Chapter 17 Radioactivity and Nuclear Chemistry

Chapter 17 Radioactivity and Nuclear Chemistry


Chapter 17 Radioactivity and Nuclear Chemistry. The Discovery of Radioactivity. Antoine-Henri Becquerel designed an experiment to determine if phosphorescent minerals also gave off X-rays. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Chapter 17 Radioactivity and Nuclear Chemistry

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Chapter 17Radioactivityand NuclearChemistry

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The Discovery of Radioactivity

• Bequerel discovered that certain minerals were constantly producing penetrating energy rays he called uranic rays (like X-rays, but not related to fluorescence)

• Bequerel determined that all the minerals that produced these rays contained uranium the rays were produced even though the mineral was not

exposed to outside energy

• Energy apparently being produced from nothing??

• Antoine-Henri Becquerel designed an experiment to determine if phosphorescent minerals also gave off X-rays

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The Curies• Marie Curie used electroscope to

detect uranic rays in samples

• Discovered new elements by detecting their raysradium named for its green

phosphorescence polonium named for her homeland

• Since these rays were no longer just a property of uranium, she renamed it radioactivity

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What isRadioactivity?

• radioactive rays can ionize mattercause uncharged matter to become chargedbasis of Geiger Counter and electroscope

• radioactive rays have high energy• radioactive rays can penetrate matter• radioactive rays cause phosphorescent chemicals to glow

basis of scintillation counter

• release of tiny, high energy particles from an atom• particles are ejected from the nucleus

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Rutherford’s Experiment++++++++++++


• Rutherford discovered there were three types of radioactivity• alpha rays ()

have a charge of +2 c.u. and a mass of 4 amu what we now know to be helium nucleus

• beta rays () have a charge of -1 c.u. and negligible mass electron-like

• gamma rays ( form of light energy (not particle like )

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Penetrating and Ionizing Ability

0.01 mm 1 mm 100 mm

Pieces of Lead

• penetrating ability

• ionizing ability

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Facts About the Nucleus• Very small volume compared to volume of the atom• Essentially entire mass of atom; very dense• Composed of protons and neutrons (nucleons) that are tightly held

together• Every atom of an element has the same number of protons (atomic

number, Z)• Atoms of the same elements can have different numbers of

neutrons (isotopes)• Isotopes are identified by their mass number (A)

mass number = number of protons + neutrons• The nucleus of an isotope is called a nuclide

less than 10% of the known nuclides are non-radioactive, most are radionuclides

X Element AZ

number massnumber atomic

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Radioactivity• Radioactive nuclei spontaneously decompose into

smaller nucleiRadioactive decayWe say that radioactive nuclei are unstable

• The parent nuclide is the nucleus that is undergoing radioactive decay, the daughter nuclide is the new nucleus that is made

• Decomposing involves the nuclide emitting a particle and/or energy

• All nuclides with 84 or more protons are radioactive

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Transmutation• Rutherford discovered that during the radioactive

process, atoms of one element are changed into atoms of a different element - transmutationDalton’s Atomic Theory statement 3

• in order for one element to change into another, the number of protons in the nucleus must change

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Nuclear Equations

• We describe nuclear processes with using nuclear equations

• use the symbol of the nuclide to represent the nucleus

• in the nuclear equation, mass numbers and atomic numbers are conserved

• we can use this fact to determine the identity of a daughter nuclide if we know the parent and mode of decay

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Alpha emission• an particle contains 2 protons and 2 neutrons

helium nucleus

• loss of an alpha particle meansatomic number decreases by 2mass number decreases by 4

Rn He Ra 21886



He α 42


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Beta emission• a particle is like an electron

moving much fasterproduced from the nucleus

• when an atom loses a particle its atomic number increases by 1 mass number remains the same

• in beta decay, a neutron

changes into a proton

Pa e Th 23491



e β 01



10 pn

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Gamma emission

• Gamma () rays are high energy photons of light

• No loss of particles from the nucleus• No change in the composition of the

nucleusSame atomic number and mass number

• Generally occurs after the nucleus undergoes some other type of decay and the remaining particles rearrange


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Positron emission• positron has a charge of +1 c.u. and negligible


• when an atom loses a positron from the nucleus, its mass number remains the same atomic number decreases by 1

• positrons appear to result from a proton changing into a neutron

Ne e Na 2210



e β 01



11 np

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Important Atomic SymbolsParticle Symbol Nuclear


proton p+

neutron n0

electron e-




p H 11




He α 42


e β 01


e β 01


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What Kind of Decay?

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Practice - Write a nuclear equation for each of the following

• alpha emission from Th-238

• beta emission from Ne-24

• positron emission from N-13

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Detecting Radioactivity• To detect something, you need to identify

something it does

1) Radioactive rays can

expose light-protected

photographic film

• Use photographic film

to detect its presence –

film badges

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Detecting Radioactivity2) Radioactive rays cause air to become ionized• An electroscope detects radiation by its ability to

penetrate the flask and ionize the air inside• Geiger-Müller Counter works by counting

electrons generated when Ar gas atoms are ionized by radioactive rays

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Natural Radioactivity

• there are small amounts of radioactive minerals in the air, ground and water

• even in the food you eat!

• the radiation you are exposed to from natural sources is called background radiation

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Half-Life• the length of time it takes for half of the parent

nuclides in a sample to undergo radioactive decay

• each radioactive isotope decays at a unique ratesome fast, some slownot all the atoms of an isotope change simultaneouslymeasured in counts per minute, or grams per time

Nuclide Half-Life Type of Decay

Th-232 1.4 x 1010 yr alpha

U-238 4.5 x 109 yr alpha

C-14 5730 yr beta

Rn-220 55.6 sec alpha

Th-219 1.05 x 10–6 sec alpha

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Decay of Au-198half-life = 2.7 days








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

time (days)









Decay of Au-198

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Amount of Th-238

Number of Half-Lives



1.80 mol 0 0

0.900 mol 1 1.9

0.450 mol 2 3.8

0.225 mol 3 5.7

It takes 3 half-lives, or 5.7 yrs, to reach

0.225 mol

How long does it take for a 1.80 mol sample of Th-228 to decay to 0.225 mol (half-life = 1.9 yrs.)

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Decay Series• in nature, often one radioactive nuclide changes in another radioactive

nuclide daughter nuclide is also radioactive

• all of the radioactive nuclides that are produced one after the other until a stable nuclide is made is called a decay series

• to determine the stable nuclide at the end of the series without writing it all out

count the number of

and decays from the mass no.

subtract 4 for each decay from the atomic no.

subtract 2 for each decay

and add 1 for each

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Radioisotope Dating• mineral (geological)

compare the amount of U-238 to Pb-206compare amount of K-40 to Ar-40

• archeological (once living materials)compare the amount of C-14 to C-12C-14 radioactive with half-life = 5730 yrs.while substance living, C-14/C-12 fairly constant

CO2 in air ultimate source of all C in bodyatmospheric chemistry keeps producing C-14 at the same

rate it decaysonce dies C-14/C-12 ratio decreaseslimit up to about 50,000 years

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Radiocarbon DatingC-14 Half-Life = 5730 yrs

% C-14(relative to

living organism)

Number of Half-Lives



100.0 0 0

50.0 1 5,730

25.00 2 11,460

12.50 3 17,190

6.250 4 22,920

3.125 5 28,650

1.563 6 34,380A skull believed to belong to an early human being is found to have a C-14 content 3.125% of that found in living organisms. How old is the skull?

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+ Energy!!

Nonradioactive Nuclear Changes• a few nuclei are so unstable, that if their nucleus is hit

just right by a neutron, the large nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei - this is called fission

• small nuclei can be accelerated to such a degree that they overcome their charge repulsion and smash together to make a larger nucleus - this is called fusion

• both fission and fusion release enormous amounts of energy fusion releases more energy per gram than fission

Lise Meitner

+ +21H 3

1H 42He 1

0ndeuterium + tritium helium-4 + neutron

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Fission Chain Reaction• a chain reaction occurs when a reactant in the process is also a

product of the process in the fission process it is the neutronsso you only need a small amount of neutrons to start the chain

• many of the neutrons produced in the fission are either ejected from the uranium before they hit another U-235 or are absorbed by the surrounding U-238

• minimum amount of fissionable isotope needed to sustain the chain reaction is called the critical mass

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Fissionable Material

• fissionable isotopes include U-235, Pu-239, and Pu-240

• natural uranium is less than 1% U-235rest mostly U-238not enough U-235 to sustain chain reaction

• to produce fissionable uranium the natural uranium must be enriched in U-235to about 7% for “weapons grade”to about 3% for reactor grade

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Nuclear Power

• Nuclear reactors use fission to generate electricityAbout 20% of US electricityThe fission of U-235 produces heat

• The heat boils water, turning it to steam

• The steam turns a turbine, generating electricity

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Nuclear Power Plants vs. Coal-Burning Power Plants

• Use about 50 kg of fuel to generate enough electricity for 1 million people

• No air pollution

• Use about 2 million kg of fuel to generate enough electricity for 1 million people

• Produces NO2 and SOx that add to acid rain

• Produces CO2 that adds to the greenhouse effect

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The sudden shutting down of a nuclear reactor, usually by rapid insertion of control rods, either automatically or manually by the reactor operator. May also be called a reactor trip. It is actually an acronym for "safety control rod axe man," the worker assigned to insert the emergency rod on the first reactor (the Chicago Pile) in the U.S.

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Nuclear Power Plants - Core• the fissionable material is stored in long tubes, called fuel

rods, arranged in a matrix (subcritical)

• between the fuel rods are control rods made of neutron absorbing material (B and/or Cd)

• the rods are placed in a material to slow down the ejected neutrons,

called a moderatorallows chain

reaction to

occur below

critical mass

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Pressurized Light Water Reactor• design used in US (GE, Westinghouse)

• water is both the coolant and moderator

• water in core kept under pressure to

keep it from boiling

• fuel is enriched uraniumsubcritical

• containment dome of


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Cooling Tower

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Concerns About Nuclear Power• core melt-down

water loss from core, heat melts coreChina SyndromeChernobyl

• waste disposalwaste highly radioactive reprocessing, underground storage?Federal High Level Radioactive Waste Storage Facility

at Yucca Mountain, Nevada • transporting waste• how do we deal with nuclear power plants that are

no longer safe to operate?

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Spent Fuel

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Nuclear Fusion

• Fusion is the combining of light nuclei to make a heavier one• The sun uses the fusion of hydrogen isotopes to make helium as a

power source• Requires high input of energy to initiate the process

Because need to overcome repulsion of positive nuclei • Produces 10x the energy per gram as fission• No radioactive byproducts• Unfortunately, the only currently working application is the H-


+ +

21H 3

1H 42He 1


deuterium + tritium helium-4 + neutron

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Biological Effects of Radiation

• Radiation is high energy, energy enough to knock electrons from molecules and break bondsIonizing radiation

• Energy transferred to cells can damage biological molecules and cause malfunction of the cell

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Acute Effects of Radiation

• High levels of radiation over a short period of time kill large numbers of cellsFrom a nuclear blast or exposed reactor core

• Causes weakened immune system and lower ability to absorb nutrients from foodMay result in death, usually from infection

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Chronic Effects

• Low doses of radiation over a period of time show an increased risk for the development of cancerRadiation damages DNA that may not get repaired


• Low doses over time may damage reproductive organs, which may lead to sterilization

• Damage to reproductive cells may lead to a genetic defect in offspring

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Factors that Determine Biological Effects of Radiation

1. The more energy the radiation has the larger its effect can be

2. The better the ionizing radiation penetrates human tissue, the deeper effect it can have Gamma >> Beta > Alpha

3. The more ionizing the radiation, the more effect the radiation has Alpha > Beta > Gamma

4. The radioactive half-life of the radionuclide5. The biological half-life of the element6. The physical state of the radioactive material

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Biological Effects of Radiation• The amount of danger to humans of radiation

is measured in the unit rems

Dose (rems) Probable Outcome

20-100decreased white blood cell count; possible increased cancer risk

100-400radiation sickness; increased cancer risk

500+ death

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Radiation Exposure

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Medical Uses of Radioisotopes, Diagnosis

• radiotracerscertain organs absorb most or all of a

particular elementcan measure the amount absorbed by using tagged

isotopes of the element and a Geiger countershort half-lifelow ionizing

beta or gamma

Nuclide Half-life Organ/SystemIodine-131 8.1 days thyroidIron-59 45.1 days red blood cellsMolybdenum-99 67 hours metabolismPhosphorus-32 14.3 days eyes, liverStrontium-87 2.8 hours bonesTechnetium-99 6 hours heart, bones, liver,


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Medical Uses of Radioisotopes,Diagnosis

• PET scanpositron emission tomographyC-11 in glucosebrain scan and function

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Medical Uses of Radioisotopes,Treatment - Radiotherapy

• cancer treatment cancer cells more sensitive to radiation than healthy cells

1. brachytherapy place radioisotope

directly at site of cancer

2. teletherapy use gamma radiation

from Co-60 outside

to penetrate inside

3. radiopharmaceutical therapy use radioisotopes that concentrate in one area of the body