Chapter 2 NHK

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Transcript of Chapter 2 NHK

  • 8/20/2019 Chapter 2 NHK


    AN: No the great fairy will not demand Link to marry her. I actually want the relationship to develop naturally. Also when I mentioned abridged series I meant that it would have an episodic format where everything in one story resolve itself in one chapter leading up to a big conflict, running gags, and consistent characterization. Not copying as some might have thought! Guest reviews will also be ignored now.

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    'Thinking about the advantages concluded that while a new and powerful sword would be cool it would still only be a sword that I can't do much else but stab people with. The master sword is also the only one that can kill Ganon so I ruled out option (A). A gallon of tear that would make me immortal for only 100 years wasn't something I even considered so I ruled out option (B). With a determined face I said the words that would mark the start of my true adventure, the start of a new legend, the legend of The Hyrulian Killer'

    "I chose option (C)!"

    If the great fairy was smug before she was downright delighted now. Her green eyes turned red as if she were powering up. Link pulled out his sword but this only seemed to amuse the fairy. As the fairy held up her hands to placate her goodwill.

    "Now now hero I will not be doing anything bad...yet." she finishedThose words only made link more cautious but he reluctantly put his sword away.The great fairy now approached link lining her face up to his. Holding out her hand she said "I am just giving you my gift, now give me your hand." He gave himhis right hand and the triforce mark appeared on the back of it. "What are you about to do?"Link questioned, a bit freaked by his mark appearing. The great fairy with a serious look replies "Whatever you do don't I won't let go of your hand." Before Link can even respond, the fairy's grip is painfully tight on Links hand.

    The great fairy then concentrates and screams "SCITO QUOD MORTE VIRI POTESTATE.ID QUOD SIBI RECTUM VIDETUR. HIC INEBRIATUS EST IN SANGUINEM." Link suddenly started writhing and howling in pain and his shadow could be seen trembling as she

    had never felt anything like this. The great fairy still keeping a hold on Linkrepeating her chant for what felt like days to Link was only 60 seconds. Finally she left go and Link fell to the ground.

    'Link awoke and looked at his triforce. He noticed that it now had a mark on his hand in the middle of his golden triangle. The mark was of a double helix, it had a blood red color, and burned as he touched it with his hand.'

    ? Fairy: "So Hero do you like it?""I don't even know what it is." Link angrily responded. 'At this response the fairy got out a list and explained.'

    ? Fairy: "What you have is the mark of the vengeful deity. It is an unrivaled po

    wer that can bend people's wills to yours, grants incredible magical and physical abilities, and can will objects into creation from your mind."

    At this Link feels the power flowing through him. 'It feels like a void of possibilities and I know that there was more with this power.' Link then quit his musing and realizes that he forgot about something.

    Link: "What is the price for this power?" He ask the fairy fearing for his soul. The fairy grows a stoic look wondering how he would take her explanation.

  • 8/20/2019 Chapter 2 NHK


    ? Fairy: "You must be bound by me for eternity." At Links questioning gaze she whispers in his ear

    ? Fairy: "You and I will be forever connected. I can never leave your side and vice versa. I die when you die and you die when I die. Great fairies are un aging creatures hero and can only be killed by 'drastic means'. It doesn't stop at that hero, you must also kill ten people of my choosing. Any Ten excluding yourself and myself." As she finished he price Link hesitated, another thing he rarelydid. 'Would I have to kill someone close to me? He thought warily.' Brushing off his dark thoughts Link flashed a lopsided grin

    Link: "If we are going to be bound lets introduce ourselves better. I'm Link the hero of Hyrule. My hobbies are slaying monsters, rescuing princesses, and taking down the evils of the world"

    ? Fairy: "My name is Pandora the fairy of the cave of ordeals. My hobbies are restoring the health of the one who complete this cave and breaking rules that have been set in stone for thousands of years."

    Link: "Well Pandora lets get out of here. Also I apologize for my little mini rant." Pandora could see the sincerity in Links eyes and decided to forgive him.

    Pandora: "Yes, let's go cause some trouble." As soon as she finished this sentence Link's expression suddenly got darker.

    Link: "Midna? What is going on? 'No response' "MIDNA... come out!"

    Pandora: "Who is midna? Was she the person hiding in your shadow?" she quietly asked

    Link: "Yes, she was also my companion throughout this adventure! She just disappeared. She normally hides in my shadow." At this Pandora gained a happy look.

    Pandora: Sorry Linkie poo I killed her! No worries!'Link was seeing red at this and in one moment he didn't know what to do so he did the only thing he could. He cried.'

    END: I want this story to be at least 25 chapters but it could easily be more. See you!