Chapter 14

A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC Fifth Edition Chapter 14 Managing and Troubleshooting Windows 2000


Chapter 14. Managing and Troubleshooting Windows 2000. Understanding the Windows NT/ 2000/XP Boot Process. BIOS executes POST BIO executes the MBR program MBR program executes OS boot program Boot program executes Ntldr Ntldr changes processor mode and loads a file system. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Chapter 14

A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PCFifth Edition

Chapter 14

Managing and Troubleshooting Windows 2000

2 A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, Fifth Edition

Understanding the Windows NT/ 2000/XP Boot Process1. BIOS executes POST

2. BIO executes the MBR program

3. MBR program executes OS boot program

4. Boot program executes Ntldr

5. Ntldr changes processor mode and loads a file system

3 A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, Fifth Edition

Understanding the Windows NT/ 2000/XP Boot Process (continued)6. Ntldr reads boot.ini and loads the boot loader menu

7. Ntldr uses to detect hardware

8. Ntldr loads the OS and device drivers

9. Ntldr passes control to Ntoskrnl.exe

10. An operating system other thanWindows NT/2000/XP is chosen

4 A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, Fifth Edition

Customizing the Boot Process


[boot loader]: # of seconds for user making selection before the default is loaded

[operating system]: a list of the boot partition paths to every operating systems

Change boot.ini settings (pp. 652)

5 A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, Fifth Edition

Troubleshooting Tools for Boot Process Advanced Options menu (pp. 654)

Recovery Console

Emergency repair disk

6 A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, Fifth Edition

Advanced Options Menu

7 A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, Fifth Edition

Recovery Console Use it when OS does not start properly or

hangs during the load

Allows repair of damaged registry, system files, or file system on the hard drive

A command-driven OS that does not use a GUI;

Allows access to FAT16, FAT32, and NTFS file systems

8 A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, Fifth Edition

Hands-on Project: Using Recovery Console Using recovery console (pp. 656 – 658) Restore the registry (pp. 660) Installing the Recovery Console (pp. 661)

9 A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, Fifth Edition

Emergency Repair Process:The Last Resort Restores system to state it was in immediately

after the Windows 2000 installation

All changes since installation are lost

Uses an Emergency Repair Disk (ERD) Contains information about current installation,

but not a copy of the registry

Points to a folder on the hard drive where the registry was backed up at installation

10 A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, Fifth Edition

Hands-on Project: Recovery Disks pp. 662 – pp. 663

11 A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, Fifth Edition

Dependency Walker

lists all files used by an application Used to trouble-shoot a failed installation Hands-on (pp. 665)

12 A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, Fifth Edition

Windows File Protection

Protects system files (.sys, .dll, .ttf, .ocs, or .exe) from modification

Two tools

Background process that notifies WFP when a protected file is modified

SFC (System File Checker) (sfc.exe)

13 A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, Fifth Edition

Computer Management Window Consolidates several administrative tools used

to (pp. 669): Monitor problems with hardware, software,

security Share folders View device configurations Add new device drivers Start and stop services Manage server applications

14 A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, Fifth Edition

Disk Management Create partitions or convert a basic disk to a

dynamic disk

Replaces Fdisk in older Windows Oss

Hands-on: pp. 670

15 A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, Fifth Edition

Microsoft Management

Console-building utility

Console: a combination of several administrative tools into a single window

Snap-ins: individual tools within the console

Hands-on (pp. 672)

16 A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, Fifth Edition

Event Viewer Logs

Application log Security log System log

Events recorded in logs Information events Warning events Error events

Hands-on: Figure 14-20 & Figure 14-21

17 A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, Fifth Edition

Performance Monitoring and Optimization

1. Analyze data provided by monitoring tools such as Task Manager and System Monitor

2. Determine areas in which performance is below baseline

18 A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, Fifth Edition

Principles for Optimizing Performance If you add RAM, increase size of paging file Consider upgrading more than one component Applications are assigned priority level, which

determines position in queue for CPU resources

In general, upgrading an existing PC is recommended

19 A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, Fifth Edition

Task Manager Allows you to view:

Applications and processes running on the computer

Performance information for processor and memory

Hands-on (pp. 679 - 680)

20 A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, Fifth Edition

System Monitor Provides more system performance detail than Task


Components Objects (hardware or software system components; eg,

Memory, Paging File, Processor, Physical Disk)

Instances (multiples of objects)

Counters (show information on specific characteristics of an object)

Hands-on (pp. 681 - 683)

21 A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, Fifth Edition

Hands-on: Windows Update

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