CHAPTER 13- SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS INTEGRATION Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced...

CHAPTER 13- SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS CHAPTER 13- SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS INTEGRATION INTEGRATION Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach Prepared by Daniel A. Glaser-Segura, PhD
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Transcript of CHAPTER 13- SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS INTEGRATION Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced...

Page 1: CHAPTER 13- SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS INTEGRATION Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach Prepared by Daniel A. Glaser-Segura, PhD.


Principles of Supply Chain Management:

A Balanced Approach

Prepared by Daniel A. Glaser-Segura, PhD

Page 2: CHAPTER 13- SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS INTEGRATION Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach Prepared by Daniel A. Glaser-Segura, PhD.

Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach by Wisner, Leong, and Tan.

© 2005 Thomson Business and Professional Publishing 2

Learning ObjectivesLearning Objectives

You should be able to:– Discuss the overall importance of process integration in supply chain


– Describe advantages & obstacles of process integration.

– Understand the important issues of internal & external process integration.

– Understand the role of information systems in creating information visibility along the supply chain.

– Describe integration needs along the supply chain.

– Understand the causes of the bullwhip effect & their impact on process integration.

Page 3: CHAPTER 13- SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS INTEGRATION Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach Prepared by Daniel A. Glaser-Segura, PhD.

Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach by Wisner, Leong, and Tan.

© 2005 Thomson Business and Professional Publishing 3

Chapter Thirteen OutlineChapter Thirteen Outline

Supply Chain Mgmt (SCM) Integration Model

Identify Key SC Trading PartnersReview & Establish SC StrategiesAlign SC Strategies w/ObjectivesDevelop Performance Measures • Improve Internal Integration of

SC Processes• Develop SC Measures for Key

Processes• Improve External Integration &

SC Performance• Extend Integration to 2nd-Tier

SC Partners• Reevaluate Integration Model


Obstacles to Process Integration Along the SC

• The Silo Mentality• Lack of SC Visibility• Lack of Trust• Lack of Knowledge

Activities Causing the Bullwhip Effect

Page 4: CHAPTER 13- SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS INTEGRATION Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach Prepared by Daniel A. Glaser-Segura, PhD.

Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach by Wisner, Leong, and Tan.

© 2005 Thomson Business and Professional Publishing 4


Primary Goal of Supply Chain Management- create value for the end customers as well as the firms in the supply chain network. Firms in the supply chain network must integrate process activities internally & with other firms in the network.

– Process integration means coordinating & sharing information & resources to jointly manage a process.

– Process integration is often a difficult task & requires:• Training • Willing & competent partners• Trust• Organizational culture change

Page 5: CHAPTER 13- SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS INTEGRATION Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach Prepared by Daniel A. Glaser-Segura, PhD.

Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach by Wisner, Leong, and Tan.

© 2005 Thomson Business and Professional Publishing 5

The Supply Chain Management The Supply Chain Management Integration ModelIntegration Model

Page 6: CHAPTER 13- SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS INTEGRATION Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach Prepared by Daniel A. Glaser-Segura, PhD.

Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach by Wisner, Leong, and Tan.

© 2005 Thomson Business and Professional Publishing 6

The Supply Chain Management The Supply Chain Management Integration Model- Cont.Integration Model- Cont.

Identify Critical Supply Chain Trading Partners– Enable sale & delivery of end products to final customers– Identifying primary trading partners allows the firm to

concentrate on managing these links

Review & Establish Supply Chain Strategies regarding: – Parts purchased & suppliers– Shop layout & manufacturing processes– Design of the products manufactured– Mode of transportation– Warranty & return services– Employee training methods – Types of information technologies used

Page 7: CHAPTER 13- SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS INTEGRATION Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach Prepared by Daniel A. Glaser-Segura, PhD.

Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach by Wisner, Leong, and Tan.

© 2005 Thomson Business and Professional Publishing 7

The Supply Chain Management The Supply Chain Management Integration Model- Cont.Integration Model- Cont.

Align SC Strategies with Key SC Process Objectives

Page 8: CHAPTER 13- SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS INTEGRATION Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach Prepared by Daniel A. Glaser-Segura, PhD.

Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach by Wisner, Leong, and Tan.

© 2005 Thomson Business and Professional Publishing 8

The Supply Chain Management The Supply Chain Management Integration Model- Cont.Integration Model- Cont.

Develop Internal Performance Measures for Key Processes– Performance should be continuously measured w/metrics for

each process.– ERP systems support internal performance measures – Firm is able to track progress for each of the key processes.

Assess & Improve Internal Integration of Key SC Processes. Internal integration requires:

– Empowered teams & cooperation across all functions– Management support & resources – ERP system – an understanding of the internal supply chain

Page 9: CHAPTER 13- SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS INTEGRATION Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach Prepared by Daniel A. Glaser-Segura, PhD.

Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach by Wisner, Leong, and Tan.

© 2005 Thomson Business and Professional Publishing 9

The Supply Chain Management The Supply Chain Management Integration Model- Cont.Integration Model- Cont.

Develop SC Performance Measures for Key Processes– Monitor the links with trading partners in the key SCM processes.– Trading partners should monitor a number of cost-oriented

measures averaged across the member firms for each of the key supply chain processes.

Assess & Improve External Process Integration & Performance– Build, maintain & strengthen relationships – Share information concerning:

• Sales, forecast information, new products, expansion plans, new processes, & new marketing campaigns process integration will enable firms to collaborate & share this information.

Page 10: CHAPTER 13- SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS INTEGRATION Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach Prepared by Daniel A. Glaser-Segura, PhD.

Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach by Wisner, Leong, and Tan.

© 2005 Thomson Business and Professional Publishing 10

The Supply Chain Management The Supply Chain Management Integration Model- Cont.Integration Model- Cont.

Extend Process Integration to Second-Tier SC Partners– Integrate process to second-tier partners & beyond– Radio-frequency identification (RFID) tag- Microchip device

relays information on product’s whereabouts as it moves through the supply chain.

– Price of RFID tags is economical (about 5 cents each).

Reevaluate the Integration Model Annually– Trading partners should revisit the integration model annually to

identify changes within supply chains & to assess the impact these changes have on integration efforts.

Page 11: CHAPTER 13- SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS INTEGRATION Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach Prepared by Daniel A. Glaser-Segura, PhD.

Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach by Wisner, Leong, and Tan.

© 2005 Thomson Business and Professional Publishing 11

Obstacles to Process Integration Along Obstacles to Process Integration Along the Supply Chainthe Supply Chain

The Silo Mentality– “I win, you lose” – Using the cheapest suppliers.– Ignoring customers.– Assigning few resources to new

product & service design.

Firm must strive to align SC goals & the goals & incentives of the firm

Performance reviews of managers must include their ability to integrate processes internally & externally.

Page 12: CHAPTER 13- SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS INTEGRATION Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach Prepared by Daniel A. Glaser-Segura, PhD.

Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach by Wisner, Leong, and Tan.

© 2005 Thomson Business and Professional Publishing 12

Obstacles to Process Integration Along Obstacles to Process Integration Along the Supply Chain- Cont.the Supply Chain- Cont.

Lack of Supply Chain Visibility– In a 2002 survey, 67% of manufacturers had not yet successfully

synchronized their supply chain operations with those of their trading partners

– And 67% said they used different supply chain management applications than their partners 1

RFID technology promises to add real-time information visibility to supply chains.

– Technology boards & user boards are being formed now to develop standards & electronic product codes (ePCs) for the RFID industry.

[1] Anonymous, “Survey Finds Manufacturers’ Supply Chains Come Up Short,” Logistics Management 41, no. 9 (2002): 19-20.

Page 13: CHAPTER 13- SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS INTEGRATION Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach Prepared by Daniel A. Glaser-Segura, PhD.

Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach by Wisner, Leong, and Tan.

© 2005 Thomson Business and Professional Publishing 13

Obstacles to Process Integration Along Obstacles to Process Integration Along the Supply Chain- Cont.the Supply Chain- Cont.

Lack of Trust

Successful process integration between partners requires trust.

Trust occurs over time- Partners earn trust.

Creating collaboration & trust are based on:– Start small: Pick a project likely to provide a quick return.– Look inward: establishing trust with internal constituents.– Gather ‘round: meet face-to-face.– Go for the win-win: optimize business for all SC members.– Do not give away the store: Some information should remain

proprietary– Just do it: Simple start - sharing information.

Page 14: CHAPTER 13- SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS INTEGRATION Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach Prepared by Daniel A. Glaser-Segura, PhD.

Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach by Wisner, Leong, and Tan.

© 2005 Thomson Business and Professional Publishing 14

Obstacles to Process Integration Along Obstacles to Process Integration Along the Supply Chain- Cont.the Supply Chain- Cont.

Lack of Knowledge– In a survey of 122 executives

practicing SCM, 43 % said lack of core SCM skills & knowledge was the greatest obstacle within their own organizations, & 54 % echoed this opinion for their trading partners.1

– Firms successfully managing their supply chains must spend significant time influencing & increasing the capabilities of themselves & their partners.

[1] Bachelor, B “Implementation Imperative Information Week (28 April 2003), 62-66

Page 15: CHAPTER 13- SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS INTEGRATION Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach Prepared by Daniel A. Glaser-Segura, PhD.

Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach by Wisner, Leong, and Tan.

© 2005 Thomson Business and Professional Publishing 15

Obstacles to Process Integration Along Obstacles to Process Integration Along the Supply Chain- Cont.the Supply Chain- Cont.

Bullwhip Effect– Forecasts & their corresponding orders along the supply chain

can become amplified and accumulate, causing what is termed the bullwhip effect.

– Variations in demand lead to problems in capacity planning, inventory control, & workforce & production scheduling.

– Ultimately, these variations result in lower levels of customer service & higher total supply chain costs.

Page 16: CHAPTER 13- SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS INTEGRATION Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach Prepared by Daniel A. Glaser-Segura, PhD.

Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach by Wisner, Leong, and Tan.

© 2005 Thomson Business and Professional Publishing 16

Obstacles to Process Integration Along Obstacles to Process Integration Along the Supply Chain- Cont.the Supply Chain- Cont.

To Avoid Bullwhip Effect- Demand Forecast Updating

– Make actual demand data available to suppliers.

– Vendor-managed inventory (VMI)

– Reduce the length of the supply chain.

– Reduce the lead times from order to delivery

Page 17: CHAPTER 13- SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS INTEGRATION Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach Prepared by Daniel A. Glaser-Segura, PhD.

Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach by Wisner, Leong, and Tan.

© 2005 Thomson Business and Professional Publishing 17

Obstacles to Process Integration Along Obstacles to Process Integration Along the Supply Chain- Cont.the Supply Chain- Cont.

To Avoid Bullwhip Effect- Monitor Order Batching– Safety stocks, & the desire to order full container loads of

materials causes orders to be placed monthly or even less often, or at varying time interval.

– Order batching occurs when sales reps fill end-of-period sales quotas, or when buyers spend end-of-year budgets.

Solution: use frequent & smaller order sizes. Firms can order smaller quantities of a variety of items from a supplier or use a freight forwarder to consolidate small shipments.

Page 18: CHAPTER 13- SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS INTEGRATION Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach Prepared by Daniel A. Glaser-Segura, PhD.

Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach by Wisner, Leong, and Tan.

© 2005 Thomson Business and Professional Publishing 18

Obstacles to Process Integration Along Obstacles to Process Integration Along the Supply Chain- Cont.the Supply Chain- Cont.

To Avoid Bullwhip Effect-

1. Reduce price fluctuations through forward buying activities to take advantage of the low price offers between: – retailers & consumers.– distributors & retailers. – manufacturers & distribution.

2. Eliminate price discounting. Many retailers have adopted everyday low prices (EDLP).

Page 19: CHAPTER 13- SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS INTEGRATION Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach Prepared by Daniel A. Glaser-Segura, PhD.

Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach by Wisner, Leong, and Tan.

© 2005 Thomson Business and Professional Publishing 19

Obstacles to Process Integration Along Obstacles to Process Integration Along the Supply Chain- Cont.the Supply Chain- Cont.

To Avoid Bullwhip Effect- Rationing & Shortage Gaming– Rationing- occurs when demand exceeds the availability of a

supplier’s finished goods. To provide a partial supply to all customers, goods are rationed to customers. Buyers tend to inflate their orders to satisfy their real needs.

– Shortage gaming- occurs when production capacity eventually equals demand & orders are filled completely, demand suddenly drops to less-than-realistic levels, as the buying firms try to unload their excess inventories.

Solution: sellers should allocate short supplies based on the demand histories of their customers. Sharing future order plans with suppliers allows suppliers to increase capacity if needed, thus avoiding a rationing situation.