Chapter 20: An Urban Society 1865-1914

Chapter 20: An Urban Society 1865-1914 The New Immigrants What were some characteristics of the new wave of immigrants that arrived after 1865?


Chapter 20: An Urban Society 1865-1914. The New Immigrants What were some characteristics of the new wave of immigrants that arrived after 1865?. The “OLD” Immigrants. Before 1865 : Mainly Northern and Western Europeans. After 1900: Eastern and Southern Europeans began arriving. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Chapter 20: An Urban Society 1865-1914

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Chapter 20: An Urban Society

1865-1914The New ImmigrantsWhat were some characteristics of the new wave of immigrants that arrived after 1865?

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The “OLD” Immigrants

Before 1865: Mainly Northern and Western Europeans

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After 1900: Eastern and Southern Europeans began arriving .

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Differences: Religion (many Catholics and Jews), non-English speaking, looked different

Also: Other groups arrive- Mexicans, Chinese, Japanese

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Leaving Troubles Behind- Push/Pull Factors

“Push” factors:Economic troubles: poverty, joblessness, overcrowding, crop failures, not owning land, new machines replace workersPersecution: laws or policies passed against certain ethnic groups

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“Pull” factors

Opportunity: A place of jobs, plentiful land, and better life

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Settling in America: Seeking Opportunity

• Journey: Travel – two weeks across Atlantic Ocean,or several weeks across Pacific Ocean, usually in steerage

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Eastern/Southern Europeans• -In East: Castle Garden/Ellis Island

(1892) 1st stop

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What happened there?• 1st step: ferry to the island• 2nd step: Examiners record names,

country of origin, occupation, relatives in U.S.

• 3rd step: Health examinationWhat if you didn’t pass the inspection?You may be sent back to your homeland,

or you may be sent to the hospital complex on Ellis Island

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The Immigrant Experience

• Jobs- settled where they found workExamples:

-factories (mills, steel, clothing, etc)-sweatshops-general laborers

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Becoming Americans: Adjusting to America

•Melting PotBlending called assimilation: process of becoming part of the American culture

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Building Communities

• Ethnic neighborhoods develop-immigrants settled with people of same culture (language, religion, experiences) LITTLE ITALY


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The Nativist Movement

• Immigration caused prejudice; led to restrictions-immigrants blamed for problems

• 1882: Chinese Exclusion Act:Prohibited Chinese workers from entering the United States for 10 years

• Immigration Act of 1917: Literacy Requirement-Had to read or write in some language