Chapter 2 : MOTION

Chapter 2 : MOTION p.16 in your book!


Chapter 2 : MOTION. p.16 in your book!. Aristotle (384-322 BC) Objects have a proper “place” And strive to get there. NATURAL MOTION - No force required ex: boulder “falls down” smoke “goes up” Thought heavier objects fall faster than lighter objects. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Chapter 2 : MOTION

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Chapter 2 : MOTION

p.16 in your book!

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Aristotle (384-322 BC)Objects have a proper “place” And strive to get there. NATURAL MOTION - No force required

ex: boulder “falls down” smoke “goes up”Thought heavier objects fall faster than lighter


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UNNATURAL MOTION- Requires force

EX: push a book across table

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Galileo- Objects drop at same rate (except for

air friction)“Leaning Tower of Pisa “ experiment If no friction…no forces required to

keep moving objects moving. EX:Satellites

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As a ball rolls down an incline it speeds up up incline,slows Reduced angle, ball goes farther

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Objects at rest tend to remain at rest.

Moving objects tend to remain moving.

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How fast something is moving: the rate at which distance is covered.

Speed= Distance


EX: mph (mi/hr) , km/hr, cm/hr

/ = “per” = divided by ex: 100km/hr

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1. Instantaneous speed

Speed something has at any instant

Ex: speedometer

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Average speed= total distance covered

time interval

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Example: we drive 100 km in a time of 2 hrs.

Av sp= Total distance covered = 100km =50km

time interval 2hrs hr

Trip could have variations in speed -average speed!

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Another example: we walk to McDonalds : 2.0km away & it takes 40 minutes.

Av speed = Total distance covered Time interval

Av speed = 2.0km / 40 min = 0.05 km /min

But… stopped for traffic,tied shoe,ran across the road… YOU GET THE IDEA!!

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Velocity – includes speed & directionex: 60km/ hr North

This is a Vector Quantity- includes direction & magnitude.

What is the difference between constant speed & velocity?

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How can a racecar have constant speed but it’s velocity is changing?

Constant speed- doesn’t speed up or slow down.

Changing velocity because direction is changing.

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Other formulas:

V = D/T

D = V x T

T = D/V

V = velocity, D = distance, T=time

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Interpreting Distance vs. Time graphs:

See board: Speed vs. Velocity What is Slope? What is ______ doing?

Car “a” Car “b” Car “c” Car “d”

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Lets try some problems:

1. Av speed of bike that travels

150 m in 15 secs V = D / T V = 150 m /15 s V = 10m/s

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# 2 : You ran an av. Speed of 3 km/hr for 1 hr.

a. ) How far did you go? D=VxT 3km/hr • 1 hr

D = 3km

b. At this rate, how far in 2 hrs? 10 hrs?

3km/hr • 2 hr = 6km

3km/hr • 10 hr = 30km

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2.4 Motion Is relative

Right now :Your speed is zero relative to Earth,

But.. 30 km / s relative to the sun.

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Isaac Newton

P. 22 green boxNewton’s 1st Law “THE LAW OF INERTIA” Every object continues in a state of rest, or in a

state of motion in a straight line at a constant speed, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces exerted upon it.

“the table cloth trick”“penny & index card inquiry”

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Net Force – combination of all forces that act on an object.

See Board

Newton (N) – unit for force

An arrow represents Force as vector quantities.

Arrows length represents magnitude (how much) and direction (which way)

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Vector Addition:

1) 12 N + 8 N = _____

2) -20 N + 3 N = _____

3) 7 N + 8 N = _____

4) 15 N - 10 N = _____

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2.7 Equilibrium for objects at rest

Spring scale & block example on board

Attracted to the Earth with a force of __ N.

Weight of object (downward force)= tension in rope (upward force).

The block is at rest, so net force is Zero.

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Mechanical equilibrium : ∑ F = 0

∑ - sum

F- force

Objects at rest have equal & opposite forces acting on them.

Sum of upward vectors= sum of downward vectors

Static Equilibrium

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Why don’t we fall through the floor?

Support Force or “normal force”.- the upward force

EX: book on desk : weight & gravity

∑ F = 0

What is the net force on a bathroom scale when a 110 lb person stands on it?

A: Zero. Scale is at rest. Scale reads support force which has same magnitude as weight.

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Equilibrium for moving objects

Equilibrium- state of no change.

An object moving at constant velocity is in dynamic equilibrium.

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Some Questions for you…

Give an example of something moving when a net force of zero acts on it?

If we push a crate at a constant velocity, how do we know how much friction acts on the crate compared to our pushing force?

Harry the painter swings from his painter’s chair. His weight is 500 N and the rope has a breaking point of 300 N. Why doesn’t the rope break when he is supported as shown left on the board

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Some Questions for you…

Harry the painter swings from his painter’s chair. His weight is 500 N and the rope has a breaking point of 300 N. Why doesn’t the rope break when he is supported as shown left below? One day he decides to anchor his chair to a nearby flagpole – why did Harry end up taking vacation early?