CHAPTER 12 Saints in Our History The Second Thousand Years.

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Crusades  Muslims had taken control of the Holy Land  Persecuted Christians trying to make pilgrimages  Crusades were wars with the intention of winning back the Holy Land for Christianity  King St. Louis IX of France  Led last 2 Crusades  Holy man and just ruler Mass twice daily Had poor people join his family for meals  Saw the crusades as a way of literally fighting for God  Died on the way to his second crusade  Crusades were a failure in winning back the Holy Land  Crusades were successful in other ways  Increased faith of the people of Europe  Westerners gained knowledge already possessed by the Muslims Navigation, medicine, philosophy, mathematics

Transcript of CHAPTER 12 Saints in Our History The Second Thousand Years.

CHAPTER 12 Saints in Our History The Second Thousand Years St. Bernard of Clairvaux Corruption in the clergy in the 11 th Century St. Bernard of Clairvaux joined the Cistercians Monastic movement based on Rule of St. Benedict Incredibly simplistic lifestyle Abbot of a new monastery at Clairvaux Founded 68 more The monasteries were based on truly following St. Benedicts Rule Clergy studied here and learned what it truly meant to be religious Bernard preached powerful sermons Helped faith of laity as well as religious Crusades Muslims had taken control of the Holy Land Persecuted Christians trying to make pilgrimages Crusades were wars with the intention of winning back the Holy Land for Christianity King St. Louis IX of France Led last 2 Crusades Holy man and just ruler Mass twice daily Had poor people join his family for meals Saw the crusades as a way of literally fighting for God Died on the way to his second crusade Crusades were a failure in winning back the Holy Land Crusades were successful in other ways Increased faith of the people of Europe Westerners gained knowledge already possessed by the Muslims Navigation, medicine, philosophy, mathematics Mendicant Orders Monastic orders Stay in one place, a monastery Self-substantial i.e. Benedictines, Cistercians Mendicant Orders Live by begging Often travelled, teaching i.e. Franciscans and Dominicans Franciscans Started by St. Francis of Assisi (Italy) Son of a wealthy cloth merchant Wanted to become a knight Received a vision of Lady Poverty for whom he fell in love Gave up his father, possessions, and became poor Vision to rebuild Church Took it literally San Damiano Meant figuratively the Catholic Church Stigmata Franciscans: Order of Friars Minor Little Brothers Simplistic 5000 by the time Francis died St. Clare attracted to this lifestyle as well Started the Poor Clares Dominicans Founded by Dominic de Guzman Sent to convert heretics in France Brought with him a group of young men as preachers Dominicans, AKA Order of Preachers Emphasized scholarly learning, simplicity of life Became many of the great university teachers St. Thomas Aquinas Greatest of the Dominican teachers Born in 1225AD Sent to Monte Cassino to study Family tried to lead him to become a Benedictine Became a Dominican instead Became incredibly well educated Became a teacher at the University of Paris Used Aristotles teachings (Ethics) in theology Wrote the Summa Theologiae Intro text for Dominican studies Organized, explained, and defended Church teachings Wrote poems and prayers Pange Lingua (Sing my Tongue) Often sung at Benediction following Adoration Adore Te Devote (A Students Prayer) O Salutaris Hostia Died on the way to attend the Council of Lyons at the Popes request St. Catherine of Sienna Newest Church issue: Avignon Papacy Popes lived in Avignon, France for 70 years Led to problems in the Church St. Catherine of Sienna Young laywoman Lived a life of prayer and service to the sick Went to Pope Gregory XI many times To convince him to return to Rome Eventually succeeded Stigmata Many spiritual writings: The Dialogue of Divine Providence Doctor of the Church Died at 33 Incorruptible Confusion and Schism Great Western Schism Two men claimed to be Pope One in Avignon, one in Rome Went on for 40 years Protestant Reformation Renaissance: rebirth of Greco-Roman culture Clergy again became corrupt by luxury and art Printing press led to ideas circulating quickly Attempts to reform the Church turned into the Protestant Reformation Martin Luther Wanted to reform the Church internally Posted 95 Theses Pointed out issues in the Church Selling of indulgences to pay for St. Peters Basilica Corruption in the Church Said there were only 2 Sacraments People should interpret the Bible for themselves Ended up breaking from the Church entirely Counter-Reformation Churchs response to the Reformation Council of Trent Affirmed 7 Sacraments Affirmed papal/clerical authority Decided best defense was to go on offense Conversions and missionary effort Art as a means of conversion: Carravaggio Ursuline Sisters Found by St. Angela Merici Taught young women St. Ignatius of Loyola Ignatius was a Spanish nobleman Soldier Wounded, read lives of the Saints while healing Decided to become a soldier of Christ Formed the Society of Jesus Jesuits Goal: Defend and serve the Church and the Pope If the Pope says its black, then it is Preached in newly Protestant areas Germany Motto: Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam To the Greater Glory of God Missionaries St. Francis Xavier One of the first Jesuit members and missionaries India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Japan Paved the ground for later missionaries to go to China St. Isaac Jogues Among the North American martyrs (Jesuits) St. Junipero Serra (Franciscan) Founded missions for Native Americans in California St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Converted when she moved to Rome for her husbands health Opened up Catholic schools upon going back to US Founded Sisters of Charity Pope Pius X Simple country priest and great teacher Faced the heresy of modernism There is no objective truth or reality Denies all supernatural events Encouraged frequent reception of Holy Communion Lowered age for 1 st Holy Communion Died at outset of WWI St. Maximilian Kolbe New challenge: Atheistic, totalitarian gov. Nazism and communism Kolbe Born in Poland Franciscan Started Knights of Mary Immaculate Published a magazine Started a community in Nagasaki, Japan Which miraculously would survive Atomic Bomb Imprisoned by Nazis in Auschwitz after Ger. Invasion Martyred Prisoners escaped Nazis chose 10 to starve to death in response He offered himself for a dad who had been chosen Had to be executed, as he didnt starve to death