Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.

Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro

Transcript of Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.

Page 1: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.

Chapter 2 “The English Colonies”

Part 2

Ms. Monteiro

Page 2: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.

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Southern Colonies

New England Colonies

Middle Colonies

Conflict in the Colonies

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Life in the English Colonies



Page 3: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.

Row 1, Col 1

What was the name of the laws that were passed in the

southern colonies in order to control the slaves?

Slave codes

Page 4: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.


The economies of the southern colonies were mostly

based on what?

Farming which is also known as Agriculture

Page 5: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.


Why did King George II grant a charter to James Oglethorpe to start the colony of Georgia?

He hoped that Georgia would protect Britain’s other colonies from Spanish Florida.

Page 6: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.


 What was the name of the Indian confederacy that helped

the Jamestown colonists to survive?


Page 7: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.


What destroyed the cooperation between the Jamestown colonists

and the Powhatan Indians?

Colonists killed a Powhatan leader

Page 8: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.


Who were the two Indians, who spoke English,

and helped the Pilgrims to survive?

Samoset and Squanto

Page 9: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.


 Who was the leader of the Puritans when they left England and went to Massachusetts?

John Winthrop

Page 10: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.


 When the Pilgrims left England, they were headed for Virginia.

They ended up off course farther north. Where did they land in Massachusetts?

Plymouth Rock

Page 11: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.


  What is the importance of the Fundamental

Orders of Connecticut?

Made Connecticut’s government more democratic

Page 12: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.


What type of work became important in the New England colonies

because the soil could not grow cash crops?

Trade, manufacturing, fishing, shipbuilding, skilled crafts

Page 13: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.


Who led the Dutch colony of New Netherland but

had to surrender it to the English, who renamed it?

Peter Stuyvesant

Page 14: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.


 Who was the founder of the Quaker colony of Pennyslvania?

William Penn

Page 15: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.


 The government of the colony of Pennsylvania was an important example of this type of government.

Representative self-government

Page 16: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.


Name the three main staple crops that were grown in the Middle Colonies.

Wheat, barley, oats

Page 17: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.


 By 1760, what was the largest British colonial city?

Philadelphia in Pennsylvania

Page 18: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.


Name for the movement during the 1700s that spread the idea that

reason and logic could improve society.


Page 19: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.



Name for the war between the British and French

for the control of North America.

French and Indian War

Page 20: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.


  Name of the treaty that ended the

French and Indian War and put Britain in control of North America.

Treaty of Paris 1763

Page 21: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.


  Why did King George III of England

issue the Proclamation of 1763?

To stop settlement west of the Appalachian Mts. so that settlers and Indians would not fight

Page 22: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.


  This Ottawa chief had fought for France and

he tried to resist British settlement west of the Appalachians Mts.


Page 23: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.


  Event in which colonists protested

the tax on tea even though the tax was not high.

Boston Tea Party

Page 24: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.


 Punishments the British put on the people of Boston

because of the Boston Tea Party.

Intolerable Acts

Page 25: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.


 Why was Boston Harbor closed in 1774?

Bostonians were being published for the Boston Tea Party

Page 26: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.


Define “taxation without representation”.

Having to pay taxes without having any say about the law

Page 27: Chapter 2 “The English Colonies” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro.


 What was the first tax law passed by the British parliament

to raise money in the colonies? It required taxes

on imported sugar and molasses.

Sugar Act of 1764