Chapter 17: Renaissance and Reformation

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Transcript of Chapter 17: Renaissance and Reformation

  • 8/20/2019 Chapter 17: Renaissance and Reformation



    Renaissance andReformation1300-1600SECTION 1 – Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance

    SECTION – The Northern Renaissance

    SECTION 3 – !"ther !ea#s the Refor$ation

    SECTION % – The Refor$ation Contin"es

  • 8/20/2019 Chapter 17: Renaissance and Reformation


    Section 1 – Italy: Birthplace

    of the Renaissance

    • &'IN I(E'

    •  REVOLUTION  The Italian Renaissance was a rebirth of

    learning that produced many great works of art and


    • )*+ IT &'TTERS NO)

    • Renaissance and literature still influence modern thoughtand modern art

  • 8/20/2019 Chapter 17: Renaissance and Reformation




    • Humanism

    • Secular 

    • Patron

    • Perspective

    • Vernacular

  • 8/20/2019 Chapter 17: Renaissance and Reformation


    In the e!innin!"

    • Before we discuss the Renaissance which is a rebirth of

    ancient !reco"Roman ideologies we must first review

    !reece # Rome$

    • Renaissance scholars looked down on the art and

    literature of the %iddle &ges$ They looked to the glory

    days back when Italy was on top$ They drew inspirationfrom the !reco"Roman ideologies studying art 'atin

    manuscripts etc$

  • 8/20/2019 Chapter 17: Renaissance and Reformation


    Italy#s Ad$anta!es

    • Renaissance: rebirth revival of art and learning$• In bringing back the past the people of the Renaissance

    actually brought something new to the world$

    • The importance of the individual and humanism were main


    • (ventually the Renaissance would spread from northern

    Italy to the rest of (urope$

    • Italy had three advantages that made it the birthplace of the

    Renaissance) thriving cities a wealthy merchant class and

    the classical heritage of !reece and Roman$

  • 8/20/2019 Chapter 17: Renaissance and Reformation


    %ityStates & the Medici

    • *verseas trade spurred by the +rusades had led to the grown

    of large city"states in northern Italy$ ,orthern Italy was urban

    while the rest of (urope was mostly rural$ +ities were placeswhere ideas were e-changed for obvious reasons and were

    the ideal breeding ground for an intellectual revolution$

    • %ilan and .lorence flourished during this time$ %erchants

    were wealthiest and on top$ .lorence had a republican form of

    government for many years /since the 0122s3 but during the

    Renaissance the %edici .amily took over$ /They were

    wealthy bankers and had branches throughout (urope$3 +heck

    out 'oren4o and !iuliano5

  • 8/20/2019 Chapter 17: Renaissance and Reformation


    'ri!inal (hotoshop )*

  • 8/20/2019 Chapter 17: Renaissance and Reformation


    +hat is ,-MANISM.

    • *"$anis$) an intellectual movement that focused onhuman potential and achievements$ Instead of trying to

    make classical te-ts agree with +hristian teaching as

    medieval scholars had humanists studied them to

    understand ancient !reek values$

    • Humanists influenced artists and architects to carry on

    classical traditions$• +ommon sub6ects such as history literature and philosophy

     became popular due to humanism$ That7s why these

    sub6ects are called humanities.

  • 8/20/2019 Chapter 17: Renaissance and Reformation


    Rise of Secularism

    • In the %iddle &ges people showed piety wore rough clothing and ate

     plain foods$ However humanists suggested that a person could still

    en6oy life without offending !od$ In Renaissance Italy the wealthyen6oyed material lu-uries good music and fine food$

    • Renaissance individuals were mostly devout +atholics /*bviously5

    +heck out the art53$ However the basic spirit of the Renaissance

    society was sec"lar 8worldly rather than spiritual and concerned

    with the here and now$• %any were patrons of the arts$

    • %any wrote in everyday ,ernac"lar or common language insteadof 'atin$

  • 8/20/2019 Chapter 17: Renaissance and Reformation


    The RenaissanceRe$olutioni/es Art

    • Too much to write5 Please listen as I describe some of the

    most famous e-amples of Renaissance art$• 9ey word you will learn: erspecti,e$

    • 9ey players: %ichelangelo Raphael 'eonardo

    • (ach work of art will be accompanied by the !reco"

    Roman sculptures and painting that inspired the artist$ I7d

    like for you to compare and contrast the images in the

    course of this discussion$

  • 8/20/2019 Chapter 17: Renaissance and Reformation




    Buonarroti$ 0;20"

    2< Belvedere



    0st century


     Laocoön and his Sons. 1= B+8>? &@

  • 8/20/2019 Chapter 17: Renaissance and Reformation


  • 8/20/2019 Chapter 17: Renaissance and Reformation


  • 8/20/2019 Chapter 17: Renaissance and Reformation


  • 8/20/2019 Chapter 17: Renaissance and Reformation


  • 8/20/2019 Chapter 17: Renaissance and Reformation


  • 8/20/2019 Chapter 17: Renaissance and Reformation



    • The Prince /0;0A3) %achiavelli e-amines the imperfect

    conduct of human beings$ In The Prince %achiavellie-amines how a ruler can gain power and keep it in spite

    of his enemies$ In answering this uestion he began with

    the idea that most people are selfish fickle and corrupt$

    To succeed in such a wicked world %achiavelli said a prince must be strong as a lion and shrewd as a fo-$ He

    might have to trick his enemies and even his own people

    for the good of the state$

  • 8/20/2019 Chapter 17: Renaissance and Reformation



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