland LLC. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 21, 2005.

Schoneman, C., U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. Personal communication with CH2M HILL on May 22, 2006.

Silva, A., City of Holtville Fire Department. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 10, 2005.

Soriano, J., City of Calipatria Department of Public Works. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 23, 2005.

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Soto, F., City of Brawley. Personal communications with CH2M HILL in 2005.

Swartz, M. Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southwest Division, Salton Sea Test Base Remediation Project Manager. Personal communication with SAIC on November 17, 2005.

Verdugo, G., City of Heber Public Utility District. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 23, 2005.

Weeks, K., City of Indio Police Department. Telephone conversation with CH2M HILL on November 16, 2005.

Wilcox, B., Imperial Irrigation District. E-mail with CH2M HILL on December 7, 2005.

2006 28-24 Salton Sea Ecosystem Restoration Draft PEIR